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Warfare in Hawaii: An Evil Aloha and the "gift" of Inhaled Uranium/Depleted Uranium, Bombs Reminders, etc.


September 13, 2007 at 09:27:35
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War Declared On Hawaii (No It's NOT Japan This Time!)

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By Cathy Garger (about the author)       Page 1 of 1 page(s)
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Aloha! I just found out that the Navy is planning on expanding its war games and numerous new weapon "toys" in an area of 235,000 square nautical miles around Hawaii! Incredibly, the Navy is proposing a major upgrading and expansion - in order to do more research, development, testing, and evaluation of military weapons and systems, to the tune of 140 (that is One Hundred Forty) projects, including even the use of Directed Energy Laser Weapons.

Why are they doing this? According to Section of the Environmental Impact Statement, "The purpose for the proposed action is to:
achieve and maintain fleet readiness using the HRC to support and conduct current, emerging, and future training events and RDT&E training and testing events; (2) expand warfare missions [Note: anti-war activists beware!] supported by the HRC, consistent with the requirements of the FRTP and other transformation initiatives; and (3) upgrade/modernize existing range capabilities to enhance and ensure the sustainability of Navy training and testing. The Proposed Action is needed to provide combat capable forces ready to deploy worldwide"...

For those wondering about radioactivity? I found mention of the words "radioactive materials" four times within Volume 3. One gets the feeling that, as usual, in its military "test" sites, Uncle Sam's not planning on just shooting blanks!

The adverse impact on whales, other marine wildlife, the air, and ocean is unfathomable. I will allow you to imagine what effects these weapons will have upon the environment and wildlife, and also, sadly, upon the health of the Hawaiian people.

Can we possibly get enough international outrage going within four (4) days to stop the Navy from getting away with this expansion that appears in only 2 (!) articles from Hawaii newspapers in a Google news search? The link to one of the article links is below. The other is filled with falsehoods (i.e, how great weapons testing is for whales) and is thus omitted. As you will soon discover for yourself, the Environmental Impact Statement for the Hawaii Range Complex is already filled with enough deception for one night's reading.

Can we do this? Or better put, how can we NOT do this? Can we stop the US military from further ruining the waters and marine wildlife around
America's Hawaiian Paradise? Admittedly, it's a long shot. But isn't saving Hawaii and the Pacific Ocean worth a try?

To submit a public comment online by September 17:

To submit a public comment by email by September 17:

Entire Environmental Impact Statement:

Executive Summary of Environmental Impact Statement:

A good article with a description of some of the actions:
TGI Articles #12 Navy Plans

Media article: "No aloha for sonar plan found at Maui hearing"
By HARRY EAGAR, Staff Writer

Thank you for taking just 5 minutes to write a short note stating that you do not support any military expansion in the Hawaii Range Complex, that you reject both Alternatives 1 and 2, and that you insist instead that our government protects and defends Hawaii (its land, its ocean, its wildlife, and its people) from further harm and degradation.

After you write, please pass this article around to everyone you know. After all, isn't saving our Hawaiian Paradise, our oceans, and our marine wildlife worth just a few minutes of our time?

Mahalo, as the Hawaiian Islanders say! Thanks!

Cathy Garger is a freelance writer, public speaker,  activist, and a certified personal coach who specializes in Uranium weapons. Living in the shadow of the national District of Crime, Cathy is constantly nauseated by the stench emanating from (more...)

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author
and do not necessarily reflect those of this website or its editors.

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comments, always)
This is so sad ... by ladybroadoak on Thursday, Sep 13, 2007 at 3:54:46 PM

too much drama by sbaker on Thursday, Sep 13, 2007 at 4:39:11 PM

The Rogue Army of the Republic by Cathy Garger on Friday, Sep 14, 2007 at 6:31:00 AM

Hawaii Wants You to See This by Cathy Garger on Friday, Sep 14, 2007 at 1:01:58 PM

Aloha by viviane lerner on Friday, Sep 14, 2007 at 2:47:59 PM

Not Enough Drama by paz love on Sunday, Sep 16, 2007 at 8:45:18 PM

The Army is salivating to get the 2/25th Stryker Brigade Combat Team established in Hawaii. Even volunteering one hour of your time will help! Here's how.

