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⚛ ⚛ ⚛ Leuren Moret: Global nuclear coverup ⚛ ⚛ ⚛
The Natural, Sophisticated Look
Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup
"They were deliberating amongst themselves as to how they could give wings to Death so that it could, in a moment, penetrate everywhere, both near and far." . John Amos Comenius, The Labyrinth of the World, 1623
Hello, welcome to my website - My name is Leuren Moret, an internationally recognized Geoscientist and specialist on the environmental and biological effects of ionizing radiation. In 1968, I was one of the first women to graduate from UC Davis with a B.S. in Geology. At that time I was made aware of secret mind control experiments at the "monkey colony", by students working there. Hidden away from the campus in a peach orchard on university property, horrific experiments were conducted on monkeys with the tops of their heads cut off and wires coming out of their brains, which were later described and photos published in the media by opponents of animal experimentation. Many years later while doing research on the resulting mind control applications for HAARP, I discovered a photograph in a 1964 UC Davis newsletter, of Edward Teller (known as Dr. Strangelove) with New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller by his side, at the dedication ceremony for the new Applied Science Facility where the animal experiments were adapted for human applications and global HAARP transmissions. The human experiments were conducted in a "safe house" under the MKULTRA program, in Livermore, California.
After graduating from UC Davis in 1968, I collaborated with famous Paleobotanist Dr. Daniel I. Axelrod for 16 years, conducting yearly Paleobotanical expeditions and investigations around the World. That experience led to collaboration at the British Museum with Dr. Lewis Leakey, identifying paleobotanical specimens from East Africa and reconstructing hominid environments. I also conducted research at the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences at Cambridge University, for Dr. Christopher Jeans, son of the well known astronomer Sir James Jeans.
After living in Iran and traveling around Europe and the Middle East, I returned to UC Berkeley and graduated in 1978 with an M.A. in Near Eastern Studies and the equivalent of a Masters degree in Wildlife Studies. After working at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab 1989-1991 as a geochemist on the WIPP and Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage projects, I became a Federal Whistleblower on nuclear weapons lab science fraud, graft, and corruption.
In the early 1990's I served as the President of the International Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG), while conducting PhD graduate work on the history of the earth's magnetic field in the Dept. of Earth Sciences, and received a UC President's Mentoring Fellowship as one of the 5 most promising student scientists on the campus.
My research led to a chance meeting in 2000 with Marion Fulk, the Manhattan Project scientist who solved the difficult problems on the Hydrogen Bomb for the US Government, and made it work. He became my mentor and greatest supporter over the next ten years as I built a global reputation as an expert witness and educator on the harmful effects of nuclear technologies to biological systems and the health of the environment. With this research came a new and perhaps as important field of knowledge, the new global Weapon of Mass Destruction based on Tesla technology known as HAARP. It was secretly co-developed by the U.S. and the Soviet Union at Livermore nuclear weapons lab and in Russia.
After visiting 50 countries educating the public, media, Parliaments and Congress, and making 20 speaking tours in Japan from 2000-2010, I finally found the personal satisfaction and fulfillment that had been missing from my earlier career experiences. Today in retrospect, I can think of no greater reward for my many years of effort and hard work in the sciences, than to be the messenger warning the Global Community about the horrific dangers of HAARP and nuclear technologies, and predicting the HAARP triggered Fukushima disaster in 2004 in the JAPAN TIMES: "Japan's Deadly Game of Nuclear Roulette."

Even if you made an agreement to abolish all nuclear weapons, but you left established power structure in the U.S. and the USSR, they'd go on to research mind control or some chemical or biological thing. My view is, there exists a group of people in the world that have a disease. I call it the "power disease." They want to rule and control other people. They are a more important plague than cancer, pneumonia, bubonic plague, tuberculosis, and heart disease put together. They can only think how to obliterate, control, and use each other. They use people as nothing more than instruments to cast aside when they don't need them any more. . . . In my opinion, what we need is to move toward being nauseated by people who want to be at the top, in power. Can you think of anything more ridiculous than that the Chinese, Russian, and American people let their governments play with superlethal toys and subject all of us to these hazards? The solution is not to replace one leader with another or to have more government. Society has to reorganize itself. The structure we have now is, the sicker you are socially, the more likely it is that you'll come out at the top of the heap.


My name is Laurens Battis. I publish and edit the website, Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup, The International Journal of Science and the GeoPolitical Condition of the World, for Ms. Moret. I'm a TV, film, audio and computer engineer and entrepreneur, with a prior career in journalism.
