Sunday, November 1, 2020

Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: The Crown Lands, Private Properties of Our Royal Family and Pirate Activities Contrary to Rule of Law, U.S. Constitution, 1850 Treaty, etc.

 Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: The Crown Lands, Private Properties of Our Royal Family and Pirate Activities Contrary to Rule of Law, U.S. Constitution, 1850 Treaty, etc.


              The Faces of Pirates, Pillagers, Thieves, Racketeers In the Hawaiian Islands who Fail to

                       Follow Rule of Law, the U.S. Constitution of 1787, the 1850 Treaty of the 

                         Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States, International Laws, etc.

                                                                              Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2020)

The following are those Governors appointed by criminal deviant U.S. President William McKinley, et. als. through U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower who used an Executive Order to create the State of Hawaii with documented oppositions by land owners the Royal Family's and kanaka maoli/ Kanaka Hawaii Maoli with allodial titles/forever titles, 

Know that the U.S. was in a five year Depression covering the period of U.S. President Grover Cleveland and U.S. President William McKinley.  The United States was a bankrupt nation which could not engage in Treaties since 1871 when the Secret Banker's Constitution usurped the American people as documented by Russia's Leader Vladimir Putin revealed.

The move to Annex Hawaii to the United States was planned with the missionaries/mercenaries in 1826, and U.S. Presidents Taylor, et. als. since 1840.

U.S. President Grover Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897.

Criminal U.S. President William McKinley disregarded the rule of law, U.S. Constitution of 1787, the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States, International laws - Vattel, etc. and made agreements with the Provisional government headed by Sanford B. Dole, conspirator, treasonous person who could not own allodial lands in the Hawaiian Islands.

Sanford B. Dole began to write that there were no more Kamehameha's and "the last of the Kamehameha's" in 1874.

Sanford B. Dole and others premeditated the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, claimed to transfer the Crown Lands to the U.S. Representative Stevens.

Sanford B. Dole was appointed the First Governor of the "developed" Territory of the United States, changed to Territory of Hawaii by criminal deviant U.S. President William McKinley in 1900, then U.S. President William McKinley was assassinated and replaced by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt.

The following are the list of Governors of the Territory of Hawaii and the list of Governors of the State of Hawaii which is based on fraud, deception, premeditation, piracy, pillaging, genocide activities, racketeering documented.  

There was No Annexation which means that the U.S. and these Pirates documented have No Jurisdiction:

Governors of the Territory of Hawaii
No. Governor Term in office Appointed by Notes
1 Presidentsanforddole.jpg Sanford B. Dole June 14, 1900

November 23, 1903
William McKinley [a]
2 Governor George Robert Carter.png George R. Carter November 23, 1903[6]

August 15, 1907
Theodore Roosevelt [b]
3 Walter F. Frear.jpg Walter F. Frear August 15, 1907[8]

November 30, 1913
4 Lucius Eugene Pinkham - standing.jpg Lucius E. Pinkham November 30, 1913[9]

June 22, 1918
Woodrow Wilson
5 Charles J. McCarthy (vol. 2, 1921).jpg Charles J. McCarthy June 22, 1918[10]

July 5, 1921
6 Wallace R. Farrington, G. G. Bain photo portrait.jpg Wallace Rider Farrington July 5, 1921[11]

July 6, 1929
Warren G. Harding
7 Lawrence M. Judd (PP-74-3-007).jpg Lawrence M. Judd July 6, 1929[12]

March 2, 1934
Herbert Hoover
8 Joseph B. Poindexter (vol. 2, 1921).jpg Joseph Poindexter March 2, 1934[13]

August 24, 1942
Franklin D. Roosevelt [c]
9 Ingram Stainback.jpg Ingram Stainback August 24, 1942[15]

May 8, 1951
10 Oren E. Long (PP-75-4-020).jpg Oren E. Long May 8, 1951[18]

February 28, 1953
Harry S. Truman
11 Samuel Wilder King (PP-74-9-002).jpg Samuel Wilder King February 28, 1953[19]

July 26, 1957
Dwight D. Eisenhower [e]
12 William F. Quinn (PP-28-3-011).jpg William F. Quinn August 29, 1957[21]

