
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Vol VI No. 647 Part 2

Hawai`i Free Press 
Today's News Read
April 16, 2017

Tax Hike Bills head into Secretive Conference Committees
... Property Tax, GE Tax, Income Tax -- all going up ....
How They Voted: House Approves $792M GE Tax Hike 41-10
...he state House of Representatives approved its version of Senate Bill 1183 to extend the half-a-percentage point General Excise Tax surcharge for the Honolulu Rail Transit Project....
Poll: Rail Tax Hike Rejected 57-41%
...Rail Tax: 'They Think We're Liars'....
Counties, Tourism Industry Challenge HSTA Slush Fund Property Tax
...Senate Bill 683 would ask voters to approve a constitutional amendment to create an "education surcharge" on residential  properties and visitor accommodations....
Family Prosperity Index: Hawaii Ranks 41st
...In 2015, Hawaii had the highest SNAP spending at $222.99, while New Hampshire had the lowest at $103.87-a difference of 115 percent....
SB501: AG Slaps Senators for Censoring Testimony opposing Anti-Free-Speech Bill
...On March 6 Hawai'i Free Press carried an article reporting on SB501: "Hawaii lawmakers are censoring pro-lifers who were defending free speech".  Now the Attorney General has weighed in....
Conservative Rankings of Hawaii Legislators-2016 Session
...Hawaii Republicans average decreased by 21 points-from 67% in 2015, to 46% in 2016....
Robin Danner Writing OHA's Budget
...Trying To Get Their Hands On Your Beneficiary Funds....
Tax Casualty? Maui County Carnival
...The 2nd Annual Maui County Carnival, scheduled for April 6-9, 2017, has been cancelled. Skyrocketing state government fees have been blamed....
Prosecutor: Corruption rampant at HDOT boating division
...The agency charged with running Hawaii's small boat harbors blatantly mistreats and retaliates against residents who use the facilities, according to Hawaii County's prosecuting attorney....
GEMS: Bill would tap fee on Your Electric Bill and Transfer it to Billionaire Elon Musk
... House Bill 1593 offers rebates to residents who install Musk's overpriced Tesla batteries on their homes ....
Rate Hike Coming: Gays Demand You Pay $20K to Give Them Children
... Lawmakers are once again considering a measure to require insurance companies to offer in-vitro fertilization coverage to same-sex couples....
Specialists think North Korea poses nuclear threat to Hawaii
... Nuclear arms experts think North Korea already has, or soon will have, the ability to target Hawaii with a nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missile ....
U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger
... North Korea attack?  State House Committee Passes a Resolution ....
Top Dems Attack Gabbard After She Fails to Blame Assad for Gas Attack
...Neera Tanden, a close confidante of Hillary Clinton and president of the Center for American Progress, took to Twitter on Friday to urge Hawaiians to vote Gabbard out of Congress....
Abercrombie: People not Introspective Enough to Understand Tulsi Gabbard
...She is a Democrat that Republicans could work with because of her position on some issues in foreign policy....
White Nationalists Dump Trump Want Gabbard to Run
...The self-proclaimed founder of the alt-right movement, Spencer is the president of the National Policy Institute, a think tank devoted to "peaceful ethnic cleansing."....
Josh Green for Lt Gov? "I've already found my own way."
..."Each lieutenant governor has to find their own way," Green said....
Hawaii's Good Friday Holiday - What's Up With That?
...If you ask how "a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary" squares with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, let us explain....
Desperate Caldwell Threatens to Raise Property Taxes
...Caldwell thinks he's found an excuse to break his campaign promise not to hike property taxes....
Caldwell Signs Tax Hikes, Spending Bills
..."This shows that the city is committed to funding and completing the rail project," said Mayor Caldwell....
Research surveys Jones Act costs and effects
...Jones Act distorts U.S. economy, endangers military....
How to Change the Jones Act
...At nearly 100 years old, it is still able to defeat reform efforts ... despite a mountain of evidence that it cripples the economy, fails to achieve its aims and is badly in need of modernization....
Those Life Saving Facts
...I asked why CFS and other groups like Shaka aren't informing followers of rat lungworm disease....
House Approves Massive Rail Tax Hike and 37 Other Bills additional $1.2 billion funding package for the City's financially troubled rail project....
How They Voted: SB501 Mandatory Promotion of Abortion
...10 House Members voted against the measure....
Free Speech Crackdown on Hawaii Pregnancy Centers Passes House
...With only 10 of Hawaii's 51 state representatives voting against SB 510....
Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
...Upcoming Legislative Dates....
Telescope Solution: Maunakea World Park?
...'Maunakea World Park' Advanced by Hawaii Mayor Kim at ILOA Galaxy Forum Kona....
To What Extent Does Your State Rely on Property Taxes?
...This is the first in a four-part map series in which we will examine the primary sources of state and local tax collections....
Willes Lee Fills Vacancy on NRA Board
...Willes K. Lee of Honolulu was sworn in today as the newest member of the National Rifle Association's board of directors....
Leapfrog: Hawaii Among States With Most 'A' Grade Hospitals
