Overview by Amelia Gora (2019)
The following is an overview of entity Governor Ige's FAIL on every island in the Hawaiian Islands and sees our kanaka maoli as a threat.......know that Ige et. als. are illegal occupiers in our Hawaiian Islands, trespassers and squatters on our Private Properties...there was No Annexation, continued violations against our Royal Family's, people in a nation that has documented Protectorates by the United States, Great Britain and France.
A corrupt entity continues in the Hawaiian Islands dictating that our people are a threat to the health and safety of their belligerent, gun, tazer wielding agents of an illegal set up in our Hawaiian Islands with a Governor whose basis is premeditation, piracy, pillaging, identity thieving, fraud, illusions of truth, etc. operating in a neutral, non-violent nation?:
Premeditation, conspiracy against our Queen and people are the truths that will never go away.
The entity operating as the State of Hawaii is based on lies, fraud, etc. documented.
Governor David Ige operates on fraud, deceit, criminal malfeasance, corruption on lands belonging to our Royal Family, and kanaka maoli.
Ige cannot show the superior, paramount titles and promotes lucifer or belial operations in the Hawaiian Islands, actions against our good people.
Note: Father Damien who helped our Hawaiian people in Kalaupapa used the term "belial" when describing the criminal usurpers in Hawaii who were only leaseholders and Not alodio/allodial land owners..
Belial | Definition of Belial at Dictionary.com
Belial definition, the spirit of evil personified; the devil; Satan.
Note: They hated us then in 1893, and they hate us now......... aloha. p.s. the Royal Families exist, our monies, gold bullions, gold coins were stolen ----even criminal assumptions of lands by Pirates now documented....so, who's the terrorists? especially since Premeditation issues have been found? the Wars with Spain, Germany, Japan, etc. was based on lies, deceit, fraud, etc. Hundreds of thousands died needlessly....wicked to use monies, assets of a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation by the U.S. who bases claims to Hawaiian lands thru fraud, conspiracy(ies), piracy(ies) and supported treasonous persons in the Hawaiian Islands in 1893.....affecting all in the World then and today.... aloha.
BIG ISLAND - includes Mauna Kea:
Does the Thirty Meter Telescope Pose Environmental Risks?
Supporters, opponents of what will be the biggest observatory on Mauna Kea disagree over the value of assurances in the environmental impact statement. As protests against the Thirty Meter Telescope continue, many critics say they’re worried that the $1.4 billion project will damage Mauna Kea’s …Gov. David Ige issues emergency proclamation over ongoing ...
https://www.staradvertiser.com/2019/07/17/breaking-news/thirty-meter-telescope...3 days ago · Gov. David Ige today announced an emergency proclamation giving law enforcement authority to close off more areas of Mauna Kea to ensure the successful delivery of work vehicles, equipment and ...Images of Mauna Kea Water Affected By Telescope
bing.com/imagesIn Hawaii, Construction to Begin on Disputed Telescope ...
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/20/science/telescope-mauna-kea-hawaii.htmlJun 20, 2019 · Gov. David Ige of Hawaii announced on Thursday that a “notice to proceed” had been issued for construction of a giant, long-contested telescope on Mauna Kea, the volcano on …Thirty Meter Telescope construction will proceed on Mauna ...
Maui Now : Thirty Meter Telescope Set to Start ...
Hawaii divided over plan for Thirty Meter Telescope atop ...
Jul 27, 2017 · Telescope officials say Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano, is the best location in the world for astronomy. It's Hawaii's tallest volcano and its summit provides a clear view of the sky for 300 days a ...Subaru Telescope | telescope, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, United ...
