PINKY SHOW : Part 3: Hawaii vs. U.S. Imperialism
The End of the World
What The World Needs Now Is Love - Burt Bacharach & Elvis Costello
Peter Moon Band - Slack-Key Samba
Education, references, documentation, research possibilities, etc. is part of the purposes of this publication. Empowerment comes with knowledge. Knowledge about issues in these days are very important. It is hoped that this information will assist in helping to resolve issues and meant to document history of our Hawaiian people, which has also affected free nations in the world today.
Because we are a genealogy based society, Hawaiian genealogical records are posted for your personal or family files. At times, genealogies of U.S. Presidents, etals. will be added when it pertains to political issues that affect many. Aged articles/ historical information, laws, etc. affecting us today will also be posted.
All of IO-LANI - THE ROYAL HAWK - issues will be filed at the yahoogroups. com site, see Hawaiian_Genealogy_ Society-akg. or see www.theiolani. blogspot. com
Feel free to download a missed copy(ies), or other articles, messages, information. Questions? Please contact editor at o r
from Chris....many kanaka maoli are actually signing up with kau inoa for a free t-shirt!.... ...time for all of those people to rescind their signatures.. ...aloha.
Hawaii for the kanaka maoli!
*Important Note: We are NOT With the entity State of Hawaii - they are Identity Thieves documented - we are NOT With entity Governor David Ige, Keanu Sai, Dexter Kaiama, Henry Noa, Bumpy Kanahele, Office of Hawaiian Affairs/OHA, Kanaiolowalu, Hawaiian Rolls, Nai/Na'i Aupuni, Hawaiian Homes, etc., including Collette Machado, Oswald Stender, John Waihee, other OHA Trustees, Danner Sisters, Mililani Trask, Lilikala Kamaelehiwa/Lilikala Gora, Kelii /Lawrence Gora, Neil Abercrombie, Trustees of the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, Queen's Hospital/Queen Emma Land Corporation aka's, Queen Kapiolani, King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani, Kamehameha, Kamehameha III Trusts, Aran Ardaiz-dec., Leon Siu, Akahi Nui, Michelle Kauhane, Robin Danner and Associates, Dennis Ragsdale, Hank Fergerstrom, Mahealani Ventura-Oliver, her cousins, et. als.
Their names, statements were posted previously due to their truth presented. But sadly, some of them seem to think that they are our Representatives, etc.
As Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, Kamehameha III's descendants/heirs, King Lunalilo's, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's, Princess Poomaikelani's Families, John Young/Olohana, Isaac Davis descendants/heirs, we are not party to the crimes engaged in by treasonous/genocide activists persons, some of whom are named above.
All Nations should take notice and be careful of anything presented by the above individuals, entities who are NOT part of our families or representing our families or utilizing our research, our identities for their gains, our heirships, etc.
We deny that they are part of our Royal Families. They are Pirates, Pretenders, and are NOT parties to the Treaty(ies) of 1850, etc.
Amelia Gora
*Important Note: We are NOT With the entity State of Hawaii - they are Identity Thieves documented - we are NOT With entity Governor David Ige, Keanu Sai, Dexter Kaiama, Henry Noa, Bumpy Kanahele, Office of Hawaiian Affairs/OHA, Kanaiolowalu, Hawaiian Rolls, Nai/Na'i Aupuni, Hawaiian Homes, etc., including Collette Machado, Oswald Stender, John Waihee, other OHA Trustees, Danner Sisters, Mililani Trask, Lilikala Kamaelehiwa/Lilikala Gora, Kelii /Lawrence Gora, Neil Abercrombie, Trustees of the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, Queen's Hospital/Queen Emma Land Corporation aka's, Queen Kapiolani, King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani, Kamehameha, Kamehameha III Trusts, Aran Ardaiz-dec., Leon Siu, Akahi Nui, Michelle Kauhane, Robin Danner and Associates, Dennis Ragsdale, Hank Fergerstrom, Mahealani Ventura-Oliver, her cousins, et. als.
Their names, statements were posted previously due to their truth presented. But sadly, some of them seem to think that they are our Representatives, etc.
As Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, Kamehameha III's descendants/heirs, King Lunalilo's, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's, Princess Poomaikelani's Families, John Young/Olohana, Isaac Davis descendants/heirs, we are not party to the crimes engaged in by treasonous/genocide activists persons, some of whom are named above.
All Nations should take notice and be careful of anything presented by the above individuals, entities who are NOT part of our families or representing our families or utilizing our research, our identities for their gains, our heirships, etc.
We deny that they are part of our Royal Families. They are Pirates, Pretenders, and are NOT parties to the Treaty(ies) of 1850, etc.
