".... Hawaiians don’t need other revenue sources or credit to prevail. The revenue from the resources that the State has already identified will provide all of the capital that new businesses like farms or ranches, shops and services and all the myriad ideas that are available to people today require.
The Bill would make Hawaiians wards of the Federal government like American Indians under a “nation within a nation” status. The authors of the Bill would have you think that only they have the ability to determine what is best for you. Their rules, their regulations and their ability to conform. If one were to really analyze the situation, you would realize that they are wrong and that they have created a financial catastrophe. A battlefield of broken families, homes, the credibility of our ordinary people and our lives. We are not stupid people we understand the difference between theft and giving. The powers that be are attempting to cloud the waters again.
The Akaka Bill positions the United States in the role of stewards of the Hawaiian nation, What the bill does not say, is that the localDemocratic machine will be emphasizing a local Asian based attitude toward the rules regulation that exist today, and conformity versus Hawaiian communal value. The Bill suggest that they are better equipped to manage change, but a system that mistakes managing change with muffling it engages in illusion.
The result is to allow irresistible pressures to build to disastrous proportions; this for the people of the United States is the reality check as we move into the new millennium.
– Greg Wongham note: read more at or…/what-does-daniel-inouye-mazie-hiron…
".... Hawaiians don’t need other revenue sources or credit to prevail. The revenue from the resources that the State has already identified will provide all of the capital that new businesses like farms or ranches, shops and services and all the myriad ideas that are available to people today require.
The Bill would make Hawaiians wards of the Federal government like American Indians under a “nation within a nation” status. The authors of the Bill would have you think that only they have the ability to determine what is best for you. Their rules, their regulations and their ability to conform. If one were to really analyze the situation, you would realize that they are wrong and that they have created a financial catastrophe. A battlefield of broken families, homes, the credibility of our ordinary people and our lives. We are not stupid people we understand the difference between theft and giving. The powers that be are attempting to cloud the waters again.
The Akaka Bill positions the United States in the role of stewards of the Hawaiian nation, What the bill does not say, is that the localDemocratic machine will be emphasizing a local Asian based attitude toward the rules regulation that exist today, and conformity versus Hawaiian communal value. The Bill suggest that they are better equipped to manage change, but a system that mistakes managing change with muffling it engages in illusion.
The result is to allow irresistible pressures to build to disastrous proportions; this for the people of the United States is the reality check as we move into the new millennium.
– Greg Wongham note: read more at or…/what-does-daniel-inouye-mazie-hiron…
What Does Daniel Inouye, Mazie Hirono, Colleen Hanabusa have in Common Besides Being Japanese? or Pirates...GMO's, Control over Kanaka Maoli, the assets, lands, etc. - yep, see the Evidence Below
Posted by Amelia Gora on November 7, 2012 at 10:22pm in Politics
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Hawaii: Help make the GMO labeling happen!
FEBRUARY 3, 2012
No to GMO
health risk
Are you concerned with GMO's (genetically modified organisms) in
your foods?
Would you like to see a bill start labelling GMO foods grown in Hawaii?
Then you can help letting people know about the Hawaii GMO
Labeling Bill SB2279.
With your help, you can make this happen!
For more info, please visit:
you can write a letter, call, or email:
Senator Clarence K Nishihara
(D - S District 18 Waipahu, Pearl City, Crestview)
Hawaii State Capitol, Room 204
Phone: 808-586-6970
Fax: 808-586-6879
The deadline is February 16, 2012.
Even though the Hawaiian islands lands are tainted through the soil from GMO toxins,
it is best to know what Hawaii residents and people visiting Hawaii
are eating healthy produce or not.
If you would like to learn more about GMOs',
please visit:
Suggested by the author:
GMO Hawaii?
Hawaii tap water?
Radiation affects Hawaii and the World
Hawaii water hazards and pollution
Is Hawaii surrounded by Trash Island?
JUNE 26, 2011
1 photoView the full slideshow »
There is heated debate over GMOs and from the latest that I've heard was a woman stating "GMO is in our foods to have a longer shelf life."
Ignorance is not always good...
“Over 85-90% of all soybeans, corn, cotton, sugar beets and canola ...
View slideshow: GMO grape tomatoes
You may be asking yourself,
What is GM and or GMO and why do I hear so much about it in Hawai'i?
Here are some of the answers:
GM is short for "genetically modified".GM research manipulates DNA structures of cells with foreign DNA or synthetic genes, creating a new form of DNA, such as "recombinant DNA".
Say NO to GMO Hawai'i
Photo credit:
Christie Gora
GMO is short for "genetically modified organisms".GMOs are organisms that has been genetically altered by use of GE, "genetically engineering" techniques.
GMO tests has been done on animals and plants. GMO products are then used for human and wildlife everyday uses, such as foods, body products, etc.
What was the main goal?
To improve crop protection from natural deterioration, such as viruses and insects.
Who started GMOs?
The debate is between 2 countries. China started around the same time as the U.S. in creating GMO research.
The World leading GMO company in the U.S. is called Monsanto.
Who is Monsanto?
Founded in 1901, in St. Louis, Missouri, by a 30 year pharmaceutical veteran named John Francis Queeny, named his company after his wife's maiden name.
The corporation's first well-known product was the artificial sweetener saccharin.
In 1919, the company partnered with Europe's Graesser's Chemical Works and created salicylic acid, aspirin, vanillin, and rubber.
In the 1940s, Monsanto became a manufacturer of plastics, synthetic fibers, and created aspartame (NutraSweet). They also became a top 10 U.S. chemical and global company that provides herbicide.
Herbicide: meaning a chemical substance that is used to destroy unwanted vegetation.
The herbicide "Roundup" has been number one in the U.S. and worldwide since the 1980s.
In the Vietnam War.
Other Monsanto scientific creations was the infamous "Agent Orange" used in the Vietnam War.
During the Vietnam War (between 1962 and 1971), "Agent Orange" herbicidal chemicals was used for the U.S. "Operation Ranch Hand".