Subaru Telescope, a Japanese 8.2-metre (27-foot) optical-infrared telescope located on the dormant volcano Mauna Kea (4,163 metres [13,658 feet]) on the island of Hawaii.An adaptive optics system consisting of 261 actuators can change the shape of the mirror so that it is not affected by deformations caused by gravity.Hawaii: Mauna Kea protests rage against Thirty Meter Telescope
https://www.caller.com/story/news/nation/2019/07/15/hawaii-mauna-kea-protests-rage...Jul 15, 2019 · Protests rage against construction of massive telescope on sacred Hawaiian peak. Mauna Kea is known to some native Hawaiians as a sacred volcano, but it could soon be home to a $1.4 billion telescope.Mauna Kea Observatories - Wikipedia
The Mauna Kea Observatories are a number of independent astronomical research facilities and large telescope observatories that are located at the summit of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaiʻi, United States. The facilities are located in a 525-acre special land use zone known as the "Astronomy Precinct", which is located within the 11,228-acre Mauna Kea Science Reserve. The Astronomy Precinct was …Thirty Meter Telescope - Wikipedia
The Thirty Meter Telescope is a proposed astronomical observatory with an extremely large telescope that has become the source of controversy over its planned location on Mauna Kea on the island of Hawaii in the US state of Hawaii. Construction of the TMT on land which is sacred to Native Hawaiian culture and religion attracted press coverage after October 2014, when construction was temporarily halted due to protests. While construction of the telescope …
Clean Water Branch | Polluted Runoff Control Program
Polluted Runoff Control Program. Polluted runoff, or nonpoint source pollution, results when stormwater or irrigation water washes pollutants from the land into streams and coastal waters. When it rains, water that does not infiltrate the soil runs over the ground and carries pollutants such as sediment, nutrients (from fertilizers),...The Islands Of Hawaii Hold One Of The Dirtiest Places In ...
May 12, 2017 · These so-called patches of trash are a result of oceanic and atmospheric pressures that push free-floating items in the ocean ― sea life, pollution, tiny pieces of plastic ― into one general area.Images of Hawaii Pollution
bing.com/imagesHawaii - Water Pollution - The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/projects/toxic-waters/polluters/hawaii/index.htmlAcross the nation, the system that Congress created to protect the nation’s waters under the Clean Water Act of 1972 today often fails to prevent pollution. The New York Times has compiled data on more than 200,000 facilities that have permits to discharge pollutants and collected responses from states regarding compliance.Environmental issues in Hawaii - Wikipedia
Plastic pollution. Presently, floating plastic garbage from disposable consumer products accumulate in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, from debris eventually find its way onto the reefs and beaches in Hawaii. Kamilo Beach, located at the southern tip of the Big Island, has been devastated by plastic pollution from the patch...Ocean Pollution - Hawaii Ocean Science
Marine pollution and Hawaii. As a result of this groups and organisations have been set up to tackle the problem of ocean pollution. This includes raising awareness of the harm caused by various pollutants as well as an emphasis on ocean safety and protection.Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality ...
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Air Pollution Honolulu, Hawaii overall air quality index is 13 Honolulu, Hawaii PM 2.5 (fine particulate matter) AQI is 13 - Honolulu, Hawaii PM 10 (respirable particulate matter) AQI is 10 - Honolulu, Hawaii NO 2 (nitrogen dioxide) AQI is n/a - Honolulu, Hawaii SO 2 (sulfur dioxide) AQI is 2 - Honolulu, Hawaii O 3 (ozone ...Hawaii has a serious trash problem - CNN
Red Hill fuel spill poses threat to water supply ...
https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/30399540/red-hill-water-contaminationTwo years ago, when the Navy's Red Hill fuel tank leaked 27,000 gallons of jet fuel, officials said the spill did not reach the area's water source.Toxic chemicals, jet fuel, oil, pesticides: the U.S ...
Military Bases' Contamination Will Affect Water for ...
Sep 28, 2017 · Jet fuel, benzene, trichloroethylene (TCE), pesticides and radioactive wastes have contaminated groundwater, EPA records show. George was closed in 1992 as part of the Base Realignment and Closure, or BRAC. Within one year, the DOD began transferring land over to local communities to be redeveloped. But 25 years later, the water still is contaminated.Groundwater Modeling Services for Risk Assessment Red Hill ...
The Navy’s PWC Red Hill Shaft potable water pump station, located hydraulically downgradient from the fuel storage facility is a potential point of exposure, as well as the Halawa Shaft and the Moanalua Wells, which belong to the Honolulu Board of Water Supply.Military bases' contamination will affect water for ...