Amelia Gora
[TRANSLATED] Princess Poomaikelani: Hawaii's Hidden Princess
Presentation of Hawaii's Princess Virginia Kapooloku Poomaikelani ...the hidden Princess, daughter of Queen Liliuokalani ... Presentation of Hawaii's Princess Virginia Kapooloku Poomaikelani ...the hidden Princess, daughter of Queen Liliuokalani, heir to The Hawaiian Kingdom, and next in line to the throne after Princess Kaiulani.
No Treaty- No Law- No Land
sudden rush
[TRANSLATED] Sudden Rush EA - supporting Truth
The Prayer
by carl garver
- 6 months ago
This video is for private use only, there is no copy right infringement intended. this song is done by the group Ho'okena for ...
- HD
by carl garver
- 6 months ago
This video is for private use only, there is no copy right infringement intended. this song is done by the group Ho'okena for ...
- HD
"Elvira" and "Hawaiian Nation" sung by Gene Simeona & Kalavina Santos
- HD
- HD
Amelia Gora let's see..... Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Booth...funny how there was a John Booth missing from the Hawaiian Islands during that period and he never returned...Booth was part of the Joseph Booth family....President Obama is part of the Booth family.....
Amelia Gora and lastly John - John F. Kennedy ....did you know that it was he who left the people to vote for their officials and no longer appointed them in the Hawaiian Islands? s-with...
Amelia Gora We good people are surrounded by Pirates!
m/watch?v=nNh-D1wb0bwwhich is why the American Embassy needs to be in place and NOT the entity State, City and Counties, OHA, Kanaiolowalu, Hawaiian Homes.....and the Royal Families are here/exists whether everybody likes it or not....supporting kanaka maoli and non - pirates........ till next time...........aloha.
Soundtrack download on iTunes and Amazon. Track from Live DVD, Recorded at De Gr...See More
- I DO NOT OWN THE SONG, IT BELONGS TO ITS RIGHTFUL OWNER!!! Before you say anythi...See More
- Amelia Gora let's see..... Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Booth...funny how there was a John Booth missing from the Hawaiian Islands during that period and he never returned...Booth was part of the Joseph Booth family....President Obama is part of the Booth family.....
- Amelia Gora and lastly John - John F. Kennedy ....did you know that it was he who left the people to vote for their officials and no longer appointed them in the Hawaiian Islands? s-with... - Amelia Gora We good people are surrounded by Pirates!
m/watch?v=nNh-D1wb0bwwhich is why the American Embassy needs to be in place and NOT the entity State, City and Counties, OHA, Kanaiolowalu, Hawaiian Homes.....and the Royal Families are here/exists whether everybody likes it or not....supporting kanaka maoli and non - pirates........ till next time...........aloha. Soundtrack download on iTunes and Amazon. Track from Live DVD, Recorded at De Gr...See More
Updated Chronological History of Our Queen Liliuokalani by ...

Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka ‘Aina I Ka Pono. The life of the land is perpetuated by righteousness.
Kamehameha (1758 approx. - 1819) Father of Many, Father of Kamehameha III
Kamehameha III
King of the Hawaiian Islands (more...)
June 6, 1825 – December 15, 1854
Albert Kunuiakea (illegitimate )
Kamehameha IV (hānai)
Kaʻiminaʻauao (hānai)
Full name
Keaweaweʻula Kīwalaʻō Kauikeaouli Kaleiopapa Kalani Waiakua Kalanikau Iokikilo Kīwalaʻō i ke kapu Kamehameha
August 11, 1813
Keauhou Bay at North Kona,Hawaiʻi island
December 15, 1854 (aged 41)
- Kamehameha (1758 approx. - 1819) Father of Many, Father of Kamehameha IIIKamehameha III
King of the Hawaiian Islands (more...) ReignJune 6, 1825 – December 15, 1854PredecessorSuccessorSpouseIssueAlbert Kunuiakea (illegitimate )Kamehameha IV (hānai)Kaʻiminaʻauao (hānai)Full nameKeaweaweʻula Kīwalaʻō Kauikeaouli Kaleiopapa Kalani Waiakua Kalanikau Iokikilo Kīwalaʻō i ke kapu KamehamehaFatherMotherBornAugust 11, 1813Keauhou Bay at North Kona,Hawaiʻi islandDiedDecember 15, 1854 (aged 41)BurialSignature
More on Alodio/Ano Alodio to Kanaka Maoli vs. Aliens/Foreigners Fee Simple, Less than Alodio Titles
Views: 2
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- The Aina Forum:
Abstract for Kuleana: A Genealogy of Native Tenant Rights
