French Consulate in Hawaii - Guillame Maman
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Subject: Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Request for Appointment No. 2019-0327 Reason: Treaty and Protectorate Status from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
My name is Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, a Royal person, descendant of Kamehameha through 4 of his children, 6 stepchildren, and 2 hanai/adopted children.
I am requesting to have a meeting with you to discuss a number of issues including the permanent Treaty with the French Government, etc. at your earliest convenience.
My email:
Some of the members of our House of Nobles, Representative would also like to attend the meeting as well at your office or other location.
Your response will be greatly appreciated.
Amelia Gora
p.s. The following article has been posted on our website for your information:
Kamehameha III's - Kauikeaouli's Treaty With France and Great Britain - With Protectorate 1846 (not printed in 1887 Treaty Book)
Research by Amelia Gora (2019) The following Treaty was found on the Chroniclingamerica website which shows that a protectorate was also agreed to b Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli: The above shows that a Protectorate over the Sandwich Islands/Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii was made during the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli. Parties to the Treaties were Kamehameha III's heirs and successors and France/Great Britain. Moves to defraud the Kamehameha's is documented through research. It was Sanford B. Dole, head of the usurpers - Provisional government/entity who defrauded the Kamehameha Families since 1874. The concerted effort was to claim that the "last of the Kamehameha's" was Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Ruth Keelikolani, Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha. By eliminating the Kamehameha's, the treaties with other countries would no longer exist because of the clause "heirs and successors". The "heirs and successors" of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli were all of his relatives. King Lunalilo was an heir because he was a sibling of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli. King Kalakaua was a successor because his mother Keohokalole was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant named Nahuina (w). Queen Liliuokalani was a successor because her mother Keohokalole was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant named Nahuina (w). U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back Twice (2x) to Queen Liliuokalani in 1894 and 1897. Reference: U.S. President McKinley proclaimed Hawaii to be a Territory of the United States, a whole new nation which is not the same as the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Sandwich Islands. Moves to identity thieve the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii was made when the Attorney General claimed that the "territory was the successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii". The Treaties made with other nations includes France, Great Britain, Belgium, etc. and continues on due to the permanent peace, and friendship, etc. contracts signed by our Sovereign Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli who has relatives existing today including myself, Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal Judge, Supreme Court Judge of the court of original jurisdiction from the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Sandwich Islands etc., Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Land owner, Landlord. aloha. Reference: Why All Court Cases In Hawaii are llegal Since 1887 or Exposing Conspiracies In Hawaii Since 1822
Why All Court Cases In Hawaii are Illegal Since 1887 or Exposing Conspiracies In Hawaii Since 1822
Researched by Amelia Gora (2019) Many persons who have been imprisoned since the time of the illegal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 are persons who have been under duress. The failure of exposing fraud, corruption, deceit, piracies, pillaging, genocide activities, racketeering made by those conspiring against a neutral, friendly nation shows the injustices affecting innocents in the Hawaiian Islands. It shows the reckless abandonment of rule of law made by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli in the Hawaiian Islands beginning with the usurpers conspiring, premeditating the takedown of a neutral, friendly non-violent nation. The following is a Chronological History Affecting the Rule of Law in the Hawaiian Islands: 1874 - King David Kalakaua was elected King:
1875 - An illegal treaty was made by King David Kalakaua who was Not the Alodio/Alodial Landowner for Pearl Harbor. 1886 A Committee suggested the change to the Supreme Court and not allow it to be the court of original jurisdiction. Treason because the King/Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli had set the rules for the Judicial system:
Note: Sanford B. Dole was a usurper in 1893, it appears the usurpation of the Judiciary of the Hawaiian Kingdom was yet another target by the conspirators who moved to break down the Monarchy documented in this article.1887 - Bayonet Constitution - King Kalakaua signed a prepared Constitution with a gun to his head. King Kalakaua was under stress, duress, coercion, usurpation, which means the Constitution was illegal. 1890 - The test of Minister of Interior calling for the Minister of Public Health to resign was made under the direction of the Legislature. See editorial posted above. Also see reference below about the writer "Vox Populi" which is latin, the translation means "voice of the people". The following 1890 editorial gives red flags to the point that the Minister of Interior was directed by the Legislature to remove the Minister of Health.
It appears that the Legislature was 'testing their wings' due to the Bayonet Constitution or the 1878 Constitution signed by King Kalakaua. The Legislature gave themselves powers over the Sovereign because they were the ones who elected the King. That also gave them the right to remove even the King (or Queen) and call for his (or her) abdication.
