Sunday, September 28, 2008
Don't come looking at Gramama Obama's Bank

Tucked away on the 10th floor of South Beretania apartments in Honolulu, Hawaii is quite a woman, the one engineered profile online suggests for Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham, the grandmother who raised Barack Hussein Obama when he was abandoned by his mother, but for the wonder woman profile which was created online, the one question jumps out that no one has noticed:
If Madelyn Dunham was thee woman as her profile states who paved the way for all women in banking, thee woman who raised Barack Obama, then why is Barack Obama running away from this woman, why is she hiding in an apartment in Hawaii, when her presence would have gotten her the entire Hillary Clinton feminist vote as we are told in her profile that Grandma Dunham was better than the invention of the wheel for women?
I have stumbled across the answer in this as it is so old that even the internet servers are being scrubbed of the stories which lead to Madelyn Dunham.
The first red light which went off for Grandma Dunham was when I was attempting a profile search which all living people have. "Someone" has scrubbed Madelyn Dunham's profile in spots and is listing her as 40 years younger.
Mr. Obama's sister, Mya, is listed as a relative, but not one Barack Obama is listed.
As an example if one uses as a control, Henry Kissinger, who is oft times blamed for all things globalist and who should be one person who could have his profile information scrubbed, one can find Dr. Kissinger listed with family and associates.
So if Doc Kissinger is in the system, why is Madelyn Dunham, the paver of banking ways for women and raiser of messiah not listed?
I believe the key starts out with Mrs. Dunham's choice of employment at Bankho, or the Bank of Hawaii starting in 1960 where she was elevated after 10 years in 1970 as Vice President.
That is quite a meteoric rise from bank teller to executive in that short of period of time.
Mrs. Dunham's expertise was in Escrow Accounts which are used as 3rd party money transfer accounts between two people who basically do not trust each other and still need a deal to be done.
It was during this period that the Democratic machine in Hawaii was killing bank examiner bills, because at the same time the two largest banks in Hawaii were making a huge push into the Pacific Rim from 1963 to 1970.
You thought opening doors to China began with Kissinger and Nixon? Nope someone was paving that way a decade before and 30 years before Bush 41 set upon what is termed his policy to modernize China.
Bank of Hawaii is listed as the largest bank in Hawaii of that period and expanded into the Pacific Rim buying up assets during the Vietnam War.
It is into this which Madelyn Dunham was being promoted as an expert in money transfers for her entire career and this is why she is being hidden away and planted stories are abounding about old Gram banking leader and Stanley Ann, anthropologist, and no one is mentioning what these two women were setting up in an international Marxist or globalist scheme which has yet to come to fruition, until their Barack hits the stage.
On March 31, 1980, Jimmy Carter enacted the Depository Instituions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 which would phase out all savings rate ceilings on consumer accounts and deregulated the banking industry.
People have heard nonstop it was Reagan or Bush who started all of this deregulation when the fact is comrade Carter initiated what was to become the biggest economic rape of the world. Rush Limbaugh has invested a great deal of time noting Jimmy Carter and his housing act started this housing mess, but it was the banking rape which Carter set into place which America is being rocked by now.
I ask people to keep with this for the punchline as the situation is laid out, because you will not believe what the Obama women were setting up for the globalists.
Mrs. Dunham would retire in 1986 from the escrow fund of Bankoh. Her daughter who was an anthropoligist would then go into, banking.
Huh? You might question. Yes she went into banking in Indonesia setting up microfinance for poor women there.
What on earth is microfinance?
Ever heard of a progressive changing their name to a liberal? That is exactly what microfinance is. Microfinance is in the late 1980's, a savings and loan for destitute 3rd world types.
If people remember history in BCCI and other savings and loans raping American small investors in the Bank of Coccaine and Crime International, then you know what Stanley Ann Dunham has now set up as the largest loan system to a billion people in Indonesia.
Microfinance is the term no one has yet figured out which is the next derivative as the globalist cartels have set this monster up in every impoverished nation in the world.
Getting ahead of the story, the Rothschilds are currently in India providing microfinance for poor Indian farmers with the money being crop seed which fails and they can not repay. The end result is the Rothschild cartel owning Indian farmland while Indian farmers commit suicide.
The cartel though is enjoying record exports of tainted grain grown on poisonous ground being sold around the world, including to Americans.
So Gram Dunham leaves the bank running the new world escrow service forming and Stanley Ann is setting up savings and loans in the 3rd world as she happens to find her way to New York too running the World Women's Banking created the United Nations in 29 poverty nations around the world.
Follow this now please, World Women's Banking was brainchild of Stichting INGKA Foundation of the Netherlands. INGKA owns an international furniture outlet chain, but holds it's assets in a $36 billion dollar account making it the richest on earth.
For a modern tax rape in the United States, this is exactly what Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are doing as they keep their assests out of tax coffers while preying on consumers. I ask you to remember that Buffet has billion dollar foundations for each child and raped over 31 billion dollars out of the markets which people lost in the last months.
This is what the Dunham women were setting up for the 3rd world and is about to be sprung.
Now we come to Bank of Hawaii dumping huge amounts of money into Asian markets in a money transfer in the 1990's. Of course that money loaned did not stay in Asia in the least, it instead was part of the Bill Clinton Indonesian, yes Indonesia again, Riaydi and Lippo Group money funneling campaign funds into the Clinton reelection bid with Al Gore.
What people missed in this was the money from the Chinese was not just about bribes to the Clintons. The Indonesians, Chinese and Clinton globalists were after the real prize of the New York Stock Exchange offering up the communist Chinese Xiamen International Bank to both the Hang Seng and New York.
It would be Hawaii's Democratic machine which would use billions of dollars in Kamaehameha School funds with Bishop Estate to underwrite the public offering of Xiamen.
This should be sounding familiar in the same corruption engulfing Illinois in funds being embezzled there and Barack Obama and Joe Biden's names popping up in funds allotted to them.
Do you remember what William Ayers was after in his Chicago school initiatives was federal funds and Tony Rezko was playing with Chicago real estate making slums for blacks.
Are you seeing a Marxist pattern here in moving money around in public funds, real estate, poor people in housing and massive market collapse?
So the money went out of Hawaii while the Chinagate money came into the mainland. Soon enough the Asians who dumped their excess in the American markets had their economies tanked.
Hawaiian investors lost record sums, but that means the cartels gained billions.
Bush 41 would send in the FBI to Hawaii for all this Democratic coruption, but being replaced by Bill Clinton, it would be Webster Hubbell number 3 at Justice under Janet Reno would shut down the investigation.
In order to cover up the failure of half of Hawaii's industrial banks in this nation rape, Bill Clinton appointed Donna Tanuoe who had absolutely no banking experience as head of the FDIC.
She would hold that position until 2001 and is currently now part of the executive committee of, the Bank of Hawaii, our old escrow account operative Madelyn Dunham's place of vocation.
This massive money laundering scheme was set up off the mainland and collapsed ruining Hawaiians was not even covered by the press no more than if it was in another nation. Some in the press probably think Hawaii is another nation.
Donna Tanuoe emerged in covering up the massive collapse of Hawaiian banking in the 1983 to 1985 period of the last years of Madelyn Dunham employment. She set the stage in the FDIC for what America is currently imploding in now.
John McCain and Republican banking committee members tried in Senate Bill 190 to reign this in in 2005, but were stopped by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
If people want to know a really small world, behold Bank of Hawaii is now run by a flunky who covered up the original nation rape where Mrs. Dunham worked and the other bank in Hawaii just happened to be purchased by BNP Paribas SA, currently owned by Nadhmi Auchi of Saddam Hussein oil for food bribery to the Clintons and the world socialists, with money laundering, who just happened to be in Chicago buying up Tony Rezko's real estate and shaking hands with Barack Hussein Obama.
Toss in Marc Rich who was the genius behind BCCI funding and Bill Clinton's pardon, and one has the entire banking fraud scheme of the past 30 years now engulfing the world.
Now do you perhaps understand why one planted story on Madelyn Dunham as wonder woman is being circulated and why Barack Obama is running from this woman and not featuring her as she should be a campaign asset for the female vote in America?
If not let us enter the future of an Obama age, when the term "risky microfinance" starts cropping up. I ask you to think about 1 billion Indonesian, Indian, Bangladeshi, African, ok if we go the full route, number it 2 billion women all in microfinance.
Suppose they have on average 1000 dollar loans which would talley 2 trillion dollars, plus the sewing machines, materials, grains etc... all these poor people were sold like the Indian farmers.
That would make a 4 trillion dollar profit already from Stanley Ann Dunham's microfinance "helping the poor".
Now crash that debt system just like the Obama backers crashed the United States derivative markets to assist him. Imagine forclosing on 2 billion people's 40 acre farms just like the Rothschilds are accomplishing in India.
Does that not sound like a pretty good scheme where you sold poor people goods you made, put them into debt, crash the system and then take their collateral which you as a cartel can now exploit in farming making the slaves buy food from their own land.
Now do you understand why Barack Obama and his syndicate have targetted specific stories leading everyone away from Grandmama Obama and Mama Obama? In these women's actions was the genisis of financial diaster which is the ghost of Christmas past, Christmas present and Christmas future.
The last things Barack Obama wants is anyone sniffing around his family's Hawaiian banking past or his family's Indonesian banking past as it leads right into Chicago banking and New York finance collapse that Barack Obama has a part in.
Nobody has put this scheme together and is this blog's exclusive again. The Congress isn't going to mention this. The pundits will not touch this, so maybe the remainder 299 million Americans and those speaking Spanish had better start chatting about this so the Congress and pundits will have to.
Make my Nobel and Pulitzer checks out to Sturm Ruger as I like their firearms for a shopping spree.
agtG 217, 263, 253
Hawaii Banking Scandal
Posted by
Lame Cherry
10:26 PM
From that moment on, I have always believed that the Conservative cause like the Conservative mantle of the Limbaugh family simply overtook Rush and while he knows a great deal, somewhere deep down he is playing a character which has become real. In that, when the legend becomes the reality, Rush Limbaugh becomes the reality.
Victor Davis Hanson, a noted and correct Conservative writer recently posted that what gears allot of this in the west against Islam is people just don't like those damned people over there. You could read postings by a Hugh Fitzgerald who has wanted America out of Iraq and his policy is getting that done right now, but instead of being pleased he rants on about "unintelligent George Bush" and the Muslims.

