
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Vol VII No. 744 - Part 4

Tom Berg:
Dear God-  so much for the rule of on state owned land, undeveloped land
mind you, an endangered species with five documented nesting sites, inhabiting the 
property as documented from 2015-2018 with over 150 videos of separate sightings- 
combined with a certified ornithologist confirming the pueo on the property-   get this:

The Attorney General rules it is OK for the State of Hawaii to extirpate and destroy 
the endangered species and its habitat without any habitat conservation plan, or 
SEIS, or even an incidental take permit-   just carte blanche wipe 'em out policy.....

Wow....what a farce --the new AG blatantly trashes our endangered specie protection laws 
when an endangered species-  sacred,  to be protected is permitted to be purged from the
landscape illegally-  without one iota of mitigation to be expended on behalf of the pueo.....

Earth Justice appears to turn a blind eye, OHA too....Sierra Club....what a disgrace. 

All the reason now for HB1392 to be given a hearing. See link pasted below.

Who's left to see to it our laws are indeed followed when the top enforcer ain't gonna 
follow them?  The Rule of Law will certainly not be enforced with Governor Ige at the helm- 
who by the way appointed this Clare Connors as the State's Attorney General....who has just in a 
wanton fashion, extinguished the voice of the pueo in broad daylight and is laughing
about it - auwe.  HB1392-  you are all that is left to garner justice in this town.....
God have mercy on us all.

T. Berg

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: hawaiiag <>
To: Tom Berg <>
Cc: hawaiiag <>
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2019 10:33 AM

Aloha Mr. Berg!
Thank you for your emails.  We also understand you called to make sure we received them.
Our office is in receipt of your emails.  After reviewing the information, it was found that the claim you are referring to was already investigated and found to be without merit or basis.
Thank you for your time and concern on this matter.
The Department of the Attorney General
From: Tom Berg <>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 9:23 PM
To: hawaiiag <>
Cc: Kai Markell <>; Jayna Omaye <>; Nina Wu <>; Gordon Pang <>; Robert Shikina <>; Lee Cataluna <>; Andrew Gomes <>; Lucy Young Oda <>; William Cole <>; Frank Bridgewater <>; Kevin Dayton <>;; Dennis Francis <>; Gary Kubota <>; Daryl Huff <>; Jim Mendoza <>; Rick Daysog---Hawaiinews Now <>; Rick Blangiardi <>; Mark Platte <>;; Kristine Uyeno <>; Manolo Morales <>;; Manolo Morales <>;;; Paula Akana<>; Paul Drewes <>; Brenton Awa <>; Brandi A. Higa <>; Mahealani Richardson <>; Dan Nakaso <>; Brooks Baehr <>; Chad Blair <>; Civil Beat <>; Civilbeat News <>; Terri Hefner <>;; David Shapiro <>; Jim Brewer <>; Robbie Dingeman <>; Loren Moreno <>;; Katrina Valcourt <>
Aloha Hawaii Attorney General 
Ms Clare Connors-
Please see attachment proving elected officials 
sent you a request to do your job.
Since the Attorney General is appointed 
by the Governor, and it is the Governor 
in non-compliance to the FEIS for UHWO- 
violating HRS Chapter 343, and Chapter 
200, Title 11 of Administrative Rule, 
my fear is that the Attorney General 
may too, be part of the problem, part of the 
corruption, and in collusion to disregard the 
Rule of Law for self-promotion, self- gain, 
and profit. 
And to top it off, the Ombudsman is 
prohibited by law from investigating the
Governor- yikes.
Is there a way you can confirm you are 
in receipt of the email? Forms were filled
out on your website, phone calls made, 
letters sent by elected officials, and you 
have not confirmed anything....auwe. 
Tom Berg
From: Tom Berg <>
To: Maenette Benham <>; "" <
Cc: "" <>; ""<>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; David Lassner<>; BOR <>; "" <>; State Office of Environmental Quality Control <>; "" <>; DLNR. CO. PublicDLNR <>; David G. Smith <>; Suzanne D. Case <>; HART Board <>; Andrew S. Robbins <>; Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation <>; Office of the Ombudsman <>; Complaints (Ombudsman) <>; Hawaii State Ethics Commission <>; "oeqhawaii@doh.hawaii"< oeqhawaii@doh.hawaii>; Scott J. Glenn <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; jeffrey.wilder <>; "" <>; ""<>; "" <>; "Mary@MaryBegier.Com"< Mary@MaryBegier.Com>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; ""<>; "" <>; ""<>; "" <>; University of Hawai‘i Alumni Association <>; Afsheen A. Siddiqi <>; Melissa Price <>; Firstnation Films <>; PhD Panos D. Prevedouros <>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 9:50 AM
Subject: Official Notice of Remedy: Compliance Honolulu Rail; Development of Non-Campus Land @ UHWO via HB1392
Aloha University of Hawaii West Oahu 
Chancellor Dr. Maenette Benham
State of Hawaii Attorney General
Ms. Clare Connors,
RE: Endangered Species /Pueo Protocol @ UHWO 
Photo below taken by me, Tom Berg @ One of the Five Pueo 
Nesting Sites Documented @ UHWO- PUEO NEST DESTROYED; 
CAPTURED ON FILM; available on youtube.
Inline image
My name is Tom Berg, former
Honolulu City Councilman, 
(District 1, Ewa to Makaha); 
Chair of Parks and Hawaiian
Affairs, 2011-2013, former
Grantee to Honolulu Rail
Project HI-03-0047-02.
Below is a synopsis of 
Facts of Admission Statement 
(five counts of historical fact)
to be used to assist the State of 
Hawaii Attorney General, Inspector 
General for Federal Grant (FFGA)
to HART, Ombudsman, Ethics 
Commission, Environmental Council
(OEQC), and State Legislature for the
adjudication of charge(s) including
but not limited to acts of Willful and 
Deliberate Indifference, Malice of 
Forethought, Administrative Bias, 
Institutional Prejudice and Gross
Negligence to extirpate the 
endangered species -pueo- from the
non-campus, private development 
land at the University of Hawaii
West Oahu campus as referenced 
as undeveloped, State-owned property, 
knowingly and willingly in violation 
of HRS 343, and Chapter 200, Title 11, 
Administrative Rules. 
To avoid any and all pending litigation, 
contention, conflict, and ill-will, the 
following five points (counts of historical
fact) as listed below are brought to a
conclusion with a relief mechanism readily
available whereby all parties are able to 
attain a win-win, and be proud of the 
outcome for generations to come. 
HB1392 relief mechanism:


Tom Berg placed 11 trail cameras along
the gulches of Hunehune and Kaloi that 
traverse through the non-campus, private
development land (NCPDL) at the 
University of Hawaii West Oahu (UHWO) 
campus' Makai Segment of property 
between the years of 2016 and 2018.
Example of video evidence (one youtube of
150 plus available to view) depicting one of the 
nesting sites showing pair of pueo protecting its nest:

Pueo June 28 2018 UHWO

Tom Berg recorded five pueo nesting 
sites as were documented by video, photo
and time-lapse photography within a 150-
acre parcel of land within the NCPDL at
UHWO of which area was in January of 
2016, 100% not in agricultural production,
culminating in 2018 with 100% of the 150-
acre area newly placed into agricultural 
production, in totality, and thereby, the 
destruction of all five nesting sites 
completed by December 2, 2018, at exactly
1:00p.m., when the last nesting site (active), 
was bulldozed and dug up by backhoe. 
Approximately 150 videos, or more,
were put to youtube between 2015 and 2018 
of the five nesting sites and were sent to the 
Interim Chancellor, and current Chancellor at 
UHWO, and to the Division of Forestry and 
Wildlife, Administrator Mr. David Smith 
(DOFAW), and University of Hawaii Board of 
Regents, and its President, requesting the land 
owner of UHWO, UH Systems, to execute a 
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
(SEIS) to assess and evaluate the unanticipated 
condition of the presence of the pueo on the 
NCPDL at UHWO and how the planned for 
development would effect and impact the 
unanticipated, or new condition, as referenced as
the pueo, on the property so defined.
In 2018, HB2629 was introduced by the
Hawaii State Legislature to fund, and assist,
and provide remedy, reclamation, and mitigation
for the pueo in which to resolve any and all 
development plans whereby UH Systems would
stand to profit from the proposed legislation, and
have added to UH Systems' portfolio, the concept
of an Endangered Species Laboratory (an outdoor
classroom), in which to garner funds, and be self-
sustaining utilizing the laboratory for research,
ag tourism, wildlife tourism, and attract both
Masters and Doctorate Degrees in the field of
Environmental Science to UH Systems' 
educational pursuits, and further compliment 
UH Systems' mission to perpetuate Native 
Hawaiian Cultural and Religious Practices on
assets in, and under control of UH Systems.


