Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon to E pūlama I nā Ali'i (a Support Group For heirs/ali'i)
I cannot manuever my way in life by Fake State or by Aliʻi without having a vote or learning the laws. Is this what I want for my grand or great grandchildren? So one poor Hawaiian like me is on the 1998 Genocide Activities Police Report for making an intellectual discussion. Can you further explain this Amelia Gora to gain full comprehension and for clarification what this entails? Im sure my work and research in activism since 1999 of protecting Mauna Kea, Waiāhole water, Maui water, Red Hill, Ko'olauloa, Kahuku ʻōpe'ape'a, Thomas Square, Hakipu'u, Standing Rock etc...will come to my defense that shows me to be anti-genocide. I also hope that my moʻokūʻauhau can reflect not my kūpunaʻs behavior or choice but my own behavior and life choices-I hope I am judged how I survive under duress (I am not the only kanaka under duress and I am not the only aliʻi) in the present. Although we walk around with invisible handcuffs-To my defense to "The Genocide Activities Police Report"- Under duress under the Fake State- I am trying to do what I can to make peace, unify, to understand So that in the present we can work together to restore the Hawaiian Kingdom but in the pono way. And as under duress I do what I can to fight federal recognition which hinders "kino building" that needs to be in place for this restoration begins. I had no knowledge about the "Genocide Activities Police Report" being that I have been under duress by the U.S government. I am guilty of filing taxes under the U.S. I am guilty of applying for welfare under the U.S. I feel that in a sense my Ali'i has always been the 'Āina. So I tried to get off of Foodstamps and planted food and I go gathering limu, reef fish for food. If there are any kanaka Aliʻi- they have led me but have not revealed to be that they are my Ali'i...but they work within a kino. So Yes i am guilty of following U.S laws under duress but i am innocent of Genocide.
I cannot manuever my way in life by Fake State or by Aliʻi without having a vote or learning the laws. Is this what I want for my grand or great grandchildren? So one poor Hawaiian like me is on the 1998 Genocide Activities Police Report for making an intellectual discussion. Can you further explain this Amelia Gora to gain full comprehension and for clarification what this entails? Im sure my work and research in activism since 1999 of protecting Mauna Kea, Waiāhole water, Maui water, Red Hill, Ko'olauloa, Kahuku ʻōpe'ape'a, Thomas Square, Hakipu'u, Standing Rock etc...will come to my defense that shows me to be anti-genocide. I also hope that my moʻokūʻauhau can reflect not my kūpunaʻs behavior or choice but my own behavior and life choices-I hope I am judged how I survive under duress (I am not the only kanaka under duress and I am not the only aliʻi) in the present. Although we walk around with invisible handcuffs-To my defense to "The Genocide Activities Police Report"- Under duress under the Fake State- I am trying to do what I can to make peace, unify, to understand So that in the present we can work together to restore the Hawaiian Kingdom but in the pono way. And as under duress I do what I can to fight federal recognition which hinders "kino building" that needs to be in place for this restoration begins. I had no knowledge about the "Genocide Activities Police Report" being that I have been under duress by the U.S government. I am guilty of filing taxes under the U.S. I am guilty of applying for welfare under the U.S. I feel that in a sense my Ali'i has always been the 'Āina. So I tried to get off of Foodstamps and planted food and I go gathering limu, reef fish for food. If there are any kanaka Aliʻi- they have led me but have not revealed to be that they are my Ali'i...but they work within a kino. So Yes i am guilty of following U.S laws under duress but i am innocent of Genocide.
