David Klein updated the description.
The Physicians Coalition for Responsible Agriculture on Maui is a coalition of health-minded medical doctors and all allied health professionals and citizens of the world supporting healthful, non-toxic, non-GMO, non-experimental, organic, permaculture agriculture on the Hawaiian island of Maui. Please join us in recruiting new members and supporting our causes of stopping agro-chemical experimentation without informed individual consent and of promoting healthful agriculture... practices on Maui. Please watch Dr. Pang's video, Ethical Violations of Pesticide Use In Hawaii on Experimental GM Fields, for more information: https://youtu.be/ckf9XUbLiIE. Also please read A Case of Illegal Agro-chemical Experimentation Without Informed Individual Consent on Maui and Molokai by Lorrin Pang, M.D., M.P.H. and David Klein, Ph.D.
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News Feed
Carol Garnier Dutra shared a post.
ABC Australia presented "The Monsanto Papers" in early October 2018.
Here is that Australian broadcasted video.
Remember the term 'Farmers Lymphoma'.
Lymp...homa cancer has become common among farmers in Australia that use Roundup/Glyphosate. They believed Monsanto's claim that 'Roundup is safe'.
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Here is that Australian broadcasted video.
Remember the term 'Farmers Lymphoma'.
Lymp...homa cancer has become common among farmers in Australia that use Roundup/Glyphosate. They believed Monsanto's claim that 'Roundup is safe'.
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Carol Garnier Dutra shared a post.
All turkeys that are 'factory farmed turkeys' eat GMO grain.
GMO grain contains Glyphosate herbicide residues. Monsanto still holds the patent for Glyphosat...e as an antibiotic. Glyphosate antibiotic kills off all of the turkey's gut bacteria EXCEPT Salmonella and E.coli., which are allowed to grow. This also happens with factory farmed pigs and cows. Right now we are having an issue with Salmonella in raw turkey meat.
When the birds are slaughtered the contents of their guts are contaminating their flesh. That is where the issue with Salmonella is coming from. You can counter this contamination by cooking your bird thoroughly. Steady, moderate heat such as you use for roasting will destroy Salmonella. But what about the ractopamine that is fed to factory farmed turkeys? Cooking does not alter ractopamine's chemical composition.
Ractopamine is banned from food production in at least 160 countries around the world but it was fed to that factory farmed Thanksgiving Turkey you will eat on Thursday.
Be aware that a rapid heart beat (tachycardia) can result from eating animal flesh that contains ractopamine.
..." Hormones may not be used in turkey production but ractopamine, the asthma-like growth enhancer used to quickly add muscle weight to factory farm turkeys is. Banned in 160 countries and widely viewed as dangerous to animals and humans, ractopamine was approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for use in turkey in 2009, under the brand name Topmax. It has never been labeled.
How dangerous is Topmax? This is what its label says: “NOT FOR HUMAN USE. Warning. The active ingredient in Topmax, ractopamine hydrochloride, is a beta-adrenergic agonist. Individuals with cardiovascular disease should exercise special caution to avoid exposure. Not for use in humans. Keep out of the reach of children... When mixing and handling Topmax, use protective clothing, impervious gloves, protective eye wear, and a NIOSH-approved dust mask. Operators should wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling.” There’s even an 800 number for emergencies.
Monkeys fed ractopamine in a Canadian study "developed daily tachycardia" (rapid heartbeat). Rats fed ractopamine developed a constellation of birth defects like cleft palate, protruding tongue, short limbs, missing digits, open eyelids and enlarged hearts.
In its new drug application (no longer on the FDA website), Elanco, ractopamine’s manufacturer, admitted that ractopamine produced “alterations” in turkey meat such as a “mononuclear cell infiltrate and myofiber degeneration,” “an increase in the incidence of cysts” and differences, some “significant,” in the weight of organs like hearts, kidneys and livers. "...
Click on the photo below to read the entire, extremely informative article on factory farmed Thanksgiving Turkeys.
News story for today is another big meat recall for both e Coli and Salmonella in the meat, this time it is beef. Cows are just as affected by eating GMO grain as are turkeys.