This may be the shortest post yet, but Iʻve purposely avoided posting any of my dissertation here on the umiverse. As Iʻm basically done now, I thought Iʻd at least post the abstract here for you r consideration. I plan to convert it to a book as soon as humanly possible.During the period of the privatization of land in Hawaiʻi (1840 – 1855), kuleana, usually translated as “native tenant rights,” constituted both a right to, and responsibility over, land for Hawaiians. The 1850 Kuleana Act provided a means for makaʻāinana to divide out these rights and gain a fee simple title to the lands under their cultivation. Using a hybrid genealogical method, I argue that these rights were elided by gathering rights in the period since the 1890s. By debating the extent of gathering rights, courts have been able to appear liberal, while obscuring the profound rights of Kānaka Maoli embedded in Hawaiʻi’s land tenure system. The 1850 Kuleana Act was a continuation of the process begun with the 1848 Māhele, which I contend was misconstrued by twentieth century scholars. This contributes to the confusion over native tenant rights. I examine both the foundations of the introduced system of land law (the ideas of dominium, eminent domain and property itself), and responses to kuleana rights – the Land Court, 1895 Land Act, and legal cases such as Dowsett v. Maukeala. In examining its foundations, I use a concept I call theoretical encounter, which attempts to apprehend the meeting of ideas. In analyzing the responses to kuleana, I use the framework of legal pluralism, which acknowledges the simultaneous existence of multiple legal regimes. In examining the question of the alienation of Hawaiians from land, I find that a technique called erasure allowed for a radical forgetting of place. Central to the debate over kuleana lands is the notion of a deadline on claims to such lands. I problematize the idea of a deadline on claims, opening questions over the continued existence of kuleana in the present day.Filed under Uncategorized12 responses to “Abstract for Kuleana: A Genealogy of Native Tenant Rights”
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- References:
Maui Court Case - Kahoma Judge Has No Jurisdiction because the government that he represents are ... III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851 which shows that Alodio/Alodial Titles belongs to ... What is the difference between Land Court System and Regular System at ...Previous Evidence of Alodio/Ano Alodio Lands: Rents and Leases due ...
Jun 27, 2016 - 2 posts - 1 authorAmelia Gora, one of the Private Property owners, Alodio/Ano Alodio Title .... on the Hawaiian Kingdom laws under the alodio/ano alodio land system ... that hasPERPETUAL Treaty(ies) with the Hawaiian Government cannot ...Kanaka Maoli Alodio/Lodial/Ano Alodio Land Reclamation 27, 2015 - Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III didn't need to share the lands to others but did. .... 2/3 of the Hawaiian Government is based on the hereditary rights of the Royal ...... changes in land ownership under the alodio/ano alodio system.
News from the Hawaiian Kingdom: SPECIAL EDITION - Wrongful ... 16, 2016 - ID Thieves have claimed to be our Hawaiian Government but are .....have an ALODIO/ANO ALODIO Land System which is Not the Same as the ...
theiolani.blogspot.comHo'aikane - Medley: Keep Hawaiian Lands / Waiting In Vain
United States FAILED to Acquire Hawaii.....Hence, They Legally Cannot Operate Their Government/Entities Here
Views: 7
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- See page 5:" This question has never been passed upon directly by the Supreme Court, as it consistently has recognized that the methods and means of acquiring territory constitute matters which are within the province exclusively of the political branches of government.Westel W. Willoughby, in his classic Constitutional Law of the United States ( New York, 1929, 2d ed., vol. 1 p. 429, maintains that
'. . . . annexation by legislative act was constitutionally justified upon the same ground that the extension of American sovereignty by statute over the Guano Islands was justified; namely, as an22 See letter from Thruston Morton, Assistant Secretary for the Secretary of State of March 6, 1953, to Senator Hugh Butler, Chairman of the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, clearly states this rationale for granting Hawai'i statehood:"The Department considers that the admission of this Territory [Hawaii] into the Union would be in conformity with the traditional policies of the United States towards the peoples of organized Territories under its administration who have not yet become fully self-governing.Furthermore, it [the Department of State] believed that favorable action on this proposedlegislation by the Congress would enable this Territory to achieve the full measure of self- government contemplated in the United Nations Charter to which the United States has subscribed.It is significant to note that in the international sphere, the United States can point with satisfaction to the fact that in the constitutional development of Territories administered by it, due consideration is given to the freely expressed will of the people of those Territories.". . . .23 Fred Henion, Director of the Tax Foundation of Honolulu wrote an article for the Honolulu Advertiser, titled "Vote ' Yes,' 'Yes, "Yes' for Statehood," wrote:"We are confident of the outcome on the first question: 