August 21, 1959

Governors of the State of Hawaii[f]
No. Governor Term of office Party Election Lt. Governor[g]
1 William F. Quinn (PP-28-3-011).jpg   William F. Quinn August 21, 1959

December 3, 1962
(lost election)
Republican 1959   James Kealoha
2 John A. Burns 1966.jpg John A. Burns December 3, 1962

December 2, 1974
(not candidate for election)
Democratic 1962 William S. Richardson
1966 Thomas Gill
1970 George Ariyoshi
3 BWV - Washington Place (cropped).jpg George Ariyoshi December 2, 1974

December 1, 1986
(term limited)
Democratic 1974 Nelson Doi
1978 Jean King
1982 John D. Waiheʻe III
4 John David Waihee III.jpg John D. Waiheʻe III December 1, 1986

December 5, 1994
(term limited)
Democratic 1986 Ben Cayetano
5 Ben Cayetano Portrait.jpg Ben Cayetano December 5, 1994

December 2, 2002
(term limited)
Democratic 1994 Mazie Hirono
6 Linda Lingle in March 2010.jpg Linda Lingle December 2, 2002

December 6, 2010
(term limited)
Republican 2002 Duke Aiona
7 Neil Abercrombie (cropped).jpg Neil Abercrombie December 6, 2010

December 1, 2014
(not candidate for election)[h]
Democratic 2010 Brian Schatz
(resigned December 26, 2012)
Shan Tsutsui
(took office December 27, 2012)
(resigned January 31, 2018)
8 Governor David Ige (cropped).jpg David Ige December 1, 2014

Democratic 2014
Doug Chin
(took office February 2, 2018)
2018 Josh Green

Reference:  wikipedia

                                          Pirate's Eyes on Our Royal Family's Crown Lands

                                               claimed to have been Conveyed to the U.S. and labeled "ceded lands"

                                                  or stolen, pirated, pillaged, privateered, fraudulent claimed lands

Chronological Order of Pirate Activity:

1893 - Sanford B. Dole, a non-allodial land owner, a conspirator, treasonous person, pirate, pillager, planner of dethroning Queen Liliuokalani claimed to have transferred the Crown Lands to the U.S. agent.

The U.S. claimed to own the Crown Lands and called it "ceded lands" gotten from non owner Sanford B. Dole.

U.S. President William McKinley, criminal, deviant, who had the Army, Navy, and other personnel "develop" a Territory of the United States, then Territory of Hawaii under the American Empire.

U.S. President McKinley made the United States into two (2) nations:  (1) American Empire - dealt with territories and 

(2) the United States - dealt with nations who had Treaties.

U.S. President McKinley appointed Sanford B. Dole a governor for the Territory of Hawaii.

In 1920, Prince Kuhio introduced the Hawaiian Homes legislation in the U.S. Congress.

Prince Kuhio was a treasonous person, a conspirator who aided the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani and introduced a Bill to make Hawaii a state.

"On July 9, 1921, President Warren G. Harding signed the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920 as amended, an effort spearheaded by Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana‘ole and a group of advocates.

Through its passage, the United States set aside approximately 200,000 acres of land to establish a permanent homeland for native Hawaiians, who were identified as a landless and “dying” people as the result of disease, intermarriage, and loss of lands."


1959 - The Territory became the State of Hawaii by and Executive Order of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower. 

The American government passed some of the claimed "ceded" lands to the entity State of Hawaii.

Opposition to Statehood was documented by Kamehameha descendants Harold Cathcart supported by Mele Keawe Kauweloa.  

Note:  Chaminade University Paralegal Instructor Randy Chang who became a State of Hawaii Judge said that because Opposition to Statehood was made, Sovereignty shall be.

1980 - Governor Waihee planned to sell ceded lands as affordable housing projects on Maui - the Villages of Leialii and the Big Island - Laiapua.

1993 - the Apology Resolution was passed by U.S. Congress - P. L. 103-150 which was only meant as a regret for the involvement in the overthrow.  

Senators Daniel Inouye and Daniel Akaka had introduced the bill.

Note:  Both expected no ramifications, but legally it was an admission to crimes of piracy, pillaging, racketeering, privateering which was contrary to the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution of 1787, etc. because the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the U.S. is the supreme law of the land, and the Judges had to also adhere to it.