Aug 18, 2017 · Jet fuel, benzene, trichloroethylene (TCE), pesticides and radioactive wastes have contaminated groundwater, EPA records show. George was closed in 1992 as part of the Base Realignment and Closure, or BRAC. Within one year, the DOD began transferring land over to local communities to be redeveloped. But 25 years later, the water still is contaminated.Red Hill Underground Fuel Storage Facility - Wikipedia
While all test results for contamination at the Navy drinking water shaft have come back well within safe drinking water standards and results from the Halawa shaft have shown no jet fuel related contaminants, the Navy, the Environmental Protection Administration, and the Hawaii Department of Health conducted studies to evaluate groundwater ...DoD: At least 126 bases report water contaminants linked ...
Apr 26, 2018 · The water at or around 126 military installations contains potentially harmful levels of perfluorinated compounds, which have been linked to cancers and developmental delays for fetuses and infants.Fuel Contamination: Increasing awareness on factors that ...
Fuel Contamination - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
- It is of critical importance that the fuel taken onboard at uplift is not contaminated in any way since the effects of any such contamination are likely to affect all engines and this may not be evident until after an aircraft has become airborne. The scope of this article is a review the management of the contamination risk insofar as it arises after delivery of fuel of the correct specification to an airport supplier or to a shared airport storage and distribution system. It does not direct...
ATSDR - Public Health Statement: JP-5, JP-8, and Jet A
Jan 21, 2015 · JP-5 and JP-8 stand for jet propellant-5 and jet propellant-8. Propellants are substances that move other objects or give thrust. JP-5 and JP-8 are used as military aircraft fuels. They can also be used for fueling land vehicles and as a fuel source for heaters and lights. Jet A is the type of fuel used in civilian aircraft; however, the U.S. Air Force has recently started using Jet A (plus ...
The Islands Of Hawaii Hold One Of The Dirtiest Places In ...
May 12, 2017 · Last week, the Hawaii Wildlife Fund sent discarded nylon fishing nets found at Kamilo to the island of Oahu to be converted into energy as part of NOAA’s Net-to-Energy program. The nets will be cut into smaller pieces and burned as fuel at a power plant …Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality ...
Images of Oahu Pollution
bing.com/imagesClean Water Branch | Polluted Runoff Control Program
Report: Honolulu has some of the cleanest air in the nation
https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/31778171/report-honolulu-has-some-of-the-cleanest...Honolulu was also rated "A" for ozone pollution. Volcanic smog, or vog, hurt Hawaii Island's showing in the ranking, earning it a "C" for particle pollution. Hawaii's showing is something to be ...Hawaii - Water Pollution - The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/projects/toxic-waters/polluters/hawaii/index.htmlAcross the nation, the system that Congress created to protect the nation’s waters under the Clean Water Act of 1972 today often fails to prevent pollution. The New York Times has compiled data on more than 200,000 facilities that have permits to discharge pollutants and collected responses from states regarding compliance.Pollution in Honolulu, HI, United States - Numbeo
The water in Hawaii has been scientifically proven to be dirty although there is small parts of Hawaii that are polluted. In places where lots of tourists visit it is quite polluted. In other places of Hawaii it is clean and not polluted and its also scientifically proven that air in Hawaii is clean!Ocean Pollution - Hawaii Ocean Science
Ocean Pollution. Ocean or marine pollution has increased over the years which are due to a heavy reliance on plastics which are then discarded in the ocean after use. Rubbish (or garbage) has always been dumped into the oceans since human beings started living on or near to the sea.Water Quality - Honolulu
Hawaii water quality standard for embayments and marine waters: Vary no more thatn 10% from matural or seasonal changes. Methods for measuring salinity: Salinity can be measure either by physical methods (conductivitgy, density or refractivity), or by chemical methods (measuring the …Environmental issues in Hawaii - Wikipedia
Plastic pollution. Presently, floating plastic garbage from disposable consumer products accumulate in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, from debris eventually find its way onto the reefs and beaches in Hawaii. Kamilo Beach, located at the southern tip of the Big Island, has been devastated by plastic pollution from the patch...
Kauai’s west side deserves better. We all deserve better.
Every single day of the week, the Agribusiness Development Corporation (ADC) dumps millions of gallons of water polluted with pesticides and heavy metals into the ocean in areas where Kauai’s west side residents fish, surf and recreate with their families.
This is not wild speculation, exaggeration or hysterical hyperbole.
United States District Court Judge Derrick K Watson on July 9th, 2019 ruled that the ADC is polluting the waters off of west Kauai and doing so without a permit required by the federal Clean Water Act.