'Shall Hawai'i be admitted immediately into the Union as a state?' An overwhelming majority of the answers will be 'Yes'.The danger lies in the possibility that the voter, having answered the first question in the affirmatives, may leave the other two propositions unanswered.A majority vote approving all three is required. One "No," on any of the questions is equivalent to a vote against statehood. A blank on any of the three also is a "No" vote. . . . .The voter should have no objections to the boundaries. They are practically the same as for the Territory. All eight major islands are included. The major exclusion is the privately owned island of Palmyra.24 The party claiming dominion or sovereignty has the burden of proof. See Case Concerning Sovereignty over Pedra Branca/Pulau Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge ((Malaysia/Singapore) General list No. 130, International Court of Justice Slip Opinion page 13 12 May 2008:The End
See Hawaiian Pacific Collection at Hamilton Library at the University of Hawaii at Manoa for the following online exhibit:
Hawaiian Collection | Library Home | Hawaii Voyager
Related links- Morgan Report Wiki
Grant Applications and Reports:
» SEED (Diversity & Equity Initiative)
» Hawaii Committee for the Humanities
call, write, fax or e-mail to:
Hawaiian Collection
University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
2550 McCarthy Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: (808) 956-8264
Fax: (808) 956-5968
E-mail: speccoll@hawaii.eduThe Annexation Of Hawaii: A Collection Of Documents
These documents are being scanned and will be offered in image and/or PDF format for viewing and printing, in searchable text format and MS Word format where possible. Paper and microfilm copies are available in Hamilton Library, at the call numbers listed below.Please note: conversion to text was done using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software, therefore typographical errors may occur.Funding for this project was partially provided by grants from the Student Equity, Excellence, and Diversity (SEED) program and from the Hawaii Council for the Humanities.
Blount Report
Title: Affairs in Hawaii.
Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1895.
DU627.19 .U58a -- UH Manoa: Hamilton
Y 1.1/2 Serial 3294a -- UH Manoa: Hamilton Government DocsHawaii Organic Act
Title: Congressional debates on Hawaii Organic act, together with debates and congressional action on other matters concerning the Hawaiian Islands.
Wash., 1899-1900.
JK9325 1899.A78 A27 -- UH Manoa: Hamilton HawaiianAnti-Annexation Petition
Title: K u`e : the Hui Aloha ` Aina anti-annexation petitions, 1897-1898 / compiled by N alani Minton and Noenoe K.Silva.
Honolulu : N alani Minton and Noenoe K. Silva, 1998.
KZ245.H3 M56 1998 -- UH Manoa: Hamilton Hawaiian
- The legacy of HRM Queen Liliʻuokalani lives on!
The Hawaiian Law Foundation
Hauʻoli Lā Hānau HRM Queen Liliʻuokalani!Today on her 178th Birthday, her legacy lives on, not only her Legacy, the Legacy of a thousand generations that evolved into the Hawaiian Kingdom.One major truth that has been hidden Just Beneath the Sand that Hawaiian Kingdom Law remains the law of the land in these islands in 2016, because of HRM Queen Liliʻuokalani virtually cleaning up the years of attempts to weaken the Hawaiian Kingdom Monarchy.Example:
On November 25th 1892 as documented in the Session Laws of the Hawaiian Islands, Chapter LVII. ‘An Act, To Reorganize The Judiciary Department’ was approved by the Hawaiian Kingdom Legislature, and HRM Queen Liliʻuokalani signed it, and became law on January 1, 1893. The intent and effect was that ‘Hawaiian national usage’ was protected in law.‘The common law of England, as ascertained by English and American decisions, is hereby declared to b the common law of the Hawaiian Islands in all cases, except as otherwise expressly provided by the Hawaiian Constitution or laws, or fixed by Hawaiian judicial precedent, or established by Hawaiian national usage, provided however, that no person shall be subject to criminal proceedings except as provided by the Hawaiian laws’Now some folks might think this Hawaiian Kingdom Law is no longer recognized, as there was supposedly an overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom.Under the modern Hawaii Revised Laws, HRS 601-1 Judiciary. There shall be a branch of government, styled the judiciary. [L 1892, c 57, §1; RL 1925, §2211; RL 1935, §3570; RL 1945, §9571; RL 1955, §213-1; am L 1959, c 259, §1(a); HRS §601-1; am L 1974, c 159, §14]Proof that the modern state of Hawaii claims its Judiciary was created by the Hawaiian Kingdom Legislature and approved by HRM Queen Liliʻuokalani is documented if you understand what ‘L 1892, c 57, §1’ means in HRS 601-1. It means Session Laws of the Hawaiian Islands (Kingdom), Chapter 57 (Chapter LVII), Section.
