Hashem Al-Ghaili
100+ Episodes | 33 New

Solar Cells Can Now Generate Power From Raindrops
Solar Cells Can Now Generate Power From Raindrops.
8 hours ago604.9K Views

Vaccines Are Important For Your Health. Here Is How They Work
Vaccines Are Important For Your Health. Here Is How They Work.
2 days ago1.7M Views

How Much Longer Can Earth Support Life?
How Much Longer Can Earth Support Life?
3 days ago2.2M Views

Physicists confirm the discovery of fifth force of nature
Physicists confirm the discovery of fifth force of nature.
3 days ago1.4M Views

Melting Ice Sheets Are Accelerating Sea Level Rise
Melting Ice Sheets Are Accelerating Sea Level Rise.
5 days ago266.2K Views

Woman Cured Of Advanced Breast Cancer Using Her Own Immune Cells
Woman Cured Of Advanced Breast Cancer Using Her Own Immune Cells.
5 days ago8.7M Views

Is sugar an addictive drug?
Is sugar an addictive drug?
6 days ago1.1M Views

Depression Speeds Up Brain Aging
Depression Speeds Up Brain Aging.
6 days ago995.5K Views

Obesity has been linked to 12 different types of cancers
Obesity has been linked to 12 different types of cancers.
8 days ago1.2M Views

Parrots are as smart as 5-year-old human children
Parrots are as smart as 5-year-old human children.
8 days ago1.2M Views

Curiosity Rover Finds 'Building Blocks for Life' on Mars
Curiosity Rover Finds 'Building Blocks for Life' on Mars. (Via NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
9 days ago1.1M Views

A Second Magnetic Field Surrounding Our Planet Has Been Detected.
A Second Magnetic Field Surrounding Our Planet Has Been Detected.
9 days ago1.6M Views

Take a look at these fascinating deep sea creatures
Take a look at these fascinating deep sea creatures!
10 days ago3.8M Views

Disrupting your body's biological clock can lead to depression
Disrupting your body's biological clock can lead to depression and mood disorders.
11 days ago1.2M Views

Parts of your brain take short naps during wakefulness
Parts of your brain take short naps during wakefulness. #Microsleep
12 days ago2M Views

Plants Can Sense Danger and Defend Themselves
Plants Can Sense Danger and Defend Themselves.
12 days ago1.7M Views

Fascinating Facts About Human Memory
Fascinating Facts About Human Memory.
13 days ago1.4M Views

Welcome to life! Celebrating 8 Billion Views
Welcome to life! #8BillionViews
13 days ago82.1M Views

Here is why your brain is protected from viruses and bacteria
Here is why your brain is protected from viruses and bacteria.
14 days ago2.8M Views

New app uses AI to let you know why your baby is crying
New app uses AI to let you know why your baby is crying.
15 days ago283.2K Views

Diabetes is a condition where blood sugar levels are abnormal
Diabetes is a condition where blood sugar levels are abnormal.
15 days ago10.6M Views

Schizophrenia affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.
16 days ago2.2M Views

Injecting mice with human brain cells makes them smarter
Injecting mice with human brain cells makes them smarter.
17 days ago2.3M Views

Stem Cells Injection Offers New Hope For Treating Alcohol Addiction
Stem Cells Injection Offers New Hope For Treating Alcohol Addiction.
17 days ago3.1M Views

Thousands of Black Holes May Exist At The Center Of Our Galaxy
Thousands of Black Holes May Exist At The Center Of Our Galaxy.
17 days ago2.6M Views

Marijuana compound removes toxic Alzheimer's protein from the brain
Marijuana compound removes toxic Alzheimer's protein from the brain.
18 days ago30.3M Views

Sperm Whales have the biggest mammalian brain on Earth
Sperm Whales have the biggest mammalian brain on Earth!
18 days ago2.3M Views

We now know why stress is contagious
We now know why stress is contagious.
18 days ago914.4K Views

Taking A Nap At Work Boosts Your Productivity
Taking a Nap At Work Boosts Your Productivity.
19 days ago1.8M Views

Amazing robots that could someday changed the world
Take a look at these cool robots!
19 days ago4.2M Views