"Operation Ranch Hand" was a U.S. military herbicidal warfare program that used the U.S. military to spray 12,000,000 U.S. gallons of "Agent Orange" chemicals on the Vietnam lands and the Eastern parts of the Cambodia lands.
The health damages of this herbicidal chemical became endless…
Among the locals in Vietnam, one of the side effects included birth defects.
Studies were taken on Vietnam residents and Vietnam War U.S. veterans.
These increased health disorders included:
cancer (throat, prostate, lung, liver, Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and soft tissue sarcoma).
nerve disorders
skin disorders
respiratory disorders
digestive disorders
(These disorders are similar to Chromium-6 (hexavalent chromium: all hexavalent chromium is regarded as carcinogenic (cancer causing) if prolonged exposure by air and by water.))
Any lawsuits filed against them?
Between the years of 1949 to 1970, Monsanto was named in 50 cancer ...
Did Hawai'i have any GMO tests done?
Yes. Hawaii's first GMO food is the papaya.
In the 1950s, O'ahu was the production site for papayas. These papayas had PRV (papaya ringspot virus) which became overwhelming in O'ahu and created a move in the 1960s to Puna on the Big Island of Hawai'i, to become the next production site.
In 1987, University of Hawai'i (UH) and Cornell University of New York researchers teamed up and began to find a resistance to the papaya ringspot virus.
In 1989, the two teams used "genetic engineering" and created a "gene gun" to give the papaya cell a "gene shot".
In 1991, the first "genetically engineered" papaya showed resistance to the papaya ringspot virus.
In the years after the "genetically engineered" tests of the papaya, papaya fruits have mutated to grotesque forms, creating a scare to Hawaii's organic farmers.
More than 50% of the Hawaiian papaya is genetically modified.
What is being studied now?
University of Hawai'i (UH) works on GMO research and is concocting crop research on bananas, lettuce, tomatoes, and petunias, finding ways to create a "cure" for plants.
Also approved in the U.S. is zucchinis, beet sugar, and alfalfa for GMO research.
Most recent scientific tests are done on soybeans, corn, canola, cotton seed, vegetables, and oil seeds.
Are there any recent GMO in the news headlines?
Right now, the debate is on "Frankenfish" or also known as "GMO salmon".
These "GMO salmons" eat less and grows twice the size of regular salmon at a faster rate.
Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives amended a bill and put a block on the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for funding the GMO salmon.
Currently, the "GMO salmon" is still in works…
More to follow on the GMO salmon?
Are there more GMO research being done?
Here are some of the most recent ones:
Genetically modified (GM) Rice with human genes:
Genetically modified (GM) cows produces Human milk:
Edible Cloned animal meat in the UK:
Does Monsanto do research in the Hawaiian islands?
Hawaii now has the most GMO crops in the world.
In 2002, there are over 8,000 acres of land being used to conduct t....
In 2007, Monsanto (globally specializing in biotech corn crops / GMO) bought the Del Monte farms (2,300 acres of agriculture pineapple land from the James Campbell Company) in Kunia on the island of O'ahu.
Currently in Hawai'i there are over 700+ Hawai'i full-time employees maintaining the bio-engineered crops.
Are these crops becoming U.S. federally funded?
Most likely.
In 2010, three U.S. Federal Candidates (Hawai'i Democrats) in the U.S. Congress received"contributions" from the Monsanto corporation.
These Hawai'i Democrats are:
Inouye, Daniel K (D-HI), whom received $7,000
Hanabusa, Colleen (D-HI), whom received $1,000
Hirono, Mazie K (D-HI), whom received $5,000
Information is based on data released on April 25, 2011 by the FEC.
*credit: The Center for Responsive Politics.*
Annual salary for a U.S. Congress representative is around $165,000+.
Currently there are no answers on why these three Hawai'i Democrats in U.S. Congress received contributions from Monsanto, but some may wonder if they were being bought.
Are there any countries that are against Monsanto?
Many countries knows the growing health dangers that these crops cause.
These countries Bans GMO (genetically modified organisms) foods and GM (genetically modified) crops:
Austria (1999)
Hungary (2005)
Greece (2006)
Venezuela (2006)
France (2008)
Ireland (2008)
Luxembourg (2009)
Egypt (2009)
Germany (2009)
In the U.S.:
In 2008, California farmers are protected by the AB 541 bill that helps keep away Monsanto lawsuits from being filed.
These GMO FREE areas in California are:
Santa Cruz
Mendocino County
Monterey County
What can be done to help avoid eating these contaminants in the Hawaiian Islands?
It's hard to say, being that there are over 70% of GMO chemicals in most of the U.S. foods, both processed and produced.
There are ways to try to eat the healthiest that you can.
Tips to start with:
Look for "Non-GMO" labels and or "Made without Genetically Modified Ingredients.
Avoid ingredients such as:
Corn: Such as High fructose corn syrup, glucose, fructose, and dextrose.
Soy: Such as lecithin, isolate and isoflavone.
Cotton: Such as cottonseed oil.
Canola: Also known as rapeseed oil. Such as canola oil.
Sugar beets
Avoid buying salmon that are farm raised. Look for wild caught salmon.
Buy organic. Certified organic products do not have any GMOs and are not allowed to.
Buy 100% Cane sugar.
Shopping for Fruits and Vegetables:
Look for the UPC pull-up codes on the fruit / vegetable stickers and or the grocery stores display price tags.
These PLU codes is as follows:
If the PLU code only has four numbers (usually in the 3000 - 4999 range), the fruit / vegetable is Conventionally grown. Example: 4130 is for identifying the type of bulk produce, which is Pink Lady apples.
If the PLU code only has five numbers, with the number 9 in the front of all the numbers, the fruit / vegetable is Organically grown.
Example: 94000 If you look at the PLU on the grocery stores display tag price, it would look something like this: 000-00000-94000
If the PLU code has five numbers, with the number 8 in front o fall the numbers, the fruit / vegetable is Genetically modified (GM), also known as GMO.
Example: 84000 If you look at the PLU on the grocery stores display tag price, it would look something like this: 840000-00000
Meats and Poultry:
Currently there are no GMO meats and poultry that are sold for consumption in the U.S.
