
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice - Supreme Court Cases #43 - 57 Recorded Guilty

Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice - Supreme Court Cases #43 - 57 Recorded Guilty




U.S. President Donald Trump
Secretary of State  
Governor David Ige
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Many Interested others  

Subject of Correspondence:  Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice No. 2018-0603  Supreme Court Cases  #43 - 57 Adjudicated Guilty on August 30, 2018 from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, one of the four (4) Supreme Court Judges
The Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court Judges adjudicated the following cases with Guilty verdicts:

43)  James Dole
44) Joseph Booth
45) Sanford B. Dole
46) Lorrin Thurston
47)  Alfred S. Hartwell
48)  William O. Smith
49) Samuel Damon
50) Dole Food Company, Inc. aka's
51)  Castle & Cooke
52)  Kohala Sugar Company
53) Hamakua Sugar Company
54) James King
55) Campbell and Turton
56)  Campbell Estates/James Campbell Estates aka
57)  St. Augustine's Church by the Sea - Waikiki aka's

All of the above have been adjudicated as guilty. 

The Guilty verdicts applies to those operating under "identity theft" documented Territory of Hawaii turned State of Hawaii with documented oppositions, whose attorney general claimed to be "the successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii".

All the above Trustees or Assigns, etc.under the identity thieves, the Territory turned State of Hawaii, are no longer land owners in the Hawaiian Islands under the "color of title" and are Not the alodio land owners, the Paramount title owners, the Superior title owners.

Detailed information will be forwarded upon request or posted as a Legal Notice for all to see.


Amelia Gora

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