Throughout 2016, 2017, and 2018, the known
five pueo nesting sites were disclosed in part,
in protocol and in consistent manner with UH 
Manoa Project Pueo practices of conduct, 
whereby exact nesting locations would not be 
disclosed in order to limit any adverse, or wanton
acts to be levied upon to the nests.  The fifth, or 
last remaining nesting site not destroyed, was fully
protected, and its exact location was made known 
to UHWO authorities in late November of 2018, 
and to the Honolulu Authority of Rapid 
Transportation (HART) when a HART agenda
item was to place appurtenances on, or near
the fifth nesting site at the NCPDL at UHWO.
Within 72 hours of this notice to authorities
where a active pueo nest was located, UHWO
Chancellor Dr. Maenette Benham had ordered
and permitted and authorized a bulldozer/backhoe
to destroy the nest, and the pueo utilizing the nest
were then subsequently extirpated.
DOFAW and UH Systems are fully aware, that in 
order to trigger any protection measures on behalf
of an endangered species in the State of Hawaii, 
on State owned, undeveloped property, the presence
of an active nest is not a requisite, nor of a necessity, 
or a determination factor to investigate how the State 
can protect its endangered, endemic species so listed 
as assets under the State of Hawaii Constitution, and 
its laws thereof so codified in Hawaii Revised Statutes.
See attachment from the Hawaii State Senate 
Majority Research Office Attorneys, that conclude, it 
is the presence of the habitat utilized by the endangered 
species, and the habitat that has been quantified as 
serving the endangered species that is to engage 
protection and preservation measures be conducted 
by the State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural 
Resources (DLNR).  No nest thereof is to be the sole 
requisite to conduct protection measures be afforded to
the endangered species in question.
UHWO, per its website, protocol for pueo on the 
property initiated in 2016, advances a fraudulent, 
deceptive, misleading, and patently false characterization 
that it is only in the event of an active pueo nest 
documented on the property that UH Systems shall 
then act to protect the pueo. 
Albeit, numerous photo, video, and time-lapse 
photography evidence was provided to UHWO to 
illustrate active pueo nesting sites were present, 
UH Systems declined to acknowledge the 
documentation and proceeded to destroy each nesting
site as soon as was effectively possible to purge the
A compliant with DOCARE, regarding the fifth 
nesting site being destroyed while active, has been 
filed, and as such is being investigated by the 
Ombudsman and is currently under review to 
examine the evidence. 
HB1392, is a legislative mechanism and vehicle
designed to permit, authorize, and assist UH 
Systems find another home for the pueo, off its 
property, without the need for UH Systems to 
execute any SEIS, or execute any Incidental Take 
Permit (Waiver Granted by HB1392), in the 
pursuit of UH Systems developing the NCPDL 
at UHWO, free and clear.
In conclusion, a synopsis of the historical record for
the property in question in enclosed (reference the 
document entitled, ML Evidentiary Privileges.pdf
to substantiate the Supplemental Environmental 
Impact Statement shall be ordered, and in addition, 
to bring forth the evidence as a legitimate concern to
the Office of the Attorney General (reference the 
document entitled, Contact State AG FEIS UHWO 
Compliance.pdf), in which to have the Attorney 
General opine whether or not the Accepting Authority, 
and, or, both the property owner, University of Hawaii 
Systems and the Accepting Authority, are in non-
compliance to HRS Chapter 343, and Chapter 200, 
Title 11, Administrative Rule, whereby (reference the
document entitled, Endangered Species Protection 
on State Land Senate Majority Research.pdf) the 
evidence of the endangered species the pueo and the 
endangered species habitat that serves the pueo, are 
present on the property and as such, require a 
Supplemental Impact Statement shall be
MAHALO NUI for your consideration 
to please reverse course, and decide to
support HB1392, and thereby bring to a rest,
to a good faith conclusion, ending all
contentious acts before any party, your
time to find value in HB1392 to be
in your best interest.
Tom Berg
91-203 Hanpouli Circle #39U
Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706

CHANT FOR PUEO @ UHWO by Michael Kumuka...