Please read the court decision yourself: https://earthjustice.org/sites/default/files/files/Order_Summary-Judgment-and-Dismissal_2019-07-09.pdf
Read the court decision and then send out your mahalo to community groups Na Kia‘i Kai, Surfrider Foundation, and Pesticide Action Network — and most especially the law firm Earthjustice who represented them.
Yes, the unfortunate reality is that it took private action by local residents and private nonprofits to press the issue in federal court and finally begin to hold this state agency accountable.
The ADC is a public agency who manages public agricultural lands. They are knowingly and consciously polluting public waters daily without a permit.
It gets worse. Please read the court decision yourself, it will blow you away.
The court findings are eyeopening and include statements such as:
“There is no question (emphasis added) that ADC discharges polluted water into the near-shore waters of the Pacific Ocean off Kauai’s western coast on a daily basis via the Mānā Plain drainage ditch system, and that it does so without an NPDES permit…It is undisputed that the water discharged contains various pesticides and agricultural chemicals, byproducts of agricultural chemicals, and heavy metals (emphasis added), as well as sediment from the unlined canals through which it passes.”
“…chemicals that seep into the drainage ditch system, including amniomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), a degradate of glyphosate; dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), a degradate of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT); glyphosate, ametryn, atrazine, bentazon, chlorpyrifos, cispropiconazole, diuron, fipronil, hexazinone, MCPA, metolachlor, prometryn, propoxur, simazine, and trans-propiconazole…”
The ADC and the agrochemical industry based on Kauai’s west side will of course be quick to assure the public that the above listed toxic soup of “various pesticides and agricultural chemicals, byproducts of agricultural chemicals, and heavy metals…” are all there in only small amounts and it’s perfectly safe to swim in them. A “little bit” is ok they will tell you.
But they won’t tell you that for some of these chemicals there is no acceptable level of exposure for a fetus. They will also not tell you that chronic exposure to “a little bit” every day over decades results in negative health impacts that have yet to be fully understood. Scientists and medical professionals alike though will agree that long term exposure to even small amounts of these chemicals is not good for your health, nor for the health of our reefs and nearshore fisheries.
If you live on Kauai’s west side, I encourage you to make an informed decision: Take a second to google these chemicals, read their labels and decide for yourself if you want to continue taking your family to the beach or eat the fish caught from the nearshore waters.
The ADC manages tens of thousands of acres of state-owned agricultural lands located primarily on Kauai and on Oahu. Their largest tenants are the agrochemical corporations (Dupont, Dow, Syngenta/Hartung, etc) doing genetic research and growing thousands of acres of GMO seed corn on Kauai’s west side. These same tenants apply tons of Restricted Use Pesticides (RUP’s) on a regular basis to crops grown on the adjacent fields.
The ADC is the enabler of the pollution but not the originator. The contaminants themselves are generated by the ADC’s industrial tenants and then make their way into the ditches managed by the ADC, and then into the nearshore waters.
The application of RUP’s is controlled by federal law, which strictly prohibits them from being used in a manner that allows them to drift on to neighboring properties or waterways. The mere presence of these pesticides in the ditch water and ultimately in the ocean is de facto evidence that the companies using these chemicals are breaking the law.
It is reasonable, that our community should expect our state government to investigate the source of the contaminants and enforce the law.
It is reasonable to request that the governor and the Department of Agriculture mandate that the ADC review its tenant leases and include provisions further prohibiting them from applying RUP’s in a manner that allows them to drift or runoff into the ditch system and ultimately the ocean.
It is reasonable to levy stiff fines and penalties should the ADC and/or their tenants – continue to pollute and contaminate Kaua’s nearshore waters. The ADC and these tenants know the law and yet they continuously and consciously seek ways to circumvent those requirements established to ensure public safety.
And finally, the ADC should immediately stop discharging this contaminated ditch effluent into the nearshore west side waters until they secure the permits they are legally required to have. The permit process allows for further public disclosure and closer scrutiny as to the nature, volume and source of the pollutants. The EPA and the State Department of Health can as a condition of the permit, set pollution limits as well as specify reporting and enforcement parameters.
Please read the court case in its entirety. It’s easy reading and very informative. Read the case and then after your anger and disgust subsides…call the governor and each of your elected representatives. Ask them for action and for accountability – our community deserves it.