EASY Ways to Stop th...
stryker_cannon_fires_depleted_uranium.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x137
EASY Ways to Stop the Military Radioactive Contamination of Hawaii

The Stones belt it out like nobody’s business: "Ain't too proud to beg... ain't too proud to plead"... And personally speaking, if I have to beg and please for your sympathy, I don’t mind, ‘cause the good people of Hawaii mean that much to me!

Yes, I’m groveling, begging, and pleading for your help. I realize you don’t have any spare time, so I’m asking you to make some. And if this were not truly critical, I wouldn’t bother getting on my hands and knees now, begging, pleading for your help.

Nope, I’m not asking for a blessed dime. All I want from you is an hour, even - just one hour of your most precious commodity – your time. I’m not sure how you spend your free time, but if you’re anything like most people? Then you can probably forego an hour watching Jack Bauer save the world from the evil doers, or give up an hour salivating all over the hunky Bachelor - or, as is your preference, the eye-candy of three Platinum Blondes wiggling their cute little 20-something Bunny tails in a mind boggling ménage-a-quatre in a round bed with a filthy rich dude nearly four times their age who, it’s been rumored, has died and gone to heaven already.

All I’m begging you to do is simply turn off the “Boob” tube for just one hour tonight because our own people, the people of Hawaii, need our help right now. I’m pleading for your sympathy as I ask you to kindly stop whatever you’re doing and spend just a little time to, quite literally, help save Hawaiian Paradise!

Here’s the deal, in a nutshell. Before October 30, we need you and a whole lot of other people to write (make that a whole LOT of other people to write) public comments telling Uncle Sam why the Army’s Stryker Brigade should not be permanently stationed in Hawaii.

The Army is salivating to get the 2/25th Stryker Brigade Combat Team established in Hawaii. What are Strykers, you may wonder? Strykers are basically large, relatively fast-moving, armored, 19-ton vehicles that look like tanks.

Each Stryker vehicle has a cannon – a great big gun - that can fire Depleted Uranium, explosives, and titanium. A total of 4,000 soldiers (and their families) are hoping to be positioned permanently inside Hawaii to perform military training that reportedly prepares them for urban warfare inside cities in Iraq. And for obvious reasons, it is apparently easier to get soldiers and their families to commit to staying for long deployments in Hawaiian paradise than it is to get them to move to Colorado or Alaska!

In its Draft Environmental Impact Statement, the military has stated that they plan on using not “inert,” not “environmentally friendly,” but instead, “live fire” ammunition within Hawaii. And even the Army itself admits that positioning the 2/25th Stryker Brigade permanently inside Hawaii will have an adverse, “significant” impact upon Hawaii in more than a few ways.

The military is planning on stationing approximately 320 of these huge, eight-wheeled Stryker vehicles (and approximately 600 other vehicles, 4,000 employees, and their spouses and kids) on military bases that have been found to contain toxic and radioactive Depleted Uranium contamination.

That Uncle Sam is ever the thoughtful guy, eh?

Furthermore, according to experts of radioactive military maneuvers, allowing hundreds of Stryker vehicles to train on these grounds will “rustle up” radiation currently within the soils out into the Hawaiian air and tropical environment, rendering soldiers and their families, as well as the Hawaiian Islanders and their pristine environment [which includes dozens of endangered species of plants and wildlife, etc.] at increased risk for Uranium poisoning.

Here are simple things Hawaiians are asking you to do to help!

1) Write before October 30 and tell the Army why you do not wish the Stryker Brigade to be stationed inside Hawaii. The email address to write to is: PublicComments [at] aec.apgea.army.mil . To learn more about the impact the 2/25th Stryker Brigade Combat Team will have in Hawaii, go to http://www.sbct-seis.org/ to read more.

