Not For Profit - For Justice
100% Non Commercial, Fearless, Forthright & Independent
"The United States has entered the ranks of the failed states. One of the most remarkable manifestations of a failed state is that the criminals are all inside the government operating against the people, whereas in a normal state, the criminals are on the outside of the government, operating against it. So, we now have every manifestation of being a failed state, with the government in the hands of a few Wall Street gangsters." - Paul Craig Roberts
"American government is corrupt. Those who have enough money can almost get anything they want from our government, whether it is tax breaks, or subsidies, or policies and laws changed, removed, or added." - Ravi Batra - "The New Golden Age"
"What is masquerading as government is a crime syndicate with a flag. The US Government is an instrument of organized crime." - Nikki Alexander
"Patriotism has got to be more than hanging out a flag and then sitting on your ass watching jets bomb Afghanistan." - Ruth Coniff
April Fundraiser: We Really Need Your Help
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Information Clearing House is one of the webs only truly independent sources of news and opinion. Without YOUR help it can not continue to exist.
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or if you prefer to send a check or money order, Information Clearing House, PO Box 365 Imperial Beach, CA 91933. USA.
Low income readers: DON'T send money, just encourage others to subscribe.
To all who have assisted in the past. Thank you. Your help is greatly appreciated. Peace and Joy. Tom Feeley
Only the Struggle Matters
By Chris Hedges |
 | The uprising in the streets of Paris illustrates the importance of resisting corporate oppression, no matter what the outcome. - Continue |
Watch: Combat Diary Iraq : A documentary chronicling Lima Company 3rd Battalion 25th Marines from Columbus Ohio and they deployment to Iraq.
Watch: Saudi Arabia: A serial hacker? : Experts confirmed New York Times' reports on the Saudi capability to "collect vast amounts of data from smartphones in the air without leaving a trace - including phone calls, texts and emails,"
Peace and Joy
Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,801
Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan :
4.77 Trillion - Spending $1 million an hour, non-stop, 24 hours a day, you won't run out of money for 411 years.
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Phone:San Diego USA 619-407-7054
ICH: Russia warns US: Stop interfering in Venezuela |
ICH Newsletter | Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 1:04 PM |
Not For Profit - For Justice
100% Non Commercial, Fearless, Forthright & Independent
"The United States has entered the ranks of the failed states. One of the most remarkable manifestations of a failed state is that the criminals are all inside the government operating against the people, whereas in a normal state, the criminals are on the outside of the government, operating against it. So, we now have every manifestation of being a failed state, with the government in the hands of a few Wall Street gangsters." - Paul Craig Roberts
"American government is corrupt. Those who have enough money can almost get anything they want from our government, whether it is tax breaks, or subsidies, or policies and laws changed, removed, or added." - Ravi Batra - "The New Golden Age"
"What is masquerading as government is a crime syndicate with a flag. The US Government is an instrument of organized crime." - Nikki Alexander
"Patriotism has got to be more than hanging out a flag and then sitting on your ass watching jets bomb Afghanistan." - Ruth Coniff
April Fundraiser: We Really Need Your Help
Remember, ICH is independent because it is wholly funded by YOU
Information Clearing House is one of the webs only truly independent sources of news and opinion. Without YOUR help it can not continue to exist.
Please help - Act now! Click the link below
Please provide whatever you can- $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100- To Use your debit/credit card or check click here:
or if you prefer to send a check or money order, Information Clearing House, PO Box 365 Imperial Beach, CA 91933. USA.
Low income readers: DON'T send money, just encourage others to subscribe.
To all who have assisted in the past. Thank you. Your help is greatly appreciated. Peace and Joy. Tom Feeley
Only the Struggle Matters
By Chris Hedges |
 | The uprising in the streets of Paris illustrates the importance of resisting corporate oppression, no matter what the outcome. - Continue |
Watch: Combat Diary Iraq : A documentary chronicling Lima Company 3rd Battalion 25th Marines from Columbus Ohio and they deployment to Iraq.