GMO grain contains Glyphosate herbicide residues. Monsanto still holds the patent for Glyphosat...e as an antibiotic. Glyphosate antibiotic kills off all of the turkey's gut bacteria EXCEPT Salmonella and E.coli., which are allowed to grow. This also happens with factory farmed pigs and cows. Right now we are having an issue with Salmonella in raw turkey meat.
When the birds are slaughtered the contents of their guts are contaminating their flesh. That is where the issue with Salmonella is coming from. You can counter this contamination by cooking your bird thoroughly. Steady, moderate heat such as you use for roasting will destroy Salmonella. But what about the ractopamine that is fed to factory farmed turkeys? Cooking does not alter ractopamine's chemical composition.
Ractopamine is banned from food production in at least 160 countries around the world but it was fed to that factory farmed Thanksgiving Turkey you will eat on Thursday.
Be aware that a rapid heart beat (tachycardia) can result from eating animal flesh that contains ractopamine.
..." Hormones may not be used in turkey production but ractopamine, the asthma-like growth enhancer used to quickly add muscle weight to factory farm turkeys is. Banned in 160 countries and widely viewed as dangerous to animals and humans, ractopamine was approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for use in turkey in 2009, under the brand name Topmax. It has never been labeled.
How dangerous is Topmax? This is what its label says: “NOT FOR HUMAN USE. Warning. The active ingredient in Topmax, ractopamine hydrochloride, is a beta-adrenergic agonist. Individuals with cardiovascular disease should exercise special caution to avoid exposure. Not for use in humans. Keep out of the reach of children... When mixing and handling Topmax, use protective clothing, impervious gloves, protective eye wear, and a NIOSH-approved dust mask. Operators should wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling.” There’s even an 800 number for emergencies.
Monkeys fed ractopamine in a Canadian study "developed daily tachycardia" (rapid heartbeat). Rats fed ractopamine developed a constellation of birth defects like cleft palate, protruding tongue, short limbs, missing digits, open eyelids and enlarged hearts.
In its new drug application (no longer on the FDA website), Elanco, ractopamine’s manufacturer, admitted that ractopamine produced “alterations” in turkey meat such as a “mononuclear cell infiltrate and myofiber degeneration,” “an increase in the incidence of cysts” and differences, some “significant,” in the weight of organs like hearts, kidneys and livers. "...
Click on the photo below to read the entire, extremely informative article on factory farmed Thanksgiving Turkeys.
News story for today is another big meat recall for both e Coli and Salmonella in the meat, this time it is beef. Cows are just as affected by eating GMO grain as are turkeys.
Monsanto's patent for Glyphosate as an antibiotic. Destroys your gut bacteria through their Shikimate Pathway. Does the same with farm animals we raise for food that eat GMO grain.
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Monsanto's patent for Glyphosate as an antibiotic. Destroys your gut bacteria through their Shikimate Pathway. Does the same with farm animals we raise for food that eat GMO grain.
Carol Garnier Dutra shared a post.
In a post by Stephanie Seneff (Battle Against Bayer 11/20/18) she reminds us that Glyphosate, which kills both plants and our gut bacteria through the Shikimate... Pathway ( present in both plants and bacteria) plays a role in the violence we are all witnessing today in the United States.
"Serotonin is derived from tryptophan, which is a product of the shikimate pathway, which is the key pathway that glyphosate disrupts to kill the weeds. Our gut microbes use this pathway to make tryptophan, which then supplies us with serotonin. I bet people who are chronically exposed to glyphosate (almost everybody in the US) have a serotonin deficiency problem, among many other problems. Serotonin deficiency is linked to both obesity and violent behavior. "
MY COMMENT: It's the Glyphosate herbicide residues in GMO food and Glyphosate in non-GMO food (cane sugar, oats, some wheat, dried nuts and other dried foods) sprayed with Roundup/Glyphosate at harvest, that is causing many people to be emotionally depressed, over weight plus some go as far as being just plain crazy nuts.
It's the food.
Click on photo below to read the informative article on tryptophan in Psychology Today.
