ICH: Chinese troops in Venezuela?
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Trump May Name Kris Kobach New Immigration Czar
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Wed, Apr 3, 5:50 AM (18 hours ago)
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ICH: U.S. Collecting Everything You Do: Whistleblower
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I Am Stunned by The Evil
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How Big Medicine is hurting patients and putting small practices out of business
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KevinMD Plus: Apr 1, 2019
How Big Medicine is hurting patients and putting small practices out of business Recently the CEO of a large health care network stated: “Market forces don’t apply to health care.” Of course, economic and political forces apply to health care. Big Medicine’s most powerful entities (insurers, hospitals, medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, and government agencies) formulate health care policy to enrich themselves at the expense of patients and […] The sweet path to hell: addiction in medical professionals K: “I was assaulted by an intoxicated female. She punched me and ruptured two discs in my back. I lost my whole self. I could no longer take the CPR course required. I lost my income that was supporting me and my three children. I needed the narcotics — not only to dull the physical […] 6 essential tips (and more) that I never learned in medical school 1. Cover your patients It was my first year of practice. One day I saw a new patient, a 25-year-old man with hemorrhoidal pain. My nurse told him to disrobe and put on a lap sheet. When I entered the room, I was surprised to see that the young man was sitting on the exam […]
Medical care was never intended to be a daily fights against insurance companies
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Physicians are finding opportunities they almost missed. 3 tips from an attorney to avoid a medical malpractice lawsuit Twenty years of defending doctors and hospitals in medical malpractice cases has made me into a nervous patient. When you see the worst, you look for it. At least I do. That’s why when I was scheduled for a minor elective procedure, I was nervous. I set aside the day, canceling all of my depositions […] Hospice didn’t stop suffering. But what it did for us was priceless. My wife Uzma died peacefully at home. She didn’t take any painkillers for her last three days. Our kids, my parents, and I were next to her. In the weeks leading up to her death, many old friends visited her. Others sent her flowers, cards, and food. It was a good death. Yes, in the last five […] Fixing burnout among hospitalists is a leadership challenge “Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi Burnout among physicians is at an epidemic proportion. National data suggests that more than 50 percent of our workforce is burned out, and this trend has been across the board from physicians in training to practicing […] How physicians can burn in, not burn out Physicians are leaving medicine due to being physically and mentally exhausted. Most tragically, the United States loses one physician a day to suicide — an astronomical number. Physician burnout is a crisis that has been brewing in medicine for years. Administrative tasks, long hours, EHRs and a complete lack of work-life balance are all contributing […] Remembering Dr. Denton A. Cooley Back in the 70s, Dr. Denton A. Cooley would do eight or so heart operations a day often on babies and children with heart defects. One day, he operated on four babies. Three of them died. It was around eight o’clock at night, and as Dr. Cooley walked down the hall with his team, he […] The financial barriers of applying to medical school In May 2018, it happened. The American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) opened its floodgates. As we wrapped up our last years in undergrad, we felt a twinge of excitement as we finally began applying to medical school. But we quickly found one thing that wasn’t all-too-exciting: the bill. In 2018, the AMCAS charged $170 […] Don’t sign anything: Advice when hospital administration has you against the wall If you think you are the only one being threatened by the chief medical officer (CMO) and/or the medical executive committee (MEC) think again. If you’re thinking it is going to get better or that they have your best interests in mind, also think again. You are in an unfortunate and common situation happening throughout […] A physician’s empathy in urgent care makes a big difference While winter is traditionally the busiest time of year for pediatricians, this winter has been particularly difficult in the Midwest with not only a larger number of ill visits, but a late and heavy flu epidemic hitting at a point where most of us were already wearing out. With this flu epidemic, our urgent cares, […] Using the Avengers to explain how cancer treatments work In a recent talk I gave for colleagues, I ventured outside the box. I searched for a metaphor to make cancer treatments easy to understand. Around the same time, it so happened my kids decided we needed to re-watch all of The Avengers movies at home. (In order, of course). Here’s where you get some insight into […] How physicians can find meaning in their work “Seriously, do you often/very often reflect on how your work helps make the world a better place?” I was recently involved in an email exchange with a colleague when she sent me this line. We will get to the answer to that question at the end. I was disappointed, but not surprised because until about […] Children surprise their doctors to say thank you Children surprise their doctors by dressing up just like them to say thank you for the incredible work they do each day. Happy Doctors’ Day, courtesy of Children’s Health. Blame the pain, not the opioids I’ve noticed a frightening trend in the latest research on patients taking prescribed opioids: whatever the negative outcomes, researchers attribute them to the opioid medications instead of the underlying pain. The many detrimental outcomes these studies find are exactly what you’d expect from a person suffering long-term chronic pain. They don’t