Non-GMO safe list:
Non-GMO Project: Founded in 2003, the Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization that started in Berkeley, California.
In 2008, their biggest success was creating a verification safe list for Non-GMO products and Non-GMO foods.
Non-GMO shopping guide:
The Center for Food Safety: A grassroots action network that provides information to 180,000+ members across the country.
Support Locally Grown Farms!
Hawai'i Organic Farmers Association (HOFA): Founded in 1993 was created as a response to the 1990 Organic Food Production Act (OFPA), Hawai'i Organic Farmers Association (HOFA) is a non-profit organization that collaborates with Hawai'i farmers and researchers on projects related to organic and local agriculture sustainability. Provides certified Hawai'i organic farms.
Where to shop for Non-GMO foods / items?
Locally Grown Hawai'i Products and Stores:
HOFA Organic marketplace list:
HOFA Certified Producer Directory:
HOFA Organic Stores listed:
Down to Earth: Founded in 1977 by a group of friends in Wailuku, Maui. Their vision was to promote natural and organic products in an all vegetarian store.
Store locations is in: Honolulu, Kailua, Aiea, Kapolei, Kahului Maui, and Hilo Hawai'i
Now that you're aware of what GMOs are, you can learn to build a healthy habit by supporting Hawai'i local farmers, local stores and Non-GMO researchers whom keeps topics up to date.
By supporting these organic agriculture, you are helping the environment, good health and well-being for all!
And remember Hawai'i, to be healthy, recycle and to Think Green!
Suggested by the author:
Is Hawaii surrounded by Trash Island?
Hawaii tornadoes and the environment
Hawaii water hazards and pollution
Hawaii: Donate a used computer to children, recycle and more
Interested in ecosystem volunteerism?
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Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on November 7, 2012 at 10:36pm
Two Class System is What is Wanted.........
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Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on November 7, 2012 at 10:58pm
Rothschild's own the Railroads throughout the United States --watch Leuren Moret's film above
Financing Political Sell Outs: 1) Daniel Inouye 2) Mazie Hirono and 3) Colleen Hanabusa
WARS aids in decimation of the population/depopulation
GMO's aids in decimation of the population/depopulation
----MONSANTO created AGENT ORANGE, ROUNDUP which Kills Everything, Contaminates good soil, etc.
RAILROAD Systems owned by the Rothschilds
Rockefeller's, Rothschild's buying mineral rights of Haiti, etc.
SLAVERY is a goal....
HAARP enhances destruction, flooding, etc.
Offshore oil drilling, harvesting, etc.
Goal: Rape, Piracy(ies), PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS, SLAVERY, One World Order/New World Order
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Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on November 7, 2012 at 11:04pm
by lillesvend666 • 8 months ago • 92,381 views
2:24:50 min - Fascisme or Freedom Conspiracy Problem Reaction Solution PRS Illuminati Bloodlines Luciferian ...
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Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on November 7, 2012 at 11:49pm
Real News not reported by the Establishment
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SHOCKING: Depleted Uranium and Birth defects skyrocketing in Iraq after US invasion
Posted on 2012/10/24
Deputy Director of the Deployment Health Support Directorate Dr. Michael Kilpatrick shows a copy of a depleted uranium study done in Kosovo during a Pentagon press briefing onMarch 14, 2003 / Wikimedia *
Since the US lead invasion in Iraq in 2003, children with birth defects and reports of miscarriages have been on the rise in the war torn country.
According to the Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Bulletin, in the past seven years the rate of birth defects and miscarriages has shot up an astounding 60 percent and 45 percent respectively, leaving many wondering what is causing this.
RT’s Liz Wahl has more.
Birth defects skyrocket in Iraq after US invasion RTAmerica - (Oct 22, 2012)
US use of depleted uranium = war crimes? RussiaToday – (Nov 17, 2009)
Leuren Moret discusses the use and effect of depleted uranium
in weapons being used in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Leuren Moret talks about methods of depopulation and the types of tactics being used in a second interview with Regina Meredith of Conscious Media Network.
For the full interview FREE, go to
Leuren Moret, former scientist at Lawrence Livermore Labs,
speaking about depleted uranium April 6, 2005 in Seattle.
Talk – Leuren Moret – Depleted Uranium See Part I of this talk at
About Leuren Moret:
Leuren Moret was an Expert Witness at the International Criminal Tribunal For Afghanistan At Tokyo. She is an independent scientist and international expert on radiation and public health issues. She is on the organizing committee of the World Committee on Radiation Risk, an organization of independent radiation specialists, including members of the Radiation Committee in the EU parliament, the European Committee on Radiation Risk. She is an environmental commissioner for the City of Berkeley. Ms. Moret earned her BS in geology at U.C. Davis in 1968 and her MA in Near Eastern studies from U.C. Berkeley in 1978. She has completed all but her dissertation for a PhD in the geosciences at U.C. Davis. She has traveled and conducted scientific research in 42 countries. She contributed to a scientific report on depleted uranium for the United Nations sub commission investigating the illegality of depleted uranium munitions. Marion Fulk, a former Manhattan Project scientist and retired insider at the Livermore Lab, who is an expert on radioactive fallout and rainout, has trained her on radiation issues.
Leuren Moret has conducted research concerning the impact on the health of the environment and global public health from atmospheric testing, nuclear power plants, and depleted uranium. She has helped collect and measure radiation in 6000 baby teeth from children living around nuclear power plants, and helped The State of Louisiana (USA) pass the first state depleted uranium bill for mandatory testing of soldiers.
Leuren Moret is a Livermore nuclear weapons lab whistleblower, an Environmental Commissioner in the City of Berkeley, and testifies as a depleted uranium expert in the new documentary film BEYOND TREASON.