Ryan Sonognini To all these "Ali's"
😘 where your lands? How many Kanaka you shelter and feed? What your Mo'okuauhau? Plenty peeps claim lines but can't even run a TRUE Mo'okuauhau back 4 generations
😂 and then so what, u got koko... so you RELATED to one Ali'i bloodline, not one actual Ali'i.... again, where your lands? What water feeds your aina? .... cause the majority of "Ali'i" that I know, is all modern scrubs, living poorer quality lives than that of a kauwa.. I would love to see a summit of these Ali'i lines to put to rest all the bullshit artists. Fkn House of shoulda, woulda, coulda but absolutely never did.. \^^^/ see ya'll around the pae aina
Brandon Makaawaawa All these so called ali'i with all their capes can finally bus it out next week, they going fit in perfect with all the kids dressed as Dora and Ninja turtles. Lol
Theresa Keohunani Taber If we alive now in 2017 and kanaka, guaranz majority of us get some kine koko of ali'i, we were a VERY loving people after all. Whether legit or not, it's not about the FAT HEADs claiming the CROWN, it's about "WHAT HAVE THEY DONE FOR THE LAHUI?" Where are they in the community? Do they Kokua the Keiki? Do they care for the Kupuna? Do they Educate the world about Hawaii's truths? Give Shelter or sustenance to our fellow Kanaka? For 125 years there has been "I'm a THIS and I'm a THAT" but bottom line is, if you aren't trying to FIX the problem, you are PART of the problem. Can't FIX it in the same context in which it is BROKE.... Put your crown, get your hands in the ground, mix it all around, so we know you down. Otherwise you just blowing a broken Pu!
Amelia Gora Ryan Sonognini suggest you talk with your tutu Wanda who's part of the Kaahumanu Society before you even go there...she knows our family....I was part of that Society and didn't like it because the women of the past were fighters not Breakfast and Lunch Social club types.... my siblings are still there because our grandmother was one of the first members and she and her friends were Queen Liliuokalani's supporters because she descended from one of Queen Liliuokalani's hanai/adopted daughters named Princess Poomaikelani.... so kule kule ko waha!
Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon Some UH professors are for fed wreck, gotta be careful what you share with them!
Ryan Sonognini UH professors
🙈 Uummmm, most aren't Kanaka oiwi. The rest change their names to suit their classroom antics. I know couple podagee's parade themselves with hawaiian names straight outta UH professors, KIRC and merry monarch mentionables
😂 ass why hard... all fake fuckahs up front talking bout this and that... you know, all stuffs they learn while reading books at starbucks
🙄 I have very little respect for Hawaiians that "learn" to be hawaiian and then in turn proclaim the hawaiian they learned is the only hawaiian around town.... keep your original names people
Wiley Kanak For me a un- follow-able, I have compassion for da Alii. Mostly cause nobody listen. There is no respect. But wat I feel mostly for them is, when I read how da maka'ainana wail, bust their teeth out of their mouth, cut their hair, all kind stuff, wen da alii die dat ku'u mau homies is love and dedication to their Chiefs. that is built on trust and a deep sense of connection to the aina and da kanaka gods, and I have yet to witness that connection today between da chiefs and we who hapai Chiefs on our shoulders. Genealogy? Maybe. But dat no going make me believe. I gotta believe before I and da operating word here is "i" small i make a move for carry another kanaka on my shoulder and bust my teefs out of my mouth, weep and wail and carry on for the deep loss at the death of this chief. You have to earn dat love and to date if I take a knee as for copy Collin Kappernink. You ever notice how Kam School kids love Bernice Pauahi, das wat I talking about, da love for da Chiefs
Theresa Keohunani Taber Our Kupuna didn't have degrees or fancy titles yet still left a strong legacy that even the book worms can't compute.... I've seen nothing but disappointment from the "educational community" but lots of clarity and commitment from the "crazy sovereign activists".... I'm sure there is a BIG SHIT LIST out there and going have choke PHD's on that one too
Inez Zoyla Larson Poor Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon, you don't deserve this my dear friend. You're so sweet, this just isn't fair !
Inez Zoyla Larson I love all Hawaii's Ali'i nui, I respect them and I understand them. I love the diversity and individuality of how they wear their relation to the throne. Reinstate them! Let them do their job!