I have watched with interest the Islamic movement and how everyone wants to tie it all up in a nice package of Muslim woolies with American Muslims being sophisticated, Middle East Muslims being kooks and European Muslims rebelling against colonialism.
It is all bullsh*t as much as all Muslims are of the same cloth of wool. This reality though is not a scolding of infidels "who do not understand Islam", but a slap upside the head to those in Islam who think the title is some kind of Superman protection as they "he he he" in private over the successes of terrorism giving it to the westerners.
In that, this entire Islamic movement is allot like the peacenik, grubby hippy movement of the 1960's with their diatribes, their speaking of absolutes and their fight against some chosen foe.
Let us get the first fact straight and that Islam is a movement who draws in people who are low self esteem loser's and gives them a creed to like a children's club to make them feel better than someone else.
The males are weak Doms like in sexual psychopathy and the women feign submission, but for all their robes and scarves they are the ones getting the thrill out of dominating the male and making them submit to their will.
All of this is a major problem as the same internal liars of American Islam somehow with Arab oil funding now think that getting people into powerful positions by bribes (donations) to Conservatives and Liberals that viola they will usher in a new American dominant Muslim force to make all those low self esteem people feel good about themselves.
Keith Ellison of Minnesota is one such deluded person now drunk with the lust of power. He showed up in Minnesota, hand picked a district of delusional people and all of a sudden we have Muslim Power just like Black Power was the fist to the sky in the 60's.
In this case, Ellison raised the Koran of Thomas Jefferson. The only problem for ignorant Ellison is that Jefferson has the Koran to know his enemies as Jefferson sent the Marines to Egypt to rescue hostages Muslims had taken.
All politicians think they can play with Muslims as most get a huge chunk of change from Saudi, Kuwaiti or some other oil rich kingdom. The problem is the Muslims of the Saud regime are not the Muslims of the real world. The Saud family is refined, diplomatic, wise and quite adept at dealing with issues. The Muslim of bin Laden in turn is forceful, dictatorial, shrewd and his answer to an issue to sever one's head off.
I run into Muslims all the time. The cheering British Muslim taunting the west to the ones President Bush parades out to show that Muslims are nice guys too. So nice in fact, the one he had at the White House from California wants to establish his own imam school to certify Muslim teachers in an American brand of Islam sure to please the sophisticated CAIR follower chanting Islamophobia at ever debate to shut up the American infidel once and for all.
The problem for the Keith Ellisons, to the British hordes to those Muslims in America now grinning at their new found power in being Muslims is that it doesn't amount to a fiddler's damn in this world how many Barak Obama's they put forth in Christian guise or how much big of mosque they put up, because their main problem in their Muslim roar is.............they are not Muslims.
That might sound judgemental, but I am not the one judging western Muslims as one bin Laden and Zawahiri are doing it for them.
See while Ellison and company are smiling at television time, there is the fatwa problem of bin Laden for the following reasons.
bin Laden came under a great deal of pressure from Middle East "real Muslims" who look down their noses at everyone else in the world in Islam that he did not warn America enough before 9 11. He took great pains in rectifying this situation by doing the following.
bin Laden asked George Bush to change to Islam and lead America to Islam in order to save it.
bin Laden has repeatedly told American Muslims to flee America in order to save themselves.
The saving bin Laden is speaking of is from nuclear bombs which he has purchased and nuclear bombs he has built which are intended in a mass strike to murder millions of Americans, including children, in response to the deaths of Muslims in the real Muslim Middle East world.
To put it in western terms to understand, Ellie May might be a beauty queen in Rogue Station of Australia, but that crown in London just don't make her Queen of England.
bin Laden has judged already that American Muslims and in fact all western Muslims are not Muslim enough, but akin to infidels to be slaughtered right along with the host nations he intends to bomb with atomic weapons when his time sequence he has worked out since the early part of this century comes to fruition.
American Muslims and their CAIR chanting Islamophobe have a rude awakening about to hit them in their power pocket. bin Laden has judged them acceptable for the slaughter and incinerated they will be chanting their inferior brand of Islam.
None of this had to happen at all. In the Great Plains Indian wars, Indians actually joined the US government when the Indians were terrorizing citizens to put a stop to it.
In World War II, Japanese interns joined the US army to fight American enemies with glory and honor to prove they were loyal Americans.
What though have Muslims done since 9 11?
They started their own Muslim schools to empower themselves. They selected Keith Ellison who with CAIR staged an airline event and are now suing Americans and they coined the phrase Islamophobe to shut up Americans.
There were no mass volunteers like Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders or Japanese Americans to fight American enemies in a Muslim American division which could have destroyed all terrorism in the Middle East. There was no fund drives for injured American soldiers. There were no Muslim celebrities coming forward to urge western Muslims to try to assimilate into American culture by dressing like Americans and there was not one thank you for Americans in giving them a home where they would have been murdered if they stayed in their Islamic nations.
There was though one line in a manifesto, "We do not agree with violence".
But none of that matters, because as the Muslims bellied up the power hog trough pushing security, the rights of other Americans and loyalty out of the way for their own grandiose power schemes, al Qaeda with backing from Islamocommunist leadership in Zawahiri has deemed secular Muslims are a death sentence and bin Laden in his Islamofascist leadership has declared all remaining American Muslims fuel for his atomic fodder.
It might all be quite funny if it were not real Americans who have been fighting this, not taking power trips, being threatened and investing our money in defense who are about to suffer the murder bin Laden is about to inflict on the sophisticated American Muslims.
I know there is a Christian God Whom Muslims will never understand as they deny His character and limit Him to their own base human standards, and this God must find it amusing, how the power god of Islam in America which Muslims have sold their souls for is not going to save them from the very demonic consumption god of allah, the moon god.
American Muslims can roar all they like, but it is the coming deafening roar of a real Muslim in bin Laden's nuclear wind which is going to show them the real power of Islam as it has judged them infidels for the slaughter.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Worst President in History
Often enough, the world hears that George W. Bush is the worst President in history from allot of people who should know better and those who do know better.
President Bush though never bothers to reveal one word in his defense though. I am not in the position nor habit of defending adult males who are capable in themselves of defending their honor, but I am in the habit of defending the Truth. This for me is about defending the Truth.
One can make all kinds of charges on the world they see. Iraq has violence. Housing market collapses. Stocks falling. Low poll numbers for a President. American world standing in the negative, but sometimes the thing you see is not what it is at all and every time the Truth which an ignorant person making charges does not see is the fact of a very impressive record.
George W. Bush inherited an economy which in 2000 was going into recession due to Bill Clinton's retroactive taxes which destroyed the Reagan expansion. On September 11, 2001, the United States was plunged into a world depression and it's economic ruin as nations dumped the US dollar for the Euro in trade.
America would at that point become a first world military with a 3rd world standard of existence.
The reason none of that happened was the worst President in history delivered the American economy from the abyss and started an economic boom which has only been hindered by world oil banking cartel forces trying to take Iraq back into their fold with all it's oil once again flowing into it's coffers in trying to defeat America there.
Iraq is a stage of vast problems, but not the ones which people notice. Iraq because of George W. Bush was given a "love thy Muslim" policy instead of sending in the military to kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's.
That is humanitarian and is George Bush.
Iraq was designed to bleed off terrorists from all over the world to keep Europe and America safe from terrorist attacks at home. Iraq was designed to keep moderate Arabs states safe in exporting their terrorists to be killed in Iraq, instead of revolutions which would have murdered millions like Khomeini in Iran.
That is humanitarian in trying to preserve the most lives in a murderous situation in a no win situation.
Iraq also was a cesspool of bribery by Saddam Hussein and export of chemical weapons which were used on Christians in Darfur. Chemical weapons in 2 shiploads were taken out by Russian agents before the Iraq liberation and dumped in the Indian Ocean. Biological weapons were taken out in plane loads to Syria and Lebanon. Saddam's one heavy nuclear atomic bomb was flown out to Russia.
George Bush instead of starting a Cold War chose to use the information to try and keep the Russians on board in the war against terrorism to keep Americans safe.
One can look at Europe which was taking bribes from Saddam and selling him arms and weaponry linked to WMD's. Such information would have plunged the French and Germans into Watergate style anarchy which would have left America alone to face the world.
President Bush for the good of America and Europe chose not to reveal this information and take blistering attacks on WMD not being there for the good of the entire world being kept safe.
At home, the Clinton's also had a part in Iraq. Saddam was to be overthrown and Bill Clinton called it off as a deal was worked out. The infamous Marc Rich was to be the bag man for Saddam selling oil for bribes which included the UN and a number of the banking cartel throughout the world laundering the illegal funds.
President Bush knowing that such revelations would plunge America into anarchy with arrests of a former President and a host of Democrats chose not to allow the Justice Department to prosecute on Clinton era crimes.
Once again the worst President in history doing what was best for security and taking horrendous hits from the very people who should be prosecuted.
Some of the worst diatribes come out of New York. David Letterman, Ted Koppel, Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump lead a list of the celebrity talkers who claim George W. Bush is thee worst President in history.
It might be of interest in a non event which occurred after 9 11 where two Muslims were detained in New York and soon after died of bleeding gums, hair falling out and allot of symptoms which were radiation poisoning.
That is the dirty secret President Bush sat on so not to scare Americans and send the nation into chaos, and, so the same public which demanded he invade Afghanistan and Iraq and have now abandoned him, would have also demanded as President he use United States nuclear weapons in retaliation on 9 11 when it came out that 2 to 3 nuclear bombs had been smuggled into America and were by wonderful work by United States security neutralized before New York and Washington DC were vaporized.
Now the worst President in history knew all of this on 9 11 and the weeks after. George W. Bush also in knowing Washington DC was a nuclear target stayed in the White House for the sake of the United States and didn't flee.
How many of his detractors calling him the worst President in history would have stayed in a target area knowing nuclear bombs were at large or would they have been the first cowards on their millionaire jets fleeing to Argentina.
The worst President in history has done all this alone with Dick Cheney, a number of the military and a few scant ranking Conservatives and Republicans in the millions to give him his few good poll numbers.
President George W. Bush has also done this with Russian FSB and GRU instigating Islamocommunist proxies from Iran, Syria, Hezbollah to real communists in Cuba and Venezuela meant to whittle away America so the Eurasian field will belong to the Russian Bolsheviks.
President George W. Bush has done this with an ever increasing Chicom agenda of intimidation around the world.
President George W. Bush has done this with even the Europeans he saved plotting in the Middle East to gain the control over the area America has bled for.
It has been even worse at home with Plamegate and the globalists in the CIA staging that event meant to bring about a Watergate impeachment of Bush led by ABC's Ted Koppel in the media.
Abu Gharib and Korans in toilets which did not happen was part of the CFR Rockefeller agenda to make Bush pay for taking away the Saddam oil money and defeat him in 2004.
The same 2004 coup was attempted by DNC operatives with Dan Rather in his Forgegate fiasco he was caught in.
See President Bush has survived 3 coups against him, 3 major world powers against him and terrorist proxies making literal murderous war and New York is still standing with ignorant people claiming he is the worst President in history.
It is always impossible to take credit for events which did not happen. Atomic bombs not going off in America while a President sits in the White House as a target so Suzi soccer mom will feel secure to vote for Democrats is not possible to prove. No more than checkmating global communists who are daily trying to drive America back to our shores and then slowly carve up America by coming proxy attacks by Mexican and Russian illegals with the help of the South American communists.
Events that don't happen are shielded in the files of above black top secret where Patriots like Dick Cheney will never speak of them for the good of Americans who hate him without cause and where the New York Times will not print them for their "sources" have a vested interest in making a Hillary Clinton the next President who will help cement their power of people working for benefits instead of wages and the next in just working for a government house. That all is communism where elitists gain power over Americans who once thought George W. Bush is the worst President in history, because they believed a Capitol Hill Blue George Soros or an anarchist for profit like Jeff Rense.
All of the above information is out there as it has been leaked, but buried away. It came from county records. It comes from the Department of Defense Intelligence Units and it comes from foreign press who blunder onto things but never put the entire story together as it just might loose them their jobs and countries.
So in knowing some of the above in George W. Bush being the worst President in history...........
I would only add, Thank God we had the worst President in history and I pray to God He gives America another worst President to keep our economy running, nation secure from all powers and to survive the coup plotters.
So that all the detractors can have a nice long healthy bitch about the worst President in history instead of dying with bleeding gums and their hair falling out from radiation poisoning like those terrorists did.
The worst President in history, President George W. Bush. I know better.
President Bush though never bothers to reveal one word in his defense though. I am not in the position nor habit of defending adult males who are capable in themselves of defending their honor, but I am in the habit of defending the Truth. This for me is about defending the Truth.
One can make all kinds of charges on the world they see. Iraq has violence. Housing market collapses. Stocks falling. Low poll numbers for a President. American world standing in the negative, but sometimes the thing you see is not what it is at all and every time the Truth which an ignorant person making charges does not see is the fact of a very impressive record.
George W. Bush inherited an economy which in 2000 was going into recession due to Bill Clinton's retroactive taxes which destroyed the Reagan expansion. On September 11, 2001, the United States was plunged into a world depression and it's economic ruin as nations dumped the US dollar for the Euro in trade.
America would at that point become a first world military with a 3rd world standard of existence.
The reason none of that happened was the worst President in history delivered the American economy from the abyss and started an economic boom which has only been hindered by world oil banking cartel forces trying to take Iraq back into their fold with all it's oil once again flowing into it's coffers in trying to defeat America there.
Iraq is a stage of vast problems, but not the ones which people notice. Iraq because of George W. Bush was given a "love thy Muslim" policy instead of sending in the military to kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's.
That is humanitarian and is George Bush.
Iraq was designed to bleed off terrorists from all over the world to keep Europe and America safe from terrorist attacks at home. Iraq was designed to keep moderate Arabs states safe in exporting their terrorists to be killed in Iraq, instead of revolutions which would have murdered millions like Khomeini in Iran.
That is humanitarian in trying to preserve the most lives in a murderous situation in a no win situation.
Iraq also was a cesspool of bribery by Saddam Hussein and export of chemical weapons which were used on Christians in Darfur. Chemical weapons in 2 shiploads were taken out by Russian agents before the Iraq liberation and dumped in the Indian Ocean. Biological weapons were taken out in plane loads to Syria and Lebanon. Saddam's one heavy nuclear atomic bomb was flown out to Russia.
George Bush instead of starting a Cold War chose to use the information to try and keep the Russians on board in the war against terrorism to keep Americans safe.
One can look at Europe which was taking bribes from Saddam and selling him arms and weaponry linked to WMD's. Such information would have plunged the French and Germans into Watergate style anarchy which would have left America alone to face the world.
President Bush for the good of America and Europe chose not to reveal this information and take blistering attacks on WMD not being there for the good of the entire world being kept safe.
At home, the Clinton's also had a part in Iraq. Saddam was to be overthrown and Bill Clinton called it off as a deal was worked out. The infamous Marc Rich was to be the bag man for Saddam selling oil for bribes which included the UN and a number of the banking cartel throughout the world laundering the illegal funds.
President Bush knowing that such revelations would plunge America into anarchy with arrests of a former President and a host of Democrats chose not to allow the Justice Department to prosecute on Clinton era crimes.
Once again the worst President in history doing what was best for security and taking horrendous hits from the very people who should be prosecuted.
Some of the worst diatribes come out of New York. David Letterman, Ted Koppel, Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump lead a list of the celebrity talkers who claim George W. Bush is thee worst President in history.
It might be of interest in a non event which occurred after 9 11 where two Muslims were detained in New York and soon after died of bleeding gums, hair falling out and allot of symptoms which were radiation poisoning.
That is the dirty secret President Bush sat on so not to scare Americans and send the nation into chaos, and, so the same public which demanded he invade Afghanistan and Iraq and have now abandoned him, would have also demanded as President he use United States nuclear weapons in retaliation on 9 11 when it came out that 2 to 3 nuclear bombs had been smuggled into America and were by wonderful work by United States security neutralized before New York and Washington DC were vaporized.
Now the worst President in history knew all of this on 9 11 and the weeks after. George W. Bush also in knowing Washington DC was a nuclear target stayed in the White House for the sake of the United States and didn't flee.
How many of his detractors calling him the worst President in history would have stayed in a target area knowing nuclear bombs were at large or would they have been the first cowards on their millionaire jets fleeing to Argentina.
The worst President in history has done all this alone with Dick Cheney, a number of the military and a few scant ranking Conservatives and Republicans in the millions to give him his few good poll numbers.
President George W. Bush has also done this with Russian FSB and GRU instigating Islamocommunist proxies from Iran, Syria, Hezbollah to real communists in Cuba and Venezuela meant to whittle away America so the Eurasian field will belong to the Russian Bolsheviks.
President George W. Bush has done this with an ever increasing Chicom agenda of intimidation around the world.
President George W. Bush has done this with even the Europeans he saved plotting in the Middle East to gain the control over the area America has bled for.
It has been even worse at home with Plamegate and the globalists in the CIA staging that event meant to bring about a Watergate impeachment of Bush led by ABC's Ted Koppel in the media.
Abu Gharib and Korans in toilets which did not happen was part of the CFR Rockefeller agenda to make Bush pay for taking away the Saddam oil money and defeat him in 2004.
The same 2004 coup was attempted by DNC operatives with Dan Rather in his Forgegate fiasco he was caught in.
See President Bush has survived 3 coups against him, 3 major world powers against him and terrorist proxies making literal murderous war and New York is still standing with ignorant people claiming he is the worst President in history.
It is always impossible to take credit for events which did not happen. Atomic bombs not going off in America while a President sits in the White House as a target so Suzi soccer mom will feel secure to vote for Democrats is not possible to prove. No more than checkmating global communists who are daily trying to drive America back to our shores and then slowly carve up America by coming proxy attacks by Mexican and Russian illegals with the help of the South American communists.
Events that don't happen are shielded in the files of above black top secret where Patriots like Dick Cheney will never speak of them for the good of Americans who hate him without cause and where the New York Times will not print them for their "sources" have a vested interest in making a Hillary Clinton the next President who will help cement their power of people working for benefits instead of wages and the next in just working for a government house. That all is communism where elitists gain power over Americans who once thought George W. Bush is the worst President in history, because they believed a Capitol Hill Blue George Soros or an anarchist for profit like Jeff Rense.
All of the above information is out there as it has been leaked, but buried away. It came from county records. It comes from the Department of Defense Intelligence Units and it comes from foreign press who blunder onto things but never put the entire story together as it just might loose them their jobs and countries.
So in knowing some of the above in George W. Bush being the worst President in history...........
I would only add, Thank God we had the worst President in history and I pray to God He gives America another worst President to keep our economy running, nation secure from all powers and to survive the coup plotters.
So that all the detractors can have a nice long healthy bitch about the worst President in history instead of dying with bleeding gums and their hair falling out from radiation poisoning like those terrorists did.
The worst President in history, President George W. Bush. I know better.
Posted by
Lame Cherry
8:04 PM
The Mind of bin Laden
Without further ado, the mind of bin Laden.
Ossama bin Laden has a distinct pattern of speech. He starts out in a rhythmic prose of a zealot Muslim in all of his utterances. "Praise be allah" is a frequent chorus in a very melodic chant which soothes the listener and carries them into a receptive state for what comes next in his main purpose in speaking.
He often enough quotes poetry in the beauty of the fight or war. He equates the fight not as violence, but as a noble deed in which he can equate any situation to murdering even children as an event which is justifiable homicide, because of wrongs he will equate himself with done to other Muslims around the world.
What has never been touched upon is bin Laden is a mystic Muslim in what he believes. I recalled this trend of Asian island Muslims in the 1600's when a prophet there spoke of dreams he had which actually came true.
In a literal quote from bin Laden, not only he believes in dreams, but his entire immediate following believe in their foretelling too.
QUOTE: Abu Al Hasan told me a year ago that he had a dream in where we were playing a soccer game against the Americans and our team was all pilots. He wondered if it was a soccer game or a pilot game. He said the game went on and we defeated them. It was a good omen for us.
(bin Laden and his group recount 4 dreams on the World Trade Center attack. He even orders one dreamer not to tell anyone of the dreams as bin Laden fears everyone is having dreams and they will be discovered.)
He directs the conversations with authority and is aware of everything in detail. His engineering background comes through time and again. He is obsessed with numbers and dates.
QUOTE: We calculated that the floors which would be hit would be only 3 or 4 floors. Due my experience in this field I was thinking that the fire from the gas of the plane would melt the iron structure of the building where the planes hit and all the floors above it only.
This continues on in his taking credit for things he does not do personally, but realizing the glory belongs to another so in modesty bin Laden always tries to distance himself, but always tries to show himself superior in intellect to those around him.
He often speaks of numbers of dead in what are exaggerated terms and he is the probable source of in al Qaeda propaganda for the inflated numbers one finds on sites like Jeff Rense publishes.
bin Laden fixates on Bosnia and Iraq dead.
QUOTE: and despite the huge number of those killed, which has exceeded 1 million.
It does not stop with those conflicts though. He has taken a personal grudge in Palestine, because in the beginning when the Saudi's laughed at his "plans" for war against the enemies of Saudi Arabia and America.......It was the Israeli invasion of Lebanon which he seized upon as justification for the 9 11 attack on New York.
QUOTE: America will never taste security and safety unless we feel security and safety in our land and in Palestine.
In his mind, he sees 9 11 now and future attacks as a conversion tool, an evangelistic action, to bring hosts of infidels to Islam. He has deemed the action a reprisal and the horror of it to justify it is that people convert to Islam and are "saved".
QUOTE: The number of people who accepted Islam the days after the operations were more than the people who accepted Islam in the last 11 years.
His fight though is centered upon a literal land battle as he sees it against a Greater Israel, or the former reign over territory of King Solomon which encompassed into Iraq.
QUOTE: to occupy a former capital of Islam, loot Muslims' wealth, and install an agent government, which would be a satellite for its masters in Washington and Tel Aviv, just like all the other treasonous and agent Arab governments. This would be in preparation for establishing the Greater Israel.
He lays out his strategy for choosing terrorism as the only way to destroy the west and Jews. In parts he glorifies the constant use of trenches or holes in the ground and then reverts to calling American soldiers cowards as they use firepower instead of being lured into primitive combat.
QUOTE: Due to the imbalance of power between our armed forces and the enemy forces, a suitable means of fighting must be adopted, i.e. using fast-moving, light forces that work under complete secrecy. In other words, to initiate a guerrilla war, where the sons of the nation, and not the military forces, take part in it."
What this follows into in his thought patterns are constant. He relates the Clinton war in Bosnia, past military actions by the west in the Muslims which died and then he reaches for grandeur for the final solution which he is fixated upon for power, nuclear bombs detonated to achieve his objectives, because America dropped them upon Japanese....who were not Muslims, but that is how bin Laden's processes things. He is feminine in nature in deciding what direction he wills to take and then fills in the reasoning behind it. Japanese are not Muslims, but they become his reason to justify mass murdering Christians.
QUOTE: withholding of arms from the Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina leaving them prey to the Christian Serbians who massacred and raped in a manner not seen in contemporary history. Not to forget the dropping of the H-bombs on cities.
bin Laden admits often enough that al Qaeda does possess nuclear weapons. In conversations with Hamid Mir, the Muslim journalist, bin Laden brushed off the question in attempting to verify his source. He does though repeat the theme in quotations and in video imagery.
QUOTE: I wish to declare that if America used chemical or nuclear weapons against us, then we may retort with chemical and nuclear weapons. We have the weapons as deterrent.
The problem though for bin Laden is it appears he never meant them as a deterrent, but has hoped America would be goaded into using nuclear weapons so that bin Laden would be the victim and justified in using them on Americans.
QUOTE:So when the swords came after eight years to America
He has been looking for a reason to use his weaponry and hijacked other Arab attacks to bring down America to take credit like he has taken credit for being a player in driving the Soviets out of Afghanistan when it was Afghanie fighters doing the work.
He wants the sword to come to America again, but it was startling in interviews he literally tells the world he is in the hinterlands after being driven out of Tora Bora as he fixates on Pakistan.
Personally, I believe he is in the remote area of the Chinese Pakistan border and is in China knowing the no man's land is his safe quarter for what he is planning and is why it takes so long for communications to come from him.
QUOTE: We will not leave the Pakistani people and the Pakistani territory at anybody's mercy.
We will defend Pakistan. But we have been disappointed by Gen Pervez Musharraf.
The reason bin Laden has been disappointed in Musharraf is Pakistani intelligence during the Clinton years was invested greatly in al Qaeda or the Muhajadeen in almost controlling it, but in helping in training it. Pakistani intel frequently fed intelligence and warned bin Laden of upcoming attacks planned against him.
As by the following quote, he was receiving intimate details on American operations almost directly from the CIA Washington desk via his Pakistani sympathizers. He knew exactly the weaponry and even the exact aircraft being utilized against him.
QUOTE: The American forces were bombing us with smart bombs, cluster bombs and bombs which invade caves. B-52 aircraft were flying every two hours over our heads and throwing each time, 20 to 30 bombs. The modified Sinmo 13 aircrafts were bombing us daily with new bombs.
See it doesn't have to be an American conspiracy of Bush, so called neocons or whatever kook ideas are dreamed up when one realizes American CIA and State Departments share information with friendly allies and the United Nations in normal channels. bin Laden simply gleaned exactly what was going on from people in governments he was doing business and it was Muslims feeding him information who supported his fascist cause.
QUOTE: And the convergence of interests is not detrimental. The Muslims' fighting against the Byzantine converged with the interests of the Persians.
This is informative as he notes even the Chinese in knowing what they are learning. The key though is the Persians or Iranians as his example, because it reveals Iran has taken the lead in the directing of operations now with bin Laden and al Qaeda a sort of mullah with a nuclear koran.
In this though leads to the constant thread of what bin Laden appeals to in his mind warped followers. The Saudi's which carried out 9 11 were reacting to the catalyst bin Laden used of American military in Saudi Arabia, the sacred Muslim sites of Mecca and Medina.
The last thwarted attack of Pakistani's which the press reported wrongly were not just Pakistani's, but Kashmir Pakistani's which al Qaeda is telling hot heads there to recruit them has been handed over by Pakistan to the devils Bush and Blair.
bin Laden twists any scenario to blame the west and the Arab governments friendly to the west, because he often reveals his main focal point is the worry over all that oil money which he desires to control.
It is "home" which he always speaks of from Palestine to Kashmir. It is home which verbatim his followers always repeat in their reasons for bringing death to America, because death has been somehow equated to be brought to each of their homes in the way bin Laden equates it.
QUOTE: In my view, if an enemy occupies a Muslim territory and uses common people as human shield, then it is permitted to attack that enemy. For instance, if bandits barge into a home and hold a child hostage, then the child's father can attack the bandits and in that attack even the child may get hurt.
As stated, this is not logical thought, but emotional thought processes and psychologically reflects the standard feminine reasoning process. It also is how bin Laden and the entire mideast terror groups get children to suicide bomb while Ahmadinejad and bin Laden sit in safety not risking a thing.
Analysis Projection:
These Muslims gossip in grandiose fashion and as even bin Laden knows none of them can keep a secret. They are a people of low self esteem and try to effect power by the information they know. It is like the jungle telegraph of long ago. An event happens in bin Laden's camp and within days by simple conversation it has reached hundreds of miles.
The effective eastern routes are the "stans" of Asia and into Iran with their knowledge and help and then into Iraq.
As stated when bin Laden appears for the final show, he will probably be wearing his golden dagger to transmit the image he has from the 1990's that an attack is coming to not just the Middle East, but to American soil again.
Until then the rhetoric is more regionalized as the American and British effort has indeed bled off a great deal of this terrorist group's resources. Information ebbs and flows as one period they are focused upon America and the next the castigation is against Hamas.
There is though no longer the warning of Muslims must flee America, but now the warning of they have been warned and al Qaeda is free from blame in murdering them in a coming attack.
Ossama bin Laden has a distinct pattern of speech. He starts out in a rhythmic prose of a zealot Muslim in all of his utterances. "Praise be allah" is a frequent chorus in a very melodic chant which soothes the listener and carries them into a receptive state for what comes next in his main purpose in speaking.
He often enough quotes poetry in the beauty of the fight or war. He equates the fight not as violence, but as a noble deed in which he can equate any situation to murdering even children as an event which is justifiable homicide, because of wrongs he will equate himself with done to other Muslims around the world.
What has never been touched upon is bin Laden is a mystic Muslim in what he believes. I recalled this trend of Asian island Muslims in the 1600's when a prophet there spoke of dreams he had which actually came true.
In a literal quote from bin Laden, not only he believes in dreams, but his entire immediate following believe in their foretelling too.
QUOTE: Abu Al Hasan told me a year ago that he had a dream in where we were playing a soccer game against the Americans and our team was all pilots. He wondered if it was a soccer game or a pilot game. He said the game went on and we defeated them. It was a good omen for us.
(bin Laden and his group recount 4 dreams on the World Trade Center attack. He even orders one dreamer not to tell anyone of the dreams as bin Laden fears everyone is having dreams and they will be discovered.)
He directs the conversations with authority and is aware of everything in detail. His engineering background comes through time and again. He is obsessed with numbers and dates.
QUOTE: We calculated that the floors which would be hit would be only 3 or 4 floors. Due my experience in this field I was thinking that the fire from the gas of the plane would melt the iron structure of the building where the planes hit and all the floors above it only.
This continues on in his taking credit for things he does not do personally, but realizing the glory belongs to another so in modesty bin Laden always tries to distance himself, but always tries to show himself superior in intellect to those around him.
He often speaks of numbers of dead in what are exaggerated terms and he is the probable source of in al Qaeda propaganda for the inflated numbers one finds on sites like Jeff Rense publishes.
bin Laden fixates on Bosnia and Iraq dead.
QUOTE: and despite the huge number of those killed, which has exceeded 1 million.
It does not stop with those conflicts though. He has taken a personal grudge in Palestine, because in the beginning when the Saudi's laughed at his "plans" for war against the enemies of Saudi Arabia and America.......It was the Israeli invasion of Lebanon which he seized upon as justification for the 9 11 attack on New York.
QUOTE: America will never taste security and safety unless we feel security and safety in our land and in Palestine.
In his mind, he sees 9 11 now and future attacks as a conversion tool, an evangelistic action, to bring hosts of infidels to Islam. He has deemed the action a reprisal and the horror of it to justify it is that people convert to Islam and are "saved".
QUOTE: The number of people who accepted Islam the days after the operations were more than the people who accepted Islam in the last 11 years.
His fight though is centered upon a literal land battle as he sees it against a Greater Israel, or the former reign over territory of King Solomon which encompassed into Iraq.
QUOTE: to occupy a former capital of Islam, loot Muslims' wealth, and install an agent government, which would be a satellite for its masters in Washington and Tel Aviv, just like all the other treasonous and agent Arab governments. This would be in preparation for establishing the Greater Israel.
He lays out his strategy for choosing terrorism as the only way to destroy the west and Jews. In parts he glorifies the constant use of trenches or holes in the ground and then reverts to calling American soldiers cowards as they use firepower instead of being lured into primitive combat.
QUOTE: Due to the imbalance of power between our armed forces and the enemy forces, a suitable means of fighting must be adopted, i.e. using fast-moving, light forces that work under complete secrecy. In other words, to initiate a guerrilla war, where the sons of the nation, and not the military forces, take part in it."
What this follows into in his thought patterns are constant. He relates the Clinton war in Bosnia, past military actions by the west in the Muslims which died and then he reaches for grandeur for the final solution which he is fixated upon for power, nuclear bombs detonated to achieve his objectives, because America dropped them upon Japanese....who were not Muslims, but that is how bin Laden's processes things. He is feminine in nature in deciding what direction he wills to take and then fills in the reasoning behind it. Japanese are not Muslims, but they become his reason to justify mass murdering Christians.
QUOTE: withholding of arms from the Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina leaving them prey to the Christian Serbians who massacred and raped in a manner not seen in contemporary history. Not to forget the dropping of the H-bombs on cities.
bin Laden admits often enough that al Qaeda does possess nuclear weapons. In conversations with Hamid Mir, the Muslim journalist, bin Laden brushed off the question in attempting to verify his source. He does though repeat the theme in quotations and in video imagery.
QUOTE: I wish to declare that if America used chemical or nuclear weapons against us, then we may retort with chemical and nuclear weapons. We have the weapons as deterrent.
The problem though for bin Laden is it appears he never meant them as a deterrent, but has hoped America would be goaded into using nuclear weapons so that bin Laden would be the victim and justified in using them on Americans.
QUOTE:So when the swords came after eight years to America
He has been looking for a reason to use his weaponry and hijacked other Arab attacks to bring down America to take credit like he has taken credit for being a player in driving the Soviets out of Afghanistan when it was Afghanie fighters doing the work.
He wants the sword to come to America again, but it was startling in interviews he literally tells the world he is in the hinterlands after being driven out of Tora Bora as he fixates on Pakistan.
Personally, I believe he is in the remote area of the Chinese Pakistan border and is in China knowing the no man's land is his safe quarter for what he is planning and is why it takes so long for communications to come from him.
QUOTE: We will not leave the Pakistani people and the Pakistani territory at anybody's mercy.
We will defend Pakistan. But we have been disappointed by Gen Pervez Musharraf.
The reason bin Laden has been disappointed in Musharraf is Pakistani intelligence during the Clinton years was invested greatly in al Qaeda or the Muhajadeen in almost controlling it, but in helping in training it. Pakistani intel frequently fed intelligence and warned bin Laden of upcoming attacks planned against him.
As by the following quote, he was receiving intimate details on American operations almost directly from the CIA Washington desk via his Pakistani sympathizers. He knew exactly the weaponry and even the exact aircraft being utilized against him.
QUOTE: The American forces were bombing us with smart bombs, cluster bombs and bombs which invade caves. B-52 aircraft were flying every two hours over our heads and throwing each time, 20 to 30 bombs. The modified Sinmo 13 aircrafts were bombing us daily with new bombs.
See it doesn't have to be an American conspiracy of Bush, so called neocons or whatever kook ideas are dreamed up when one realizes American CIA and State Departments share information with friendly allies and the United Nations in normal channels. bin Laden simply gleaned exactly what was going on from people in governments he was doing business and it was Muslims feeding him information who supported his fascist cause.
QUOTE: And the convergence of interests is not detrimental. The Muslims' fighting against the Byzantine converged with the interests of the Persians.
This is informative as he notes even the Chinese in knowing what they are learning. The key though is the Persians or Iranians as his example, because it reveals Iran has taken the lead in the directing of operations now with bin Laden and al Qaeda a sort of mullah with a nuclear koran.
In this though leads to the constant thread of what bin Laden appeals to in his mind warped followers. The Saudi's which carried out 9 11 were reacting to the catalyst bin Laden used of American military in Saudi Arabia, the sacred Muslim sites of Mecca and Medina.
The last thwarted attack of Pakistani's which the press reported wrongly were not just Pakistani's, but Kashmir Pakistani's which al Qaeda is telling hot heads there to recruit them has been handed over by Pakistan to the devils Bush and Blair.
bin Laden twists any scenario to blame the west and the Arab governments friendly to the west, because he often reveals his main focal point is the worry over all that oil money which he desires to control.
It is "home" which he always speaks of from Palestine to Kashmir. It is home which verbatim his followers always repeat in their reasons for bringing death to America, because death has been somehow equated to be brought to each of their homes in the way bin Laden equates it.
QUOTE: In my view, if an enemy occupies a Muslim territory and uses common people as human shield, then it is permitted to attack that enemy. For instance, if bandits barge into a home and hold a child hostage, then the child's father can attack the bandits and in that attack even the child may get hurt.
As stated, this is not logical thought, but emotional thought processes and psychologically reflects the standard feminine reasoning process. It also is how bin Laden and the entire mideast terror groups get children to suicide bomb while Ahmadinejad and bin Laden sit in safety not risking a thing.
Analysis Projection:
These Muslims gossip in grandiose fashion and as even bin Laden knows none of them can keep a secret. They are a people of low self esteem and try to effect power by the information they know. It is like the jungle telegraph of long ago. An event happens in bin Laden's camp and within days by simple conversation it has reached hundreds of miles.
The effective eastern routes are the "stans" of Asia and into Iran with their knowledge and help and then into Iraq.
As stated when bin Laden appears for the final show, he will probably be wearing his golden dagger to transmit the image he has from the 1990's that an attack is coming to not just the Middle East, but to American soil again.
Until then the rhetoric is more regionalized as the American and British effort has indeed bled off a great deal of this terrorist group's resources. Information ebbs and flows as one period they are focused upon America and the next the castigation is against Hamas.
There is though no longer the warning of Muslims must flee America, but now the warning of they have been warned and al Qaeda is free from blame in murdering them in a coming attack.
The attack specifically now referenced is not nuclear material smuggled into America via Mexico by one Adnan el Shukrijumah, the nuclear point man bin Laden chose to carry out the attacks who is said smuggled in a nuclear bomb by a hijacked light aircraft 2 years ago from Mexico, but an attack to eclipse 9 11.
bin Laden in a strange conversation of 9 11 actually blames Bush for allowing people to stay in the World Trade centers on the morning of the attack, but in the same sentence relates the attacks were to be all accomplished in 20 minutes, so Bush could not react.
bin Laden the murderer realizes somewhere in his soul that he is harming people deliberately to inflict massive deaths, but in a split morality seeks to shift the deaths to President Bush who could do nothing about it.
In this is the catalyst of remembering Lebanon as bin Laden's excuse for the first 9 11 attacks. Lebanon being attacked again by the Judean state in August of this year is the trigger mechanism once again for the leopard who will not change his spots.
bin Laden will attack as Hezbollah is claiming glory he desires and even though the war did diminish that terrorist group, bin Laden realizes his combat fronts are loosing across the board. In that, Iran is his last buffer of hope.
al Qaeda has finished their cycle of warning like the moon god allah cycles in monthly time divisions. They have their fatwas and edicts to attack with nuclear measures. bin Laden has not told his people though the exact date as he learned too much information had made it to American, Israeli, European and Russian intelligence that 9 11 was coming. That is why the "We can choose to attack any time", phrase keeps popping up. It is coming from bin Laden himself to mask the event until he can take full credit for it.
9 11 2 though is the conversation now ongoing in the al Qaeda gossip and one can only hope that the intelligence and security services are going to find the mistake these braggarts always make as bin Laden's mind works simply and in trackable patterns.
bin Laden in a strange conversation of 9 11 actually blames Bush for allowing people to stay in the World Trade centers on the morning of the attack, but in the same sentence relates the attacks were to be all accomplished in 20 minutes, so Bush could not react.
bin Laden the murderer realizes somewhere in his soul that he is harming people deliberately to inflict massive deaths, but in a split morality seeks to shift the deaths to President Bush who could do nothing about it.
In this is the catalyst of remembering Lebanon as bin Laden's excuse for the first 9 11 attacks. Lebanon being attacked again by the Judean state in August of this year is the trigger mechanism once again for the leopard who will not change his spots.
bin Laden will attack as Hezbollah is claiming glory he desires and even though the war did diminish that terrorist group, bin Laden realizes his combat fronts are loosing across the board. In that, Iran is his last buffer of hope.
al Qaeda has finished their cycle of warning like the moon god allah cycles in monthly time divisions. They have their fatwas and edicts to attack with nuclear measures. bin Laden has not told his people though the exact date as he learned too much information had made it to American, Israeli, European and Russian intelligence that 9 11 was coming. That is why the "We can choose to attack any time", phrase keeps popping up. It is coming from bin Laden himself to mask the event until he can take full credit for it.
9 11 2 though is the conversation now ongoing in the al Qaeda gossip and one can only hope that the intelligence and security services are going to find the mistake these braggarts always make as bin Laden's mind works simply and in trackable patterns.
The Sloven and the Selfish
Children always believe they know more than their parents and each modern generation believes it knows more than the past, but when it comes down to it children like established cultures several hundred years old are naive and ignorant in that they have no experience with real life.
America today is such a culture. Every part of it is lazy in either wanting to blame someone else for their lives being miserable or thinking government which is other people's hard earned dollars is there to take care of them.
That is sloven and selfish.
If you behold America in the Republic for which it stands our founding fathers built upon English law which was formed against the harsh reality of a Roman Empire slaughtering, raping and stealing everything in Angle Land, graduated to the Vikings and Normans and then various local kings who were tyrants.
Jefferson and Madison both knew of this past and knew of medieval history in the Roman Senate and in Greek citizen rule.
Each of these 3 records of people stated one thing: Every citizen is responsible for their own armed defense and every citizen is responsible for feeding, housing and caring for themselves in return for the combined citizenry which is government putting criminals to death and sticking objects into foreign enemies in killing them.
The net return was a citizen secure in their home and their community from theft of kingly taxes, criminal rapine and foreign army plunder.
It is a perfect system as it works and has built every civilization.
The problem is Democrats who are socialist weaklings exist in fear and instead of creating opportunities for people to be all they can be, Democrats instead choose to steal from people who work, buy votes with that money from the lazy and get a pretty nice job in government for life not working a day in their life.
Until the citizen stops thinking that life is a free ride with no responsibility, the United States of America are going to crumble and fall apart.
The reason being we as a people are aborting our next generation, killing off this generation with drugs, sex and a poisoned food supply causing auto immune diseases and the people who are working are being taxed, stolen from and imprisoned for simply living their lives.
If Conservatives want a solution to the problems of America, the President who runs for 2008 should have one platform and that is to rescind off the law books all laws created since 1920. This wiping the slate clean of laws will then force Congress to actually repass all the repressive laws which have strangled freedom and productivity in America.
Now I can hear the fearful sloven and selfish, "What if what if what if", but that is the point in people are so law abiding in America that there is no corporation going to be dumping tons of sewage into the rivers, because they know very well they are going to get socked in cleaning up the mess just as much as no one is going to be going out and committing a crime they were not already going to commit with the laws on the books.
This will give Congress something to do instead of enslaving Americans more with more laws about non sense. It will also force Congress to debate on how to fund the government in perhaps a Milton Friedman plan which is working in the Baltic States where people pay only 24% of taxes and the poor pay none. Compare that to America where you are paying 50% taxes and the poor are paying a greater share.
See if people would have to start being the government in governing themselves there would be none of this mob rule of a democracy destroying people's rights and there would be none of this shiftless representative rule where government is robbing from people and giving it to those who figured out life is better waiting for a handout.
The people's right is to protect themselves with weapons and protect their living with the money they earn. You the citizen know very well what you want out of life and where to spend your money on everything from a doctor to a computer. That is the reality and in asking you the question what would you do with another 25% of your paycheck?
You are starting to realize that the children you are in being know it alls have spent yourself into oblivion and that the founding fathers just like your parents are proving they knew the method by which a prosperous and peaceful life would flourish to bring you happiness.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is there for a reason. There is also a reason that aborticide, democracy and the pursuit of welfare are not written there.
You can not have a future if you kill off your children, have a mob stealing other people's money called welfare nor have a 250 million kings and queens who do not work.......but do have time to watch Oprah and Rosie O'Donnell after their morning and afternoon nap.
America today is such a culture. Every part of it is lazy in either wanting to blame someone else for their lives being miserable or thinking government which is other people's hard earned dollars is there to take care of them.
That is sloven and selfish.
If you behold America in the Republic for which it stands our founding fathers built upon English law which was formed against the harsh reality of a Roman Empire slaughtering, raping and stealing everything in Angle Land, graduated to the Vikings and Normans and then various local kings who were tyrants.
Jefferson and Madison both knew of this past and knew of medieval history in the Roman Senate and in Greek citizen rule.
Each of these 3 records of people stated one thing: Every citizen is responsible for their own armed defense and every citizen is responsible for feeding, housing and caring for themselves in return for the combined citizenry which is government putting criminals to death and sticking objects into foreign enemies in killing them.
The net return was a citizen secure in their home and their community from theft of kingly taxes, criminal rapine and foreign army plunder.
It is a perfect system as it works and has built every civilization.
The problem is Democrats who are socialist weaklings exist in fear and instead of creating opportunities for people to be all they can be, Democrats instead choose to steal from people who work, buy votes with that money from the lazy and get a pretty nice job in government for life not working a day in their life.
Until the citizen stops thinking that life is a free ride with no responsibility, the United States of America are going to crumble and fall apart.
The reason being we as a people are aborting our next generation, killing off this generation with drugs, sex and a poisoned food supply causing auto immune diseases and the people who are working are being taxed, stolen from and imprisoned for simply living their lives.
If Conservatives want a solution to the problems of America, the President who runs for 2008 should have one platform and that is to rescind off the law books all laws created since 1920. This wiping the slate clean of laws will then force Congress to actually repass all the repressive laws which have strangled freedom and productivity in America.
Now I can hear the fearful sloven and selfish, "What if what if what if", but that is the point in people are so law abiding in America that there is no corporation going to be dumping tons of sewage into the rivers, because they know very well they are going to get socked in cleaning up the mess just as much as no one is going to be going out and committing a crime they were not already going to commit with the laws on the books.
This will give Congress something to do instead of enslaving Americans more with more laws about non sense. It will also force Congress to debate on how to fund the government in perhaps a Milton Friedman plan which is working in the Baltic States where people pay only 24% of taxes and the poor pay none. Compare that to America where you are paying 50% taxes and the poor are paying a greater share.
See if people would have to start being the government in governing themselves there would be none of this mob rule of a democracy destroying people's rights and there would be none of this shiftless representative rule where government is robbing from people and giving it to those who figured out life is better waiting for a handout.
The people's right is to protect themselves with weapons and protect their living with the money they earn. You the citizen know very well what you want out of life and where to spend your money on everything from a doctor to a computer. That is the reality and in asking you the question what would you do with another 25% of your paycheck?
You are starting to realize that the children you are in being know it alls have spent yourself into oblivion and that the founding fathers just like your parents are proving they knew the method by which a prosperous and peaceful life would flourish to bring you happiness.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is there for a reason. There is also a reason that aborticide, democracy and the pursuit of welfare are not written there.
You can not have a future if you kill off your children, have a mob stealing other people's money called welfare nor have a 250 million kings and queens who do not work.......but do have time to watch Oprah and Rosie O'Donnell after their morning and afternoon nap.
Posted by
Lame Cherry
1:03 PM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Little Noted But Thank God for President Bush
Note: One of the most despicable acts ever sanctioned by the United States occurred when globalist Bill Clinton turned on Serbian Christians in his Kosovo oil pipeline war which was touted as "ethnic cleansing" as a cover to put one more dig into Russia for oil profits via Marc Rich.
In that war, Clinton had NATO bomb children in hospitals whose greatest crime was, the Russians were protecting them. Wes Clark almost started world war three when he tried to bomb Russian troops, but the Brits would have no part of the insane plan.
In Kosovo though, Clinton with Rich, his allies the Muslim Saudi Delta Oil Company brought in "their warriors" who just happened to be muhajadeen from Afghanistan.......later to be known as al Qaeda.
Yes Jimmy Carter created Muslim warriors and Bill Clinton sowed them into the western world to butcher Christians.
In this the Serbian people have been lied about and maligned. "Dead Muslims" of ethnic cleansing have shown up in the thousands to vote in elections proving it was all Clinton propaganda for his globalist masters.
The Serbians currently have their land in Kosovo controlled by Muslim Mafia thugs moving crime, Afghani opium and corruption into Europe. In Serbia, these Christians have their Churches burned and destroyed. The worst of it is Muslims are digging up the graves of dead people and destroying Christian cemeteries.
There is nothing in this world which Americans can do to rectify this.......there are no words to describe what Bill Clinton did to the Serbs, but it is geno rape, the entire rape of a people and culture carried out in the name of the United States.
I though am heartened in President Bush has at least started to mend the fences with the most wonderful of people in the Serbs in advocating they will now be armed by the United States to defend the world from the Islamic onslaught.
It will not be noted in the press, but thank God for President Bush in establishing this act as what Clinton did was rape a Christian culture.
It will not take away what happened, but it is at least a start.
I will never stop reminding every person who voted for Bill Clinton or Ross Perot who installed Clinton and then voted for Clinton again for their profit and their feel good need.........because there are bushels of dead Christians in Darfur where Clinton let Saddam give Sudan chemical weapons to be used on them and bushels of dead Serbian Christians for Clinton's oil pipeline he never got built.
I will not forget those dead as they deserved better than what they got.
Thank you Mr. President, George W. Bush
*Oh and President Bush got the pipeline built and let Clinton's people in on it too, all without war and without one death. It runs from the Caspian to Turkey.
Bush authorizes arming of Serbia
According to the White House Press Release, President Bush has authorized "furnishing defense articles and defense services" to both, Montenegro and Serbia.
March 20, 2007 -- In a memorandum to the Secretary of State, President Bush has authorized arming of Serbia and its once partner, Montenegro.
"Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 503(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, and section 3(a)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, I hereby find that the furnishing of defense articles and defense services to the Republic of Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia will strengthen the security of the United States and promote world peace," says the George Bush memo to the Secretary of State.
It is not clear whether "furnishing" implies sale of arms or a grant of arms to Serbia.
Addressing the Secretary of State, President George Bush further orders that "You are authorized and directed to transmit this determination to the Congress and to arrange for the publication of this determination in the Federal Register."
Posted by
Lame Cherry
10:07 PM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Unlikable Father Unlikable Son

