
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Bogus History Book: THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS THEIR RESOURCES AGRICULTURAL, COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL. - the Minister of Foreign Affairs 1896 (3 of 3)


The frigate "Blonde," commanded by Lord Byron, cousin of the poet of that name, was commissioned to convey the remains of the late king and queen, together with their retinue, back to their native land. It arrived at Honolulu, May 6th, 1825, when the royal remains were deposited in a mausoleum with impressive funeral ceremonies.
Kauikeaouli, the younger brother of Liholiho, was proclaimed king with the title of Kamehameha III., and Kaahumanu as regent during his minority. Her administration was signalized by a series of outrages at Lahaina and Honolulu, committed by a depraved class of foreigners who resented certain regulations made to restrict public prostitution.
Com. Jones visited the Islands in the "Peacock" in 1826, and concluded the first treaty between the Hawaiian Islands and the United States. The next year the first written laws were published against murder, theft, adultery and gambling.


The first Roman Catholic missionaries arrived at Honolulu, July 7th, 1827, on the ship "Comet," from Bordeaux, and soon gathered a congregation. They were members of the so-called "Picpusian Order," or "Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary." Unfortunately, misunderstandings arose, and from a mistaken belief that they were fomenting discord and sedition, the chiefs caused them to be deported to San Pedro, California, in January, 1832.


Kaahumanu died June 5th, 1832, and was succeeded by Kinau, half-sister of the king. The king's minority was declared to be at an end in March, 1833. A tract of land was leased to Ladd & Co. in 1835, and about the same time a silk 71 plantation was commenced by Peck & Titcomb. Cotton was raised and manufactured on a small scale at Kailua, Hawaii.


During the next few years the chiefs persisted in a harsh and unjustifiable policy, which imperiled the independence of the country.
On the return of the two banished priests from California, in April, 1837, they were ordered to return in the same vessel in which they had come, and were obliged to go on board of it. Meanwhile the British sloop of war "Sulphur," Captain Belcher, and the French frigate "Venus," Captain Du Petit Thouars, arrived and interposed in behalf of the priests. As a compromise, they were landed again on condition that they should leave by the first favorable opportunity. Again on the 3d of November, another priest, Rev. L. Maigret, and a lay brother arrived from Valparaiso, but were not allowed to land. Finally Revs. Maigret and Bachelot left in a schooner for Bonabe, Micronesia. From 1835 to 1839 the persecution of native converts was resumed, but was at last put an end to by the declaration of rights promulgated June 4th, 1839, and the king's edict of toleration, issued June 17th.


In consequence of these proceedings the French frigate "Artemise," Captain Laplace, was ordered to Honolulu, where it arrived July 9th, 1839.
Captain Laplace immediately sent the Government a peremptory letter demanding that full religious liberty be proclaimed, and that the sum of $20,000 be brought on board by noon of the 12th, or hostilities would commence. The required treaty was signed and the money promptly paid, and on the 16th, a commercial convention was also signed.


The declaration of rights, mentioned above, which guaranteed religious liberty, produced a feeling of security unknown before, and formed the first step towards establishing individual property in land. The first constitution was proclaimed October 8th, 1840. It constituted a Legislature, consisting of a House of Hereditary Nobles, and Representatives to be chosen by the people, who voted as a separate house. It also defined the duties of the Governors and provided for a Supreme Court.


During the next two years the French and English consuls seemed to vie with each other in the manufacture of petty grievances. Aware of the dangers impending over it, the Hawaiian Government sent an embassy to the United States, Great Britain and France, in July, 1842, which consisted of Messrs. Haalilio, William Richards and Sir George Simpson, one of the governors of the Hudson Bay Company.


On the 24th of August, 1842, the French corvette "Embuscade," Captain Mallet, arrived at Honolulu, having been sent to investigate complaints of the violation of the Laplace Convention, chiefly relating to local school matters. Having received an able and courteous reply to his demands, he informed the king that Admiral Du Petit Thouars might be expected the next spring to settle these matters.