1891 - King Kalakaua died. King Kalakaua had proclaimed that his sister Liliuokalani/ Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Namakaeha/Lydia would be his successor.
Queen Liliuokalani was forced to use the Bayonet Constitution when she swore to uphold the Constitution upon ascending the throne. Celso Moreno, American Agent/Operative planned out that Robert Wilcox, President of the International group and his fellow members would usurp the Queen. Others operating against the Queen included the Harvard Judges, American Agents/Operatives; Dr. Mott Smith, Thomas Akaka, Lorrin Thurston, Sanford B. Dole, Charles Reed Bishop and Friends - all Pirates of the Pacific documented. Other nations were also against the Queen, including the Queen of England who said that Annexation should take place after the Queen was dead. 1892 - The Justices gave themselves the Jurisdiction before they dethroned Queen Liliuokalani based on the 1887 Bayonnet Constitution, an illegal Constitution signed under duress: TREASON Documented - the Judges move based on the Bayonnet Constitution which was signed under duress by King Kalakaua and expecting Queen Liliuokalani to obey: 1893 - Queen Liliuokalani was dethroned by a concerted effort made by Secretary of State John Foster, Charles Reed Bishop, Bernice Pauahi, Albert Kunuiakea, Celso Moreno, Robert W. Wilcox, the Judges, bankers, and friends supported by the United States Presidents including Benjamin Harrison, et. als., and even the Queen of England, the Internationalists, and other conspirators, etc. Queen Liliuokalani destroyed the Constitution/burned the Constitution which means that she returned the government back to a Monarchy government. Note: The Legislature, the Internationalists saw this to be problematic because they could no longer operate on the idea that they elected the Sovereign, which is probably why King Kalakaua designated his sister to succeed him. She was Not elected and was appointed instead. Note: Genealogy Discussion Notice how the usurpers claimed that Bernice Pauahi was the "last of the Kamehameha's" - see Sanford B. Dole's article posted previously on the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk or google it. Well, as it turns out, the Kalakaua's were part of the Kamehameha Dynasty after all through the hanai/ adopted relationship. King Kalakaua, Liliuokalani, and Miriam Likelike were the children of C. Kapaakea and A. Keohokalole. A. Keohokalole was the hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha who was named Nahuina. Nahuina was one of the grandaughters of Hanuna, a son of Kaoleioku the oldest son of Kamehameha who married Kanekapolei. Queen Liliuokalani therefore had a right to be the successor of King Kalakaua. Queen Emma was designated as the successor by King Lunalilo but her line was part of Kamehameha's brother Keliimaikai. Queen Emma was married to a Kamehameha named Alexander Liholiho and was a cousin of his. King Kalakaua was supported by the usurpers but he was one of the candidates to operate as the Sovereign because of his attendance at the Royal Schools. His sister Queen Liliuokalani was also attending the Royal Schools. Queen Liliuokalani was also a hanai of Abner Paki and his wife Konia. Both were Kamehameha descendants. Abner Paki had also married Kaikainalii his brother's widow and was the stepfather of his brothers children....some who had also attended the Royal School. 1897 - The Opposition to Annexation was made by Queen Liliuokalani, and her subjects. - U.S. President Grover Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani. Reference: 1899 - The United States became two (2) nations: (1) United States - which deals with nations who have Treaties with them; (2) American Empire - which deals with Territories under them. Reference: Peacock vs. Republic of Hawaii case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS (1899), Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Discussion The plans of the usurpers, the concerted effort made by many were foiled legally. The plans of Celso Moreno, Robert Wilcox was also foiled. With the return of the Hawaiian Kingdom to Queen Liliuokalani by U.S. President Cleveland in 1894 and again in 1897 resulted in a legal rule of law which maintained that the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii exists. The legal nation called the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Sandwich Islands continued on since 1810 during the time of Kamehameha I. U.S. President Cleveland maintained that the legal government was the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of HawaiiHe Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Sandwich Islands continued on since 1810 during the time of Kamehameha I. The U.S. had a Protectorate over Hawaii documented in 1892. France and Great Britain are also on record as having a Protectorate over Hawaii. A Created, Fraudulent Entity Created by Proclamation With the Proclamation made by the U.S. President McKinley in 1898 based on a fraud annexation, U.S. President McKinley had declared that the Territory was a created Territory of the United States, a fictitious entity which was developed by the Army, Navy, and Federal officials. Also see the Pa Pelekane case of 1912 which shows that the Attorney General of the entity Territory claimed to be the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii". The fraud Annexation entity called the Territory of the United States became an identity thief of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii de jure which was returned by U.S. President Cleveland in 1894 and again in 1897. SUMMARY and CONCLUSION There are two (2) Hawaiian governments - one de jure and the other an entity created by an alien government with documented Protectorate status operating in our Hawaiian Islands: (1) The legal nation called the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Sandwich Islands continued on since 1810 during the time of Kamehameha I. U.S. President Grover Cleveland operated under rule of law, Treaty, and Protectorate Obligations. He had returned Hawaii to Queen Liliuokalani Twice (2x) in 1894 and 1897. See: (2) The identity thief calling itself the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" was proclaimed by U.S. President William McKinley after U.S. President Cleveland had already given Hawaii back twice to Queen Liliuokalani in 1894 and 1897. McKinley called the newly named entity "Hawaii the Territory of the United States" which categorized the Territory to be less than a nation. See: Additional Evidence of occupation, fraud annexation: John Foster's article - He directed the overthrow of 1893: and Charles Reed Bishop, Bernice Pauahi Bishop treasonous persons: Dr. DeZayas letter of 2018: "In the letter, dated February 18, 2018, deZayas wrote, "I have come to understand that the lawful political status of the Hawaiian Islands is that of a sovereign nation-state in continuity; but a nation-state that is under a strange form of occupation by the United States resulting from an illegal military occupation and a fraudulent annexation." THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM COURT REMAINS THE COURT OF ORIGINAL JURISDICTION, NOT the Identity Thieves Territory turned State of Hawaii: The court of Original Jurisdiction is the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Supreme Court, and not the identity thieves, pirate, pillagers, treasonous persons, conspirators who infiltrated the Judiciary in the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii aka's. The identity thieves are actually based on a concocted entity known as the Territory of the United States and whose Attorney General claimed to be the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii". In reviewing the Hawaiian government explanations from the REX vs. BOOTH case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, it shows that our three (3) part government are as follows: 1 - Sovereign - his heirs and successors ---all related to him and permanent parts of the government; 2 - House of Nobles - their heirs and successors --- all related to them and permanent parts of the government; 3 - House of Representatives are the temporary, voted in positions. Note: It is this third part of government who conspired, were treasonous to Queen Liliuokalani,, etc. It is this concocted, identity thieving entity; conspiracy, pirate based entity developed which is riding on our Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii aka's de jure status and are documented as pirates, pillagers, squatters, genocide activists who have wrongfully, criminally assumed a criminal occupation and fail to follow rule of law. This intensely planned move to usurp our Hawaiian Kingdom began in 1822 from the time of the Secret Treaty of Verona engaged in shortly after the death of Kamehameha I. Then with the concerted efforts as exposed by John Foster, Secretary of State who exposed the players/U.S. President Tyler et. als, Secretary of State, Judges, etc.
Reference: The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii was recognized as a nation: The court of Original Jurisdiction continues to be the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Supreme Court de jure, and not the concocted, fraudulent setup, false flag operations, the identity thieves, pirate, pillagers, treasonous persons, conspirators who infiltrated the Judiciary, etc. in the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii aka's. Also, the United States is a documented Protectorate of the Hawaiian Kingdom. France, and Great Britain are also Protectorates. The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii is part of the most favored nation status. The Treaties continue to be in operations because Kamehameha I's descendants, heirs exist with much evidence of premeditations, planned piracies, pillaging, racketeering by bankrupt nations departing from rule of law, etc. The United States and Great Britain has disabilities:
Rule of Law Players documented: U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, U.S. President Grover Cleveland, U.S. President John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and U.S. President Donald Trump.
Research incomplete. aloha. References: Friday, March 22, 2019Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Kingdom Has the Original Jurisdiction Not the Identity Thieves Territory turned State of Hawaii1846 - The Court of Original Jurisdiction in the Hawaiian Kingdom: The Powers of the Supreme Court "no officer of a foreign government can grant or destroy the jurisdiction of our courts" ORIGINAL JURISDICTION
Note: Abraham Fornander declared that the Court of Original Jurisdiction was the Hawaiian Kingdom Courts.
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Thursday, March 21, 2019
facebook:…/legal-notice-mee… - Legal Notice from the Royal Families, descendants, heirs of Kamehameha
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Legal Notice: Meeting with the French Consulate in Hawaii
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