The issue becomes who and what changed the Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom, as noted above ‘RL 1925, §2211 ’ which means Revised Law of the Hawaiian Islands, amended in 1925, Section 2211. A Law of the Hawaiian Kingdom, a foreign nation, could not be legally changed, by a Territory of the United States of America, without approval of the Legislature and Sovereign of the Hawaiian Kingdom.The Modern state of Hawaii Law, kept most of the original language enacted by the Hawaiian Kingdom, but illegally removed ‘Hawaiian national usage’????Hawaii Revised Statute, CHAPTER 1, COMMON LAW; CONSTRUCTION OF LAWS, HRS 1-1 Common law of the State; exceptions.‘The common law of England, as ascertained by English and American decisions, is declared to be the common law of the State of Hawaii in all cases, except as otherwise expressly provided by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or by the laws of the State, or fixed by Hawaiian judicial precedent, or established by Hawaiian usage; provided that no person shall be subject to criminal proceedings except as provided by the written laws of the United States or of the State.’ [L 1892, c 57, §5; am L 1903, c 32, §2; RL 1925, §1; RL 1935, §1; RL 1945, §1; RL 1955, §1-1; HRS §1-1]Bottom-line: The state of Hawaii’s Courts were created by the Hawaiian Kingdom, and American Citizens operating our courts, not Hawaiian Kingdom Citizens, violates the Treaties between the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States!
- More....Just the Facts… Hawaii legally being annexed to the U.S. is a Myth.October 4, 1988
Prepared by
Acting Assistant Attorney General
Office of Legal Counsel‘The United States also annexed Hawaii by joint resolution in 1898. Joint Res. 55, 30 Stat. 750 (1898). Again, the Senate had already rejected an annexation treaty, this one negotiated by President McKinley with Hawaii. And again, Congress then considered a measure to annex the land by joint resolution. Indeed, Congress acted in explicit reliance on the procedure followed for the acquisition of Texas. As the Senate Foreign Relations Committee report pronounced, '[t]he joint resolution for the annexation of Hawaii to the United States . . brings that subject within reach of the legislative power of Congress under the precedent that was established in the annexation of Texas." S. Rep. No. 681, 55th Cong., 2d Sess. I (1898). This argument, however, neglected one significant nuance: Hawaii was not being acquired as a state. Because the joint resolution annexing Texas relied on Congress' power to admit new states, "the method of annexing Texas did not constitute a proper precedent for the annexation of a land and people to be retained as a possession or in a territorial condition. " Andrew C. McLaughlin, A Constitutional History of the United States 504 (1936). Opponents of the joint resolution stressed this distinction. See, e.g., 31 Cong. Rec. 5975 (1898) (statement of Rep. Ball).30 Moreover, as one constitutional scholar wrote:
The constitutionality of the annexation of Hawaii, by a simple legislative act, was strenuously contested at the time both in Congress and by the press. The right to annex by treaty was not denied, but it was denied that this might be done by a simple legislative act. . . . Only by means of treaties, it was asserted, can the relations between States be governed, for a legislative act is necessarily without extraterritorial force—confined in its operation to the territory of the State by whose legislature it is enacted.
I Westel Woodbury Willoughby, The Constitutional Law of the United States 239, at 427 (2d ed. 1929).
Notwithstanding these constitutional objections, Congress approved the joint resolution and President McKinley signed the measure in 1898. Nevertheless, whether this action demonstrates the constitutional power of Congress to acquire territory is certainly questionable. The stated justification for the joint resolulion—the previous acquisition of Texas—simply ignores the reliance the 1845 Congress placed on its power to admit new states. It is therefore unclear which constitutional power Congress exercised when it acquired Hawaii by joint resolution. Accordingly, it is doubtful that the acquisition of Hawaii can serve as an appropriate precedent for a congressional assertion of sovereignty over an extended territorial sea. 3i
We believe that the only clear congressional power to acquire territory derives from the constitutional power of Congress to admit new states into the union. The admission of Texas is an example of the exercise of this power. Additionally, the Supreme Court in Louisiana recognized that this power includes "the power to establish state boundaries." 363 U.S. at 35. The Court explained, however, that it is not this power, but rather the President's constitutional status as the representative of the United States in foreign affairs, which authorizes the United States to claim territorial rights in the sea for the purpose of international law. The Court left open the question of whether Congress could establish a state boundary of more than three miles beyond its coast that would constitute an overriding claim on behalf of the United States under international law. [d. Indeed, elsewhere in its opinion the Court hints that congressional action cannot have such an effect. 'd. at 51.