The dispatch of the embassy to Europe and the visit of Captain Mallet both served to bring to a head the designs of Mr. Charlton, the British consul. He suddenly left for London, 73 leaving Alexander Simpson as acting consul, in order to defeat the objects of the embassy. In consequence of their representations, H. B. M. frigate "Carysford," commanded by George Paulet, was ordered to Honolulu, arriving there February 10, 1843. On the arrival of the king from Lahaina, Lord Paulet sent him six demands, threatening war if they were not acceded to by 4 p. m. of the next day. These demands chiefly related to a fraudulent land claim of Charlton's, and to decisions of the courts in certain civil suits between foreigners. Before the hour set for hostilities had arrived, the king acceded to the demands under protest, and appealed to the British Government for damages. But a fresh series of demands having been made, and claims for damages having been trumped up amounting to $80,000, the king decided, by Dr. Judd's advice, to forestall the intended seizure of the Islands by a provisional cession, pending an appeal to the justice of the home government.
The act of cession was carried into effect February 25th, 1843. The British flag took the place of the Hawaiian for five months, and a body of native troops was organized and drilled by British officers.
The country was meanwhile governed by a mixed commission consisting of Lord Paulet, Lieutenant Frere, a Mr. Mackay and Dr. Judd.




On being informed of these events, Admiral Thomas, Commander-in-Chief of H. B. M.'s naval forces in the Pacific ocean, immediately sailed from Valparaiso for the Islands, arriving at Honolulu July 25th, 1843. He immediately issued a proclamation, declaring in the name of his government that he did not accept of the provisional cession of the Hawaiian Islands, and on the 31st restored the national flag with impressive ceremonies. His course was fully approved of by the home government, 74 and certainly tended to exalt the reputation of his country for justice and magnanimity in dealing with inferior races.


Meanwhile the Hawaiian embassadors, who had been joined by Mr. Marshall, the king's envoy, had done effective work in London and Paris. At their request the matters in dispute had been referred to the law advisers of the crown, who decided in favor of the Hawaiian Government on every point except the Charlton land claim. At length, on the 28th of November, 1843, the two governments of France and England issued a joint declaration in which they recognized the independence of the Islands, and reciprocally engaged "never to take possession, either directly or under the title of a protectorate, or under any other form, of any part of the territory of which they are composed."


Both the king and his advisers saw that in order to maintain a permanent government it was necessary to combine both the native and foreign elements together in one common organization, and to make the king the sovereign not merely of one race or class, but of all. During the next few years the executive departments of the Government and the judiciary were organized by a group of men of remarkably high character and ability.


During the period of 1846-1855 the ancient tenure of land was abolished, and the foundation laid of individual property in land. In the first place, the king as feudal suzerain divided the lands of the kingdom between himself and each one of the 75 chiefs, his feudatories, this partition being recorded in a book called the Mahele Book, or Book of Division. After this first partition was closed, out of four million acres there remained in the king's hands about two and a half millions. The king then redivided the lands which had been surrendered to him, setting apart about a million and a half acres for the Government, and reserving for himself as his private domain, about a million acres, including the best of the lands. The common people were granted fee simple titles for their house lots and the lands which they actually cultivated for themselves, called Kuleanas or homesteads.


From 1843 till 1848 the most amicable relations continued to exist between France and the Hawaiian Government. But this state of things was then reversed by M. Dillon, the new French consul, who endeavored to reopen all old disputes and to create new grievances in every possible way. His principal grounds of complaint were the high duty on brandy and the alleged partiality shown to the English language. On the 12th of August, 1849, the French frigate "Poursuivante," Admiral De Tromelin, arrived at Honolulu, and was joined the next day by the corvette "Gassendi."
On the 22d the admiral sent to the king ten demands, drawn up by M. Dillon, allowing the Hawaiian Government three days in which to comply with them.
As these demands were firmly but courteously refused, an armed force was landed on the 25th, which took possession of the deserted fort, the custom house and other buildings, and the harbor was blockaded for ten days. The fort was dismantled and the king's private yacht confiscated by way of "reprisal," after which the "Poursuivante" sailed for San Francisco, taking M. Dillon as a passenger.


