Saturday, April 20, 2019

What Does Captain James Cook, the Secret Banker's Constitution of 1871, the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani, Pearl Harbor, and 911 have in Common?

What Does Captain James Cook, the Secret Banker's Constitution of 1871, the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani, Pearl Harbor, and 911 have in Common?

                                             Review by Amelia Gora (2019)

Captain James Cook came from England 
Image result for captain james cookImage result for captain james cookImage result for captain james cookImage result for captain james cook

James Cook

Captain James Cook FRS was a British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the Royal Navy. He made detailed maps of Newfoundland prior to making three voyages to the Pacific O…

Captain James Cook FRS was a British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the Royal Navy. He made detailed maps of Newfoundland prior to making three voyages to the Pacific Ocean, during which he achieved the first recorded European contact with the eastern coastline of Australia and the Hawaiian Islands, and the first recorded circumnavigation of New Zealand.


Gifted women musicians and composers rarely received their due.
Ambition leads me not only farther than any other man has been before me, but a…

Ambition leads me not only farther than any other man has been before me, but as far as I think it possible for man to go.
Do just once what others say you can't do, and you will never pay attention to thei…

Do just once what others say you can't do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.


1762:Cook married Elizabeth Batts, the daughter of Samuel Batts, keeper of the Bell Inn in Wapping and one of his mentors, on 21 December 1762 at St Margaret's Church, Barking, Essex.
1769:Cook and his crew rounded Cape Horn and continued westward across the Pacific, arriving at Tahiti on 13 April 1769, where the observations of the Venus Transit were made.
1771:Shortly after his return from the first voyage, Cook was promoted in August 1771 to the rank of commander.
1774:Furneaux made his way to New Zealand, where he lost some of his men during an encounter with Māori, and eventually sailed back to Britain, while Cook continued to explore the Antarctic, reaching 71°10'S on 31 January 1774.
1778:After dropping Omai at Tahiti, Cook travelled north and in 1778 became the first European to begin formal contact with the Hawaiian Islands.
1779:Cook was attacked and killed in 1779 during his third exploratory voyage in the Pacific while attempting to kidnap Hawaiian chief Kalaniʻōpuʻu in order to reclaim a cutter stolen from one of his ships.


the Planned Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 - Planned since 1841:

United States Secretary of State John W. Foster "helped ...
Nov 04, 2018 · As Secretary of State, Foster "helped direct the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy." [ Review by Amelia Gora (2018) The following article shows Loads of Lies, Premeditation Evidence of the United States Secretary of State who did actively play a role in taking over a …
  • Author: Hwnwahine

PEARL HARBOR FRAUD CLAIMS BY THE UNITED STATES, a Treaty with King Kalakaua who WAS NOT the land owner of Pearl Harbor:

  • Diary: More Evidence on Pearl Harbor - Fraud Claim by the ...
    Jun 07, 2011 · more evidence on pearl harbor - all nations take a good look. the claims of the u.s. is a fraud, a sham, many died needlessly. or. why the u.s. is a …
    • Author: Amelia Gora
    • Vol VII No. 716 Part 3 - Pearl Harbor: The Truth, etc.
      Aug 18, 2018 · premeditation over pearl harbor etc. and reasons why the u.s. does not own pearl harbor, ford island, etc. researched by Amelia Gora (2017) Aerial view of Pearl Harbor
    • Genealogies Exposed in the Fraud Claims to Pearl Harbor ...
      Genealogies Exposed in the Fraud Claims to Pearl Harbor article Vol V No. 590 Part 1C - Important Genealogies/Royal Families, Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom issues, Frauds, Piracy(ies), Pillaging, etc. ... Amelia Gora the land owners are our ancestors …
    • Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Remembering the Criminal ...
      Jan 17, 2018 · An Agr./Agreement was filed as a Deed in the Fraud 1909 Trust of Liliuokalani. ... who had the author of this article, Amelia Gora (siblings). ... Standing order was given to take over the Hawaiian Islands see: January 9, 1893 article in THE NEW YORK TIMES - Pearl Harbor Coaling Station. PEARL HARBOR COALING STATION.;
      • Author: Hwnwahine
      • Hawaiian Kingdom: Jail Time for a Lot of People - Evidence ...
        Apr 26, 2018 · The Treaty was to expire in 1894. The Claim by the U.S. owning Pearl Harbor is a fraud. The Alodio Titles belongs to the Families of Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. 1883 ... Alodio Titles, Billings, Return of Records, ... which shows that Alodio/Alodial Titles... . and articles posted by Amelia Gora. .... Kamehameha III ...
      • Subject: Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice No. 2018-0117 ...
        research by Amelia Gora (2011) PEARL HARBOR was criminally claimed by the U.S., with their helpers, the Provisional government, turned Republic of Hawaii, turned Territory of Hawaii, and entity State of Hawaii with documented oppositions.
        • Author: Hwnwahine
        • Hawaiian Kingdom: Important Historical Events - Keep for ...