2) Forward the articles below everywhere!

3) Volunteer to help post articles on various alternative media sites, email groups, and blogs. Hawaiians desperately need volunteers to help with this task – and they’ll train you how to do this. All you need is a bit of time and a working computer – along with a desire to help protect Hawaii and keep it clean and safe. Please write to NoDUHawaii [at] yahoo.com today with your offer to help!

4) Forward this email to everyone you know!

READ WHY the Stryker Brigade must not stay in Hawaii!

Ten Reasons to Oppose the Stryker Brigade in Hawaii

Hawaiian Islands Are Radioactive

Depleted Uranium Contamination By Strykers In Hawaii

Death By Breath

Hawaiian Islands Contaminated With Ballistic Uranium

Army’s Environmental Impact Statement for the Stryker Brigade Invasion of Hawaii:

To see photos of Strykers, search on this page by the word Stryker:

Go to Protect Hawaii website:

I’ve never been to Hawaii, but have spoken to many lovely, warm-hearted people who do live there. Please won’t you help keep the Hawaiian people safe - and protect the closest thing to Paradise that America’s got?

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Thursday, September 13, 2007
War Declared On Hawaii (No It's NOT Japan This Time!)
(6 comments) The Navy is planning on expanding its war games and numerous new weapon "toys" in an area of 235,000 square nautical miles around Hawaii! The adverse impact on whales, other marine wildlife, the air, and ocean is unfathomable. Can we possibly get enough international outrage going within four (4) days to stop the Navy from getting away with this expansion?
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Warm best wishes and Mahalo to you all!

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Wicked.....................Beyond Wicked!

Replies to This Discussion


from John Kaminski:
> Merry Christmas, Hawaii – and Bombs Away!
> By Cathy Garger
> Nov 27, 2007, 17:47
> It’s the end of the world as we know it. The US Military has
> officially run out of foreign lands to bomb. Apparently out of
> desperation to find a place to publicly ejaculate their huge, heavy
> loads, the US Air Force has chosen the Big Island of Hawaii as its
> bulls-eye target.
> Unfortunately for Hawaiian paradise, however, this time it’s going to
> take far more than a super size box of Kleenex to tidy up this
> particular wad containing Uncle Sam’s latest hot, dirty, and
> unquestionably most slimy mess.
> According to a recent Associated Press article, “B-2 Stealth Bombers
> Hit US Targets”, the United States government is using both Hawaii
> Alaska to expand its war games and better train pilots to unload
> mega-size Uranium bombs on – shhhh – unsuspecting North Koreans.

> Meanwhile, Uncle Sam, convincingly playing the part of one mighty
> sick, twisted Santa, is apparently reneging on his promise to make
> nice and remove North Korea from his Naughty [State Sponsors of
> Terrorism] List.

> How considerate of Uncle Sam to give such a generous warning, months
> in advance, of his impending blitzkrieg on one more unsuspecting
> nation! But, for some strange reason, the citizens of Hawaii received
> no such courtesy prior to being “cursed” with monthly bloody
> not even the benefit of predictability enjoyed by women visited every

> month by their “Auntie Flo.”
> What harm would it do, if you really think about it, for the US
> government to run a small ad in Hawaii’s federal mouthpiece, The
> Honolulu Advertiser,
in which they could announce for Hawaiians the
> dates during which they should attempt to locate suitable bomb
> shelters on “that” day of the month? Well, at least it would be a
> mighty thoughtful touch!
> One seriously wonders what horrible things Hawaiians have done to
> become such bad little boys and girls that their very own
> authoritarian Uncle Sammy – who they have, after all, permitted for
> over one hundred years to play soldier upon their land and in their
> sea – would sadistically “repay” them for their warm Aloha-spirit
> hospitality by dropping bombs from stealth Air Force B-2 bombers on
> them… ‘round Christmastime, no less!
> No matter what the offense, no matter how bad Hawaiians have been to
> merit domestic air raids by their own, one certainly suspects that
> dumping many thousands of pounds of coal atop the Hawaiian Isle would

> be a far more suitable punishment (not to mention an infinitely
> eco-friendly gesture) than being forced into being sitting ducks for
> bombing practice from the heavens above!