Our site is intended to be informative and educational. The correct procedure to submit Posts, for consideration of inclusion, is to use the ⚛ SUBMITTING POSTS and COMMENTS ⚛ Link here or in the sidebar on other pages. These will be examined for suitability. Our constraints are, Relevance, Depth and Breadth of Topic, and Scientific Accuracy. We actively discourage submissions that will detract from the core information we are presenting on Bertrand Russell, and The New World Order's plans for mankind, and their effects in real-time, as this Coup unfolds.
We are living History. Mankind as we know it is being transformed with very dangerous technologies, and with an unknown outcome. We want to leave behind a clear and accurate record of what transpired for those who follow.

If You Would Like to Make a Donation to:
Leuren Moret | Laurens Battis
⚛ ⚛ ⚛ LEUREN MORET: GLOBAL NUCLEAR COVERUP ⚛ ⚛ ⚛ The Journal of Science and the Geopolitical Condition of the World
We thank you most sincerely for your support and pledge to continue shining a bright light upon the many levels of the Grand Chessboard this Ancient Game of Geopolitical Give and Take; this Continuing Evolution we call History, Unfolds.

Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup
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- ⚛ Leuren Moret: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima ⚛
- ❦ Moret & Battis: Jade Helm ❦
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- 🇺🇸 Bio: Undermine Control
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- ☛ Who Created ISIS ☚
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- 👤 Cold War Re-Run 👀
- 🌐 Minsk 101 | Theatre of the Absurd 🌍
- 🌐 Geopolitical Original Sin 🌍
- ♘ Russian Troops | Turkish Border ♘
- 📚 Educating Charlie Rose 🔑
- 🌍 Lavrov's Munich Speech
- 🎱 US Embassy Media Fail 🎭
- ✠ ♛🃏 Putin’s Jar Of Spiders
- 📄 This Document is Dynamite 📄
- ♔ The Golden Trap
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- ❁ Putin’s 7-Point Plan
- ❁ Russian Position Speech
- ✈︎ Ukraine, MH-17, Jesuits Flagged! BRICS Undermined?
- ⏰ Ukraine? 🔥 Bail Out! ✈️
- 💦👤 Psychotropic Zombification ☔️
- 💣 Odessa Trade Union Murders 🔥
- 🃏 Nothing Personal, Just Business 💰
- 💉 BioWeapons for Depopulation 💀
- ⚛ Nuclear Coverup Ukraine | Mines of Zholti Vody 💀
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- 🔑 Our Decisions Define Us🔑
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- ♟ Jan. 2015 Minsk Fail 🃏
- ➷ Tochka Found, Debaltsevo Locked
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- ❁ Global Nuclear Theatre: Donbass
- ✠ GHOSTS of the 51st BRIGADE
- ❁ Novorossiya: Strelkov Briefing
- 👤 Open Letter to President Putin
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- ❁ Ukrainian Soldier’s Cry for Help
- ⧱ Occupied Ukraine ⧱
- ❁ US State's Nuland Directs Ukrainian Coup
- 📯 Ukraine Deputies Knew Before Maidan
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- ❁ Fukushima Polar Vortex Radiation ❁
- 💀 Embrace, Enfold, Extinguish
- ✈︎ Fear of Flying . . . (1of4)
- ❁ Fukushima: Impact of Fallout On Oceans (Pt.1)
- ❁ Fukushima: Impact of Fallout On Oceans (Pt. 2)
- ❁ North America, Middle East and Fukushima
- ❁ DHS/Napolitano Berkeley Template
- ❁ Fukushima Radiation, Ecocide & Tesla Technology
- ✈︎ Flight 370 Downing
- ✈︎ MH370: The Follow-Up
- ❁ Domestic Radiation Issues
- ❁ Fukushima: Hawaii, Pacific Is. - Unsafe
- ⚛ Fukushima Reactors, Breakdown 1-6 ⚛
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- ❁ Waves
- ⚛ Radiation Around The Nation 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #69/70, July 30 - August 13, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #67/8,--July 16-30, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #65-6,--July 2-16, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #64, July 2-9, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #62-3, June 18 - July 2, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #61, June 11-18, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #60, June 4-11, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #59, May 28 - June 4, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #58, May 21-28, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #57, May 14-21, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #56, May 7-14, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #55, Apr 30 - May 7, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #54, Apr 23-30, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #53, Apr 16-23, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #52, Apr 9-16, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #51, Apr 2-9, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #47-50, Mar 5 - Apr 2, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #46, Feb 27-Mar 5, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #45, Feb 