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"Serotonin is derived from tryptophan, which is a product of the shikimate pathway, which is the key pathway that glyphosate disrupts to kill the weeds. Our gut microbes use this pathway to make tryptophan, which then supplies us with serotonin. I bet people who are chronically exposed to glyphosate (almost everybody in the US) have a serotonin deficiency problem, among many other problems. Serotonin deficiency is linked to both obesity and violent behavior. "
MY COMMENT: It's the Glyphosate herbicide residues in GMO food and Glyphosate in non-GMO food (cane sugar, oats, some wheat, dried nuts and other dried foods) sprayed with Roundup/Glyphosate at harvest, that is causing many people to be emotionally depressed, over weight plus some go as far as being just plain crazy nuts.
It's the food.
Click on photo below to read the informative article on tryptophan in Psychology Today.
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keep your spirits up - idioms 4 you
5) We keep our spirits up no matter what the circumstances. 6) They keep their spirits up when their lives are in calamity. 7) You (all) keep your spirits up when you feel blue. 8) May you keep your spirits up and your own resources full and sustaining. 9) The end of the recession is a fairy tale to keep your spirits up.Keep Your Spirits Up Quotes, Quotations & Sayings 2018
Keep your spirits up. Make your heart happy and let it reflect on everything you do. Make your heart happy and let it reflect on everything you do. 8 up, 9 downKeep Up Your Spirits? - ENGLISH FORUMS
Aug 30, 2011 · 'Keep your spirits high' is similar in meaning since the words 'high' and 'up' as used in these expressions are synonymous. However, 'keep your spirits high' has a slightly stronger force. Sentence: The widower managed to 'keep his spirits high' by attending parties every weekend.
- Going Green – Energy Saving Tips …
- Turn off your lights.
- Buy energy saving light bulbs.
- Restrict times usage times on tablets, phones and consoles etc, thus, cutting down on charging.
- Turn your thermostat down a little and wear more clothes
- Unplug your clocks, DVDs, and televisions when you go on holiday.
- Charge your phones and tablets in the car where possible.
Going Green | USAGov
Go Green - Official Site
Going green is nowhere near a new concept as families and businesses begin switching to more energy efficient, natural, organic and green lifestyles. While it is great that you want to conserve water,...Images of going green
bing.com/imagesGo Green Initiative - Helping the World Go Green
Environmentalism - Wikipedia
- Environmentalism or environmental rights is a broad philosophy, ideology, and social movement regarding concerns for environmental protection and improvement of the health of the environment, particularly as the measure for this health seeks to incorporate the impact of changes to the environment on humans, animals, plants and non-living matter. While environmentalism focuses more on the environmental and nature-related aspects of green ideology and politics, ecologism combines the ideol…
Why Go Green: Green Real Estate Helps Save the Environment ...
There is a variety of reasons to go green, but most come back to supply and demand. We have a limited amount of resources available and more and more people using them up. If we want our future generations to enjoy the same standard of living we've experienced, we need to take action.10 reasons to go green starting NOW | TreeHugger
21 Good Reasons To Go Green - Conserve Energy Future
- Increase Value of Your Home: You could significantly boost the overall value of your home just by …
- Massive Savings in Energy Costs: The U.S Department of Energy states that if buildings were all …
- Save money on your water bill: You can also potentially save hundreds of dollars on your current …
- Green Homes are More Durable: When you create an eco-friendly home, you are creating a more …
10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green | Worldwatch Institute
- Save energy to save money. Purchase State of the World 2010: Transforming Cultures to learn …
- Save water to save money. Take shorter showers to reduce water use. This will lower your water …
- Less gas = more money (and better health!). Purchase State of the World 2009: Into a Warming …
- Eat smart. If you eat meat, add one meatless meal a week. Meat costs a lot at the store-and it's …
7 Ways to Go Green - wikiHow
- Being Green with Trash Recycle your trash. Not doing so will build up landfills, but if you do …
- Helping the Environment Pick up trash. Some places where you could go to look for trash are the …
- Being Green with Transport Cars are huge energy consumers, especially SUV's. If your car is old, …
- Being Green at Home Turn off all lights when you leave the room. Lights use a lot of electricity and …
Best Go Green Tips - Ways to Go Green
Therese Wonnacott shared a video.
