Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Criminal History About the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina In a Nutshell

Only Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom laws are to be used... documented Premeditation has been found, fraud has been excessive amount of it too...then the Royal Family's exist descendants of Kamehameha who have the superior, paramount titles....and, the court of original jurisdiction is the Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court....the U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back 3x....then the criminal deviant President McKinley "proclaimed" Hawaii to be a territory of the U.S.....Cleveland's acts are a done's not our problem that McKinley was a major dumbass who warred with Spain over lies and got hundreds of thousands killed... etc. Hey, the treaty of 1849/1850 exists because it was ONLY between the U.S. President Taylor and Kamehameha III's heirs and successors---all bloodlines NOT Alien infiltrators! Read DeZayas letters recognizing the Hawaiian Kingdom exists aside from the facts that our Hawaiian Kingdom never went away, etc. talk about the criminal history of Pirates in the Pacific and the World in a paragraph! Read all the 775 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk for more info aloha.
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk

reference:  775 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
discussions such as this:

DUAL CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS FOR HAWAII RESIDENTS. CLOSE OUR BORDERS! We shouldn't be a part of the 9th Judicial Circuit. Hawaii has to have its own Judicial Circuit. The overthrow of the Hawaiian language as one of two constitutional languages in Hawaii has never been lawfully addressed. By denying our constitutional protections of two languages in government & law, the residents of Hawaii have been forced to survive with our physical borders and constitutional protections being obliterated by human trafficking concealed behind tourism, all conduct of human trafficking violating the Jones Act for profiteering. If all our goods must go to California first or in the least, Hawaii residents are charged the JONES ACT fees despite the goods being delivered straight to Hawaii, why is it that tourists are allowed to fly straight to Hawaii? Tourist should go to California first, then to Hawaii. Jones Act as practiced by US authorities is not protecting Hawaii .... it needs to be enforced upon people trafficking in addition to being enforceable upon goods. Also, two languages is the only constitutional judge and jury of my peers if we are in Hawai'i... if only English language is used.... the judge is now a biased constitutional GOD, the jury becomes biased to one language... which equates to special interest. Bad. Bad. Bad. No man is perfection. No woman either. Two languages is the only way to enforce a constitutional jury and a constitutional judge in preservation of common law for Hawaii residents. Dual citizenship is our lawful right in the Hawaii islands. Two issues intertwined. LANGUAGE & LAW concealing HUMAN TRAFFICKING directly obliterating common law jurisdiction in the Hawai'i islands. DUAL CITIZENSHIP protects us from peonage and human trafficking! HAWAII KINGDOM COMMON LAW CITIZENSHIP ALONG WITH US/STATE OF HAWAII CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP. Common-law citizenship enforceable upon the State of Hawaii as established by Hawaiian usage pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes 1-1. Said rights preserved by Hawaii Kingdom Judicial precedent and adopted into the Hawaii State constitution, Article 9, Section 10. KĀNĀWAI MĀMALAHOE. Prepare your Affidavit of Truth for common-law enforcement of Dual Citizenship rights. Hawaii Kingdom Common law citizenship and US/State Citizenship.
The concept of dual nationality means that a person is a national of two countries at the same time. Each country has its own nationality laws based on its own policy. Persons may have dual nationality by automatic operation of different laws rather than by choice. For example, a child born in a foreign country to U.S. national parents may be both a U.S. national and a national of the country of birth. Or, an individual having one nationality at birth may naturalize at a later date in another country and become a dual national. OR..... as for Hawaii residents, we are granted dual citizenship by the Hawaii Statehood Act, also by the Clearfield doctrine, and by Hawaii Revised Statutes section 1-1, thereby able to enforce all Hawaiian Kingdom laws as constitutional common law expressions of Hawaii Island residents irregardless of ancestry.... DUAL NATIONALITY or rather DUAL CITIZENSHIP IS OUR MUSE FOR HARMONY IN LAW FOR ALL RESIDENTS OF THE HAWAI'I ISLANDS.
Hawaii State Common law survives upon Hawaii Kingdom jurisdictional practices. Same same. Hawaii State common law is the same as Hawaii Kingdom Constitutional law. Same thing
US Constitutional law requires that an individual must apply nationality voluntarily and with intention. Intent may be shown by the person’s statements and conduct.

