
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Vol VI No. 680 Part 2

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Posted by Punohu Kekaualua

Punohu Kekaualua
Digging out the gates holding us back.


Walter Ritte:
We came oh so close to all becoming haoles...we were at the edge and ready to go off of the proverbial cliff in the 1970's.
"Documenting Activism: The Early Days of the Native Hawaiian Movement" is now available to stream on our website!…

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MALU played me the cassette tape of SUDDEN RUSH’S first songs recorded in his garage asking me my opinion if it was too da kine “controversial “, would the kupuna get upset?
I was OVERWHELMED, these young kanaka had in their hands a tool to unite our people as ONE
The MUSIC of SUDDEN RUSH educated the LAHUI KANAKA from the KEIKI to the KUPUNA
SUDDEN RUSH played a major role in where we are at in our quest for INDEPENDENCE and restoration of the HAWAIIAN KINGDOM.
I support SUDDEN RUSH 100%.
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Sudden Rush Hawai’i
we are counting down the years, months, weeks and days till the release of our new music!!! and after all this time of calls & emails & dms we are going to coun...t down the new release by making all 3 previous full length cds avail for download! FIRST UP, Nation on the Rise which started off with Dynomite connecting with RedEye on “Another Good Day in Hilo” at the Hilo Jaycees County Fair in 1992 ... where they would then link up with KingDon1 and soon after get into the studio to cook up this classic cd. we wanna build up our social media following before releasing new music so with that, we are asking all of YOU (the 4193 fans who liked this page aka the RushPack) to share this FB page with your circle. also, go to IG and search SuddenRush_Hawaii and click follow. in 24 hrs the link to Nation on the Rise will be available for FREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! we wanna hear you loud and clear that after 25yrs YOU STILL DOWN FOR THE RUSH 🤙🏾
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When the word Hawaii is mentioned, thought bubbles of white sandy beaches, flowers in alcoholic beverages and swimming with dolphins might come to mind.... For many of the inhabitants of this exquisite and endangered environment, however, life in paradise can be far from ideal.
Most tourists would be hard-pressed to imagine 500 tons of TNT blasting into a pristine shoreline or toxic sewage flowing into the waters of Waikiki or whales beaching themselves to escape Navy sonar testing. A mother delivering a deformed infant doesn’t come to the minds of most vacationers.
Hawaii is, however, the “endangered species capital of the world.” It stands to reason that the United States military, being the greatest polluter and largest emitter of carbon dioxide on the planet, might have something to do with that unacceptable fact.
There are 57 known military sites on Moku o Keawe (Hawaii Island) alone, totaling more than 250,000 acres; the equivalent of nine islands the size of Kahoolawe.
They’ve been bombing and polluting these islands with impunity for over a century, paying only $1 a year for leased lands at Pohakuloa Training Area, for example.
Civil Beat reporter Anita Hofschneider takes a moment to reflect at Sailor's Hat, Kahoolawe. 9.30.14
Sailor’s Hat on Kahoolawe, where the Navy dropped a 500-pound TNT bomb to simulate the effects of an atomic blast.
PF Bentley/Civil Beat
It is the most militarized group of islands in the world, and though the military is not known for its environmental acumen, they proudly claim to be responsible stewards of both land and sea. Many view that claim as ridiculous while others see it as nothing shy of criminal.
It began with the Bayonet Constitution and Reciprocity Treaty of 1887 when the exclusive use of Pearl Harbor was granted to the U.S. Navy. In 1893, one of its warships, the USS Boston, landed troops in Honolulu to support a handful of treasonous sugar barons plotting to invade the internationally recognized, neutral Hawaiian Kingdom.
Hawaii Not Part Of America
The illegal occupation of Hawaii since that time has been a relentlessly painful thorn in the side of the Kanaka Maoli. It is also much to the dismay of human rights activists, environmentalists, history students and scholars, lawyers and other concerned citizens of the world.
With no proof of purchase or Treaty of Annexation, Hawaii is not actually or legally part of the United States. The U.S. Congress passed a “Joint Resolution” disguised as a Treaty of Annexation, legally binding only within its own borders. The military therefore has no legal jurisdiction here and in any case, should not be permitted to decimate Hawaii for “war games” in the name of national security.