...Hawaii has 8 'A' Hospitals out of 12 total hospitals....
UH 2017 legislative budget update
...Much of the university's request is not included in either the House or Senate version of the budget....
Connect to Careers: Preparing next generation of Hawaii workforce and education partners including the Chamber of Commerce Hawaii, Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) and the Hawaii Carpenters Apprenticeship and Training Fund....
Study: House GOP Blueprint Would Put $5613 in Your Pocket, Hawaii
...There have been a raft of studies recently isolating the effect of certain elements of the House GOP tax reform "Blueprint" on various industries and even the 50 states....
Congressman Jason Chaffetz to Address Hawaii Republican Fundraiser
...Congressman Jason Chaffetz of Utah will be the keynote speaker for our 2017 Lincoln Dinner, which will be held on Monday, May 8, 2017 at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu....
Vice President Mike Pence to Visit Hawaii
...The Vice President will conclude his trip with a visit to Honolulu, Hawaii on April 24....
  1. Murthy: I Can Complete Elevated Rail Without Tax Hike
  2. Hawaii lawmakers barreling toward $1 billion spending increase
  3. Lawyer: OHA Transferred Waimea Valley to Private Company Controlled by CEO Crabbe
  4. Office of Hawaiian Affairs Ratifies Independent Audit
  5. Change Orders: Redesign Rail Columns so they Don't Collapse Under Weight of Stations
  6. Taxpayer Return on Investment? Hawaii ranks 49th
  7. Senate Devises Property Tax Bait n Switch to Help $500M HSTA Slush Fund Pass Vote
  8. Dissent: Five Ninth Circuit Judges Rebuke Court's Immigration Ruling
  9. On Sister Isles Working Class Whites Dying of Despair
  10. Report: Big island Hotspot for 'Premature Death'
  11. GE Tax: Audit Shows Tourists pay only 14.1% of Rail Surcharge
  12. After $2B in Tax Credits, High Tech Scammers Pay Only $27M in Taxes
  13. Political Insiders Among Few to Get Caldwell's Ohana Dwelling Permits
  14. Legislature: Two Gangs Compete to Steal millions in GEMS money
  15. Con-Con Needed to Save County Home Rule from HSTA Property Tax
  16. Travel Ban: 9th Circuit Court Will Reverse Hawaii's Political Hack Judge
  17. Trump Should Rescind Obama's Hawaiian Government Rule
  18. Honolulu Neighborhood Board--List of Contested Races and Candidates
  19. Public-Private Partnerships: Study Examines New Options for Rail
  20. Hawaii has the longest permit approval process in the country
  21. OHA LLCs-A License to Self-Deal
  22. FCC, DHHL Ask: Exclusive License to Criminal Al Hee Company Illegal?
  23. Omidyar Wins by Losing: Kauai Court Ruling Forces Farms to File EIS
  24. Carnival Cancelled Thanks to OHA Money Grab?
  25. Hawaii Suicide Bill Would Have Let Nurses Diagnose Fatal Illness and Prescribe Death Pills
  26. Hawaii Ranks Among Worst States to be a Doctor
  27. Abortionist Moves to Hawaii after Undercover Video Expose
  28. Cover-up: How Wind Farms Hide Bird and Bat Kills
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 "Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their customs, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking; where it is absent, discussion is apt to become worse than useless." -- Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi - (1828-1910) Russian writer Source: On Life and Essays on Religion
"Free inquiry requires that we tolerate diversity of opinion and that we respect the right of individuals to express their beliefs, however unpopular they may be, without social or legal prohibition or fear of success." -- Paul Kurtz Source: "A Secular Humanist Declaration," in On The Barricades, 1989
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April 17, 2017
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Al-Qaeda Suicide Attack Kills 100+ Children, Women - Whodunit?
By Moon Of Alabama
The BBC, CNN and other western media will not tell you that. CNN called the massacre "a hiccup" -
A Critique of 'False and Misleading' White House Claims About Syria's Use of Lethal Gas
By Theodore A. Postol
The report provides unambiguous evidence that the White House Intelligence Report contains false and misleading claims. -
It's Not Just Syria-Trump Is Ratcheting Up Wars Across the World
By Trevor Timm
We should be concerned about the more than 1,000 civilian deaths caused by the Trump administration's reckless military campaigns.
D.C.'s War Madness
By Damon Linker
Launching even one missile at another country is not, a "military action." It is an act of war. Full stop.
The Problem is Washington, Not North Korea
By Mike Whitney
Absent Kim's WMDs,  Pyongyang would have faced a preemptive attack long ago and Kim would have faced a fate similar to Gadhafi's.
234B In Aid To Israel Violates US Law Against Supporting Secret Nuclear States
By Kit O'Connell
The lawsuit warns that the U.S. gave Israel about $234 billion in foreign aid since1976, despite a ban on support for secret nuclear weapons programs.
What Russia-gate Has Wrought
By Robert Parry
For five months, there was a daily drumbeat on Russia-gate, but suddenly the "scandal" disappeared..
Trump, A Symptom Of What?
By Ira Chernus
What's wrong with our system? How could it produce a President Trump?
How to Jam the Trump Brand
By Naomi Klein
For the first time in history, the president of the United States is a fully commercialized Superbrand, with family members who are best understood as spin-off brands. -

