Friday, March 27, 2020

CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST!!! Important about Fever Meds for the Coronavirus19



DO NOT TAKE ADVIL OR IBUPROFEN - kick starts /feeds the virus......these people had major issues with breathing......

Those who died had Advil and Ibuprofen...……...only take ACETAMINOPHEN, Tylenol...…..


l.  stay home, well, and safe
2. Do Not take Advil or Ibuprofen - virus thrives on these.
3.  Those who recovered did Not have Advil or Ibuprofen in their body.
4.  Check with you private physician.


Dealing with the issue of the virus can be stressful; which can wear down one’s immune system. With all the negativity try putting in some positive actions to relieve your stress threshold.
I try to sing, smile, think of good things to subdue my stress. One way is to use my mantra, “In with the good and out with the bad!” Say it often and daily. Keep a positive attitude and exercise often. Think of wellness and resist the virus mentally. Meditation is another avenue and practice the safety regiment of washing one’s hands often, and follow the suggestions shared to protect yourself.
Get enough rest and drink a lot of water to flush your system. Eat well-balanced meals and keep a good attitude. Find an interesting book to read and relax. Remember, in with the good and out with the bad. Find things to laugh about. Be safe, careful, mindful and happy.

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