That tambourine guy is having way too much fun...

Click for more
Postmodern Jukebox
That tambourine guy is having way too much fun...
Learn more about Postmodern Jukebox here: www.postmodernjukebox.com
Learn more about Postmodern Jukebox here: www.postmodernjukebox.com
Glenn Carvalho is in Hilo, Hawaii.
My Pupus Mochiko Chicken And Warabi Salad And Oriental Noodles !!
Aunty was born to be WILD.
HOWEVER, NOW DAYZ ONLY UNTIL 9 PM ........it happens LOL
HOWEVER, NOW DAYZ ONLY UNTIL 9 PM ........it happens LOL
Glenn Carvalho is in Keaau, Hawaii.
Aloha Aunty’s, From Puna Hawaii My Hamburgersteak Over Rice Plates !!
Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut the bitch up with cookies
Hawaiian Cookies
2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder...
3/4 cup butter
1 egg
1/4 tsp almond extract or 1 tsp vanilla
pineapple jam
2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder...
3/4 cup butter
1 egg
1/4 tsp almond extract or 1 tsp vanilla
pineapple jam
Preheat oven to 325 F. Sift flour, sugar and baking powder together in a bowl. Cut in butter until you have coarse crumbs. Beat egg with extract then add to crumbs and mix. Knead the dough to mix well. Divide dough into 30 pieces and roll into balls. Flatten each ball to half an inch thickness. Place on cookie sheet, then with a wet finger, make an impression in the center of each cookie. Fill center with pineapple jam or preserves. Bake 25-30 minutes.
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Furikake Arare Cookies
◾2 cups all-purpose flour
◾1 teaspoon baking soda
◾1 cup butter...
◾1 cup granulated sugar
◾1 teaspoon vanilla
◾1/4 cup Nori Kome Furikake (look for a brand that has more nori and less sesame seeds)
◾1 1/2 cup mini yakko arare (You may use any type of arare. However, if you are using arare such as sakura, crush it into smaller pieces.)
◾Optional: additional mini yakko arare for cookie garnish
◾2 cups all-purpose flour
◾1 teaspoon baking soda
◾1 cup butter...
◾1 cup granulated sugar
◾1 teaspoon vanilla
◾1/4 cup Nori Kome Furikake (look for a brand that has more nori and less sesame seeds)
◾1 1/2 cup mini yakko arare (You may use any type of arare. However, if you are using arare such as sakura, crush it into smaller pieces.)
◾Optional: additional mini yakko arare for cookie garnish
Preheat oven to 325°F. Grease a baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray. Sift together flour and baking soda. Set aside. In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar with an electric mixer until fluffy (about 2-3 minutes). Add vanilla, and continue to mix. Add flour mixture in two batches (adding one at a time) and mix until dough starts to come together. Make sure to not over mix. Mix in furikake and arare until evenly distributed. Cover with plastic wrap and chill dough in the refrigerator for approximately 20 minutes. Drop dough by rounded teaspoons or portion scoop onto baking sheet and flatten slightly.
Optional: Place a single mini yakko arare in the center of each cookie as garnish. Bake for 15 - 18 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven and cool on cookie sheet for about 10 minutes. Transfer cookies to a wire rack to cool completely. Makes approximately 2 dozen cookies (depending on size of cookies).
See MorePreheat oven to 325°F. Grease a baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray. Sift together flour and baking soda. Set aside. In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar with an electric mixer until fluffy (about 2-3 minutes). Add vanilla, and continue to mix. Add flour mixture in two batches (adding one at a time) and mix until dough starts to come together. Make sure to not over mix. Mix in furikake and arare until evenly distributed. Cover with plastic wrap and chill dough in the refrigerator for approximately 20 minutes. Drop dough by rounded teaspoons or portion scoop onto baking sheet and flatten slightly.