Hard News     

Syria: 'At least 68 children among 126 killed' in bus bombing: The explosion shattered buses and set cars on fire, leaving a trail of bodies, as the convoy waited in rebel territory near Aleppo.

Watch: US report on Idlib attack 'misinterprets evidence', 'politically motivated - professor : 
Theodore Postol, professor of national security policy at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), questioned more

Those Condemning Syria Have Themselves Recently Used Chemical Weapons: 
 U.S. used chemical weapons against civilians in Iraq in 2004. Evidence here

BRICS Issues Joint Statement: Illegal Military Intervention in Syria Is Unacceptable: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have issued a joint BRICS statement condemning military action in Syria that has not been authorized by the United Nations.

Time U.S.Explored How to End Wars it has Caused Since 2001, Rather Than Dropping Bombs: News Analysis -
"A widely held sentiment inside the White House is that many of the most prominent foreign policy think tanks in Washington are doing the bidding of their Arab and pro-Israel funders."

60 Islamic State members, including senior member, killed in western Mosul: 
Federal Police chief, Lt. Gen Shaker Jawdat, said his forces killed 60 IS members while advancing in al-Farouq, a district near the Old City's Nuri al-Kabir Mosque

ISIS launches 2nd chemical attack in Mosul in 2 days, injures 6 Iraqi soldiers : 
The chemical attack on Sunday occurred in a recently-liberated area of Mosul, where the Federal Police and Rapid Response forces are advancing towards the old city

A Father Describes Saving His Daughter From U.S. Bombardment of Mosul:
Corpses were everywhere in the ruins of the building; more than 200 people were reportedly killed. Ali's wife was among them.