In the time permitted for our review we are unable to resolve the matter definitively, but we believe that H.R. 5069 raises serious constitutional questions. We have been unable to identify a basis for the bill in any source of constitutional authority. Because of these concerns, we believe that, absent a treaty, the proposed proclamation represents the most defensible means of asserting sovereignty over the territorial sea. (Pages 251-252)
30 Representative Ball argued:
Advocates of the annexation of Texas rested their case upon the express power conferred upon Congress In the Constitution to admit new States Opponents of the annexation of Texas contended that even that express power did not confer the right to admit States not carved from territory already belonging to the United States or some one of the States founding the Federal Union. Whether. therefore. we subscribe to the one or the other school of thought In that matter, we can find no precedent to sustain the method here proposed for admitting foreign territory.31 Cong. Rec 5975 (1898). He thus characterized the effort to annex Hawaii by joint resolution after the defeat of the treaty as "a deliberate attempt to do unlawfully that which can not be lawfully done " IdRead the entire document at:…/1988/10/31/op-olc-v012-p0238_0.pdfThe following was posted on etc.:The Illegal U.S. Court in the Hawaiian Islands:In 1900, the Army, Navy and Federal officials developed the Territory/Territory of Hawaii.Note: Identity theft is the basis of the Territoryread the 1939 and 1940 articles of the Honolulu Star Bulletin, etc.DISAPPEARED EVIDENCE: In the Matter of "Federal participation in territorial development" of Hawaiiresearched by Amelia Gora (2016)What's with the Disappearing posts regarding the "Federal participation in territorial development" of Hawaii?Incredibly, the articles posted disappears mysteriously.So, the following are typed for your information and the References are posted below:FORWARD WITH HAWAII!Commemorating the40th Anniversaryof Establishment ofTERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTOn January 1, 1940, The Star-Bulletin will publish a Pictorial Edition specially featuring Hawaii's industrial, political and social progress since territorial government was set up.Hawaii's fight for equal rights---the campaign against discriminatory legislation or practice---will be emphasized.This Anniversary Edition will be, further, a comprehensive review of island life and progress.Army, Navy and other phases of federal participation in territorial development will be given much attention.It will be an issue of vivid interest to the immediate reader, and of value as a source of information and reference........andParagraph 3:"Title to every inch of land was vested in the king by ancient feudal right, and when King Kamehameha III made a voluntary surrender of the land in 1848, it was an out and out gift to his people. It marked the end of an era immemorially feudal, inaugurated the allodial era, and land became fee simple property for the first time in Polynesian history."Note:Kamehameha III shared not 'voluntary surrendered'.Allodial/Alodio are titles given to Kamehameha III's subjects/kanaka maoli, and Not allodial era. Referral to Fee Simple alone as land deeds in Hawaii shows a deliberate move to disenfranchise the true land owners of Allodial/Alodio titles.The above articles shows the indoctrination of lies set up to defraud the true owners from the lands, and shows the planned development of the Territorial Government which criminally/pirated a neutral, friendly nation the Kingdom of Hawaii.The use of the era in "allodial era" appears the beginning of the move to Equal Rights Amendment also known as ERA because of the highlighted "Hawaii's fight for equal rights --- the campaign against discriminatory legislation or practice---will be emphasized printed in the Preview to the 40th Anniversary of Establishment of TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT" in the 1939 article.Also note that the capitalization is used....the Territory of Hawaii appears to have been assumed as the TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT, a Corporation entity due to the capitalization.aloha.References of 1939 and 1940:Star-Bulletin/The Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Thursday, December 21, 1939 "....40th Anniversay of Establishment of Territorial Government", Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.The Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 1, 1940, 40th Anniversary of the Territory, Final Ed, January 1940, HSB 530 (roll), Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.*****************Tane's Post of 2007:International Humanitarian Law - Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention as pertained to Hawai'i
Williamson Chang and Paul K Gumapac shared a link.
- What's on my Mind: Dear All---the University of Hawaii Hamilton Library has an exhibit online on the Annexation of Hawaii, they have left out the most important evidence of the failure of the United States to acquire Hawaii--the Congressional Record of the Senate Debate in 1898 . The recent brief filed in State v. Lorenz, in the Intermediate Court of Appeals.Mahalo- Williamson Chang
- *****************
Tane Inciong and Zeke Peke commented on this.
Stop Hoopili housing and save our our aina. They plan to build 11,750 homes here on O'ahu on top of farms that provide fresh fruits and vegetables to Hawaii residents. #FoodisLIfe #alohaainaD.R. Horton breaks ground on 11,750-home Ho‘opili development...