The king immediately sent Dr. Judd as special commissioner to France, accompanied by the two nephews of the king, Alexander, the heir-apparent, and Lot Kamehameha.
But on arriving in Paris they found that M. Dillon had preceded them, and still retained the confidence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The embassy, however, agreed with Lord Palmerston upon the basis of a new treaty with Great Britain.


The French corvette "Serieuse" arrived at Honolulu, December 13, 1850, bringing M. Perrin, Commissioner of France, and remained in port three months.
To the surprise of all, he presented again the identical ten demands of his predecessor, and resumed his policy of petty annoyance and interference with internal affairs of the kingdom. At length his attitude became so menacing that the king and privy council passed a proclamation placing the Islands provisionally under the protectorate of the United States. This action was ratified by the next Legislature. Although it was finally declined by the United States, it had the desired effect, and the obnoxious demands were dropped.


Was a very liberal one for the times, and has formed the basis of all succeeding constitutions. The nobles were to be appointed by the kings for life. The representatives, who were to be not less than twenty-four in number, were to be elected by universal suffrage.


Between the years 1850 and 1860 a large part of the government land was sold to the common people in small tracts at nominal prices.
The rapid settlement of California opened a new market for the productions of the Islands, and gave a great stimulus to agriculture. For a time large profits were made by raising potatoes for the California market. Wheat was cultivated in the Makawao district, and a steam flouring mill was erected in Honolulu in 1854. The next year 463 barrels of Hawaiian flour were exported. A coffee plantation was started at Hanalei, Kauai, in 1842, and promised well, but was attacked by blight after the severe drought of 1851-2. The export of coffee rose to 208,000 pounds in 1850, but then fell off. The export of sugar only reached 500 tons in 1853. The sugar mills were generally worked by oxen or mules, and the molasses drained in the old fashioned way.


The year 1853 was rendered memorable by a terrible epidemic of small-pox, which carried off several thousand people on the Island of Oahu. During that and the following year there was an active agitation in Honolulu in favor of annexation to the United States. The king favored it as a refuge from impending dangers. The missionaries generally opposed it, fearing that its effects would be injurious to the native race. The negotiations were carried on between Mr. Gregg, the American Minister, and Mr. Wyllie, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and a draft of the treaty was completed in June, 1854.
The representatives of France and Great Britain remonstrated with the king against it, while the heir-apparent was also opposed to it. The negotiation was still pending when the king suddenly died on the 15th of December, 1854.
His adopted son and heir, Alexander Liholiho, was immediately proclaimed king, under the title of Kamehameha IV.


Was uneventful. He was married to Emma Rooke, a chiefess partly of English descent, who both by her character and her 78 talents was worthy of the position. By their personal exertions the king and queen succeeded in raising the funds with which to found the "Queen's Hospital" at Honolulu. Their little son, the "Prince of Hawaii," died in 1862, at four years of age, and with him expired the hope of the Kamehameha dynasty. During the same year Bishop Staley, accompanied by a staff of clergymen, arrived at Honolulu and commenced the Anglican Mission.
During the following year the king was rapidly failing in health, and on the 30th of November, 1863, he died, at the early age of twenty-nine, and was succeeded by his elder brother, Prince Lot Kamehameha.
The development of the country during his reign was nearly at a stand-still. The cultivation of wheat as well as that of coffee was given up, but the culture of rice was commenced in 1860, and proved to be a great success.


The reign of Kamehameha V. was memorable for the change of the constitution which he made on his own authority, soon after coming to the throne. The right of suffrage was made to depend on a small property qualification and on ability to read and write. The Nobles and representatives were henceforth to sit and vote in one chamber. During his reign the Board of Education was constituted, the Bureau of Immigration formed, and the Act passed in 1865 to segregate the lepers.
A treaty of reciprocity with the United States was negotiated, but failed of ratification by the Senate.
A destructive eruption from Mauna Loa took place in 1868, in the District of Kau. The almost total destruction of the whaling fleet in the Arctic Sea in 1871 was a serious blow to the prosperity of the Islands.
The King died suddenly December 11th, 1872, and with him ended the line of the Kamehamehas.