Related videos:
Beyond Treason UPDATE: Leuren Moret Exposes the Military DU - April 2008
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- November 2009
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Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on November 7, 2012 at 11:52pm
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Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on November 12, 2012 at 5:15am
Peru Passes Monumental Ten Year Ban on Genetically Engineered Foods (via
In a massive blow to multinational agribiz corporations such as Monsanto, Bayer, and Dow, Peru has officially passed a law banning genetically modified ingredients anywhere within the country for a full decade before coming up for another review. Peru’s Plenary Session of the Congress made…
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Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on November 12, 2012 at 5:17am
The Dangers of Eating GMOs with Dr. Oz (video) (via
You have probably been eating GMOs and don’t even know it. Approximately 80% of all packaged foods in the U.S. contain GMO products. If Monsanto is so proud of their products, why don’t they want to label them?
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Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on December 25, 2012 at 11:59pm
"Joe Jap" Inouye passed...........not at all in support of the Kanaka Maoli............and wanted his Pirate Queen successor to be Hanabusa, another occupying Japanese who is also against Kanaka Maoli........
Remember Greg Wongham of Corruption in Hawaii? This is what he had to say about that one armed bandit:
see: or excerpts below:
Behind the Blinds at...
Central Pacific Bank
Sightings from The Catbird Seat
~ o ~
November 3, 2009
Central Pacific stock falls;
Fitch cuts rating
By Dave Segal, Star-Bulletin
Central Pacific Financial Corp.'s stock lost more than 20 percent of its value yesterday as it continued to free-fall on the heels of last week's announcement that it lost $183.1 million in the third quarter and that it was anticipating enforcement action to be taken against it by federal and state regulators due to the bank's financial condition.
The parent of Central Pacific Bank received more bad news after the market closed. Fitch Ratings downgraded the long-term issuer default rating of the bank to "CCC" from "B," and Standard & Poor's said, effective Monday, it will replace Central Pacific in the SmallCap 600 Index with Compellent Technologies Inc., a network storage solution provider.
Bank officials did not return calls yesterday for comment.
Central Pacific's shares have given up more than half their value since the bank said Thursday its commercial real estate portfolio in the California and Hawaii markets continues to deteriorate and that it expects the economic conditions to persist through the coming quarters. The company also said it expects to enter into a formal agreement with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and the Hawaii Division of Financial Institutions over the bank's need to address its asset quality, capital needs and liquidity.
Fitch said the downgrade of the bank's rating reflects the significant escalation of credit problems both in its California and Hawaii loan portfolios.
"While Fitch expected the company to endure increased credit stress in its Hawaii portfolio, as well as in its still-sizable exposure to California real estate, the recent level of deterioration exceeded Fitch's original projections," the agency said. "Credit deterioration, which is not expected to abate in the near term, has generated sizable losses and caused considerable erosion to the bank's capital position.
"Fitch believes that the company will continue to generate material losses, which will continue to erode capital and reduce the benefit of any potential capital augmentation."
Central Pacific Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Ron Migita said Thursday the bank is exploring all options to raise additional capital, including a public offering and selling shares to private-equity investors.
"We're raising capital to meet the challenge in a difficult economic climate so we can navigate through this downturn and emerge as a stronger bank when the economy recovers," Migita said. "We think things on the mainland appear to be stabilizing somewhat, but the Hawaii economy traditionally has lagged the mainland, so until such time that the (Hawaii) unemployment level stops increasing (7.2 percent in September) and jobs are being created, I think we're going to be in for some challenging times here in Hawaii."
But Fitch said that the prospects for raising sufficient equity from external sources to absorb expected losses and meet enhanced regulatory capital requirements are limited.
Fitch said the bank is now in violation of existing regulatory agreements, which call for the bank to maintain enhanced capital levels that exceed the minimum regulatory requirements to be considered "well capitalized." Fitch said the bank no longer is maintaining a leverage ratio of 9 percent.
S&P, meanwhile, said it was replacing Central Pacific in the index because the company's market share had fallen below the minimum market capitalization of $35 million to remain in the index. The market cap necessary to be added to the index is currently $200 million.
Central Pacific's stock fell 21.3 percent, or 30 cents, to $1.11 yesterday on the New York Stock Exchange after trading as low as $1.04. Its market cap is now $31.9 million.
Analyst Joseph Gladue of B. Riley also cut his rating on the stock to "neutral" from "buy" and lowered his target price to $1.50 from $3.50, while analyst Robert Bohlen of Keefe, Bruyette and Wood maintained his rating on the stock at "market perform" but lowered his target price to $1 from $1.90.
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
June 30, 2009
Hawaii bank got U.S. help
after Inouye’s aide placed call
By Paul Kiel, Pro Publica
WASHINGTON — Sen. Daniel Inouye’s staff contacted federal regulators last fall to ask about the bailout application of an ailing Hawaii bank that he had helped to establish and where he has invested the bulk of his personal wealth.
The bank, Central Pacific Financial, was an unlikely candidate for a program designed by the Treasury Department to bolster healthy banks.
The firm’s losses were depleting its capital reserves. Its primary regulator, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., already had decided that it didn’t meet the criteria for receiving a favorable recommendation and had forwarded the application to a council that reviewed marginal cases, according to agency documents.
Two weeks after the inquiry from Inouye’s office, Central Pacific announced that the Treasury would inject $135 million.
Many lawmakers have worked to help home-state banks get federal money since the Treasury announced in October that it would invest up to $250 billion in healthy financial firms. But the Inouye inquiry stands apart because of the senator’s ties to Central Pacific. While at least 33 senators own shares in banks that got federal aid, a review of financial disclosures and records obtained from regulatory agencies shows no other instance of the office of a senator intervening on behalf of a bank in which he owned shares.
Inouye, D-Hawaii, declined a request for an interview but acknowledged in a statement that an aide had called the FDIC to ask about Central Pacific’s application. Inouye said he was not attempting to influence the outcome. The statement did not address Inouye’s personal role in the inquiry, including whether he directed the aide to make the call or knew at the time that it had been made.
Even if Inouye were directly involved, it would not violate the rules the Senate sets for itself, experts said.
Both the FDIC and the Treasury said the decision was not affected by the involvement of Inouye’s office.
