Friday, March 27, 2020

Vol VII No. 798 - Part 3

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Amelia Gora
  • Rose Roa Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian's recent (and very public) insinuation that it was the "US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan" represents not just a breach of diplomatic protocol, but the language of a belligerent in a time of war. Given the incredibly large question marks surrounding every aspect of this current pandemic, the suggestion that the novel coronavirus is actually from Fort Detrick is hardly outlandish. But keep in mind that it's not some online conspiracy realist giving credence to this idea, it's an actual representative of the Chinese government. This is not an accusation that is made lightly.

    But it's not just China pointing fingers at Uncle Sam. While Chinese government spokesmen are raising the specter that coronavirus is Made in the USA™, the Trump administration is going out of its way to rebrand SARS-Cov-2 as "the Chinese virus." Petty as it may seem, these semantics matter. As anyone who has spent any time online in the last few weeks has noticed, the fluoride-addled, MSM-addicted portion of the American public have been energized by this anti-Chinese rhetoric and the Chinese have replaced the Russians as the bogeyman du jour in the minds of the easily-spooked normies.

    Escobar concludes his report by forwarding the possibility that this entire coronavirus crisis is a "massive psy-op creating the perfect geopolitical and social engineering environment for full-spectrum dominance." The pressing question, he contends, is: "[W]ill imperial elites still choose to keep waging full-spectrum-dominance hybrid war against China" when this is all over?

    Given the broader context of the American-Chinese conflict that—as I have repeatedly contended—is being set up to be the defining struggle of the 21st century, Escobar's analysis is plausible enough.

    But, as I have also repeatedly contended, this century-defining Great Powers struggle between China and the US is (just like the Cold War of the 20th century) a stage-managed, manipulated and, ultimately, phony conflict. The real battle is not going to be between "China" and "the US," as if these are meaningful labels in the 21st century. No, the real battle is going to be between the banksters and would-be societal engineers and the mass of humanity.

    If this hybrid war truly is World War III, then we have to make a very basic determination: Who are the combatants, and what are they fighting for? This is the easiest thing to determine in any war, isn't it? Just look which way the troops are pointing their guns and you will find who their enemy is, right?

    So, let's take a look.
    The International Forecaster | WWIII Has Begun International Forecaster Weekly
    The International Forecaster | WWIII Has Begun International
Dealing with the issue of the virus can be stressful; which can wear down one’s immune system. With all the negativity try putting in some positive actions to relieve your stress threshold.
I try to sing, smile, think of good things to subdue my stress. One way is to use my mantra, “In with the good and out with the bad!” Say it often and daily. Keep a positive attitude and exercise often. Think of wellness and resist the virus mentally. Meditation is another avenue and practice the safety regiment of washing one’s hands often, and follow the suggestions shared to protect yourself.
Get enough rest and drink a lot of water to flush your system. Eat well-balanced meals and keep a good attitude. Find an interesting book to read and relax. Remember, in with the good and out with the bad. Find things to laugh about. Be safe, careful, mindful and happy.

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Environmentally-Caused Disease Crisis? Pesticide Damage to DNA Found 'Programmed' Into Future Generations

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Maui's tenant Monsanto makes a planet-wreaking product - where is its conscience - why do we tolerate them?

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr: More than 450 #farmers killed themselves across nine Midwestern states from 2014 to 2018. The real total is likely to be higher because not every state provided #suicide data for every year and some redacted portions of the data.

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THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO TESTIFIED FOR ARTISANAL COMPOSTING!! We've made it this far, we've now got another round to go -- we need numbers -- PLEASE TESTIFY BY TOMORROW and SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS!
HOW TO SUBMIT TESTIMONY: Go to and click Register at the top right. Fill in the blanks in the middle of the page. If you are already registered, Sign In at the top right of that page (Fill in your user name and password as requested.)
Click the ora...nge "Submit Testimony" button in the middle of the page. In the blank on the left, enter the bill number. (ex.SB2532)
Click "Get Hearing"
Check "Support" (sometimes you will want to check "Oppose" but not for SB2532)
Check "No" you will not be in attendance at hearing
Check "Individual" Scroll down and click "Submit." Pat yourself on the back.
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Beyond Pesticides
Environmental Conservation Organization
Beyond Pesticides
What do goats, steam & compost have in common? They are all tools in our efforts to keep toxic pesticides off of our Maui parks and roadways.
Come check out t...his important documentary about the pesticides used in our parks & landscapes, and how they affect our children. Film will be followed by a discussion on:
๐ŸŒฑWhat Maui County is doing to keep pesticides off of our parks, sidewalks and other public spaces, including upcoming legislation that would make ALL Maui County owned parks and public spaces pesticide free by law.
๐ŸŒฑWhat you can do to make your lawn, home-owners' association, apartment complex or workplace pesticide free.
Seating is limited. Please RSVP here:…
Lite finger pupu and drinks included~~Please bring your own cups and a plate if you can~~
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Cocaine @JPMorgan #Corrupt

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