As Kamehameha V. died without appointing any successor, the choice devolved upon the Legislature, which met on the 8th of January, 1873, and elected William Lunalilo, cousin of the late king, by a large majority, amid general rejoicing. During that year, the proposal to cede or lease Pearl Harbor to the United States in consideration of a treaty of commercial reciprocity gave rise to an extensive agitation, which intensified the suspicion and race prejudice that already existed.
The execution of the law for the segregation of lepers helped to widen the breach, and the effects were seen in the mutiny of the household troops in September, 1873, which had the sympathy of the populace.
The King's health was already failing, and on the 3d of February, 1874, he died of pulmonary consumption. By his will he left the bulk of his real estate to found a home for aged and indigent Hawaiians.


Again the Legislature was called together to elect his successor on the 12th of February, 1874. The two rival candidates were the Queen-Dowager Emma and David Kalakaua, the latter of whom was elected by thirty-nine votes to six. A large mob, composed of Queen Emma's partisans, surrounded the court house during the election, after which they broke into the building and assaulted the members of the Legislature.
At the request of the Cabinet, a body of marines was landed from the U. S. ships "Tuscarora" and "Portsmouth," and another from H. B. M.'s ship "Tenedos," which dispersed the rioters and guarded the public buildings for a week. Kalakaua was sworn in at noon the next day, and duly proclaimed King.


During the next year negotiations were opened with the United States for a treaty of commercial reciprocity, which was ratified in June, 1875, and finally went into operation in September, 1876, in spite of bitter opposition in both countries. The development of the resources of the Islands, which has resulted from this treaty, has surpassed all expectation. In connection with it there has also been a large increase of the foreign elements in the population.


On the 20th of January, 1881, King Kalakaua set out on a tour around the world, accompanied by the late Col. C. H. Judd, and Mr. W. N. Armstrong. He was received with royal honors in Japan, and afterwards visited China, Siam, Johore and British India. After visiting the Khedive of Egypt, the party made the tour of Europe, and returned home by way of the United States, arriving in Honolulu Oct. 29, 1881.


Unlike his predecessors, Kalakaua seemed to regard himself as merely a king of the native Hawaiians, and foreign residents as alien invaders. It also seemed to be his chief aim to change the system of government into a personal despotism, in which he should have unchecked control of the Government Treasury. Thus he took it upon himself in July, 1878, and again in August, 1880, to dismiss a Ministry, without assigning any reason, immediately after it had been triumphantly sustained by a vote of the Legislature. On the latter occasion, his appointment of Celso Caesar Moreno as premier called forth the protest of the representatives of three great Powers, and such an uprising of the people that he had to give way. Adroit politicians were not wanting to flatter his vanity, defend his 81 follies, and show him how to violate the spirit and intent of the Constitution, while keeping within the letter of the law. The Legislatures were packed with subservient office-holders, while every artifice was used to debauch the native electorate and to foment race prejudice. The national debt grew up from $389,000 in 1880 to $1,936,000 in 1887. At the same time, under the existing law, no foreigner could be naturalized without the King's approval.




After the legislative session of 1886, the King was virtually his own prime minister, and went from one folly to another, until his acceptance of two bribes, one of $75,000 and another of $80,000 in connection with the assignment of an opium license, precipitated the revolution of 1887. Overawed by the unanimity of the movement, and deserted by his followers, the King yielded without a struggle. The Constitution which he was pleased to sign on the 7th of July, 1887, was a revision of that of 1864, intended to put an end to mere personal government, and to make the executive responsible to the representatives of the people. Office-holders were made ineligible to seats in the Legislature. The Ministers were henceforth to be removable only upon a vote of want of confidence passed by a majority of all the elective members of the Legislature. The Nobles, instead of being appointed by the King, were to be elected for terms of six years, by electors who should be possessed of taxable property worth $3,000, or in receipt of an annual income of $600.


The opposition of the Court and of other adherents of the old regime, to the reforms of 1887, led to an insurrection headed by R. W. Wilcox, on the 30th of July, 1889 which was promptly 82 put down, but not without bloodshed. Seven of the rioters were killed and a large number wounded.
There can be little doubt that the late King and his sister were accessory to this ill-advised outbreak.