Inouye reported ownership of Central Pacific shares worth $350,000 to $700,000, some held by his wife, at the end of 2007. The shares represented at least two-thirds of Inouye’s total reported assets. Inouye has requested a delay in filing his annual financial disclosure for 2008, which was due this spring, and he declined to provide the current value of his investment. Since the end of 2007, the bank’s stock has lost 79 percent of its value.
Central Pacific was founded in 1954 by a group of World War II veterans including Inouye who were emerging leaders in Hawaii’s Japanese-American community.
“The time had come to fund a bank that could provide equitable service not only to the Japanese, but to all communities,” Inouye is quoted as saying in an exhibit in the lobby of one of the company’s Honolulu branches. Inouye, who became the bank’s first secretary, said that he initially invested $3,000, the minimum amount possible.
Central Pacific is Hawaii’s fourth-largest bank, holding about 15 percent of the state’s deposits. In recent years, it increasingly used the money to make loans in California, funding several large residential developments. By last year, the bank was facing the consequences of California’s collapsing housing market. In July, Central Pacific reported a quarterly loss of $146 million, matching its total profit in the previous three years.
In October, shortly after the government announced that it would invest billions of dollars in banks to spur new lending, Central Pacific submitted an application under the initiative, called the Troubled Assets Relief Program, or TARP.
The bank faced long odds. More than 1,600 banks submitted applications to the FDIC in the three months after the program was announced, according to a report by the FDIC’s inspector general’s office. The agency forwarded 408 applications to Treasury, which approved only 267, or roughly 16 percent of the total.
Central Pacific’s situation was even bleaker because it was in trouble with the FDIC. Regulators had raised concerns about the bank earlier in the year. The bank would soon sign an agreement with its state regulator and the FDIC requiring it to raise an additional $40 million in capital and to improve its management practices.
After the bank applied for bailout funds, weeks passed. Andrew Rosen, a spokesman for Central Pacific, said that regulators had told the bank that the process would take “some time” because of the glut of applications.
In late November, still waiting for an answer, the bank’s government-affairs officer called Inouye’s office to ask that it check on the status of the application, according to Rosen. (Rosen said in an initial interview that the bank had not contacted Inouye’s office about the application. After Inouye was contacted for this story, Rosen said that he’d been mistaken, that the bank had called Inouye’s office.)
One day after the bank’s request, an Inouye aide called the FDIC’s regional office in San Francisco, which regulates Central Pacific. Inouye said in a statement that the staffer, Van Luong, “simply left a voicemail message seeking to clarify whether Central Pacific Bank’s application for TARP funds had actually been received by the FDIC.” The statement said that the bank was soon notified that the application had been received, “and that closed the matter.”
This single phone call was the entire extent of my staff’s contact with regard to Central Pacific Bank, to any outside agency,” Inouye said.
Internal FDIC e-mails obtained through the Freedom of Information Act show that Luong’s question was referred from San Francisco to FDIC headquarters in Washington. A few days later, Alice Goodman, who heads the FDIC’s office of legislative affairs — and whose office is typically the point of contact for congressional inquiries — called Luong to say that the application “was still under process.”
The internal e-mails show that the application had been forwarded to an inter-agency council headed by the Treasury Department that reviews cases in which a bank did not meet the criteria for a federal investment. Those criteria require banks to demonstrate their viability without the benefit of federal funding.
Shortly after the Inouye staffer’s phone call, the council approved Central Pacific’s application.
So far, more than 600 banks have received federal investments. While some recipients have started to repay aid, the Obama administration announced this spring that it would continue to accept applications from community banks until November. The crush of calls from Capitol Hill on behalf of specific applicants led the Treasury to announce earlier year that it would start releasing a weekly list of congressional inquiries. It has yet to do so.
The question of what role members of Congress have played in influencing the Treasury’s decisions is under review by the special inspector general appointed to oversee the financial rescue program. A spokesman for the special inspector general said a report is expected later this summer.
Such contacts by members and their staff do not violate the rules Congress has established to govern itself. “Congress has never been willing to adopt strong conflict-of-interest rules for its members, but for the most part, has left it up to each member to decide for themselves whether they have a potential conflict of interest,” said Fred Wertheimer, president of Democracy 21, a watchdog group.
The most similar known case comes from the House. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., arranged a meeting between regulators and OneUnited of Massachusetts, a bank in which her husband held shares. Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., who did not own shares in the company, subsequently inserted language into the bailout bill that effectively directed the Treasury to give special consideration to that bank.
The report by the FDIC inspector general found that 26 of the 408 companies whose applications were sent to the Treasury faced enforcement actions as severe as those against Central Pacific. Because the FDIC inspector general did not name these 26 banks, it is unclear how many ultimately won the Treasury’s approval. Nor is it clear whether any other bank used the Treasury money — as Central Pacific did — to address a capital shortfall identified by regulators.
Several financial analysts said they know of no other instances in which Treasury money was used this way. But they said it was impossible to be sure because banks are not required to disclose such regulatory actions, for instance those requiring that firms raise additional capital. Central Pacific had made this disclosure voluntarily.
Andrew Gray, an FDIC spokesman, said the Central Pacific decision was not unique, but he declined to name other banks, citing a policy against commenting on specific institutions.
ProPublica is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest.
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Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on December 26, 2012 at 12:18am
uly 1, 2009
FROM: Bobby N. Harmon, CPCU
TO: "President Barack Obama"
RE: “HAWAII BANK GOT U.S. HELP AFTER INOUYE’S AIDE PLACED CALL” - (An Exhibit in CV05-00030 - U S Dept of Justice vs Harmon)
Dear President Obama, Attorney General Holder, Trustee Farmer, Mr. Guttman, Ms. Neustadter, Judge Kevin Chang, Judge David Ezra, and All Concerned:
I am adding the referenced Exhibit as it directly relates to this lawsuit which violates my Constitutional Rights of Free Speech and a Fair Trial, and Federal and State Anti-SLAPP statutes.