Iraqi forces control 75% of western Mosul: municipal official: 

Battles are currently concentrated around the Grand Nuri al-Kabir Mosque in the Old City, where troops prepare to storm the area with snipers, hand grenades and assault rifles

Yemeni Forces Shell Saudi Base, Kill 11 Soldiers : 
On Monday, Yemeni troops targeted the Saudi military base of Habas in Jizan, killing eleven soldiers and destroying several of their vehicles, Saba news agency reported.

Riyadh has long been reportedly frustrated by Cairo's unwillingness to send ground troops ;
Riyadh has been reportedly frustrated by Cairo's unwillingness to send ground troops to join the Saudi-led coalition fighting rebels in Yemen.

Turkey's Erdogan wins vote to boost president's powers: 
With more than 99 percent of the ballots counted, 51.34 percent (24,789,242 votes) of people said "yes" to increase Erdogan's role compared with 48.667 percent that cast "no" -- 23,499,390. The turnout was 87 percent.

The Turkish referendum is a victory in name only for Erdogan: 
The incredibly close vote leaves a nation bitterly divided, with little chance of a smooth transition

Turkish opposition calls for referendum result to be annulled over unstamped ballots: 
It is illegal to count the unstamped ballots as valid, Tezcan said. He added that his party had received complaints from a number of regions where people couldn't vote in privacy.

Palestinian prisoners go on mass hunger strike: 
Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners start hunger strike to demand basic rights as Israeli jails' conditions hit 'new low'.

Gaza's only power plant runs out of fuel: 
Two million Palestinians in the besieged territory now down to a few hours of electricity a day as tensions rise.

US attack 'kills more than 100 in Somalia : 
US aircraft attacked southern Somalia on Saturday morning, killing more than 100 Al-Shabaab militants, including 20 commanders, residents and officials have said.

11 civilians killed in the southern Afghan province of Helmand: 
"The blast was powerful and all those on board the van were killed," Zhwak said, adding that officials were trying to determine whether any women or children were among the victims.

Hamid Karzai: MOAB 'brutal act against innocent people':
Attack that saw the United States drop the largest non-nuclear bomb on Afghanistan was a "brutal act" against Afghan people, the environment and the country's sovereignty, Hamid Karzai, former president

Trump Is Willing to Consider a Sudden Strike on North Korea; 
Trump is willing to consider ordering "kinetic" military action, including a sudden strike, to counteract North Korea's destabilizing actions in the region,

US said preparing strike on N. Korean nuclear program: 
The UK's Sunday Times reported that top military advisers to US President Donald Trump have told their British counterparts that Washington was considering a preemptive strike against North Korea's nuclear program,

Pence warns North Korea that 'era of strategic patience is over': 
Pence made an unannounced visit to the Demilitarized Zone Monday in a U.S. show of force that allowed the vice-president to gaze at North Korean soldiers from afar and stare directly across a border.

Gen.H.R. McMaster after North Korea failed missile test: Trump 'will take action': 
"The president is determined not to allow this kind of capability to threaten the United States. And our president will take action that is in the best interest of the American people."

North Korea on 'maximum alert' after US threats: 
Pyongyang tells Washington its nuclear weapons are 'not an illusion' following US threats.

Russia warns US against unilateral strike on N. Korea:
"We do not accept the reckless nuclear missile actions of Pyongyang that breach UN resolutions, but that does not mean that you can break international law," he said.

US Deploys Two More Aircraft Carriers Toward Korean Peninsula: 
According to a report by South Korea's primary news outlet, Yonhap, the Pentagon has directed a total of three US aircraft carriers toward the Korean Peninsula, citing a South Korean government source.

China, Russia send ships after U.S. aircraft carrier: 
China and Russia have dispatched intelligence-gathering vessels from their navies to chase the USS Carl Vinson nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, which is heading toward waters near the Korean Peninsula

The power of propaganda:
37% of U.S. Voters Ready to Take Military Action Against North Korea: 
 38% of Likely U.S. Voters now believe the North Korean government wants a war with the United States, up from 27% in December 2014.

