Laura Eisenhower en Aeropuerto Orión-Laura Eisenhower: Argentina Exopolitics Panel [Spanish-English/Esp añol-Ingles]
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Judson Witham shared a post.
Chris Dorsey shared a live video.

Chris Dorsey was live with David Dauterive.
Jewish Mafia Did 9/11 Trump Mueller Puppets of Chabad Lubavitch- Part 2.
I find it almost comical that even as the Molinaro camp is screaming how inconsequential the Larry Sharpe campaign is they also insist voting for Sharpe can have such a negative effect on their candidate’s campaign.
I will tell you the Molinaro campaign will not be successful in November and it has nothing to do with Larry Sharpe or his campaign. It has everything to do with the actions of the republican establishment.
The first point is the very public statement from the Mo...linaro campaign that insists nothing can be done to correct the wrong that was inflicted on New Yorkers by Cuomo known as the “safe act”. As a matter of fact the NY GOP over the past five years has done nothing to help us protect our Second Amendment rights. When given the opportunity to use the “safe act” as a trade off in budget negotiations the republican establishment refused to invest any political capital. And for five straight years the republican controlled state senate has passed an on time budget with funding for the “safe act” and this year’s budget was actually passed unanimously by that REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED State Senate.
I will tell you the Molinaro campaign will not be successful in November and it has nothing to do with Larry Sharpe or his campaign. It has everything to do with the actions of the republican establishment.
The first point is the very public statement from the Mo...linaro campaign that insists nothing can be done to correct the wrong that was inflicted on New Yorkers by Cuomo known as the “safe act”. As a matter of fact the NY GOP over the past five years has done nothing to help us protect our Second Amendment rights. When given the opportunity to use the “safe act” as a trade off in budget negotiations the republican establishment refused to invest any political capital. And for five straight years the republican controlled state senate has passed an on time budget with funding for the “safe act” and this year’s budget was actually passed unanimously by that REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED State Senate.
Do not fall for the rhetoric being spewed by Molinaro supporters. This election is not a ploy by the libertarian party to obtain a ballot line. It is actually about options. In this election we have a rare opportunity. We do not have to vote for a candidate whose party attacks our rights and we do not have to vote for a candidate whose party fails to protect our rights. I would more provocatively insist the NY GOP REFUSES to protect our rights.
In this campaign we have an opportunity to ignore party lines, we have an opportunity to vote for a candidate, the best candidate. Not a candidate that is best for red or blue but a candidate that is best for ME AND YOU!
See MoreIn this campaign we have an opportunity to ignore party lines, we have an opportunity to vote for a candidate, the best candidate. Not a candidate that is best for red or blue but a candidate that is best for ME AND YOU!
Isacc Witham shared a link.
Kavanaugh Hearings a MEGA FARCE what a Giant CON .... Pull Your Heads Outta Your Butts
Mises Institute Sees the TRUTH .... " In practice,…
Cindy Bowers shared a live video.
Childrens Protection Services took Manda's Children and keep transferring tbem from one bad situation to another. how is this Protecting her Children? why aren't people outraged about this and helping bring her Children home? Potage County, WI. contact Manda and help her

Manda Marie was live.
....Who’s gonna PROTECT Manda Marie’s Munchkins from CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES???....are you gonna wait until one of my children dies first WISCONSIN GOVERNOR!?...!Governor Scott Walker Scott Walker....Portage County Courthouse Hearing on 9/11 @ 2pm......please come to see if our DISMISSAL GETS GRANTED!!!!!
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Please TELL Me The Letters YOU SEE and Identify the NUMBER of Letters YOU CAN See and What letters CAN YOU MAKE OUT with certainty <---- p="">---->
Tina Melo shared a live video.