In the past hundred years it has transformed scores of fertile valleys, fishing grounds and sacred sites into barren wastelands and burial grounds for unexploded ammunitions.
The once pristine Puuloa (Pearl Harbor,) for example, a major fish-breeding center, is now a Superfund toxic waste dump. Millions of gallons of radioactive liquid waste have been discharged directly into Pearl Harbor along with other told and untold military toxins.
The illegal occupation of Hawaii has been a painful thorn in the side of the Kanaka Maoli
The leaking of 250-million-gallon fuel tanks at Red Hill has put the island’s drinking supply at risk. More than 2,000 55-gallon drums of radioactive solid waste from refueling Navy submarine nuclear reactors were just simply dumped off the southern shores of Oahu. The cumulative environmental impacts are too numerous to mention, and yet there is an appalling lack of accountability and no up-to-date environmental impact study.
Still worse is the condition of Kahoolawe, used for target practice for over 50 years. An EIS done specifically for “The Target Isle” in the 1980s reported tens of thousands of unexploded bombs, some as deep as 20 feet underground. When the above-mentioned 500 tons of TNT was detonated in 1965, it likely cracked the water table of the island sacred to the Hawaiian people.
Today, Kahoolawe is still polluted and uninhabitable regardless of the military’s promised partial $400 million cleanup, along with decades of volunteer restoration efforts by Native Hawaiians and the federally funded Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission.
Pirates Of Plunder
Only 68 percent of Kahoolawe’s surface has been cleared, only 9 percent to a depth of 4 feet and absolutely zero percent of the surrounding waters. And yet the blame for this astounding environmental destruction, according to Wikipedia, belongs to pre-contact Hawaiians when: “violent wars among competing alii (chiefs) laid waste to the land.
Here on Moku o Keawe, live ordnance has been found on several beaches, in residential areas and even on public school grounds. At least nine people have been killed or injured by unexploded ordnance.
The author on a visit to Kahoolawe.
No one knows how many birth defects have resulted from military activity over these many decades of belligerent occupation. No one knows how many have been exposed to depleted uranium oxide, the deadliest form of radiation when inhaled. The military claims that DU is not dangerous, but when DU is aerosolized during live fire training, DU oxide dust is created, a known cause of cancer, birth defects and genetic damage.
That means it is a trans-generational threat, not only to the military personnel and all who live or visit here, but to all their offspring as well.
Hawaii is also ground zero for GMO experimentation, spraying nearly 17 times more pesticides compared with the entire rest of the United States. Hawaii is also home to RIMPAC — the world’s largest U.S.-led “war games,” involving 26 nations, 45 ships, five submarines, more than 200 aircraft and 25,000 military personnel.
With projects on the horizon like the Navy’s Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing expansion and the unethical Thirty Meter Telescope (an 18-story telescope on the top of Hawaii’s tallest and most sacred mountain), terms like “overkill” come to mind. Not to mention the Army’s environmental assessment published last week of “no significant Impact” to cultural and religious sites at the Pohakuloa Training Area, where more than 14 million live rounds are fired annually.
With so many people of such honor and integrity serving the U.S. military, it is a travesty for it to be behaving more like pirates of plunder than protectors of peace.
In any case, perhaps it is time to question why this degree of reckless destruction and illegal activity would be a prerequisite for national security. When does enough become enough?
For many, that time was a long time ago, but it most certainly is now before the next “perfect wave” of military expansion rolls in and over the rights of the kanaka maoli, their beloved Hawaii and all who live and visit here. For more information visit
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About the Author
Millicent Cummings
Millicent Cummings
Millicent Cummings is a Hawaii resident, protector and mother.
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From Pearl Harbor to Pohakuloa, from Kahoolawe to Red Hill, the armed forces are poor stewards of the aina.