Inez Zoyla Larson I support them completely (minus the nonsense) and I know my role. I love this page I find it very supportive myself and yes I would lay down my life for the Crown and for the Hawaiian Kingdom
Amelia Gora Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon silly girl...did not list you but the other one the Robert Wilcox descendant! Elizabeth K Moreno ....not you...thanks for posting this because there appears to be some Alii bashers that you have attracted,... thanks....will keep this for the records too and send this followup conversation to the HPD for the records too....it's Not OK to alii bash.... boy, if we all lived back in the day the bashers would have ceased to exist....but in these days only the Kamehameha's can utilize the Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States .... can tell many have failed to do their homework..... what i did ask is if you are a descendant of the Sheldon who put out the Hawaiian Holomua (?) newspaper...because that Patriot was arrested under charges of habeas corpus by the usurpers....because he actually printed the near accurate story of the dethronement of our Queen in 1893....his newspapers of the period are missing...so some collectors out there are holding some valuable information.....perhaps even Sheldon's family has copies of those treasures, historical treasures..... btw the 1849/1850 treaty was ratified by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and in the treaty it is only between his heirs and successors ...NOT ALL KANAKA MAOLI! and the U.S. President....... have a good weekend everyone..... the Royal Families exists and many are exposed because there are many Pirates, Pillagers, Genocide Activists around us!
Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon Thanks Amelia Gora-I didnt mean to bash your research...the part when Wilcox pointed a gun toward Dole is like something that clicks in my visual, John Sheldonʻs hale was burned down & after that he was quiet...the house may had some documentation but we took care of all the Ali'i- I showed Robert some documents I found Mahele records...we still have our Punaluu lands given by Kamehameha III on my motherʻs side. On my fatherʻs side (John Sheldon) my cousins still live in Kaalaea but the Ali'i left them ʻĀina in Kona & Ft. Street. But you are right there are missing documents and records show his house was burned. But let us stand with Kaeo, Andre and Kaho'okahi! Sam Gon & Suzanne Case are #1 Genociders-they should be on your list!
Amelia Gora couple of years ago, we discovered the discussion to move from a Provisional government to a Republic had a deadline of 2 years... in the Sheldon habeas corpus case.. went to look at the file again recently and found that the discussion was removed! a whistleblower gave me info about the current recently hired archivist who has been destroying documents, and digitizing files, etc. see:http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../vol-vi-no-669... ....i actually like your posts and look forward to reading certain authors like yourself, Robert Ebanez Williamson Chang Maria Taylor ...refreshing and awesome to know true Patriots descendants are on FB! have a good weekend!
Amelia Gora btw in 1998 I wrote to the Supreme Court Judges and their instructions about genocide activists etc. was to either file Police Reports or file reports with the Prosecutor's office....the lists are long.....and recently we have visited the Prosecutor's office....and the Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty is still applicable because it's a contractual agreement between two (2) nations.... there's lots more but that's for discussions among the Kamehameha's... and btw we are the ones who were sued over the Crown Lands by the State.... and we are the only ones on the White House website...looked for Bumpy, Henry Noa, Akahi Nui et. als....and ALA'S.... we are the Alodio land owners for many of the Alii and why is that? because the genealogies have been researched... question...do you know how many individuals it takes to create an individual? hint: start diagramming an x for yourself then take it to the next generation and on and on......now with Hawaiian genealogies, you have to think Hawaiian and know that our tutus moved to make sure the lands would continue to remain in their families and add multiple marriages to that....you can do it... it just takes a lot of patience...and it's not for everyone but if you get together with you ohana, together all can work on it.....and even if an ancestor or two were treasonous...the loss of lands happens only to those particular lines... there are other tutu's that did not do treason......everyone should figure that out..... anywayz have a good weekend....p.s. Ryan Sonognini if your family member is Wanda then maybe you could ask her to borrow the book that i wrote named KAOLEIOKU: Kamehameha's Oldest Son, His Heirs and Successors ....Maka Ala You Sleeping Giants! Read the latest post, Part 2 which is meant to empower everyone.... http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../maka-ala...aloha.
MAKA ALA the SLEEPING GIANT Part 1 See: http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/2016/12/vol-vi-no-630-part-1a.html MAKA ALA the SLEE...