          Apr 26, 2018 · The Treaty was to expire in 1894. The Claim by the U.S. owning Pearl Harbor is a fraud. The Alodio Titles belongs to the Families of Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. 1883 ... Alodio Titles, Billings, Return of Records, ... which shows that Alodio/Alodial Titles... . and articles posted by Amelia Gora. .... Kamehameha III ...
        • Premeditation to Take Over Hawaii By the United States

          Pearl Harbor is regarded by these maritime as the best site for a war-supply depot in the Pacific. ... created a fraud deed conveying the already conveyed Halawa Ahupuaa, which included Pearl Harbor to two deceased ancestors named Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. ... Amelia Gora History (30+ years), Genealogy (24 years), and Legal (15 years ...
          • Author: Amelia Gora
          • Diary: The Royal Families In The Hawaiian ... - OpEdNews

            Jan 17, 2012 · Diary: The Royal Families In The Hawaiian Islands and the Problematic Masons/Freemasons - Remembering the Criminal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani by Americans in 1893 with the help of U.S ...
            • Author: Amelia Gora
            • Rents Due for the Iolani Palace, Pearl Harbor, etc.

              6) I, Amelia Gora am one of the many researchers who have discovered, uncovered, and revealed to the World that the U.S. did premeditate the takeover of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, perpetuated Frauds even after Opposition to Annexation was made by Queen Liliuokalani in 1897 and her 21,000+ subjects who signed protests, they representing about 40,000 who supported her - appears ...

            • 911 - Implosion, a documented conspiracy, etc.:

            • Did a European Scientific Journal Conclude 9/11 Was a ...

              Oct 09, 2016 · The European Scientific Journal, a peer-reviewed academic publication, concluded that the collapse of the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Building 7 on 11 September 2001 was the result of …
            • 911 and the Implosion of Common Sense – Colin R. Turner

              Hu Posted on12:00 am - Jan 16, 2018. this article is just sad Colin, definitely the epitome of the implosion of common sense. i have read hundreds of articles debunking “conspiracy theories” and this is one of the worst! your opinions are desperate, neglectful, and so disrespectful to the lives lost. dude, the conspiracy has been solved!
            • The Most Compelling 9/11 Conspiracy Theories | News One

              Sep 11, 2018 · Here, we compiled a list of the 11 most compelling 9/11 conspiracy theories that exist. [RELATED: Five Celebrities Allegedly Tied To The Illuminati] For more NewsOne conspiracy
            • The BBC’s Demolition of 911 Truth - 911Truth.Org

              Aug 12, 2008 · The BBC’s Demolition of 911 Truth “The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 - The Third Tower,” BBC 2, July 6, 2008 – British Broadcasting contorts itself again to demolition 9/11 conspiracy advocates ... The perfect vertical implosion of this enormous building—the last of seven WTC buildings to be completely destroyed on 9/11—was filmed from ...
              • Author: Staff
              • Wynn-Miller (deceased) Apparently Hit Onto Something With ...