1994 to 2002 - Office of Hawaiian Affairs/OHA filed a lawsuit against the State of Hawaii questioning the right to sell.

The Circuit Court ruled in the State of Hawaii's favor and claimed that they had good title.

Note:  Allodial Title/forever titles belonged to the Royal Family and the kanaka maoli/Kanaka Hawaii Maoli only.  Aliens could not own Allodial Titles as documented by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli in 1851.

2008 - Office of Hawaiian Affairs/OHA won the case, then the State of Hawaii appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the State of Hawaii's favor.

32 States joined in the appeal as well as the U.S. Government documented Hawaii's Governor Linda Lingle.

The State of Hawaii claims to have clear title.

Note:  The Guaranty Title Company in Hawaii documented that the State of Hawaii has no title in Hawaii.


Note:  State Attorney Margery Bronster claimed that the State of Hawaii had the right to sell the land, etc.

Under Governor Linda Lingle's Administration 2002 - 2010:

Note:  In the History of the "ceded lands" listen to what former Governor Lingle says about the Crown Lands.

Let us Review the Crown Lands and Other Issues:
Listen to entity Governor Linda Lingles explanation to Shane, Kamehameha descendant/heir:
ceded lands with dingle.mp3
5397K Play Download
Crown Lands Belongs to Kamehameha III, for himself, his heirs and successors, forever.

1892.  May 20.  "Messrs. R.W. Wilcox, V.V. Ashford,and others were arrested on the charge of conspiring against the government, with the view of establishing a
republic, but were finally discharged."

"The title of the king to the crown lands reserved for himself remained complete after the division with the konohikis and that with the government.  No further formalities
were required in perfecting title; whatever right the government may have had to commutation had been more than satisfied, so that the kingʻs title was already perfect."
Allodial titles/Forever Titles were for kanaka maoli/Kanaka Hawaii Maoli, and Fee Simple or Leases were allowed for Aliens.  Aliens could never own Allodial titles/Forever Titles.
There were disabilities documented by Kamehameha III, the U.S., Great Britain, etc. could Not own lands in the Hawaiian Islands:
 Note:  Kamehameha III's speech of 1851 supersedes this 1850 Act.
1854 - Kamehameha III died.  His Successor was his hanai /adopted son named Alexander Liholiho.
Queen Kalama transferred her Dower rights to Alexander Liholiho who became Kamehameha IV.
Kamehameha III had a son Albert Kunuiakea with Gina Lahilahi.
Note:  Albert Kunuiakea was also raised by Queen Kalama.  In 1893, he became a conspirator, a treasonous person by helping to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani, and then worked with the Provisional government.
Kamehameha III  was also married to Kekualoa and had the following children:  Opunui, Kekipi, Kahalaoa, Keawe, Mahoe (female), Papa and Nalimu (female).
1863 - Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho died.  His widow Emma transferred her interest in the Crown Lands to the Hawaiian government.
1865 - U.S. General Alfred Hartwell was given the position of Justice in the Hawaiian Kingdom Court soon after arriving in Hawaii by Kamehameha V.
Judge Hartwell claimed that the successor to the throne was the heir of the Crown Lands contrary to what was written.
Kamehameha III's Deed was found in the Archives and shows that the Crown Lands belonged to Kamehameha III, "his heirs and successors, forever."
Kamehameha III had heirs and successors, his heirs had successors, and his successors had heirs and successors as well.
Note:  When Sanford B. Dole "transferred the Crown Lands" to the U.S. Representative, he was actually transferring Queen Liliuokalani's interest alone.  Because with Judge Hartwell's opinion about Kamehameha IV- Alexander Liholiho's Probate, Hartwell erroneously claimed that the successor was the heir of the Crown Lands totally.
Hartwell, ancestor of other Pirates in Hawaii became the third wealthiest man in the islands next to Kamehameha V, and Charles Reed Bishop.
Corruption, fraud, deceit, treason, conspiracy, piracy, pillaging, etc. documented.

1893.  January 9.  The U.S. premeditated the criminal dethronement of Hawaiiʻs Queen and gave a standing order to American citizens/treasonous persons to act via
the NEW YORK TIMES newspaper.  

          January 12.  "The Queen had caused a new constitution to be privately drawn up, by which the principal checks on the power of the crown were to be removed,
together with the existing guaranties of the independence of the supreme court.  Only Hawaiian subjects were to be allowed to vote.