In order to recruit his health, the King visited California in November, 1890. In spite of the best medical attendance, he continued to fail, and breathed his last on the 20th of January, 1891, in San Francisco. His remains were brought to Honolulu in the U. S. S. "Charleston," arriving there January 29th, 1891. On the same day, his sister took the oath to maintain the Constitution, and was proclaimed Queen, under the title of Liliuokalani.


The ex-Queen in a published statement has since declared that she signed the Constitution unwillingly. The history of her short reign shows that it was her unaltered purpose to restore autocratic government. In short, she was determined to govern as well as to reign.
The decision of the Supreme Court that the term of the last Cabinet expired with the King, gave her an opportunity (which she improved), to dictate terms in advance to the incoming Cabinet, and to secure control of all appointments. The legislative session of 1892 was protracted to eight months chiefly by her determination to retain her control of the Executive, as well as to carry through the opium and lottery bills. Meanwhile she had caused a Constitution to be drawn up, which would practically, have transformed the government from a limited to an absolute monarchy, besides disfranchising a class of citizens who paid two-thirds of the taxes. This Constitution she undertook to spring upon the country by a coup d'etat, on 83 the day of the prorogation of the Legislature, January 14th, 1893.
Fortunately, at the critical moment, when her preparations were complete, her Ministers shrank from sharing the responsibility of such a revolutionary act, and induced her to postpone it. In such an undertaking to hesitate is fatal.
Again there was a general uprising of the conservative part of the community similar to that of 1887. But this time public opinion condemned all half way measures, and declared the monarchy to be forfeited by its own act.
The Reform leaders reorganized their forces, and formed a Provisional Government, which was proclaimed January 17th, 1893 from the Government Building. The U. S. S. "Boston," which had unexpectedly arrived from Hilo on the day of the prorogation, landed a force on the 16th, to protect the lives and property of American citizens, in case of disorder or incendiarism. The Queen's ministers availed themselves of the presence of these troops on shore as an excuse for their inaction, and persuaded the Queen to resign under protest, and to appeal to the government of the United States.
A treaty of annexation was soon after negotiated with the United States during President Harrison's administration, which was withdrawn by President Cleveland immediately after his accession. The failure of his attempt to restore the monarchy by diplomacy is well known.


During the next year a convention was elected, which sat in Honolulu during the month of June, 1894, and framed a new Constitution for the country, and the Republic of Hawaii was formally proclaimed July 4, 1894.
Another royalist conspiracy was formed during the fall of that year, which resulted in the insurrection of January 6th, 84 1895, which was promptly crushed by the patriotic citizens of the Republic.
A dangerous epidemic of Asiatic cholera in the following September, was stamped out by the united efforts of the public spirited citizens of Honolulu.
For four years, in spite of hostile influences from without and enemies at home, the Republic has maintained peace and order, administered justice, carried on extensive internal improvements, advanced education, and kept the financial credit of the nation above par in the markets of the world.



Sanford B. Dole, President of the Republic of Hawaii.
Henry E. Cooper, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
James A. King, Minister of the Interior.
Samuel M. Damon, Minister of Finance.
William O. Smith, Attorney-General.


William C. Wilder, George W. Smith, Mark P. Robinson,
Cecil Brown, John Phillips, John Ena,
P. C. Jones, D. L. Naone, Samuel M. Ka-ne,
J. A. Kennedy, A. G. M. Robertson, John Nott,
C. Bolte, E. C. Winston, J. P. Mendonca.


Hon. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice.
Hon. W. F. Frear, First Associate Justice.
Hon. W. Austin Whiting, Second Associate Justice.
Henry Smith, Chief Clerk.
Geo. Lucas, Deputy Clerk.
James Thompson, Second Deputy Clerk.
J. Walter Jones, Stenographer.


First Circuit—Alfred W. Carter, Antonio Perry, Oahu.
Second Circuit—J. W. Kalua.
Third and Fourth Circuits—S. L. Austin.
Fifth Circuit—J. Hardy.
Offices and Court-room in Court House, King street. Sitting in Honolulu: First Monday in February, May, August and November.