By Andrew Gomes
September 8, 2016
Stop Hoopili housing and save our our aina. They plan to build 11,750 homes here on O'ahu on top of farms that provide fresh fruits and vegetables to Hawaii residents. #FoodisLIfe #alohaainaD.R. Horton breaks ground on 11,750-home Ho‘opili development
By Andrew Gomes
September 8, 2016
Real estate development firm D.R. Horton expects to have the first 293 homes begin to rise at its planned 11,750-home Ho‘opili community in November, the company said at a blessing ceremony today at the project site on Oahu’s Ewa Plain.The first few homes are projected for delivery next summer. Some commercial space and a 1.8-acre neighborhood park with playground equipment and a gathering pavilion are also part of the initial phase of work on roughly 50 acres of the 1,554-acre Ho‘opili site.Work on a second phase a bit more mauka next to a planned city rail station is slated to start construction next year and include more homes and commercial space.Under an agreement with the city, 30 percent of Ho‘opili housing must be affordable to local households with low to moderate incomes. Prices for initial homes are expected to roughly range from the $300,000s to the $600,000s. Sales efforts are expected to begin early next year.If built out as envisioned, Ho‘opili will have 11,750 homes, 3 million square feet of commercial space, five schools and 200 acres of farmland.PEOPLE OF THE WORLD SCREAM AND SHOUT, U.S. MILITARY GET THE HELL OUT - *********************************** For the Records:
- : Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 8:17 PM
- Subject: Update on Actions; meet Okinawa activists tonight
What happened when Obama came to the East-West Center?Last night more than 200 people stood near the entrance of the East-West Center to "greet" President Obama. About 100 held signs: "U.S. Military Destroys the Planet," "No TPP," "No More Ko`oholawe's", "Navy Sonar Kills Whales," "Military Occupation is Not Conservation, "No DOI Rule Over Kanaka Maoli" and many, many more. Many of the people without signs were UH students hoping to get a glimpse of Obama.Barricades lined the front of the East West Center, keeping onlookers at a distance. Undercovers moved amongst activists and observers snapping photos. Others were in positions on nearby buildings with high power cameras and weaponry.The huge variety of signs provoked a lot of conversation among the people. "What does 'Save Tinian' mean"? "What's the Dakota Pipeline"? "What's DOI"? "How are we going to stop all of this shit?".... For more than an hour new acquaintances were made and e-mails were exchanged; people walked along the several blocks lining East-West Road reading the signs and acquainting themselves with issues they'd never thought about before.After activists received the news that Air Force One had touched down at Hickam, the K-Nine unit pulled up beside the protesters, an HPD bicycle unit began patrolling East-West Center Road, and more HPD units assumed positions.As Obama's entourage approached some 30 minutes later, activists began chanting: "People of the World Scream and Shout, U.S. Military Get the Hell Out" and the Ku`e chant rang out loud and clear, energizing the group. More HPD cars moved in, followed by huge black SUV's. A few had windows down and doors open, revealing heavily equipped military personnel holding assault weapons. Obama's press team poured out of another and headed for the East West Center along the sidewalk. An SUV with heavily tinted windows rolled into the drive alongside the East West Center and down to the bottom floor and out of sight of on-lookers, offering Obama entry into the East-West Center away from the sight of on-lookers. Those who came to catch a glimpse of Obama were sorely disappointed.The majority of the people continued to line East-West Road, resigned to a long wait while Obama "met with Pacific Island leaders" as promised. Not much more than 10 minutes later the entire entourage rolled out leaving everyone to wonder just how much he had listened to the concerns of the leaders gathered there in such a short time. Today's StarAdvertiser leads us to conclude that the President did no listening, but instead spent his short time there delivering a largely self-congratulatory speech on how much had been done for the environment during his presidency. We could only wonder what Pacific Island leaders thought of this photo op while the sea levels continue to rise.As people gathered up their signs many talked about being surprised by the numbers that came out on very short notice and recounted conversations they'd had with fellow demonstrators. People remarked on how many different issues had been represented. Others talked about the militarization of the event or the amount of money spent for this 10-minute photo op.Was the signholding a success! Our response is a resounding "yes." A diverse group of people came together. They talked with each other and among themselves. The entourage itself was a real-life lesson in militarization. And we're sure that even while Obama was probably not aware of ALL of the issues being spoken to, he could not have missed the fact that people in Hawai`i were making demands. The mainstream media remarked on the action, and the Star-Advertiser included the "U.S. Military - Get the Hell Out" slogan in their front page account of the event.Last night's action was a great lead-up to Saturday's event, which should be both larger and speak to many more issues. The mainstream media has already announced that we'll be there, but whether it will really have an impact depends on YOU! Join us on Saturday!!More information is on our blog, along with photos. Before Saturday, check for any updates/changes due to weather conditions.Another Event Tonight!We received this from Hawai`i Okinawa AllianceWHAT: "Mirukuyuu Gayuyara”: Is this Peace & Security for Okinawa ?WHEN: Thursday, Sept 1st, 2016, 5:30 – 7:30 pm (Doors and pūpū open at 5)WHERE: UH-Manoa Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, Hālau o Haumea
