Thursday, December 19, 2019

Vol VII No. 784 - Part 2

  1. Mauna Kea - Wikipedia
    • Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano on the island of Hawaii. Its peak is 4,207.3 m above sea level, making it the highest point in the state of Hawaii. Most of the volcano is underwater, and when measured from its underwater base, Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world, measuring over 10,000 m in height. Mauna Kea is about a million years old, and has thus passed the most active shield stage of life hundreds of thousands of years ago. In its current post-shield state, its lava is more viscous
    See more on · Text under CC-BY-SA license
    • Location: Hawaii County, Hawaii, United States
    • Isolation: 3,947 km (2,453 mi) 
    • Elevation: 4,207.3 m (13,803 ft) 
    • Prominence: 4,207.3 m (13,803 ft) 
One of the most legendary Kanaka Maoli leaders of our time who was one of the 38 Kupuna arrested on the frontlines at Mauna Kea on July 17, 2019. She was the first elected Kia’aina of Ka Lāhui Hawai’i who helped author the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. She spoke on the Palace grounds with her sister Haunani-Kay 27 years ago and we are honored to have her as a speaker on January 17. 2020. #WeAreNotAmerican #Onipaa2020
Healani Sonoda-Pale
Mililani B Trask, one of the most legendary Kanaka Maoli leaders of our time who was one of the 38 Kupuna arrested on the frontlines at Mauna Kea on July 17, 20...19. She was the first elected Kia’aina of Ka Lāhui Hawai’i who helped author the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. She spoke on the Palace grounds with her sister Haunani-Kay 27 years ago and we are honored to have her as a speaker on January 17. 2020. #WeAreNotAmerican #Onipaa2020
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The Automatic Meteor Observation System — or AMOS — was installed on the roof of the control building of the Submillimeter Array on Maunakea in September 2018 but was not activated until October this year because of weather delays.
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I am amazed that these students lasted so long. They really elevated the issue of UH supporting the TMT to another level.
Be there to do protocol, mahalo these ikaika students and support them one last time 5pm UH Wise Field Protocol on Friday 12/20/2019.
The Thirty Meter Telescope occupation is finally coming to an end.
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  • Frank Silva This is Mahi Pono, vote out who let them in, who were they?
  • Lynn Parlett Sadly they were just voted back into power in May. And voting is compulsory in Australia, so I don't know what the fudge people were thinking.
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Nate Yuen
The Fateful Day -- July 17, 2019. A group of young kia'i from Puna watch in disbelief as the police arrive en masse at Pu'u Huluhulu.
  • Jonathan Mather Let the true character of these usurpers be emblazoned in all young minds. Yes, with Aloha, but Aloha means representing what is righteous for self as well ...
    People who are exclusively takers
    WILL take as much as they can get, regardless of decency,
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  • Nadav Yair The news media is directed by the government. They are told only to cover stories implying that the Hawaiian movement may suggest something illegal if not more than that...once the government has any or enough information they will tip the scales in thSee More
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Hāwane Rios is at Pu’uhonua o Pu’uhuluhulu.
Aloha ‘Āina,⠀

On this Saturday December 21st, the day that marks the Winter Solstice, we will be debuting the music video for my song ‘Mana Wahine’ - a dedica...tion to all Kia‘i wahine standing to protect Mauna a Wākea and the rights of Mother Earth here and around the world. In the next few days, I will be sharing stories of the inspiration behind this song that was written back in 2013 after meeting my dear soul sister Ngahuia Murphy of Aotearoa. I will also be highlighting a few of the women in my life who have guided and shaped me on my journey. A deep Mahalo to @jalena.kl and @ambiespino of @breaktide for creating such beautiful and loving space to carry out the filming of this dedication and to Valen Ahlo for the incredible drone footage. Mahalo piha from my heart to everyone who helped and supported the blossoming of this video. Truly grateful. ⠀

When we stand together heart to heart, womb to womb, intention to intention all the grandmothers in our lineages rejoice. We are what they prayed for, what they always hoped for us to be. Oh the strength and grace we are destined to pass down. Mana wahine. ⠀

Pictured above are stills from the upcoming video.
#manawahine @ Pu’uhonua o Pu’uhuluhulu

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Laulani Teale added a new photo to the album: December 2019.
Ho, check out Liko’s print (using the stencil inside Allison Leialoha Milham’s awesome album of the Queen’s songs! Pretty nice, huh? Sierra, he was def paying attention in stencil class! Def an upgrade to the jacket — we know who’s got his back!!
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Hawaii County Council just postponed Bill 115 to the call of the Chair. It would have allowed up to $10 million state funds to be funneled to County for up to 5... years for Police actions related to Mauna Kea and the TMT. Earlier Res. 403-19 accepting $10 million for activities related to TMT construction on the mauna was defeated 9-0. Action will be taken next year to accept state money up to the amount already incurred by Hi. Co. Police, but sever any commitment to being TMT's police force for the next 5 years.
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Posted by Mahealani Mika
Mahealani Mika
By: Josh Tatofi Jt
Hālau: Kilohana Japan

With everything going on at home in Hawai’i, with my time and experiences on the mauna, I had an opp...ortunity to create Hula to send a message to the people of Japan who were watching. Our beautiful home is celebrated all over the world but the ugly truths of what our people have to endure is never exposed or talked about. People in Japan have been to thousands of Hula shows but I hope tonight, when they watched us dance, they could feel a sense of hurt, sadness, pride, anger, frustration, beauty, resilience & strength. I hope our performance made some sort of difference in the eyes of the audience that they could remember when they went home and started to ask questions, started doing research and started to ponder what our performance was really about.

This Hula was created from the depths of me, for the love of my home and people and “For The Lāhui”.


