Sunday, April 29, 2018
New York City is the United Nations? Really?
By Anna Von Reitz
I challenged my researchers and readers to do a little research project about who owns the UN Corporation, as opposed to the "United Nations" organization chartered in 1945.
One of my Good Buddies promptly replied with this gem, which I remember and which I have seen before regarding the UN, but which I misplaced in my files somehow.
Here it is again for those of you who missed it first time around. It doesn't answer the Big Question of who owns the UN Corporation (and what other corporations does UN Corp own?) but it does shed light on dark places that deserve to be lit up -----
New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations.
Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capitol of the World” and he was correct: 20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2).
Unless the rats have since done their favorite trick of re-numbering things, this reference should still be very accessible.
So, since when did all our national governments die and leave the United Nations as the capitol of anything but a lot of hot air, hideous "agendas", fraud and corruption?
And since when did NYC become the United Nations? In whose dictionary does that one appear?
Obviously, the treasonous rats in the Territorial United States Congress have been up to their old tricks again, redefining "special terms" for their own use, like redefining the word "person" to mean "corporation"....
Pretty soon black will be white and rich will be poor and nasty old men like Gulliani will appear as angels of light.
Stay tuned, Campers. Lady Flamolare del Chesa (c) has yet to sing the Aria....
See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:
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United Nations, etc. Background Posted Previously by Amelia Gora
70 Countries Affected

Intact for hundreds of years, until the time that Queen Liliuokalani maintained that the United States BREACHED the Law of Nations.
League of Nations
Formed in 1817, shortly before Queen Liliuokalani died.
Only two nation members: United States and Great Britain. Both planned the formation of the United Nations.
United Nations
1942. January 2.
Fifty nations pledged themselves “to employ full resources against the Axis powers, not to make a separate peace, etc.” in Washington. They signed a charter which was written at theUnited Nations Conference on International Organization.
1944. August 21 – October 7.
Representatives of the United States, Great Britain, Russia and China met, planned, proposed and formulated to “deal with world peace and security” through a general international organization.
1945. April 25 - June 26.
A conference “United Nations Conference on International Organization was held from April 25 to June 26, 1945 in San Francisco. The charter was based on the proposals of Dumbarton Oaks Conference, a mansion in Washington, D.C.
A socialist association, International Working-Men’s Association, met and formed a political organization in 1864. Karl Marx was the influence.
The International Working-Men’s Association also known as the First International was dissolved in Philadelphia.
An international, socialist group was formed, which included various countries. They agreed to hold international congresses from time to time.
A communist association was formed in Moscow, uniting various countries radical groups promoting revolutions or violence.
Christian International Laws/
Papal Bulls of the Vatican
“Four Papal Bulls were issued by the Vatican Hierarchy in 1493 which legally SANCTIONED COLUMBUS GENOCIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE Americas. The Bull “InterCaetera” of May 3rd 1493 states, “the Catholic Faith and the Christian religion particularly in our times, shall be exalted and everwhere amplified and spread, (and) that the Salvation of souls may be provided for and barbarous nations subjugated and brought to the very true faith…”
Las Casas, “The colonial spanish affirmed this arrogance claiming “the bulls gave them the right to use just WAR to convert local populations who had refused to immediately accept Christianity.” (Researcher: Steven Newcomb, Shawnee/Lenape (Indian) legal scholar)
Spain, the Arm of the Vatican warred with the United States. President Theodore Roosevelt said, “that was a splendid little war”.
United States Supreme Court ruling Johnson v. mcIntosh 8 Wheat 543 (in 1823/1923) adopted the same principal of subjugation expressed in the InterCeteral Bull. This Papal Bull has been and continues to be, devastating to our religions, our cultures, and the survival of our populations.” (Researcher: Steven Newcomb, Shawnee/Lenape (Indian) legal scholar)
On November 6, 2002 nefeli posted the following on forums:
27 countries opinion about USA
“I am Greek and would like to talk about the American government and its “invasion” in other countries. Since 1945 the United States have been involved in the politics of more than 70 countries, mostly using the threat of “communistic conspiracy” in order to be free to invade any country (the same does the government now, using the terrorists’ threat). The reason this happens is that USA wants a safer world for the American companies, it wants to stop the development of any other society which could be an alternative to the capitalistic globalisation and to expand the political and economical empire of USA in order to always be the “great power”. This is not only my opinion about America, it is the opinion of 27 countries.
(The source of the following article is the daily newspaper “TA NEA” and it was written by reporter Kostas Betinakis, 29/9/01.)
1. China 1945-49; USA gets involved in the civil war, supporting Chang Kai Shek against Mao’s communists. Chang Kai Shek flees to Taiwan in 1949. USA recruits Japanese soldiers who were defeated during the war.
2. Italy, 1947-48: USA interferes with the Italian elections in order to stop the Communist party from being in the government. During the next years, they sponsor the smaller parties with millions of dollars, blocking the Communist party from forming a government.
3. Greece, 1947-49: USA replaces the UK who supported the fight against Communists. Right wing comes and starts the chasing of the Communists (this ends to a very bloody civil war).
4. Fillipines, 1945-53: American soldiers fight against left forces (Hooks), during the fights between the Hooks and the Japanese. After the end of the war, fighting against the Hooks goes on, until the regime of Ferdinand Marcos comes into power.
5. South Korea, 1945-53: After the war, USA suppresses the liberals and supports the convervatives who had collaborated with the Japanese invaders. In the war that followed against North Korea, the “volunteers” from other countries were all allies of USA.
6. Albania, 1949-53: American and English secret services tried unsuccessfully to overthrow the communistic government and to found a western government, made of collaborators of Italian fascists and German nazis.
7. Germany, 1950: CIA organizes propaganda and psychological war against East Germany, who is led to the building of the Berlin wall in 1961.
8. Iran 1953: Elected Prime minister Mosadek is overthrown byan American-English operation. His mist….(message cut off)
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MAHALO TO MUTASSDES from the English Forum who messaged the following information:
this is also relevant, but not a complete list, as it doesn't include Galtieri of Argentina for a start.
another relevant list of facts:
Here's a list of the countries that the U.S. has bombed since the end of World War II, compiled by historian William Blum:
China 1945-46
Korea 1950-53
China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-60
Guatemala 1960
Congo 1964
Peru 1965
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Grenada 1983
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1980s
Insanity, deception knows NO bounds!! But hey, IF they SAY it IS So, it MUST be so, LOL!!!
§ 422.103. Social security numbers.
b. (2) Birth registration document. We may enter into an agreement with officials of a State, including, for this purpose, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and New York City, to establish, as part of the official birth registration process, a procedure to assist us in assigning Social Security numbers to newborn children. Where an agreement is in effect, a parent, as part of the official birth registration process, need not complete a prescribed application and may request that we assign a Social Security number to the newborn child.