Sunday, July 24, 2016
Corrected: One World Order/New World Order Families ---from President George Washington to the Queen of England
One World Order/New World Order Families were/are Part of U.S.A. President Washington, and Confederate General Robert E. Lee, and Queen Elizabeth
One World Order/New World Order Families were/are Part of U.S.A. President
Washington, Confederate General Robert E. Lee, and Queen Elizabeth
- A Review -
by Amelia Gora (2016)
In 1822, the Secret Treaty of Verona was signed by representatives of Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, England, the United States of America and the Vatican.
1916 - Congress Record - Sen. Owen Treaty of Verona
- 7 years ago
- 7,622 views Because I can find no official online primary source for the 1916 ...
The U.S.A., England, and France became bankrupt after investing in the American Civil War 1861-65.
The bankruptcy led to False Flag operations toward the Hawaiian Islands by bankrupt nations. The lucrative source of monies were seen by the bankrupt nations as a cash cow that could be taken by careful planning.
The Kingdom of Hawaii took earnings from foreign ships who paid for supplies, food, water as they traveled to various destinations.
"The war began when the Confederates bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861. The war ended in Spring, 1865. Robert E. Lee surrendered the last major Confederate army to Ulysses S. Grant atAppomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865. The last battle was fought at Palmito Ranch, Texas, on May 13, 1865. Click here for a Civil War timeline."
The bombardment of Fort Sumter (Library of Congress)
Evidence of 22 U.S. Presidents relationships can be seen with the Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
"Who was Robert E. Lee?
In 1861, President Abraham Lincoln offered General Lee the opportunity to command the entire Union Army. Lee, however, chose to follow his heart which was with his home state of Virginia. When Virginia seceded from the Union, Lee went with her.
A year later General Lee was the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia and soon established himself as the greatest tactician and leader of the war. One has to wonder how different the war may have gone had Lee accepted Lincoln's offer.
One of the more interesting and ironic aspects about General Lee's ancestry is his relationship to President George Washington. It is commonly known that Robert E. Lee married Mary Custis, great-granddaughter to Martha Washington and step-great-granddaughter to George Washington.
What isn't so well known is that Robert E. Lee and George Washington were 3rd cousins, 2 times removed through their common ancestor of Augustine Warner. It is ironic how one fought so hard to create the Union while the other fought to split it in two."
U.S.A./U.S./American Empire Presidents
George Washington
1st U.S. President
3rd cousin 2 times removed via Augustine Warner
Thomas Jefferson
3rd U.S. President and Signer of the Declaration of Independence
2nd cousin 2 times removed via Col. William Randolph of Turkey Island
James Madison
4th U.S. President
4th cousin 1 time removed via Richard Eltonhead
John Quincy Adams
6th U.S. President
13th cousin 1 time removed via John of Gaunt
William Henry Harrison
9th U.S. President
2nd cousin 1 time removed via Col. Robert "King" Carter
John Tyler
10th U.S. President
5th cousin via William Armistead
Zachary Taylor
12th U.S. President
3rd cousin 1 time removed via Col. Richard Lee
Rutherford B. Hayes
19th U.S. President
12th cousin 1 time removed via Richard Sherburne
Grover Cleveland
22nd and 24th U.S. President
12th cousin via William Mainwaring
Benjamin Harrison
23rd U.S. President
3rd cousin 1 time removed via Col. Robert "King" Carter
Theodore Roosevelt
26th U.S. President
5th cousin 4 times removed via John Carter of Christchurch, London, England
William Howard Taft
27th U.S. President
14th cousin via Eleanor Fitzhugh
Warren G. Harding
29th U.S. President
15th cousin 4 times removed via Ralph de Stafford
Calvin Coolidge
30th U.S. President
11th cousin 2 times removed via Richard Charlton
Herbert Hoover
31st U.S. President
13th cousin 4 times removed via Ralph de Neville
Franklin D. Roosevelt
32nd U.S. President
11th cousin 3 times removed via Sir Thomas Blount
Richard Nixon
37th U.S. President
15th cousin 4 times removed via Ralph de Stafford
Gerald Ford
38th U.S. President
12th cousin 7 times removed via Sir Walter Blount
Jimmy Carter
39th U.S. President
5th cousin 6 times removed via John Carter of Christchurch, London, England
George H. W. Bush
41st U.S. President
9th cousin 6 times removed via Sir James Harington
George W. Bush
43rd U.S. President
9th cousin 7 times removed via Sir James Harington
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
5th cousin 8 times removed via Richard Eltonhead
From England:
Queen Elizabeth II
Queen of the United Kingdom
5th cousin 5 times removed via Augustine Warner
King Edward I
King of England
15th great-grandfather
King Henry VIII
King of England
3rd cousin 9 times removed via John Beaufort
Sir Winston Churchill
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
10th cousin 3 times removed via Richard Cave
Princess Diana
Princess of Wales
8th cousin 6 times removed via Sir Andrews de Windsor
Prince William
Duke of Cambridge
5th cousin 7 times removed via Augustine Warner
J.P. Morgan, Jr.