Optional: Place a single mini yakko arare in the center of each cookie as garnish. Bake for 15 - 18 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven and cool on cookie sheet for about 10 minutes. Transfer cookies to a wire rack to cool completely. Makes approximately 2 dozen cookies (depending on size of cookies).
4-Ingredient Shortbread Cookies
Makes 2 dozen (cut small)
The key to this recipe is the butter. Don’t go fancy, just regular ol’ salted butter. Keep the cookies stored in a tin container with parchment paper to keep them nice and fresh.
Makes 2 dozen (cut small)
The key to this recipe is the butter. Don’t go fancy, just regular ol’ salted butter. Keep the cookies stored in a tin container with parchment paper to keep them nice and fresh.
•2 sticks salted butter (1 cup total), room temperature
•1/2 cup sugar
•2 1/3 cup sifted flour
•1/4 teaspoon salt
1.Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.
2.Grease a 9-inch baking pan or line it with parchment paper.
3.In a stand-mixer, cream the butter (about 3-5 minutes). Gradually add the sugar and beat until light and fluffy (about 5 minutes).
4.By hand, gradually mix in the flour and salt until well combined and crumbly.
5.Press the mixture evenly into a baking pan. Prick the top with a fork.
6.Bake 50-60 minutes or until golden brown.
7.Cool slightly, then cut into bars or triangles
See More•2 sticks salted butter (1 cup total), room temperature
•1/2 cup sugar
•2 1/3 cup sifted flour
•1/4 teaspoon salt
1.Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.
2.Grease a 9-inch baking pan or line it with parchment paper.
3.In a stand-mixer, cream the butter (about 3-5 minutes). Gradually add the sugar and beat until light and fluffy (about 5 minutes).
4.By hand, gradually mix in the flour and salt until well combined and crumbly.
5.Press the mixture evenly into a baking pan. Prick the top with a fork.
6.Bake 50-60 minutes or until golden brown.
7.Cool slightly, then cut into bars or triangles
Kailua Elementary's Shortbread Cookies
Contributor: Lehua
1/2 lb Butter
2 Eggs...
1 C Sugar 3 C Flour
2 tsp Vanilla
Contributor: Lehua
1/2 lb Butter
2 Eggs...
1 C Sugar 3 C Flour
2 tsp Vanilla
Cream butter with sugar first. Add vanilla and eggs. Add flour. Mixture will be very dry. Drop by teaspoon on un-greased baking sheet, or for the traditional kind, press down on a un-greased cookie sheet with sides. Bake at 300 degrees for 40 min. or until done. Cookies will not brown. Cut while still hot.
Don't over cook.
I worked at Kailua in the 80's and the baker, Stella Wakamatsu cut the recipe down from 12 dozen to this. Melt in your mouth reminder of small kid time .
See MoreDon't over cook.
I worked at Kailua in the 80's and the baker, Stella Wakamatsu cut the recipe down from 12 dozen to this. Melt in your mouth reminder of small kid time .
1 cup butter
1 1/2 cups white sugar...
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
4 eggs
3 teaspoons vanilla
4 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
5 cups chocolate chips
2 cups sweetened coconut
2 cups chopped almonds
1 cup butter
1 1/2 cups white sugar...
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
4 eggs
3 teaspoons vanilla
4 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
5 cups chocolate chips
2 cups sweetened coconut
2 cups chopped almonds
Pre-heat oven to 375°F. Lightly grease cookie sheets.
Combine dry ingredients, set aside.
In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugars together. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, stir in the vanilla. Stir in the dry ingredients until well mixed then stir in the chocolate chips, coconut and almonds. Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls onto the prepared cookie sheets.
Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Cool on baking sheet for 5 mins before removing to a wire rack to cool completely. Enjoy while they last
See MoreCombine dry ingredients, set aside.
In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugars together. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, stir in the vanilla. Stir in the dry ingredients until well mixed then stir in the chocolate chips, coconut and almonds. Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls onto the prepared cookie sheets.
Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Cool on baking sheet for 5 mins before removing to a wire rack to cool completely. Enjoy while they last
Carrot Cake Cookies
1 cup Butter, softened
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar ...
2 large Eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 medium (2 cups) carrots, grated
1 cup finely chopped pecans
1 cup Butter, softened
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar ...