First published in The Garden Island Newspaper 7/16/19
Waiopili officially polluted - The Garden Island
Kauai Beaches and Water Pollution (Poipu: house, living in ...
Feb 02, 2018 · kauai beaches and polution. Most of the polution will be in the rivers, and around the river mouths. So, there are plenty of beaches to swim and snorkel that should be just fine. Just stay away from the rivers and streams .Images of Kauai Pollution
bing.com/imagesPollution Signs Posted Near Hanalei Pier July 14 2017 ...
the Hanlei pier is fairly close to the Hanalei River.....fact is Kauai's rivers and streams do have high incedents of bacteris and pollution .....that river or steam outlet area will likely be effected. We strongly suggest the visitors stay our of the water in those areas...and if it is posted stay out.Pollution Locator: Smog and Particulates: County Report
See how this county ranks on other criteria air pollution attributes tracked by Scorecard . Rank counties in HAWAII by criteria air pollutant health risks, exposures, or emissions. Rank facilities in KAUAI County by criteria air pollutant emissions. Rank monitoring stations in KAUAI County by criteria air pollutant exposures. [ top]GMO companies are dousing Hawaiian island with toxic ...
Jun 16, 2014 · GMO companies are dousing Hawaiian island with toxic pesticides. Last fall, the Kauai County Council enacted Ordinance 960, the first local law in the United States that specifically regulates the cultivation of existing GMO crops, despite an aggressive pushback from the industry, which contends that current federal regulations suffice. The law’s restrictions will go into effect in August.Light pollution map
Do something about Westside water pollution - The Garden ...
https://www.thegardenisland.com/.../17/opinion/do-something-about-westside-water-pollution3 days ago · Every single day of the week, the Agribusiness Development Corporation (ADC) dumps millions of gallons of water polluted with pesticides and heavy metals into the ocean in areas where Kauai …Hawaii. Shouldn’t someone be warning the public of ...
Surfrider's Blue Water Task Force results from Kaua'i reveal dangerous bacteria levels in several island streams. Surfrider implores the Hawai'i Department of Health to post warning signs at these chronically polluted streams and whenever water quality at the beach fails to meet state and federal standards meant to protect public health in recreational waters.Public Health & Environmental Laboratories | Water Pollution
Water Pollution. The Water Pollution Section provides analytical services to DOH agencies responsible for the restoration and maintenance of the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of the state’s surface and ocean waters to meet national and state goals. Our customers include the Clean Water Branch Monitoring and Enforcement Sections,...Clean Air Branch - Hawaii Department of Health
The Clean Air Branch (CAB) is responsible for air pollution control in the state. The primary services of the branch are provided by its three sections: Engineering, Monitoring, and Enforcement. These sections conduct engineering analysis and permitting, perform monitoring and investigations, and enforce the federal and state air pollution control laws and regulations.
Maui Water-Pollution Case Faces Supreme Court Resolution
Maui’s facility disposes anywhere from 3 million to 5 million gallons of treated wastewater daily, but the county says that a federal permit is necessary only for pollution that directly pours into a waterway. The county has already agreed to a $100,000 settlement if the decision over Maui’s permitting requirements is …The Islands Of Hawaii Hold One Of The Dirtiest Places In ...
May 12, 2017 · These so-called patches of trash are a result of oceanic and atmospheric pressures that push free-floating items in the ocean ― sea life, pollution, tiny pieces of plastic ― into one general area. However, it does not converge into a floating island of trash, like some people have come to believe.The County of Maui is already in hot water over sewage in ...
The County of Maui’s violation of the Clean Water Act by discharging millions of gallons of wastewater into injection wells in West Maui is widely known. The judge’s ruling came in 2014, two years after environmental organizations filed suit, alleging that the injection wells were significantly ...Images of Maui Pollution
bing.com/imagesReports Show Maui County Sewage Plants Are Polluting ...
The reports by Dailer and colleagues (published in January in the Marine Pollution Bulletin) and by the USGS (released in February) could not have come at a worse time for Maui County’s Department of Environmental Management, which runs the three county plants that use injection wells. For the last five years, the county has been discussing with the Environmental Protection Agency terms of renewal for …Maui Now: Surviving the Plastic Pollution Pandemic, May 1
Kihei, Hawaii, USA Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index
Water Quality Report - 2019 Publication | Maui County, HI ...
