Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Pirates Eyes on Hawaii: OHA is a Mere Diversion...Pirates Caught in the Candy Store!

Clifford Kapono
This $7.8M is nothing compared to what the state rips off with every opportunity legal or otherwise. Look at the $10M scam on the alleged cops on Mauna Kea for what, arresting 30 senior citizens (kupuna)? This is bullshit so is the independent financial review of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs that identified transactions allegedly worth $7.8 million as potentially fraudulent, wasteful and abusive.
NaKanaka should not buy into this propaganda; it is div...isive and purposely being pitched to dissuade those who support NaKanaka rights and cause from participating. Do yourself a favor and pay attention to the reality of whatʻs really going on so that this type of heinous action is directed to those that are they real crooks in Hawaiian print shirts and mumuʻu or tutu.
And if you think you could have done any better with those crazies at OHA - good luck - go head - I like see…………… Bradahman got set up
jus sayʻn©
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  • Heidi Holomua Good God. Well stated, Clifford . As we know, this has been going on for years....only now, one can hope those responsible will be held accountable (including criminal charges, if warranted).

    There are not only sitting Trustees, Admin., Staff, etc
    ., that may be held accountable; the past Trustees and CEO are also culpable, as it were. For shame! Hilahila...

    Aunty Frenchy, Aunty Moani, and others are rolling their maka...Hewa is hewa. My Tutu always said, "What you do in the dark, will come out in the light." And here we are...OHA is a disgraceful disappointment to our lahui.

    Disgusted. 😒
  • Kaleo Keliikoa Igi & Oldwell stolen more.
  • Jonathan Mather Are the details of those citations public record?
  • Jonathan Mather Politicizing traffic citations would seem illegal
  • Rhonnie Lipke Why are we not surprised!!
  • Soo Kaipo Show us the proof
  • Roland Patten Corpuz Lying fakas...
  • Ranette Puna Robinson True Clifford Kapono. Guarantee nothings going to come of this. Just more rhetoric and the same bs that “ we’ve made changes”, “we’re correcting our mistakes”. Ultimately no one will be held accountable
  • Nancy Iokepa Agreed this is BS, state & city stolen way more and continue
  • Tane Inciong Why stop there? State and county governments are connected with the issues; have them audited also.
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  • Amelia Gora All Racketeering....passing monies off the same body...from one pocket to another...…...and then, along comes the real owners....the Kamehameha's exists, the alodio land owners....the facts that U.S. President Grover Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897..... the Pirates are caught and trapped in the candy store while all in the World watches.....we not the ones who did wrong...there's more than 7 Million being questioned...a mere diversion ;)
    Yo, Ho, Ho, and a Bottle of Rum!!
    Yo, Ho, Ho, and a Bottle of Rum!!
    Yo, Ho, Ho, and a Bottle of Rum!!

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