#LaKuokoa #HawaiianIndependence #Sovereignty #FreeHawaii #HawaiianKIngdom #GoHawaii #LetHawaiiHappen
In the Kingdom of Hawai`i, November 28 was an official holiday called Lā Kū`oko`a, or Independence Day. This was the day in 1843 when England and France formally recognized Hawai`i's independence.
Faced with the problem of foreign encroachment of Hawaiian territory, His Majesty King Kamehameha III deemed it prudent and necessary to dispatch a Hawaiian delegation to the United States and then to Europe, with the power to negotiate treaties and to ultimately secure the recognition of Hawaiian Independence by the major powers of the world.
In accordance with this view, Timoteo Ha`alilio, William Richards and Sir George Simpson were commissioned as joint Ministers Plenipotentiary on April 8, 1842.
Sir George Simpson, shortly thereafter, left for England, via Alaska and Siberia, while Mr. Ha`alilio and Mr. Richards departed for the United States, via Mexico and the US on July 8, 1842.
The Hawaiian delegation, while in the United States of America, secured the assurance of US President Tyler on December 19, 1842 of its recognition of Hawaiian independence, and then proceeded to meet Sir George Simpson in Europe and secure formal recognition by Great Britain and France.
On March 17, 1843, King Louis-Phillipe of France recognized Hawaiian independence at the urging of King Leopold of Belgium, and on April 1, 1843, Lord Aberdeen on behalf of Her Britannic Majesty Queen Victoria, assured the Hawaiian delegation that:
"Her Majesty's Government was willing and had determined to recognize the independence of the Sandwich Islands under their present sovereign."
Formal Agreement of Recognition -
On November 28, 1843, at the Court of London, the British and French Governments entered into a formal agreement of the recognition of Hawaiian independence, with what is called the Anglo-Franco Proclamation.
To wit-
"Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of the French, taking into consideration the existence in the Sandwich Islands (Hawaiian Islands) of a government capable of providing for the regularity of its relations with foreign nations, have thought it right to engage, reciprocally, to consider the Sandwich Islands as an Independent State, and never to take possession, neither directly or under the title of Protectorate, or under any other form, of any part of the territory of which they are composed.
The undersigned, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs, and the Ambassador Extraordinary of His Majesty the King of the French, at the Court of London, being furnished with the necessary powers, hereby declare, in consequence, that their said Majesties take reciprocally that engagement.
In witness whereof the undersigned have signed the present declaration, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.
Done in duplicate at London, the 28th day of November, in the year of our Lord, 1843.
[L.S.] Aberdeen [L.S.] St. Aulaire"
National Holiday -
November 28 was thereafter established as an official national holiday of the Hawaiian Kingdom to celebrate Hawaii's independence.
International Stature -
As a result of this recognition, the Hawaiian Kingdom entered into treaties with the major nations of the world and established over ninety diplomatic legations and consulates in seaports and cities around the world.
The Fake Revolution -
Fifty years later, in 1893, an illegal intervention by the U.S. military resulted in a "fake revolution" against the legitimate Hawaiian government, and a puppet oligarchy set itself up with its main purpose of annexing Hawai`i to the United States.
After a failed armed attempt by Hawaiians to retake their Kingdom in 1895, the usurpers announced that Lā Kū`oko`a would no longer be celebrated, and the American holiday Thanksgiving Day would be the official national holiday instead.
Removing a holiday like Hawai`i Independence Day was a way to cover up and try to destroy the history and identity of the Hawaiian Kingdom and its people.
At first Hawaiians protested and celebrated Lā Kū`oko`a anyway, telling the story of the national heroes who had traveled to Europe to secure Hawaii's recognition.
But over time, this history — knowledge of the holiday and how it was replaced — faded and was almost lost, until recently, when Hawaiian language scholars started translating Hawaiian language newspapers and rediscovered the story.
Today’s celebration of Lā Kū`oko`a asserts that Hawai`i is still an independent nation, even under prolonged illegal occupation.