Ryan Sonognini To all these "Ali's"
😘 where your lands? How many Kanaka you shelter and feed? What your Mo'okuauhau? Plenty peeps claim lines but can't even run a TRUE Mo'okuauhau back 4 generations
😂 and then so what, u got koko... so you RELATED to one Ali'i bloodline, not one actual Ali'i.... again, where your lands? What water feeds your aina? .... cause the majority of "Ali'i" that I know, is all modern scrubs, living poorer quality lives than that of a kauwa.. I would love to see a summit of these Ali'i lines to put to rest all the bullshit artists. Fkn House of shoulda, woulda, coulda but absolutely never did.. \^^^/ see ya'll around the pae aina

Brandon Makaawaawa All these so called ali'i with all their capes can finally bus it out next week, they going fit in perfect with all the kids dressed as Dora and Ninja turtles. Lol
Theresa Keohunani Taber If we alive now in 2017 and kanaka, guaranz majority of us get some kine koko of ali'i, we were a VERY loving people after all. Whether legit or not, it's not about the FAT HEADs claiming the CROWN, it's about "WHAT HAVE THEY DONE FOR THE LAHUI?" Where are they in the community? Do they Kokua the Keiki? Do they care for the Kupuna? Do they Educate the world about Hawaii's truths? Give Shelter or sustenance to our fellow Kanaka? For 125 years there has been "I'm a THIS and I'm a THAT" but bottom line is, if you aren't trying to FIX the problem, you are PART of the problem. Can't FIX it in the same context in which it is BROKE.... Put your crown, get your hands in the ground, mix it all around, so we know you down. Otherwise you just blowing a broken Pu!
Amelia Gora Ryan Sonognini suggest you talk with your tutu Wanda who's part of the Kaahumanu Society before you even go there...she knows our family....I was part of that Society and didn't like it because the women of the past were fighters not Breakfast and Lunch Social club types.... my siblings are still there because our grandmother was one of the first members and she and her friends were Queen Liliuokalani's supporters because she descended from one of Queen Liliuokalani's hanai/adopted daughters named Princess Poomaikelani.... so kule kule ko waha!
Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon Some UH professors are for fed wreck, gotta be careful what you share with them!
Ryan Sonognini UH professors
🙈 Uummmm, most aren't Kanaka oiwi. The rest change their names to suit their classroom antics. I know couple podagee's parade themselves with hawaiian names straight outta UH professors, KIRC and merry monarch mentionables
😂 ass why hard... all fake fuckahs up front talking bout this and that... you know, all stuffs they learn while reading books at starbucks
🙄 I have very little respect for Hawaiians that "learn" to be hawaiian and then in turn proclaim the hawaiian they learned is the only hawaiian around town.... keep your original names people

Wiley Kanak For me a un- follow-able, I have compassion for da Alii. Mostly cause nobody listen. There is no respect. But wat I feel mostly for them is, when I read how da maka'ainana wail, bust their teeth out of their mouth, cut their hair, all kind stuff, wen da alii die dat ku'u mau homies is love and dedication to their Chiefs. that is built on trust and a deep sense of connection to the aina and da kanaka gods, and I have yet to witness that connection today between da chiefs and we who hapai Chiefs on our shoulders. Genealogy? Maybe. But dat no going make me believe. I gotta believe before I and da operating word here is "i" small i make a move for carry another kanaka on my shoulder and bust my teefs out of my mouth, weep and wail and carry on for the deep loss at the death of this chief. You have to earn dat love and to date if I take a knee as for copy Collin Kappernink. You ever notice how Kam School kids love Bernice Pauahi, das wat I talking about, da love for da Chiefs
Theresa Keohunani Taber Our Kupuna didn't have degrees or fancy titles yet still left a strong legacy that even the book worms can't compute.... I've seen nothing but disappointment from the "educational community" but lots of clarity and commitment from the "crazy sovereign activists".... I'm sure there is a BIG SHIT LIST out there and going have choke PHD's on that one too
Inez Zoyla Larson Poor Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon, you don't deserve this my dear friend. You're so sweet, this just isn't fair !
Inez Zoyla Larson I love all Hawaii's Ali'i nui, I respect them and I understand them. I love the diversity and individuality of how they wear their relation to the throne. Reinstate them! Let them do their job!
