Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Queen Liliuokalani's Unresolved Issues: UNWTO/United Nations World Tourism Organization Attacks eTurbonews thru Local Law Firm

The worst five countries in the world when it comes to press freedom are Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Eritrea, Crimea. and North Korea. The best ratings in press freedom are recorded in Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, and Denmark.
Freedom of the Press 2017
 Costa Rica1316Free
 Marshall Islands1617Free
 Saint Lucia1617Free
 San Marino1617Free
 New Zealand2219Free
 Czech Republic2621Free
 Saint Kitts and Nevis2621Free
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines2621Free
 United States3323Free
 Trinidad and Tobago3925Free
 United Kingdom3925Free
 Cape Verde4827Free
 Solomon Islands4827Free
 São Tomé and Príncipe5328Free
 Papua New Guinea5629Free
 Italy6231Partly Free
 Namibia6332Partly Free
 Ghana6433Partly Free
 Israel6433Partly Free
 Antigua and Barbuda6634Partly Free
 Poland6634Partly Free
 South Korea6634Partly Free
 Timor-Leste6935Partly Free
 Benin7037Partly Free
 Mali7037Partly Free
 Mongolia7037Partly Free
 Guyana7338Partly Free
 Romania7338Partly Free
 South Africa7338Partly Free
 Burkina Faso7641Partly Free
 Croatia7641Partly Free
 El Salvador7641Partly Free
 Panama7641Partly Free
 Bulgaria8042Partly Free
 Dominican Republic8042Partly Free
 Hong Kong8042Partly Free
 India8343Partly Free
 Fiji8444Partly Free
 Greece8444Partly Free
 Hungary8444Partly Free
 Montenegro8444Partly Free
 Philippines8444Partly Free
 Botswana8945Partly Free
 Malawi8945Partly Free
 Peru8945Partly Free
 Argentina9246Partly Free
 Nauru9246Partly Free
 Brazil9447Partly Free
 Senegal9447Partly Free
 Kosovo9648Partly Free
 Mozambique9648Partly Free
 Comoros9849Partly Free
 Indonesia9849Partly Free
 Serbia9849Partly Free
 Seychelles9849Partly Free
 Georgia10250Partly Free
 Albania10351Partly Free
 Bosnia and Herzegovina10351Partly Free
 Côte d’Ivoire10351Partly Free
 Lesotho10351Partly Free
 Nigeria10351Partly Free
 Haiti10852Partly Free
   Nepal10852Partly Free
 Niger10852Partly Free
 Bolivia11153Partly Free
 Mauritania11153Partly Free
 Somaliland11153Partly Free
 Ukraine11153Partly Free
 Sierra Leone11554Partly Free
 Tunisia11554Partly Free
 Nicaragua11755Partly Free
 Lebanon11856Partly Free
 Moldova11856Partly Free
 Colombia12057Partly Free
 Togo12057Partly Free
 Bhutan12258Partly Free
 Guatemala12258Partly Free
 Kenya12258Partly Free
 Madagascar12258Partly Free
 Tanzania12258Partly Free
 Uganda12258Partly Free
 Guinea-Bissau12859Partly Free
 Paraguay12859Partly Free
 Afghanistan13060Partly Free
 Congo (Brazzaville)13060Partly Free
 Kuwait13060Partly Free
 Liberia13060Partly Free
 Sri Lanka13461Not Free
 Bangladesh13562Not Free
 Maldives13562Not Free
 Armenia13763Not Free
 Zambia13763Not Free
 Macedonia13964Not Free
 Mexico13964Not Free
 Algeria14165Not Free
 Pakistan14165Not Free
 Cameroon14366Not Free
 Ecuador14366Not Free
 Guinea14366Not Free
 Honduras14366Not Free
 Morocco14366Not Free
 Kyrgyzstan14867Not Free
 Singapore14867Not Free
 Jordan15068Not Free
 Malaysia15169Not Free
 Cambodia15270Not Free
 Qatar15270Not Free
 South Sudan15270Not Free
 Central African Republic15571Not Free
 Gabon15571Not Free
 Iraq15571Not Free
 Oman15571Not Free
 Angola15973Not Free
 Myanmar15973Not Free
 Chad16174Not Free
 Zimbabwe16174Not Free
 Brunei16376Not Free
 Turkey16376Not Free
 Djibouti16577Not Free
 Egypt16577Not Free
 Libya16577Not Free
 Thailand16577Not Free
 United Arab Emirates16978Not Free
 Rwanda17079Not Free
 Somalia17079Not Free
 Venezuela17281Not Free
 Congo (Kinshasa)17382Not Free
 Belarus17483Not Free
 Russia17483Not Free
 Swaziland17483Not Free
 Vietnam17784Not Free
 Palestine17784Not Free
 Burundi17985Not Free
 Kazakhstan17985Not Free
 Laos17985Not Free
 Yemen17985Not Free
 Ethiopia18386Not Free
 Saudi Arabia18386Not Free
 Sudan18386Not Free
 Bahrain18687Not Free
 China18687Not Free
 Tajikistan18687Not Free
 The Gambia18687Not Free
 Azerbaijan 19090Not Free
 Iran19090Not Free
 Syria19090Not Free
 Cuba19391Not Free
 Equatorial Guinea19391Not Free
 Crimea19594Not Free
 Eritrea19594Not Free
 Uzbekistan19795Not Free
 North Korea19898Not Free
 Turkmenistan19898Not Free

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How a United Nations Agency UNWTO want to silence the press?

