Healani Sonoda-Pale shared a link.
Cheryl Ann:
Lā 1494 WE STILL HERE.......
Even with my acknowledged bias, there is NO way to read any of the BLNR justifications, conclusions of law, granted permits and decisions and not see that itʻs not about whatʻs pono, itʻs about what foreign governments, corporations and the $$$$ will continue to push for.. Please take some time to read through and watch these links.
Hereʻs a start to get you thinking.. #43 of the permit conditions: 43. Other terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Chairperson. AND who just got 4 more years as the Chair..
We see it, do you?
The 43 Conditions of the TMT permit:
1. Ensuring that employees attend mandatory cultural and natural resources training
with a minimum of one days’ training;
2. Working with the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center, OMKM, and Kahu Kū Mauna t
develop informational exhibits for visitors regarding the natural, cultural and
archaeological resources of Mauna Kea that could be used at the Mauna Kea VIS,
‘Imiloa, TMT facilities, and other appropriate locations;
3. Funding the re-naturalization of the closed access road on Pu‘u Poli‘ahu, partial
re-naturalization of the batch plant staging area after construction has been
completed, and camouflaging of the utility pull boxes in certain locations to
reduce the visual impact from the summit area;
4. Implementing an invasive species control program;
5. Working with OMKM to develop and implement a wēkiu bug habitat restoration
6. Implementing the "Zero Waste Management" policy;
7. Filling employment opportunities locally to the greatest extent possible;
8. Mandating that employees traveling beyond Hale Pōhaku take part in a ridesharing
program using project vehicles;
9. Using energy savings devices such as solar hot water systems, photovoltaic power
systems, energy efficient light fixtures, and Energy Star rated appliances;
10. The University will decommission three telescopes permanently, as soon as
reasonably possible, and no new observatories will be constructed on those sites.
This commitment will be legally binding on the University and shall be included
in any lease renewal or extension proposed by the University for Mauna Kea;
11. Notwithstanding any lease renewal or extension, consistent with the
Decommissioning Plan, at least two additional facilities will be permanently
decommissioned by December 31, 2033, including the Very Long Baseline Array
antenna and at least one additional observatory.
12. Providing $1 million annually, adjusted for inflation, for "Community Benefits
Package" which will commence with construction and continue through the term
of the sublease. The package will be administered via The Hawai‘i Island New
Knowledge (THINK) Fund Board of Advisors. In addition to the types of
programs described in the "Community Benefits Package" in the Findings of Fact,
at least $5,000 annually of the $1 million shall support a program or programs to
assist at risk youth, specifically focusing on the children of incarcerated parents;
13. The Board of advisors shall ensure that a reasonable amount of funding is directed
at programs for the most vulnerable and underserved members of Hawaiʻi Island communities so that they can participate in our technological future.
14. The funding shall be distributed with reasonable promptness and not be used to
build a permanent endowment;
15. Partnering with other institutions to implement a Workforce Pipeline Program,
headed by at least one full-time position through the Community Outreach office,
to prepare local residents for jobs in science, engineering, and technical fields;
16. UHH will ensure that the survey of the power line corridor easement complies
with DLNR standards and is in accordance with the conditions contained in the
grant of easement (including the Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve) that
was approved by the BLNR in August 1985. The University will provide copies
of the survey to DOFAW;
17. OMKM will consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and experts who are
advising OMKM, including representatives from the DLNR regarding surveys of
the wēkiu bug and invertebrates along the utility corridor, including Pu‘u Hau
Kea and the pu‘u west of the Parking Area 1;
18. The construction contractor will be required to minimize the visual changes to
land within the utility line right-of-way during utility upgrades. Any disturbance
outside of the easement area of the construction corridor will be restored to the
extent possible;
19. UH Hilo will present a plan for handling recreational parking during construction
to the OCCL for review and approval, at least one month prior to beginning
20. Following construction, TMT shall keep their area clean and free of trash or
unattended tools and equipment, unless authorized in writing by OMKM and
21. The Archaeological Monitoring Plan will be submitted to the State Historic
Preservation Division for review and approval prior to the onset of construction;
22. Sublease rent will be deposited into the Manna Kea Lands Management Special
Fund, and only used for management of Mauna Kea and related purposes as
provided by law;
23. UH Hilo/OMKM will notify OCCL of the date of the twice-annual inspections of
the project site and allow Department staff to attend if available;
24. UH Hilo/OMKM will provide OCCL and BLNR a copy of TIO's annual report to
OMKM, as required by Section 5.3 of the TMT Management Plan;
25. UH Hilo will allow BLNR to name a DLNR representative to participate in the
CMP five-year management review process;