> But times they certainly are a ‘changing! Why, once upon a time in an
> era many US War Presidents ago, it used to be that attacks on Hawaii
> were staged by other nations – Japan, for example. Now, in this
> modern post-9/11 age, any nation is fair game for attack … even when
> the people on the island you’re bombing happen to wave the very same
> red, white, and blue flag as the other forty nine states!

> No, this is no parody you’re reading. This news is so priceless I
> could not make this stuff up! The United States Air Force has
> started bombing its own country, in order to conduct what they claim
> is necessary bombing practice for North Korea – or whoever’s up for
> the next US “hit!”
> Courtesy of the AP article, released as a gift to America on
> Thanksgiving Day (when we were too busy wolfing down turkey and
> stuffing to notice or even care), we now learn, quite after the fact,
> that US B-2 “Spirit” Stealth Bombers have started routinely bombing
> the US state of Hawaii.
> According to the US Air Force website, the domestic bombing began
> year on October 23. Reportedly, the first Bombs Away event, being
> called Hawaii’s “October Surprise,” was part of an exercise called
> “Koa Lightning,” in which B-2s flew from Guam to Hawaii, dropping
> bombs on the Big Island’s Pohakuloa Training Area.
> At least one dozen of these mega-bombs were dropped the first month,
> at $1.2 million US Dollars a pop. Called “inert” and “dummy” because
> they reportedly do not explode, the Air Force tells us, as if from an

> ad for homemade jam, bombings are conducted, “the old fashioned way
> too. No laser designating the target and no joint direct attack
> munitions with global positioning system guidance. It was just the
> aviators, their instruments, a deadly airframe and some Airmen on the

> mock battlefield calling in the coordinates.”
> As these are not your Air Force standard, computer-guided, “built in,

> state of the art targeting system” drops, the aviators and their uh,
> instruments, work on a “deadly timeframe,” relying on nothing but
> gravity … and the capricious whim of Mother Nature’s tropical winds.

> So don those hard hats and heads up, Hawaii, ‘cause where those
> “old-fashioned ‘dumb bombs’ without precision guidance” land next is
> anybody’s guess! And a 2,000 lb. bomb – make that a 2,000 lb.
> anything… released from a point higher than the mountaintops that
> even a wee bit off course is definitely going to cause some poor
> Hawaiian one mighty colossal headache!

> According to the AP article, the Air Force has “only started dropping
> inert bombs on the Big Island’s Pohakuloa Training Area [PTA] last
> month.” One can not help wondering if this bombing that “only”
> last month is not possibly payback for the work of outspoken
> who recently opposed the permanent stationing of the 2/25th Stryker
> Brigade Combat Team at PTA? Coincidentally [or maybe not?] Pohakuloa
> is the same live-fire test training area where mega-bombs are now
> getting dropped out of B-2 jets onto grounds where Depleted Uranium
> was discovered in August.
> With regard to the “Koa Lightning” bombing of Hawaii exercises, one
> the B-2 pilots, Major Tim Hale, stated, “This particular mission
> covers the full spectrum of what we can do.” With a nation so
> desperate to practice dropping bombs that it chooses as its Ground
> Zero the sacred, culturally rich, pristine paradise of Hawaii, there
> is no question that the full spectrum of what we can do has indeed
> been achieved … at the very lowest, bottom-of-the-barrel end of the
> spectrum, that is.