Mr. Farmer and Mr. Guttman, in spite of all this factual evidence (not just "political opinions" or "conspiracy theories" as you have previously alleged), I am again asking that we attempt to reach a global settlement of this matter through confidential negotiation or mediation rather than continuing these costly and seemingly-endless court proceedings.
However, if you, and your insurance carriers, are still not willing to attempt to negotiate or mediate a settlement, then I ask that you perform your mandated review of this new Exhibit in accordance with Judge Ezra's Order, and advise me, whether or not, you find it contains any so-called "protected subject matter", and whether or not you intend to OBJECT to my filing a Motion to reopen this case.
I respectfully request your immediate reply. If I do not receive a response from you or your insurance carrier within 15 days, I will assume that you have found no "PSM" in these updated pages, and that you will NOT file any objections to my Motion.
Very truly yours,
Bobby N. Harmon, CPCU, ARM
Additional References:
December 9, 2008
Central Pacific Bank gets $135 million from federal government's bailout
By Rick Daysog, Advertiser Staff Writer
The parent of Central Pacific Bank will receive $135 million from the federal government’s bank bailout program.
Central Pacific Financial Corp. said today that it received preliminary approval to participate in the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Capital Purchase program.
Central Pacific reported a net loss of $146.3 million during its second quarter after the company wrote down a large portion of its loans to California homebuilders hard-hit by the subprime lending crisis.
The company returned to profitability during the third quarter with a $3 million net profit.
“This capital will further strengthen the fundamentals of our bank and provide additional resources to support our commercial and retail customers here in Hawaii,” said Ron Migita, Central Pacific’s president and CEO.
In the deal, Central Pacific said it will issue $135 million in senior preferred stock to the Treasury Department (aka US Taxpayers). The Treasury Department will receive warrants to purchase another $20 million in the company’s common stock.
Shares of Central Pacific dipped $1.07 this afternoon to $11.76 on the New York Stock Exchange.
* * * * *
Political Candidates Receiving Contributions/Support in the '08 Election Cycle from
Candidate Name Office Party State District Primary/
General $ Dollar Amount / Date
ABERCROMBIE, NEIL House of Reps Democrat HI 01 G $2,300 03/27/2008
ABERCROMBIE, NEIL House of Reps Democrat HI 01 P $2,300 04/30/2007
AKAKA, DANIEL KAHIKINA Senate Democrat HI -- P $2,000 05/27/2007
HIRONO, MAZIE MRS. House of Reps Democrat HI 02 G $300 06/30/2008
HIRONO, MAZIE MRS. House of Reps Democrat HI 02 P $300 06/30/2008
HIRONO, MAZIE MRS. House of Reps Democrat HI 02 G $2,000 03/27/2008
HIRONO, MAZIE MRS. House of Reps Democrat HI 02 P $2,000 10/22/2007
INOUYE, DANIEL K Senate Democrat HI -- G $2,000 07/31/2007
INOUYE, DANIEL K Senate Democrat HI -- P $2,000 07/31/2007
* * * * *
September 18, 2000
The Ripple Effect
What seemed at first a little ripple out here in the middle of the sea could have the potential to effect the whole country if people let it happen.
The ripple effect is one way we, the people of Hawaii, can attempt to tell the rest of the country about the way the Asian influenced financial world of Hawaii could cost you and your children every penny in your bank.
Hawaii’s political powerbrokers led by Hawaii (D) Senator Dan Inouye have been very busy manipulating the financial world from Wall Streetto the White House. Inouye knew Wall Street could be had if he were able to get a big powerhouse brokerage firm like “Goldman Sachs” to make a market for one or two of his big Asian banker friends, like Mochtar Riady’s Lippo Group (who was the center of the “Chinagate”investigation) and his brother-in-law Mumin Ala Gundawun, who controls Xiamen International Bank. Other Chinese Indonesians like Atang Latief and his former son-in-law Sukarman Sukamto played a big role in the “high finance” world that has dominated Hawaii and Hawaii politics for decades. Latief, for example, was credited with controlling 10 offshore banks in Hong Kong.
The $6 billion Kamehameha Schools Trust provided the financial “brick and mortar” used to build the bridge that would span the gap between Asia and U.S. capital markets. The Democratic Party controlled Kamehameha Schools Trust spent $500 million to purchase 10% of Goldman Sachs stock.
Central Pacific Bank (CPB) is recognized as Hawaii’s local Japanese bank. Its Chairman, lawyer-politician Sakae Takahashi, was also the head of the failed industrial bank, Manoa Finance. By 1983, 9 of 20 Industrial banks in Hawaii failed costing taxpayers $29 million. That’s when the Hawaii Democratic machine appointed Senator Dan Inouye’s aide, Ms Donna Tanoue, as the Hawaii Bank Examiner. She white-washed the 1983-5 Hawaii bank scandal by commenting, to news reports of a run on one state’s industrial banks saying that that couldn’t happen in Hawaii. That comment was countered by a local banker who said that the reason it wouldn’t happen here is that it already did.Senator Inouye’s most valuable asset is $500,000 worth of CPB stock. CPB is the Hawaii affiliate of Sumitomo Bank of Japan. Sumitomo owns approximately 10% of Goldman Sachs. It is interesting to note that when the value of Goldman Sachs stock increased after they went public; the fortunes of the affiliates likewise increased. Kamehameha Schools original $500 million investment tripled.
In 1993, $10 million of the Kamehameha Schools Trust funds were conveniently appropriated to buy Goldman Sachs stock held by Robert Rubin and this was done so that Goldman Sachs, co-director Rubin, could be appointed as President Clinton’s Secretary of the Treasury. The move was made to remove any financial link between Rubin and Goldman Sachs. There are numerous reasons why this was done, but the most obvious reason is that when Goldman Sachs went public a lot of people stood to make money; and, if the Secretary of the Treasury owned stock in the company that could be viewed by some as a conflict of interest; based on securities laws regarding insider-trading.