Preparations had been made to proclaim this constitution at the palace on the 14th, shortly after the ceremony of prorogation, in the presence of the legislature, the chief
officers of state, and the diplomatic corps.  The government troops were drawn up under arms, and a large crowd of sympathizers with the project assembled in and around
the palace.  Fortunately, however, at the critical moment, the cabinet refused to sign the document, and appealed to leading citizens for advice and support.  After a
long and exciting contest with her cabinet, the queen partially yielded, and made a speech to the assemblage, stating that with deep regret she had consented to postpone
for a few days the execution of her design."

           January 14.  "The U.S.S. "Boston", which had unexpectedly arrived from Hilo on the 14th, landed a force on the evening of the 16th, to protect the lives and property
of American citizens in case of riot or incendiarism."

           January 16.  American citizens/treasonous persons moved to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani after she discarded the Constitution which gave rights back to the Sovereign.

                             The Provisional entity was to be formed with the U.S. assistance.  The Provisional ʻgovernmentʻ could last no longer than three (3) years.  See the habeas corpus case of SHELDON, the editor of the HAWAIIAN HOLOMUA who printed the near accurate story of the criminal dethronement of Hawaiiʻs Queen.

           February.  Opposition to the criminal assumption of the Crown Lands was documented by Franklin Pratt in the SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLES.

1894.  July 4. "The constitution of the Republic of Hawaii (adopted July 3, 1894) declared the portion of the public domain known as crown land to be the property of the Hawaiian government..."

1898.  "...the Hawaiian Organic Act contained a declaration that the land theretofore known as crown land had been on August 12, 1898 and prior thereto the property
of the Hawaiian government."  

See:  Constitution, Republic of Hawaii, art. 95 "That portion of the public domain heretofore known as Crown Land is hereby declared to have been heretofore, and now to be, the property of the Hawaiian Government, and to be now free and clear from any trust of or concerning the same, and from all claim of any nature whatsoever, upon the rents, issue and profits thereof.  It shall be subject to alienation and other uses as may be provided by law.  All valid leases thereof now in existence are hereby confirmed."

Reference:  Resolution of Hawaii Senate ratifying treaty of annexation (included in Rev. Laws Haw 1945, p. 20); Joint Resolution of Congress to provide for annexation, 30 Stat. L. 750
(included as Rev. Laws Haw. 1945, ppg. 18-19).

"....the title of the government to the crown lands cannot be questioned by the courts."

Reference:  Territory of Hawaii vs. Kapiolani Estate, 18 Haw. 640, 645-646 (1908); Territory of Hawaii v. Kapiolani Estate, 20 Haw. 548, 552 (1911; writ of error dismissed, Kapiolani Estate v. Territory of Hawaii, 23 U.S. 766 (1913) -reexamination of the subject was not required."
In 1917, Queen Liliuokalani died.  She alone was Not the Crown Lands owners.
The Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Royal Family existed in 1893, and their descendants/heirs and successors exists.
We also maintain the permanent treaty of amity and friendship signed by Kamehameha III, his heirs and successors with U.S. President Zachary Taylor.
We are not part of the American Empire which was created for Territories of the United States in 1899, but have the 1850 Treaty which is the "supreme law of the land" and even the Judges have to adhere to that because the U.S. Constitution of 1787, rule of laws, international laws applies.
Our recognition by other nations includes Russia when Kamehameha was recognized as King of a Monarchy government in 1810.  Russia recognized our Hawaiian archipelago.
Belgium recognized the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii in 1841.
United States, Great Britain, and France recognized the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/ Sandwich Islands in 1843.
The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii was also recognized by others and included as the Family of Nations etc., and became a Constitutional Monarchy in 1840.
Although the Secret Treaty of Verona was signed in 1822 by Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, the Vatican, the United States and Great Britain with the intention to break down Monarchy governments worldwide, the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Sandwich Islands became a Constitutional Monarchy with Constitutions affecting everyone and legally could not be overthrown.
Royal persons, Kamehameha's descendants exist, and are not subject to the laws.
We own the allodial/forever titles, the paramount titles, and superior land title vs. a bankrupt nation who premeditated the takeover of a friendly, neutral, non-violent nation since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
Rule of Law, the U.S. Constitution of 1787, Treaty of 1850, International laws - with Vattel's laws, rules of Civilized Nations continue disregarding the fact that the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/ Sandwich Islands is considered a weaker nation.  The Monroe Doctrine put forth by a bankrupt nation is not O.K.
Our ancient society since 350 A.D. or 1,650 years to a Monarchy government, then Constitutional Monarchy continues to exist, recognizing the Facts through research, through the 2018 validation by the United Nations Human Rights Head Dr. Alfred deZayas in his letters shown below:
Questions? or contact Kamehameha's Descendants and Heirs Representative, the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member, Private Properties land owner, allodial/ forever land owner, landlord, etc.
Amelia Gora