Watch: Saudi Arabia: A serial hacker? : Experts confirmed New York Times' reports on the Saudi capability to "collect vast amounts of data from smartphones in the air without leaving a trace - including phone calls, texts and emails,"
Peace and Joy
Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,801
Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan :
4.77 Trillion - Spending $1 million an hour, non-stop, 24 hours a day, you won't run out of money for 411 years.
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Contact Information
Phone:San Diego USA 619-407-7054

Open & Pending Pedocriminal Investigations for further international investigation, prosecution, and trial by competent International Common Law Tribunal: via
Wed, Mar 27, 3:52 PM (6 days ago)
| |
⚛ ⚛ ⚛ Leuren Moret: Global nuclear coverup ⚛ ⚛ ⚛
The Natural, Sophisticated Look
Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup
"They were deliberating amongst themselves as to how they could give wings to Death so that it could, in a moment, penetrate everywhere, both near and far." . John Amos Comenius, The Labyrinth of the World, 1623
Hello, welcome to my website - My name is Leuren Moret, an internationally recognized Geoscientist and specialist on the environmental and biological effects of ionizing radiation. In 1968, I was one of the first women to graduate from UC Davis with a B.S. in Geology. At that time I was made aware of secret mind control experiments at the "monkey colony", by students working there. Hidden away from the campus in a peach orchard on university property, horrific experiments were conducted on monkeys with the tops of their heads cut off and wires coming out of their brains, which were later described and photos published in the media by opponents of animal experimentation. Many years later while doing research on the resulting mind control applications for HAARP, I discovered a photograph in a 1964 UC Davis newsletter, of Edward Teller (known as Dr. Strangelove) with New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller by his side, at the dedication ceremony for the new Applied Science Facility where the animal experiments were adapted for human applications and global HAARP transmissions. The human experiments were conducted in a "safe house" under the MKULTRA program, in Livermore, California.
After graduating from UC Davis in 1968, I collaborated with famous Paleobotanist Dr. Daniel I. Axelrod for 16 years, conducting yearly Paleobotanical expeditions and investigations around the World. That experience led to collaboration at the British Museum with Dr. Lewis Leakey, identifying paleobotanical specimens from East Africa and reconstructing hominid environments. I also conducted research at the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences at Cambridge University, for Dr. Christopher Jeans, son of the well known astronomer Sir James Jeans.
After living in Iran and traveling around Europe and the Middle East, I returned to UC Berkeley and graduated in 1978 with an M.A. in Near Eastern Studies and the equivalent of a Masters degree in Wildlife Studies. After working at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab 1989-1991 as a geochemist on the WIPP and Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage projects, I became a Federal Whistleblower on nuclear weapons lab science fraud, graft, and corruption.
In the early 1990's I served as the President of the International Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG), while conducting PhD graduate work on the history of the earth's magnetic field in the Dept. of Earth Sciences, and received a UC President's Mentoring Fellowship as one of the 5 most promising student scientists on the campus.
My research led to a chance meeting in 2000 with Marion Fulk, the Manhattan Project scientist who solved the difficult problems on the Hydrogen Bomb for the US Government, and made it work. He became my mentor and greatest supporter over the next ten years as I built a global reputation as an expert witness and educator on the harmful effects of nuclear technologies to biological systems and the health of the environment. With this research came a new and perhaps as important field of knowledge, the new global Weapon of Mass Destruction based on Tesla technology known as HAARP. It was secretly co-developed by the U.S. and the Soviet Union at Livermore nuclear weapons lab and in Russia.
After visiting 50 countries educating the public, media, Parliaments and Congress, and making 20 speaking tours in Japan from 2000-2010, I finally found the personal satisfaction and fulfillment that had been missing from my earlier career experiences. Today in retrospect, I can think of no greater reward for my many years of effort and hard work in the sciences, than to be the messenger warning the Global Community about the horrific dangers of HAARP and nuclear technologies, and predicting the HAARP triggered Fukushima disaster in 2004 in the JAPAN TIMES: "Japan's Deadly Game of Nuclear Roulette."
Even if you made an agreement to abolish all nuclear weapons, but you left established power structure in the U.S. and the USSR, they'd go on to research mind control or some chemical or biological thing. My view is, there exists a group of people in the world that have a disease. I call it the "power disease." They want to rule and control other people. They are a more important plague than cancer, pneumonia, bubonic plague, tuberculosis, and heart disease put together. They can only think how to obliterate, control, and use each other. They use people as nothing more than instruments to cast aside when they don't need them any more. . . . In my opinion, what we need is to move toward being nauseated by people who want to be at the top, in power. Can you think of anything more ridiculous than that the Chinese, Russian, and American people let their governments play with superlethal toys and subject all of us to these hazards? The solution is not to replace one leader with another or to have more government. Society has to reorganize itself. The structure we have now is, the sicker you are socially, the more likely it is that you'll come out at the top of the heap.
