Amelia Gora shared a post.
Lawrence Ha'ae
Hawaiian Kingdom:
Either Unite as One Voice with a Royal Kingdom Head from either end of the Spectrum, Ha'ae, or Kamehameha, or continue on your Journey on the... Slow Boat too China!
And You're individual Successes however sleight or great, will be Jettisoned Forward, from either End! Your Unity as One? Giving Us, The Active Royal Family the Power to immediately Engage!! The Kingdom exists!See More
This will be My Last and Final Plea from my Spectrum The Ha'ae Dynasty end of it!
Not from the Kamehameha end of the Dynasty, Princess Amelia Gora I do not speak for Her. That is her Right! I hold Deep Respect for Her!
You have heard mine from my Ha'ae side of the Spectrum. My Rank Remains!
With that said....
Figure it out!!!
Both ends are getting short!
Hawaiian Kingdom:
Either Unite as One Voice with a Royal Kingdom Head from either end of the Spectrum, Ha'ae, or Kamehameha, or continue on your Journey on the Slow Boat too China!
And You're individual Successes however sleight or great, will be Jettisoned Forward, from either End! Your Unity as One? Giving Us, The Active Royal Family the Power to immediately Engage!! The Kingdom exists!
Either Unite as One Voice with a Royal Kingdom Head from either end of the Spectrum, Ha'ae, or Kamehameha, or continue on your Journey on the Slow Boat too China!
And You're individual Successes however sleight or great, will be Jettisoned Forward, from either End! Your Unity as One? Giving Us, The Active Royal Family the Power to immediately Engage!! The Kingdom exists!
This will be My Last and Final Plea from my Spectrum The Ha'ae Dynasty end of it!
Not from the Kamehameha end of the Dynasty, Princess Amelia Gora I do not speak for Her. That is her Right! I hold Deep Respect for Her!
You have heard mine from my Ha'ae side of the Spectrum. My Rank Remains!
With that said....
Figure it out!!!
Both ends are getting short!
See MoreNot from the Kamehameha end of the Dynasty, Princess Amelia Gora I do not speak for Her. That is her Right! I hold Deep Respect for Her!
You have heard mine from my Ha'ae side of the Spectrum. My Rank Remains!
With that said....
Figure it out!!!
Both ends are getting short!
Lookee here...……….well, well, well...……...your, look, listen...… vigilant kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli….and friends…/more-premeditatio… This one was a Captain in the Army...sound familiar folks? Psyops in the air!…/more-premeditatio… This one was a Captain in the Army...sound familiar folks? Psyops in the air!…/more-premeditatio… This one was a Captain in the Army...sound familiar folks? Psyops in the air!
Challenge to all you self-proclaimed King, Queen, Premier, etc.: So, are you people Kamehameha's descendants.... you have to review the REX vs. BOOTH case....if you're NOT part of the Royal Families, you are No different from the usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani ...period!
The Undisputed Truth - Smiling Faces Sometimes
See More
Reuen Tapari Maori environmental activist.
7 steps to NZ land occupation:
1/ find a new land and declare it property of the British Crown.
2/ Scout for any nat...ives, assess potential threat to occupation and kill them all
3/ distract resilient natives with shiny baubles and books of faith and rum...then kill them all
4/ further distract any surviving natives with Treaties and promises of justice... then kill them all
5/ Declare war on any natives who disagree with occupation, label them rebels, terrorists and cannibals...then kill them all
6/ divide last of the remaining natives into groups called gangs, sports teams, political parties, religious sects etc and give them beer and drugs, then slowly so as to not arouse suspicion of the 4/5ths of the worlds indigenous population of natives, with potential to induce a rebellion try to kill them all
7/ continue this procedure until all natives are dead and the Crown has full authority over the New land...
7 steps to NZ land occupation:
1/ find a new land and declare it property of the British Crown.