> With the bombing of Hawaii a jolly old ho (ho, ho) hum affair, not
> just the United States but the international community, too, now gets

> to witness the utter depths of just how low the United States will go
> in order to wage its aggressive wars. For to depraved Uncle Sam in
> role of Santa-Gone-Bad this holiday season, not even Hawaii –
> considered by many to be the world’s favorite tropical vacation spot

> is sacred.

> On its own website, the US Air Force reminds us that the capability
> the B-2 bombers (apparently considered the pinnacle of Air Force
> prowess) must not be underestimated. “Strategic bombers in and of
> themselves are huge force multipliers,” according to Tech. Sgt.
> Richard Setlock, a JTAC from the 25th Air Support Operations
> Furthermore, according to Sgt. Setlock, “Fighter attack aircraft can
> stay on station for 45-minutes and provide six to eight bombs. We can

> have a bomber overhead for two to four hours and provide four times
> the firepower that a fighter attack aircraft could.”
> The military’s orgiastic thrills and chills of “force multiplier”
> capabilities aside, one wonders how the local Hawaiian school
> are coping? What must it be like for these precious young ones,
> learning their A, B, C’s, numbers, and colors, too, with not merely
> jets overhead, but stealth bombers that provide four times the
> firepower of fighter attack aircraft?
> Distant memories of 1960s bomb drills hiding underneath kindergarten
> desks suddenly come to mind. One wonders how Hawaiian teachers go
> about explaining to tiny tots that the bombs, each weighing about as
> much as four classroom pianos… are being dropped by their own
> country, that is [gulp] by the “good guys”.
> In correspondence with Bob Nichols, Project Censored Award winner and

> weapons expert of The San Francisco Bay View, Nichols wrote of the
> bombs,, “It is just a matter of time till the 376,000 lb heavy
> hit a school playground or someone’s house with the equivalent of a
> small car at 160 mph and kill no telling how many people. Just chalk
> it up to the annual required human sacrifice to keep the big Military

> payroll in Hawaii. The city fathers made a bad deal with the devil
> for a few dollars more.”
> The devil may have made them do it, but do the local officials even
> know? According to Mayor of the County of Hawaii, Harry Kim, this is
> apparently not the case. “I was not aware that they were dropping
> bombs up there.”
> Mayor Kim also added that the public has a right to know about what’s

> going on – and when Hawaiians can expect the 2,000 pound drops
> them from up above. “They really need to be proactive about informing

> us so we can inform the public,” he said. “The public needs to know
> when these types of exercises are going on, especially those who
> Saddle Road.”
> Yes, there’s no doubt about it. These bombs are a threat to Hawaii,
> and when even the local government’s top official is not made aware
> the mortal danger his citizens face on a regular basis, one suspects
> that Uncle Sam does a mighty lousy job as Federal Duck-and-Cover
> Communicator for the oblivious residing in Pacific paradise.
> As explained by the Air Force on its website, “The global reach and
> long loiter time over a target is a unique capability of America’s
> bomber force. This makes the B-2 especially lethal to America’s
> enemies.”

> Furthermore, as Col. Damian McCarthy, 36th Operations Group
> elaborates, “Having the ability to stay over a target for extended
> periods, especially in a stealth airframe, gives the combatant
> commander the option to strike the bad guys at a time and place of
> their choosing.”
> What none of these military load-dropping, macho-types explain,
> however, is just whose bright idea it was to use the Big Island of
> Hawaii for their bombing target practice fun. The island of Hawaii
> after all, a place where 160,000 citizens live and work, and 1.5
> million tourists from around the globe come each year to sun, fun,
> play.
> Can someone please tell me exactly when did the gentle, peace-loving
> people from the Aloha state get placed on the list as America’s
> declared “enemies” and “bad guys” in order to merit humongous, lethal

> bomb drops by B2 stealth bombers?
> One can understand why Hawaiians are a tad more than concerned about
> the very real possibility of stray, off-course bombs being dropped on