Inez Zoyla Larson I support them completely (minus the nonsense) and I know my role. I love this page I find it very supportive myself and yes I would lay down my life for the Crown and for the Hawaiian Kingdom
Amelia Gora Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon silly girl...did not list you but the other one the Robert Wilcox descendant! Elizabeth K Moreno ....not you...thanks for posting this because there appears to be some Alii bashers that you have attracted,... thanks....will keep this for the records too and send this followup conversation to the HPD for the records too....it's Not OK to alii bash.... boy, if we all lived back in the day the bashers would have ceased to exist....but in these days only the Kamehameha's can utilize the Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States .... can tell many have failed to do their homework..... what i did ask is if you are a descendant of the Sheldon who put out the Hawaiian Holomua (?) newspaper...because that Patriot was arrested under charges of habeas corpus by the usurpers....because he actually printed the near accurate story of the dethronement of our Queen in 1893....his newspapers of the period are missing...so some collectors out there are holding some valuable information.....perhaps even Sheldon's family has copies of those treasures, historical treasures..... btw the 1849/1850 treaty was ratified by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and in the treaty it is only between his heirs and successors ...NOT ALL KANAKA MAOLI! and the U.S. President....... have a good weekend everyone..... the Royal Families exists and many are exposed because there are many Pirates, Pillagers, Genocide Activists around us!
Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon Thanks Amelia Gora-I didnt mean to bash your research...the part when Wilcox pointed a gun toward Dole is like something that clicks in my visual, John Sheldonʻs hale was burned down & after that he was quiet...the house may had some documentation but we took care of all the Ali'i- I showed Robert some documents I found Mahele records...we still have our Punaluu lands given by Kamehameha III on my motherʻs side. On my fatherʻs side (John Sheldon) my cousins still live in Kaalaea but the Ali'i left them ʻĀina in Kona & Ft. Street. But you are right there are missing documents and records show his house was burned. But let us stand with Kaeo, Andre and Kaho'okahi! Sam Gon & Suzanne Case are #1 Genociders-they should be on your list!
Amelia Gora couple of years ago, we discovered the discussion to move from a Provisional government to a Republic had a deadline of 2 years... in the Sheldon habeas corpus case.. went to look at the file again recently and found that the discussion was removed! a whistleblower gave me info about the current recently hired archivist who has been destroying documents, and digitizing files, etc. see:http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../vol-vi-no-669... ....i actually like your posts and look forward to reading certain authors like yourself, Robert Ebanez Williamson Chang Maria Taylor ...refreshing and awesome to know true Patriots descendants are on FB! have a good weekend!
Amelia Gora btw in 1998 I wrote to the Supreme Court Judges and their instructions about genocide activists etc. was to either file Police Reports or file reports with the Prosecutor's office....the lists are long.....and recently we have visited the Prosecutor's office....and the Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty is still applicable because it's a contractual agreement between two (2) nations.... there's lots more but that's for discussions among the Kamehameha's... and btw we are the ones who were sued over the Crown Lands by the State.... and we are the only ones on the White House website...looked for Bumpy, Henry Noa, Akahi Nui et. als....and ALA'S.... we are the Alodio land owners for many of the Alii and why is that? because the genealogies have been researched... question...do you know how many individuals it takes to create an individual? hint: start diagramming an x for yourself then take it to the next generation and on and on......now with Hawaiian genealogies, you have to think Hawaiian and know that our tutus moved to make sure the lands would continue to remain in their families and add multiple marriages to that....you can do it... it just takes a lot of patience...and it's not for everyone but if you get together with you ohana, together all can work on it.....and even if an ancestor or two were treasonous...the loss of lands happens only to those particular lines... there are other tutu's that did not do treason......everyone should figure that out..... anywayz have a good weekend....p.s. Ryan Sonognini if your family member is Wanda then maybe you could ask her to borrow the book that i wrote named KAOLEIOKU: Kamehameha's Oldest Son, His Heirs and Successors ....Maka Ala You Sleeping Giants! Read the latest post, Part 2 which is meant to empower everyone.... http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../maka-ala...aloha.
MAKA ALA the SLEEPING GIANT Part 1 See: http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/2016/12/vol-vi-no-630-part-1a.html MAKA ALA the SLEE...
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