2/ Scout for any nat...ives, assess potential threat to occupation and kill them all
3/ distract resilient natives with shiny baubles and books of faith and rum...then kill them all
4/ further distract any surviving natives with Treaties and promises of justice... then kill them all
5/ Declare war on any natives who disagree with occupation, label them rebels, terrorists and cannibals...then kill them all
6/ divide last of the remaining natives into groups called gangs, sports teams, political parties, religious sects etc and give them beer and drugs, then slowly so as to not arouse suspicion of the 4/5ths of the worlds indigenous population of natives, with potential to induce a rebellion try to kill them all
7/ continue this procedure until all natives are dead and the Crown has full authority over the New land...
if plan is successful, educate descendants of this strategy to blame the natives for their own demise as uneducated, unsophisticated natives adverse to a prosperous and united future based on respect and justice of the Crown to protect them.....
something like that
See Moresomething like that
University proposes new Mauna Kea rules
By Timothy Hurley August 21, 2018 Updated August 21, 2018 12:05am
University proposes new Mauna Kea rules
By Timothy Hurley August 21, 2018 Updated August 21, 2018 12:05am
The University of Hawaii at Manoa will hold the first of four public meetings on proposed rules for UH-managed lands on Mauna Kea. Skiing, snowboarding, sledding and other winter sports may be restricted to maintain public safety and welfare, according to a proposal. A lone snowboarder slices down the slopes of Mauna Kea.
A gate to limit vehicular access and restrictions on snow play are among the proposals found in a set of rules being offered up for the summit of Mauna Kea.
The University of Hawaii next month will hold a series of public hearings on draft administrative rules governing public and commercial activities on UH-managed lands on the mountain.
The first of the four hearings will be held on Oahu from 5 to 7 p.m. Sept. 24 at the Sullivan Conference Center, UH Cancer Center, 701 Ilalo St. in Honolulu.
As proposed, the gate would be used to control vehicles and restrict access to portions of the Mauna Kea area.
Regarding snow play, skiing, snowboarding, sledding and other winter sports may be restricted to maintain public safety and welfare, to prevent damage to resources and to minimize conflicts among visitors, according to a proposal.
University spokesman Dan Meisenzahl said the rules are preliminary.
“They’re just a starting point,” he said. “They are definitely not where we are going to end up.”
Other draft rules would put restrictions on commercial tours, require permits for public assemblies and make camping off-limits.
As proposed, the rules would allow the university to collect more fees that would go toward increased management of the mountain, Meisenzahl said.
The community-based Envision Maunakea project indicated that a community consensus favors improved management of the mountain with controls on traffic and visitors.
The draft rules also acknowledge the right of Native Hawaiians to exercise protected customary and traditional rights as called for by the Hawaii Constitution and state laws.
“Where such customary and traditional rights have minimal or no impact on existing cultural, natural, or scientific resources, no permit or approval is required under this chapter,” a proposed rule says.
Other rules propose restrictions on any activity that interferes with the operations of the telescopes and related facilities, including the use of any radio transmitters, cellphones and artificial illumination with the exception of vehicle headlights.
Other hearings will be held in Hilo on Sept. 25, Waikoloa on Sept. 26 and on Maui on Sept. 28.
The rules are found online at
Testimony also may be submitted until Sept. 28 online at, via email at or in writing to the UH Government Relations Office, 2442 Campus Road, Administrative Services Building 1-101, Honolulu, HI 96822.
See MoreA gate to limit vehicular access and restrictions on snow play are among the proposals found in a set of rules being offered up for the summit of Mauna Kea.
The University of Hawaii next month will hold a series of public hearings on draft administrative rules governing public and commercial activities on UH-managed lands on the mountain.
The first of the four hearings will be held on Oahu from 5 to 7 p.m. Sept. 24 at the Sullivan Conference Center, UH Cancer Center, 701 Ilalo St. in Honolulu.
As proposed, the gate would be used to control vehicles and restrict access to portions of the Mauna Kea area.
Regarding snow play, skiing, snowboarding, sledding and other winter sports may be restricted to maintain public safety and welfare, to prevent damage to resources and to minimize conflicts among visitors, according to a proposal.
University spokesman Dan Meisenzahl said the rules are preliminary.
“They’re just a starting point,” he said. “They are definitely not where we are going to end up.”
Other draft rules would put restrictions on commercial tours, require permits for public assemblies and make camping off-limits.
As proposed, the rules would allow the university to collect more fees that would go toward increased management of the mountain, Meisenzahl said.
The community-based Envision Maunakea project indicated that a community consensus favors improved management of the mountain with controls on traffic and visitors.
The draft rules also acknowledge the right of Native Hawaiians to exercise protected customary and traditional rights as called for by the Hawaii Constitution and state laws.
“Where such customary and traditional rights have minimal or no impact on existing cultural, natural, or scientific resources, no permit or approval is required under this chapter,” a proposed rule says.
Other rules propose restrictions on any activity that interferes with the operations of the telescopes and related facilities, including the use of any radio transmitters, cellphones and artificial illumination with the exception of vehicle headlights.