20-27, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #44, Feb 13-20, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #43, Feb 6-13, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #42, Jan 30 - Feb 6, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #41, Jan 23-30, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #40, Jan 16-23, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #39, Jan 9-16, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #38, Jan 2-9, 2016 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #37, Dec 26 - Jan 2, 2015|16 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #36, Dec 19-26, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #35, Dec 12-19, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #34, Dec 5-12, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #33, Nov 28 - Dec 5, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #32, Nov 21-28, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #31, Nov 14-21, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #30, Nov 7-14, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #29, Oct 31 - Nov 7, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #28, Oct 24-31, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #27, Oct 17-24, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #26, Oct 10-17, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #25, Oct 3-10, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #24, Sep 26 - Oct 2, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #23, Sep 19-26, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #22, Sep 12-19, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #21, Sep 5-12, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #20, Aug 29 -Sep 5, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #19, Aug 22-29, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #18, Aug 15-22, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation #17, Aug 8-15, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, August 1-8, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, July 24-31, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, June 26 - July 24, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, June 19-26, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, June 12-19, 2015 🌏
- ⚛ Your Radiation, June 5-12, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, May 29 - June 5, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, May 22-29, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, May 15-22, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, May 8-15, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, May 2-8, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, April 24 - May 1, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, April 17-24, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, April 9-16, 2015 🌎
- 🔥 Fire at Oak Ridge 💥
- 🐄 Radioactive Cattle Teeth, Fukushima 🏭
- 📰 WikiLeaks 🔎 NSA and More 🔦
- ✨Nano ‘Hall of Mirrors’⚡️
- ⚛ 💀 ⚛ into the Hudson River 🌎
- 🚿 Flint, Metropolitan Eugenics 💀
- 🌍 Existential Threat? ☛NATO☚
- 💉 Gates, Poroshenko; Conspiracy, Government 🎯
- 💉 Gates-Poroshenko ZPG Ukraine 💀
- 💀 Paris Massacre Perpetrators 👤
- 🔪 Delgado, Mind Control ♟
- 🎯 Radio Frequency Directed Energy 🎯
- ⚛ Please, Don’t Pick the Mutants 🌻
- ⨳👤⨳ Space-Based Weapons Ban
- √ Saudi OP Strategy Success
- ♨️ Gallery ♨️ Chernobyl Fire ♨️ 2015 ♨️
- 🌍 Monsanto Backdoors E.U.
- 🎉 Crimea’s 1st Anniversary Album 🎉
- 🌏 21st Century Eschalon
- 📰 International Headline Watch 🌏
- ✄ Prouty Place ✑ CUT THE BULL ✂︎
- 🌏 How To Wreck The Environment
- 🇯🇵 Plutonium Isotopes Off Japan
- 🌍 Depopulation Agenda: Europe 👤
- 🔪💉Cease Covert Depopulation Letter🔪💉
- ❁ Dutch Apologize for MH-17 Lies
- ❁ Pacific Dead from Fukushima
- ❁ Strange Fish Story
- ❁ Blood Composition of Monkeys Altered Near Fukushima
- ❁ Secret Army Bases
- ⚛ Fukushima Plutonium Effect ⚛
- ➷ RAND Demographic Military Power ➷
- ⚛ Depleted Uranium | DNA Damage ⚛
- ❁ Hidden Genocide: by Dr. Ernest Sternglass
- ❁ Space Preservation Act of 2001
- ❁ 1972 Rothschild Ball
- ❁ Unsafe Radwaste Disposal
- ♆ Fallout and Reproduction of Ocean Fish Populations
- ⚛ Radiation Around The Nation 🌎
- ❁ Lifestyle
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- ⚛ 61 Years of Omnicide ⚛
- 📻 Nanoparticle Toxicity with Leuren Moret ❦
- ❁ New Bombs and War Crimes in Fallujah
- ❁ Global Climate Change . . .
- ⚛ International Radiation Distribution ⚛
- 💀 Depleted Uranium’n’DNA 😱
- ❁ UC Regents Lose Nuke Pgm
- ❁ DU-Trojan Horse
- ❁ LM:GNC (Pt1)
- ❁ LM:GNC (Pt2)
- ❁ World Uranium Weapons Conference 2003
- ⚛ Radionuclide ReMobilization Abatement
- ❁ "America First" Transcription
- ❁ "Whale Archive" Transcription
- ⚛ ⚛ ⚛ Location, Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup ⚛ ⚛ ⚛
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