Goldman Sachs was the biggest privately held partnership on Wall Street and, as such, they were in the position to “make a market” for companies that wanted to be listed on the N.Y. stock exchange. Kamehameha Schools’ lead investment trustee, Henry Peters, stated that they were going to put Xiamen International Bank on the N.Y. stock exchange. This was a plan to create a conduit allowing the American public’s capital to flow through to their business partners in Asia, in some cases subsidizing a communist regime. The Clinton appointment of Rubin as Secretary Treasurer was the other link to Hawaii’s financial and banking world.
If the media coverage of “Chinagate” is correct, and the lingering question is whether or not illegal foreign monies were contributed to theClinton / Gore Presidential campaign of ’96 and why, this may be the answer.
FBI Investigates Hawaii Democratic Party
According to news reports, Nora and Eugene Lum were dispatched by the Hawaii Democratic Party to meet with Bill Clinton. The purpose of the visit was to seek the Presidential candidates help in pulling the plug on an FBI investigation of Hawaii’s (D) Governor John Waihee. The Lums admitted to FBI investigators looking into allegations that arose during the “Chinagate” investigation that after Clinton was elected,Webster Hubbell (3rd man in the Justice Dept. during the early days of the Clinton administration) pulled the plug.
The Pebble
The pebble is not made of stone; this pebble is weighted by the effects that the losses of one bank can cause other banks that are linked financially by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The pebble is actually two banks, Pacific Century, formerly known asBank of Hawaii and BancWest which is the former 1st Hawaiian Bank. The financial problems of the two banks are based on loan losses and other yet to be disclosed financial problems. One area of the banks operations that have recently come under attack is the bank’s corporate trust fund division. Trust fund beneficiaries claim the banks are loosing money not making money for their family trust funds.
The beneficiaries also claim the banks are not managing their properties in a manner that one would expect them to. They cite questionable relationships between bank trust employees and big, politically connected Asian companies, and the way they have affected their equity. If this trend were to continue and become status quo across the country, than people should beware of the fall-out.
The Clinton / Gore link to Hawaii’s bank scandal surfaced in the news in 1999. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that people should be aware of the fact that President Clinton recommended the appointment of Ms Donna Tanoue to the powerful position of chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Her appointment comes at a time when Hawaii’s two big banks are expanding throughout the Pacific-Rim, Asia and the western part of the U.S.
The FDIC is the federal agency that provides the over-view during a banks expansion process. That means the FDIC is supposed to make sure one bank has the financial capacity to buy out another bank. Hawaii’s politically connected banking industry has continually worked to lesson the standards they set for the banks in Hawaii. That makes it easier for the lawyer politicians to protect their clients the banks.
All of Hawaii’s Democratic Party leadership are integrally linked to Hawaii’s two big banks. Hawaii’s former (D) Governor George Ariyoshi is one example of this trend. His connections with the big banks here in Hawaii and Asia began when he was appointed as the first Asian to serve on the board of directors of Bishop Bank, which would become 1st Hawaiian Bank.
In 1970, just before he ran and was elected as the Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii, Ariyoshi, and other high ranking fellow Democratic Party legislators Sakae Takahashi and John Ushijima and others killed a Bank Examiner Bill which would have created more stringent guidelines for the banking industry here in Hawaii. This is the same tactic Ms Tanoue has implemented during her tenure as the Chairman of the FDIC.During her tenure, the FDIC has lost money because banks have failed, and the reason cited by many is the lessening of standards of the FDIC.
There is one other interesting aspect of the Clinton / Gore link to the Hawaii bank scandal that is unfolding. It revolves around the fact that the local Democratic Party would not be able to be a part of this “high stakes” international financial game if they did not control the assets of the Hawaiian people.
Ripping-off the Hawaiians
Hawaii’s (D) Senator Daniel Akaka led by (D) Senator Daniel Inouye has introduced a Bill (S. 2899 and HR 4904) designed to allow the Hawaii Democratic Party to maintain control of the vast fortunes of the Hawaiian people so that they can be used to further their own schemes. The Bill was drafted by the powerful Washington D.C. law firm of Verner Liipfert Bernhard McPherson Hand and the head of their Hawaii office, former (D) Governor John Waihee.
I am talking about the so-called Akaka Bill. This brainless piece of Lawyer Trash was designed by Dan Inouye. Lets face it, he is not out to help the Hawaiians. He’s out to help his friends in Japan and China, and his Bill is no more than a cleverly devised plan to maintain control of Hawaiian resources and revenues. The accumulated assets of the Hawaiian people could possibly rank them amongst, the richest people of the world; right along side of the Kuwaitis, and other people whose natural resource have become valuable according to the economics of today’s world. The availability of natural energy resources alone could realistically provide the funding sources for start-up businesses throughout the state.
The point is that Hawaiians don’t need other revenue sources or credit to prevail. The revenue from the resources that the State has already identified will provide all of the capital that new businesses like farms or ranches, shops and services and all the myriad ideas that are available to people today require.
The Bill would make Hawaiians wards of the Federal government like American Indians under a “nation within a nation” status. The authors of the Bill would have you think that only they have the ability to determine what is best for you. Their rules, their regulations and their ability to conform. If one were to really analyze the situation, you would realize that they are wrong and that they have created a financial catastrophe. A battlefield of broken families, homes, the credibility of our ordinary people and our lives. We are not stupid people we understand the difference between theft and giving. The powers that be are attempting to cloud the waters again.
The Akaka Bill positions the United States in the role of stewards of the Hawaiian nation, What the bill does not say, is that the localDemocratic machine will be emphasizing a local Asian based attitude toward the rules regulation that exist today, and conformity versus Hawaiian communal value. The Bill suggest that they are better equipped to manage change, but a system that mistakes managing change with muffling it engages in illusion.
The result is to allow irresistible pressures to build to disastrous proportions; this for the people of the United States is the reality check as we move into the new millennium.
– Greg Wongham
The thoughts and message above must be transmitted to the media. I am trying to get a couple of hundred people together to get this idea across to the media and the people who bank in the 1,100 banks, savings and loans and credit unions that are insured by the FDIC. This affects every man, women and child who deposit their money in every bank across the country....