History has the strangest way of repeating itself, especially in the world of Hollywood where people invest their entire lives hiding behind characters from who they really hate in themselves.
Sean Penn is such one revistor of history. His father, the late Leo Penn was a communist sympathizer, so much so that he was a strong political supporter of Joseph Stalin, the Soviet dictator who would gain infamy by starving 40 million Ukrainians to death and enslave Europe behind an Iron Curtain.
This sympathy went so far as to urge the United States to be neutral when Stalin and Hitler were in a pact of "peace" while Poland was being carved up, France a Nazi puppet state, north Africa a fascist domain and London children were being blown up in their beds. Leo Penn's "neutrality" only shifted and urged American entry into the war when Hitler attacked Stalin before Stalin could attack Hitler.
Leo Penn didn't advocate saving the Jewish people, but only asked America to enter World War II when his Joseph Stalin was in danger.
That seems strange for a Lithuanian immigrant Ashkenazic Jew in Leo Penn, but the Ashkenaz are originally from central Asia and only converts being called Jews. There is no Judean ethnicity nor heritage in them. This group of Ashkenaz though have a history of taking stands which benefited the Rothschild banking cartel to the Rockefellers funding the Nazi search for the master race.
Leo Penn made quite a history for himself complaining he was blacklisted in Hollywood, but the problem is Penn worked during the entire blacklisting period when Communists and sympathizers were the proven threat to America. As the world is a stage, Leo Penn claimed a victim and in a roll so carried out his son, Sean believed what the old man conjured up and has become like the old comrade in jumping into bed with every American hating regime on the planet.
You might recall Penn's reporter bias in traveling Iraq before it was liberated. You might recall his public on the record comments that he has an Ann Coulter doll which he violates and tortures by burning the doll with cigarettes, but you perhaps have not heard his latest words in praising the Iranian Islamocommunist regime, a regime which butchers it's own people for such crimes as speaking and beats and imprisons women for the high crime of showing their ankles.
Sean Penn though defends Iran, a regime who are Persians, but changed their name to Aryan in order to gain Nazi sympathy during World War II. The same Iran which is a proxy of the old communist regime taking hold of Putin's Bolshevik Russia in policy to stretch from Dublin to Moscow. The same Iranian regime led by Islamocommunist supporting the butchery of Judeans in Israel, calling for the nuclear vaporization of Israel, supporting al Qaeda and calling for the destruction of the United States. The same regime which gave Sean Penn an acting award when visiting there at the Film Museum of Iran.
If none of that means much, from a historical standpoint, Nazi Germany deemed to do all of the above except give Leo Penn an acting award. Russian communists whom Leo Penn did support advocated doing all of the above, except give Sean Penn an acting award.
I have heard people use the term "self loathing Jew" for people like Sean Penn, but this has nothing to do with Semitic peoples as Ashkenazi are central Asians and not Judeans. What geared Leo Penn was the Ashkenaz clique which created communism by funding Karl Marx for the expressed purpose of ridding the world of the Czars so these cartel nation rapists could go in and plunder Russia and rule masses of slaves on the cheap for profit.
Leo Penn was not the top rung, but a sympathizer of like minded power brokers intent on stealing power and Penn was actor in trade portraying the victim of blacklisting.
It might be of interest to note that Russian Communist Gorbachev in a public statement about Senator Joseph McCarthy and his McCarthyism said, "Yes McCarthy was successful in that he put our communist agenda back years in all his work".
A Soviet communist himself making a statement that communist agents were at work to destroy America and that Senator McCarthy actually saved the United States until Ronald Reagan could topple the Soviet regime.
Whether Sean Penn knows his father was a propaganda actor for the Russians carrying out a mission here is his own family secret, but what is noteworthy is Sean Penn was so consumed by his father's actions that he is acting just like his father in supporting regimes intent on genocide of the Jews, domination of the world and the absolute destruction of America.
Perhaps, the day when real terrorists start using nuclear weapons against a Russian FSB which sold them to these regimes for use against America or our allies is when Sean Penn will finally see the light like Leo Penn in wanting to save his comrades.......and then expect hundreds of thousands of Americans to die again to save the neo Soviet. Only time will tell in this journey of Sean Penn.
For now though, Americans have another disgrace calling himself an American and Judeans all over the world have another Penn taking the side of regimes intent on their genocide, because in the end communists and Islamocommunist have more in common with the Penn diatribe than Americans, freedom and Judeans living.
Like father like son, unlikable father and unlikable son.
agtG 255
Posted by
Lame Cherry
6:44 PM
Monday, April 23, 2007
Land of the Dollar
I would not recommend at the present for people to be taken in by the stock market rising to great heights as the forces behind it are inflating it for the purpose of fleecing citizens of their investment in what is going to be a several year correction in monetary layman's terms, the people with money are taking small investor's money to hedge against inflation and their losses.
//// \\\\
// \\ God bless the Good
Stick with this as this is important to the little guy.
President Bush inherited a Clinton recession which started in mid 2000 from Clinton raising taxes and the dotcom set up crash which was designed to fleece the American public of their money as the financiers always do.
Bush dumped all of the Clinton collected taxes into the economy after 9 11 to keep a worldwide DEPRESSION from starting. He has been printing money like toilet paper since then for the Iraq war funding to bouy up the entire world from going down.
Bush dumped all of the Clinton collected taxes into the economy after 9 11 to keep a worldwide DEPRESSION from starting. He has been printing money like toilet paper since then for the Iraq war funding to bouy up the entire world from going down.
The problem is when you create money like the bankers Rockefeller do is it makes money cheap by increasing the supply. It is allot like if tomorrow you woke up with 1000 cars in your driveway and they kept multiplying every day for 5 years....a car would not be worth a whole lot to you nor anyone else by that time.
So right now the dollar is being going to loose about 1/3rd of it's value to other nations money to offset all that has been going on.
So right now the dollar is being going to loose about 1/3rd of it's value to other nations money to offset all that has been going on.
What this means to the little guy is this:
The money people decided the best place to generate the US economy was in real estate. Hence the housing market boom which started to bust last year and will tank now for 3 years. Allot of banks are going to be eating housing they sold to people who could not make payments.....too many houses like too many cars makes houses just as worthless or under valued as those cars in your drive.
So the banks get their money back by taking people's investments out of the stockmarket.
So the banks get their money back by taking people's investments out of the stockmarket.
This crash is coming worldwide to drive money out of the stock market, because these banks need money inside them which is called liquidity to offset the money which is loaned and lost. So the herding begins out of the stock market into bank vaults with your money there propping up your bank.
This is all called fractal lending.....which means banks lend not money they have, but only one tenth of the money they have invested in them which is your money.
This is all called fractal lending.....which means banks lend not money they have, but only one tenth of the money they have invested in them which is your money.
It all works wonderful as long as there are not any runs on any banks. The last run was which started off the Depression when JP Morgan pissed off at Jews, instead of propping up a bank which held their immigrant investments wouldn't cover the withdrawls. The net result was banks falling like dominoes.
I doubt there are any runs on banks coming from any of this as the idea is to get people to put money into banks propping them up.
I doubt there are any runs on banks coming from any of this as the idea is to get people to put money into banks propping them up.
In knowing how this works and why what is coming, people need to understand that certain things are going to inflate or stay the same in price. Gas is set at a trading price now and should without bombings or cut off of supply remain fixed, but as the dollar is deflated things which used to cost less from Chinamart are all going up in bulk due to the dollar being cheaper. This is called inflation.
Goverments in order to curb inflation raise interest rates to slow down prices rising. Remember your cars in your drive in this scenario. If you want them sold you lower prices or provide low interest loans.....if you want them not sold you make interest so high that no one will borrow money.
What this means for people is a buyers market should occur where certain things like land, houses and those things not effected by crude oil will start becoming good deals which include big gas burning vehicles.
What this means for people is a buyers market should occur where certain things like land, houses and those things not effected by crude oil will start becoming good deals which include big gas burning vehicles.
For those who remember the Reagan years in coming out of the Carter collapse, people were investing in art, precious gems, gold.....the hard assets which do not blow away which included certified deposits in a bank and passbook savings accounts.
The same cycles mean the same investments will profit.
The same cycles mean the same investments will profit.
The one thing I ask though when the politicians like Hillary Clinton start blaming George Bush for 2008, please do not blame George Bush. He kept America from a global depression in 2001 in the only way available to him in printing money to fund the economy of the world.
I had thought this should have hit 3 years ago in a housing bust, but Bush has been dumping so much currency into the system that it has kept the hangover from hitting until now.
I had thought this should have hit 3 years ago in a housing bust, but Bush has been dumping so much currency into the system that it has kept the hangover from hitting until now.
Americans though need to understand this just like when Nixon opened up the money presses and a contraction hit that we do not need a Jimmy Carter raising taxes and creating stagflation. I do promise you if a Democrat gets elected that is what is coming on a massive scale and scare.
In a doctrine, I was inspired by God to advocate I believe this could be remedied within a year and half if the US government would just start drilling and pumping Iraqi oil to crash the world oil market and if we would devest from the Eurasians at economic warfare with America along with the terrorists.
The US government could then start printing US Government Reserve currency backed by gold and silver which would be the dollar standard with the Federal Reserve currency now in circulation as the trade currency allowed to absorb the deflation as supply contracted.
Supply and demand just like your drive full of cars. The world holds the US debt and would absorb the Rockefeller Rothschild Federal Reserve dollars deflating while wanting the limited supply of United States Treasury Certificates which would be in demand......but you can't get the silver and gold certificates unless you first take on the Reserve notes.
The US government could then start printing US Government Reserve currency backed by gold and silver which would be the dollar standard with the Federal Reserve currency now in circulation as the trade currency allowed to absorb the deflation as supply contracted.
Supply and demand just like your drive full of cars. The world holds the US debt and would absorb the Rockefeller Rothschild Federal Reserve dollars deflating while wanting the limited supply of United States Treasury Certificates which would be in demand......but you can't get the silver and gold certificates unless you first take on the Reserve notes.
Within 5 years, without the US government having to pay interest on Federal Reserve money from the banks, the entire national debt would be paid for. With Iraqi oil and deflated prices, the American economy would boom in trading with member allies and be a lender nation again instead of a debtor nation. (The bankers create debt for nations like America, because that is how they make money. Take the money printing from them and the debt disappears.)
I doubt the government will do the right thing, but the old advice given a few years ago remains the same. Pay off all your debts, do not go into debt and only invest in things which will not blow away or are subject to whims of investment like the stock market.
That is the land of the dollar and what is upon Americans. It is going to be a rough time again.
//// \\\\
// \\ God bless the Good
Posted by
Lame Cherry
9:22 AM
Monday, April 30, 2007
There is no Money in It
I wonder if you ever considered why Teddy Kennedy isn't a stable boy in Kentucky, bin Laden isn't shearing sheep in Kuwait or Hillary Clinton isn't cleaning crappers in Harlem.
Probably for the same reason the March of Dimes is still raking in millions in donations even though it gleaned from poor children their dimes long ago to find a cure for polio.
Someone in God's grace did find a cure for polio, but the march continued to rake in money for new causes as once the hog trough hogs get a taste or power, celebrity and money their is just not keeping the oinker down on the farm any more.
As I view blogs, websites, radio programs, television and any other platform which has everyone from Al Gore telling us cars are more dangerous than terrorists to Dana Milbank telling us George Bush is more dangerous than dangerous, I have yet to see anyone doing their work for love, God given duty or simply for free. If there is no money in it, then the job just doesn't get done.....or better the job just isn't important enough to be telling the world the danger we are danger is what sells second only to porn.
I never forgot an old Rush Limbaugh interview in which a reporter asked him once in the early days, "What are you going to do when this runs out?"
Mr. Limbaugh without missing a beat said, "I suppose I will just go on and do something else".
From that moment on, I have always believed that the Conservative cause like the Conservative mantle of the Limbaugh family simply overtook Rush and while he knows a great deal, somewhere deep down he is playing a character which has become real. In that, when the legend becomes the reality, Rush Limbaugh becomes the reality.
I really do not believe that most of the people in this world in positions of attracting attention from a Robert Spencer who exposes Islam to a Karen Armstrong who decries all religion except Islam would be doing it if all they were doing is posting on a blog like this with zero readers, no adoration, no recognition, no livelihood and no reason to do it.
Ever wonder why American Indians don't make the front pages any longer? There is no money in killing them. No money in supplying them and no money in making them white. Just enough tax money to fraud elect in mass Democrats to Congress and just enough BIA freebies to keep the wards of America down on the rez. Of course down on rez found a way to be profitable for mafia gambling as you just can't leave a good sheep unsheared no more than the Rockefeller cartel can't stop shearing ignorant Americans in the stock market.
Ever wonder why American Indians don't make the front pages any longer? There is no money in killing them. No money in supplying them and no money in making them white. Just enough tax money to fraud elect in mass Democrats to Congress and just enough BIA freebies to keep the wards of America down on the rez. Of course down on rez found a way to be profitable for mafia gambling as you just can't leave a good sheep unsheared no more than the Rockefeller cartel can't stop shearing ignorant Americans in the stock market.
Find some guy though in Peoria who raises heirloom potatoes for research for survival purposes with no cameras, people thinking him odd and each spring he has to decide whether to buy seed potatoes or walk for a month as he can not afford gas and his project, then for the first time in your life you have probably come across someone accomplishing something which matters and they would be doing it whether they were a billionaire or not and rather be doing it than having adoring fans emailing stroking the ego which feels so fine.
If you want to look at what is the focal point of the world, just look at what breeds celebrity, money and power. Islam is currently one of those false hopes just like pornography, politics, Hollywood and allot of the internet. Islam has money flooding into it, promising power and retribution on the evils of the world if only the poor give just a little more.
You might term it the March of Islam diming Muslims to death while imams and ayatollahs sit in condos, western living peoples like Dinesh D'Souza rack up fortunes writing about it and no one bothers to track all that oil money ending up not just in terrorists hands, but in European banking cartels, so many world governments and bribes in the United Nations.
As Abraham Lincoln would say, "Islam is a hog with allot of tits with allot more mouths sucking off it getting fat".
Victor Davis Hanson, a noted and correct Conservative writer recently posted that what gears allot of this in the west against Islam is people just don't like those damned people over there. You could read postings by a Hugh Fitzgerald who has wanted America out of Iraq and his policy is getting that done right now, but instead of being pleased he rants on about "unintelligent George Bush" and the Muslims.
As he wins, he becomes even more malevolent and goes on to new areas to vent and the pacifier in all of it is the adoring fans fueling the fire.
That my friends is how this whole dynamite, gasoline poured, fertilizer stocked nuclear coated stockpile of fuel is ignited from the souls within.
An imam, an ayatollah, radio commentator, webmaster, actor, anchor, politician douses the public daily in their misery, gets them fired up and boom you either got ratings, a suicide bomber or that much sought after condom wearing power orgasm with a money sigh afterwards.
Do I believe that everyone from Katie Couric to Sean Hannity believe what they say with a Bill Maher malevolence to a Jon Stewart satanic influenced slant, yes I do as they are all willing to go where all attention prostitutes have gone since the first woman flashed her legs thrashing grain. Belief though is not the problem in this as the problem is none of these people would be doing any of this if the sugar was not there.
To build on a quote of General George Patton, "If shoveling shit in Louisiana is what got groupies, gained power, won wars, got celebrity, then you can know sure as hell fire that manure forks would be what Bill Gates would have made his billions on and Bill Clinton would be wearing bibs with the shit piled high and Rosie O'Donnell enjoying the view".
There is money in it and that is what makes these people all flock to it, stroke their egos over it, empower themselves over others with it and make certain every day you the miserable people know they have the only answer and you had better adore, spend your last dime and hang on every word or else you are going to die.
Islam, Global Warming, The View, Holocaust Museums in America making tons of money just like the March of Dimes is all the same shit pile with the person with the chair or typewriter pitching it high.
That is why you never see any rich Christians as there is no money in it and only God with a Promise of a better Life if you behave yourself, care about others and acknowledge you are bad and that Jesus as God's Son paid for your return trip back to God.
There is no money in being a Christian and no glory as it all belongs to for the rest of the world's propositions, there is money in it, power and adoration....and that is why it is piled so high and the majority is pitching it higher.
That is why they are in it and that is what it is all about.
Posted by
Lame Cherry
10:22 PM
I am Muslim Hear Me Roar

