Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Request for Appointment No. 2019-0327 and 2nd Request for Appointment No. 2019-0406 Reason: Treaty and Protectorate Status from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
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French Consulate in Hawaii - Guillame Maman
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Subject: Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Request for Appointment No. 2019-0327 and 2nd Request for Appointment No. 2019-0406 Reason: Treaty and Protectorate Status from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
My name is Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, a Royal person, descendant of Kamehameha through 4 of his children, 6 stepchildren, and 2 hanai/adopted children.
I am requesting to have a meeting with you to discuss a number of issues including the permanent Treaty with the French Government, etc. at your earliest convenience.
My email: hawaiianhistory@gmail.
Some of the members of our House of Nobles, Representative would also like to attend the meeting as well at your office or other location.
Your response will be greatly appreciated.
Amelia Gora
p.s. The following article has been posted on our website for your information:
Kamehameha III's - Kauikeaouli's Treaty With France and Great Britain - With Protectorate 1846 (not printed in 1887 Treaty Book)
Research by Amelia Gora (2019)
The following Treaty was found on the Chroniclingamerica website which shows that a protectorate was also agreed to b Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli:
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The above shows that a Protectorate over the Sandwich Islands/Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii was made during the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
Parties to the Treaties were Kamehameha III's heirs and successors and France/Great Britain.
Moves to defraud the Kamehameha's is documented through research.
It was Sanford B. Dole, head of the usurpers - Provisional government/entity who defrauded the Kamehameha Families since 1874.
The concerted effort was to claim that the "last of the Kamehameha's" was Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Ruth Keelikolani, Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha.
By eliminating the Kamehameha's, the treaties with other countries would no longer exist because of the clause "heirs and successors".
The "heirs and successors" of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli were all of his relatives.
King Lunalilo was an heir because he was a sibling of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
King Kalakaua was a successor because his mother Keohokalole was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant named Nahuina (w).
Queen Liliuokalani was a successor because her mother Keohokalole was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant named Nahuina (w).
U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back Twice (2x) to Queen Liliuokalani in 1894 and 1897.
Reference: http://iolani-theroyalhawk.
U.S. President McKinley proclaimed Hawaii to be a Territory of the United States, a whole new nation which is not the same as the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Sandwich Islands. Moves to identity thieve the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii was made when the Attorney General claimed that the "territory was the successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii". The Treaties made with other nations includes France, Great Britain, Belgium, etc. and continues on due to the permanent peace, and friendship, etc. contracts signed by our Sovereign Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli who has relatives existing today including myself, Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal Judge, Supreme Court Judge of the court of original jurisdiction from the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Sandwich Islands etc., Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Land owner, Landlord. aloha. Reference: |
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