Other hearings will be held in Hilo on Sept. 25, Waikoloa on Sept. 26 and on Maui on Sept. 28.
The rules are found online at
Testimony also may be submitted until Sept. 28 online at, via email at or in writing to the UH Government Relations Office, 2442 Campus Road, Administrative Services Building 1-101, Honolulu, HI 96822.
Ehu Kekahu Cardwell to Ka Lāhui Hawaiʻi Political Action Committee
KE AUPUNI UPDATE - AUGUST 2018 - http://FreeHawaii.Info
#HawaiianKingdom #FreeHawaii #KeAupuni #LeonSiu #UnitedNations #LaHoihoiEa #TMT #GoHawaii #LetHawaii...Happen
#HawaiianKingdom #FreeHawaii #KeAupuni #LeonSiu #UnitedNations #LaHoihoiEa #TMT #GoHawaii #LetHawaii...Happen
By H.E. Leon Kaulahao Siu - Minister of Foreign Affairs - The Hawaiian Kingdom
Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.
Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea -
175th Anniversary Celebration
The celebration of Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea — Sovereignty Restoration Day — on Sunday, July 29 was the best yet! Maikaʻi loa! With the biggest crowd in modern times, we celebrated the historical event of Great Britainʻs return of control of the Hawaiian Islands to the proper ruler, King Kamehameha III.
The two-year rejuvenation and rededication of Thomas Square (by the City and County of Honolulu) restores the park as a place of historical significance… on par with ʻIolani Palace and Maunaʻala. The restoration was well done and much appreciated, especially for this seminal celebration.
King Kamehameha III Statue -
On July 31, the actual 175th anniversary of Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea — Sovereignty Restoration Day — the city unveiled and dedicated the newly commissioned statue of King Kamehameha III. There were great speeches recounting the history and significance of Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea. Mayor Caldwellʻs speech was exceptional as was Puakea Nogelmeierʻs and Clarke Brightʻs… and the sculptor, Thomas Jay Warren.
The level of honor, credit and recognition of Kamehameha Ekoluʻs character and accomplishments was greatly emphasized. To have City and State officials pay such homage and respect to the King definitely raised public awareness of the true greatness of the Hawaiian Kingdom… and, hopefully, advanced the notion that restoring the Hawaiian Kingdom — again — would be a good thing.
TMT Ruling -
On August 8, the fake-state Supreme Court unanimously ruled against requiring another contested case hearing over the project’s sublease. This “victory” for the TMT moves it closer to being built… according to the policies and rules of the fake-state.
The 5-0 decision leaves only one more question pending: whether the $1.4 billion TMT project will be issued a conditional use permit allowing it to proceed with construction on Mauna Kea.
Or so they think…
The real issues are: Who has title to the land? and Who has jurisdiction over the land? Those questions should be coming front and center soon. And the answers will not be favorable to the fake-State of Hawaii-U.S. cartel.
International -
A lot is happening internationally. After 12 years of using friendly persuasion in various venues of the United Nations, with foreign ministers, diplomats and heads of states from numerous countries… and with the international press… we have made great progress.
People are beginning to ʻget itʻ. Our narrative of who we are, what really happened, what the current situation is, and the goal to restore our kingdom, has begun to sink in. Basically, we have been able to convince people in the international community that: 1) the so-called “US State of Hawaii" is bogus; and 2) the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists and is on the rebound.
A memo was sent in February by UN expert, Dr. Alfred deZayas, to two "State of Hawaii" judges, advising those judges that under international law, their country, the USA, has no lawful jurisdiction in the Hawaiian Islands because the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands is still a sovereign, independent state.
The memo has triggered several actions, one of which is a lawsuit filed by Dr. Keanu Sai to compel President Trump to comply with the Laws of Occupation by administering the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom in the Hawaiian Islands… instead of continuing to impose U.S. laws.
In another action, are working to draft two resolutions to be submitted to the UN General Assembly this Fall. We expect to persuade a significant majority of the UN member states to vote to pass these resolutions. This will ultimately cause the UN to no longer recognize the U.S. claim to the Hawaiian Islands as legitimate.
A number of other actions have been filed in various venues, including ones by a number of Hawaiians to halt the flagrant violations of private property rights (original land titles) by foreigners in collusion with the courts of the State of Hawaii. These challenges will put a stop to the years of illegal land grabbing.
Malama pono,
Leon Siu
See MoreKeeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.
Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea -
175th Anniversary Celebration
The celebration of Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea — Sovereignty Restoration Day — on Sunday, July 29 was the best yet! Maikaʻi loa! With the biggest crowd in modern times, we celebrated the historical event of Great Britainʻs return of control of the Hawaiian Islands to the proper ruler, King Kamehameha III.
The two-year rejuvenation and rededication of Thomas Square (by the City and County of Honolulu) restores the park as a place of historical significance… on par with ʻIolani Palace and Maunaʻala. The restoration was well done and much appreciated, especially for this seminal celebration.
King Kamehameha III Statue -
On July 31, the actual 175th anniversary of Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea — Sovereignty Restoration Day — the city unveiled and dedicated the newly commissioned statue of King Kamehameha III. There were great speeches recounting the history and significance of Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea. Mayor Caldwellʻs speech was exceptional as was Puakea Nogelmeierʻs and Clarke Brightʻs… and the sculptor, Thomas Jay Warren.
The level of honor, credit and recognition of Kamehameha Ekoluʻs character and accomplishments was greatly emphasized. To have City and State officials pay such homage and respect to the King definitely raised public awareness of the true greatness of the Hawaiian Kingdom… and, hopefully, advanced the notion that restoring the Hawaiian Kingdom — again — would be a good thing.
TMT Ruling -
On August 8, the fake-state Supreme Court unanimously ruled against requiring another contested case hearing over the project’s sublease. This “victory” for the TMT moves it closer to being built… according to the policies and rules of the fake-state.
The 5-0 decision leaves only one more question pending: whether the $1.4 billion TMT project will be issued a conditional use permit allowing it to proceed with construction on Mauna Kea.
Or so they think…
The real issues are: Who has title to the land? and Who has jurisdiction over the land? Those questions should be coming front and center soon. And the answers will not be favorable to the fake-State of Hawaii-U.S. cartel.
International -
A lot is happening internationally. After 12 years of using friendly persuasion in various venues of the United Nations, with foreign ministers, diplomats and heads of states from numerous countries… and with the international press… we have made great progress.
People are beginning to ʻget itʻ. Our narrative of who we are, what really happened, what the current situation is, and the goal to restore our kingdom, has begun to sink in. Basically, we have been able to convince people in the international community that: 1) the so-called “US State of Hawaii" is bogus; and 2) the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists and is on the rebound.
A memo was sent in February by UN expert, Dr. Alfred deZayas, to two "State of Hawaii" judges, advising those judges that under international law, their country, the USA, has no lawful jurisdiction in the Hawaiian Islands because the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands is still a sovereign, independent state.
The memo has triggered several actions, one of which is a lawsuit filed by Dr. Keanu Sai to compel President Trump to comply with the Laws of Occupation by administering the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom in the Hawaiian Islands… instead of continuing to impose U.S. laws.
In another action, are working to draft two resolutions to be submitted to the UN General Assembly this Fall. We expect to persuade a significant majority of the UN member states to vote to pass these resolutions. This will ultimately cause the UN to no longer recognize the U.S. claim to the Hawaiian Islands as legitimate.
A number of other actions have been filed in various venues, including ones by a number of Hawaiians to halt the flagrant violations of private property rights (original land titles) by foreigners in collusion with the courts of the State of Hawaii. These challenges will put a stop to the years of illegal land grabbing.
Malama pono,
Leon Siu
This is what bonafide due diligence looks like. Every person serving in any government should question the motivations of every law, every single time ....especially if there there is a question of possible war crimes or crimes against humanity.
Healani Sonoda-Pale shared a video to the group: Ka Lāhui Hawaiʻi Political Action Committee.
Now Hirono knows how Kanaka feel all the time when we try to work with State Leaders and assert our rights to 2 million acres of crown and government lands - it... usually falls to deaf ears of politicians who live in another reality with a different set of truths. Our lands have been STOLEN and the criminals are still occupying these lands. She’s frustrated? Kanaka are beyond frustrated and we are suffering. Hirono remember this feeling of distrust for government leaders. #DeOccupyHawaiianLands#KeepHawaiianLandsinHawaiianHands
See More
See More
NowThis Politics
This senator called off her meeting with Trump's Supreme Court pick since Trump is now implicated in a crime
Nani Ome shared a post to the group: Ka Lāhui Hawaiʻi Political Action Committee.
Mahalo Myron Dewey for sharing...