2 large Eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 medium (2 cups) carrots, grated
1 cup finely chopped pecans
4 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup Butter, softened
1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Green food color, if desired
Orange food color, if desired
Heat oven to 350°F.
Combine 1 cup butter, sugar and brown sugar in bowl. Beat at medium speed, scraping bowl often, until creamy. Add eggs and 2 teaspoons vanilla; beat until well mixed. Add flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt; beat at low speed, scraping bowl often, until well mixed. Stir in carrots and pecans.
Drop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls onto greased cookie sheets. Bake 11-13 minutes or until lightly browned around edges. Cool completely.
Combine powdered sugar, 1/2 cup butter, cream cheese and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla in bowl; beat at medium speed until smooth and creamy. Reserve 1/2 cup frosting.
Frost each cooled cookie with 2 teaspoons frosting. Divide reserved frosting in half. Tint one half green and one half orange. Spoon each tinted frosting into resealable plastic food bags; snip off corner of bags. Make carrot design on top of each cookie, if desired.
See More1/2 cup Butter, softened
1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Green food color, if desired
Orange food color, if desired
Heat oven to 350°F.
Combine 1 cup butter, sugar and brown sugar in bowl. Beat at medium speed, scraping bowl often, until creamy. Add eggs and 2 teaspoons vanilla; beat until well mixed. Add flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt; beat at low speed, scraping bowl often, until well mixed. Stir in carrots and pecans.
Drop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls onto greased cookie sheets. Bake 11-13 minutes or until lightly browned around edges. Cool completely.
Combine powdered sugar, 1/2 cup butter, cream cheese and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla in bowl; beat at medium speed until smooth and creamy. Reserve 1/2 cup frosting.
Frost each cooled cookie with 2 teaspoons frosting. Divide reserved frosting in half. Tint one half green and one half orange. Spoon each tinted frosting into resealable plastic food bags; snip off corner of bags. Make carrot design on top of each cookie, if desired.
7 Layer Cookie Recipe
•1 stick butter melted
•1 stick butter melted
•1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs (roll the graham crackers under a rolling pin to get them nice and small)
•6oz chocolate chips
•6oz butterscotch chips
•1 cup coconut
•1 can condensed milk
•1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1.Preheat the oven to 325F
2.Pour the melted butter into a 9″x13″ baking pan.
3.Add graham cracker crumbs, and press evenly into the butter so it forms and even layer on the bottom of the pan.
4.Sprinkle chocolate chips evenly over graham cracker
5.Sprinkle butterscotch chips evenly over chocolate chips
6.Sprinkle coconut evenly over everything, keeping it thinner around the edges so coconut won’t burn.
7.Drizzle condensed milk evenly over the whole dish, being careful to not put too much at the edges so it won’t burn.
8.Sprinkle walnuts evenly over the cookies.
9.Bake for 30 to 40 minutes.
10.Remove from oven then allow to cool and cut into small bars.
See More•6oz chocolate chips
•6oz butterscotch chips
•1 cup coconut
•1 can condensed milk
•1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1.Preheat the oven to 325F
2.Pour the melted butter into a 9″x13″ baking pan.
3.Add graham cracker crumbs, and press evenly into the butter so it forms and even layer on the bottom of the pan.
4.Sprinkle chocolate chips evenly over graham cracker
5.Sprinkle butterscotch chips evenly over chocolate chips
6.Sprinkle coconut evenly over everything, keeping it thinner around the edges so coconut won’t burn.
7.Drizzle condensed milk evenly over the whole dish, being careful to not put too much at the edges so it won’t burn.
8.Sprinkle walnuts evenly over the cookies.
9.Bake for 30 to 40 minutes.
10.Remove from oven then allow to cool and cut into small bars.
Gooey Butter Cookies
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 egg...
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 (18 1/2 ounce) box white cake mix or 1 (18 1/2 ounce) box yellow cake mix
confectioners’ sugar
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 egg...
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 (18 1/2 ounce) box white cake mix or 1 (18 1/2 ounce) box yellow cake mix
confectioners’ sugar
Cream together cream cheese and butter.