Lazaro Ecenarro was live.
Proof, that #United #Nation "AKA #UN" has taken over of our Republic, by #treasonous #congress #PL Public Law 87-297 on September 25, 1961
Proof, that #United #Nation "AKA #UN" has taken over of our Republic, by #treasonous #congress #PL Public Law 87-297 on September 25, 1961
22 July 2014 #Office of #intelligence and #analysis lA- 02201-14 #Domestic #violence #extremist #Pose #Extreme #threats to #government #officials and #Law #Enforcement
Could this be true ? Ron #Paul: #Republicans, #Democrats #Teaming Up for #Federal #Gun #Confiscation #Bill…/
#Anti-Gun #Billionaire #George #Soros Pumps $18 #Billion into His #Political Apparatus…/anti-gun-billionaire-george-soros-…
#Soros-funded ‘#National #Gun #Control Movement’ is all about starting an #American #civil #war…/soros-funded-national-g…/
George #Soros #Holocaust accomplice #threatens #Donald #Trump with a #democrat and #Republican #Rhinos
Feb 18, 2014 - #Homeland #Security. I E. E ss ss. #Domestic #Violent #Extremists #Pose. Increased #Threat #Government and #Law #Enforcement…
H. Rept. 114-344 - COUNTERING VIOLENT EXTREMISM ACT OF 2015…/114th-congress/house-report/344/1
GAO-17-300, COUNTERING VIOLENT EXTREMISM: Actions Needed to Define ...
PDF › assets
Apr 6, 2017 - United States Government Accountability Office ... CVE content into law enforcement counterterrorism training. ..... attacks by domestic or “homegrown” violent extremists.
Leo Stratton
David Lanier
David Martin
David J. D'Addabbo
David Kilby
Diana Williams
Joshua Michael Williams Sr.
Marnie Johnson
Maria Smith
Marlluli Perera
Fred Marsico
Beverly Frederick
Fred Syndergaard
Freedom Stewart
Fred Schneider
Valerie A. Stewart
Brad Steffey
Stephen Broden
Stephanie Little
Vicki Champagne
Jody Jones
Ted Jones
Laura Jones
Vickey Gray
Lee Chester
Judy Lee
Maritha Gan
Mark Fontaine
Mark Hayward
Kristie Hernandez
Kristen Fitzpatrick
Patrick Akins
Patrick Henry
Lee Gayer Robbins
Ron Paulfan
Paul Mann
Lauren Kathleen Young
Shannon Hickey-Flores
Laurie Hurley
Laura J Pordon-Pabo
Lauri Strong Henderson
Darrell Wayne
Cobat Fox Tim Jamie
Larry Grammer
Rachel Adams
Armand Plaisance Jr.
Derek N Joyti Lermeny
Manuel Y Sarita Rivera
Debra Cochran
Debra Elyssa Fleischman III
See MoreCould this be true ? Ron #Paul: #Republicans, #Democrats #Teaming Up for #Federal #Gun #Confiscation #Bill…/
#Anti-Gun #Billionaire #George #Soros Pumps $18 #Billion into His #Political Apparatus…/anti-gun-billionaire-george-soros-…
#Soros-funded ‘#National #Gun #Control Movement’ is all about starting an #American #civil #war…/soros-funded-national-g…/
George #Soros #Holocaust accomplice #threatens #Donald #Trump with a #democrat and #Republican #Rhinos
Feb 18, 2014 - #Homeland #Security. I E. E ss ss. #Domestic #Violent #Extremists #Pose. Increased #Threat #Government and #Law #Enforcement…
H. Rept. 114-344 - COUNTERING VIOLENT EXTREMISM ACT OF 2015…/114th-congress/house-report/344/1
GAO-17-300, COUNTERING VIOLENT EXTREMISM: Actions Needed to Define ... › assets
Apr 6, 2017 - United States Government Accountability Office ... CVE content into law enforcement counterterrorism training. ..... attacks by domestic or “homegrown” violent extremists.
Leo Stratton
David Lanier
David Martin
David J. D'Addabbo
David Kilby
Diana Williams
Joshua Michael Williams Sr.
Marnie Johnson
Maria Smith
Marlluli Perera
Fred Marsico
Beverly Frederick
Fred Syndergaard
Freedom Stewart
Fred Schneider
Valerie A. Stewart
Brad Steffey
Stephen Broden
Stephanie Little
Vicki Champagne
Jody Jones
Ted Jones
Laura Jones
Vickey Gray
Lee Chester
Judy Lee
Maritha Gan
Mark Fontaine
Mark Hayward
Kristie Hernandez
Kristen Fitzpatrick
Patrick Akins
Patrick Henry
Lee Gayer Robbins
Ron Paulfan
Paul Mann
Lauren Kathleen Young
Shannon Hickey-Flores
Laurie Hurley
Laura J Pordon-Pabo
Lauri Strong Henderson
Darrell Wayne
Cobat Fox Tim Jamie
Larry Grammer
Rachel Adams
Armand Plaisance Jr.
Derek N Joyti Lermeny
Manuel Y Sarita Rivera
Debra Cochran
Debra Elyssa Fleischman III
“We will take America without firing a shot…….We will BURY YOU! We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism. We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”
(From an address to Western Ambassadors at the Polish embassy in Moscow on November 18, 1956.) Nikita Kruschev
“We will take America without firing a shot…….We will BURY YOU! We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism. We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”
(From an address to Western Ambassadors at the Polish embassy in Moscow on November 18, 1956.) Nikita Kruschev
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