Myron Dewey to Digital Smoke Signals
The “Oligarchy history” is not just the U.S history, it’s pattern is also in our tribal governments and communities current modern history, assimilation has ado...pted these bad patterns in our politics and political structures. Just as AMERICA feels the presidential relationship scandal, our community feels it if our tribal representatives don’t bring the message back home to the people, U.S EPA vs. Tribes environmental department, U.S treasury vs. tribal finance department or economic department, U.S educational system vs. tribal educational budgets (virtually little to nothing on the reservations)tribal communities feel it instantly as the community is smaller and more communal.
More and more of our indigenous people in their own communities are standing up for change, let’s let them know they are not alone with solidarity in knowledge and empowering encouraging ideas.
This educational change will not be overnight, you may not even see it this year or the next, but this doesn’t mean our children or grandchildren won’t see the change or benefit from the change.
We are the answers to our ancestors prayers, our children and children’s children will be the answers to our prayers. Just as our grandmothers and grandfathers went through cultural, nutritional, genocide, loss of land, loss of language, forced indoctrination, rape, murder and child molestation from the preachers and nuns, assimilation from forced education from government boarding schools, we are still Decolonizing, re-traditionalizing and forgiving those who have hurt our spirit, body and sacredness.
What can you do as non-natives? Honor your forefathers promises, Lewis and Clark’s promises and countless many more to the Indigenous Peoples. Correct a mid-guided documented ethno-history academic narrative with a Indigenous perspective, history and participation, create balance where there is none.
Indigenous people, educators, healers, storytellers, be ready for this wave of learners ready to start the work of healing, educating and working together. Will it be easy, heck no it will not be...but we need to educate and empower daily.
To my brothers and sisters, Ally’s, and those who are starting the work, “I apologize ahead of time” many of our indigenous men and women will not want forgiveness at this moment, many cannot let go of the pain and hurt they have been put through by western encroachment and atrocities committed by western culture and the so-called American dream. Many will participate in this worldwide unity and many will not.
Be prepared to be attacked by your own indigenous brothers and sisters. We need to “not pitty them, criticize them” but recognize they need to heal on their own terms and that is ok, we need to protect and honor those commitments. Understand this, I am no medicine man, shaman or self proclaim anything nor do I claim to be. I am sharing a collective vision, a synchronized energy shared by many of you who came to protect the “Puha-Pah” (medicine-water) at Oceti-Sakowin, Sacred Stone, Rose-bud camp, Heyoka Camp and Cheyanne River camp and Praire Nights Hotel (lol) at , Canon-ball at Standing Rock ND. A spiritual voice that spoke to us all traditionally and collectively in a modern time (even to all you keyboard warriors experienced the message). Those of you who did not hear it, doesn’t mean didn’t, your spirit did.
Allys, as we stand in unity, don’t expect to be given an Indian name, adopted into my tribe, given a blanket, taken to ceremony....know that if you are standing in my homelands protecting the sacred, that is more medicine than you can ever imagine. It is a connection and understanding I have with my homelands that your spirit, your body and your sacredness will share and understand the medicine with the land, the water and the sacred.
Pesha pe-wah
That is all I have to say,
Myron Dewey
Digital Smoke Signals
See MoreThis educational change will not be overnight, you may not even see it this year or the next, but this doesn’t mean our children or grandchildren won’t see the change or benefit from the change.
We are the answers to our ancestors prayers, our children and children’s children will be the answers to our prayers. Just as our grandmothers and grandfathers went through cultural, nutritional, genocide, loss of land, loss of language, forced indoctrination, rape, murder and child molestation from the preachers and nuns, assimilation from forced education from government boarding schools, we are still Decolonizing, re-traditionalizing and forgiving those who have hurt our spirit, body and sacredness.
What can you do as non-natives? Honor your forefathers promises, Lewis and Clark’s promises and countless many more to the Indigenous Peoples. Correct a mid-guided documented ethno-history academic narrative with a Indigenous perspective, history and participation, create balance where there is none.
Indigenous people, educators, healers, storytellers, be ready for this wave of learners ready to start the work of healing, educating and working together. Will it be easy, heck no it will not be...but we need to educate and empower daily.
To my brothers and sisters, Ally’s, and those who are starting the work, “I apologize ahead of time” many of our indigenous men and women will not want forgiveness at this moment, many cannot let go of the pain and hurt they have been put through by western encroachment and atrocities committed by western culture and the so-called American dream. Many will participate in this worldwide unity and many will not.