American Banker and Philanthropist
18th cousin 2 times removed via Sir Humphrey de Bohun
John D. Rockefeller
Founder of the Standard Oil Company
12th cousin 3 times removed via John Beaufort
Other Information:
United Kingdom and the American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free ...
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and its empire remained officially neutral ... British intervention was only likely in cooperation with France, which had an imperialistic venture underway in Mexico. ... During the Civil War, British reactions toAmerican events were shaped by past British policies and their own ...
U.S. Civil War: The US-Russian Alliance that Saved the Union, by ...
Apr 25, 2011 - Anglo-French intervention in the American conflict would probably have ...... Foner, Philip S. British Labor and the American Civil War.
Note: All the above appears to be players in the moves toward One World Order/New World Order. The CFR/Council of Foreign Relations made up of Bankers, England, and the United States did plan the United Nations which moves towards all Nations towards a One World Government.
Be aware that it was the Rockefellers who provided the land for the United Nations building. The Rockefellers are part of the above, they are also the permanent CEO/Corporation Executive Officers of EXXON Corporation with the Umbrella Corporation over many smaller Oil Companies who are also related. Example: Dick Cheney, the Bush's, et. als.
The Banker's included the J.P. Morgan bankers...see the bankers list above and it was the J.P. Morgan bankers who did help to finance bankrupt United States of America whose President did sign a banker's secret Constitution in 1871, with England whose banks includes the Bank of England, the World Bank etc.
War for OIL was made in the 911 Plundering Upon Innocents.
Financing of Wars were pirated loot from the Kingdom of Hawaii, a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation with evidence found over time. Read the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web with 608 issues published.
Although a little nation, we remain equivalent to other recognized nations in the World today with evidence of criminal wrongs by the Families of Robert E. Lee, a Confederate General who Warred against Innocents, etc. affecting the moves to pirate innocent nations for funds, etc.
Many thanks to the Whistleblowers who expose the evils coming from many who are related....the evils: Confederate General Robert E. Lee, George Washington, the Queen of England and not to be forgotten the Bush Family, President Obama, et. als.
The evidence, the monitoring of evildoers from problematic individuals looking to exterminate innocents everywhere can be made.
Empower yourselves with knowledge, facts, evidence, and know who they are......perhaps, this is why some travel with large groups of armed guards or move to ban everyone from possessing weapons.
Know also that the Presidents also have some investment with weapon, war machines. Examples include Lyndon Baines Johnson whose family made monies off of war machines; Jimmy Carter with his peanut farm ---peanuts are used to make dynamite, etc.
Awaiting Wikileaks information on the Clintons, etc.
The evidence, the monitoring of evildoers from problematic individuals looking to exterminate innocents everywhere can be made.
Empower yourselves with knowledge, facts, evidence, and know who they are......perhaps, this is why some travel with large groups of armed guards or move to ban everyone from possessing weapons.
Know also that the Presidents also have some investment with weapon, war machines. Examples include Lyndon Baines Johnson whose family made monies off of war machines; Jimmy Carter with his peanut farm ---peanuts are used to make dynamite, etc.
Awaiting Wikileaks information on the Clintons, etc.
The Whistleblowers includes Leuren Moret, David Icke, Karen Hudes, Alana Fleischmann, Vladimir Putin, Paul Craig Roberts, Julian Assange, Manning, Michael Lee, Kilikina Kekumano, House of Nobles - Kingdom of Hawaii, our Royal Families, many others and myself.
Research incomplete.
Informing many because.............. Fifteen Men (Bottle of Rum)
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