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  • 37w
  • Ruthann Caudill Noa Napoleon the Founding Fathers knew that is was better to unite than have each State separate.
    “United we stand, Divided we fall.”
  • Noa Napoleon Ruthann Caudill The founders were wrong. Federalism hasn't worked.
  • United we stand, divided we fall. [Circular letter] Boston February 27th, 1812.
    United we stand, divided we fall. [Circular letter] Boston February…
    United we stand, divided we fall. [Circular letter] Boston February 27th, 1812.

  • Ruthann Caudill Noa Napoleon thank you for your opinion.
  • Noa Napoleon Actually, Article 5 is the founders way of restoring the states. As I said its a constitutionally proscribed way of doing what the Article suggests it should and must.
  • Kai Landow Ruthann Caudill you are making a legal argument and i do not know your background or what is the basis for your thinking so just saying something and when i ask what is your approach you say have a nice day, not helpful
  • Ruthann Caudill Noa Napoleon I am not here to argue, have a nice day.
  • Kai Landow Ruthann Caudill if you are not here to argue and not willing to make your case, then what is the point of your comments?
  • Kai Landow Noa Napoleon So who is going to secede? Hawaiian Americans? The State of Hawaii in some form?
  • Ruthann Caudill Kai Landow I have provided information for you or anyone else to examine.
  • Kai Landow Ruthann Caudill You provided some vague suggestions of things I have been aware for some time. I am trying find out if you have a new take or approach to make them work
  • Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero Noa Napoleon Hawaii is the only state never to have petitioned for an article 5 convention. It appears Hawaii has failed to ratify their constitutional incorporation among the other US states. With that said.... it appears there is no pressure upon Hawaii politics, judiciary and corporate practices to protect and preserve constitutional citizenship in the islands. Why is it that Hawaii is the only state not having an Article 5 convention.???
  • Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero Noa Napoleon and Kai Landow, Constitutional citizenship has been denied since the overthrow....
  • Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero An article 5 convention would ratify our 1978 constitution and FORCES by obligation, the 9th Judicial Circuit must speak two languages according to Hawaii State Constitution. Our juries must speak two languages. Can u see why no Article 5 has been pursued by the Judiciary or politicians? Unlawful enrichment!
  • Ruthann Caudill Article V of the Constitution provides for two methods of enacting constitutional amendments. Congress may, by a two-thirds vote in each chamber, propose a specific amendment; if at least three-fourths of the states (38 states) ratify it, the Constitution is amended. Alternatively, the states may call on Congress to form a constitutional convention to propose amendments. Congress must act on this call if at least two-thirds of the states (34 states) make the request. The convention would then propose constitutional amendments. Under the Constitution, such amendments would take effect if ratified by at least 38 states.

    In part because the only constitutional convention in U.S. history — the one in 1787 that produced the current Constitution — went far beyond its mandate, Congress and the states have never called another one. Every amend­ment to the Constitution since 1787 has resulted from the first process: Congress has proposed specific amendments to the states, which have ratified them by the necessary three-quarters majority (or turned them down).

    In the late 1970s and early 1980s, many states adopted resolutions calling for a constitutional convention to require the federal government to balance its budget every year. From the mid-1980s through 2010, no such new resolutions passed, and about half of the states that had adopted these resolutions rescinded them (in part due to fears that a convention, once called, could propose altering the Constitution in ways that the state resolutions did not envision).

