Saturday, January 4, 2020

Vol VI No. 675 Part 2

Debra Kekaualua The Fifth Sense newly published will give you a DEEPER understanding of not only criminal HPD, but ALSO more criminal murderous peeps that surround Kauai PD and all the current skankin dou che baglets that proves their complicit activities with EV ER Y cold case they DO NOT want solved due to their involvement. mAhalo ke akua for directing me to a FB site that has been trying to break this story and like me who FB is pending my going to be FB jailed for my sharing TRUTH and INTEGRITY. Should i turn up dead, please see kollar or mullineaux from pittsburgh who unsuccessfully tried to criminalize me and pohaks

Codefore -news-books-articles-opinions-politics,cold case, Murder, books, child abduction

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Reply14 hrs
Kalani Pruet Didn't realize this kind of CIU units operating in many other states got similar issues of corruption.

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