26. When provided or required, potable water supply and sanitation facilities shall
have the approval of the Department of Health and the county Board of Water
27. UH Hilo understands and agrees that this permit does not convey any vested
rights or exclusive privilege;
28. In issuing this permit, the Department and Board have relied on the information
and data that UH Hilo has provided in connection with this permit application. If,
subsequent to the issuance of this permit, such information and data prove to be
false, incomplete or inaccurate, this permit may be modified, suspended or
revoked, in whole or in part, and/or the Department may, in addition, institute
appropriate legal proceedings;
29. Where any interference, nuisance, or harm may be caused, or hazard established
by the use, UH Hilo shall be required to take the measures to minimize or
eliminate the interference, nuisance, harm, or hazard;
30. Should historic remains such as artifacts, burials or concentration of charcoal be
encountered during construction activities, work shall cease immediately in the
vicinity of the find, and the find shall be protected from further damage. The
contractor shall immediately contact the State Historic Preservation Division
(692-8015), which will assess the significance of the find and recommend an
appropriate mitigation measure, if necessary; the Applicant will also notify the
Office of Hawaiian Affairs at the same time;
31. During construction, appropriate mitigation measures shall be implemented to
minimize impacts to off-site roadways, utilities, and public facilities;
32. No construction work shall be initiated until the Applicant demonstrates
compliance with all preconstruction conditions and mitigation measures
specifically required in this decision. Once this condition has been satisfied, the
Department will issue notice to proceed with construction;
33. TIO shall set aside funds annually in a sufficient amount to allow for site
observatory and access way site restoration;
34. Daytime activities at TMT will be minimized on up to four days per year, as
identified by Kahu Kū Mauna;
35. UHH shall consult with the Kahu Kū Mauna Council and cultural practitioners to
the extent feasible to plan for, and establish, an appropriate area on Mauna Kea,
within the MKSR, to be used by native Hawaiians for religious and cultural
purposes; provided that this condition shall not affect the timing of TMT
construction or operation;
36. UHH shall allow reasonable access to the area established under Condition 35 for
the exercise of any native Hawaiian traditional and customary practices to the extent feasible, reasonable, and safe. The allocation of this area shall be in
addition to all other cultural and access rights of native Hawaiians to other areas
of Mauna Kea as provided by law or by other conditions set forth herein;
37. In order to enhance the Hawaiian cultural presence on Mauna Kea, UHH shall
include products and handicrafts with a native Hawaiian cultural theme among
those sold at the Mauna Kea VIS, and explore whether an expanded area for
specifically native Hawaiian crafts can be accommodated at or near the VIS;
38. UHH shall implement a cooperative internship and mentorship program between
personnel working at the astronomy facilities on Mauna Kea and Hawaiian
39. UHH and TIO shall develop a plan to implement and extend early entry programs
for at-risk children of Hawaiian ancestry and other at-risk youth in the community
of UH Hilo. The early entry program shall provide educational opportunities in
STEM-related and other curriculum such as the following:
(a) Astronomy, math, science, engineering, environmental science and
technical support careers at astronomy facilities;
(b) Hawaiian language and culture;
(c) Navigation;
(d) Geology;
(e) Biology and agriculture;
(f) Law Enforcement/criminal justice;
(g) New disciplines of learning dependent on career fields needed; and
(h) On-the-job training as necessary.
UHH/TIO shall report to BLNR on the progress of this condition prior to the
completion of TMT construction; provided that progress on this condition or lack
thereof shall not affect the construction or operation of the TMT Project and
provided further that it requires no commitment for funding other than staff time
for plan development;
40. UHH shall make reasonable accommodations for the use of facilities at Hale
Pōhaku for the Hawaiian Language and Hawaiian Studies programs at UHH and
HCC, along with their continued use by others;
41. Kahu Kū Mauna shall review policies concerning the construction and retention
of personal or group shrines such as ‘ahu, and recommend policies to OMKM
and/or BLNR as appropriate, within 18 months;
42. UHH and OMKM are allowed to take reasonable measures consistent with law,
including limitations on the use of the TMT Access Way, if necessary for the
security of the TMT Observatory; and
43. Other terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Chairperson.
NEED MORE to DIGEST .. go watch all the contested case.. and then figure out what you can do. #seeyouonthemauna
Lā 1494 WE STILL HERE.......
Even with my acknowledged bias, there is NO way to read any of the BLNR justifications, conclusions of law, granted permits and decisions and not see that itʻs not about whatʻs pono, itʻs about what foreign governments, corporations and the $$$$ will continue to push for.. Please take some time to read through and watch these links.
Hereʻs a start to get you thinking.. #43 of the permit conditions: 43. Other terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Chairperson. AND who just got 4 more years as the Chair..

