Nano-particles can be activated by 5G microwaves in the human body, so someone can influence them, control them, change our information field, quantum field or our DNA This is so call “Neural Mesh” or NanoCore network. All data are collected and algorithms are used on them – abused A.I.. Activation of nano-particles can be done via 5G ground stations or via satellites.
WUHAN – China – 5G – Coronavirus
WUHAN, Feb. 13 2019 (Xinhua) — China’s telecommunication and expressway operators have agreed to launch the country’s first 5G-based smart highway project in central Hebei Province. China Mobile’s Hubei branch is planning locations for 5G base stations across the highway sections in the province to run tests on smart toll stations, according to the operator. The 5G-based smart expressway would make it possible to gather real-time traffic information and make predictions based on the big data, according to the network operator. Thirty-one 5G base stations have been built in Wuhan, capital of Hubei, by the end of 2018. China Mobile plans to spend one billion yuan (147 million U.S. dollars) this year to build another 2,000 stations in the province.
CORONAVIRUS was funded and patented by Wellcome Trust (UK, fake sold to GlaxoSmithKline), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, DARPA, DEFRA (UK), World Health Organization, European Commission (EU) via THE PINBRIGHT INSTUTUTE (UK) CORONAVIRUS. Assignee: THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE (Woking, Pirbright, Great Britain), funded by Wellcome Trust, DARPA, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EU. U.S. Patent Office. Coronavirus et al Patent Assignee for Pat. Nos. 10,507,237; 10,294,277; 10,202,578; 10,130,701; 9,969,777; 9,457,075; 9,243,230; 9,145,548; 8,828,407; 8,501,466; 8,455,201. U.S. Patent Office.
Endangering Humanity with the misuse of Artificial Intelligence, Complicity and Aiding in Physical Genocide inside of China by transferring AI Technology, Engaging in Cultural Genocide of Humanity, & Controlling and programming the Human Race by Social Engineering via AI coding and AI algorithmic biometric manipulation
When we stop 5G base stations and 5G Satellites?
The Belt and Road Initiative
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, or B&R[1]) is a global development strategy adopted by the Chinese government in 2013 involving infrastructure development and investments in 152 countries and international organizations in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas.[2][3]
5G and NanoCore Network
In fifth generation WWWW (World Wide Wireless Web, Dynamic Ad-hoc Wireless Network (DAWN) are developing. Fifth generation network technology is depend on nanotechnology and all IP network. 5G networks make use of this flat IP concept to make it easier for different RAN to upgrade in to a single NanoCore network. The 5the Generation networks have an approach to use Nanotechnology also as defensive tool for security concern that arises due to IP Address. Certainly Flat IP network is the key concept to make 5G acceptable for all kind of technologies.
With the shift to flat IP architectures mobile operators can:
i)Mitigate the network elements in low cost and expenditure.
ii)As per emerging applications delivering service should be partially decouple.
iii)Minimize system latency and enable applications with a lower tolerance for delay;
iv)Should be greater flexibility in network planning and deployment.
v)Develop a flexible core network that can serve as the basis for service innovation across both mobile and generic IP access networks
vi)Create a platform that will enable mobile broadband operators to be competitive, from a price /performance perspective, with wired networks.
5G include latest technologies such as SDR, cognitive radio, cloud computing, nanotechnology based on All IP Platforms with high data rate. By using nanotechnology, mobile phones should act as intelligent sensors which have various applications in many industries or in military.
Nano Dots
Nano dots have the number of discrete balls which are made of hundred nickel atoms. It allows holding a single bit of data 1 or 0. Nanodot is implemented on both Nano Equipment as well as Nano Core.
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