Sunday, October 20, 2019

Have You Seen Michael Gora/Gora-Senghor? Update.....HE'S OK! ---Hip, hip, Hooray!!! or HURRAH as they say.....

He's OK! Thank you Lord!
                           oh happy day...……….
His siblings are happy too....
oldest sister is an environmental and computer geek...
another sister acted in Baywatch as Jason Momoa's girlfriend...…..
another sister is a Pediatric Surgeon........
Brother attending University too.....
His other brother's a PhD...
other brother's attending Universities too....

aloha for your prayers and blessings!

Kuulei Gora
13 mins

Michael Gora-Senghor ...where are you? phone of more than 10 years? no longer has his voice return calls... please ask him to come home if anyone sees him...he has written several books according to his info found.... Mahalo.

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