With Trump as the new president he will look to increase productivity in the US and accelerate capital investments. The US economy has been stagnant since the subprime market crash in 2007 which has been trying to recover by looking for ways to increase productivity. Whether the economy is up or down depends on whoʻs making the call. Indicators are manipulated like the S&P Dow-Jones indices to reflect a certain perspective that capital elasticity will either expand or contract. The economic argument is cryptic at best and not a place for amateurs or government policy propagandist like DHHL, OHA, CNHA or SCHAA.
For Hawaii, capital investment determines the economic condition of the entirety. Long term investments in Hawaii are dependent on land availability at a very basic but critically important factor. The multiplier of land availability and use herein predicts Hawaiiʻs certain economic future. A lack of attention to Hawaiiʻs economy translates in rushed reactionary decision hastily made to simply keep the lid from blowing. Social pressures can directly be pinpointed to economic negligence simply because the conditions are not understood or the wrong information is being processed which predictably yield a negative outcome.
This is why I threw CNHA and SCHAA under the bus recently with their dumb ass closet container housing proposal putting people in 320 sq ft closets as excuse for lack of proper housing. Hawaiians are not being assessed for our economic contribution and the management of our resources to insure a positive outcomes are not being intelligently critiqued.
Rising homelessness among Hawaiians is a growing problem which demand a clear plan to stop the problem and not simply placate the symptoms. The answer to Hawaiian economic problems is to have Hawaiians managing their own assets. I am fully persuaded and totally convinced that Robin Danner and Michelle Kauhane are NOT the people to address this problem. Neither are they experienced, educated, capable or willing to change the system that oppresses the Hawaiian. For the record: I am not speaking to their personhood but to their alluded professional capacity judging them by their work product which is amateurish and ineffective.
Likewise those Hawaiians playing lawyer at the TMT hearings in Hilo are equally diluted. I get the argument as a Hawaiian about the sacredness of the mountain but the issue of scientific significant cultural use has yet to be addressed by evidence of kanak Q&A interrogation hanging on whether or not the TMT scientist know who Halo is? We should be interrogating them on the quality of science they hold out to be relative to us but that conversation can only happen if the kanaka is literate in science.
So whatʻs it all about Alfie? Itʻs about getting real with the real situation, and stop the pretenders from speaking for the greater Hawaiian community who know little to nothing about whatʻs really going on. This is evident with the DOI and the Hawaiian Community on the FedRec argument. We have categorically said, “NO”. What part of “NO” donʻt the pro FedRec people understand Hawaiian or otherwise?
We have a community of highly educated kanaka armed with signifiant experience, who I suspect are equally dismayed by those who hog the mic with their nonsense arguments neurotically believing they make perfect sense. The system allows those unqualified first then those least qualified second to speak for Hawaiians all adding to the furthering of this State of Confusion.
The outgoing Obama Administration is clearly cautious about the current presidential transition and the impact globally the GOP and Trump will have on the entire world as we know it as a matter of fact not conjecture, inference or assumption. As a Hawaiian I am very concerned with those who claim to represent Hawaiian interest who are clearly not prepared; who are dependent upon outside influence to make internal decisions worries me.
jus sayʻn
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