My name is Laurens Battis. I publish and edit the website, Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup, The International Journal of Science and the GeoPolitical Condition of the World, for Ms. Moret. I'm a TV, film, audio and computer engineer and entrepreneur, with a prior career in journalism.
Our site is intended to be informative and educational. The correct procedure to submit Posts, for consideration of inclusion, is to use the ⚛ SUBMITTING POSTS and COMMENTS ⚛ Link here or in the sidebar on other pages. These will be examined for suitability. Our constraints are, Relevance, Depth and Breadth of Topic, and Scientific Accuracy. We actively discourage submissions that will detract from the core information we are presenting on Bertrand Russell, and The New World Order's plans for mankind, and their effects in real-time, as this Coup unfolds.
We are living History. Mankind as we know it is being transformed with very dangerous technologies, and with an unknown outcome. We want to leave behind a clear and accurate record of what transpired for those who follow.
If You Would Like to Make a Donation to:
Leuren Moret | Laurens Battis
⚛ ⚛ ⚛ LEUREN MORET: GLOBAL NUCLEAR COVERUP ⚛ ⚛ ⚛ The Journal of Science and the Geopolitical Condition of the World
We thank you most sincerely for your support and pledge to continue shining a bright light upon the many levels of the Grand Chessboard this Ancient Game of Geopolitical Give and Take; this Continuing Evolution we call History, Unfolds.
Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup
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- ✈️ 3 NWO False Flags Connected ➷
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- 🎯 R.F.D.E. | H.A.A.R.P. | N.L.P. ⚡️
- ⚛ Leuren Moret: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima ⚛
- ❦ Moret & Battis: Jade Helm ❦
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- ⨳ Geopolitics Ukraine | E.U. Judo 🌍
- 👥 Template: Jade Helm
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- 🎥 Rebranded ✠ The Jesuits ✠
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- 💀 Embrace, Enfold, Extinguish
- ✈︎ Fear of Flying . . . (1of4)
- ❁ Fukushima: Impact of Fallout On Oceans (Pt.1)
- ❁ Fukushima: Impact of Fallout On Oceans (Pt. 2)
- ❁ North America, Middle East and Fukushima
- ❁ DHS/Napolitano Berkeley Template
- ❁ Fukushima Radiation, Ecocide & Tesla Technology
- ✈︎ Flight 370 Downing
- ✈︎ MH370: The Follow-Up
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- ❁ Fukushima: Hawaii, Pacific Is. - Unsafe
- ⚛ Fukushima Reactors, Breakdown 1-6 ⚛
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- ⚛ Your Radiation #64, July 2-9, 2016 🌎
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- ⚛ Your Radiation, April 17-24, 2015 🌎
- ⚛ Your Radiation, April 9-16, 2015 🌎
- 🔥 Fire at Oak Ridge 💥
- 🐄 Radioactive Cattle Teeth, Fukushima 🏭
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- ✨Nano ‘Hall of Mirrors’⚡️
- ⚛ 💀 ⚛ into the Hudson River 🌎
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- 🌍 Existential Threat? ☛NATO☚
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- 💉 Gates-Poroshenko ZPG Ukraine 💀
- 💀 Paris Massacre Perpetrators 👤
- 🔪 Delgado, Mind Control ♟
- 🎯 Radio Frequency Directed Energy 🎯
- ⚛ Please, Don’t Pick the Mutants 🌻
- ⨳👤⨳ Space-Based Weapons Ban
- √ Saudi OP Strategy Success
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- ✄ Prouty Place ✑ CUT THE BULL ✂︎
- 🌏 How To Wreck The Environment
- 🇯🇵 Plutonium Isotopes Off Japan
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- 🔪💉Cease Covert Depopulation Letter🔪💉
- ❁ Dutch Apologize for MH-17 Lies
- ❁ Pacific Dead from Fukushima
- ❁ Strange Fish Story
- ❁ Blood Composition of Monkeys Altered Near Fukushima
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- ➷ RAND Demographic Military Power ➷
- ⚛ Depleted Uranium | DNA Damage ⚛
- ❁ Hidden Genocide: by Dr. Ernest Sternglass
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“Although all men are born free, slavery has been the general lot of the human race. Ignorant–they have been cheated; asleep–they have been surprised; divided–the yoke has been forced upon them. But what is the lesson?…the people ought to be enlightened, to be awakened, to be united, that after establishing a government they should watch over it….It is universally admitted that a well-instructed people alone can be permanently free.” –James Madison
⚛ ⚛ Now Here's the News ⚛ ⚛
Guess Which Manufactured Crisis That Was? -Laurens
And The Mome Raths Outgrabe.
