Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Iolani Palace/the Palace - Interesting Information

12 hrs
Nanea Armstrong-Wassel
#ʻIolaniPalace. An interesting fact when one thinks about Hawaiʻi being so isolated in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is that the second ʻIolani Palace, completed in 1882, had working electricity and telephones before the White House of the United States.
Another less known interesting fact comes from a Pukui translated article from the Hawaiian language newspaper, Ke Leo o ka Lahui explaining the meaning of the seven turrets atop of ʻIolani Palace. The article was published on June 5, 1893, page 3. “Remember, O true Hawaiians, the seven turrets of Iolani Palace. They are as follows; there is one on the north side, on the north-east, east, south, south west, west, and at the center. They are named –
North – Liholiho (Kamehameha II)
North-east – Kamehameha I
East – Liholiho (Kamehameha IV)
South – Kapuaiwa (Kamehameha V)
South west – Kauikeouli (Kamehameha III)
West – Lunalilo
Center – Kalakaua
This explanation will help the people to understand the royal palace of Hawaii. Kalakaua was called 'the seventh of the heavenly ones.' Remember, the tallest ones represent Kamehameha I and Kamehameha III…"

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