recognize or calculate into […] Surprise! Health care can learn a lot from the DMV Three years ago, I received a letter in the mail informing me that my driver’s license would be expiring. Almost immediately, I felt a sense of dread because I knew I would have to go to the DMV to renew my license. As a full-time, practicing orthopedic surgeon, running daytime errands isn’t exactly something I […] MKSAP: 60-year-old man with constant low-grade epigastric pain radiating to his back Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 60-year-old man is evaluated for constant low-grade epigastric pain radiating to his back that worsens after he eats fatty foods. He has a 2-year history of chronic pancreatitis. The pain has progressively worsened over the preceding 6 months. His weight […] Best jobs for retired physicians: What are the options? This article is sponsored by Careers by KevinMD.com. Even the best of careers must end sometime. Sure, most doctors look forward to retirement, but not every retired physician wants to sit back collecting sea-shells for the rest of his or her life. Whether driven by financial constraints or by that persistent longing to change the world, any physician […] Navigating infertility while training to perform abortions I met the medical criteria for infertility one week before starting my journey to becoming an abortion provider. In my second year of residency as a family physician, my husband and I began trying to have a child. At six months without success, we impatiently embarked on an early laboratory workup that was normal. After […] What caring for 6 generations can teach new doctors “Hi, Doctor Kamajian! I finally got health insurance that I can use to come to see you with my son.” I looked at the chart and realized it had been three years since I had seen her very familiar face. So, before the exam, we chatted and got reacquainted. It is remarkable what family doctors […] Why it’s important to remove the sutures you place As a surgeon who has been practicing for more than 20 years, I have had a front row seat to both positive and negative changes that have taken place in our evolving medical field. As a community hand surgeon who values many of the recent advances in hand surgery, there is one piece of tried-and-true […] 345 Hudson Street New York NY 10014 USA |
The Biggest Fruit Ever Grown in Hawaii > Hawaii Free Press
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Mon, Apr 1, 7:32 PM (3 days ago)
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Aloha kakou he Hawai’I, PAU?
E kala mai
I beg to differ with part of this above report on who was first of the Hawaiian Ali’I to become a Christian and its reference of who is “Queen Mother of Kamehameha II, Liholiho? While it doesn’t matter who became a Christian first for no matter what is your origin just as long as we do so before leaving this mortal world?
But what really matters is Truth, whether it is history before you or that of your now?. In modern day monarchy of the Hawaiian Royalty there seems to be an effort to “cloud” the existence of Sacred Queen Mother Ke’opuolani by most historians and even that of Hawaiian Ali’i Royalty. May I refer all to reference “https://len.wikipedia.org/w/ index.php?title=Keopuolani (okina first o & u) for some insight.
Ask yourself, why did King Kamehameha the Great go to such great depth to secure a woman of such character and devotion?
Oddly enough. Queen Mother Ke’opuolani was sacred above all yet not considered the favorite wife of King Kamehameha the Great but was the only “Sacred Queen Mother of King Kamehameha II Liholiho, King Kamehameha III, Kauike’aouli and Princess Nahienaena”. It is reported that eight other children were of birth by Queen Ke’opuolani but did not live. It seems that her purpose in her life was to bear truth for all to believe?
Sacred Queen Ke’opuolani played a major role in the overthrow of the sacred Hawaiian kapu system, “Ai Noa that open the pathway to Christianity in the Hawaiian Kingdom. The sacredness of Queen Ke’opuolani did not allow her to be political as other “Royal’s”, and by early 1820’s not being a physically well person she returned her birthplace in Lahaina, Maui in August of 1823 to live and she requested of the American Board of Missions that a “Mission Family” live with her at her Palace in Lahaina. Due to language restrictions Reverend William Ellis and his assistant the Taua Ohana of Tahiti joined Reverend Charles Stewart and his wife Harriet in Lahaina. Queen Ke’opuolani was protected by King Kamehameha the Great most trusted Chief Kalaniimoku and Chief Ho’apili. Within the baptismal of Queen Ke’opuolani Chief Ho’apili was her choice to become her only husband.
On September 16, 1823, Queen Ke’opuolani’s health condition lessen more. With her was her son King Kamehameha II, Liholiho. She instructed her son to above all always take care of his people. It was then of the moment, it is believed Sacred Queen Mother Ke’opuolani spoke of the “original sacred motto of the Hawaiian Kingdom (1823)” to her son Liholiho, as ”Ua Mau ke Ea o ka Aina I ka Pono o Iesu Kristo” just before she was baptized “Harriet Ke’opuolani Ho’apili”, aka Sacred Queen Mother Ke’opuolani. An hour later, Sacred Queen Mother Ke’opuolani went home to be with the real King of King’s. She was originally “buried” at her Palace grounds on the sacred island of Moku’ula (Lahaina), and later to this very day is with husband Chief Ho’apili, daughter Princess Nahienaena and many others of the Royal family at Ke’opuolani Park aka the Christian Cemetery at Waiola Church, Lahaina, Maui.
Why, day after day, month after month, year after year and even century after century is this Truth ignored and even denied it is so by the Kanaka Maoli? I can see why the Invader and even that of the “vested”Federal Native Hawaiians of today! But without pono what does the Kanaka Maoli and Hawaiian Nationals gain to ignore or deny pono? Certainly, it is not the Aina!
I pray this has sparked a desire of pono as it did me thirty years pass. Learning pono is only the beginning. Living I ka pono is the test!
malama I ka pono!
Hawaiian National (Made in Hawai’i 1936)
Coalition of Hawaiian Nationals – NOW!
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