Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Questioning U.S. President Donald Trump's Impeachment Trial Based on Which Constitution and Which Nation?

Questioning U.S. President Donald Trump's Impeachment Trial Based on Which Constitution and Which Nation?

                                                                              Review by Amelia Gora (2019) Researcher, a Royal

U.S.A. Constitution was signed in 1789.

United States Constitution. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. It was adopted in its original form on September 17, 1787 by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and later ratified by the people in conventions in each state in the name of "We the People.".

See the pdf on the U.S. Constitution and the updates at:


A banker's Secret Constitution was signed in 1871.

The United States of America became two nations in 1899:

1)  United States
2)  American Empire


Corruption Exposed: Violations by Judges Over the U.S. Constitution Since 1900

The Truth About the U.S. Constitution
                                              Review by Amelia Gora (2017)
In  the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America, the United States of America is bound by the U.S. Constitution.
Although a Secret banker's Constitution was made in 1871, it was an illegal issue and a fraud which means that the current Congress is operating on Fraud, deceit, conspiracies etc. against other nations/states which includes the Hawaiian Kingdom.
The following is an article explaining the ramifications of the U.S. Constitution:

The Honolulu republican. (Honolulu, T.H.) 1900-1902, December 27, 1900, Page THREE, Image 3

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

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NOTE:   In essence, the violations of the U.S. Constitution would be o.k.
Appeal process would then be the next step, because the violations would be allowed to slip by.  
This means that the U.S. Constitution is not being adhered to.
Note that this explanation is dated 1900 when U.S. President McKinley made a Proclamation over the Hawaiian Islands and allowed the Justices to operate on special terms or administrative rules rather than rule of law which pertained to the U.S. Constitution.
The rules made then, is in violation of "the principles of the Constitution."
The United States is bound to the principles of the Constitution which means that "it can never acquire an island of the sea, a belt across the isthmus, a station for a naval base...."
It appears that the Judicial System moved to acquire something that they could not legally acquire just to accommodate the Proclamation made by the U.S. President McKinley, and the Army, Navy, and Federal officials to make a foreign nation appear legal, disregarding the violations or the Rule of Laws set in place by many of the other Presidential administrations.
U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani.
U.S. President Cleveland rightfully followed the U.S. Constitution because he knew that under the U.S. Constitution he would be in violation if he assumed a foreign nation.

U.S. President McKinley and his legal people moved to cover McKinley's illegal moves.
U.S. President McKinley did set up a Sham entity, and identity thieving entity called/developed as the Territory turned State under the U.S. President Eisenhower's Executive Order and the Presidents since McKinley utilized his Federal employees to cover his tracks which shows that corruption/CORRUPTION is documented.

U.S. President Kennedy brought Hawaii out of the American Empire status by allowing voting to occur.

Kennedy, unlike the other Presidents also began to print his own money without utilizing the Federal Reserves private bankers monetary notes.

Kennedy was assassinated in Texas after having a Mayor's meeting in the Hawaiian Islands in which he declared that the Presidents would no longer appoint the Mayor, Governor. (Review the 1900 article again to understand this part.)

The most recent video of Karen Hudes also makes it clear that the Judges, etc. are indeed Corrupt and operating without the Rule of Law.
Watch the following video for more information:
                                              off of Facebook: Our 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii is aligned with the U,S. Constitution of 1789 ....important info presented by Whistleblower Karen Hudes
All of humanity is united in a coalition for the rule of law to exchange the Federal Reserve Notes and other fractional reserve currencies in a Global Curren...

Diary: One World Order Background or The Dark Forces ...
Jan 02, 2015 · One World Order Background or The Dark Forces Secrets. By Amelia Gora ... Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes, Alayne Fleischmann, and Amelia Gora. Compiled by Amelia Gora (2014) ... Amelia Gora Social ...

PEACOCK vs. The Republic of Hawaii case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1899, Supreme Court Case of Hawaii - not the court of original jurisdiction/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. 'The United States became a two part nation:  1) the United States, which deals with nations which has treaties with the United States, and 2) American Empire, which deals with Territories, lesser than a recognized nation.'


The impeachment trial of U.S. President Donald Trump is to be questioned due to the questionable basis of WHICH U.S. CONSTITUTION is Congress using...…….

                                         the 1789 U.S. Constitution or

                                         the 1871 SECRET U.S. Constitution - also known as the banker's


Which Nation is being used in the impeachment trial?

                                         the  United States?

                                   or the American Empire?


The issue is that Ukraine was asked to check on Biden...….Is Ukraine a nation or a Territory?

Appears Ukraine is a Territory, which means that it operates with the American Empire!  Ukraine is a Territory of Russia.

So, the word must be shared far and wide because appears Congress is Not honest as to the status and which Nation, and which Constitution is being used in the Impeachment Trial of U.S. President Donald Trump!

Hint:  Under the U.S. Secret Banker's Constitution, and working under the American Empire nation, it doesn't appear that U.S. Donald Trump is affected and would be not guilty in the trial.

I see the bear...Russia in the background...…….

Something smells and I know it's Not Me! ;)



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