Office in Executive Building, King street.
Henry E. Cooper, Minister Foreign Affairs.
George C. Potter, Secretary.
Alexander St. M. Mackintosh, Clerk.
Miss Kate Kelley, Stenographer.
B. L. Marx, Clerk Executive Council.
James W. Girvin, Secretary Chinese Bureau.


Office in Executive Building, King street.
James A. King, Minister of the Interior.
Chief Clerk, John A. Hassinger.
Assistant Clerks, James H. Boyd, H. C. Meyers, Stephen Mahaulu, George C. Ross, Edward S. Boyd.


Surveyor-General, W. D. Alexander.
Superintendent Public Works, W. E. Rowell.
Superintendent Water Works, Andrew Brown.
Inspector Electric Lights, John Cassidy.
Registrar of Conveyances, T. G. Thrum.
Road Supervisor, Honolulu, W. H. Cummings.
Insane Asylum, Dr. Geo. H. Herbert.


Andrew Brown, Charles Crozier and J. H. Fisher.
James H. Hunt, Chief Engineer, H. F. D.
William R. Sims, Secretary.


President, the Minister of the Interior. Allan Herbert, Thomas King, Wray Taylor, E. W. Jordan. Joseph Marsden, Commissioner and Secretary.


Office in Executive Building, King street.
Minister of Finance, Samuel M. Damon.
Auditor-General, H. Laws.
Registrar of Accounts, W. G. Ashley.
Clerk of Finance Office, E. R. Stackable.
Collector-General of Customs, James B. Castle.
Tax Assessor, Oahu, Jonathan Shaw.
Postmaster-General, J. M. Oat.


Office in Custom House, Esplanade, Fort street.
Collector-General, James B. Castle.
Deputy Collector, Frank B. McStocker.
Harbor Master, Captain A. Fuller.
Port Surveyor, George C. Stratemeyer.
Storekeeper, .........


Office in Executive Building, King street.
Attorney-General, William O. Smith.
Deputy Attorney-General, E. P. Dole.
Clerk, J. M. Kea.
Marshal, A. M. Brown.
Deputy Marshal, H. R. Hitchcock.
Jailor Oahu Prison, J. A. Low.
Prison Physician, C. B. Cooper, M. D.


Office in Judiciary Building.
Henry E. Cooper, Minister of Public Instruction.
Commissioners, Professor William Dewitt Alexander, Mrs. Emma Louisa Dillingham, Mr. William A. Bowen, Mrs. Alice Clark Jordan, Mr. H. M. von Holt.
H. S. Townsend, Inspector-General of Schools.
J. F. Scott, Deputy Inspector-General of Schools.
C. T. Rodgers, Secretary of Department.


Office in Judiciary Building.
President, James A. King.
Members of Board of Immigration, J. B. Atherton, Joseph Marsden, D. B. Smith, James G. Spencer, J. Carden. Secretary, Wray Taylor.


Office in Judiciary Building.
President, William O. Smith.
Secretary, Charles Wilcox.
Members, D. Keliipio, C. A. Brown, N. B. Emerson, M. D.; F. R. Day, M. D.; C. B. Wood, M. D., and T. F. Lansing.
Port Physician, Dr. Francis Day.
Dispensary, Dr. H. W. Howard.
Leper Settlement, Dr. R. K. Oliver.


Police Station Building, Merchant street.
George H. de la Vergne, Magistrate.
William Cuelho, Clerk.




