Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2013-0009 Legal Notice Posted from one of Kamehameha's descendants, original permanent House of Nobles descendant, True Title owner, Private Property o
1:27 AM (2 minutes ago)
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Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2013-0009 Legal Notice Posted from one of Kamehameha's descendants, original permanent House of Nobles descendant, True Title owner, Private Property owner documenting Genocide Activities, Rents and Lease due, Permanent Treaty of Friendship of 1849 Locks in the 1849 U.S. Constitution, etc.added to previous notice no. 2013-0007 (sent Certified Return Receipt, stamped received by the White House) from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, landowner, etc.
The following message is a posted Legal Notice on Facebook, and the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web from one of Kamehameha's descendants, one of the original House of Nobles descendant ---descendant of Mataio Kekuanaoa, Alapai, et. als. owners, Title holder of the Royal Families private properties, Crown Lands, Government Lands, etc.:
Legal Notice on Facebook posted 5/12/2013:
Alan D. Ackerman shared Peter T Young's photo.
59 minutes ago ·
Only The Stars Of The Heavens Know
Kamehameha I died May 8, 1819 at Kamakahonu at Kailua-Kona.
"His bones, in accordance with traditions afforded high kings, were separated from his flesh and placed in a kaʻai, a basket woven of sennet cordage." (Bill Maiʻoho, Mauna Ala Kahu (caretaker,) Star-Bulletin)
"Mother of pearl was inlaid for the eyes and the king's own teeth formed the mouth; his flesh was thrown far out to sea." (Maiʻoho)
"Kamehameha was a planner, so he talked to Hoapili and Hoʻolulu about where his iwi should be hidden," noting Kamehameha wanted his bones protected from desecration not only from rival chiefs, but from westerners who were sailing into the islands and sacking sacred sites. (Maiʻoho)
Hoapili (originally known as Ulumāheihei) (c. 1775–1840) and Hoʻolulu (1794–1865) were brothers. Both were trusted advisors to Kamehameha.
Their father, High Chief Kameʻeiamoku, was one of the "royal twins" who helped Kamehameha I come to power – the twins are on the Islands’ coat of arms – Kameʻeiamoku is on the right (bearing a kahili,) his brother, Kamanawa is on the left, holding a spear.
When the days of purification were ended and the platform for the body was covered with kapa and a girdle of leaves had been placed, then the high priest finished his ceremonies within the temple house where he had been praying that the spirit of the dead might be given life and welcomed to the company of the good spirits to dwell with Wākea. (Thrum)
When these ceremonies were finished, Hoapili and Hoʻolulu prepared to obey the command given them by Kamehameha to take care of his body and thoroughly secrete it. (Thrum)
The chief's bones belonged by right to the family of Keawe-a-heulu and to the hidden burial places of its members from Kiolakaʻa and Waiʻōhinu in Kāʻu, but Kamehameha doubted whether this family could keep the place secret, for the place where the bones of their father, Keōua, were hidden was pointed out on the cliffs of Kaʻawaloa. (Kamakau)
Kamehameha had therefore entrusted his bones to Hoapili and Hoʻolulu, with instructions to put them in a place which would never be pointed out to anyone.
Different stories suggest different places where Kamehameha’s bones are located: to an undersea cave that could only be accessed at low tide; over the rough lava plains of Puʻuokaloa to Kaloko in Kekaha; within Kaloko fishpond and others. All stories note he was buried in secret under the cover of darkness.
The ceremonial burial of iwi kupuna (ancestral Native Hawaiian remains) and moepū (funerary objects) involves great secrecy in order to protect the burial site and ensure the peace and sanctity of ancestors who have passed away, as well as the spiritual, physical, and psychological well-being of their descendants. (He Ho‘olaha, OHA)
Kamehameha’s final resting place and his bones have never been found; a saying related to that site notes: ‘Only the stars of the heavens know the resting place of Kamehameha.’
For Hawaiians, burial locations were one of the most secretive traditions in a culture over a thousand years old, and proper handling of ancient burial remains uncovered today; continue to be a highly sensitive cultural concern. (Yardley)
State law (§6E) addresses dealing with burials; §6E-43 Prehistoric and historic burial sites - at any site, other than a known, maintained, actively used cemetery where human skeletal remains are discovered or are known to be buried and appear to be over fifty years old, the remains and their associated burial goods shall not be moved without the department's approval.