Add egg and vanilla, then cake mix.
Refrigerate for at least 1 hour or until cookie dough is firm.
Roll in 1 inch balls, then roll in confectioner’s sugar.
Preheat oven to 350*.
Bake cookies on ungreased cookie sheet for 10-15 minutes or until cookies are slightly firm to touch.
Wait a minute or two before removing cookies to cooling racks.
Dust with confectioner’s sugar.
See MoreCream together cream cheese and butter.
Add egg and vanilla, then cake mix.
Refrigerate for at least 1 hour or until cookie dough is firm.
Roll in 1 inch balls, then roll in confectioner’s sugar.
Preheat oven to 350*.
Bake cookies on ungreased cookie sheet for 10-15 minutes or until cookies are slightly firm to touch.
Wait a minute or two before removing cookies to cooling racks.
Dust with confectioner’s sugar.
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
1C pumpkin
3/4 C sugar
1/2 C oil...
1 egg
2 C flour
2 t baking powder
1 t cinnamon
1/2 t salt
1 t baking soda
1 t milk
1 t vanilla
1 C chocolate chips
1C pumpkin
3/4 C sugar
1/2 C oil...
1 egg
2 C flour
2 t baking powder
1 t cinnamon
1/2 t salt
1 t baking soda
1 t milk
1 t vanilla
1 C chocolate chips
Dissolve baking soda & milk and set aside. In a large bowl mix pumpkin, sugar, oil & egg. Stir then add flour, baking powder, cinnamon, salt & baking soda mix. Stir in chocolate chips & vanilla. Spoon onto cookie sheet. Bake at 375' for 10-12 minutes
See More
Turtle Cake:
1 box German chocolate cake mix (I use Duncan Hines)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips...
1 cup chopped nuts (I used pecans)
1 cup milk
1 (14 oz) package caramels
1 box German chocolate cake mix (I use Duncan Hines)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips...
1 cup chopped nuts (I used pecans)
1 cup milk
1 (14 oz) package caramels
In a sauce pan, melt caramels with milk over low heat, stirring occasionally. Takes about 10 - 12 minutes.
In the meantime, mix cake according to directions, adding vanilla. Pour 1/2 of cake mixture in a greased and floured 13 x 9 pan (I use Baker's Joy). Bake about 10 - 12 minutes at 350 degrees.
When cake has baked for the 10 or more minutes and the sauce is ready, pour sauce over the cake. Sprinkle with chocolate chips and nuts. Pour remaining batter over sauce. Bake about 20 - 30 minutes more, until done.
See MoreIn the meantime, mix cake according to directions, adding vanilla. Pour 1/2 of cake mixture in a greased and floured 13 x 9 pan (I use Baker's Joy). Bake about 10 - 12 minutes at 350 degrees.
When cake has baked for the 10 or more minutes and the sauce is ready, pour sauce over the cake. Sprinkle with chocolate chips and nuts. Pour remaining batter over sauce. Bake about 20 - 30 minutes more, until done.
Li Hing Mui Cookies
1 cup butter, room temperature
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 large eggs...
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons li hing powder
1 cup butter, room temperature
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 large eggs...
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons li hing powder
1/3 cup sugar
2 tablespoons li hing powder
To make this li hing mui cookie recipe, in a mixing bowl; cream together butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs. Onto waxed paper; sift dry ingredients. Stir into butter mixture. Refrigerate dough 3 hours until dough is firm. Preheat oven to 350. In a shallow dish; combine coating ingredients together. Drop dough by rounded tablespoons into coating mixture. Bake 10-2 minutes. Makes 3 dozen.
See More1/3 cup sugar
2 tablespoons li hing powder
To make this li hing mui cookie recipe, in a mixing bowl; cream together butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs. Onto waxed paper; sift dry ingredients. Stir into butter mixture. Refrigerate dough 3 hours until dough is firm. Preheat oven to 350. In a shallow dish; combine coating ingredients together. Drop dough by rounded tablespoons into coating mixture. Bake 10-2 minutes. Makes 3 dozen.
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