Climate change increases bacterial resistance to antibiotics
Climate change increases bacterial resistance to antibiotics.
20 days ago2.3M Views

Spiders could theoretically eat every human on Earth in one year
Spiders could theoretically eat every human on Earth in one year.
20 days ago10.7M Views

We Are Just 0.01% of Life on Earth, Yet We Annihilated The Rest of It
Humans are just 0.01% of all life on Earth, yet we have destroyed 83% of wild mammals.
20 days ago2.1M Views

Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle
Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle.
24 days ago4.8M Views

The Lymphatic System
The Lymphatic System drains toxins from your body and protects you against diseases.
24 days ago2.4M Views

Gluten Free May Not Be Gluten Free After All
People who follow a strict gluten-free diet are still consuming up to 400 mg of gluten a day.
25 days ago1.5M Views

Can we predict Earthquakes?
Can we predict Earthquakes?
25 days ago2.1M Views

Europa Could Host Alien Life
Jupiter’s moon Europa could host alien life deep within its icy oceans.
26 days ago424.7K Views

Noninvasive Spinal Stimulation Enables Paralyzed People to Regain Use of Hands
Paralyzed patients regain use of their hands thanks to noninvasive spinal stimulation.
26 days ago3.6M Views

Scientists Develop Dyed Contact Lenses To Correct Color Blindness
Scientists Develop Dyed Contact Lenses To Correct Color Blindness.
27 days ago3.6M Views

Ancient humans settled the Philippines 709,000 years ago
Ancient humans settled the Philippines 709,000 years ago.
27 days ago5.5M Views

The world generates around 40 million tons of electronic waste each year
The world generates around 40 million tons of electronic waste each year.
28 days ago4.5M Views

Researchers grow mini-brains from skin cells
Researchers grow mini-brains from skin cells.
about a month ago2.5M Views

Scientists transfer memory from one snail to another using RNA
Scientists transfer memory from one snail to another using RNA.
about a month ago2M Views

The Immortality Drive
The Immortality Drive on board the ISS contains digitized DNA of a select group of humans.
about a month ago1.6M Views

Artificial Photosynthesis could help us meet all our energy needs
Artificial Photosynthesis could help us meet all our energy needs.
about a month ago2.9M Views

Saturn's moon Titan might host simple alien life forms
Saturn's moon Titan might host simple alien life forms.
about a month ago2.2M Views

Designer artificial viruses stimulate the immune system to fight cancer
Designer Artificial Viruses stimulate the immune system to fight cancer.
about a month ago1.6M Views

Biological Dark Matter could change how we think about evolution
Ever heard of the Biological Dark Matter?
about a month ago1.1M Views

Magic mushrooms 'reboot' the brain in depressed people
Magic mushrooms 'reboot' the brain in depressed people.
about a month ago18.6M Views

James Webb Space Telescope Will Launch in 2020
This powerful telescope will give us unprecedented view of our universe.
about a month ago1.7M Views

Unusual Deep Sea Creatures Spotted By NOAA Expeditions
Incredible creatures! #MarineLife
about a month ago7.7M Views

What if the US and Russia had a nuclear war?
What if the US and Russia detonated their 4,000 nuclear warheads?
about a month ago4.8M Views

Art and creativity can improve your health
Art and creativity can improve your health.
about a month ago2.9M Views

Artificial Intelligence is our new hope to creating a healthier world
Some of the awesome things Artificial Intelligence can do for us.
about a month ago1.4M Views

The remarkable bond between the mother and her baby
The remarkable bond between the mother and her baby. #MothersDay
about a month ago5M Views

The farthest star ever seen is 9 billion light years away
The farthest star ever seen is 9 billion light years away!
about a month ago2.3M Views

Lack of exercise can shrink your brain
Lack of exercise can shrink your brain.
about a month ago8.7M Views

Amazing behaviors of different mothers from the animal kingdom
Amazing behaviors of different mothers from the animal kingdom.
about a month ago9.2M Views

Interesting Facts About the Human Genome
Interesting Facts About the Human Genome
about a month ago8.5M Views
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