                Wynn-Miller (deceased) Apparently Hit Onto Something With the 911 Conspiracies ---His People Included Sai, Siu, Bolomet, Noa, Mahealani Asing-Kahau, Keline Kahau, et. als.
              • Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11

                Who were the terrorists that had access to this highly secure building, occupied in part by the CIA, FBI, Dept of Defense, IRS, SEC, and others, and the technology required to prepare it for demolition? The 1,000 strong Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth present the scientific forensic data, evidence, and eyewitness and video testimony.
              • 9/11 Conspiracy Theories - World Trade Center - Debunking ...

                Sep 10, 2018 · Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - The World Trade Center. Popular Mechanics examines the evidence and consults the experts to refute the most persistent conspiracy theories of …
                • Author: Popular Mechanics Editors
                • Diary: NOSTRODAMUS Prophecy or Conspiracy(ies) (Part 1 of ...

                  Jun 01, 2011 · Diary: NOSTRODAMUS Prophecy or Conspiracy(ies) (Part 1 of 2) - Part 1 - NOSTRODAMUS Prophecy appears to be part of a Conspiracy since World War I.
                  • Author: Amelia Gora
                  • September 11 video of demolition flashes show 'bombs in ...

           › News › Latest News
                    Sep 12, 2017 · September 11: The footage that 'proves bombs were planted in Twin Towers' September 11: The footage that 'proves bombs were planted in Twin Towers' ... which was made by people with a similar theory – has been posted online and seeks to offer proof. ... Conspiracy theorists argue 9/11
                    • Author: Rachel O'donoghue
                    • Location: 1 Canada Square, London, E14 5AP

                  • ************************

                    All involved the United States, Great Britain, Banker's Connections:

                    Captain James Cook

                    the Secret Banker's Constitution of 1871

                    the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani

                    Pearl Harbor Fraud's

                    911 - Planned Implosion involving the move to War for Oil by Standard Oil Company, which turned to EXXON......EXXON support in the United Nations by giving them land for the United Nations, which was created by the United States, Great Britain, and the JP Morgan bankers under the CFR/ Council on Foreign Relations..........

                    The most recent issues that everyone should examine is the Great Britain, and United States collusion, along with the banker's behind each event.

                    David Wynn Miller (deceased) hit on some very important points, as did U.S. President Trump who's currently on the hot seat with the Democrat's trying to impeach him.........

                    Appears this is one of the major reasons the Democrat's move to remove U.S. President Trump...aloha.

                    The destruction of the World Trade Towers on 9/11 is an event that…


                    Alternative News

                    Donald Trump Implies 9/11 Was A Controlled Demolition


                    In Brief

                    • The Facts:Donald Trump's comments on 9/11 suggest that bombs were involved in taking down the World Trade towers. He joins a long and growing list of people suggesting that this was actually a controlled demolition.
                    • Reflect On:Why does the US continue to hide truth about 9/11? Why do they refuse to do a proper investigation?
                    The destruction of the World Trade Towers on 9/11 is an event that continues to spark our awakening to the malice contained at the heart of several governments. These governments are dangled from a string by the corporations who sit above them, who are in turn dangled by the financial elite who sit above them.
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                    This is important to know. Prominent politicians have referenced this ‘secret government’ for decades, but when a topic like the ‘deep state‘ is presented on mainstream media, it’s pushed as a conspiracy theory. While this can get frustrating, a growing number of people are seeing through the veil more than ever.

                    The End Of Our Innocence

                    Prior to 9/11, many global citizens, especially American citizens, could not fathom that their government could do anything so barbaric, so unethical, and so destructive. It’s quite ironic that for years, Western media has falsely accused several politicians of other nations of murdering their own people, the latest example being the chemical gas attacks blamed on Syrian president Bashar al Assad. But many people are seeing through this, and coming to understand how false flag terrorism has been used a lot throughout history, both prior to and post 9/11. That said,  no event has had the awakening effect that 9/11 had and continues to have.
                    Today, we have thousands of architects and engineers, many academicians and even peer-reviewed studies that show there is no possible way that planes could have brought down the two towers, as well as the official story about the collapse of building number seven, which wasn’t even hit by a plane. This is why the global citizenry, and judging by the latest polls, the American citizenry, do not believe the official story put out by the government regarding what really happened on that day. It’s not because we are stupid, it’s not because we are ‘conspiracy theorists,’ it’s simply because we questioned what was being told to us via mainstream media, and decided to investigate for ourselves.