United States—Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Albert S. Willis, Esq.; residence, King St. Ellis Mills, Esq., Secretary of Legation.
Portugal—Charge d'Affaires and Consul-General, Senhor A. de Souza Canavarro; residence, Beretania St.
Great Britain—Commissioner and Consul-General, Captain A. G. S. Hawes.
Japan—Diplomatic Agent and Consul-General, Mr. H. Shimamura; residence, Nuuanu Ave. H. I. J. M. Eleve Consul, Mr. K. Mimashi, Secretary H. I. J. M. Consulate-General.
France—Consul and Commissioner, Mons. Louis Voisson; Chancellor of Legation, Mons. A. Vizzavona.
United States—Consul-General, Ellis Mills. W. Porter Boyd, United States Vice and Deputy Consul-General.
Italy—F. A. Schaefer, Consul. (Dean of the Consular Corps.)
Netherlands—J. H. Paty, Consul.
Denmark—H. R. Macfarlane, Consul.
Mexico, H. Renjes, Consul.
Peru—Bruce Cartwright, Consul.
Chile—Julius Hoting, Consul.
Austria-Hungary—J. F. Hackfeld, Consul.
Germany—J. F. Hackfeld, Consul.
Belgium—H. Focke, Consul.
Great Britain—T. R. Walker, Vice-Consul.
Spain—H. Renjes, Vice-Consul.
Russia—J. F. Hackfeld, Acting Vice-Consul.
Sweden and Norway—Charles Weight, Acting Consul.
China—Goo Kim Fui, Commercial Agent; Wong Kwai, Assistant Commercial Agent.
U. S. Consular Agent, Kahului, A. J. Dickens, Acting.
U. S. Consular Agent, Mahukona, C. J. Falk.
U. S. Consular Agent, Hilo, Charles Furneaux.