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Pu'uhonua o Pu'uhuluhulu Maunakea was live.
Today the Hawaiʻi County Council voted unanimously to reject Resolution 403-19 and Bill 115 today. They were to decide whether to accept $10 million from the St...ate as a grant for “expenses incurred by the Police Department in response to protest activities related to the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope.”
Those testifying asked crucial questions: If the current costs total $4.7 million, what is the County agreeing to do with the remaining $5.3 million? Where did this money come from? What process is being used to provision these funds and to accept these funds? Where is the transparency in this process?
Sound answers never emerged.
In response, the Council decided to send the State a strong message. They are not a rubber stamp. They will not advance plans that do not take into account the will of their citizens.
If the State would like to try again, they would have to restart the effort and follow a much more transparent and community-driven process.
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Just finished scanning through Ige’s supplemental budget:
DLNR - $3.2 million added to FY2020 for law enforcement expenses for Mauna Kea. Translated it means they are going to increase the number of DOCARE officers on the Mauna and their overtime.
Attorney Generals Office -$3.2 million added to FY2020 to fund 17 more Full Time Positions. Translated it means they are going to try to criminally investigate every single Kia’i leader out there.
Department of Defense - $3.8 million added to FY2020 “to assist the DOD Army National Guard to cover costs related to public safety operational requirements.” Budget description cites that the National Guard has already been providing support to local law enforcement. Translated it means the State will continue to use National Guard against peaceful and unarmed protectors on Mauna Kea.
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Healani Sonoda-Pale
Just finished scanning through Ige’s supplemental budget:
DLNR - $3.2 million added to FY2020 for law enforcement expenses for Mauna Kea. Translated it means ...they are going to increase the number of DOCARE officers on the Mauna and their overtime.
Attorney Generals Office -$3.2 million added to FY2020 to fund 17 more Full Time Positions. Translated it means they are going to try to criminally investigate every single Kia’i leader out there.
Department of Defense - $3.8 million added to FY2020 “to assist the DOD Army National Guard to cover costs related to public safety operational requirements.” Budget description cites that the National Guard has already been providing support to local law enforcement. Translated it means the State will continue to use National Guard against peaceful and unarmed protectors on Mauna Kea.
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  • Aubrey Ahl Get one of those Jobs... And don't do it! Run your own agenda! Kinda like the rest of the government!
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Kahu Richard Maele DeLeon
Na ‘Aumakua

Adapted from Hawaiian Antiquities by David Malo
Na ‘Aumakua mai ka la hiki a ka la kau!
Mai ka ho’oku’i a ka halawai
Na ‘Aumakua ia Kahinakua, ia Ka...hina’alo
Ia ka’a ‘akau i ka lani
‘O kiha i ka lani
‘Owe i ka lani
Nunulu i ka lani
Kaholo i ka lani
Eia na pulapula a ‘oukou ‘o ka po’e Hawai’i
E malama ‘oukou ia makou
E ulu i ka lani
E ulu i ka honua
E ulu i ka pae’aina o Hawai’i
E ho mai i ka ‘ike
E ho mai i ka ikaika
E ho mai i ke akamai
E ho mai i ka maopopo pono
E ho mai i ka ‘ike papalua
E ho mai i ka mana.
‘Amama ua noa.

Ancestors from the rising to the setting sun
From the zenith to the horizon
Ancestors who stand at our back and front
You who stand at our right hand
A breathing in the heavens
An utterance in the heavens
A clear, ringing voice in the heavens
A voice reverberating in the heavens
Here are your descendants, the Hawaiians
Safeguard us
That we may flourish in the heavens
That we may flourish on earth
That we may flourish in the Hawaiian islands
Grant us knowledge
Grant us strength
Grant us intelligence
Grant us understanding
Grant us insight
Grant us power
The prayer is lifted, it is free.
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Posted by The Light Affect
The Light Affect
The origin story of Hoaka Ka Lima Hana of Maui, Hawaii.
Filmed on a Canon C100
Created by Matt Williams of
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ʻŌiwi TV
The 2019 Mokuola Honua Symposium brought together language advocates from different indigenous communities to discuss best practices and strategies for language revitalization and normalization. Check out the video recap which includes thoughts from those who presented and attended.

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On the eve of Julian Assange’s next procedural hearing (which is expected to determine whether the February extradition hearing will proceed as currently scheduled) a group of very concerned and very determined Australians supported by John Shipton’s amazing #JulesMobile 2.0 took action in front of the @British Consulate in Melbourne. An event organised by #Melbourne4Wikileaks supported by many good individuals and #AustraliansForAssange
Screaming their disgust at the US and... UK's blatant abuse of power, and the relentless persecution and torture of an an innocent, Australian citizen, A POLITICAL PRISONER... for having the courage to tell the world about their heinous #WarCrimes, rampant #Corruption and disgraceful #HumanRights abuses. Thank you Melbourne Australia for standing in solidarity for #Assange with many others around the world today.
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  • Alex Hills lots of smears and dis / mis info in this although better than some.
  • Elizabeth Ecks The case is hardly complex He is only in prison due to lots of breaches of the law. He stands zero chance of a fair trial due to the biased jurisdiction and the US spying on and recording his legal conferences and stealing his papers & computers. PlusSee More
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"Manifestation om Assange utanför Storbritanniens ambassad! Se och lyssna på uttalandet som lämnades till ambassaden!"…/
Att utlämna journalisten Julian Assange till USA skulle vara ett angrepp på yttrandefriheten och skulle bidra till en oåterkallelig underminering av demokratin.
Vi uppmanar Storbritannien att inte utlämna Julian Assange och försvara yttrandefriheten!
Svenska stödkommittén för Julian Assange.
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