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                    For more of our articles on 9/11, click here.

                    Donald Trump Weighs In

                    U. S. Politicians and others within government have not really questioned what happened on 9/11–except for Donald Trump. One of his engineers was the architect of the building. Here’s what he had to say, taken from this interview:
                    It wasn’t architectural defect…The World Trade Center was always known as a very very strong building…Don’t forget that building took a bomb in the basement (1993). Now the basement is the most vulnerable place because that’s your foundation, and it withstood that…I got to see that area, about three or four days after it took place because one of my structural engineers actually took me for a tour, because he did the building and I said “I can’t believe it.” The building was standing solid and half of the columns were blown out…So, this was an unbelievably powerful building.
                    After talking about the structure of the building, and the way it was built with the steel on the outside (first building ever to do so for structural purposes …), and how it’s not possible for a plane to destroy that, he went on to say:

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                    How could a plane, even a 767 or a 747 or whatever it might have been, how could it possibly go through the steel? I happen to think they had not only a plane but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously because I just can’t imagine anything being able to go through that wall….I just think that there was a plane with more than just fuel. Obviously they were very big planes, they were going very rapidly…You’re talking about taking out steel, the heaviest caliber steel that was used on the building. These buildings were rock solid.
                    Trump also stated the fact that the US government had knowledge before the attack before it happened, and they still did not stop it. He also mentioned that he saw a big hole in some of the steel beams, hinting to explosions.
                    Trump has been quite outspoken regarding corporate control over the government,  as well as all of the deceit that goes on as to how our government has been hijacked by rogue groups within the government. It’s easy to see why he was and is completely vilified. It had nothing to do with racism or sexism, and if you think this, you’re simply regurgitating what you get from television programming, and have no understanding of how politics works. We go into it deeper here:

                    Other Commentators On The Deep State

                    Below is a great quote from Robert W. Welch Jr, given way back in 1958, addressing the Deep State.
                    “So brush the insiders dust out of your eyes, my friends, and the communist soap suds out of your Brain, and ask yourselves in all honesty, what on Earth is wrong with the United States simply minding its own business, or with having its foreign policy function primarily for the safety and benefit of the American people? Which is exactly what we had done for the first 140 years of our existence as a nation, to the incredible advantage of ourselves and everybody else, everybody, that is, except a numerically small clique of power-lusting conspirators who have somehow inflicted themselves on a gullible world.”
                    The American empire has had a history of infiltrating and destroying other countries through unethical means (terrorism) and then stepping in to be a ‘savior,’ imposing their will on others. This has been done through the most savage means, with 9/11 being one small example compared to what they’ve done overseas.
                    The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation … The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties … [and] control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. – John F. Hylan was Mayor of New York City from 1918-1925 (source)(source)
                    But it is not representative of America, but rather the corruption within politics and the deep state that in no way represents the will of the American people.
                    Steve R. Pieczenik is one of many people from ‘within’ these ranks who is currently speaking about this. He’s a former United States Department of State official and has been involved with the intelligence community for years. He’s been through and worked within multiple administrations. He has been providing updates on what is happening, the deep state that exists within the American government and how there is currently a ‘battle’ between the Trump administration and the deep state. You can find those interviews online everywhere, he conducted most of them with Alex Jones. He’s also been outspoken and addressed that Trump has already commented on 9/11, and referenced the interview below.