United States.
Washington, D. C.—Francis M. Hatch, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary; Major Frank P. Hastings, Charge d'Affaires and Secretary of Legation.
New York—E. H. Allen, Consul-General.
Chicago—Fred W. Job, Consul-General for the States of Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin.
San Francisco—Charles T. Wilder, Consul-General for the Pacific States, California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington; J. F. Soper, Vice and Deputy Consul-General.
Boston—Gorham D. Gilman, Consul-General.
Portland, Oregon—J. McCracken, Consul.
Port Townsend—James G. Swan, Consul.
Seattle—John H. Carter, Consul.
Tacoma—J. T. Steeb, Acting Consul.
Philadelphia—Robert H. Davis, Consul.
San Diego—H. P. Wood, Consul.
Detroit—A. L. Bresler, Consul.
Great Britain.
London—Manley Hopkins, Consul-General; Cyril Hopkins, Vice-Consul.
Liverpool—Harold Janion, Consul.
Bristol—Mark Whitwill, Consul.
Hull—W. Moran, Consul.
Newcastle-on-Tyne—E. Biesterfeld, Consul.
Falmouth—Cecil Robert Broad, Consul.
Dover (and the Cinque Ports)—Francis Wm. Prescott, Consul.
Swansea—H. Goldberg, Consul.
Cardiff—J. Bovey, Consul.
Edinburgh and Leith—E. G. Buchanan, Consul.
Glasgow—Peter Denniston, Consul.
Dundee—J. G. Zoller, Consul.
Dublin—R. Jas. Murphy, Consul.
Queenstown—Geo. B. Dawson, Consul.
Belfast—W. A. Ross, Consul.
Middlesborough—B. C. Atkinson, Consul.
British Colonies.
Toronto, Ontario—J. Enoch Thompson, Consul-General; Col. Geo. A. Shaw, Vice-Consul.
St. John's, N. B.—Allan O. Crookshank, Consul.
Rimouski—J. N. Pouliot, Vice-Consul.
Montreal—Dickson Anderson, Consul. 92 Yarmouth, N. S.—Ed. F. Clements, Vice-Consul.
Victoria, B. C.—R. P. Rithet, Consul-General for British Columbia.
Vancouver, B. C.—J. W. McFarland, Vice-Consul.
Sydney, N. S. W.—W. E. Dixon, Consul-General.
Melbourne, Victoria—G. N. Oakley, Consul.
Brisbane, Queensland—Alex. B. Webster, Consul.
Hobart, Tasmania—Hon. Audley Coote, Consul.
Launceston, Tasmania—Geo. Collins, Vice-Consul.
Newcastle, N. S. W.—W. J. Gillam, Consul.
Auckland, N. Z.—James Macfarlane, Consul.
Dunedin, N. Z.—W. G. Neill, Consul.
Gibraltar—H. Schott, Consul.
France and Colonies.
Paris—Alfred Houle, Charge d'Affaires and Consul-General; A. N. H. Teyssier, Consul.
Marseilles—........, Consul.
Bordeaux—Ernest de Boissac, Consul.
Dijon—H. F. J. Vieilhomme, Consul.
Liborne—C. Schaessler, Vice-Consul.
Cette—Julius Chavasse, Vice-Consul.
Grenoble—J. L. Garcin, Vice-Consul.
Papeete, Tahiti—E. A. Bonet, Consul.
Barcelona—Enrique Minguez, Consul-General.
Cadiz—J. Shaw, Consul.
Valencia—Julio Soler, Consul.
Malaga—F. T. de Navarra, Consul.
Cartagena—J. Paris, Consul.
Portugal and Colonies.
Lisbon—A. F. de Serpa, Consul-General.
Oporto—Narciso T. M. Ferro, Consul.
Madeira Island—L. D. F. Branco, Consul.
Cape Vincent, Cape de Verde Islands—Clarimundo Martins, Vice-Consul.
Lagos, Cape de Verde Islands—Manuel Jose Barbosa, Vice-Consul.
Azores Islands.
Ponta Delgardo (St. Michaels)—Senhor Bernardo Machado de Faria Maia, Consul-General; A. da Silva Moreira, Consul.
Rome—Dwight Benton, Consul-General; Hale P. Benton, Vice and Deputy Consul-General.
Palermo, Sicily—A. Tagliavia, Consul.
Genoa—Raphael de Luchi, Consul.
Amsterdam—D. H. Schmull, Consul-General.
Dordrecht—P. J. Bouwman, Consul.
Tokio—R. W. Irwin, Minister Resident.
Kobe—C. P. Hall, Vice-Consul.
Yokohama—B. C. Howard, Consul; Dr. Stuart Eldridge, M. D., Sanitary Inspector.
Hong Kong—J. J. Bell Irving, Acting Consul-General; Dr. Gregory P. Jordan, M. D., Sanitary Inspector.
Amoy—Robert H. Bruce, Consul; Dr. Hugh MacDougald, M. D., Sanitary Inspector.
Antwerp—Victor Forge, Consul-General.
Ghent—E. Coppieters, Consul.
Liege—J. Blanpain, Consul.
Bruges—E. Van Den Brande, Consul.
Sweden and Norway.
Stockholm, Sweden—C. A. Engvalls, Consul-General.
Christiana, Norway—L. Samson, Consul.
Gothemburg, Sweden—Gustaf Kraak, Vice-Consul.
Vienna—Hugo Schonberger, Consul.
Germany and Colonies.
Bremen—H. F. Glade, Charge d'Affaires and Consul-General; J. F. Muller, Consul.
Hamburg—E. F. Weber, Consul.
Frankfort-on-Main—J. Kopp, Consul.
Dresden—A. P. Russ, Consul.
Canary Islands.
Las Palamas—L. Falcon y Quevedo, Consul; J. B. De Laguna, Vice-Consul.
Santa Cruz de la Palma—Antonio C. de las Casas, Vice-Consul.
Areciefe de Lanzarote—E. Murales, Vice-Consul.
Mexico—Col. W. J. De Gress, Consul-General; R. H. Baker, Vice-Consul.
Manzanillo—Robert James Barney, Consul.
Ensenada—James Moorkens, Vice-Consul.
Central and South America.
Valparaiso, South America—David Thomas, Charge d'Affaires and Consul-General.
Lima, South America—F. L. Crosby, Consul.
Montevideo, South America—Conrad Hughes, Consul.
Philippine Islands.
Iloilo—Geo. Shelmerdine, Consul.
Manila—Jasper M. Wood, Consul.
Cebu—Geo. A. Cadell, Consul.

Transcriber's Note

With the exception of OCEANIC STEAMSHIP AUSTRALIA, the illustrations and cover image come from a slightly different printing of the pamphlet than the text.
Minor typographical errors and irregularities have been corrected.
The table of contents and list of illustrations have been added for the reader's convenience.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Hawaiian Islands, by 
The Department of Foreign Affairs


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