
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Vol VI No. 680 - Part 1a - Issues Affecting All Today.... Agenda 21 Thinking/Indoctrination, etc.

i suppose if you are in serious pain and want to be able to control your own death, this would work for you. made me feel sad, for some reason...
From Raw Story In a world filled with chaos, a new “suicide machine” allows people to exit life in an orderly, peaceful manner. The Sarco is a technological marvel,…
Luwella Leonardi This comes up every year! I say catch the plane to Oregon!! For every ‘pill’ the facility would get $10 thousand. 😡
Maile Huvar It’s complicated. Facing death rationally, we live fuller lives. Being ‘done’ at the end of our lives is a choice. Hospice appears to offer an curious end of life perspective- is it palliative care on another guise?
Luwella Leonardi Not in Hawai‘i, it’a Not about facing the end of life. It’s all about controlling population on an island. And too, profit making. On the radio, it screams, “pull over grandpa”. We tend to disrespect our elders here in Hawai‘i, a local thing.
Amelia Gora God Watches.....the decimation of the masses includes devices such as this and INDOCTRINATION encouraged by discussions such as this..... the positive side is that the OPTIONS of LIFE, LIVING, LOVE remains... thinking about the wickedness of it all.....notice the options used by those who try to control, eradicate includes the GMO movers, etc. for
November 16 at 6:00am ·

571 tons of toxic lead 'chemtrailed' into America's skies every year.

Irrefutable proof we are all being sprayed with poison: 571 tons of toxic lead 'chemtrailed' into America's skies every year
Irrefutable proof we are all being sprayed with poison: 571 tons of toxic lead 'chemtrailed' into America's skies every year

*************************************point is: DON'T PROMOTE EVILS/ Wickedness in today's society... that's so Not Pono..........just sayin...
Independent News on Natural Health and the World
Annette Kaohelaulii Lynette, what about someone who has one of the various brain diseases? I️ would like to be able to decide now that I️ do not want to live if I️ have a fatal brain disease and would like to be given a pill or potion to be administered by a doctor to end it rather than burden my family with all the expense of caring for me until I️ eventually die. I️ see no point in living if I️ can not function normally.
Lynette Cruz i agree. i'd want to control how i live out the end of my life. i hate the idea of being so dependent on someone else's care that i would have no choice about what to do for myself. so i guess with this kind of alternative i could write it into my will that after a certain time passes, like six months, if i am unable to care for myself, i can opt out in a painless way, and not be revived.

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