                    Trump Survived The Attacks

                    This is why Trump has been vilified. I’ll leave you with this great quote from author Richard Dolan, taken from one of his 2016 articles.
                    For sure, the power elite closed ranks and did everything possible to ensure a victory for Clinton. This included not only the Democratic party (which previously played dirty pool against Bernie Sanders), but the entire mainstream media machine, the financial community, the EU, and even the Republican party itself. If nothing else, I had concluded that the media alone had done a sufficient job of demonizing Trump – multiple negative headlines daily for more than a year – to make him unelectable to the American people.
                    For more than a year, we have been told that Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobe, liar, cheat, and narcissist. The attack bears all the marks of a coordinated effort among the major news outlets: CNN, NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, USA Today, and the rest. It reminded me very much of the concerted media attack against Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff which culminated earlier in 2016 in her impeachment and removal from power. In the case of Rousseff, we see what has been alternately described as a soft coup or a Wall Street coup, rather along the lines of the “color revolutions” of a few years earlier (which are now largely understood as CIA-NGO orchestrated). In both cases, pretexts were created and hammered home by an insistent media that whipped up public opinion. In Brazil, it worked. It seemed like it would work in the U.S.
                    It is important to understand why Trump was demonized. To be sure, his character makes it easy. There is no shortage of narcissistic, sexist, or otherwise offensive statements in his repertoire from which to draw. But I have never and will never believe this is why he was demonized. Ultimately, Trump is a disruptor, and his disruption falls squarely against the two key pillars of the American ruling elite’s ideology: neoliberalism and neoconservatism.
                    There are many reasons to believe that Trump’s survival is a sign that the deep state is losing its power, and that the battle that Steve Pieczenik talks about is going in favor of the Trump administration and their allies. If so, 2018 might be the last year we have to pass through 9/11 without the full and incontestable knowledge about what actually happened.

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                    Saturday, September 15, 2018

                    Wynn-Miller (deceased) Apparently Hit Onto Something With the 911 Conspiracies ---His People Included Sai, Siu, Bolomet, Noa, Mahealani Asing-Kahau, Keline Kahau, et. als.

                    Image result for 911 twin towers gifWynn-Miller (deceased) Apparently Hit Onto Something With the 911 Conspiracies ---His People Included Sai, Siu, Bolomet, Noa, Mahealani Asing-Kahau, Keline Kahau, et. als.
                                                                   posted by Amelia Gora (2018)

                    Amelia Gora shared a link.


                    About this website

                    The destruction of the World Trade Towers on 9/11 is an event that…


                    Ruthann Caudill Trump is an idiot...



                    Ruthann Caudill I had family die on one of the planes.



                    Megeso Kou New York, primarily Manhattan, was one of my main areas of responsibilty, during my work years. I had many accounts in the WTC & was there quite often in a nearly 20 year span. Many of my associations resonate with pre-meditated domestic terrorism & coSee More



                    Megeso Kou The Pentagon may have been real but the WTC is a different story.



                    Barbara Kamae Figure he would say something like that.



                    Ruthann Caudill My Cousin was in the plane in Pennsylvania. He lost his life and the Palestinians out celebrating on 9/11 are monsters.



                    Amelia Gora My sister worked for the Pentagon and had just moved to the new part of the building ………..she was on the other side of the wall......many of her fellow workers, friends perished...……..she survived and am thankful for that...…… a girlfriend of mine hadSee More

                    Ruthann Caudill I saw the plane as it was flying and said, “Get that thing up.”
                    I was unaware that the Towers had already been attacked.



                    Amelia Gora note: my girlfriend received a call from her New York friend only a short time after...…. sad...……..


                    Megeso Kou Prayers for you, and all of us, who lost loved ones, co-workers and friends during that horrific time. Blessings!



                    Ruthann Caudill There was ONE TV statement made shortly after the Planes was that the Government was told, but that they did not want to frighten people who would not use the planes. This statement was made by Bush's Condoleezza Ric and it was on the TV only once.


                    Ruthann Caudill Bush was at a Photo Op with kids...



                    Ruthann Caudill He was NO WHERE near the White House...



                    Ruthann Caudill They had been warned...many times.