Hutchins, Wells A.  THE HAWAIIAN SYSTEM OF WATER IGHTS (1946, Board of Water Supply, City and County of Honolulu) (1946)

Gora, Amelia          CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES (2003), and other books

Crown Lands of the Hawaiian Monarchy
Crown Lands are the Royal families Lands (approximately 1 million acres), the private lands ofKamehameha III, his heirs and successors, which he set aside for the dignity of the royal office with the intent of it being the private properties of his heirs and successors. 

The Crown Lands were the private lands of King Kamehameha III. 


The U.S. conspirators/terrorists/treasonous persons in collusion with their U.S. government did premeditate the criminal assumption of a neutral, non-violent, independent nation under a Monarchy form of government.  Legally, the act was illegal and Queen Liliuokalani documented that the U.S. breached the Law of Nations.  Under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion, Hawaii's Queen, Kamehameha's descendants, heirs, and her subjects submitted to the planned U.S. military occupation. 

The Treaty with the United States, ratified on the 19th day of August 1850, stated in article I reads: 
There shall be perpetual peace and
amity between the United States 
and the King of the Hawaiian Islands, 
His heirs and successors.
The treaty over Pearl Harbor was due to expire (1894) and the U.S. feared that they would have lost the right to maintain a military base.  The premeditation to assume the Kingdom of Hawaii was set through the standing orders from Washington as documented in the New York Times, dated January 9, 1893 or seven (7) days before the criminal dethronement of Hawaii's Queen on January 16, 1893.
President Benjamin Harrison was then the U.S. head, a former American Civil War General whose Vice President was a bank owner who was well versed in internation money transfers.  The U.S. was bankrupt, along with England and their agent James Morgan purchased the U.S. Vice President's bank and secured funds which were used to finance business, and Wall Street stocks.
President Grover Cleveland won his second term as President after losing to Benjamin Harrison.  The U.S. was in a depression in 1893, losses accounted for the expense of the American Civil War which left the U.S., England, and France bankrupt.  All three nations did invest in the War which funded the Confederate army, moreso than the Union army.  In other words, the move to support slaves, workers for the plantations, etc. was the motivation of funding the War.  Briefly, a U.S. representative requested for loans from the Kingdom of Hawaii during King David Kalakaua's time, and our House of Nobles denied them.  The U.S. intended to repay only interest amounts and return the principal after thousands of years.
Conspiracies to assume the Kingdom of Hawaii was planned for years.  Conspirators recorded are General Schofield, Lorrin Thurston, Sanford B. Dole, James King, Thomas Akaka, Dr. Mott Smith, U.S. agent B.F. Tracy, Charles Reed Bishop, Albert Francis Judd, etals. are only some of those discovered to have conspired against the Royal families and were set to assume everything, including the Crown Lands, government lands, resources, gold bullions, gold coins, trusts, valuables, shipping income, loans, etc. were regarded by President Grover Cleveland of the U.S.A to be clear violation of International Law.
Although for appearance sake, the U.S. Presidents were actually in collusion with the criminal act of assuming a friendly neutral nation which became a cause for all nations to be on watch for the U.S. and the onward claims utilizing an illegal "Monroe Doctrine" reaching for lands 3,000 miles off of the contiguous coast.  President Grover Cleveland's families included bankers who were in dire straits due to the depression and sought monies to invest, etc.  It was during this period that Grover Cleveland sold the U.S. Federal Reserves to private parties leaving the nation without its' own banking system.  It was also during this period that the Standard Oil Company became a monopoly which escaped legal ramifications because of their moves outside of the U.S., with gained support of the U.S. Military through their attorneys who supported the Standard Oil Company Agreement.  The Standard Oil Company evolved into EXXON Oil Company with the same permanent heads, the Rockefellers at the helm.  The Rockefellers also purchased the Federal Reserve Bank, etc.   