§6E-43.5 Island burial councils; creation; appointment; composition; duties. (a) The department shall establish island burial councils for Hawaii, Maui/Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, and Kauai/Niihau, to implement section 6E-43.
The councils shall: Determine the preservation or relocation of previously identified native Hawaiian burial sites; Assist the department in the inventory and identification of native Hawaiian burial sites; Make recommendations regarding appropriate treatment and protection of native Hawaiian burial sites, and on any other matters relating to native Hawaiian burial sites.
The image shows Kamehameha. In addition, I have added other related images in a folder of like name in the Photos section.
Only The Stars Of The Heavens Know
Kamehameha I died May 8, 1819 at Kamakahonu at Kailua-Kona.
"His bones, in accordance with traditions afforded high kings, were separated from his flesh and placed in a kaʻai, a basket woven of sennet cordage." (Bill Maiʻoho, Mauna Ala Kahu (caretaker,) Star-Bulletin)
"Mother of pearl was inlaid for the eyes and the king's own teeth formed the mouth; his flesh was thrown far out to sea." (Maiʻoho)
"Kamehameha was a planner, so he talked to Hoapili and Hoʻolulu about where his iwi should be hidden," noting Kamehameha wanted his bones protected from desecration not only from rival chiefs, but from westerners who were sailing into the islands and sacking sacred sites. (Maiʻoho)
Hoapili (originally known as Ulumāheihei) (c. 1775–1840) and Hoʻolulu (1794–1865) were brothers. Both were trusted advisors to Kamehameha.
Their father, High Chief Kameʻeiamoku, was one of the "royal twins" who helped Kamehameha I come to power – the twins are on the Islands’ coat of arms – Kameʻeiamoku is on the right (bearing a kahili,) his brother, Kamanawa is on the left, holding a spear.
When the days of purification were ended and the platform for the body was covered with kapa and a girdle of leaves had been placed, then the high priest finished his ceremonies within the temple house where he had been praying that the spirit of the dead might be given life and welcomed to the company of the good spirits to dwell with Wākea. (Thrum)
When these ceremonies were finished, Hoapili and Hoʻolulu prepared to obey the command given them by Kamehameha to take care of his body and thoroughly secrete it. (Thrum)
The chief's bones belonged by right to the family of Keawe-a-heulu and to the hidden burial places of its members from Kiolakaʻa and Waiʻōhinu in Kāʻu, but Kamehameha doubted whether this family could keep the place secret, for the place where the bones of their father, Keōua, were hidden was pointed out on the cliffs of Kaʻawaloa. (Kamakau)
Kamehameha had therefore entrusted his bones to Hoapili and Hoʻolulu, with instructions to put them in a place which would never be pointed out to anyone.
Different stories suggest different places where Kamehameha’s bones are located: to an undersea cave that could only be accessed at low tide; over the rough lava plains of Puʻuokaloa to Kaloko in Kekaha; within Kaloko fishpond and others. All stories note he was buried in secret under the cover of darkness.
The ceremonial burial of iwi kupuna (ancestral Native Hawaiian remains) and moepū (funerary objects) involves great secrecy in order to protect the burial site and ensure the peace and sanctity of ancestors who have passed away, as well as the spiritual, physical, and psychological well-being of their descendants. (He Ho‘olaha, OHA)
Kamehameha’s final resting place and his bones have never been found; a saying related to that site notes: ‘Only the stars of the heavens know the resting place of Kamehameha.’
For Hawaiians, burial locations were one of the most secretive traditions in a culture over a thousand years old, and proper handling of ancient burial remains uncovered today; continue to be a highly sensitive cultural concern. (Yardley)
State law (§6E) addresses dealing with burials; §6E-43 Prehistoric and historic burial sites - at any site, other than a known, maintained, actively used cemetery where human skeletal remains are discovered or are known to be buried and appear to be over fifty years old, the remains and their associated burial goods shall not be moved without the department's approval.