                    Amelia Gora It was a War for Oil … this is an article that I had posted years ago.... Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaii is occupied by a nation contrary to neutral, peaceful existence. Evidence of Premeditation has See More



                    Amelia Gora look for the best



                    Amelia Gora It was a War for Oil … this is an article that I had posted years ago.... Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaii is occupied by a nation contrary to neutral, peaceful existence. Evidence of Premeditation has See More

                    Ruthann Caudill They had a plot to kill his dad....They probably let it happen.



                    Amelia Gora look for the best …………….. Problematic President Bush ...he was one of the causes...… read this old article to understand some of what happened:


                    Ruthann Caudill Edward Felt, one of the last to call from the plane, dials 911 from his cellphone at 9:58 a.m., stating his name and the flight number and reporting the hijacking.

                    “I think about those final 20 minutes of his life,” Gordon Felt said. “Knowing what was going on. Knowing that for the most part, they knew they were going to perish, that they were going to die in a very horrible, violent fashion.”



                    Pomai Wright Was there an explosion or there wasn't an explosion???
                    What about building 7???

                    Amelia Gora A totally different perspective from David Wynn-Miller who died recently....reason stroke? but gotta admit interesting.....

                    Pomai Wright Amelia Gora been watching these 911 videos for the past few days now. But...
                    This is the best 1ever.
                    Didn't know about the gold to Hi.
                    Much Mahalo Amelia



                    Pomai Wright I wonder how he really die???

                    Amelia Gora Wynn Miller was with Keanu Sai, Leon Siu, Routh Bolomet, Mahealani Asing-Kahau, Keline Kahau, even Henry Noa….must be they know the answers...…..sad.... appears that the Postal treaty is an issue.... conspiracy definitely...…..all kinds?


                    Ruthann Caudill American Airlines Flight 11 was a domestic passenger flight that was hijacked by five al-Qaeda members on September 11, 2001, as part of the September 11 attacks. Mohamed Atta deliberately crashed the plane into the North Tower of the World Trade CenteSee More



                    Ruthann Caudill N334AA, the aircraft involved, taxiing at Manchester Airport on April 8, 2001, five months before the attacks.
                    The American Airlines Flight 11 aircraft was a Boeing 767-200ER delivered in 1987, registration number N334AA.[2] The capacity of the aircraft was 158 passengers, but the September 11 flight carried 81 passengers and 11 crew members. This was a light load at 58.2 percent capacity, but higher than the average load factor for Flight 11 on Tuesday mornings of 39 percent in the months preceding September 11.[3] The 11 crew members were Captain John Ogonowski, First Officer Thomas McGuinness, and flight attendants Barbara Arestegui, Jeffrey Collman, Sara Low, Karen Martin, Kathleen Nicosia, Betty Ong, Jean Roger, Dianne Snyder, and Amy Sweeney.[4]

                    All 92 people on board were killed,[5] including David Angell (the creator and executive producer of the television sitcom Frasier), his wife Lynn Angell, and actress Berry Berenson, the widow of Anthony Perkins.[6] Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane had been scheduled to be on the flight but arrived at the airport late.[7] Actor Mark Wahlberg was also scheduled to be on the flight but canceled his ticket at the last minute.[8] Actress Leighanne Littrell, wife of Backstreet Boys singer Brian Littrell, had also previously been booked on the flight but, like Wahlberg, changed her plans at the last minute.[9]

                    Boarding Edit

                    Atta (blue shirt) and Omari at Portland International Jetport, passing through security on the morning of 9/11
                    Mohamed Atta, the ringleader of the attacks, and a fellow hijacker, Abdulaziz al-Omari, arrived at Portland International Jetport at 05:41 Eastern Daylight Time on September 11, 2001. They boarded Colgan Air Flight 5930, which was scheduled to depart at 06:00 from Portland, Maine, and fly to Boston. Both hijackers had first class tickets with a connecting flight to Los Angeles; Atta checked in two b



                    Problematic Postal Issues stemming from Wynn-Miller's Conclusions and Connections...…….