    Recently, though, additional states have called for such a conven­tion, reflecting the efforts of a number of conservative advocacy organizations such as ALEC, which in 2011 released a handbook for state legislators that includes model state legislation calling for a constitutional convention.[4] Since 2010, 12 states have adopted such resolutions. According to some proponents of such a convention, a total of 28 states have now adopted resolutions (and not rescinded them). Proponents have targeted another 11 states for action this year and next.[5] (See Figure 1.)
  • U.S. Constitution - Article 5 - The U.S. Constitution Online -
    U.S. Constitution - Article 5 - The U.S. Constitution Online -…
    U.S. Constitution - Article 5 - The U.S. Constitution Online -

  • U.S. Constitution - Article 5 - The U.S. Constitution Online -
    U.S. Constitution - Article 5 - The U.S. Constitution Online -…
    U.S. Constitution - Article 5 - The U.S. Constitution Online -

  • Noa Napoleon Kai Landow Here's how I envision this working for Hawaiian's. Its not air tight I know and this may not be for Hawaiians at first but either way any process that attempts to reign in the Federal government is going to benefit us big time. It may take a few decades or more but here how things could play out. A successful States rights convention would create a review process that reaches backwords all the way to the illegal Annexation and reconciles Americas older traditions with the original constitution.
  • Ruthann Caudill Kai Landow I think that many people do not understand what is being said.
    I am trying to help people understand what the laws (especially the US Constitution) actually say.
  • Ruthann Caudill Noa Napoleon Article 5 has to do with Constitutional Amendments.
  • Kai Landow I just don't understand what kind of relief all of you are seeking from a re alignment of the American body politic. The State is a majority Haole and I would think it heavy lifting to share a goal here in seceding. It would be easier to end the occupation then join a state to encourage it to leave. i would think
  • Kai Landow Ruthann Caudill I have trouble with your approach, what makes you a person to explain the constitution?
  • Ruthann Caudill Kai Landow while I agree that Hawaii is occupied, it seems to me that this is getting harder to get the occupiers out.
    This is one of the “I wish I were born years ago, so I could help more.”
  • Noa Napoleon Ruthann Caudill Be honest this is the first time you are hearing of this.
  • Noa Napoleon just checking.
  • Ruthann Caudill Kai Landow I don’t need to explain this to you.
  • Kai Landow Ruthann Caudill No you do, very much so. You come in Ma'aoi like we do not know the law. so explain what your insight is that those of us who have spent decades on this issue and are ignorant of?
  • Kai Landow In the end we win on the law and lose in the process. The US courts are not truly bound by law, in fact there was a case I can not cite at the moment that ruled the US is not bound to law per se. What we have is various view of the constitution and like the Bible it says opposite things to different people. There is no magic legal bullet and no need for one. What there is, is greed and power that needs pressure to be made just. I don't want to ask the court of the occupier to determine what is fair in our nation. I want to ask the Americans why you still here?
  • Ruthann Caudill 107 STAT. 1514 PUBLIC LAW 103-150—NOV. 23, 1993
    Nothing in this Joint Resolution is intended to serve as a
    settlement of any claims against the United States.
    Approved November 23, 1993
  • Ruthann Caudill Kai Landow some people miss the Disclaimer at the end.
  • Ruthann Caudill Kai Landow Question
    Does the symbolic Apology Resolution restrict the State of Hawaii's sovereign authority to transfer publicly held land for private development, at least until claims over such land are resolved?
  • Ruthann Caudill Kai Landow I provided the correct US Supreme Court ruling and you said it was the wrong one.
    If you sat in during the Oral Arguments, you would have known more about what happened.
  • Ruthann Caudill Kai Landow Case 07-1372 Hawaii vs. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
  • Ruthann Caudill Kai Landow I posted the US Supreme Court. You did not.
  • Ruthann Caudill Kai Landow I hope you took time to listen to the OYEZ.
    The US Supreme Court Justices laid out the laws that they used to reverse the State of Hawaii’s decision.
    Hawaii v. OHA.
  • Kai Landow Ruthann Caudill What do you want from me? The case was decided correctly. Are you the expert? ok. Do you know the difference between dicta and a finding? Do you know what makes publicly held lands public, if they are a private trust? Do you know what happens to private lands if subsumed into another country under Westphalia?
  • Kai Landow What is the State of Hawaii's sovereignty and where does the State exist?
  • Kai Landow If I incorrectly posted the case hear it is-
    Hawaii v. Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 556 U.S. 163 (2009)
    Hawaii v. Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 556 U.S. 163 (2009)
    Hawaii v. Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 556 U.S. 163 (2009)