> their heads. What is even more disturbing, however, is the fact that
> these bombs – weighing roughly the same as a Honda CRX model car -
> being dropped from altitudes 18,000 feet above the mountains … onto
> grounds contaminated with deadly toxic and radioactive Depleted
> Uranium from years of live-fire training.
> Can you just imagine how 2,000 pounds of concentrated dead weight,
> dropped from the skies, will rustle up and render airborne the
> Depleted Uranium in the soils on the Pohakuloa Training Area? And
> how safe can this be, in terms of air quality, with lethal Depleted
> Uranium being re-suspended in the air by these bomb drops …
> particularly for those living in nearby towns?
> According to the Army’s 2000 health fact sheet on Depleted Uranium,
> “DU can also be inhaled when DU particles in the environment are
> resuspended into the atmosphere by wind or other disturbances.” Is
> there any question in anyone’s mind that such a heavy bomb, dropped
> from the heavens and landing in radioactive soils, creates one hell
> a “disturbance?”
> Jim Albertini, of the Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-Violent Education &
> Action says of the bombings, “This, along with other training at PTA,

> is an outrage given the presence of Depleted Uranium (DU) confirmed
> PTA. The full extent of the contamination is not yet known but the
> military is taking action that risks spreading the stuff around. It
> shows the complete disregard for the health and safety of Hawaii
> residents and the military people who train on the ground there.”
> Wouldn’t it make sense to remediate the contaminated soils at
> Pohakuloa, as is required by Army Regulation 700-48 before even
> thinking about dropping mega-bombs there? Is the Army in such a hurry

> to “practice” bombing the hell out of North Korea that it simply
> cannot wait another few months till it cleans up the mess it created
> in Hawaii by playing around there with its nuke weapons (and
> God-only-knows-what-other Uranium munitions)?
> Has this grand US imperial Empire, in its zealous myopic dream of
> waging wars at any cost, decided to totally waste the once pristine,
> lush, exotic Hawaiian island – and its very own citizens to boot?
> anyone know precisely when our nation made the decision to condemn
> Hawaii for billions of years as a radioactive “national sacrifice
> zone,” the “payoff” being the ability to wage continuous wars against

> innocent civilians … in both Hawaii as well as in far-off lands?

> Perhaps in lieu of being greeted in the future with flowered leis,
> future visitors to Hawaii’s airport should, by all rights, be
> appropriately welcomed with Army-issued gas masks and radioactive
> gear suits instead. While the Hawaiian tourist industry admittedly
> tank once photos get out depicting the rather, um, encumbered manner
> in which Hawaiian tourists will now be outfitted, on the plus side,
> troops would then be able to invade, occupy, and take as their own
> private playground vacant Hawaiian hotels and resorts where tourists
> and vacationers, fearing radioactive contamination, will no longer
> venture.
> So say goodbye, all ye citizens of the world, to the former tropical
> paradise of the Aloha state! Please know you have been forewarned and

> travel to Hawaii now at your own risk.

> Vacation now on the Big Island and prepare to be greeted with the US
> military’s own uniquely gracious brand of hospitality … the invisible

> “gift” of inhaled Uranium aerosol blowing in the warm tropical winds,
> bestowed upon unsuspecting residents and tourists alike, for all
> eternity.

> To learn more and find out what you can do to help keep Hawaii safe
> from domestic bombing and further radioactive contamination, visit
> folks at Protect Hawaii and say Aloha to them for me.
> Cathy Garger is a freelance writer, public speaker, activist, and a
> certified personal coach who specializes in Uranium weapons. Living
> the shadow of the national District of Crime, Cathy is constantly
> nauseated by the stench emanating from the nation’s capital during
> Washington, DC, federal work week. Cathy may be contacted at
> savorsuccesslady3@yahoo.com .
> © Copyright 2007 by AxisofLogic.com
> This material is available for republication as long as reprints
> include verbatim copy of the article its entirety, respecting its
> integrity. Reprints must cite the author and Axis of Logic as the
> original source including a “live link” to the article. Thank you!

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