Sunday, December 8, 2019

U.S. President Candidate - Saving America and the Earth: Alfred Lambremont Webre vs. 666 Donald Trump

Exploring the prophetic identity of Donald John Trump by Alfred Lambremont Webre

Exploring the prophetic identity of Donald John Trump by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Maine Republic Email Report: “As Maine Goes, So Goes the Nation”
I am Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, a Futurist born on May 24, 1942, at the U.S. Naval station Hospital, Pensacola, Florida, USA. I am campaigning for the office of U.S. President in the November 3, 2020 election.
My 2020 Campaign seeks (1) to block Donald John Trump from our White House and the U.S. Presidency, as I have concluded Trump is the 666 AntiChrist predicted by Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation and will cause catastrophic harm to America and our Earth.
(2) As U.S. President, I will implement a Living Platform for a Renewed America and a New Earth.

The HyperTexts: Is Donald Trump the Anti-Christ? ― 666 Fifth Avenue Mark of the BEAST
Donald J. Trump: 666 Mark of the Beast
By: The HyperTexts
(Super thread)
Is Donald J. Trump the Beast of Revelation? Why does the number 666 keep turning up ― over & over again ― where Trump & his family are concerned, as documented extensively in this thread?
In your opinion, is it likely that Donald Trump’s hair transplant conceals “666”, the mark of the beast?’s-hair-transplant-conceals-666-the-mark-of-the-beast
Donald Trump is the ANTICHRIST
Trump Calls Himself ‘The Chosen One’ And ‘King Of Israel’ In One Day, ‘Antichrist’ Trends On Twitter
Trump Is The Antichrist So Apocalypse Is Coming, According To The Internet
Donald Trump = 666 Antichrist using ‘Evil=48 Code’ of A=49, B50, C51…Z74
DON THE DEVIL Donald Trump is the Antichrist who’ll bring the Apocalypse, crackpots claim – citing Bible references to a charismatic ‘big talker’ sparking the end of the world
Could the new president be the ‘Antichrist’ who is set to trigger the end of the world?
Is Trump REALLY the Antichrist? The Donald’s terrifying 666 pattern REVEALED
Could be, and this theory also has merit- The 1st Beast= Luciferian Dark (Deep State) vs.2nd Beast – Trump and ‘White Hat Alliance’=Luciferian Lite.

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