The Maui Department of Water Supply has been treating and testing the quality of its water since the Department was organized in 1949. Maui County Water Quality Report. To find the 2017 Water Quality Report for your water : Click on the name of the water system on the map below.Hawaii health hazard: Volcanic air pollution | Maui Maui
Maui - Wikipedia
Many of Maui's extraordinary coral reefs have been damaged by pollution, run-off, and tourism, although finding sea turtles, dolphins, and Hawaii's celebrated tropical fish, is still common. Leeward Maui used to boast a vibrant dry 'cloud forest' as well but this was destroyed …Clean Air Branch - Hawaii Department of Health
The Clean Air Branch (CAB) is responsible for air pollution control in the state. The primary services of the branch are provided by its three sections: Engineering, Monitoring, and Enforcement. These sections conduct engineering analysis and permitting, perform monitoring and investigations, and enforce the federal and state air pollution control laws and regulations.
Pollution and its effects on the beach | Molokai Surf Co.
Beach pollution is considered to be one of the biggest controversial issues in the new era. Beach pollution not only affects the habitat of the marine life, it also has effects on human hosts who are exposed to the wastes in put out in sea.Student Tackles Ocean Pollution | The Molokai Dispatch
The students at Molokai High School were interactive and very receptive to not only plastic pollution as an issue, but also to some of its solutions. I absolutely loved my time there! I feel so blessed to have been able to visit Molokai and share something that I am passionate about, and hope to return to Molokai …Images of Molokai pollution
bing.com/imagesCleaning Up Moloka‘i’s Hidden Pollution | Hawaii Public Radio
But on Moloka‘i, a different kind of pollution is leading to testing and eventually cleanup. It’s a property once used by the local electric company—and we get more on the story from Catherine Cluett Pactol of the Moloka‘i Dispatch.Moloka'i Community Service Council: Environment
Soil erosion and pollution from activities such as sewage discharge, landfill seepage, and commercial and household chemical applications have seriously damaged Moloka`i’s near-shore marine resources. Silt and mud deposits can eventually kill the coral reefs, and toxic wastes from shoreline development are harmful to marine life.Kai Lenny crosses Hawaiian island chain to clean up ocean ...
Beach clean ups to raise awareness of ocean pollution. Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii and team collaborated with Kai and the 5 Gyres Institute on six beach clean ups on the Big Island, Maui, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu and Kauai in this joint venture. Their clean ups removed 11,049 pounds of debris with the help of 326 people who came out to participate.Air Quality - Molokai Forum - TripAdvisor
Images of Niihau pollution
bing.com/imagesNi‘ihau Today - Niihau Cultural Heritage Foundation
A Declining Population Due to Lack of Employment. In the meantime, however, there are certain inevitable results of this emigration of the Ni‘ihau population. One is that as more and more families leave the island, fewer children in the community are being raised as fluent speakers of the Ni‘ihau …How to visit Niihau, the Forbidden Island of Hawaii ...
Oct 24, 2017 · How to visit Niihau, the Forbidden Island of Hawaii. Although access to parts of the island is restricted, the white sand and the crystal clear waters of the ultra-secluded Nanina Beach and others certainly aren’t. Beach and ocean seekers have many opportunities to sunbathe, beachcomb, swim and snorkel in waters full of tropical fish, monk seals and honu (sea turtle).Hawaii’s beloved beaches are covered in huge amounts of ...
The oldest of the inhabited Hawaiian islands, Niihau is also the least changed by modern progress. The Niihauans fish and hunt for their main staples of food, with their diet supplemented by supplies brought in by air and sea by the owners of the island. The residents of Niihau still hunt with ropes and knives and fish with spears and nets.The Micronation of Akua Ni'ihau Pharaocracy: Author Page
Niihau was only worth about $500 Million in the year 2000; it has pollution on the coastline caused by the debris of an earthquake in Japan, and is a protected ecosystem -- so nothing can be built there. Akua-Niihau is a political Micronation, and exists elsewhere than on the island itself.Island of Niihau | Hawaii.com
Book an Extremely Exclusive Niihau Tour. The second tour offering, also launching from Kaua‘i, is a hunting expedition where visitors roam the island for Polynesian boar and feral sheep. Make no mistake, however, these tours cost a pretty penny. The latter, for example, is $1,750 per day, per hunter.