I have watched with interest the Islamic movement and how everyone wants to tie it all up in a nice package of Muslim woolies with American Muslims being sophisticated, Middle East Muslims being kooks and European Muslims rebelling against colonialism.
It is all bullsh*t as much as all Muslims are of the same cloth of wool. This reality though is not a scolding of infidels "who do not understand Islam", but a slap upside the head to those in Islam who think the title is some kind of Superman protection as they "he he he" in private over the successes of terrorism giving it to the westerners.
In that, this entire Islamic movement is allot like the peacenik, grubby hippy movement of the 1960's with their diatribes, their speaking of absolutes and their fight against some chosen foe.
Let us get the first fact straight and that Islam is a movement who draws in people who are low self esteem loser's and gives them a creed to like a children's club to make them feel better than someone else.
The males are weak Doms like in sexual psychopathy and the women feign submission, but for all their robes and scarves they are the ones getting the thrill out of dominating the male and making them submit to their will.
All of this is a major problem as the same internal liars of American Islam somehow with Arab oil funding now think that getting people into powerful positions by bribes (donations) to Conservatives and Liberals that viola they will usher in a new American dominant Muslim force to make all those low self esteem people feel good about themselves.
Keith Ellison of Minnesota is one such deluded person now drunk with the lust of power. He showed up in Minnesota, hand picked a district of delusional people and all of a sudden we have Muslim Power just like Black Power was the fist to the sky in the 60's.
In this case, Ellison raised the Koran of Thomas Jefferson. The only problem for ignorant Ellison is that Jefferson has the Koran to know his enemies as Jefferson sent the Marines to Egypt to rescue hostages Muslims had taken.
All politicians think they can play with Muslims as most get a huge chunk of change from Saudi, Kuwaiti or some other oil rich kingdom. The problem is the Muslims of the Saud regime are not the Muslims of the real world. The Saud family is refined, diplomatic, wise and quite adept at dealing with issues. The Muslim of bin Laden in turn is forceful, dictatorial, shrewd and his answer to an issue to sever one's head off.
I run into Muslims all the time. The cheering British Muslim taunting the west to the ones President Bush parades out to show that Muslims are nice guys too. So nice in fact, the one he had at the White House from California wants to establish his own imam school to certify Muslim teachers in an American brand of Islam sure to please the sophisticated CAIR follower chanting Islamophobia at ever debate to shut up the American infidel once and for all.
The problem for the Keith Ellisons, to the British hordes to those Muslims in America now grinning at their new found power in being Muslims is that it doesn't amount to a fiddler's damn in this world how many Barak Obama's they put forth in Christian guise or how much big of mosque they put up, because their main problem in their Muslim roar is.............they are not Muslims.
That might sound judgemental, but I am not the one judging western Muslims as one bin Laden and Zawahiri are doing it for them.
See while Ellison and company are smiling at television time, there is the fatwa problem of bin Laden for the following reasons.
bin Laden came under a great deal of pressure from Middle East "real Muslims" who look down their noses at everyone else in the world in Islam that he did not warn America enough before 9 11. He took great pains in rectifying this situation by doing the following.
bin Laden asked George Bush to change to Islam and lead America to Islam in order to save it.
bin Laden has repeatedly told American Muslims to flee America in order to save themselves.
The saving bin Laden is speaking of is from nuclear bombs which he has purchased and nuclear bombs he has built which are intended in a mass strike to murder millions of Americans, including children, in response to the deaths of Muslims in the real Muslim Middle East world.
To put it in western terms to understand, Ellie May might be a beauty queen in Rogue Station of Australia, but that crown in London just don't make her Queen of England.
bin Laden has judged already that American Muslims and in fact all western Muslims are not Muslim enough, but akin to infidels to be slaughtered right along with the host nations he intends to bomb with atomic weapons when his time sequence he has worked out since the early part of this century comes to fruition.
American Muslims and their CAIR chanting Islamophobe have a rude awakening about to hit them in their power pocket. bin Laden has judged them acceptable for the slaughter and incinerated they will be chanting their inferior brand of Islam.
None of this had to happen at all. In the Great Plains Indian wars, Indians actually joined the US government when the Indians were terrorizing citizens to put a stop to it.
In World War II, Japanese interns joined the US army to fight American enemies with glory and honor to prove they were loyal Americans.
What though have Muslims done since 9 11?
They started their own Muslim schools to empower themselves. They selected Keith Ellison who with CAIR staged an airline event and are now suing Americans and they coined the phrase Islamophobe to shut up Americans.
There were no mass volunteers like Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders or Japanese Americans to fight American enemies in a Muslim American division which could have destroyed all terrorism in the Middle East. There was no fund drives for injured American soldiers. There were no Muslim celebrities coming forward to urge western Muslims to try to assimilate into American culture by dressing like Americans and there was not one thank you for Americans in giving them a home where they would have been murdered if they stayed in their Islamic nations.
There was though one line in a manifesto, "We do not agree with violence".
But none of that matters, because as the Muslims bellied up the power hog trough pushing security, the rights of other Americans and loyalty out of the way for their own grandiose power schemes, al Qaeda with backing from Islamocommunist leadership in Zawahiri has deemed secular Muslims are a death sentence and bin Laden in his Islamofascist leadership has declared all remaining American Muslims fuel for his atomic fodder.
It might all be quite funny if it were not real Americans who have been fighting this, not taking power trips, being threatened and investing our money in defense who are about to suffer the murder bin Laden is about to inflict on the sophisticated American Muslims.
I know there is a Christian God Whom Muslims will never understand as they deny His character and limit Him to their own base human standards, and this God must find it amusing, how the power god of Islam in America which Muslims have sold their souls for is not going to save them from the very demonic consumption god of allah, the moon god.
American Muslims can roar all they like, but it is the coming deafening roar of a real Muslim in bin Laden's nuclear wind which is going to show them the real power of Islam as it has judged them infidels for the slaughter.
Posted by
Lame Cherry

/////////////////////Peter Sellers............... Barack Obama/////////////////////////
/////////////////////Being There................. Being Where//////////////////////////
During the middle of the 1990's, Rush Limbaugh pioneered an explanation of the Clinton's in terming them soulless in being amoral creatures in nothing was there inside.
The Clinton' s were the only humans so all they did could not matter in what they were doing to others.
While profiling Barack Obama, something equally pioneering has been developing showing something even more troubling than amoral.
Barack Obama is a person with a blackboard soul who draws upon it whatever person he is speaking with and becomes them for that moment.
Mr. Obama if you look at his early photos was a happy child. When though the separation from his mother was initiated, by his own writings he took on a darkened perspective to the world.
In knowing his mother's denial of Americanisms and steeping herself in primitive cultures and graduate work to find the calm for her soul, he tried desperately to emulate the type of men his mother had chosen suppressing who he was.
This is vital to note as at that early age, Barack Obama, began wiping the slate of himself clean and taking on the personalities of those he thought would get him closer to what his mother wanted.
Uncle Frank, in poetry, Communism, hatred of America and Christians were the mentor factor he took on as Barry.
As college age approached, Barry would reject even further American and become Barack Hussein Obama.
This period is where we have all seen his African Muslim attire with the most broad smile on his face as Barack had thought he had put on cloth for his soul or drawn a character on the blackboard of his heart who he finally thought his mother would choose.
That of course did not succeed and Barack reverted to a sort of failure in choosing intellectual attorney, accepting defeat in the consolation prize in Michelle as a replacement for his mother and to coat himself with the early dream of being a President of some nation as he knew he was born in Canada, to make himself feel wanted, empowered and secure.
Being black, despising America, being in Chicago, associating with terrorists, Barack took the plunge in being the most liberal politician he could modeling himself after Teddy Kennedy.
Of course there were schisms in this which manifested. Marrying one's mother in Michelle, brought out resentment as Michelle's public statements about him being "stinky" was but a manifestation her belittling him in private and the domination she has over him.
This is where the drugs and the humiliation of white sodomites came into play as Barack simply had to vent a rage in he just could not draw on that inner blackboard someone who would please Mother and make him feel good about himself as Mother could not be pleased in Stanley Ann Dunham or Michelle Obama, two very dominant females.
All that destructive behavior in unsafe sex and drug use was replaced in ways as he rose in power in working deals to rise in the political arena.
Kissinger was correct that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac and this was the drug Barack Obama was using.
As the story speeds ahead to 2008, Barack Obama has erased the liberal Senator which he drew for Teddy Kennedy and his Chicago syndicate.
He looks upon America as the Mother might love him and has now drawn upon his heart George Bush 43 policies and even expanding them hoping that as America chose Bush 43, they will choose him too.
This is a messy chalkboard now as Barack was drawing Tom Daschle pictures and Zbigniew Brzezinski pictures on his heart as he left his black persona behind and the white socialist part of him was being nurtured.
Now though he is starting to draw, right wing persona's there which is erupting problems.
Pitfalls are in this, because as Barack Obama meets with Jews, he draws himself a Jewish persona. When he meets with Philistines, he draws their persona on is heart. When in Germany, he is a German. When in France, he is French. When in England, he is English.
The problem is when he is with Gen. Petraeus, he is Gen. Petraeus and Zbigniew Brzezinski who is opposite does not want more troops in Afghanistan, but instead wants to vaporize parts of Pakistan to cause a nuclear economic cloud collapse on China.
Barack Obama now has his globalist benefactors noticing the problem they have on their hands.
For the people following Barack Hussein Obama, they are in denial to what he is doing.
For the people covering Barack Hussein Obama, it is astounding they have not noticed the roots of this psychopathy of being a chameleon to those he is with in having affinity with them.
Tonight John McGlauglin on his program had a unanimous "Obama was a success" on his rock star tour.
The parrot Eleanor Clift would of course say he was a winner as she thought Clinton and Carter were winners, but so see Mort Zuckerman, who is the premier twister if there ever was one, as he once approached Rush Limbaugh at an event and started talking trash. Limbaugh could not figure out if the guy was testing him or a bigot.
Zuckerman though as not not picked up on this nor did Monica Crowley and the ever lovely Michelle Bernard who is as brilliant as Ms. Crowley completely missed it.
Barack Obama is like some drug in the air which stuns people out of there normal senses, so none of them notice what is really happening.
He is like the lone husband and the entire media and a major branch of the Democratic Party are all Stepford Wives.
This is not new. Bill Clinton betrayed the entire liberal Democratic wing of his party and destroyed it and they blindly cheered him. Bush 43 pulled a great many of these same things in his liberalism and spending, but Conservatives never once were lulled into any euphoria. Conservatives spanked Bush severely over Harriet Miers for the good of the nation.
I'm a spiritual person by birth and I do not deal in the physical world alone. It stunned me how America could choose Bill Clinton over a war hero in Bob Dole or George Bush. There seems though at times a hidden force directing waves and trends in human events where the hearts of normally astute people just go dull and they are and like lemmings running over the cliff.
Barack Obama is not an evil person by any Stalin type comparison. He is though a person who can meld himself into the person of empathy which disarms those he has been around.
Bill Clinton could do this in a different way as people always remarked he was a likable guy. Barack Obama does this in not being liked, but people concluding he is the mirror of them.
Bill Clinton felt their pain, but Barack Obama is the narcotic which soothes their pain.
His most telling statement in the entire rock tour which all have missed was in the Middle East when he said to paraphrase, "I do not have a plan, but after meeting with the generals I will use their plan".
This is textbook Barack Obama in telling the world he has no ideas, no plan and Barack has been tucked away and he will mimic the other people's plans and become them.
Barack Obama goes to bed each night that little boy trying to be accepted and each morning draws the person he feels his wife expects him to be, he wipes that Barack away as he meets with his advisers who he mimics by drawing them, he then erases that Barack and meets with someone on the right and he draws that on his heart and just as quickly will meet with Zbigniew Brzezinski and erase it all and tell his mentor, "I understand. I'm like you in this".
That all can juggle fine as the press is drunk on your Don Juan nectar, but when you enter an arena of Russia wants this, China wants that, American financiers want this, European financiers want that, Muslims want this and Zbigniew Brzezinski wants it only his way. One can not promise the world to all and once your enemies figure out you are lying to them and can not make up your mind, then that indecision gets Russian nuclear bombers based in Cuba, Chinese ships landing in Taiwan, Europeans supplanting American economic and military position and Muslims starting a violent revolution with Mexicans in America for their own nation.
Neville Chamberlain pulled this and it started a World War.
Be certain, the Russian FSB, the Chinese PLA, Israeli Mosaad, Iranian intelligence, French CIA, British MI 6 have all noted who Barack Obama is and how to exploit it.
Mr. Brzezinski was the embarrassed parent on this rock trip making notes in Barack Obama is a clay moulded only so long as he is in the grasp of Brzezinski.
Barack Obama does not know who he is. He was fused in pre teen years and if one notices he acts like the smart 11 year old, because that is what he is.
He will tell his teacher he left his homework on the bus. Tell his parents he is getting his work done. Tell the coach he has no incompletes and tell the principal his grades are up.
The problem for the child chameleon with a blackboard heart being all what all want is when they start comparing notes.
Monica Crowley, Michelle Bernard, Mort Zuckerman, Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes and yes Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann are all this smart to figure this out. They need to start comparing notes as everyone of them has an agenda they focus on, but is not seeing the man, Barack Obama.
Peter Sellers in 1979 starred in the most telling of movies, Being There, a story of a mental retard who was Chauncey the Gardener who simply mimicked people who were not listening to him and all of a sudden he became Chauncey Gardener world renowned expert on all.
One doctor noticed who Chauncey really was, but no one would listen to him.
The world instead ran Chauncey Gardener for President of the United States.
America has the same problem now and if the world does not watch out it will have the same problem too as no one is listening in the world masses to what Barack Obama is telling them.
agtG 288
9:15 PM
Land of the Dollar
I would not recommend at the present for people to be taken in by the stock market rising to great heights as the forces behind it are inflating it for the purpose of fleecing citizens of their investment in what is going to be a several year correction in monetary layman's terms, the people with money are taking small investor's money to hedge against inflation and their losses.
//// \\\\
// \\ God bless the Good
Stick with this as this is important to the little guy.
President Bush inherited a Clinton recession which started in mid 2000 from Clinton raising taxes and the dotcom set up crash which was designed to fleece the American public of their money as the financiers always do.
Bush dumped all of the Clinton collected taxes into the economy after 9 11 to keep a worldwide DEPRESSION from starting. He has been printing money like toilet paper since then for the Iraq war funding to bouy up the entire world from going down.
Bush dumped all of the Clinton collected taxes into the economy after 9 11 to keep a worldwide DEPRESSION from starting. He has been printing money like toilet paper since then for the Iraq war funding to bouy up the entire world from going down.
The problem is when you create money like the bankers Rockefeller do is it makes money cheap by increasing the supply. It is allot like if tomorrow you woke up with 1000 cars in your driveway and they kept multiplying every day for 5 years....a car would not be worth a whole lot to you nor anyone else by that time.
So right now the dollar is being going to loose about 1/3rd of it's value to other nations money to offset all that has been going on.
So right now the dollar is being going to loose about 1/3rd of it's value to other nations money to offset all that has been going on.
What this means to the little guy is this:
The money people decided the best place to generate the US economy was in real estate. Hence the housing market boom which started to bust last year and will tank now for 3 years. Allot of banks are going to be eating housing they sold to people who could not make payments.....too many houses like too many cars makes houses just as worthless or under valued as those cars in your drive.
So the banks get their money back by taking people's investments out of the stockmarket.
So the banks get their money back by taking people's investments out of the stockmarket.
This crash is coming worldwide to drive money out of the stock market, because these banks need money inside them which is called liquidity to offset the money which is loaned and lost. So the herding begins out of the stock market into bank vaults with your money there propping up your bank.
This is all called fractal lending.....which means banks lend not money they have, but only one tenth of the money they have invested in them which is your money.
This is all called fractal lending.....which means banks lend not money they have, but only one tenth of the money they have invested in them which is your money.
It all works wonderful as long as there are not any runs on any banks. The last run was which started off the Depression when JP Morgan pissed off at Jews, instead of propping up a bank which held their immigrant investments wouldn't cover the withdrawls. The net result was banks falling like dominoes.
I doubt there are any runs on banks coming from any of this as the idea is to get people to put money into banks propping them up.
I doubt there are any runs on banks coming from any of this as the idea is to get people to put money into banks propping them up.
In knowing how this works and why what is coming, people need to understand that certain things are going to inflate or stay the same in price. Gas is set at a trading price now and should without bombings or cut off of supply remain fixed, but as the dollar is deflated things which used to cost less from Chinamart are all going up in bulk due to the dollar being cheaper. This is called inflation.
Goverments in order to curb inflation raise interest rates to slow down prices rising. Remember your cars in your drive in this scenario. If you want them sold you lower prices or provide low interest loans.....if you want them not sold you make interest so high that no one will borrow money.
What this means for people is a buyers market should occur where certain things like land, houses and those things not effected by crude oil will start becoming good deals which include big gas burning vehicles.
What this means for people is a buyers market should occur where certain things like land, houses and those things not effected by crude oil will start becoming good deals which include big gas burning vehicles.
For those who remember the Reagan years in coming out of the Carter collapse, people were investing in art, precious gems, gold.....the hard assets which do not blow away which included certified deposits in a bank and passbook savings accounts.
The same cycles mean the same investments will profit.
The same cycles mean the same investments will profit.
The one thing I ask though when the politicians like Hillary Clinton start blaming George Bush for 2008, please do not blame George Bush. He kept America from a global depression in 2001 in the only way available to him in printing money to fund the economy of the world.
I had thought this should have hit 3 years ago in a housing bust, but Bush has been dumping so much currency into the system that it has kept the hangover from hitting until now.
I had thought this should have hit 3 years ago in a housing bust, but Bush has been dumping so much currency into the system that it has kept the hangover from hitting until now.
Americans though need to understand this just like when Nixon opened up the money presses and a contraction hit that we do not need a Jimmy Carter raising taxes and creating stagflation. I do promise you if a Democrat gets elected that is what is coming on a massive scale and scare.
In a doctrine, I was inspired by God to advocate I believe this could be remedied within a year and half if the US government would just start drilling and pumping Iraqi oil to crash the world oil market and if we would devest from the Eurasians at economic warfare with America along with the terrorists.
The US government could then start printing US Government Reserve currency backed by gold and silver which would be the dollar standard with the Federal Reserve currency now in circulation as the trade currency allowed to absorb the deflation as supply contracted.
Supply and demand just like your drive full of cars. The world holds the US debt and would absorb the Rockefeller Rothschild Federal Reserve dollars deflating while wanting the limited supply of United States Treasury Certificates which would be in demand......but you can't get the silver and gold certificates unless you first take on the Reserve notes.
The US government could then start printing US Government Reserve currency backed by gold and silver which would be the dollar standard with the Federal Reserve currency now in circulation as the trade currency allowed to absorb the deflation as supply contracted.
Supply and demand just like your drive full of cars. The world holds the US debt and would absorb the Rockefeller Rothschild Federal Reserve dollars deflating while wanting the limited supply of United States Treasury Certificates which would be in demand......but you can't get the silver and gold certificates unless you first take on the Reserve notes.
Within 5 years, without the US government having to pay interest on Federal Reserve money from the banks, the entire national debt would be paid for. With Iraqi oil and deflated prices, the American economy would boom in trading with member allies and be a lender nation again instead of a debtor nation. (The bankers create debt for nations like America, because that is how they make money. Take the money printing from them and the debt disappears.)
I doubt the government will do the right thing, but the old advice given a few years ago remains the same. Pay off all your debts, do not go into debt and only invest in things which will not blow away or are subject to whims of investment like the stock market.
That is the land of the dollar and what is upon Americans. It is going to be a rough time again.
//// \\\\
// \\ God bless the Good
Posted by
Lame Cherry
9:22 AM
Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory dickory dock
The mouse is off his block
Hickory dickory daze
The mouse runs through the maze
He keeps banging his head
In mortal dread
That the things he does fear
Are the words right here
Thinking if he ignores the facts
It will change his insane acts
Hickory dickory dork
It is amazing the "brilliant" people who claim to know so much about terrorism and Islam climbing the internet publicity clock daily only to be tied up to a dock in their port of fame and cash in "their agenda of ideas being infallible" that when Truth appears which proves them is the Truth which is wrong.
The thing which I have found in these people whose names I am not going to use as it will only feed their New York Times best selling book fame is they are a collection like actresses who care nothing about acting and only being adored.
I have experienced malevolent letters with every bit the venom a terrorist would spew.
I have experienced censorship ever bit as complete as a Wahabbist imam.
I have experienced pure flat worlder mentalities as non intelligent to literal facts as bin Laden's cemented brain.
None of these "experts" know one facet about where Islam came from, what it is now in Islamocommunist and Islamofascist factions to where it is going. They know nothing about it's use and who is using it against the world and who will in time wipe the Muslim problem off the earth when they gain control.
There is though a non stop tirade about George Bush, neocons, America and that greatest of all boogeymen.....Muslims themselves.
No one seems to care one bit that findings show terrorists are upper class, liberal leftists, cajoled to consider terrorism by family and friends, spurred on by internet sites and finally indoctrinated into being murderers once they receive training in an al Qaeda camp.
No where in the above is an imam, a mosque or Islam. Yes Islam is a problem religion in being male oriented and a place that appeals to people of low self esteem in preying on them like Jehovah's Witness, but Islam is not turning out terrorists. The terrorists are only hiding in Islam to give them a god mandate to act out illegally.
There is even more evidence which will never show up on sites nor in books by people make a whole lot of fame and money off of terrorism and Islam now that it is the cash cow for enabler experts to suck the teats until the milking machine burns out.
These "experts" all are part of an anti Iraq war crowd while still preaching against Islam and terrorism. Some come up with the quite amusing Clinton type speak of, "We must disengage in Iraq, but we must remain in contact with fighting terrorism".
That is absolutely bullship. For some reason in their minds, Iraq is somehow a bad place to fight terrorism, but it is a good place to fight terrorism somewhere else. The terrorists are in Iraq and that is one of the finest places to kill terrorists and is why President Bush and his advisors chose it and yet these armchair terrorist Islam experts deem to fight in another place on another day without ever realizing the fact that millions of people are about to die because of their get out of Iraq policies.
Real tactical assessment reveals that leaving Iraq and Afghanistan will provide an immense springboard into Europe and from there into America for terrorists utilizing all sorts of new weapons of mass destruction attacks now in a fertile base of Iraq.
The "experts" though want to hear none of this. They think that all Muslims will just kill themselves and if they don't well America can just whack them a few more times and they will just take Assad of Syria with Saddam's biological weapons mounted on Russian missiles is not going to fire them on Europe, the Judeans and American bases or that Iran with it's already nuclear arsenal isn't going to fire it's weapons at the Israeli state, American bases and Saudi oil fields when whacked.
These "experts" do not seem to equate that these terrorists want very much exchanges like this so they can so bloody the west that it will retreat. They want the fight because THEY ARE TERRORISTS.
Real assessment shows that if America continues it's withdrawal as these bogus experts are advocating that America will be back in not only Iraq and Afghanistan, but will have to take out Syria, Iran and likely a coup laden Pakistan.
That would be dozens of nuclear missiles and dozens of plague carrying biochemical missiles murdering millions of European and Americans in what would have to be a multi trillion dollar war with a real invasion of millions of people as soldiers in the first stages of a world war.
None of those facts ever come up on "experts" websites, blogs, articles, television and radio interviews nor in their books. These people who are making money off of being experts about Islam, terrorism and the Middle East in league with Democrats playing politics have opened a phase where they are going to be to blame for millions of dead people.
This is not going to be like the movies in 2 hours it is over. This is the real world like Chernobyl where concentrated radioactive fallout is still killing people years later. This is the real world where weapons grade anthrax is going to lay in the ground for generations as people pick it up and get sick from colds they will die immediately as anthrax emerges which was dormant. This is going to be mutant diseases which will only die out when entire populations are dead.
I do get upset by all of this as these expert enablers are messing things up so bad that it is going to change the entire world where the news headlines will be, Damascus was destroyed today........New York was vaporized today by nuclear weapons, Paris was evacuated today when terrorists caused the meltdown of a nuclear reactor and now rural France is in chaos as three million city people are consuming all the local resources.
People deserve better than that.......ok so maybe they don't as most are Godless, selfish absorbed trash who need flushing from the planet, but they are still people and do have a life which they should be able to live out or screw up without dying of radioactive tumors of puss coming out of their brains.
This is what the "experts" of the flat worlder fame have initiated and no matter the evidence even in commentaries as this one projecting in factual data where this is going they still keep harping about Islam is ideology and not charismatic characters.......
Wake up experts! It is not about is about the mouse running up the Islamic clock making it ding the money till so you can cash in while the bell tolls for the world in a grave from terrorists whose ideology is communism and fascism.
They are working for Russian Bolsheviks, Chinese Communists and Central European Fascists all intent on ruling the world.
Hickory dickory dock
The clock did not strike one
Because midnight has come
....and that means the end is near.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
The Little Dirt of the Big Dirty Secret
One often hears vague proclamations against "the Bush family" or some other American conglomerate as the manifestation of all evil. You can tune into diatribes by Jeff Rense, Alex Jones or Steve Quayle where the spit is almost coming out the speakers.
None of these ignorants though to Huffington to actually knows the secrets which world citizens like George Soros know what was really going on and Soros only knows part of the story.
None of these ignorants though to Huffington to actually knows the secrets which world citizens like George Soros know what was really going on and Soros only knows part of the story.
This is the rest of the story that only the highest intelligence people ever realized in what actually made Iraq.
Iraq if you want the truth started in India of all places. Most people today would be surprised that the Chinese communist during the early 1960's invaded disputed areas of India and took them over. President John Kennedy in 1963 actually debated nuking the Chicoms if they attacked India a second time.
This simmering cauldron would erupt again in the 1970's over Bangladesh and a near war with Pakistan as India had been described by Sec. of State Kissinger as a slippery and treacherous people. They were supporting terrorists and were thought to be ready to attack Pakistan when the rains ended.
This simmering cauldron would erupt again in the 1970's over Bangladesh and a near war with Pakistan as India had been described by Sec. of State Kissinger as a slippery and treacherous people. They were supporting terrorists and were thought to be ready to attack Pakistan when the rains ended.
Kissinger correctly weighed the situation that if India attacked Pakistan and China would then attack India. This many people would be shocked to understand would move the Soviets to "teach Peking a lesson" as India was their ally.
As Kissinger told Nixon in private, if the United States did nothing in Russia attacking China then America would be finished as a nation.
Nixon understood it meant a nuclear war was coming.
As Kissinger told Nixon in private, if the United States did nothing in Russia attacking China then America would be finished as a nation.
Nixon understood it meant a nuclear war was coming.
Fortunately, God diffused the situation and all parties withdrew to a "peaceful" settlement.
The settlement though would have Russia arming a new friend in the Middle East in Saddam Hussein of Iraq to make inroads against the Saudi family and the Shah of Iran.
This festering boil would soon become a Jimmy Carter nightmare with his turning Iran over to the Islamocommunist Khomeini and the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.
Carter would create the muhajadeen with billions of US funds which would then become al Qaeda under Clinton and allowed to be taken over by Russian FSB with Zawahiri their proxy to attack America in what is occurring today.
This festering boil would soon become a Jimmy Carter nightmare with his turning Iran over to the Islamocommunist Khomeini and the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.
Carter would create the muhajadeen with billions of US funds which would then become al Qaeda under Clinton and allowed to be taken over by Russian FSB with Zawahiri their proxy to attack America in what is occurring today.
In this though was the world Ronald Reagan and Bush 41 inherited.
It was and is completely well known that Russia allowed with French and German assistance in bribery, Saddam to create chemical, biological and yes nuclear weapons. The American DOD recovered 1.77 tons of weapons grade uranium from Iraq.
This uranium is Niger in origin, as in Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame, who were attempting for their globalist bosses to cover up that Saddam had not just got yellow cake from Niger, but had in Saddam bribes gotten the French to refine the uranium for Iraq.
This uranium is Niger in origin, as in Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame, who were attempting for their globalist bosses to cover up that Saddam had not just got yellow cake from Niger, but had in Saddam bribes gotten the French to refine the uranium for Iraq.
It is this background of India menacing Muslim Pakistan a strong US ally, Russia invading Afghanistan, Carter giving Iran to communists that when the Saudi royal family for their protection from a nuclear Saddam, a nuclear Iran and for the flow of oil to the west that America agreed to allow the Saudis to fund the Pakistani nuclear project thereby creating 2 other US allied nuclear powers in the region to join Israel.
Pakistan acquired the nuclear bomb during the Clinton administration and Iran joined Saddam in being a nuclear power in purchasing SS warheads out of Russia.
Pakistan acquired the nuclear bomb during the Clinton administration and Iran joined Saddam in being a nuclear power in purchasing SS warheads out of Russia.
The reality is Saddam was already exporting chemical weapons via Iran for the slaughter of Christians in the Sudan Darfur. The Bush and Blair administrations realizing that Marc Rich, the UN in their food for oil bribery scandal had instead been Russia, Germany and France turning terrorist coordinator Saddam into a soon terrorist nuclear arming proxy for Russia meant Saddam had to be neutralized as nuclear bin Laden had to be neutralized.
No one has equated that 1.77 tons of weapons grade uranium meant 3,540 pounds of uranium or even in crude nuclear bombs almost over 50 Hiroshima nuclear weapons. Just imagine Saddam's jet training facility which had jets practicing flying
planes into buildings soon armed with 50 nuclear bombs visiting the population centers of America.
This was the project on the books along with the end of all pretenders to Saddam's pan Soviet Muslimstan, including the Israeli state.
planes into buildings soon armed with 50 nuclear bombs visiting the population centers of America.
This was the project on the books along with the end of all pretenders to Saddam's pan Soviet Muslimstan, including the Israeli state.
All of this arming was in response to stop gap corks in the dike to neutralize democratic failures and Republicans attempting to keep a full fledged nuclear war starting and the nuclear contamination of the world's oil fields.
This is all the bin Laden and National Bolshevik's manifesto in driving America back to our Atlantic and Pacific fortress awaiting to be dispatched with a nuclear 9 11 in the near future.
This is all the bin Laden and National Bolshevik's manifesto in driving America back to our Atlantic and Pacific fortress awaiting to be dispatched with a nuclear 9 11 in the near future.
The ignorants who ranted on about Iraq and now have America retreating have changed what should have been a nuclear and advanced weapon exchange in the steppes of central Asia destroying the millions of Eurasian hordes have now set the doomsday protocol into motion.
The Eurasian world war which will not come to pass with American withdrawal after a near future "small scale regional Middle East war" will now be fought in the major population centers of central Europe into the Rhine and the old Silk Route ending up in the valleys of the Israeli state.
The ignorants have doomed America also to a certain WMD 9 11 style attacks and a coming invasion of Alaska by communist China and the Cuban Venezuelan southern front in order to pin the United States down so as to not be capable to aid what is left of the western European free nations.
The Eurasian world war which will not come to pass with American withdrawal after a near future "small scale regional Middle East war" will now be fought in the major population centers of central Europe into the Rhine and the old Silk Route ending up in the valleys of the Israeli state.
The ignorants have doomed America also to a certain WMD 9 11 style attacks and a coming invasion of Alaska by communist China and the Cuban Venezuelan southern front in order to pin the United States down so as to not be capable to aid what is left of the western European free nations.
The little dirt was meant to keep the United States from being pulled into a nuclear exchange over Russia, China and India. A nuclear Pakistan and Saudi Arabia meant to save oil supply against Iraq and Iran. Iraq was part of a vast containment, but Americans in ignorance abandoned the President and now America is going to be facing the nuclear war President Kennedy, Nixon, Regan and Bush 43 have tried to prevent. It is all going to turn into a big dirty secret of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons destroying literally billions of people.
It needs to be repeated that billions of people are going to die within the next decade. The kegs have been stocked and they will be piled to the heavens once the "War to force America out of the Middle East" comes to a fruition.
It needs to be repeated that billions of people are going to die within the next decade. The kegs have been stocked and they will be piled to the heavens once the "War to force America out of the Middle East" comes to a fruition.
It all started though in the Moscow proxy of India being arrogant and now will end in the killing plains of Alaska, Canada, Texas, Hungary, Czech Republic, Rhine and the Israeli state.
The United States must in the next years in hopefully a God chosen Fred Thompson embark upon a survival plan of fallout shelters, national food stockpiles being replenished and oil production on various bio and earth created fields.
The military is in order, but the spiritual must be aligned to Jesus for His protection. This is coming now and will not stop until His return.
It is the way things will be.
The military is in order, but the spiritual must be aligned to Jesus for His protection. This is coming now and will not stop until His return.
It is the way things will be.
agtG 242
The Blackboard Soul of Barack Obama