Next Vacation Visit Beautiful Fukushima
Released May 20, 2009, US-Oct 14
This is a short film that was directed by the French animation collective H5, François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy & Ludovic Houplain. It was presented at the Cannes Film Festival 2009. It opened the 2010 Sundance Film Festival and won the 2010 Academy Award under the category of Animated Short.
Fukushima Daiichi Cs137 Dispersion Model from NOAA
When you hear tales from Deep-Water Sailors about the Pacific Ocean being Dead . . . Well, You Know the Reason Why . . .
Are Busy Drafting New Articles, Creating New Videos , And Building New Pages For The Site. Featured Research In The Pipeline Includes:
- Nuclear Ramifications of the 2015 Chernobyl Forest Fire
- Zaporhyze (present effects and future implications of this latest nuclear reactor criticality triggering)
- Fukushima (the effects from it since 2011 and how it will affect the future),
- Atlanticist's: U.S. et al, Demographics Crusade against the Middle East/North Africa (MENA)
- The US attack on Ukraine planned since WWII, why was Ukraine destroyed by the US, and what is the position of Putin/Russia on Novorussia, how does this affect Europe
- The hidden power of the Jesuits and their involvement in world wars (Hitler based the Nazi organization and mechanisms on the Jesuits), Ukraine, HAARP, GMO, history of nuclear weapons, and their plans for NWO (the Jesuits are my biggest research topic now because they are a global threat to humanity that is now at a very critical stage - they caused Fukushima, Ukraine disaster, coming destruction of N. America, Africa, and mining of Antarctica etc.)
- The present Jesuit collapse of the western economy and pumping of Russia/China and their history in that region since the 1500's. Who are the Jesuits at the top and where did they come from and when.
- The present destruction of the United States by Dept. of Homeland Security (Jesuit Gestapo) and FEMA, the global contracts that DOH/FEMA have in 15+ other countries, planned and ongoing Sovietization of USA, prison camps, underground prisons, corruption of courts-banks-govt.-society, Jesuit takeover of US in past 30 years
- HAARP - false flags and natural disasters artificially triggered with HAARP (Fukushima - Stuxnet virus, Siemens involvement, British Petroleum command of disaster response, Japan's 3 mind control bases in Antarctica, how it is used in elections/earthquakes, moving Fukushima radiation plumes into targeted regions and populations etc. etc.)
- Biological effects of ionizing radiation and DIME - Chernobyl, DU in Iraq/Afghan/Ukraine, mininukes now being used that are neutron bombs - used in Lebanon/Ukraine/Israel/US/Hawaii/Okinawa/Korea/Mogadishu/Somalia/Libya
- The increase in fascism, Nazi behavior and demonstrations, repression, loss of freedoms (GLOBALLY this is happening - by NATO, CIA.MI6.GLADIO, right wing ultra nationalists)
Aerial view of the Pentagon, Arlington, VA
. . . And in the confusion of post-WWII reorganization the institution housed at the Pentagon was tuned with a corporate-name-change. “The Department of War,” was conveniently rebranded, “The Department of Defense.”. . . I’m So Pleased to be ‘Defended’ from ‘The Terrorists’ ! . . . -ed
🎯 R.F.D.E. | H.A.A.R.P. | N.L.P. ⚡️
⚡️Full Spectrum Dominance⚡️
Radio Frequency Directed Energy | High Amplitude Auroral Research Project | Neuro-Linguistic Programming
PART 1: RAYTHEON Multifunction RFDE System Patent: US 7629918 B2
Introduction of Patent:
- 1945 patent for missile defense implicates Kissinger transfer of Nazi missile technology and 5000 German Paperclip Nazi scientists to US
- Hedy Lamar held patent on German cell phone concept - she was young and beautiful and attended Nazi officers parties and dinners and heard them discussing it during WW II.