Her Majesty Queen Lilioukalani was dethroned by bankrupt, corrupt U.S. agents under the standing order of Washington and the claims to the Crown Lands along with the government lands, etc. were taken on January 17, 1893.  Queen Liliuokalani maintained that the claimed provisional government was neither de facto nor dejure and they were an entity.  On July 4, 1894, the entity evolved into another illegal entity dubbed the republic of Hawaii which was patterned after the Republic of Texas.  Some of the sugar planter's from the Hawaiian islands had moved over to Mexican territory, squatted on their lands, obtained support from the American military who fought over occupied lands and called it a Republic.
Under continued stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion, Hawaii's Queen was forcefully made to abdicate her position as queen, and the lands "vested in the king for the purpose of maintaining the royal state and dignity" were criminally assumed by the deviants, criminal belligerents, terrorists, pirates, treasonous persons who were in the employ/citizens of the U.S. government.
The pirates constitution provided "That portion of the public domain heretofore, and now to be the property of the Hawaiian government and to be now free and clear from any trust of or concerning the same, and from all claim of any nature whatsoever upon the rents, issues and profits thereof".
The Newlunds Resolution remained simply a resolution which could not alter the status of our Hawaiian government.  Oppositions were documented by 40,000 subjects of Queen Liliuokalani versus 3,000 Americans and paid supporters, including the American military who occupied the Hawaiian archipelago since January 16, 1893. 
After the illegal annexation of Hawaii to the United States in 1898, supported by England, France, etals. The organic act, passed by Congress in 1900  establishing a government for the territory exclude Hawaii's aboriginals/kanaka maoli.  Shortly after, 30,000 subjects were recorded as being slaves, ignoring the fact that the Kingdom of Hawaii during Kamehameha III's reign had passed an anti-slavery law in 1852.  The U.S. finally passed theirs (nearly the same wording as the Kingdom of Hawaii's law) 13 years later, or 1865, shortly after the assassination of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln.
 Criminal conversions, piracies, ruthless, unsconscienable transactions occurred including the planned maneuver of passing lands over to the United States, after securing treaties made amongst themselves, and not with the Royal families, the heirs and successors.  Their illegal  treaty of annexation also provided that "the republic of Hawaii also cedes and hereby transfers to the United States the absolute fee and ownership of all public, government, or crown lands,...together with every right and appurtenance thereunto appertaining". The treaty was not ratified as such, but their joint resolution providing for annexation adopted its terms. The reality is that a resolution is just a resolution, and not law.  The illegal moves of a non-warring nation, a neutral non-violent nation was usurped by an active pirate nation, piracies on the open seas occurred.  Additionally, Monarchy government land transactions are not the same as a democratic government's land transactions.

Nevertheless, The United States did premeditate the criminal assumption, piracies of a neutral, non-violent nation, and did WAR with other nations who questioned their actions (Spain, Germany, Japan, Iraq, etc.), and has been documented by our Queen to have breached the Laws of Nations.  The U.S., it's agents, pirates, occupiers descendants remain the law breakers and must remain a concern to all in the world today, because the resources, assets of a Neutral nation has been used to WAR, pillage, plunder upon many, many Innocent nations over time.  The acts of annexation, joint resolution, Organic Act, Statehood, etc. continue to be illegal activities recorded for the world to see.
The United States of America, occupiers, criminally claimed over 971,463 acres of Crown Land that belongs to the Royal families, descendants and heirs of Kamehameha, who existed then (1893) and now.
  Liens, legal filings, etc. has been made with evidence of conspiracies, piracies, etc.  Kamehameha's descendants, heirs, along with Kamehameha II's, Kamehameha III's, Kamehameha IV's, Kamehameha V's, King Lunalilo's, King Kalakaua's, and Queen Liliuokalani's families maintain the claims to all hereafter. 