/////////////////////Peter Sellers............... Barack Obama/////////////////////////
/////////////////////Being There................. Being Where//////////////////////////
During the middle of the 1990's, Rush Limbaugh pioneered an explanation of the Clinton's in terming them soulless in being amoral creatures in nothing was there inside.
The Clinton' s were the only humans so all they did could not matter in what they were doing to others.
While profiling Barack Obama, something equally pioneering has been developing showing something even more troubling than amoral.
Barack Obama is a person with a blackboard soul who draws upon it whatever person he is speaking with and becomes them for that moment.
Mr. Obama if you look at his early photos was a happy child. When though the separation from his mother was initiated, by his own writings he took on a darkened perspective to the world.
In knowing his mother's denial of Americanisms and steeping herself in primitive cultures and graduate work to find the calm for her soul, he tried desperately to emulate the type of men his mother had chosen suppressing who he was.
This is vital to note as at that early age, Barack Obama, began wiping the slate of himself clean and taking on the personalities of those he thought would get him closer to what his mother wanted.
Uncle Frank, in poetry, Communism, hatred of America and Christians were the mentor factor he took on as Barry.
As college age approached, Barry would reject even further American and become Barack Hussein Obama.
This period is where we have all seen his African Muslim attire with the most broad smile on his face as Barack had thought he had put on cloth for his soul or drawn a character on the blackboard of his heart who he finally thought his mother would choose.
That of course did not succeed and Barack reverted to a sort of failure in choosing intellectual attorney, accepting defeat in the consolation prize in Michelle as a replacement for his mother and to coat himself with the early dream of being a President of some nation as he knew he was born in Canada, to make himself feel wanted, empowered and secure.
Being black, despising America, being in Chicago, associating with terrorists, Barack took the plunge in being the most liberal politician he could modeling himself after Teddy Kennedy.
Of course there were schisms in this which manifested. Marrying one's mother in Michelle, brought out resentment as Michelle's public statements about him being "stinky" was but a manifestation her belittling him in private and the domination she has over him.
This is where the drugs and the humiliation of white sodomites came into play as Barack simply had to vent a rage in he just could not draw on that inner blackboard someone who would please Mother and make him feel good about himself as Mother could not be pleased in Stanley Ann Dunham or Michelle Obama, two very dominant females.
All that destructive behavior in unsafe sex and drug use was replaced in ways as he rose in power in working deals to rise in the political arena.
Kissinger was correct that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac and this was the drug Barack Obama was using.
As the story speeds ahead to 2008, Barack Obama has erased the liberal Senator which he drew for Teddy Kennedy and his Chicago syndicate.
He looks upon America as the Mother might love him and has now drawn upon his heart George Bush 43 policies and even expanding them hoping that as America chose Bush 43, they will choose him too.
This is a messy chalkboard now as Barack was drawing Tom Daschle pictures and Zbigniew Brzezinski pictures on his heart as he left his black persona behind and the white socialist part of him was being nurtured.
Now though he is starting to draw, right wing persona's there which is erupting problems.
Pitfalls are in this, because as Barack Obama meets with Jews, he draws himself a Jewish persona. When he meets with Philistines, he draws their persona on is heart. When in Germany, he is a German. When in France, he is French. When in England, he is English.
The problem is when he is with Gen. Petraeus, he is Gen. Petraeus and Zbigniew Brzezinski who is opposite does not want more troops in Afghanistan, but instead wants to vaporize parts of Pakistan to cause a nuclear economic cloud collapse on China.
Barack Obama now has his globalist benefactors noticing the problem they have on their hands.
For the people following Barack Hussein Obama, they are in denial to what he is doing.
For the people covering Barack Hussein Obama, it is astounding they have not noticed the roots of this psychopathy of being a chameleon to those he is with in having affinity with them.
Tonight John McGlauglin on his program had a unanimous "Obama was a success" on his rock star tour.
The parrot Eleanor Clift would of course say he was a winner as she thought Clinton and Carter were winners, but so see Mort Zuckerman, who is the premier twister if there ever was one, as he once approached Rush Limbaugh at an event and started talking trash. Limbaugh could not figure out if the guy was testing him or a bigot.
Zuckerman though as not not picked up on this nor did Monica Crowley and the ever lovely Michelle Bernard who is as brilliant as Ms. Crowley completely missed it.
Barack Obama is like some drug in the air which stuns people out of there normal senses, so none of them notice what is really happening.
He is like the lone husband and the entire media and a major branch of the Democratic Party are all Stepford Wives.
This is not new. Bill Clinton betrayed the entire liberal Democratic wing of his party and destroyed it and they blindly cheered him. Bush 43 pulled a great many of these same things in his liberalism and spending, but Conservatives never once were lulled into any euphoria. Conservatives spanked Bush severely over Harriet Miers for the good of the nation.
I'm a spiritual person by birth and I do not deal in the physical world alone. It stunned me how America could choose Bill Clinton over a war hero in Bob Dole or George Bush. There seems though at times a hidden force directing waves and trends in human events where the hearts of normally astute people just go dull and they are and like lemmings running over the cliff.
Barack Obama is not an evil person by any Stalin type comparison. He is though a person who can meld himself into the person of empathy which disarms those he has been around.
Bill Clinton could do this in a different way as people always remarked he was a likable guy. Barack Obama does this in not being liked, but people concluding he is the mirror of them.
Bill Clinton felt their pain, but Barack Obama is the narcotic which soothes their pain.
His most telling statement in the entire rock tour which all have missed was in the Middle East when he said to paraphrase, "I do not have a plan, but after meeting with the generals I will use their plan".
This is textbook Barack Obama in telling the world he has no ideas, no plan and Barack has been tucked away and he will mimic the other people's plans and become them.
Barack Obama goes to bed each night that little boy trying to be accepted and each morning draws the person he feels his wife expects him to be, he wipes that Barack away as he meets with his advisers who he mimics by drawing them, he then erases that Barack and meets with someone on the right and he draws that on his heart and just as quickly will meet with Zbigniew Brzezinski and erase it all and tell his mentor, "I understand. I'm like you in this".
That all can juggle fine as the press is drunk on your Don Juan nectar, but when you enter an arena of Russia wants this, China wants that, American financiers want this, European financiers want that, Muslims want this and Zbigniew Brzezinski wants it only his way. One can not promise the world to all and once your enemies figure out you are lying to them and can not make up your mind, then that indecision gets Russian nuclear bombers based in Cuba, Chinese ships landing in Taiwan, Europeans supplanting American economic and military position and Muslims starting a violent revolution with Mexicans in America for their own nation.
Neville Chamberlain pulled this and it started a World War.
Be certain, the Russian FSB, the Chinese PLA, Israeli Mosaad, Iranian intelligence, French CIA, British MI 6 have all noted who Barack Obama is and how to exploit it.
Mr. Brzezinski was the embarrassed parent on this rock trip making notes in Barack Obama is a clay moulded only so long as he is in the grasp of Brzezinski.
Barack Obama does not know who he is. He was fused in pre teen years and if one notices he acts like the smart 11 year old, because that is what he is.
He will tell his teacher he left his homework on the bus. Tell his parents he is getting his work done. Tell the coach he has no incompletes and tell the principal his grades are up.
The problem for the child chameleon with a blackboard heart being all what all want is when they start comparing notes.
Monica Crowley, Michelle Bernard, Mort Zuckerman, Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes and yes Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann are all this smart to figure this out. They need to start comparing notes as everyone of them has an agenda they focus on, but is not seeing the man, Barack Obama.
Peter Sellers in 1979 starred in the most telling of movies, Being There, a story of a mental retard who was Chauncey the Gardener who simply mimicked people who were not listening to him and all of a sudden he became Chauncey Gardener world renowned expert on all.
One doctor noticed who Chauncey really was, but no one would listen to him.
The world instead ran Chauncey Gardener for President of the United States.
America has the same problem now and if the world does not watch out it will have the same problem too as no one is listening in the world masses to what Barack Obama is telling them.
agtG 288
The Russian Doctrine
The pictures of war sometimes are not quite what they seem. The horrific picture at the left is a different kind of horror than in South Ossetia or Georgia going on now as the faces on the left are actually Russian conscripts who are doing the fighting or now the punishment work for Russia.
Pictures are indeed worth a thousand words in exposing just what Russian youth looks like in the new thousand year calendar. There is nothing inspirational in the least nor a heart of inspiration at all in the common mass of Russians these years and considering the absolute urban tattooed and pierced child showing up in the American service now, America is still getting the better deal.
In all of that, it is important to never stereotype all of these groups as one mass. Ask an American general or American corporation where thee best individuals come from who can think on their own, are capable following orders and do not need anyone supervising them and they will take a map out drawing a line down the Rockies in the west to up the Mississippi in the east, excluding the large urban areas and that is the location of the foundation of American might.
If one wants to find American weakness, just surf to a site like MySpace and one will find in numbers a people who stopped being Americans before they were born.
Russian conscripts look like Judeans herded into work camps in 1940, but in their opposite there are the minority Speznatz forces, paratroopers and the example of Vladamir Putin. They are two different peoples than the above and one can never make the mistake that all Russians are conscripts or all American are Britney Spears.
It is though difficult not to make the mistakes in lumping people like Europeans into one group. In reading the British press, one finds Seamus Milne of the Guardian, whining in leftist fashion about American "expansionism" in Georgia, but never minding "expansionism" when Americans were keeping the English from speaking German in 2 wars and Americans spending billions and dripping blood keeping the English from speaking Russian.
Likewise, Daniel Hannan of the Telegraph was complaining about NATO had no purpose if it was not fighting in Georgia much like Wesley Clark wanting to bomb Russian troops in Kosovo in not figuring out Russians will lob nuclear warheads back.
In looking at those ignorant views, one sees what is the majority of western and central Europeans, but not all Europeans.
This brings the examination to the Georgians and what actually happened in South Ossetia, not in who did what starting what, but the how each side performed in Ossetian militia, Russian occupational peacekeeper with Russian invasion forces and Georgian military.
For the Russian perspective, they had better hope these were not just Georgians, but American trained Georgians and hired American mercenaries as if one examines the Russian statements on the war backed by the BBC embedded views to weed out when the Russians were lying, the Russian conscript did not perform very well.
All of this order of battle started on July 31st when someone blew up a police car near the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali.
This could have been Ossetians, Russians or even Chechens, as North Ossetia is the site of the infamous Beslan slaughter of school children. "Russia" is a mean place where rumors abound the KGB/FSB blow up movie theaters and blame Chechens and perhaps South Ossetians blow up Georgian police knowing Russia is on maneuvers in North Ossetia, because by August 4th, 3 Russian battalions were rolling to the tunnel connecting North and South Ossetia.
In the events of August 1st, Georgian troops and South Ossetian militia were in intense firefights.
By August 3rd Russia was clearing the civilian Ossetians from the area by allowing refugees out which brings to August 4th, the Barack Obama birthday positioning of 3 Russian battalions.
During the next 3 days, border clashes erupted in sniper fire from the South Ossetians being returned by artillery from Georgia and South Ossetia ambushing a Georgian APC.
President Saakashvili of Georgia called a Georgian ceasefire on August 7th probably due to the Russian advance to the South Ossetian border. It is now he said she said, as Georgia says South Ossetian milita shelled Georgian villages in the night which they deny.
Around midnight August 8th, Georgia was shelling South Ossetia in response and a major attack was under way.
By morning, the Georgians had effectively smashed the South Ossetian militia, had most of South Ossetia under their control and by photographs of Tskhinvali being hit, they were very adept at walking their artillery through that city destroying it.
At 10 am on August 8th, Russia bombed the Georgian cities of Gori and Kareli with Su-24 bombers. By this time a column from the 58th Army had invaded South Ossetia.
It was during this time that the small Georgian force and the larger Russian force traded severe blows. The Russians would bomb inside Georgia, but also have their aircraft shot down by the Strela 10 anti aircraft systems and 3 of their pilots captured.
This effectively ended Russian bombing of targets they were missing a portion of the time in Georgia as the planes were forced to fly above the SAM system ranges.
The Russians apparently never did dislodge the Georgians, but the Georgians up until the 11th of August were still in South Ossetia. In fact the Georgians bagged Lieutenant General Anatoly Khrulyov, wounding him out side Tskhinvali in the early morning.
The Georgians on the 11th started an organized retreat which was so adept that the Russian military was reporting it was a regrouping action.
The Russians actually reporting that reveals distinctly they feared this force they had been engaging and were wary it was about to attack and overrun their superior forces.
By 3:30, the Georgian combat forces ordered a ceasefire and this is when from this point on in the timeline that the Russians start pouring into Georgia and in mopping up operations were demolishing the entire Georgian infrastructure.
This is where the reports were filed of Georgian military fleeing in retreat as they did indeed flee Gori in a scramble as the city was being charged by a Russian column, the Russians were in control of the air making them sitting ducks and they were under orders not to fight as the Georgian government under American pressure had been told that would be the Russian excuse to invade the Georgian capital.
Those are the events of this order of battle which are the underlying factor of mice and men in greater objectives. Russia had a distinct reason to strike out to gain control over the oil issue for it's national survival.
What occurred after though and is occurring in Georgia is Vladamir Putin attempting to build a false morale in his conscripts by having them spread mayhem in Georgia after that military which savaged them stood down.
Mr. Putin has now a Russian military which has not won a victory since the allies pinned Germany down in World War II for them. They have beat up people in Czechoslovakia when unarmed. They have mauled people in Afghanistan and been mauled in retreat. They have brutalized the people of Chechnya in 2 wars which Russia lost and been demoralized over, and now, Vladamir Putin witnessed his North Caucasus 58th Army was only able to trade punches with a pipsqueak Georgian force, which his commanders were not attacking as they attempted to retreat in a regrouping operation, but were instead watching it regroup and then allowed it to retreat.
If the Russians had any muster in their ranks to simply punish Georgian forces then, Georgia would have been so demoralized it never would have attacked South Ossetia again and might have marched to the capital and installed a junta.
That is not a story Vladamir Putin wants the world looking at, so he is deliberately allowing in the BBC, ravaging and robbing Reuters and Turkish journalists to show how brutal Russia is, because he has seen his troops after a summer of combat training were incapable of handling a Georgian force.
The picture here is of that Georgian force in prisoners of war. If Russia can not handle American trained men who look as uninspired as this with effect, then the Russian conscripts pictured above are the refuse of Russia they appear to be.
Vladamir Putin has an incredible problem on his hands in not having a Russian people who can conscript a fighting force no matter if he gives them state of the art equipment to back them up.
If one visits history, there is time period which mirrors Russia's dilemma.
In the 1780 to 1820 period, the British Empire was built. It was done by naval battles and if one visits those battles telling situations appear.
The Spanish who had an immense fleet like Russia's military is now, had great ships and powerful cannon, but their seamen were not trained so the English simply in their ships outmaneuvered them and sank their armada.
Later, these same English would take on the Dutch at Copenhagen. The Dutch had the finest of trained sailors, but their ships and guns were worthless. The end result was the Dutch fleet was destroyed.
The English would do the same thing to Russians.
It was during this period that a small merchant marine formed skirting the empire fleets, trusting to their own men in musket and cannon, that America was born.
These "American Jacks" were the people who would man frigates like the USS Constitution and in every straight up fight with thee great 1000 ship British Navy, savage it and make fools of this greatest of superpowers.
The reason being was England after winning it's battles in armada warfare neglected training as they were only fighting skirmishes.
The Americans were firing guns from the time they could pull a trigger, their sailors would trust to themselves anywhere in the world and create a race of people who would confound armies around the world as these Americans could and would fight.
Mr. Putin's military in Georgia is trying to hide he does not have a military capable of fighting on large scale from his conscripts. They have no heart for battle.
The damage of Afghanistan was nothing compared to what occurred to the east of Georgia in Chechnya. For the facts of those 2 wars, the Russians ran into Chechens who have been a self reliant people since the Soviet's annexed them. The Chenchens to survive became the biggest gangster people in Russia.
These Chechens savaged the Russians to stalemate in the first war there. Few have examined how complete the lack of control ended with the Russian army now in this Georgian campaign from Moscow.
Russian soldiers sat in bunkers and Chechen militia savaged them The Russians could not effectively combat them so they took it out on the civilians in murdering them.
The atrocities which the Russian conscripts and special forces carried out and no one paid attention to were truly horrific.
The photo on the left is a man dragged to death behind a truck.
A Russian conscript noted that when they captured a Chechen female sniper that they, "Tied metal cables to her feet and then hooked her between two trucks and pulled her apart".
Not exactly the information a nation wants leaking out.
The heated bayonet was a favored death sentence for Chechens caught by Russians. The slower the death and the more pain inflicted was what Russian troops were carrying out.
Added to this the special forces were as horrid in the photo on the left is the head of Chechen cut off. The special forces had a distinct way in cutting off ears to send messages that their comrades had been avenged as they presented body parts by laying them on their tombstone in Moscow.
Perhaps now it make a great deal more sense why Vladamir Putin and the generals of the 58th Army in Georgia have been so barbarous. They actually have been in their minds "under control" compared to what they have been doing and they are attempting to instill in the Russian conscript a feeling of "winning" that they can take pride in.
As a side note explanation, the Russian rampage in Chechnya was the reason Russian Islamocommunist forces were spreading rumors about American atrocities in Afghanistan and Iraq against Muslims. The Russian Bolsheviks were attempting by blaming Americans for actions US soldiers never carried out as a way to diffuse what Russia did in Chechnya.
Remarkably just like Vietnam, the Russians found the same willing dupes to disseminate that message in the leftist State Department, Dan Rather and the old cast of Teddy Kennedy and John Kerry.
One can find worse than Abu Gharib in any war, but Russia made certain Muslims would be talking about America instead of what it was doing in Chechnya to Muslims.
It is vital to understand that this conscript military is not Vladamir Putin no more than his generals who he has promoted and were allowing their conscripts to practice genocide are him.
It is though his Afghanistan culture when he was exposed to it in the KGB and it is how the Russians have notoriously acted out when Stalin let them loose on Germans.
When Russian leaders loose wars they deliberately loose control of their troops, so the troops vent on the battlefield and do not return home and revolt.
That is why Russia in dealing with it's oil cycle being pumped dry in falling prices is acting out now notoriously as they are quite scared.
This is an even more greater danger not in Russia invading Europe as it acts out, but the fact that Russia is not facing the Reich, the Napoleonic guards, the Austro Hungarian military or even those black souls of the English who could march for weeks in the cold rain, be sick with dysentery and still mount a battle to destroy France at Agincourt.
Without America, there is no force to stop Russia now.
Those European traits of grandeur are still there but so socialized they have suppressed their entire nature and it will take years of training to instill in them the warrior code which Russia would never dare to attack.
Weakness is the greatest causes of wars and why nations turn to that option preying on weaker nations. The Russians have revealed their weakness and it will bring out an attack on weaker Europeans.
In assessment, Mr. Putin had better hope that the communist Chinese who can indeed still field a military which will charge to suicide was distracted by their Olympic Peking girl show or the Chicoms will simply move 300 million Chinese in the Russian east and central regions taking over that Federation where not even Russian nuclear power can stop them.
This is why Vladamir Putin blinked in allowing America to fly in Georgian forces and now "supplies". He knows Russia is no match for the American soldier.
In revamped analysis of this situation, President Bush should forget his missile shield and David Rockefeller should re tutor Zbigniew Brzezinski on his Russian civil war doctrine and instead push for a Georgian, Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithiuanian, Estonian and Polish confederated trading partner with the United States building their economic power to rival Russia and central Europe, and, in trade train and build up their military with their own nuclear option on Moscow's border.
These peoples have shown a will to fight while old Europe has shown a cowardice to chop up nations again to feed to aggression. If and it is the "if", this confederation could cement a military force in 2 years, Russia would never dare launch it's war option, and, be forced to deal with it's real problem in central European bankers and Chinese immigration.
Russia could deal with Europe by investing money in infrastructure which is crumbing there creating an expanding economy and deal with China by providing cheap resources draining their funds, instead of arming them with next generation weapons for use against the United States.
A much better policy as there is no NATO for the United States to rely on as the "Europeans" are asleep except for a few British and French forces. Mr. Brzezinski can then stop radicalizing Muslims which Russia armed Iran with nuclear weapons, so America under Bill Clinton allowed the arming of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia with nuclear weapons.
The escalation must stop in fomenting and arming peoples who have not allegiance to American values.
Provide instead these Baltic and Crimean peoples the ability to police themselves, create a trading partner for America to return American strength and Mr. Putin will not act out now and then in the future will not be able to act out.
This will save numerous billions of lives and save the world from a WMD war.
Of course, it will not happen as the prevailing natures are geared for war, but there is a sound way out of this situation and in simple doctrines built upon, perhaps they will enter the discussion to influence more reasoned if not informed political figures.
American policy should be to keep out of wars by being economically and militarily too strong to engage. It should be engaged with peoples who will fight their own battles with our assistance so America will not have to fight for them.
Russia has now a policy of getting into wars, because it is economically drunk on oil revenue and while a nuclear superpower it has a conscripted force so inept that it is going to have to keep picking fights as a bully to keep nations from noticing how afraid she is.
View that photo again of Russian conscripts. That is not a people capable of doing anything but lashing out. Mr. Putin is attempting to keep the world from noticing his nuclear lights are on, but there is no population left to man it for the present.
There must be a new assessed doctrine for western Europe, central Europe and eastern Europe with a new Russian Doctrine, before the Bolshevik Doctrine lashes out again or the Brzezinski Doctrine forces the Russians to strike out.
This entire scenario can end so much better than what is being initiated now.