- I.G. Farben pharmaceutical genocide (pre)history WWI and under WWII Nazis
- 1919 Spanish flu (30 million deaths) - Bayer (=Bauer=Rothschild) Bayer company recommended vaccine against Spanish Flu AND Bayer aspirin be used together to fight flu; was a binary weapon causing deaths of many people.
[ref. Ebolagate - Alfred refer to that article in your article on the interview]
Larry will explain these technically and the significance:
- Transfer from binary system that was large and cumbersome/big power needed, and had to be positioned on a Navy ship (RFDE = LaWS),
- scaled down w increased power to a
- system locally available within the civilian power grid AND
- financed by victim population/target, and
- called telecommunications as a hand held device and CELL PHONES
- Concept and patent for initial development of cell phone systems was originally held by Hedy Lamar! The US govt. waited until the patent expired (did not want to buy it from her, so they waited until the patent expired. Motorola was all over it in the 1960's.
***scaled down and in electric grid, victims financed it, sophisticated acquisition system.
***It is a system that can sniff its own signals on the way in, and if it handles/encrypts itself doing that - it eavesdrops on itself and sends it out of band encrypted and undetected. It does not go into the regular info stream, but goes out of that and out of band, then is encrypted and undetected.
***On the flip side, it has gotten to the point w phased array antennas (pizza box antennas) in personal devices they are being widely deployed and now individual cellphones can have 10 antennas in one device and quite programmable across frequency band and direction. Cell phones now are computers and started w I-phones and when IOS Android came out.
- LaWS (Laser Weapons System): MH 370 Malaysian air attacked over S.
China Sea in SIngapore air space (SE Asia headquarters for CIA/MI6).
- SBIRS (Space Based Infrared System): MH 17 Malaysian Air attacked over
- Smart Meters/INMARSAT Satellite System: INMARSAT Satellite co. involvement in controlling media and tracking MH17 false flag, revealed that INMARSAT was started by the Dutch military, and tracked all ocean traffic. Recent information regarding smart meters indicates that smart meters transmit all smart meter information from individual smart meters to INMARSAT satellites headquartered in London. US govt data such as Homeland Security and FEMA is stored on geostationary INMARSAT satellite over Camaroon.
- GLOBAL ELECTRIC GRID AND GLOBAL WI-FI: Recent news reports that a global electric grid is planned, and global wi-fi will be transmitted from hi altitude drones without permission from world governments.
Biological attacks on targeted individuals are now being transmitted from integrated smartmeter/antennas/cellphone/street lamp/University of Calif. campuses and coordinated by police departments.
*EMF frequencies transmitted along sidewalks, streets to track cars, NWO street lamps w phased array antennas, cellphones, and smart meters.
Ex. Larry's ankles, Leuren's face slashed and microwave burn and scar under nostril, cut off Leuren's hair, deformed toenails, brown spots on skin caused by infrared targeting, microwave freeze drying of skin - 6 months to heal.
- Assassinations: University of Calif. Berkeley EMF targeting home owners w choice locations - causing deaths or driving them from homes
- Retired population most attacked for death to get them off pensions and benefits - medical, since they do not join Obama's health care plan (older people now being targeted on legs and knees - too many walking with canes in last 6 months)
- Public storage facilities now loaded w EMF weapons, cops, gangstalkers to steal people's property -
PUBLIC STORAGE is worst company of its genre in local experience.
- UC Berkeley recruiting gays in China to bring to US to train as gangstalkers/hackers etc. - using EMF technologies.
- HEALTH FOOD STORES AND HERBAL MEDICINALS - these stores and businesses are heavily armed with wi-fi to annoy customers and to attack w gangstalkers making it harder to live and eat in a healthy manner.
- Public transportation loaded w gangstalkers to annoy passengers. Teams of EMF loaded gangstalkers work as units on trains, subways, buses, sidewalks.
- INFRASOUND transmissions very intense in Bay Area, public storage, apartment buildings - they always take the second floor in buildings.
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