HAWAIIAN ARCHIPELAGO - 133 Islands known as the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/ He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaii/ Sandwich Islands
This Hawaiian Island Is So Polluted With ... - TakePart
The Islands Of Hawaii Hold One Of The Dirtiest Places In ...
May 12, 2017 · “The Hawaiian archipelago acts like a sieve, collecting debris that was floating around the Pacific Ocean and accumulating it along our shores,” Megan Lamson, a survey diver for the state’s Division of Aquatic Resources, told The Huffington Post.Images of Hawaiian Archipelago Pollution
bing.com/imagesHawaii has a serious trash problem - CNN
Hawaii has a serious trash problem — and it's coming on ...
Hawaii has a serious trash problem — and it’s coming on ocean waves. Tracking The Sources And Sinks of Local Marine Debris In Hawaii; (02-05-2013) Plastic pollution has biological, chemical, and physical effects on marine environments and economic effects on coastal communities. These effects are acute on southeastern Hawai’i Island,...Plastic pollution - Wikipedia
Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects (e.g.: plastic bottles and much more) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans. Plastics that act as pollutants are categorized into micro-, meso-, or macro debris, based on size. Plastics are inexpensive and durable, and as a result levels of plastic production by humans are high.Scientists Monitor Coral Reef Ecosystems Throughout the ...
Apr 19, 2019 · Our scientists and managers depend on research surveys to monitor the status and trends of the coral reef ecosystems across the Hawaiian Archipelago over time. Coral reefs around the globe, including Hawaiʻi, are threatened by climate change, disease, land-based sources of pollution, and unsustainable fishing practices.
So, the corruption in Hawaii is exposed about a Governor of Hawaii, a occupied set up by Pirates of the Pacific and the World named David Ige who FAILS in providing the health and safety of our people in the Hawaiian Islands.
This Governor should be impeached by the people who have voted him into a position which gives him the right to accommodate the poisoning of all in the Hawaiian Islands.
The nature of Corruption in Hawaii involves payments under the table, pats on the back for helping the toxin makers to fulfill their continued evils on lands that they do not own.
Ige and other toxic makers are Not welcomed in the Hawaiian Islands, are trespassers on our private properties, and Squatters who continue to allow the toxins to continue.
Ige needs to be impeached, sent out of the Hawaiian Islands because he is a documented alien who accommodates the moves to exterminate the good people in our Hawaiian Islands today.
Ige, along with the contaminant makers, etc. also need to be gone from our Hawaiian Islands supported by Article XIV of the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.
Ige dare calls our kanaka maoli a threat, danger, and yet he's under the radar for our formerly pristine islands as one of the most "dirtiest places in the World" See: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kamilo-beach-hawaii-dirtiest-beach-america_n_58e99a38e4b05413bfe3792d
Ige is a lucifer, a belial who continues the illegal operations of the entity Provisional Government conspirators, usurpers who have no legal claims in the Hawaiian Islands and allows the poisoning of lands that he cannot own, promotes disinformation against our good people, supporters even today.
Oppositions, legal oppositions continue today from a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation and it's honest people which includes our Royal Family's, kanaka maoli who were not the ones who did wrong.
Our Royal Family's who are descendants of Kamehameha documented, are also the owners of the seas surrounding all the Islands in the Hawaiian archipelago conveyed by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli in the Mahele of 1848.
We maintain a peaceful, neutral, non-violent nation and continue to observe the criminals criminally occupying our nation.
Operating by rule of law, the laws of our Hawaiian Kingdom, entity Governor David Ige is a documented genocide activist and has been documented on our records, as well with the Honolulu Police Department list which was assigned to me in1998.
Our Royal Family's, descendants, heirs, and successors of Kamehameha and our people are Not the ones who continue to do wrong.
Since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Queen Liliuokalani, and our Royal Family's maintain that we are and maintain our neutral, friendly, non-violent nation operating with Treaties and knowing that evidence of Protectorates exist from the United States, France, and Great Britain exists.
We also know that Governor David Ige Fails in following rule of law, Treaties, and is a lawless occupier with the intent to harm our people who are Not in the wrong.
Read the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web - 763 issues posted to date at:
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