Pictures are indeed worth a thousand words in exposing just what Russian youth looks like in the new thousand year calendar. There is nothing inspirational in the least nor a heart of inspiration at all in the common mass of Russians these years and considering the absolute urban tattooed and pierced child showing up in the American service now, America is still getting the better deal.
In all of that, it is important to never stereotype all of these groups as one mass. Ask an American general or American corporation where thee best individuals come from who can think on their own, are capable following orders and do not need anyone supervising them and they will take a map out drawing a line down the Rockies in the west to up the Mississippi in the east, excluding the large urban areas and that is the location of the foundation of American might.
If one wants to find American weakness, just surf to a site like MySpace and one will find in numbers a people who stopped being Americans before they were born.
Russian conscripts look like Judeans herded into work camps in 1940, but in their opposite there are the minority Speznatz forces, paratroopers and the example of Vladamir Putin. They are two different peoples than the above and one can never make the mistake that all Russians are conscripts or all American are Britney Spears.
It is though difficult not to make the mistakes in lumping people like Europeans into one group. In reading the British press, one finds Seamus Milne of the Guardian, whining in leftist fashion about American "expansionism" in Georgia, but never minding "expansionism" when Americans were keeping the English from speaking German in 2 wars and Americans spending billions and dripping blood keeping the English from speaking Russian.
Likewise, Daniel Hannan of the Telegraph was complaining about NATO had no purpose if it was not fighting in Georgia much like Wesley Clark wanting to bomb Russian troops in Kosovo in not figuring out Russians will lob nuclear warheads back.
In looking at those ignorant views, one sees what is the majority of western and central Europeans, but not all Europeans.
This brings the examination to the Georgians and what actually happened in South Ossetia, not in who did what starting what, but the how each side performed in Ossetian militia, Russian occupational peacekeeper with Russian invasion forces and Georgian military.
For the Russian perspective, they had better hope these were not just Georgians, but American trained Georgians and hired American mercenaries as if one examines the Russian statements on the war backed by the BBC embedded views to weed out when the Russians were lying, the Russian conscript did not perform very well.
All of this order of battle started on July 31st when someone blew up a police car near the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali.
This could have been Ossetians, Russians or even Chechens, as North Ossetia is the site of the infamous Beslan slaughter of school children. "Russia" is a mean place where rumors abound the KGB/FSB blow up movie theaters and blame Chechens and perhaps South Ossetians blow up Georgian police knowing Russia is on maneuvers in North Ossetia, because by August 4th, 3 Russian battalions were rolling to the tunnel connecting North and South Ossetia.
In the events of August 1st, Georgian troops and South Ossetian militia were in intense firefights.
By August 3rd Russia was clearing the civilian Ossetians from the area by allowing refugees out which brings to August 4th, the Barack Obama birthday positioning of 3 Russian battalions.
During the next 3 days, border clashes erupted in sniper fire from the South Ossetians being returned by artillery from Georgia and South Ossetia ambushing a Georgian APC.
President Saakashvili of Georgia called a Georgian ceasefire on August 7th probably due to the Russian advance to the South Ossetian border. It is now he said she said, as Georgia says South Ossetian milita shelled Georgian villages in the night which they deny.
Around midnight August 8th, Georgia was shelling South Ossetia in response and a major attack was under way.
By morning, the Georgians had effectively smashed the South Ossetian militia, had most of South Ossetia under their control and by photographs of Tskhinvali being hit, they were very adept at walking their artillery through that city destroying it.
At 10 am on August 8th, Russia bombed the Georgian cities of Gori and Kareli with Su-24 bombers. By this time a column from the 58th Army had invaded South Ossetia.
It was during this time that the small Georgian force and the larger Russian force traded severe blows. The Russians would bomb inside Georgia, but also have their aircraft shot down by the Strela 10 anti aircraft systems and 3 of their pilots captured.
This effectively ended Russian bombing of targets they were missing a portion of the time in Georgia as the planes were forced to fly above the SAM system ranges.
The Russians apparently never did dislodge the Georgians, but the Georgians up until the 11th of August were still in South Ossetia. In fact the Georgians bagged Lieutenant General Anatoly Khrulyov, wounding him out side Tskhinvali in the early morning.
The Georgians on the 11th started an organized retreat which was so adept that the Russian military was reporting it was a regrouping action.
The Russians actually reporting that reveals distinctly they feared this force they had been engaging and were wary it was about to attack and overrun their superior forces.
By 3:30, the Georgian combat forces ordered a ceasefire and this is when from this point on in the timeline that the Russians start pouring into Georgia and in mopping up operations were demolishing the entire Georgian infrastructure.
This is where the reports were filed of Georgian military fleeing in retreat as they did indeed flee Gori in a scramble as the city was being charged by a Russian column, the Russians were in control of the air making them sitting ducks and they were under orders not to fight as the Georgian government under American pressure had been told that would be the Russian excuse to invade the Georgian capital.
Those are the events of this order of battle which are the underlying factor of mice and men in greater objectives. Russia had a distinct reason to strike out to gain control over the oil issue for it's national survival.
What occurred after though and is occurring in Georgia is Vladamir Putin attempting to build a false morale in his conscripts by having them spread mayhem in Georgia after that military which savaged them stood down.
Mr. Putin has now a Russian military which has not won a victory since the allies pinned Germany down in World War II for them. They have beat up people in Czechoslovakia when unarmed. They have mauled people in Afghanistan and been mauled in retreat. They have brutalized the people of Chechnya in 2 wars which Russia lost and been demoralized over, and now, Vladamir Putin witnessed his North Caucasus 58th Army was only able to trade punches with a pipsqueak Georgian force, which his commanders were not attacking as they attempted to retreat in a regrouping operation, but were instead watching it regroup and then allowed it to retreat.
If the Russians had any muster in their ranks to simply punish Georgian forces then, Georgia would have been so demoralized it never would have attacked South Ossetia again and might have marched to the capital and installed a junta.
That is not a story Vladamir Putin wants the world looking at, so he is deliberately allowing in the BBC, ravaging and robbing Reuters and Turkish journalists to show how brutal Russia is, because he has seen his troops after a summer of combat training were incapable of handling a Georgian force.

Vladamir Putin has an incredible problem on his hands in not having a Russian people who can conscript a fighting force no matter if he gives them state of the art equipment to back them up.
If one visits history, there is time period which mirrors Russia's dilemma.
In the 1780 to 1820 period, the British Empire was built. It was done by naval battles and if one visits those battles telling situations appear.
The Spanish who had an immense fleet like Russia's military is now, had great ships and powerful cannon, but their seamen were not trained so the English simply in their ships outmaneuvered them and sank their armada.
Later, these same English would take on the Dutch at Copenhagen. The Dutch had the finest of trained sailors, but their ships and guns were worthless. The end result was the Dutch fleet was destroyed.
The English would do the same thing to Russians.
It was during this period that a small merchant marine formed skirting the empire fleets, trusting to their own men in musket and cannon, that America was born.
These "American Jacks" were the people who would man frigates like the USS Constitution and in every straight up fight with thee great 1000 ship British Navy, savage it and make fools of this greatest of superpowers.
The reason being was England after winning it's battles in armada warfare neglected training as they were only fighting skirmishes.
The Americans were firing guns from the time they could pull a trigger, their sailors would trust to themselves anywhere in the world and create a race of people who would confound armies around the world as these Americans could and would fight.
Mr. Putin's military in Georgia is trying to hide he does not have a military capable of fighting on large scale from his conscripts. They have no heart for battle.
The damage of Afghanistan was nothing compared to what occurred to the east of Georgia in Chechnya. For the facts of those 2 wars, the Russians ran into Chechens who have been a self reliant people since the Soviet's annexed them. The Chenchens to survive became the biggest gangster people in Russia.
These Chechens savaged the Russians to stalemate in the first war there. Few have examined how complete the lack of control ended with the Russian army now in this Georgian campaign from Moscow.

The atrocities which the Russian conscripts and special forces carried out and no one paid attention to were truly horrific.
The photo on the left is a man dragged to death behind a truck.
A Russian conscript noted that when they captured a Chechen female sniper that they, "Tied metal cables to her feet and then hooked her between two trucks and pulled her apart".
Not exactly the information a nation wants leaking out.
The heated bayonet was a favored death sentence for Chechens caught by Russians. The slower the death and the more pain inflicted was what Russian troops were carrying out.

Perhaps now it make a great deal more sense why Vladamir Putin and the generals of the 58th Army in Georgia have been so barbarous. They actually have been in their minds "under control" compared to what they have been doing and they are attempting to instill in the Russian conscript a feeling of "winning" that they can take pride in.
As a side note explanation, the Russian rampage in Chechnya was the reason Russian Islamocommunist forces were spreading rumors about American atrocities in Afghanistan and Iraq against Muslims. The Russian Bolsheviks were attempting by blaming Americans for actions US soldiers never carried out as a way to diffuse what Russia did in Chechnya.
Remarkably just like Vietnam, the Russians found the same willing dupes to disseminate that message in the leftist State Department, Dan Rather and the old cast of Teddy Kennedy and John Kerry.
One can find worse than Abu Gharib in any war, but Russia made certain Muslims would be talking about America instead of what it was doing in Chechnya to Muslims.
It is vital to understand that this conscript military is not Vladamir Putin no more than his generals who he has promoted and were allowing their conscripts to practice genocide are him.
It is though his Afghanistan culture when he was exposed to it in the KGB and it is how the Russians have notoriously acted out when Stalin let them loose on Germans.
When Russian leaders loose wars they deliberately loose control of their troops, so the troops vent on the battlefield and do not return home and revolt.
That is why Russia in dealing with it's oil cycle being pumped dry in falling prices is acting out now notoriously as they are quite scared.
This is an even more greater danger not in Russia invading Europe as it acts out, but the fact that Russia is not facing the Reich, the Napoleonic guards, the Austro Hungarian military or even those black souls of the English who could march for weeks in the cold rain, be sick with dysentery and still mount a battle to destroy France at Agincourt.
Without America, there is no force to stop Russia now.
Those European traits of grandeur are still there but so socialized they have suppressed their entire nature and it will take years of training to instill in them the warrior code which Russia would never dare to attack.
Weakness is the greatest causes of wars and why nations turn to that option preying on weaker nations. The Russians have revealed their weakness and it will bring out an attack on weaker Europeans.
In assessment, Mr. Putin had better hope that the communist Chinese who can indeed still field a military which will charge to suicide was distracted by their Olympic Peking girl show or the Chicoms will simply move 300 million Chinese in the Russian east and central regions taking over that Federation where not even Russian nuclear power can stop them.
This is why Vladamir Putin blinked in allowing America to fly in Georgian forces and now "supplies". He knows Russia is no match for the American soldier.
In revamped analysis of this situation, President Bush should forget his missile shield and David Rockefeller should re tutor Zbigniew Brzezinski on his Russian civil war doctrine and instead push for a Georgian, Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithiuanian, Estonian and Polish confederated trading partner with the United States building their economic power to rival Russia and central Europe, and, in trade train and build up their military with their own nuclear option on Moscow's border.
These peoples have shown a will to fight while old Europe has shown a cowardice to chop up nations again to feed to aggression. If and it is the "if", this confederation could cement a military force in 2 years, Russia would never dare launch it's war option, and, be forced to deal with it's real problem in central European bankers and Chinese immigration.
Russia could deal with Europe by investing money in infrastructure which is crumbing there creating an expanding economy and deal with China by providing cheap resources draining their funds, instead of arming them with next generation weapons for use against the United States.
A much better policy as there is no NATO for the United States to rely on as the "Europeans" are asleep except for a few British and French forces. Mr. Brzezinski can then stop radicalizing Muslims which Russia armed Iran with nuclear weapons, so America under Bill Clinton allowed the arming of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia with nuclear weapons.
The escalation must stop in fomenting and arming peoples who have not allegiance to American values.
Provide instead these Baltic and Crimean peoples the ability to police themselves, create a trading partner for America to return American strength and Mr. Putin will not act out now and then in the future will not be able to act out.
This will save numerous billions of lives and save the world from a WMD war.
Of course, it will not happen as the prevailing natures are geared for war, but there is a sound way out of this situation and in simple doctrines built upon, perhaps they will enter the discussion to influence more reasoned if not informed political figures.
American policy should be to keep out of wars by being economically and militarily too strong to engage. It should be engaged with peoples who will fight their own battles with our assistance so America will not have to fight for them.
Russia has now a policy of getting into wars, because it is economically drunk on oil revenue and while a nuclear superpower it has a conscripted force so inept that it is going to have to keep picking fights as a bully to keep nations from noticing how afraid she is.
View that photo again of Russian conscripts. That is not a people capable of doing anything but lashing out. Mr. Putin is attempting to keep the world from noticing his nuclear lights are on, but there is no population left to man it for the present.
There must be a new assessed doctrine for western Europe, central Europe and eastern Europe with a new Russian Doctrine, before the Bolshevik Doctrine lashes out again or the Brzezinski Doctrine forces the Russians to strike out.
This entire scenario can end so much better than what is being initiated now.
Posted by Lame Cherry at 5:06 PM

Community Organizer, the title Barack Obama especially likes being defined by is a strange title and either in a confessional slip of Freudian proportions or that of an egomaniac wanting the world to know just how the artful dodger rose from rags to riches, the term Community Organizer is the fraud, filth and philandering of Barack Obama.
I'm astounded no one has bothered to really show who Barack Obama is for the manipulative, money, power pimp he is.
His story starts out in 1985 arriving in Chicago in a broken down car from New York where he soon enough landed a job as "Community Organizer". In 1985, it had a staff of 1 Obama, but in 3 years by 1988 as head of the Developing Communities Project, he had a staff of 13 and a budget from original salary expenses of $70,000 to one of $400,000.
To put it bluntly, Obama tripled government employees and tripled budgets every year from his base.
If Barack Obama does this to the federal government, there is not enough money in the world to feed his Marxist programs and every person in America is going to be working for the government.
At this time, he went to Kenya, and somehow a Community Organizer from Chicago ended up enrolled in Harvard in 1988 where somehow in 1990, this community organizer who had not written a thing became head of the Harvard Law Review, supervising a staff of 80.
It was in this time that his "book deals" showed up which take on a new twist as new information came forth that he and Michelle went to Bali for several months to "write" Dreams of my Father.
If it was money advanced in the book deal, there is no information in how Barack Hussein Obama afforded this exotic vacation which is a hot spot for Islamic terrorism.
By 1992, the Community Organizer was no more, but he was appearing as lawyer without any high profile cases, lecturer at Chicago University and sitting on various boards like Annenberg where he was founding director and president until 2002.
In the meantime, the CO was out registering 150,000 black voters with a staff of 10 and 700 volunteers in 1992.
If one does not get the point in this, the Community Organizer of 1985 was transformed into the elect Barack Obama drive as he used foundations, Marxist connections, public campuses and putting in appearances at law firm in 1993 Obama joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a 12 member law firm specializing community economic development.
Obama found after he was paid to register voters to vote for him as his base, that a new community required organizing when the master manipulator ingratiated himself to Jewish powerhouse Abner Mikva and black politician Emil Jones.
It was during this period that the trademark of Obama mimicking a black preacher was created to strike a key note in those well trained black voters sitting in Churches every Sunday looking to the Lord God, but soon to find out a messiah god was feeling their pain while picking the rich of Chicago's pocket books.
Ever resourceful the Community Pimp would use his wife having worked for the Daley Machine in the early 90's where the political thug David Axelrod was with now with Valerie Jarret, now all part of the happy organized community of Barack Obama.
For those who think marrying Michelle was just an accident of fate, this Community Organizer just happened to pick a woman connected to the impoverished Chicago South Side, whose father was a precinct captain there and who should Michelle's friend from her childhood be, but Santita Jackson.
If Jackson sounds familiar, she is the daughter of Rev. Jesse Jackson. Does it make a little more sense now why Jesse was going to castrate Barack Obama in being furious with him?
Jackson is an asset of the government in controlling blacks. He must have figured out a new asset was shoving him aside and had in perfect sleeper agent mode risen to the top by a calculated strategy it does not seem Obama is bright enough to have figured out on his own.
Congressman Bobby Rush would mark Obama for what he was in stating as he trounced him in an election, "Barack Obama went to Harvard and became an educated fool".
Community Organizer Obama didn't get bitter which would be normal for a human, but this was no human, this was an intelligence asset on a mission.
Within a few years, he would have organized the last key corrupt piece in Mark Nesbitt who is a happy mix of the Chicago Housing Authority, PRG Parking Management and Pritzker Reality who worked for billionaire Penny Pritzker, who just happens to be Obama's bag woman now and connected to all the other nation rapists like Warren Buffet the international robber baron funnelling all your money you lost in stocks, housing, retirement funds into the Obama coffers.
I won't get into Syrian Tony Rezko, getting Iraqi French Banking billionaire, Auchi, who was funnelling the lions share of Saddam's bribes to the west which had Chirac of France refine 1.77 tons of weapon's grade uranium from Niger Yellow Cake, who happened to help Barack buy a million dollar plus house $300,000 under value when Rezko didn't have the funds, but later sold his holdings to Auchi, when Obama was glad handing him at events.
It is all though part of the Community Organizer Obama ascending to the world stage from intelligence control, Marxist William Ayers, who was an asset to keep track of Charlie Manson helter skelter types fusing it with the Chicago Black Panthers manipulating them as people got blown up.
This then links back in the global community organized in Middle East terrorists in Hamas who are Islamocommunists just like Barack Obama is who are Obama's main supporters.
So many have missed the worldwide scope of the Obama community organized. His mentors, his controls and his associates are all Marxists who just happen to be bisexual perverts or part of groups like Yassir Arafat who was a pedophile in the PLO.
I knew from the first book deal Barack Obama was lavished with that something was very wrong with this guy as if you ask any author, nobody gets money advanced, doesn't write the book and then the book shows up to mediocre sales, to which a new million dollar book contract shows up later.
Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson for their French / Niger uranium cover up and attempted coup on George Bush got "book deals". Book deals are the trademark of the left wing intelligence group. It is why asset Bob Woodward churns out his pulp as a perpetual coup comrade.
If people really knew and understood what Barack Obama was stationed to do, how he manipulated large groups of people, even the secular Jewish community who are the old breeding ground of the "neocons" as that is exactly where these militant communist evolved from, there would be a rather disgruntled mob of democrats or democratic mob mumbling the exact same words Jesse Jackson deliberately said on mic.
All of these thugs from Richard Daley, Michelle Obama (make no mistake this woman is a thug and an equal man eater like Stanley Ann Dunham), David Axelrod and Zbigniew Brzezinski if they knew how they had been gamed in being stepped upon, just like Hillary Clinton was stepped on, there might be a most interesting outcome.
Barack Obama though is not that bright, but he is adept at scamming people. He has done it his entire life in the "white folks" as his perverted initiator in Frank Davis broke this kid down and rebuilt him in his bisexual image to be a chameleon, spot weakness in people and exploit it.
Tom Daschle, David Plouffe, Steve Hildebrand to name a few girly men, take a peak sometime at Lawrence Sinclair and see if you recognize a pattern Barack Obama surrounding himself with effeminate white males, and, racist black males, thug secular Jews to do his dirty work and savvy Muslims all rolled into the service of the Obama Community Organizer funded by rich cartel Marxists.
America had better wise up very quickly in exactly what Barack Obama is in not a Manchurian Candidate, but a Maxchurian Community Organizer melding all the communist factions in an intelligence operation to literally overthrow the American system for change (revolution) which is perpetual as Obama is a Trotskyite.
For those who do not know, Trotsky was a communist originator who believed in perpetual revolution to gain his ends. Change we can believe in.............Revolution we can believe in.
I know Richard Daley didn't sign onto any of this nor even that thug David Axelrod as he thought he was getting Jack Kennedy par dux. Zbigniew Brzezinski thought he was getting a black mindless version of Jimmy Carter to manipulate, but all of these big shots got caught with their fingers in the cookie jar thinking they were the ones doing the shaping and Barack Obama was manipulating them.
My biggest concern is when Michelle Obama figures out what Jesse Jackson did as she was hand picked by her "husband" for the doors she could open in a black poverty area with connections to the millionaire black Chicago club, and, because she was an easy tell in being impressed by the Barry Community Organizer shtick.
The concern is for the two little innocent girls whose mother is mesmerized by a chameleon she now glowingly adores and whose adoration is falling on a Community Manipulator who has not been working with people, but objects he has been moving around to attain his quest of messiah Obama walking among the animals he keeps.
Post Script: This Obama's Community he organized in Chicago.
A disproportionately high amount of robbery related murders involved African American offenders murdering Hispanics and whites.
A murder rate of 500 people a year is considered acceptable.
76% of victims were African American; 77.4% of offenders were African American,
The African American murder victimization rate was approximately 34 per 100,000.
# 1990: 851
# 1991: 927
# 1992: 943
# 1993: 931
# 1994: 929
# 1995: 827
# 1996: 789
# 1997: 759
# 1998: 704
# 1999: 641
# 2000: 628
# 2001: 666
# 2002: 647
# 2003: 598
# 2004: 448
# 2005: 449
# 2006: 467
# 2007: 435
The Governor of Illinois calling out the National Guard for Chicago.
On a given day, more than 6 percent of Chicago's young black males are incarcerated, twice the rate of white and Hispanic males.
Barack Obama is skilled at running intelligence operations to perform a coup upon the United States Government, but his legacy for Chicago as "Community Organizer" is one where he whored that entire community all so he could pimp himself to power.
Crime in Chicago
South Side
Governor Offers Troops
Chicago Blacks Behind Bars
Barack Hussein Obama Community Organizer
Barack Obama has mustered in his messianic holy war jihad and cry fest a group of astounding minds to reason with the public in why he should be President and why John McCain and Sarah Palin should not be President as Barry is now tanking in the polls.
After reading the choices of the spokespeople the Obama camp have sent out, it is readily concluded that if these are the people Barack Obama thinks are intelligent having been given a thumbs up by Joe Biden, Mr. Obama's IQ is apparently only of value in stating, "He is the smartest man in a group of liberal women".