Be prepared to be attacked by your own indigenous brothers and sisters. We need to “not pitty them, criticize them” but recognize they need to heal on their own terms and that is ok, we need to protect and honor those commitments. Understand this, I am no medicine man, shaman or self proclaim anything nor do I claim to be. I am sharing a collective vision, a synchronized energy shared by many of you who came to protect the “Puha-Pah” (medicine-water) at Oceti-Sakowin, Sacred Stone, Rose-bud camp, Heyoka Camp and Cheyanne River camp and Praire Nights Hotel (lol) at , Canon-ball at Standing Rock ND. A spiritual voice that spoke to us all traditionally and collectively in a modern time (even to all you keyboard warriors experienced the message). Those of you who did not hear it, doesn’t mean didn’t, your spirit did.
Allys, as we stand in unity, don’t expect to be given an Indian name, adopted into my tribe, given a blanket, taken to ceremony....know that if you are standing in my homelands protecting the sacred, that is more medicine than you can ever imagine. It is a connection and understanding I have with my homelands that your spirit, your body and your sacredness will share and understand the medicine with the land, the water and the sacred.
Pesha pe-wah
That is all I have to say,
Myron Dewey
Digital Smoke Signals…/vol-vii-no-718-pa… U.S. President Trump - note that David Keanu Sai is a FELON and is Not our Royal Families Represen...tative...also he stole our ancestral bones called the Kaai…..Kick his case aside because we are Abner Paki's Family....documented. All claiming to be the Hawaiian Kingdom, self appointed one are considered treasonous to our Royal Families......for everyones information ----this message is being sent to U.S. President Trump....All kanaka maoli should also sue Keanu Sai et. als. for defrauding, causing injuries to kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli who have alodio titles given to their families in the Mahele by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli…..Maka ala you sleeping giants... empower yourselves with truth!
See More
See More…/vol-vii-no-718-pa… U.S. President Trump - note that David Keanu Sai is a FELON and is Not our Royal Families Represen...tative...also he stole our ancestral bones called the Kaai…..Kick his case aside because we are Abner Paki's Family....documented. All claiming to be the Hawaiian Kingdom, self appointed one are considered treasonous to our Royal Families......for everyones information ----this message is being sent to U.S. President Trump....All kanaka maoli should also sue Keanu Sai et. als. for defrauding, causing injuries to kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli who have alodio titles given to their families in the Mahele by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli…..Maka ala you sleeping giants... empower yourselves with truth!
See More
See More…/vol-vii-no-718-pa… U.S. President Trump - note that David Keanu Sai is a FELON and is Not our Royal Families Represen...tative...also he stole our ancestral bones called the Kaai…..Kick his case aside because we are Abner Paki's Family....documented. All claiming to be the Hawaiian Kingdom, self appointed one are considered treasonous to our Royal Families......for everyones information ----this message is being sent to U.S. President Trump....All kanaka maoli should also sue Keanu Sai et. als. for defrauding, causing injuries to kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli who have alodio titles given to their families in the Mahele by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli…..Maka ala you sleeping giants... empower yourselves with truth!
See More
See More…/vol-vii-no-718-pa… U.S. President Trump - note that David Keanu Sai is a FELON and is Not our Royal Families Represen...tative...also he stole our ancestral bones called the Kaai…..Kick his case aside because we are Abner Paki's Family....documented. All claiming to be the Hawaiian Kingdom, self appointed one are considered treasonous to our Royal Families......for everyones information ----this message is being sent to U.S. President Trump....All kanaka maoli should also sue Keanu Sai et. als. for defrauding, causing injuries to kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli who have alodio titles given to their families in the Mahele by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli…..Maka ala you sleeping giants... empower yourselves with truth!
See More
See More…/vol-vii-no-718-pa… U.S. President Trump - note that David Keanu Sai is a FELON and is Not our Royal Families Representative...also he stole our ancestral bones called the Kaai…..Kick his case aside because we are Abner Paki's Family....documented. All claiming to be the Hawaiian Kingdom, self appointed one are considered treasonous to our Royal Families......for everyones information ----this message is being sent to U.S. President Trump....All kanaka maoli should also sue Keanu Sai et. als. for defrauding, causing injuries to kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli who have alodio titles given to their families in the Mahele by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli…..Maka ala you sleeping giants... empower yourselves with truth!…/vol-vii-no-717-pa… Screw the Genocide Activists!
Top 10 Insanely Racist Moments In Disney Movies That You Totally Forgot About Subscribe: http://go…
Top 10 Insanely Racist Moments In Disney Movies That You Totally Forgot About Subscribe:…
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