  • Ruthann Caudill Kai Landow that is what you postedKai Landow So in the end Dole was mostly successful, but there are cracks just review the 2009 SCOTUS ruling in the OHA case. The court asserts the State has not proven title over the Crown lands. Why was that? becauseSee More

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  • Kai Landow He Aloha to the Ohana in Hana, no kaoi
  • Noa Napoleon Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero You guys know about the secession movement and the Article 5 Convention of States process? I would describe these projects as a effort to restore the "rule of law." There are still Americans (like those who opposed annexation and any kind of statehood), who know the limits that the Constitution places on the federal government. These Americans have committed themselves upon a process to use a constitutionally proscribed method of restoring power back to the people, calls for reassessing all of the encroachments by the federal government over both citizens and the States. If this movement is successful, many states, Hawaii included, could become independent sovereign states again. Many know this as states rights movement but its more than that. No State in the Union would have ratified the Constitution if they thought they did not have a legal right to succeed.
  • Video: Why Secession is the Only Peaceful Path Forward for the USA | The Daily Bell
    Video: Why Secession is the Only Peaceful Path Forward for the USA |…
    Video: Why Secession is the Only Peaceful Path Forward for the USA | The Daily Bell

  • Why These Five States Would Be Better Independent Countries | The Daily Bell
    Why These Five States Would Be Better Independent Countries | The Daily Bell
    Why These Five States Would Be Better Independent Countries | The Daily Bell

  • Kai Landow Let me pose a question! Can you sue for relief within the US Constitutional statutes and continue to hold the rights of a Hawaiian Kingdom subject citizen?

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  • Ruthann Caudill Robert, your post has been shared and people are reading and commenting.
    Way to go!
  • Pikanini Pake Vested Rights! What was is, what is will continue to be... No annexation only occupation. Our sovereignty remains. Common Law is in the HRS 1-1. just sharing.
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  • Shelby Billionaire Great Job Uncle Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero! Give the Mana to those ready to receive it! Were going to need everybody to reawaken from the Matrix and fight for true spiritual freedom
  • Abel Simeona Lui Pay attention to "Hawaiian national usage", this is the original legislative intent of HRS 1-1, by the Hawaiian Kingdom... ‘The common law of England, as ascertained by English and American decisions, is hereby declared to by the common law of the HawaSee More
  • Beth Leeds Yes!!!!!
  • Luna-For Governor Here's one item to consider...
    Who, in 2019, has a clean and clear CLAIM against the United States and its current governance system in Hawai'i since the 1893 and 1993 confessions of illegal acts affecting Hawai'i and it's People?
    And, do we pursue the answer with One man, one vote or Civil Disobedience?
    • Shelby Billionaire I do. Great Grandpa Kekaulike is my 10th Generation Grandpa and I have the birth certificates, lineage, Bayonet Constitution, King Kalakauas Last will and testament, and I also have proof of the retaliation and oppression of the United States, specifically Donald J. TRUMP. Also, I'm running for the President of The United States in 2020 to Challaenge them all on the World Stage. #We are all 1 Nation connected by Water. #Polynesia/Oceania.

      To win the War, we have to outsmart the Haoles and use their paperwork against them. For now have your senators and reps amend HI Constitution Article 15, section 4, to make Hawaiian and English mandatory for all public acts and transactions.
      You can also email Senator Tulsi Gabbard at and push whatever Hawaiian Bill's through. She still has to work, dont she? If you are running for Givernor Uncle Luna, I will support you. We need to recruit Pono leaders to steer their own canoes(lahui) in the same direction. I will help open a way and be the vanguard, if we can at least form the flying V and be like the mighty ducks, I would be happy with that, so then we would at least be able to watch each others backs and not get assassinated and targeted like the rest. Enemies of Hawaiis independence and freedom are The FeD, Dirty Bank cartels, Vatican, Dole, Castle and Crooke, Hart, military war business, shipping/human&drugt rafficking, Secret Societies, Corrupt Britsih Government who was supposed to back up our treaty when threatened by force, and is now holding Venezuelas money by extortion. All the World Governments participating in helping the US overtake Venezuela are the enemies/cannot be trusted. Neutral countries are neutral. Any countries trying to defend Venezuela like China and Russia are Hawaii's ally in the Chess Game of The world to control the Worlds Oil Supply and Money system. Because the USD is a debt based fiat currency, currently only backed up by oil. If countries stop taking the dollar for oil, then that's when US sanctions come in, destabilization of the country etc.