From: Kai Markell <>
To: Tom Berg <>; Rep. Bob McDermott <>; Sen. Kurt Fevella <>; Sen. Mike Gabbard <>; Rep. Rida Cabanilla Arakawa <>; "" <>; Rep. Sharon Har <>; Ty Cullen <>; Kai Markell <>
Cc: Rock Riggs <>; Cabanilla2 - Philmund <>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 3:58 PM
Aloha and thank you Tom for your unrelenting advocacy on behalf of the endangered Native Hawaiian akua, and ‘aumakua, the pueo.
My staff and I are reviewing the attached documentation and determining a course of action. Talk with you soon…kai
Kai Markell
Ka Pou Kāko’o
Compliance Enforcement
Kia’i Kānāwai
Ka Paia Kū
Office of Hawaiian Affairs
(808) 594-0220

'Why I'm an Eternal Optimist' By PEERS founder Fred Burks


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Eternal Optimist
Miami Beach. September 1992. Age 34. In the middle of the most intense break-up I have ever experienced, the emotional pain is so great I just can’t take it any more. After living together largely in joy and bliss with my awesome girlfriend for a year and a half, I now find myself suddenly an absolute emotional wreck as her love has fled to another man. I have to do something.
So I put on my running shorts and head out to the beach. Pushing myself to run harder than ever with the soothing ocean as my companion, I welcome the physical pain surging in my body as it somehow makes the intense emotional pain more tolerable.
Yet even in the midst of this crushing pain and anguish, I somehow know I will one day be grateful. Even in the depths of this despair and having no idea how it might manifest, the eternal optimist in me deeply trusts that some day I will look back and appreciate this heart-rending loss.
San Francisco Bay Area. September 1995. Age 37. I am delightfully surprised and in awe to have no doubt that the break up just three years ago was a huge gift in my life. I have fully healed and moved on. Yet I am so thankful now to have grown a profound empathy I’ve never before known, empathy for my friends who experience intense emotional turmoil in their love life. With the wisdom I’ve gained, I can now hold them gently in their pain in a way I could never have done before.
My name is Fred Burks, and though I’m one of the most optimistic people you could ever meet, in my work world, I am known as one who courageously shines a loving light into the darkest shadows. As the manager of the website, which has now received over 20 million visits, I use highly reliable sources to expose little-known cover-ups and corruption of a huge magnitude in our world. Yet I'm very optimistic we can turn this all around.
A key reason my work has become popular is that everything I do is colored by my deep sense of hope and optimism. I know that the more we open our eyes to all that is being hidden from us and are then inspired to make a difference, the more our world will change for the better. The byline of is “reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups and a call to work together for the good of all.”
Knowing of my boundless optimism, many have asked, “But what about the way we are destroying our planet?” I’m actually very hopeful that because many like me are taking decisive action, we will see ever more wonderful changes in our world. And my eternal optimist says that even in the worst case scenario where we end up blowing our world to smithereens (which is extremely unlikely), I believe our souls would all simply migrate to another planet where we would try again to get it right. Is that really such a bad thing?
Remember, too, that the major media which so saturates our world is largely focused on the sensational. Blood and guts sell. If it bleeds, it leads. Is it any wonder so many feel we are doomed? I believe this is but a reflection of the current human condition which is more obsessed with tragedy than with hope. As ever more of us shift our focus from the sensational to the many incredibly hopeful and inspiring happenings around the world, the media will naturally follow this positive trend in order to keep the profits flowing.
As one who is well known in certain corners of the Internet both for shining a light into the shadows and for spreading hope and inspiration, I regularly receive awesome information on how our world is already transforming in ways that few know about. I can tell you that there are so many great reasons for optimism that I could write pages and pages about it. I actually have compiled an inspiring essay on this titled “10 Reasons for Hope and Optimism.” In addition the the 10 reasons there, here are a just a few more that are particularly exciting to me:
  • The colorful music festivals and dances blossoming all over the planet as a manifestation of our collective desire to come together to celebrate in love and harmony.
  • The growing recognition of the healing and transformative power of breath and breathwork.
  • The safe use of sacred medicines now becoming legal as a potent door both to transformational healing of past traumas and to expanded consciousness.
  • The increasing awareness that sexuality can be an sacred without losing the amazing pleasure available.
  • Thriving intentional communities already living a beautiful new paradigm like the little-known Italian spiritual community of Damanhur and vibrant Portuguese community of Tamera.