The 43 Conditions of the TMT permit:
1. Ensuring that employees attend mandatory cultural and natural resources training
with a minimum of one days’ training;
2. Working with the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center, OMKM, and Kahu Kū Mauna t
develop informational exhibits for visitors regarding the natural, cultural and
archaeological resources of Mauna Kea that could be used at the Mauna Kea VIS,
‘Imiloa, TMT facilities, and other appropriate locations;
3. Funding the re-naturalization of the closed access road on Pu‘u Poli‘ahu, partial
re-naturalization of the batch plant staging area after construction has been
completed, and camouflaging of the utility pull boxes in certain locations to
reduce the visual impact from the summit area;
4. Implementing an invasive species control program;
5. Working with OMKM to develop and implement a wēkiu bug habitat restoration
6. Implementing the "Zero Waste Management" policy;
7. Filling employment opportunities locally to the greatest extent possible;
8. Mandating that employees traveling beyond Hale Pōhaku take part in a ridesharing
program using project vehicles;
9. Using energy savings devices such as solar hot water systems, photovoltaic power
systems, energy efficient light fixtures, and Energy Star rated appliances;
10. The University will decommission three telescopes permanently, as soon as
reasonably possible, and no new observatories will be constructed on those sites.
This commitment will be legally binding on the University and shall be included
in any lease renewal or extension proposed by the University for Mauna Kea;
11. Notwithstanding any lease renewal or extension, consistent with the
Decommissioning Plan, at least two additional facilities will be permanently
decommissioned by December 31, 2033, including the Very Long Baseline Array
antenna and at least one additional observatory.
12. Providing $1 million annually, adjusted for inflation, for "Community Benefits
Package" which will commence with construction and continue through the term
of the sublease. The package will be administered via The Hawai‘i Island New
Knowledge (THINK) Fund Board of Advisors. In addition to the types of
programs described in the "Community Benefits Package" in the Findings of Fact,
at least $5,000 annually of the $1 million shall support a program or programs to
assist at risk youth, specifically focusing on the children of incarcerated parents;
13. The Board of advisors shall ensure that a reasonable amount of funding is directed
at programs for the most vulnerable and underserved members of Hawaiʻi Island communities so that they can participate in our technological future.
14. The funding shall be distributed with reasonable promptness and not be used to
build a permanent endowment;
15. Partnering with other institutions to implement a Workforce Pipeline Program,
headed by at least one full-time position through the Community Outreach office,
to prepare local residents for jobs in science, engineering, and technical fields;
16. UHH will ensure that the survey of the power line corridor easement complies
with DLNR standards and is in accordance with the conditions contained in the
grant of easement (including the Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve) that
was approved by the BLNR in August 1985. The University will provide copies
of the survey to DOFAW;
17. OMKM will consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and experts who are
advising OMKM, including representatives from the DLNR regarding surveys of
the wēkiu bug and invertebrates along the utility corridor, including Pu‘u Hau
Kea and the pu‘u west of the Parking Area 1;
18. The construction contractor will be required to minimize the visual changes to
land within the utility line right-of-way during utility upgrades. Any disturbance
outside of the easement area of the construction corridor will be restored to the
extent possible;
19. UH Hilo will present a plan for handling recreational parking during construction
to the OCCL for review and approval, at least one month prior to beginning
20. Following construction, TMT shall keep their area clean and free of trash or
unattended tools and equipment, unless authorized in writing by OMKM and
21. The Archaeological Monitoring Plan will be submitted to the State Historic
Preservation Division for review and approval prior to the onset of construction;
22. Sublease rent will be deposited into the Manna Kea Lands Management Special
Fund, and only used for management of Mauna Kea and related purposes as
provided by law;
23. UH Hilo/OMKM will notify OCCL of the date of the twice-annual inspections of
the project site and allow Department staff to attend if available;
24. UH Hilo/OMKM will provide OCCL and BLNR a copy of TIO's annual report to
OMKM, as required by Section 5.3 of the TMT Management Plan;
25. UH Hilo will allow BLNR to name a DLNR representative to participate in the
CMP five-year management review process;
26. When provided or required, potable water supply and sanitation facilities shall
have the approval of the Department of Health and the county Board of Water
27. UH Hilo understands and agrees that this permit does not convey any vested
rights or exclusive privilege;
28. In issuing this permit, the Department and Board have relied on the information
and data that UH Hilo has provided in connection with this permit application. If,
subsequent to the issuance of this permit, such information and data prove to be
false, incomplete or inaccurate, this permit may be modified, suspended or