§6E-43.5 Island burial councils; creation; appointment; composition; duties. (a) The department shall establish island burial councils for Hawaii, Maui/Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, and Kauai/Niihau, to implement section 6E-43.
The councils shall: Determine the preservation or relocation of previously identified native Hawaiian burial sites; Assist the department in the inventory and identification of native Hawaiian burial sites; Make recommendations regarding appropriate treatment and protection of native Hawaiian burial sites, and on any other matters relating to native Hawaiian burial sites.
The image shows Kamehameha. In addition, I have added other related images in a folder of like name in the Photos section.
© 2013 Hoʻokuleana LLC
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Amelia Gora: I like parts of the above story ---- however, Kamehameha's iwi continue to be taken cared of by certain assigned families.......The Kamehameha descendants exist today and the "Island burial councils under the State of Hawaii, an occupying entity are Not part of our families" which means Genocide issues continue........btw, did you know that I turned in claims for our tutu nearly two (2) years ago and the burial council still has not contacted me....think I'll be able to sue them, and the entity State of Hawaii for failure to act upon my claims, etc. Let us look at the entire set of claims beginning from Honouliuli, Ewa, Oahu starting from Kekauonohi who was the hanai daughter of Kalanimoku and his last wife Akahi, my great great great great grandmother(I am one of her true bloodlines)....along with Kalanimoku who had a younger brother Keoua, who I also descend from... Kalanimoku's son was W.P. Leleiohoku who was the son of Kalanimoku. Then moving over to Pearl City, there are konohiki who are part of our family including Ruth Keelikolani, Victoria Kamamalu, then Halawa ahupuaa with Mataio Kekuanaoa and Grace Kamaikui my ancestors, then around the bend running through to Kapalama of which my ancestors Nuuanu, Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli, and John Kapena were Konohiki which includes the Chinatown area....and when you move to Kawaiahao Ahupuaa, my great great great great grandmother's first husband named Kaaha was the Konohiki, and who was his wife? She was named Kalola the documented next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi who married the Pirate of the Pacific: Charles Reed Bishop who played a major role in dethroning our Queen Liliuokalani who did call two of my direct ancestors daughters/hanai daughters.......and it doesn't stop there because Kekauluohi/Auhea, mother of King William Lunalilo was also the "mother" of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III our ancestor(note that I did post the names of the moopuna/grandchildren of Kamehameha of which our families have multiple lines documented), and Queen Kapiolani was the sister of Princess Poomaikelani our great great grandmother and the hanai/ adopted daughter of my/our great grandfather Kaluakini....... it appears that those who perpetuate the lies will be held accountable and it appears that the occupiers are trying their best to disregard documents that have been served, stamped at the Burial Council Office, Kapolei, Oahu, by Ms. Aiu who appears to be one of Kamehameha descendants through the lines of Kepelino......now isn't that very interesting? Note that I did serve a 35 page legal notice to President Obama via certified, return receipt mailing which was returned to me, and I, Amelia Gora did document that the 1849 Treaty locks in the 1849 U.S. Constitution, etc. Issues unresolved for the occupiers are Not the Hawaiian Government documented.............Many of Kamehameha's descendants exist, as well as our families through multiples of ways found in genealogy researches of more than 24 years....Rents and Leases are due....additionally, the Kamehameha Schools Trustees are NOT related to our families and Bernice Pauahi Bishop was NOT "the last of the Kamehameha's" documented a lie........Pirates have criminally claimed lands that they have NO TITLE to......and are now documented as Genocide Activists along with foreign born U.S. President Barack Obama, et. als. This is also a Legal Notice documented by one of Kamehameha's, et. als. descendants: Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, one of the original House of Nobles members descendants and heirs, one of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society representatives, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii aloha.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTsANaXp4hM
See MoreOnly The Stars Of The Heavens Know Kamehameha I died May 8, 1819 at Kamakahonu at Kailua-Kona. "His bones, in accordance with traditions afforded high kings, were separated from his flesh and placed in a kaʻai, a basket woven of sennet cordage." (Bill Maiʻoho, Mauna Ala Kahu (caretaker,) Star-Bulletin) "Mother of p...See MoreBy: Peter T YoungPhotos: 9
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