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Hawai`i Free Press 
Today's News Read
December 3, 2017

Forgotten Honouliuli: Jack Burns, Police Spy

...How Japanese internment and martial law were exploited to create the Hawaii Democratic machine....

Hawaii House Rules Prohibit Staff from Revealing "Illegal or Improper Conduct"

...How do Hawaii legislators get away with sexual harassment?....

How Hawaii Civil Rights Commission Covers Up Sex Harassment Reports

...Hawaii taxpayers may have been soaked as much as $200K in settlements which keep sex harassment quiet....

After years of silence, Kamehameha Schools/ACLU sex abuse victims speak out

...Browne drugged his brother, who then became addicted to drugs and alcohol and ended up living on the streets. He died in 2011. The cause of death: Suicide by overdose....

ACLU Child Molester: KSBE Broken Trustees Scramble to Shift Blame

...former state House Speaker Henry Peters, who told Hawaii News Now on Tuesday the board was never informed (blablabla)....

Child Molester: Petition Demands Kamehameha Schools Take Responsibility

...justice, reparation and healing for those individuals who were violated decades ago....

Dan Inouye was a Rapist

... "Even though he had only one arm, he had strength. I tried pushing him but I didn't get anywhere."....

Four Years After Sheep Sex Scandal--Brian Schatz in Charge of Sex Harassment Investigations

...of fellow Senate Democrats Al Franken of Minnesota and Bob Menendez of New Jersey, and maybe Republican Roy Moore of Alabama....

The Tax Administration Slush Fund

...the Tax Administration Special Fund is becoming an all-purpose slush fund for which corrective action is needed....

HGEA Sabotage: DoTax Orders Contractor to Lie to Legislators

...HGEA feels its jobs are threatened by any new technology.  That's why Hawaii still uses some Wang desktop computers, does manual payroll and uses some old punch-card machines....

Mauna Kea: OHA Still Hasn't Served UH With Lawsuit

...To date, OHA has not yet served the University, Nagata said....

The Truth About OHA Audits

...this audit will, according to the SOQ, "provide recommendations on organizational, structural and procedural improvement[s] to strengthen the BOT's fiduciary oversight of the OHA and its LLCs."....

ConCon: OHA Admin Pushing to Abolish OHA Board of Trustees?

...Mana ka Lahui--what's their hidden agenda?....

Tupola: Equal Funding for Charter Schools

...Did you know that not all of our keiki get equal funding for school?....

'Certificate of need' laws are certifiably unnecessary politician would want to get caught saying they supported limiting the number of  hospitals, dialysis facilities or MRI machines for rural areas.  And yet, that's exactly what Hawaii's legislature has done....

Zoning, Land-Use Planning, and Housing Affordability

...regulations have also tended to reduce the supply of housing, including multifamily and low-income housing....

Gun Toting Robber Sponsors Maui Anti-Sunscreen Bill

...and Anti-GMO Council Staffer Threatens Maui Council Members....

Will Legislators Block Shutdown of All Ocean Users?

...Thanks to the State Supreme Court's September 6, 2017 aquarium fishing decision, all ocean users now face the same fate as aquarium fishers--shut down awaiting an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)....

Kauai Again: This Time it's Stranded Whales--Idiot Legislators Cook up Bizarre Conspiracy Theories

..."When marine mammals strand themselves it's usually a signal that something in our environment is out of sync," said Ing (wrongly)....

DLNR: Did Anti-Ratbait Activists Kill 45 Mullet?

...It is also not clear whether or not the fish were intentionally placed in a tide pool on the northern side of Lehua Island....

Hawaii: Highest Consumer Debt in USA

...States such as Hawaii with especially high costs of living had ratios of debt-to-adjusted income of 26.43%, compared to the overall average of 15.9 percent....

Hawaii Child Care Most Expensive in USA for only one child in Hawai'i consumes approximately 13 percent of the typical Hawai'i family's income....

HPD Chief Ballard Orders People With Medical Pot To Surrender Guns

...Marijuana users in Honolulu are expected to turn over all firearms and ammunition to the state within 30 days of receiving the notice, according to a letter signed by police chief Susan Ballard....

Gun Surrender: AG report lists cannabis patients under "Mental incompetence"

...These gun surrender letters were first sent in September 2016....

Serving the law can circumvent justice marijuana users in the state have been receiving letters from the Honolulu Police Department ordering them to turn in their legally owned firearms....

DoH Unveils Hawaii Opioid Action Plan

...a standing order to allow pharmacists to dispense Naloxone....

OHA Strategic Plan? Results Not Updated since 2013

...the State of Hawaii Dashboard and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Dashboard are only current up to 2013 for most of the categories presented....

Vision for Future Waianae Coast with Kelii Akina and Germaine Meyers

...Dr. Keli'i Akina discusses a vision for the future of Waianae with one of its most passionate advocates and Community leaders, Germaine Meyers....

Energy: Reduced Budget Produces Increased Efficiency

...These two factors combined mean Hawai'i Energy operated at its most efficient, lowest cost of acquired savings ever....