  • The growing number of awesome inspirational and motivational speakers and workshops blossoming around the world.
Why was I given this gift of eternal optimism when so many in our world are haunted by despair and hopelessness? Is it because of my genes? Was my spirit just oriented that way when I was born? Could it be because growing up I knew that my mother loved me from the bottom of her heart? Might it be because I understood from a young age that being grateful and focusing on the bright side was key to enjoying life? These all may have played a role, but I honestly don’t know why I was given this gift while so many in our world to varying degrees live in anxiety and despair. It’s not fair.
What I do know is that life is not always fair. Why did I get such a loving mother while others suffered terribly at the hands of their parents? Why do I and many of my friends get to enjoy life so much while so many around the world suffer in so many ways. It really isn’t fair. I feel for those who suffer and so wish I could somehow wave a magic wand and share the gifts I’ve been given to help relieve their pain. My words here are a small effort in that direction.
What I know is that my gift of unwavering optimism has given me the strength and courage to look into the deepest, darkest shadows both inside of myself and out in the world. In my early 40s, I first learned about secret government mind control projects and major child trafficking rings who rape and torture children, raking in huge profits as they feed the twisted desires of pedophiles around the world. I found my stomach churning with discomfort as I learned how even some prominent people at the highest levels of business and government are involved.
Yet even on absorbing this gut wrenching information that literally made me feel sick, I knew somehow there must be a greater reason for it all. And I knew that the reason I was gifted with such optimism was to give me the strength to carry out my mission to stop these horrendous acts, and in so doing make my contribution to a better world for us all. Out of this was born my work with, which I know without a doubt has had a significant positive impact in our world.
What I also know is that there is some kind of energetic feedback loop where those who live with a heartfelt sense of hope and optimism are much more likely to find countless blessings in their lives, while those who dwell in hopelessness and despair are more likely to experience doom and gloom in many aspects of their lives. I see this unfold again and again even among my personal friends.
I so wish there were some magic key I could give to help those who feel hopeless find their way to hopefulness. Yet these attitudes are often so deeply entrenched that many go to their graves without changing. That said, I know of a good number of people who have made the change.
Some have had to first hit rock bottom – a place of such deep despair that they could no longer take it – before finally making a clear choice to change. Others have been transformed by a profound unexpected event, like a near-death experience, which forever changed them. Yet there are also those who have simply made a soul-felt commitment to change and have had the courage and tenacity to make it happen.
For those desiring more optimism, I invite you to consider in your heart of hearts if you really are ready for a change. If you are, send a call or a prayer out to your higher guidance for help. And then take action. Particularly if you are besieged by hopelessness, consider checking out great teachers like Joe Dispenza and inspirational speakers like W Mitchell who can spark a change. Explore also an inspiring online lesson I and others put together which many have said transformed their lives. Open to all of the many transformational resources available.
I share all of this with the great desire that we might all find more hope and optimism in our lives. Even though I was blessed to be born an eternal optimist, I invite you to consider the possibility that hope and optimism are a choice that every one of us can make at every moment in our lives.
Life is filled with cycles. The dying flower releases a seed that must be buried in fertile darkness before it can sprout. This tiny seed carries the potential of a glorious future. Yet to grow and thrive, the seedling needs cycles of the nourishing light of many bright, sunny days alternating with the life-giving water of many dark thunderstorms to reach its full potential. Both are necessary.
In the same way, we humans need times of joy and loving connection interspersed with times of adversity and challenges in order to thrive and to grow to our full potential. Both are necessary. When we choose to accept and surf the waves of the times of darkness while fully celebrating the times of light, we can more gracefully surrender to the joy of being human.

Final Note: If you are interested in more about my work on personal and global transformation, I invite you to explore an essay I wrote titled “A White House Insider's Journey Down The Rabbit Hole and Back to Magnificence.” And for a website filled with my mystical musings, see
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