  As with our alii nui, and alii of the past, we again continue to represent and retain the land claims, etc. of all aboriginal/kanaka maoli in our Hawaiian archipelago.
Our Kamehameha Royal Family's exists including myself.
828 issues of the Iolani - the Royal Hawk news on the web at 
  • IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: U.S. President Trump Said that ...

    All 770 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web published by Amelia Gora. ... Amelia Gora, sister of John F. Gora did speak as John F. Gora (wife Melissa-Ann Kamala Gora) behalf based on the 1781 Bill of Rights of Rights where a ... Author: Amelia Gora.

  • IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: A Picture ...

    All 794 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web published by Amelia Gora. ... Amelia Gora, sister of John F. Gora did speak as John F. Gora (wife Melissa-Ann Kamala Gora) behalf based on the 1781 Bill of Rights of Rights where a ... Author: Amelia Gora.

  • Image result for The Best of The IOLANI by Amelia Gora
    Image result for The Best of The IOLANI by Amelia Gora
    Image result for The Best of The IOLANI by Amelia Gora
    Image result for The Best of The IOLANI by Amelia Gora
    Image result for The Best of The IOLANI by Amelia Gora
    Image result for The Best of The IOLANI by Amelia Gora
    See all images
  • IOLANI - the Royal Hawk: 2019

    Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2018) The following U.S. Presidents wanted the Hawaiian Kingdom to be annexed as a territory of the United States, according to John Foster/General John Foster, former Secretary of State who 'directed the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893'.

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    Jul 01, 2012 · Moolelo/history (and how Hawaii's history affects the World today), SLAVES, PRISON HISTORY, MORE SLAVES TO BE IMPRISONED IN HAWAII, THE U.S., GUANTANAMO, ETC.-A Review of Hawaii, U.S., etc. - By Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha's, Queen Liliuokalani's, Kahekili of Maui, Kaumualii of Kauai, John Young's, Isaac Davis etals. descendant, a Royal person not subject to the …

  • IOLANI - the Royal Hawk: 2020

    Pirate's Eyes on Hawaii: The United States Tariff History Posted in 1897 with Evidence of Depression/Bankruptcy Rese arched and Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2020). The following shows the Economic status of the United States and special articles showing that the United States lacked finances and secured funds by pirating, pillaging funds through the illegal usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani in …

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    Jan 17, 2012 · -Other Evidence - see articles, pamphlets, books, the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web by Amelia Gora. Queen Liliuokalani's supporters of 40,000 also opposed Annexation.

  • October | 2010 | IOLANI - The Royal Hawk | Page 2

    IOLANI – The Royal Hawk Vol III No. 310 SPECIAL EDITION Sunday October 3, 2010 Fwd: The “un” of the UN. Inbox. X: Reply | Amelia Gora. to hawaiianhistory, theiolani, show details 6:55 PM (2 minutes ago) Volume III No. 310 SPECIAL EDITION Sunday October 3, 2010.

  • Revisiting Queen Liliuokalani’s Events | IOLANI - The ...

    Jan 19, 2010 · REVISITING QUEEN LILIUOKALANI’S EVENTS – Purpose is to Move Kanaka Maoli on the Same PagePosted by Amelia Gora on January 18, 2010 at 7:00pm in Politics View Discussions Admin OptionsEdit Discussion Close Discussion Edit Your Tags Cancel Delete Discussion Compiled, Researched by Amelia Gora, Shane Lee, Kiliwehi Kekumano, and others (2010 ...

  • Pretenders In The Hague……..Tribunal; Treaty of 1850, and ...

    Jul 19, 2014 · Amelia Gora hi Kai…actually like Aran Ardaiz works and some of the things that you folks are doing…. lacking though are genealogies in coming together…because the Hawaiian Government is made up of three (3) parts: the Sovereign, his heirs and successors – permanent; the House of Nobles , their heirs – and the voted in part is the ...

  • Landlord Lien /Legal Notice for the Iolani Palace, etc.

    Jul 17, 2016 · Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Records/Legal Notice and Billing No. 2016-0617 Rents and Back Rents due for the Iolani Palace, Royal Patent 5695, Land Commission Award 247(5), 247(10), 247(2) etc. covering 10.6 acs. more or less, etc. from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, One of the Superior Alodio/Ano Alodio Title Owners of the Iolani Palace /Iolani Palace Grounds etc.

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