Executive Order 17-07: Autonomous Vehicle Testing in Hawaii

...The executive order establishes an Administrative Director in the Office of the Governor who will support companies seeking to test self-driving vehicle technology ....

Hawaii County Seeking Applicants for Boards and Commissions

...The County wants to fill nine vacancies on the Cost of Government Commission, representing each of the nine Council Districts....

Hawaii's Best Workplace? Monsanto

...Monsanto took first place, scoring an impressive 91.6 percent....

Governing Green Power: Realigning Institutions to Shovel Ratepayer Money to Elon Musk

...The complex system of the future that many of us envision - what some call Utility 2.0 - will require dynamic price setting....

Wrong 25 Years Ago--UH 'scientists' sign SECOND warning notice to humanity

...Actually, life is better now than it ever has been.  And the last 25 years have been very prosperous for humanity.  But lets not let reality get in the way of eco-socialism....

Hawaii v Trump: Back to the Supreme Court Again

...Challengers in Hawaii and Maryland responded today to the government's request to have the Supreme Court intervene....

Hawaii Least Charitable State in USA?

...but Hawaii ranks 5th in Percentage of Population who Donate Time....

State's Hyperbaric Treatment Center to remain closed through February

...HTC has treated civilian divers for decompression sickness or "the bends" in Hawaiʻi since 1983....

New DLIR Website Tracks Military Spending in Hawaii

...The Hawaii Defense Economy project is focused on enhancing understanding of the economic impact of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) contracts and grants....

Seven Deadly? Hawaii Comes up Short in Sin Index

...WalletHub's data crunchers compared more than 180 U.S. cities across 32 key indicators of evil deeds....

Hawaii 2nd Best State for Healthy Retirement

...Seniors in Hawaii are sick less often than those in any other state....

  1. Shakedown: HGEA Ties Lunatic Escape to OT Protest--'You're Lucky Our Members Haven't Done Anything Worse'
  2. Lawsuit: Kamehameha School allowed ACLU Child Molester to Victimize Students for Decades
  3. 2018 Elections: 20% Turnover in House?
  4. Conflict of Interest: OHA Audit Committee Member Secretly owns OHA's Former Poi Mill
  5. To Help Campaign Contributors, Hanabusa Blocks Missile Defense for Hawaii for 6 Years
  6. Rep Andria Tupola to Announce Gubernatorial Run
  7. What's in the Secret Air BnB Agreement?
  8. Kawananakoa Estate: Sex, Drugs, and Inequality
  9. $2.4B Tax Hike: How They Voted
  10. Enviros Turn on Their Own-Demand Shutdown of Tour Boat Activities
  11. Hirono on Bill Clinton Sexual Misconduct Scandals: 'Let's Move Forward'
  12. Randy Roth: OHA Copies Bishop Estate--Misusing LLCs to Hide from Law
  13. Hospital Reform? Randy Perreira Says "F*** You"
  14. Mauna Kea: UH to Trade 10,000 Acres for Telescope Approval, Lease Extension?
  15. Progressive Activists are the Main Cause of Inequality 
  16. Is cult tied to Congresswoman Gabbard launching cyberattacks?
  17. Decline of Hawaii Farmland Caused by Environmentalism, not Development
  18. Al Hee Minion Robin Danner Grabs for Control of Crooked Sandwich Isles Scam Company
  19. After 30 Years, Alarmists Are Still Predicting A Global Warming 'Apocalypse'
  20. Billionaire Stupidly Attempts to Enter Molokai Without Paying Walter Ritte
  21. Pension pinches profligacy
  22. 16 Years of Litigation: Sierra Club Directly Responsible for Lack of Affordable Housing
  23. Tupola: FTA review of HART recovery plan finished 'early 2018' 
  24. Should Surfrider be Licensed to Pass Out Property Tax Exemptions?
  25. Oahu Workshops: Learn to Raise Your Voice at the State Capitol
  26. Fake Data Behind Coral Bleaching Report 
  27. Peter Apo: 'People can just make up stuff, and pronounce cultural claims with little or no validation' 
  28. UH English Department Backs out of ANTIFA Endorsement 
  29. What These 3 Doctors Think Should Be Done for Children Who Think They Are Transgender
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