How a United Nations Agency UNWTO want to silence the press?
UNWTO (the World Tourism Organization)  has its own interpretation when it comes to the freedom of the press,  and it doesn’t include U.S. based travel and tourism publication eTurboNews.
Under the leadership of UNWTO  Secretary-General Zurab  Pololikashvili, the United Nations seems to be joining countries or government associations,  that see critical media as their enemies. Mr. Pololikashvili is from the Republic of Georgia, a country ranked “partially free” with a rank of 102 in the world of free media.
Even in the United States, where media is considered free and guaranteed under the first amendment of the U.S. constitution, U.S. President Donald Trump called critical media including CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Post, BuzzFeed, Huffington Post as enemies of the people. Fortunately, there is not much the president can do to stop the American media. The United States is considered number 33  and ranked as “free” in the world when it comes to freedom of the press.
The UN Specialized Agency for Tourism UNWTO  has now openly declared eTurboNews as the enemy of world tourism.
The agency spent United Nations money to hire the law firm Case Lombardi & Pettie in Honolulu, Hawaii to deliver a demand email to Cease and Desist Defamatory Statements against UNWTO. The letter was emailed on November 21 to Juergen Steinmetz, publisher of eTurboNews.
The letter doesn’t explain what the complaint is referring to. The attorneys did not respond for the last 2 weeks after repeated letters and phone calls by eTurboNews. UNWTO also did not respond to inquiries by eTN.
Just two weeks earlier eTN Publisher Juergen Steinmetz met Marcelo Risi, Head of media relations of UNWTO during the recently concluded World Travel Market in London. Steinmetz urged  Risi to re-open the channel of communication between eTurboNews and UNWTO to avoid any type of one-sided reports.
Ever since Secretary-General Zurab  Pololikashvili  was appointed to lead the tourism body as of January 1, 2018, no response was ever received to questions by eTurboNews reporters. Accreditation to the General Assembly in St. Petersburg Russia was denied for eTurboNews staff.
Reaching out to the Russian host was also without success. Russia is considered spot 174 in world press freedom and ranked as “not free”.
How UNWTO, a United Nations Agency wants to silence U.S. media?
eTurboNews emails to UNWTO email receivers were blocked by the UN Specialized Agency during the General Assembly in September.
eTN had to contact UNWTO readers and suggested to them to subscribe with their personal email instead.  The email eTN used to contact UNWTO staff was the same email the Honolulu law firm used to contact the eTurboNews publisher with their demand letter on behalf of UNWTO. After the eTN email to UNWTO staff,  the internet web-server of this publication was hacked by an unknown attacker and the keyword “UNWTO” was temporarily erased during the criminal attack on this publication server.Tech experts by the hosting company deleted a malicious script and file implanted under the name “Iranian hacker” on the eTN server. It’s unclear if there is a connection between UNWTO and Iran. eTurboNews reported why Iran is important to UNWTO in December 2018. Iran is country number 190 when it comes to freedom of press and considered  “not free.”
Despite the ongoing attack by UNWTO, eTurboNews continued to be the number one global publication covering the agencies’ press statements without edit and in a mostly positive way.  As of today, eTurboNews published  3794 press-releases and stories on UNWTO over the last 12 years. It does not include articles published on the other publications under the TravelNewsGroup .
eTurboNews continued and will continue to report about UNWTO.
eTN Publisher Juergen Steinmetz said: “eTurboNews had received many confidential outcries for help from members of the inner circle within the UNWTO and only published a fraction of such feedback. We always crosscheck such content and provide an opportunity for UNWTO to comment.  Ever since 2018 UNWTO has not responded to emails or phone calls and did not comment on eTurboNews.  The Secretary-General did not invite eTN reporters to press- conferences and disallowed eTN to ask question at the only press conference this publication attended. The conference was by WTTC.”
eTurboNews worked with UNWTO for almost 20 years and represented the global media at the UNWTO task Group against sexual exploitation of children in tourism.
This task group was a priority under the former Secretary-General Dr. Taleb Rifai and was eliminated by Pololikashvili right after he took the helm. No reason was ever given to the members of the task group.
The worst five countries in the world when it comes to press freedom are Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Eritrea, Crimea. and North Korea. The best ratings in press freedom are recorded in Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, and Denmark.
see above list...…..

read news about Hawaii from this website at:

facebook:…/unwtounited-nati… check this out....UNWTO apparently connected to the Hawaii Tourism Authority formerly known as the Pan Pacific entity which used Queen Liliuokalani's signature to assume rights, etc. for themselves.... the "Honorary President" after Queen Liliuokalani died was U.S. President Woodrow 1915 they made her "Queen for a Day" and under duress she signed THEIR documents! ...they gave themselves rights to purchase lands....many governments were involved...Wicked! so, this is yet another Issue of Queen Liliuokalani which remains UNRESOLVED...….fyi. Pass far and wide...…..Freedom of the Press status is also shown off of eTurbo news.....

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