      911 and Pearl Harbor I can prove are false flag attacks too. Does this help prove I have a clean and clear Claim against the Evil corrupt government people in the U.S. and the man responsible as the leader of the government and knows about this due to his German Nazi families past, and is guilty is, the President Donald J. TRUMP.

      Let's start by telling all the Kanaka Maoli to start "to be the change you wish to see just like Gandhi." Heres a song to feel the mana flowing back to self responsibility and soul power/mana. Music helps heal the soul and transcends time...
      Beauty and the Beast - Tale As Old As Time [HD]
      Beauty and the Beast - Tale As Old As Time [HD]
      Beauty and the Beast - Tale As Old As Time [HD]

    • MC YOGI - Be the Change (Official Video)
      MC YOGI - Be the Change (Official Video)
      MC YOGI - Be the Change (Official Video)

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  • Luna-For Governor ANSWER:
    Liliuokalani, Queen of the Hawaiian Islands, and all those who clearly demonstrated an interest in Her Majesty's CLAIM.
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  • Luna-For Governor When every individual on the topic of Hawai'i and it's Peoples freedom from oppressive behavior of the United States and its current governance system,, should decide to get on one page, in one canoe, with many hands to lighten the good works for TRUE Justice, compelling correction is made simply easy.
  • Luna-For Governor Any and all other focus will continue to have a stale effect amongst the population...
  • Luna-For Governor All in all...great discussions on this FB PAGES
  • Amelia Gora Only Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom laws are to be used... documented Premeditation has been found, fraud has been excessive amount of it too...then the Royal Family's exist descendants of Kamehameha who have the superior, paramount titles....and, the court of original jurisdiction is the Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court....the U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back 3x....then the criminal deviant President McKinley "proclaimed" Hawaii to be a territory of the U.S.....Cleveland's acts are a done's not our problem that McKinley was a major dumbass who warred with Spain over lies and got hundreds of thousands killed... etc. Hey, the treaty of 1849/1850 exists because it was ONLY between the U.S. President Taylor and Kamehameha III's heirs and successors---all bloodlines NOT Alien infiltrators! Read DeZayas letters recognizing the Hawaiian Kingdom exists aside from the facts that our Hawaiian Kingdom never went away, etc. talk about the criminal history of Pirates in the Pacific and the World in a paragraph! Read all the 775 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk for more info aloha.
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk

    •  **************************************
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      Michael Spencer
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      The Criminal History About the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina In a Nutshell
      Only Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom laws are to be used... documented Premeditation has been found, fraud has been excessive amount of it too...then the Royal Family's exist descendants of Kamehameha who have the superior, paramount titles....and, the court of original jurisdiction is the Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court....the U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back 3x....then the criminal deviant President McKinley "proclaimed" Hawaii to be a territory of the U.S.....Cleveland's acts are a done's not our problem that McKinley was a major dumbass who warred with Spain over lies and got hundreds of thousands killed... etc. Hey, the treaty of 1849/1850 exists because it was ONLY between the U.S. President Taylor and Kamehameha III's heirs and successors---all bloodlines NOT Alien infiltrators! Read DeZayas letters recognizing the Hawaiian Kingdom exists aside from the facts that our Hawaiian Kingdom never went away, etc. talk about the criminal history of Pirates in the Pacific and the World in a paragraph! Read all the 775 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk for more info aloha.
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