We start the lower education with perpetual New York syndicate liberal mouth Thomas Friedman. Friedman has been busy on Obama's energy policy. His angst has been that Palin McCain are for drilling oil as apparently Friedman believes tomorrow America is going to unveil Star Trek anti matter engines.
Quote: "But when I hear drill, baby, drill...... I'm against is making that the center of our focus, because we are on the eve of a new revolution, the energy technology revolution. It would.... if on the eve of the IT revolution, the revolution of PCs and the Internet, someone was up there standing and demanding, "IBM Selectric typewriters, IBM Selectric typewriters." That's what drill, drill, drill, is the equivalent of today."
Oh man where to begin on this one..........
First of all, there is not going to be on tomorrow's dawn a new energy revolution. It will not happen for several hundred years as there is money in oil and oil is cheaper than hydrogen which burns too. Anti matter is not something child Obama should be playing with and plasma to ion power are also something that goes boom to blowing planets up that children should not have.
Second, wind power needs wind. If there is not wind, then there is no power which means everyone is in a brown out if one resorts to that and is why energy companies want no part of it.
Solar power is a wonderful addition, but until pocket size storage units are invented as there are none now with the electrical reserves to power a house for a week, do not look for Eveready phasers in a store near you for the next century.
Third, Mr. Friedman does not seem to understand that there is a need to drill baby drill, for the simple reason this is not about gasoline.
Crude oil has in it things like plastics and fertilizer which the world simply needs now. These bi products of the oil industry are now as important as fuel. Mr. Friedman apparently does not understand that there is only so much gas, plastic, diesel, engine oil in a barrel of crude. One has to distill the entire barrel and one can not make Tupperware out of gasoline or gasoline out of Tupperware.
Oil is going to have to be drilled for in greater amounts to simply supply the needs of people in a wide array of areas that the bi products have filled in people's lives to make people healthier in a number of ways as eating glass chips tends to kill people.
Fourth, what does the world do with billions of gallons of gasoline, kerosene in jet fuel and diesel fuel if they are not used by the public when plastics, fertilizers etc.... are being produced as the main products and these bi products of fuel are not burned on Scottie's Enterprise?
Oil is nature's pollution and one can not simply dump fuel back into the ground. The only feasible way is to utilize it in engines burning efficiently, because the last thing the ground water needs are 50 billion gallon caverns filled and leaking into aquifers due to Tom Friedman's starship doesn't run on gas.
Fifth, and this is beyond Friedman and most people's venue of understanding, but the fact is there in studies I have done that the earth as of 6000 years ago was a different place. It's atmosphere was much more "heavy" and instead of rain, mists from a damp earth watered all living things.
Longevity and the size of life forms was larger due to perfect conditions in available food in a perpetual spring and this heavy atmosphere.
Soon though this explosion of life was creating the White Cliffs of Dover to the natural earth generated hydrocarbon deposits which was a natural way of earth consuming massive amounts of basic elements. Earth began hording these atmospheric vapours and the result was the atmosphere changed, people started dying at around age 120 and a natural pollution started occurring in oil deposits.
There is every reason to believe that people on a small scale are doing a service in the natural order in releasing these hydrocarbons as carbon elements back into the atmosphere in freeing the trapped water and gases to the atmosphere.
Using crude oil, methane ice and natural gas is good for the earth as it stops pollution and begins returning the atmosphere to more life friendly levels.
As a fact, earth forces the past several years were "burping" methane ice it was overflowing with in the oceans and it was killing immense areas of the oceans as nothing an live in that kind of pollution.
Friedman is part of an ignorant group who never once understand that the earth pollutes itself and people actually play a natural roll in using that pollution and returning the stored energy, calciums back into gases in a natural cycle which makes life healthier for all people.
That is the way the world functions and these self hating humans like Barack Obama to his Al Gore flat world scientists bent on dictatorial powers are not bright enough to understand that people using natural resources are the solution not the problem.
For Barack Friedman's IQ though, I hope his anti matter engine works in his Mercedes as he and Obama go from zero to 6 billion miles an hour in seconds.

Bob Schieffer of CBS news announced to the world that he doesn't know the Iraq War is going on as he hasn't seen himself covering it. His remedy is to raise taxes and hand out rationing cards when none are needed.
Quote: "If the rest of us didn't watch television or looked at the newspaper, we might not know there's a war going on. Our taxes didn't go up, there's no rationing. If you didn't look for it, you wouldn't know the war was going on. Shouldn't there be some way, in a democracy, that we share this burden?"
One can quite agree with Barack Schieffer in a Obama democracy that all these liberal millionaires write out checks until it hurts and ration the caviar they all are eating.
So Barack Obama's idea of managing America is ration cards when there is a full supply of all America's needs.
Interesting liberals had no ration card ideas for Truman's Korea and Johnson's Vietnam wars.
The Obama policy is to ration goods, which will stop consuming, which will collapse the economy into a depression.

Alec Baldwin, perpetual Hollywood mouth, weighed in with the argument that John McCain might get sick or die due to his age. This is from a mind who used to start every sentence when married to Kim Basinger, "Well Kim says", when asked on any issue.
Quote:"At 72 years of age and in questionable health, McCain's fitness to coach a high school football team would be in doubt, let alone the grueling reality of the presidency of this country.
Medical Quote from John McCain's physician Dr. John D. Eckstein of 16 years:
"Sen. McCain enjoys excellent health and displays extraordinary energy, and, while it is impossible to predict any person's future health, I and my colleagues can find no medical reason or problem that would preclude Sen. McCain from fulfilling all of the duties or obligations of the president of the United States."
One really does not believe that Barack Obama wants the debate to go on the medical issue in this debate with Baldwin, as in America, the black male is prone over age 50 to die from heart attack and other illness at an extremely high rate.
Barry is now age 47, so according to Alec Baldwin's logic if John McCain who has been cleared by a group of physicians and Barack Obama who has only released one page of his medical files, then no one should vote for Barack Obama due to health issues as black men like himself die young and then America would be left with 66 year old Joe Biden, who is another old guy who will die according to Baldwin.
So Barack Baldwin's IQ for Obama says vote for Sarah Palin as the black guy and old white Biden are going room temperature.
Jamie Lee Curtis weighed in with her deductive reasoning which basically stated that since she was too stupid in being a woman, incapable of even answering an emergency call in the night, that all women like Sarah Palin are the same.
Quote: "The problem is I may be relatable (relatable is not a word Ms. Curtis) and share some of your experiences and concerns but you don't want me as president of United States.
I couldn't hold my own for one minute in a debate on any issue with someone like a Barack Obama or Joseph Biden and neither can Sarah Palin."
Ms. Curtis really needs to get out with real women who raise children, have one husband and not 5 ex husbands with 300 sex partners who actually have businesses, run for public office and have read books like the Bible instead of Vanity Fair to make them complete women as Sarah Palin has.
Apparently this liberal female voter in Barack Lee Curtis must have a staff to help her open mayonnaise jars and solve the complex questions of, if my cell phone battery is half charged, does that mean it is half discharged or is it half fully charged, so do I charge at half empty of half full?
It is wonderful God gave Jamie Lee Curtis looks for awhile to get through in life as she certainly is a Darwin candidate without any brains Obama'ing along now..
Jacob Weisberg of Slate magazine debates for Obama that Sarah Palin is wrong on aborticide as she has a "purism" attitude toward life.
Quote: "Palin's pro-life purism is as ethically flawed as it is politically damaging to the GOP. By vaunting their pro-life agenda over everything else, conservatives are abandoning one of their most valuable insights, that intact, two-parent families are best for children and the foundation of a healthy society."
So Barack Weisberg says that Sarah Palin in choosing life for all children should instead be limited to only 2 parent households only raising children and is advocating aborting the children of single mothers.
Weisberg is essentially stating in his argument that Barack Obama from a single mother should have been aborted.
Amazing group you have sent out their Barack Obama, one thinks you are going to fly on electric planes, one thinks you are going to die from being too black, one who can not think thinks all people are as stupid as her and one thinks you should be aborted.
The Obama IQ, measured in negative three digit numbers.
agtG 320
The pathetic and despicable Obama campaign issued this statement today after they caused this young woman to be beaten and have a letter carved in her face:
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the young woman for her to make a speedy recovery, and we hope that the person who perpetrated this crime is swiftly apprehended and brought to justice."
Excuse me Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, are you listening please to this? Barack Obama ORDERED his campaign workers and supporters to go out and get into people's faces.
Since Barack Obama issued that order, people's homes have been shot at, cars keyed, an older woman in New York had her McCain sign taken, broken and was beat over the head with it.
This young Lady, Ashley Todd, while working as a volunteer in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania had a knife held to her throat, robbed and when the Obama supporter found out she had McCain stickers on her car, punched her, knocked her down and then carved a B into her cheek as he towered over her.
A 6 feet 4 inch Obama thug, mirroring the brutalization which Obama slapped Hillary around, by Obama's example has now taken it to the streets to beat on a white woman too.
The worst of this is on the Pittsburgh news site where the pathetic Obama trolls are saying this was self inflicted or coming up with it was Sarah Palin in a witch outfit.
The disgusting seared souls of the Obama campaign not having one ounce of compassion on a young woman brutalized and they turn around and savage her again.
This is but another example of the criminal jihad that Barack Obama has unleashed on the citizens of the United States.
Obamaniacs have on the order and blessing of Barack Obama have terrorized United States citizens. The FBI has refused to do one thing. The major companies have sheltered these thugs who they employ from Google who currently is screwing with my blog to Yahoo which censors Obama mail and Microsoft sending Nigeria phishing scams ALONG with the Obama campaign allowing their maniacs to sign up citizens like myself to their mailing lists to be harassed.
I'm not interested in BS statements like are coming out of Kenya or Zimbabwe by Islamocommunist thugs beating up the electorate. I'm interested in criminal indictment of Barack Hussein Obama telling his maniacs to go out and get in people's faces and brutalizing them.
The blood of this is on the right wing media hands from FOX, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity etc.... who were alerted this criminal genesis was starting in the terrorization of Lawrence Sinclair and didn't raise public awareness.
This blood of this young Lady is on Campbell Brown, Keith Olbermann, Katie Couric, David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, Craig Fergeson, Tina Fey, Chevy Chase, Charlie Gibson, Brian Williams, Charlie Rose, Mark Halperin, David Brooks, Peggy Noonan and whatever else Gov. Palin political rapist trash who have been brutalizing her setting the standard for this Obama thug.
This blood is on the New York Times and Bill Keller for the savaging of Cindy McCain this past week!
Mr. Fitzgerald, PROVE you are who you say you are and conduct a Grand Jury investigation and hand indictments down on all of these people who have made a sport of savaging women for Obama following his instructions and bring justice to this young woman as so many American have been savaged by this ilk that none of us has gotten anything but ignored by the media, the major corporations and then been terrorized by the Obama camp.
How do you like it David Letterman? You didn't get Bristol Palin's fetus to hang on your wall, but you sure got a young girl beaten and carved on just the way you beat up on Sarah Palin and carved on her.
Mr. Fitzgerald. JUSTICE, bring this nation justice as you have Obama's own recorded thuggery sending his maniacs out to attack people and you have all of the above savaging United State's citizens.
Lawrence Sinclair was illegally arrested by Beau Biden and Joe Biden in silencing Lawrence Sinclair was later awarded the Vice Presidential position under Obama.
JUSTICE, Mr. Fitzgerald. Indict Barack Obama as he is responsible for hooking all these social retards to be hooked on Obamics which has them carving on women and beating them over the head.

Pictured above is one in a series of Google slaps at the United States of America. The picture is of "Thanksgiving" which must be from their occidental transplant artist who thinks communist pith helmets are proper for American Veterans Day and has some bizarre Chinese plants growing on the American Thanksgiving Holy Day.
One will notice Google has no mention of God.
Google has no mention of Pilgrims who came to America for religious freedom due persecution from the Eurasian continent.
Google has no mention of American Indians.
Google though is just plain weird. In one pumpkin is mingled wonderful green and flowering plants.
Ask yourself if it is HARVEST and flowers are in summer what on earth has that got to do with Thanksgiving?
Google has produced some sort of summer solstice of what looks like weeds that are foxtails, weeds which are members of some kind of sunflower plant, green onions, green Chinese cabbage and green corn.
I have no idea if the fruit in the basket is apples or tomatoes. If apples, apples were not red in that period of time and since the apple is native to Asia I don't quite know how apples were in America until Johnny Appleseed planted them and if tomatoes, tomatoes are from the central American region and not Massachusetts.
Most people thought the things poisonous and would not touch them.
This is the absolute hate crime insensitivity which is Google in putting people in place and condoning hate filled artwork which is a criminal slap at all Americans.
The above is just as insane as putting Bonzo the chimp in for George Washington on July 4th dressed as a Chinese prostitute. The two have nothing to do with that Holy American day and yet that is what Google does.
How much sense does it take to know that corn which is green in November will be killed by frost and produce no crop to feed you through the winter?
How much sense does it take to know the history of apples?
How much sense does it take to know Thanksgiving is not about chewing on weeds and Chinese cabbage in a summer setting?
It is cold. Leaves are dead which is why they are brown and the meal is about being thankful to God for a havest to see you through the winter all based upon the Biblical Feast of Tabernacles which is about Christ's Second Coming, which is what the Pilgrims were all about as they were Christians.
I don't expect a great deal from Google as they are Obama voters without any common sense or having paid attention in school. I do though expect Google on international hate crimes to either fire their lame artist and people how vet this garbage who are the owners or hire someone who at least paid attention in school to American and world history.
What a wonderful Obamanation world we live in when the things most sacred are degraded deliberately by Google.
But then they have time to log this account out, harass this account and carry on like a bunch of Trotskyite communists just like Barack Obama.
God bless the Good and His People remember this Day as a High Day in thanksgiving to Him and in steadfast faith Jesus will return.
amen and amen
Monday, September 8, 2008
Community Organizer Obama

Community Organizer, the title Barack Obama especially likes being defined by is a strange title and either in a confessional slip of Freudian proportions or that of an egomaniac wanting the world to know just how the artful dodger rose from rags to riches, the term Community Organizer is the fraud, filth and philandering of Barack Obama.
I'm astounded no one has bothered to really show who Barack Obama is for the manipulative, money, power pimp he is.
His story starts out in 1985 arriving in Chicago in a broken down car from New York where he soon enough landed a job as "Community Organizer". In 1985, it had a staff of 1 Obama, but in 3 years by 1988 as head of the Developing Communities Project, he had a staff of 13 and a budget from original salary expenses of $70,000 to one of $400,000.
To put it bluntly, Obama tripled government employees and tripled budgets every year from his base.
If Barack Obama does this to the federal government, there is not enough money in the world to feed his Marxist programs and every person in America is going to be working for the government.
At this time, he went to Kenya, and somehow a Community Organizer from Chicago ended up enrolled in Harvard in 1988 where somehow in 1990, this community organizer who had not written a thing became head of the Harvard Law Review, supervising a staff of 80.
It was in this time that his "book deals" showed up which take on a new twist as new information came forth that he and Michelle went to Bali for several months to "write" Dreams of my Father.
If it was money advanced in the book deal, there is no information in how Barack Hussein Obama afforded this exotic vacation which is a hot spot for Islamic terrorism.
By 1992, the Community Organizer was no more, but he was appearing as lawyer without any high profile cases, lecturer at Chicago University and sitting on various boards like Annenberg where he was founding director and president until 2002.
In the meantime, the CO was out registering 150,000 black voters with a staff of 10 and 700 volunteers in 1992.
If one does not get the point in this, the Community Organizer of 1985 was transformed into the elect Barack Obama drive as he used foundations, Marxist connections, public campuses and putting in appearances at law firm in 1993 Obama joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a 12 member law firm specializing community economic development.
Obama found after he was paid to register voters to vote for him as his base, that a new community required organizing when the master manipulator ingratiated himself to Jewish powerhouse Abner Mikva and black politician Emil Jones.
It was during this period that the trademark of Obama mimicking a black preacher was created to strike a key note in those well trained black voters sitting in Churches every Sunday looking to the Lord God, but soon to find out a messiah god was feeling their pain while picking the rich of Chicago's pocket books.
Ever resourceful the Community Pimp would use his wife having worked for the Daley Machine in the early 90's where the political thug David Axelrod was with now with Valerie Jarret, now all part of the happy organized community of Barack Obama.
For those who think marrying Michelle was just an accident of fate, this Community Organizer just happened to pick a woman connected to the impoverished Chicago South Side, whose father was a precinct captain there and who should Michelle's friend from her childhood be, but Santita Jackson.
If Jackson sounds familiar, she is the daughter of Rev. Jesse Jackson. Does it make a little more sense now why Jesse was going to castrate Barack Obama in being furious with him?
Jackson is an asset of the government in controlling blacks. He must have figured out a new asset was shoving him aside and had in perfect sleeper agent mode risen to the top by a calculated strategy it does not seem Obama is bright enough to have figured out on his own.
Congressman Bobby Rush would mark Obama for what he was in stating as he trounced him in an election, "Barack Obama went to Harvard and became an educated fool".
Community Organizer Obama didn't get bitter which would be normal for a human, but this was no human, this was an intelligence asset on a mission.
Within a few years, he would have organized the last key corrupt piece in Mark Nesbitt who is a happy mix of the Chicago Housing Authority, PRG Parking Management and Pritzker Reality who worked for billionaire Penny Pritzker, who just happens to be Obama's bag woman now and connected to all the other nation rapists like Warren Buffet the international robber baron funnelling all your money you lost in stocks, housing, retirement funds into the Obama coffers.
I won't get into Syrian Tony Rezko, getting Iraqi French Banking billionaire, Auchi, who was funnelling the lions share of Saddam's bribes to the west which had Chirac of France refine 1.77 tons of weapon's grade uranium from Niger Yellow Cake, who happened to help Barack buy a million dollar plus house $300,000 under value when Rezko didn't have the funds, but later sold his holdings to Auchi, when Obama was glad handing him at events.
It is all though part of the Community Organizer Obama ascending to the world stage from intelligence control, Marxist William Ayers, who was an asset to keep track of Charlie Manson helter skelter types fusing it with the Chicago Black Panthers manipulating them as people got blown up.
This then links back in the global community organized in Middle East terrorists in Hamas who are Islamocommunists just like Barack Obama is who are Obama's main supporters.
So many have missed the worldwide scope of the Obama community organized. His mentors, his controls and his associates are all Marxists who just happen to be bisexual perverts or part of groups like Yassir Arafat who was a pedophile in the PLO.
I knew from the first book deal Barack Obama was lavished with that something was very wrong with this guy as if you ask any author, nobody gets money advanced, doesn't write the book and then the book shows up to mediocre sales, to which a new million dollar book contract shows up later.
Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson for their French / Niger uranium cover up and attempted coup on George Bush got "book deals". Book deals are the trademark of the left wing intelligence group. It is why asset Bob Woodward churns out his pulp as a perpetual coup comrade.
If people really knew and understood what Barack Obama was stationed to do, how he manipulated large groups of people, even the secular Jewish community who are the old breeding ground of the "neocons" as that is exactly where these militant communist evolved from, there would be a rather disgruntled mob of democrats or democratic mob mumbling the exact same words Jesse Jackson deliberately said on mic.
All of these thugs from Richard Daley, Michelle Obama (make no mistake this woman is a thug and an equal man eater like Stanley Ann Dunham), David Axelrod and Zbigniew Brzezinski if they knew how they had been gamed in being stepped upon, just like Hillary Clinton was stepped on, there might be a most interesting outcome.
Barack Obama though is not that bright, but he is adept at scamming people. He has done it his entire life in the "white folks" as his perverted initiator in Frank Davis broke this kid down and rebuilt him in his bisexual image to be a chameleon, spot weakness in people and exploit it.
Tom Daschle, David Plouffe, Steve Hildebrand to name a few girly men, take a peak sometime at Lawrence Sinclair and see if you recognize a pattern Barack Obama surrounding himself with effeminate white males, and, racist black males, thug secular Jews to do his dirty work and savvy Muslims all rolled into the service of the Obama Community Organizer funded by rich cartel Marxists.
America had better wise up very quickly in exactly what Barack Obama is in not a Manchurian Candidate, but a Maxchurian Community Organizer melding all the communist factions in an intelligence operation to literally overthrow the American system for change (revolution) which is perpetual as Obama is a Trotskyite.
For those who do not know, Trotsky was a communist originator who believed in perpetual revolution to gain his ends. Change we can believe in.............Revolution we can believe in.
I know Richard Daley didn't sign onto any of this nor even that thug David Axelrod as he thought he was getting Jack Kennedy par dux. Zbigniew Brzezinski thought he was getting a black mindless version of Jimmy Carter to manipulate, but all of these big shots got caught with their fingers in the cookie jar thinking they were the ones doing the shaping and Barack Obama was manipulating them.
My biggest concern is when Michelle Obama figures out what Jesse Jackson did as she was hand picked by her "husband" for the doors she could open in a black poverty area with connections to the millionaire black Chicago club, and, because she was an easy tell in being impressed by the Barry Community Organizer shtick.
The concern is for the two little innocent girls whose mother is mesmerized by a chameleon she now glowingly adores and whose adoration is falling on a Community Manipulator who has not been working with people, but objects he has been moving around to attain his quest of messiah Obama walking among the animals he keeps.
Post Script: This Obama's Community he organized in Chicago.
A disproportionately high amount of robbery related murders involved African American offenders murdering Hispanics and whites.
A murder rate of 500 people a year is considered acceptable.
76% of victims were African American; 77.4% of offenders were African American,
The African American murder victimization rate was approximately 34 per 100,000.
# 1990: 851
# 1991: 927
# 1992: 943
# 1993: 931
# 1994: 929
# 1995: 827
# 1996: 789
# 1997: 759
# 1998: 704
# 1999: 641
# 2000: 628
# 2001: 666
# 2002: 647
# 2003: 598
# 2004: 448
# 2005: 449
# 2006: 467
# 2007: 435
The Governor of Illinois calling out the National Guard for Chicago.
On a given day, more than 6 percent of Chicago's young black males are incarcerated, twice the rate of white and Hispanic males.
Barack Obama is skilled at running intelligence operations to perform a coup upon the United States Government, but his legacy for Chicago as "Community Organizer" is one where he whored that entire community all so he could pimp himself to power.
Crime in Chicago
South Side
Governor Offers Troops
Chicago Blacks Behind Bars
Barack Hussein Obama Community Organizer
Obama IQ

After reading the choices of the spokespeople the Obama camp have sent out, it is readily concluded that if these are the people Barack Obama thinks are intelligent having been given a thumbs up by Joe Biden, Mr. Obama's IQ is apparently only of value in stating, "He is the smartest man in a group of liberal women".