                    About this website

                    The destruction of the World Trade Towers on 9/11 is an event that…


                    No comments:

                    FW: 'Who' did 'what' on 9/11?

                    pilipo souza

                    Fri, Apr 19, 1:43 PM (23 hours ago)
                    Aloha kakou he Hawai’i, PAU?
                    Omar? or Omy7
                    Is Rep.Omar so far Left or are the majority if not most are so farther Right?? Is there a presence of being so far Right that one becomes Left without them feeling it?
                    In mid-1700, Captain James Cook was in the Pacific Ocean Region to locate center of the Haley’ s Comet of the time and to “MAPPED” where Eastern Hemisphere Ended and Western Hemisphere Began? Longitude and Latitude of the Oceans of the World is no different than the mites and bounds of all of the Worlds Land Mass both based upon whomever records it first claims title and control?. The Kanaka Maoli learned that one well? 
                    “WHAT” really happen to major catastrophies in the World is not as vital than “WHY” it happen? Whether is be the formation of Corporate United States of America in 1871 that incorporated all Federal Citizens as Property, or the alleged Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom Nation January 17, 1893, nor that of the Bombing of Pearl Harbor December 07, 1941, and even that of 911 New York World Trade Center?  
                    They all have underlining reasoning only known to a “selected few”. Most seem to know allot of the “WHAT” but few know or recognize “WHY” these incidents happen? ACCIDENTAL? NO! INCIDENTAL? YES! But INCIDENTAL TO WHO? 
                    Of course the current “Riddle” is the “Mueller Report”. I believe it is not about the alleged “reported disclosed evidence” but is about the “orchestrated undisclosed facts” that flies like a undeflatable helium balloon seeking its highest point in a confined atmosphere but intended to compromise nor settle anything they do not control. It is a internal sore that unless it is surgically remove it will continue to hurt!   
                    I dread the U. S. Congress trying to settle what came first, “the Chicken or the Egg”?
                    Ua Mau ke Ea o ka Aina I ka Pono o Iesu Kristo; Sacred Queen Mother Ke’opuolani (aka Harriet Ho’apili 1823)
                    Hawaiian National (Made in Hawai’i 1936)
                    Coalition of Hawaiian Nationals – NOW!  


                    What Does Captain James Cook, the Secret Banker's Constitution of 1871, the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani, Pearl Harbor, and 911 have in C...

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                    the Banker's are part of the answers....financing of
                    Captain James Cook - Bank of England
                    Secret Banker's Constitution of 1871 - stockholders:  U.S. President Washington, heirs: Robert E. Lee, his heirs:  Obama et. als.
                    Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani - planned since 1841 to overthrow the Hawaiian Kingdom since the time of U.S. President Tyler, et. als. including Great Britain documented,
                    Pearl Harbor - lands owned by Grace Kamaikui whose father was England's John Young, and Mataio Kekuanaoa -----Dr. TCB Rooke nephew claimed lands of Grace Kamaikui which is an absolute Fraud..........because TCB Rooke died before Grace Kamaikui and his English nephew could never own alodio lands in the Hawaiian Islands.....the U.S. President's appointed judges gave lands to the English nephew and Fraud continued which also led to the fraudulent claims over Pearl Harbor, etc...... both U.S. and Great Britain were bankrupt since the American Civil War in 1863-1865 and had borrowed monies from the Bank of England etc. to pay for War Costs.......Presidents who moved with Rules of Law were killed:  U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, and U.S. President John F. Kennedy.....currently, the move to go after U.S. President Trump is now on record...........911 devastation, plundering upon innocents over Oil made through the Standard Oil Company turned EXXON who moved to finance the CFR/Council on Foreign Relations - U.S., Great Britain, and the JP Morgan bankers which conjured up the United Nations to Plunder Upon Innocents documented.

                    Read all issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk with 751 issues posted to date.

                    Bank Rolling the Swamp – Financing the Deep State FOLLOW THE MONEY Deutsche…

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