It's time for America to cut South Korea loose: 
Why is the United States, which dominates the globe militarily, politically, and economically, fixated on this poor, isolated, and distant nation? Because America has gotten entangled where it does not belong.

US conducts tests for upgraded nuclear bomb: 

Work on the B61-12 has been going on for years, the AP noted, while government officials characterized the latest tests with mock versions of the bomb as vital to refurbishing efforts.

UN Peacekeepers Gave Haitian Kids Snacks to be Part of Sex Ring: 
More than 100 U.N. Peacekeepers stationed in Haiti have been implicated in a child sex ring where children as young as 12 years old were exploited, but have never been held accountable for their abuses

Border wall could leave some Americans on 'Mexican side': 
The border wall President Donald Trump has imagined could seal some Americans on the "Mexican side" - technically on U.S. soil, but outside of a barrier built north of the river separating the two countries.

Trump Administration Is Removing Climate Change Research from Government Websites: 
Science, particularly climate change science, is under attack in the United States.

Women could be forced to sign up to US military draft by 2018:

A new measure has been passed by the Senate Armed Services Committee and could become law : Each uniformed chief of the services testified to their personal support of including women in the requirement to register for selective service."

Berkeley Protest: 20 Arrested, 11 Injured At Saturday's Patriots Day Rally:
A large number of fights occurred and numerous fireworks were thrown in the crowds. There were also been numerous reports of pepper spray being used in the crowd

VIDEO: Berkeley cops sit in patrol car and watch as Trump supporters attacked:
One observer claimed police "ran away," despite several Trump rally attendees being attacked:

Proof that U.S. voters love bombing Syria? 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump's job performance: 
This is the first time the president's overall approval rating has been back in the 50s in nearly a month.

Poll: Big Drop In Number Who Think Trump Will Keep Promises; 
Just 45 percent of adults surveyed from April 5-9 think Trump will keep his promises, according to Gallup. That's down from 62 percent who believed he would, two weeks after Trump's inauguration.

Trump Blasts 'Fake Media,' Praises Fox News In Early Morning Tweetstorm: 
 He also promoted a humor book titled "Reasons To Vote For Democrats," which is filled with blank pages.

Trump demands gold-plated welcome:
President insists on a carriage journey down The Mall to Buckingham Palace

"Let us be peace and joy"
Tom Feeley

Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,886

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,486
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001

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Tom Berg

Apr 18 (2 days ago)

to MikeHonolulutransitMichaelTerryDavidAfsheen 
Aloha Senator Gabbard- and HART-

Birds of many types -  are trying to navigate over the rail structure in addition- with the major presence of power lines upon power lines at all levels.  I watch the owls struggle to get over this junction and have seen many near misses with moving vehicles and owls on this site as depicted in the video-  but the ducks, they are getting creamed more than any other specie there, big-time. 

Condition is-  that this has resulted in the window for approach and departure (for many birds) being very narrow with the rail structure now there-  that flying low underneath the impediments is at times the only option for the birds and that puts cars and these birds together, often.....increase of traffic from the shopping center has also recently exasperated the situation- 

An extirpation process for all birds that route through this area is stemming from poor designing /planning- that need not be, and can still be corrected- to save the birds. 

The EIS's for this entire region concluded that these ducks- stilts- coots- pueo- ect etc- bat-  were rendered void from the area due to farming and the cats, dogs, mongoose ate them all up etc-  ----this is simply not true. The EIS's were done with prejudice- biased, and were flawed, and clearly lacking protocol to properly inventory for the Pueo and Bat/etc etc.... 

Here is the real science going on- Senator Gabbard:

One-Minute Clip 4.17.2017 East Kapolei Rail Transit Station/Kualaka`i Parkway-
Click here on link pasted below to watch:

Inline image
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Ducks Being Culled @ E. Kapolei Rail Transit Station 4.17.2017

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