We start the lower education with perpetual New York syndicate liberal mouth Thomas Friedman. Friedman has been busy on Obama's energy policy. His angst has been that Palin McCain are for drilling oil as apparently Friedman believes tomorrow America is going to unveil Star Trek anti matter engines.
Quote: "But when I hear drill, baby, drill...... I'm against is making that the center of our focus, because we are on the eve of a new revolution, the energy technology revolution. It would.... if on the eve of the IT revolution, the revolution of PCs and the Internet, someone was up there standing and demanding, "IBM Selectric typewriters, IBM Selectric typewriters." That's what drill, drill, drill, is the equivalent of today."
Oh man where to begin on this one..........
First of all, there is not going to be on tomorrow's dawn a new energy revolution. It will not happen for several hundred years as there is money in oil and oil is cheaper than hydrogen which burns too. Anti matter is not something child Obama should be playing with and plasma to ion power are also something that goes boom to blowing planets up that children should not have.
Second, wind power needs wind. If there is not wind, then there is no power which means everyone is in a brown out if one resorts to that and is why energy companies want no part of it.
Solar power is a wonderful addition, but until pocket size storage units are invented as there are none now with the electrical reserves to power a house for a week, do not look for Eveready phasers in a store near you for the next century.
Third, Mr. Friedman does not seem to understand that there is a need to drill baby drill, for the simple reason this is not about gasoline.
Crude oil has in it things like plastics and fertilizer which the world simply needs now. These bi products of the oil industry are now as important as fuel. Mr. Friedman apparently does not understand that there is only so much gas, plastic, diesel, engine oil in a barrel of crude. One has to distill the entire barrel and one can not make Tupperware out of gasoline or gasoline out of Tupperware.
Oil is going to have to be drilled for in greater amounts to simply supply the needs of people in a wide array of areas that the bi products have filled in people's lives to make people healthier in a number of ways as eating glass chips tends to kill people.
Fourth, what does the world do with billions of gallons of gasoline, kerosene in jet fuel and diesel fuel if they are not used by the public when plastics, fertilizers etc.... are being produced as the main products and these bi products of fuel are not burned on Scottie's Enterprise?
Oil is nature's pollution and one can not simply dump fuel back into the ground. The only feasible way is to utilize it in engines burning efficiently, because the last thing the ground water needs are 50 billion gallon caverns filled and leaking into aquifers due to Tom Friedman's starship doesn't run on gas.
Fifth, and this is beyond Friedman and most people's venue of understanding, but the fact is there in studies I have done that the earth as of 6000 years ago was a different place. It's atmosphere was much more "heavy" and instead of rain, mists from a damp earth watered all living things.
Longevity and the size of life forms was larger due to perfect conditions in available food in a perpetual spring and this heavy atmosphere.
Soon though this explosion of life was creating the White Cliffs of Dover to the natural earth generated hydrocarbon deposits which was a natural way of earth consuming massive amounts of basic elements. Earth began hording these atmospheric vapours and the result was the atmosphere changed, people started dying at around age 120 and a natural pollution started occurring in oil deposits.
There is every reason to believe that people on a small scale are doing a service in the natural order in releasing these hydrocarbons as carbon elements back into the atmosphere in freeing the trapped water and gases to the atmosphere.
Using crude oil, methane ice and natural gas is good for the earth as it stops pollution and begins returning the atmosphere to more life friendly levels.
As a fact, earth forces the past several years were "burping" methane ice it was overflowing with in the oceans and it was killing immense areas of the oceans as nothing an live in that kind of pollution.
Friedman is part of an ignorant group who never once understand that the earth pollutes itself and people actually play a natural roll in using that pollution and returning the stored energy, calciums back into gases in a natural cycle which makes life healthier for all people.
That is the way the world functions and these self hating humans like Barack Obama to his Al Gore flat world scientists bent on dictatorial powers are not bright enough to understand that people using natural resources are the solution not the problem.
For Barack Friedman's IQ though, I hope his anti matter engine works in his Mercedes as he and Obama go from zero to 6 billion miles an hour in seconds.

Bob Schieffer of CBS news announced to the world that he doesn't know the Iraq War is going on as he hasn't seen himself covering it. His remedy is to raise taxes and hand out rationing cards when none are needed.
Quote: "If the rest of us didn't watch television or looked at the newspaper, we might not know there's a war going on. Our taxes didn't go up, there's no rationing. If you didn't look for it, you wouldn't know the war was going on. Shouldn't there be some way, in a democracy, that we share this burden?"
One can quite agree with Barack Schieffer in a Obama democracy that all these liberal millionaires write out checks until it hurts and ration the caviar they all are eating.
So Barack Obama's idea of managing America is ration cards when there is a full supply of all America's needs.
Interesting liberals had no ration card ideas for Truman's Korea and Johnson's Vietnam wars.
The Obama policy is to ration goods, which will stop consuming, which will collapse the economy into a depression.

Alec Baldwin, perpetual Hollywood mouth, weighed in with the argument that John McCain might get sick or die due to his age. This is from a mind who used to start every sentence when married to Kim Basinger, "Well Kim says", when asked on any issue.
Quote:"At 72 years of age and in questionable health, McCain's fitness to coach a high school football team would be in doubt, let alone the grueling reality of the presidency of this country.
Medical Quote from John McCain's physician Dr. John D. Eckstein of 16 years:
"Sen. McCain enjoys excellent health and displays extraordinary energy, and, while it is impossible to predict any person's future health, I and my colleagues can find no medical reason or problem that would preclude Sen. McCain from fulfilling all of the duties or obligations of the president of the United States."
One really does not believe that Barack Obama wants the debate to go on the medical issue in this debate with Baldwin, as in America, the black male is prone over age 50 to die from heart attack and other illness at an extremely high rate.
Barry is now age 47, so according to Alec Baldwin's logic if John McCain who has been cleared by a group of physicians and Barack Obama who has only released one page of his medical files, then no one should vote for Barack Obama due to health issues as black men like himself die young and then America would be left with 66 year old Joe Biden, who is another old guy who will die according to Baldwin.
So Barack Baldwin's IQ for Obama says vote for Sarah Palin as the black guy and old white Biden are going room temperature.

Quote: "The problem is I may be relatable (relatable is not a word Ms. Curtis) and share some of your experiences and concerns but you don't want me as president of United States.
I couldn't hold my own for one minute in a debate on any issue with someone like a Barack Obama or Joseph Biden and neither can Sarah Palin."
Ms. Curtis really needs to get out with real women who raise children, have one husband and not 5 ex husbands with 300 sex partners who actually have businesses, run for public office and have read books like the Bible instead of Vanity Fair to make them complete women as Sarah Palin has.
Apparently this liberal female voter in Barack Lee Curtis must have a staff to help her open mayonnaise jars and solve the complex questions of, if my cell phone battery is half charged, does that mean it is half discharged or is it half fully charged, so do I charge at half empty of half full?
It is wonderful God gave Jamie Lee Curtis looks for awhile to get through in life as she certainly is a Darwin candidate without any brains Obama'ing along now..

Quote: "Palin's pro-life purism is as ethically flawed as it is politically damaging to the GOP. By vaunting their pro-life agenda over everything else, conservatives are abandoning one of their most valuable insights, that intact, two-parent families are best for children and the foundation of a healthy society."
So Barack Weisberg says that Sarah Palin in choosing life for all children should instead be limited to only 2 parent households only raising children and is advocating aborting the children of single mothers.
Weisberg is essentially stating in his argument that Barack Obama from a single mother should have been aborted.
Amazing group you have sent out their Barack Obama, one thinks you are going to fly on electric planes, one thinks you are going to die from being too black, one who can not think thinks all people are as stupid as her and one thinks you should be aborted.
The Obama IQ, measured in negative three digit numbers.
agtG 320
Hooked on Obamics

"Our thoughts and prayers are with the young woman for her to make a speedy recovery, and we hope that the person who perpetrated this crime is swiftly apprehended and brought to justice."
Excuse me Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, are you listening please to this? Barack Obama ORDERED his campaign workers and supporters to go out and get into people's faces.
Since Barack Obama issued that order, people's homes have been shot at, cars keyed, an older woman in New York had her McCain sign taken, broken and was beat over the head with it.
This young Lady, Ashley Todd, while working as a volunteer in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania had a knife held to her throat, robbed and when the Obama supporter found out she had McCain stickers on her car, punched her, knocked her down and then carved a B into her cheek as he towered over her.
A 6 feet 4 inch Obama thug, mirroring the brutalization which Obama slapped Hillary around, by Obama's example has now taken it to the streets to beat on a white woman too.
The worst of this is on the Pittsburgh news site where the pathetic Obama trolls are saying this was self inflicted or coming up with it was Sarah Palin in a witch outfit.
The disgusting seared souls of the Obama campaign not having one ounce of compassion on a young woman brutalized and they turn around and savage her again.
This is but another example of the criminal jihad that Barack Obama has unleashed on the citizens of the United States.
Obamaniacs have on the order and blessing of Barack Obama have terrorized United States citizens. The FBI has refused to do one thing. The major companies have sheltered these thugs who they employ from Google who currently is screwing with my blog to Yahoo which censors Obama mail and Microsoft sending Nigeria phishing scams ALONG with the Obama campaign allowing their maniacs to sign up citizens like myself to their mailing lists to be harassed.
I'm not interested in BS statements like are coming out of Kenya or Zimbabwe by Islamocommunist thugs beating up the electorate. I'm interested in criminal indictment of Barack Hussein Obama telling his maniacs to go out and get in people's faces and brutalizing them.
The blood of this is on the right wing media hands from FOX, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity etc.... who were alerted this criminal genesis was starting in the terrorization of Lawrence Sinclair and didn't raise public awareness.
This blood of this young Lady is on Campbell Brown, Keith Olbermann, Katie Couric, David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, Craig Fergeson, Tina Fey, Chevy Chase, Charlie Gibson, Brian Williams, Charlie Rose, Mark Halperin, David Brooks, Peggy Noonan and whatever else Gov. Palin political rapist trash who have been brutalizing her setting the standard for this Obama thug.
This blood is on the New York Times and Bill Keller for the savaging of Cindy McCain this past week!
Mr. Fitzgerald, PROVE you are who you say you are and conduct a Grand Jury investigation and hand indictments down on all of these people who have made a sport of savaging women for Obama following his instructions and bring justice to this young woman as so many American have been savaged by this ilk that none of us has gotten anything but ignored by the media, the major corporations and then been terrorized by the Obama camp.
How do you like it David Letterman? You didn't get Bristol Palin's fetus to hang on your wall, but you sure got a young girl beaten and carved on just the way you beat up on Sarah Palin and carved on her.
Mr. Fitzgerald. JUSTICE, bring this nation justice as you have Obama's own recorded thuggery sending his maniacs out to attack people and you have all of the above savaging United State's citizens.
Lawrence Sinclair was illegally arrested by Beau Biden and Joe Biden in silencing Lawrence Sinclair was later awarded the Vice Presidential position under Obama.
JUSTICE, Mr. Fitzgerald. Indict Barack Obama as he is responsible for hooking all these social retards to be hooked on Obamics which has them carving on women and beating them over the head.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
What India better teach Barack Obama
As the following is not going to assist any terrorists in taking this apart in the organized terror attacks which took place in India the last week of November, it hopefully will slap the pompous and arrogant, Mr. Obama into a reality he had better deal with.
Sheik bin Laden announced that the war against America will soon have a much grander and murderous attack than on 9 11 and what is occurring in India is a forerunner of such events.
If I may explain, the terror network behind the attacks in India are watching response and reaction to the attacks with a deliberate notation in how security forces respond. One must never forget that while India buys numbers of Russian things, it is British in nature and in many ways American in response.
The helicopter attack by special forces is a classic American made for television event to a watching nation. Terrorists will in turn set up counter measures in how to deal with such a scenario to make the military bleed, castrate them and humiliate a nation.
For example, bin Laden seeing that would immediately conclude secondary sleeper agents should take up positions with a SAM missile and swat a helicopter out of the air on national live television.
SAM's are not out of the realm in this as these terrorists have broken the mode of the 9 11 hijackers and the Bali terrorists. In noting that, one immediately sees tracks which speak of a different training than bin Laden or Zawahiri.
For example, the terrorists came with rucksacks laden with food. They had filled clips of 300 rounds of 7.62 x 39 Kalashnikov or AK 47 cartridges. In addition they had grenades. All of which are Soviet origin in sphere.
Their transportation in this was off of a mother ship who then used inflatable rafts to transport the terrorists to port in which the attack began.
These terrorists are well trained. In their photos, they are young, appearing of the elite in typical of rich liberal kid terrorists and they dress western.
If origins were hinted at, one would conclude while these are Pakistani citizens, these are not people trained in Pakistan nor following an al Qaeda pattern.
Remember in this how the PLO worked in hijacking planes, hijacking ships and the Olympic terrorism. This all reveals a Soviet influence.
al Qaeda does not operate that way as they are muhajadeen in military stance and in operation they are terrorists in carrying out a mission and not interested in long drama.
The only people who operate as these terrorists have is the Islamcommunist Persians in their various commando hostage expeditions and the PLO of various sorts. Both of which have roots in Russian KGB.
I have noted before that Chicom shipping and Russian intelligence is what feeds the world terrorists in operational ability. The deduction is the Iranian Persians had a major hand in this Indian attack.
Their strategic interest being mayhem they could use as cover to keep Obama occupied while they build a growing arsenal of nuclear weapons. Northeast winds do not prevail for Iran, but the westerlies. If Pakistan and Indian start dropping bombs on each other, China will have the fallout which will cause that nation to implode.
If one is building a nuclear caliph, removing a Pakistani antagonist, removing India and disrupting China leaves the entire Iranian eastern flank clear, especially as Mr. Obama and Mrs. Pelosi scream for the removal of US forces in nuclear polluted Afghanistan.
This communist operational structure mirrors the Persians. It should also leave a huge red flag that it will not be airliners, but as stated shipping which a terrorist attack will be originated against the United States.
Any of these attacks from a Shahab MERV to various scenarios involving groups of people which will not be discussed here all reveal in India a graduation of operations from previous slash and burn, to one of terrorize for as long as possible.
The river systems from the Thames to London, the networks linking the European lowlands into Germany, to port cities can mirror the same attack scenario in various locations in the United States.
Multiple locations will be struck and as the world has not witnessed the typical beheading ceremonies, this denotes new backers promoting these attacks.
This Indian scenario is the confidence booster to bolster the attackers in process moving into western regions.
Logic would dictate an altered scenario taking place in the European, African or South American theater for a grand finale in massive strikes on the United States. As no traces will be allowed in the American attack, the secondary attack will link to Pakistani operatives in a zodiac type operation up the Thames in a mayhem type operation of resident terrorists assisting the landing craft type.
So when the massive missile strike such as TWA 800 or various US attacks being stated as "accidents" which involved high tech warfare which is an Islamocommunist trademark via the Persians, the natural trigger which Barack Obama will be manipulated to be pulled will be a nuclear strike on Pakistan's Pashtun with Iran getting off completely free.
Mr. Obama nor any of his advisers have a clue this game has shifted and a strategic operation has just begun meant to manipulate him on the incorrect response.
For this reason, President Bush must initiate a directive repeat, that if the United States is attacked in any scenario, that the United States will utilize cobalt and plutonium bombs on Perisan Iran and any other terrorist centers linked or suspected. These Islamocommunist Persians must be made to know no matter the action that they will be struck as an equal terror partner period.
The shelf life of cobalt and plutonium is lifelong and none of the Iranian leadership hiding in bunkers will ever see the light of day again.
The Indian terror event speaks not of Pakistan but Persian communists. Mr. Obama had better understand the scenario and the language as they are speaking to him.
No monkey demon in his pants is going to stop this and strangely as was noted here, these Indian demons are involved in this escalation as Mr. Obama has activated them. These old principality demons are most powerful and the majority of American voting for Mr. Obama have now entered into a covenant with them.
There is no breaking these consumption covenants and demons always require payment for services rendered.
Fittingly just like India, when the attacks come, they will occur in the Gordon Brown and Barack Obama areas of liberal voters who created these problems due to the fact that is where liberal voters always exist in concentrated cities.
This has been witnessed about for years and people would not be warned. It is now enough said.
agtG 247
Sheik bin Laden announced that the war against America will soon have a much grander and murderous attack than on 9 11 and what is occurring in India is a forerunner of such events.
If I may explain, the terror network behind the attacks in India are watching response and reaction to the attacks with a deliberate notation in how security forces respond. One must never forget that while India buys numbers of Russian things, it is British in nature and in many ways American in response.
The helicopter attack by special forces is a classic American made for television event to a watching nation. Terrorists will in turn set up counter measures in how to deal with such a scenario to make the military bleed, castrate them and humiliate a nation.
For example, bin Laden seeing that would immediately conclude secondary sleeper agents should take up positions with a SAM missile and swat a helicopter out of the air on national live television.
SAM's are not out of the realm in this as these terrorists have broken the mode of the 9 11 hijackers and the Bali terrorists. In noting that, one immediately sees tracks which speak of a different training than bin Laden or Zawahiri.
For example, the terrorists came with rucksacks laden with food. They had filled clips of 300 rounds of 7.62 x 39 Kalashnikov or AK 47 cartridges. In addition they had grenades. All of which are Soviet origin in sphere.
Their transportation in this was off of a mother ship who then used inflatable rafts to transport the terrorists to port in which the attack began.
These terrorists are well trained. In their photos, they are young, appearing of the elite in typical of rich liberal kid terrorists and they dress western.
If origins were hinted at, one would conclude while these are Pakistani citizens, these are not people trained in Pakistan nor following an al Qaeda pattern.
Remember in this how the PLO worked in hijacking planes, hijacking ships and the Olympic terrorism. This all reveals a Soviet influence.
al Qaeda does not operate that way as they are muhajadeen in military stance and in operation they are terrorists in carrying out a mission and not interested in long drama.
The only people who operate as these terrorists have is the Islamcommunist Persians in their various commando hostage expeditions and the PLO of various sorts. Both of which have roots in Russian KGB.
I have noted before that Chicom shipping and Russian intelligence is what feeds the world terrorists in operational ability. The deduction is the Iranian Persians had a major hand in this Indian attack.
Their strategic interest being mayhem they could use as cover to keep Obama occupied while they build a growing arsenal of nuclear weapons. Northeast winds do not prevail for Iran, but the westerlies. If Pakistan and Indian start dropping bombs on each other, China will have the fallout which will cause that nation to implode.
If one is building a nuclear caliph, removing a Pakistani antagonist, removing India and disrupting China leaves the entire Iranian eastern flank clear, especially as Mr. Obama and Mrs. Pelosi scream for the removal of US forces in nuclear polluted Afghanistan.
This communist operational structure mirrors the Persians. It should also leave a huge red flag that it will not be airliners, but as stated shipping which a terrorist attack will be originated against the United States.
Any of these attacks from a Shahab MERV to various scenarios involving groups of people which will not be discussed here all reveal in India a graduation of operations from previous slash and burn, to one of terrorize for as long as possible.
The river systems from the Thames to London, the networks linking the European lowlands into Germany, to port cities can mirror the same attack scenario in various locations in the United States.
Multiple locations will be struck and as the world has not witnessed the typical beheading ceremonies, this denotes new backers promoting these attacks.
This Indian scenario is the confidence booster to bolster the attackers in process moving into western regions.
Logic would dictate an altered scenario taking place in the European, African or South American theater for a grand finale in massive strikes on the United States. As no traces will be allowed in the American attack, the secondary attack will link to Pakistani operatives in a zodiac type operation up the Thames in a mayhem type operation of resident terrorists assisting the landing craft type.
So when the massive missile strike such as TWA 800 or various US attacks being stated as "accidents" which involved high tech warfare which is an Islamocommunist trademark via the Persians, the natural trigger which Barack Obama will be manipulated to be pulled will be a nuclear strike on Pakistan's Pashtun with Iran getting off completely free.
Mr. Obama nor any of his advisers have a clue this game has shifted and a strategic operation has just begun meant to manipulate him on the incorrect response.
For this reason, President Bush must initiate a directive repeat, that if the United States is attacked in any scenario, that the United States will utilize cobalt and plutonium bombs on Perisan Iran and any other terrorist centers linked or suspected. These Islamocommunist Persians must be made to know no matter the action that they will be struck as an equal terror partner period.
The shelf life of cobalt and plutonium is lifelong and none of the Iranian leadership hiding in bunkers will ever see the light of day again.
The Indian terror event speaks not of Pakistan but Persian communists. Mr. Obama had better understand the scenario and the language as they are speaking to him.
No monkey demon in his pants is going to stop this and strangely as was noted here, these Indian demons are involved in this escalation as Mr. Obama has activated them. These old principality demons are most powerful and the majority of American voting for Mr. Obama have now entered into a covenant with them.
There is no breaking these consumption covenants and demons always require payment for services rendered.
Fittingly just like India, when the attacks come, they will occur in the Gordon Brown and Barack Obama areas of liberal voters who created these problems due to the fact that is where liberal voters always exist in concentrated cities.
This has been witnessed about for years and people would not be warned. It is now enough said.
agtG 247
Godless Google & the Obama Voter

Pictured above is one in a series of Google slaps at the United States of America. The picture is of "Thanksgiving" which must be from their occidental transplant artist who thinks communist pith helmets are proper for American Veterans Day and has some bizarre Chinese plants growing on the American Thanksgiving Holy Day.
One will notice Google has no mention of God.
Google has no mention of Pilgrims who came to America for religious freedom due persecution from the Eurasian continent.
Google has no mention of American Indians.
Google though is just plain weird. In one pumpkin is mingled wonderful green and flowering plants.
Ask yourself if it is HARVEST and flowers are in summer what on earth has that got to do with Thanksgiving?
Google has produced some sort of summer solstice of what looks like weeds that are foxtails, weeds which are members of some kind of sunflower plant, green onions, green Chinese cabbage and green corn.
I have no idea if the fruit in the basket is apples or tomatoes. If apples, apples were not red in that period of time and since the apple is native to Asia I don't quite know how apples were in America until Johnny Appleseed planted them and if tomatoes, tomatoes are from the central American region and not Massachusetts.
Most people thought the things poisonous and would not touch them.
This is the absolute hate crime insensitivity which is Google in putting people in place and condoning hate filled artwork which is a criminal slap at all Americans.
The above is just as insane as putting Bonzo the chimp in for George Washington on July 4th dressed as a Chinese prostitute. The two have nothing to do with that Holy American day and yet that is what Google does.
How much sense does it take to know that corn which is green in November will be killed by frost and produce no crop to feed you through the winter?
How much sense does it take to know the history of apples?
How much sense does it take to know Thanksgiving is not about chewing on weeds and Chinese cabbage in a summer setting?
It is cold. Leaves are dead which is why they are brown and the meal is about being thankful to God for a havest to see you through the winter all based upon the Biblical Feast of Tabernacles which is about Christ's Second Coming, which is what the Pilgrims were all about as they were Christians.
I don't expect a great deal from Google as they are Obama voters without any common sense or having paid attention in school. I do though expect Google on international hate crimes to either fire their lame artist and people how vet this garbage who are the owners or hire someone who at least paid attention in school to American and world history.
What a wonderful Obamanation world we live in when the things most sacred are degraded deliberately by Google.
But then they have time to log this account out, harass this account and carry on like a bunch of Trotskyite communists just like Barack Obama.
God bless the Good and His People remember this Day as a High Day in thanksgiving to Him and in steadfast faith Jesus will return.
amen and amen
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