revoked, in whole or in part, and/or the Department may, in addition, institute
appropriate legal proceedings;
29. Where any interference, nuisance, or harm may be caused, or hazard established
by the use, UH Hilo shall be required to take the measures to minimize or
eliminate the interference, nuisance, harm, or hazard;
30. Should historic remains such as artifacts, burials or concentration of charcoal be
encountered during construction activities, work shall cease immediately in the
vicinity of the find, and the find shall be protected from further damage. The
contractor shall immediately contact the State Historic Preservation Division
(692-8015), which will assess the significance of the find and recommend an
appropriate mitigation measure, if necessary; the Applicant will also notify the
Office of Hawaiian Affairs at the same time;
31. During construction, appropriate mitigation measures shall be implemented to
minimize impacts to off-site roadways, utilities, and public facilities;
32. No construction work shall be initiated until the Applicant demonstrates
compliance with all preconstruction conditions and mitigation measures
specifically required in this decision. Once this condition has been satisfied, the
Department will issue notice to proceed with construction;
33. TIO shall set aside funds annually in a sufficient amount to allow for site
observatory and access way site restoration;
34. Daytime activities at TMT will be minimized on up to four days per year, as
identified by Kahu Kū Mauna;
35. UHH shall consult with the Kahu Kū Mauna Council and cultural practitioners to
the extent feasible to plan for, and establish, an appropriate area on Mauna Kea,
within the MKSR, to be used by native Hawaiians for religious and cultural
purposes; provided that this condition shall not affect the timing of TMT
construction or operation;
36. UHH shall allow reasonable access to the area established under Condition 35 for
the exercise of any native Hawaiian traditional and customary practices to the extent feasible, reasonable, and safe. The allocation of this area shall be in
addition to all other cultural and access rights of native Hawaiians to other areas
of Mauna Kea as provided by law or by other conditions set forth herein;
37. In order to enhance the Hawaiian cultural presence on Mauna Kea, UHH shall
include products and handicrafts with a native Hawaiian cultural theme among
those sold at the Mauna Kea VIS, and explore whether an expanded area for
specifically native Hawaiian crafts can be accommodated at or near the VIS;
38. UHH shall implement a cooperative internship and mentorship program between
personnel working at the astronomy facilities on Mauna Kea and Hawaiian
39. UHH and TIO shall develop a plan to implement and extend early entry programs
for at-risk children of Hawaiian ancestry and other at-risk youth in the community
of UH Hilo. The early entry program shall provide educational opportunities in
STEM-related and other curriculum such as the following:
(a) Astronomy, math, science, engineering, environmental science and
technical support careers at astronomy facilities;
(b) Hawaiian language and culture;
(c) Navigation;
(d) Geology;
(e) Biology and agriculture;
(f) Law Enforcement/criminal justice;
(g) New disciplines of learning dependent on career fields needed; and
(h) On-the-job training as necessary.
UHH/TIO shall report to BLNR on the progress of this condition prior to the
completion of TMT construction; provided that progress on this condition or lack
thereof shall not affect the construction or operation of the TMT Project and
provided further that it requires no commitment for funding other than staff time
for plan development;
40. UHH shall make reasonable accommodations for the use of facilities at Hale
Pōhaku for the Hawaiian Language and Hawaiian Studies programs at UHH and
HCC, along with their continued use by others;
41. Kahu Kū Mauna shall review policies concerning the construction and retention
of personal or group shrines such as ‘ahu, and recommend policies to OMKM
and/or BLNR as appropriate, within 18 months;
42. UHH and OMKM are allowed to take reasonable measures consistent with law,
including limitations on the use of the TMT Access Way, if necessary for the
security of the TMT Observatory; and
43. Other terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Chairperson.
NEED MORE to DIGEST .. go watch all the contested case.. and then figure out what you can do. #seeyouonthemauna
Amelia Gora Aliens...be gone off Mauna Kea....Opposition continues from the Royal Families who came together as the House of Nobles, have a Minister of Interior in place who assigns kanaka maoli to our Royal government lands....illegal status of the fraud State means they have no jurisdiction... Oppositions have been posted...this is the evidence: https://amelia-gora.blogspot.com/.../crown-lands-belongs...
Amelia Gora also, everyone must be aware of the countless evidence of conspiracies, premeditations documents that has been researched, etc. and know that even Dr. Alfred DeZayas has an excellent letter which all kanaka maoli can use ---keep a copy in your wallet which shows that we are indeed a separate nation, the entity State, etc. must use Hawaiian Kingdom laws, and we are protected persons....Aliens be gone! ;) Reference: https://www.meanwhileinhawaii.org/.../un-independent...
Integrative Media Co-operative
The lawful poltical status of the Hawaiian Islands is that of an occupied nation-state.
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