Click here for The Hawaiian Banks Link
The Ripple Effect
Read the articles again and again to understand the connection
Do know that One Armed Bandit Inouye, et. als. were not/ARE NOT for Kanaka Maoli........Pirates they are........
- Delete
- The newly selected replacement is also a Pirate with the intent to follow through with the goals of Inouye, Mazie Hirono, and Colleen Hanabusa:
Who Is Brian Schatz, the New U.S. Senator From Hawaii?
The Hawaii lieutenant governor has been appointed to replace long-serving Senator Daniel Inouye.
Brian Schatz (left) and Gov. Neil Abercrombie at a press conference announcing Schatz appointment to the Senate (Audrey McAvoy/Associated Press)'Tis the season -- for new faces in the U.S. Senate. Just nine days after South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley appointed Rep. Tim Scott to a seat, her Hawaiian counterparty Neil Abercrombie announced on Wednesday that he is appointing Lieutenant Governor Brian Schatz to a seat vacated by thedeath of Senator Daniel Inouye on December 17. Schatz will serve until 2014, when Hawaiians will vote in a special election for the remainder of Inouye's term, which expires in 2017. So who is the newest U.S. senator? Here's what you need to know.
1. He Shares Some Weird Parallels With President Obama: Although he wasn't born in Hawaii like Obama was, Schatz grew up there. Like Obama, he attended the Punahou School, a prestigious Honolulu high school, before heading to the Los Angeles area for college (Schatz went to Pomona, Obama to Occidental). While he was there, he studied abroad in Kenya, from which Obama's father had traveled to Hawaii. And after graduation, Schatz worked as a community organizer, leading a beach-preservation group. Now, he has one more similarity with the president: Both entered the Senate at a young age: Schatz at 40, Obama at 44.
2. He's Not Who Daniel Inouye Wanted for the Seat: In Hawaii, replacement senators are chosen by the governor from a list of three candidates submitted by the party of the departed senator. In a theatrical turn, a dying Inouye made it known that he wanted Abercrombie to appoint Colleen Hanabusa, who has represented Hawaii's first congressional district in Washington since 2011. Hanabusa was on the shortlist that Hawaii Democrats sent to Abercrombie, along with Schatz and former congressional candidate Esther Kiaaina, but Schatz won out. Inouye's chief of staff said yesterday, "Sen. Inouye conveyed his final wish to Gov. Abercrombie. While we are very disappointed that it was not honored, it was the governor's decision to make. We wish Brian Schatz the best of luck." For his part, Schatz struck a note of humility: "No one can fill Sen. Dan K. Inouye's shoes. But together, all of us can walk in his footsteps."
3. He's Plugged Into Hawaii Democratic Circles: Schatz is now the youngest U.S. senator, but he has a long history in state politics. He served four terms in the Hawaii House of Representatives, from 1998 to 2006. He lost a U.S. House primary in 2006 to Mazie Hirono and Hanabusa. Hirono went on to serve in the House and then win election to the U.S. Senate in November, replacing retiring Senator Daniel Akaka. In 2008, Schatz was state spokesman for Obama's presidential campaign and then became chair of the state party. In 2010, he was elected lieutenant governor.
4. He's an Unknown Quantity on the National Scene: Since Schatz has never served in national office, and since lieutenant governors seldom lead on policy, he doesn't have a long track record to judge what sort of senator he will be. But he seems to be a consistent liberal in a reliably Democratic state. He supported a 2009 bill to legalize civil unions that was vetoed by then-Gov. Linda Lingle. In keeping with his work in saving beaches, he's also emphasized environmental concerns and served on energy- and environment-related committees in the Hawaii House.
5. He's Going to Have to Hit the Ground Running: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid asked Abercrombie to move quickly to replace Inouye, because he didn't want Democrats to have an empty seat during crucial negotiations over the fiscal cliff. Schatz flew in to D.C. overnight, arriving midday Thursday, and will likely be sworn in today. Then he'll have to get up to speed quickly on Senate business. Thanks to his early swearing-in, he'll also leapfrog Hirono in Senate seniority, becoming Hawaii's senior senator. (Hirono was reportedly not pleased about this.) That's quite a chair to fill: Inouye had been the senior senator since 1977, when Schatz was four.
6. He May Have to Fight to Keep His Seat: Schatz says he intends to run for reelection in the 2014 special election. But he may face stiff competition -- brutal primaries are a hallmark of Democratic politics in deep-blue Hawaii. Hanabusa might still be interested in carrying out Inouye's wishes. "I fully respect the process and the governor's right to appoint a successor," she said Wednesday. "As a member of Hawaii's congressional delegation, I will continue to work to serve the people of our state, and support our delegation's efforts." Ed Case, a rogue Democrat and former U.S. representative who won Inouye's ire for challenging Akaka in a 2006 primary, might get in, too. Tulsi Gabbard, who was elected a U.S. representative in November, threw her hat in the ring for the Inouye seat and might do so again. Hawaiian senators have tended to serve for many years, but it won't be easy for Schatz to achieve the tenure that Akaka and Inouye enjoyed.
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Rise & Fall: Brian Schatz and national holiday retail sales
Posted on Sun, Dec 30, 2012 : 5:53 a.m.One is an Ann Arbor native gaining national political prominence; the other threatens our economic recovery.
Here are our picks for a winner and loser in the news last week:
He left Ann Arbor at the age of 2, but his family maintains ties here - and many of those folks celebrated when he was named a U.S. senator last week. Schatz will serve the state of Hawaii, where he and his family made their home after leaving Washtenaw County. Pegged a ‘rising political star’ by the New York Times, Schatz now has a higher national profile as he tackles bigger issues in the Senate. At the top of his agenda: Climate change.
Retail sales during the pivotal holiday season grew only 0.7 percent this year, prompting concern among retailers, who - on average - expect to generate 15 percent of their annual sales during the last weeks of the year. The impact could be felt for months, as the sales affect how stores order merchandise for the coming year. But we’ll also point out: The nation looked for years to the consumer to spend its way out of a downturn, and that backfired. If we learned something about cautious shopping, over-consumption or debt over the last four years, that’s not a bad thing.