Sunday, March 8, 2020

Vol VII No. 795 - Part 2

as you may know...the U.S. became two (2) nations in 1898 due to U.S. President McKinley's move to develop a Territory...he enlisted the Army, Navy, and Federal personnel to help.... the U.S. became two nations according to case law PEACOCK vs. Republic of Hawaii, which means that the Hawaiian Kingdom was disregarded as a nation and a new entity was created which became the territory of the American they added territories which include parts of the Hawaiian archipelago...namely, Cornwallis Island, Stewart Island, Palmyra Island... we operate as the Hawaiian Kingdom and see the 'developed' territory as the second group which became lesser than a nation, a territory which was included in the Puerto Rico, etc. group. Another example is France which has Tahiti as a territory...we do not interact with Tahiti but France - a nation..... Our Hawaiian government never went the 1899 case and draw diagrams for understanding.....and know that U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii back to the Queen in 1893, 1894, and 1897....Cleveland also stated that the Queen's government was the only legitimate government.....the usurpers also documented that the Hawaiian government went "underground"....well, the Kamehameha's existed then and the descendants exists today exposing the wrongs ….Maka ala you sleeping giants... we are the ones who pointed out the alodio titles, the conspiracies, etc. We are part of the House of Nobles and are Kamehameha's descendants, heirs, and part of Kalanimoku's and Kaahumanu's Families as well.....genealogies tell a lot and our families were the glue that helped to keep the Hawaiian government together in the past and working today as well.....supporting all kanaka maoli with alodio titles today and defining the aliens who have done so many wrongs to our people over time....Hang in there and reclaim you tutu's aina.....questions? aloha.
With all the talk about Hawaiian Rights and cultural efficacy where if any is there any agency, public or private thatสปs speaking to Kanaka Health relative to this global deadly Coronavirus?
Hawaii County Ethics Commission is debating the legitimacy of those NaKanaka praying on MaunaKea with the governor is still looking for more money to arrest those Mauna Kea prayer warriors to lock them up; Kanaka health clearly seems to be irrelevant to state and local government. Simply put whereสปs the “Aloha” if not basic common sense on the part of our nonsensical local government?
HONOLULU (KHON2) — Hawaii doctors have alerted the Department of Health at least 8 times about patients they thought could have coronavirus, but none of them were tested. Always Investigating explains why.
The state tells KHON2 the eight patients flagged by doctors did not meet the definition requiring testing. Hawaii is among just a handful of U.S. states and territories that have not submitted samples to the CDC.
The state Department of Health’s daily update still shows no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Hawaii. There are 61 people self-monitoring (55 on Oahu, 4 Hawaii Island,1 Maui, 1 is Kauai) but none are in quarantine. The DOH says there are no “persons under investigation.”
To the politically blind and economically disadvantaged it becomes increasingly clear that our local government here in Hawaii is lying to everyone, not just the locals but to everyone. Everyone is subject to this rampant Coronavirus, so why the reluctance on the part of the “chosen few” that are lead to believe they are impervious to this deadly viral threat? The facts are evident, our local government is in clear denial of Hawaiiสปs exisintg health threat and doing nothing significant in the process. If you think wearing a cotton rubber-band mask and washing your hands is going to prevent you from getting any virus you have been grossly mislead.
The Coronavirus is here in Hawaii and the real question demands, “Why isnสปt the government is doing anything significant about it?” It makes absolutely no sense at all that those potentially at risk are ambivalent to this current crisis. So whoสปs really calling the shots here? Who in the shadows are making the real decisions? More importantly from the Hawaiian Community perspective, whereสปs the leadership and effective strategy necessary for our continued sustenance?
Think about it, when bubonic plague in the mid-1300สปs hit Europe and Asia killing an estimated 25-30 million people, why did some survive and others not? In Hawaii our population prior to 1778 was estimated by our historical research to be greater than a million people that was dramatically reduced by 1920; the Native Hawaiian population had dwindled to just under 24,000, according to the U.S. Census. Why did some of us survive and other not? Simply answer: Our Immune System
So why isnสปt our local government and pro-Kingdom peeps making that simple connection between a viral threat and our biological defense system to argue for a viral immunity evasion strategy in our local communities? Arguing in the International Court of Justice is just as amateurish as bitching to the government to stop screwing us. When will people pull their heads our of their ass, wake up and take responsibility for themselves with a predictable positive outcome?
Anecdotal Clinical Recommendation FOR LOCALS ONLY:
So what a bradah can do? STOP eating and drinking processed food. Go all natural loสปi action meaสปai. No MacDonoสปs and Coke, no booze, no cigarettes, no stress. What foreva? No, jus til the shit passes and you good nohoสปi eสป………gettum ? k den - no make anykine, jus doสปyum
jus sayสปn©

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