2645 Dole Street (parking in near-by structure for $6 cash)
Free and open to the publicJoin us for a public talkstory with grassroots movement leaders from Okinawa who will share updates about the on-going community resistance to 70+ years of US military base expansion and failure to return promised land and government. In rural Henoko Village, Okinawans have used local elections, legal battles, and nonviolent resistance to stall for decades the construction of a massive naval port in the rich, biodiverse Oura Bay, construction that threatens endangered species, local economy, & regional peace. Come learn about ways to support international and local struggles for life and peace in Okinawa, Hawaiʻi, and across the Pacific.************WHAT: "Mirukuyuu Gayuyara”: Is this Peace & Security for Okinawa ?WHEN: Thursday, Sept 1st, 2016, 5:30 – 7:30 pm (Doors and pūpū open at 5)WHERE:UH-Manoa Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, Hālau o Haumea
2645 Dole Street (parking in near-by structure for $6 cash)
Free and open to the publicJoin us for a public talkstory with grassroots movement leaders from Okinawa who will share updates about the on-going community resistance to 70+ years of US military base expansion and failure to return promised land and government. In rural Henoko Village, Okinawans have used local elections, legal battles, and nonviolent resistance to stall for decades the construction of a massive naval port in the rich, biodiverse Oura Bay, construction that threatens endangered species, local economy, & regional peace. Come learn about ways to support international and local struggles for life and peace in Okinawa, Hawaiʻi, and across the Pacific.
"Mirukuyuu Gayuyara”: Is this Peace & Security for Okinawa ?Thursday, Sept 1st, 2016
5:30 – 7:30 pm (Doors and pūpū open at 5)UH-Manoa Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, Hālau o Haumea
2645 Dole Street (parking in near-by structure for $6 cash)
Free and open to the public
Visiting Speakers:
Hiroshi ASHITOMI has been at the forefront of the Henoko community for decades as movement leader of various citizen assocations utilizing non-violent direct action, leading a sit-in protest in existence since 2004.
Takuma HIGASHIONNA was an underwater welder before termination after raising concerns to the destruction of his village bay. With the support of his community, he has become a Nago City Assembly Member, plaintiff in environmental lawsuits, & tireless lobbyist to national governments & international organizations.
Yutaka UMISEDO is a Save the Dugong Campaign Center representative & musician.
Hideki YOSHIKAWA is the International director of the Save the Dugong Campaign Center, former Chief Executive Director of the Citizens' Network for Biodiversity in Okinawa, & anthropologist. He joins Okinawaʻs appeal to the 2016 IUCN in Honolulu.
Co-sponsored by: Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, Ukwanshin Kabudan, Native Hawaiian Student Services, Hawaiʻi Peace and Justice, Oceania Rising, Women's Voices Women Speak, Veterans for Peace Ryukyu-Okinawa Intʻl Chapter (ROCK) & Working Group, Center for Okinawan Studies, Department of Ethnic Studies, and UHM Akisamiyo-! Club.
HOA (Hawaii Okinawa Alliance) is an open, grassroots hui dedicated to advocating peace, justice & mutual support between Hawaiʻi, Okinawa and worldwide Indigenous peace movements.
On the subject of allodial titles.
Any insight on the term “less than” allodial?
Itʻs like the feudal system right? Land resorts back to the government. Thats all I know. Many Hawaiian families are being told to move on to their inheritance lands while the International Criminal courts review our claims, which I presume are about fraudulently settled land tiles. They all seem to “believe” that the reinstatement of the Hawaiian KIngdom Government will result in these sorts of claims being revived and re-litigated. But will it?
I recently ordered copies of one of the deeds for a Kuleana land of my kupuna and it says “ma ke ano alodio iloko o kahi i olelo ia malalo” I had it translated by Jason Achiu, at the Archives; and he translated it to “an estate in Fee-simple” Is his translation wrong? Should it translate as life estate in said land? Does this mean that my kupuna kuleana reverted back to Kamehameha III (Crown Lands) or to the Government instead of descending to heirs?
Just wondering because I actually looked into this for genealogy research of where my ohana came from and found that this kuleana had passed into the hands of heirs at law through probate in 1864 in the HK Supreme Court, again between 1880-1900, and again in 1923 all stating “To have and to hold my said parcels of land, with the house upon it and all the rights and benefits pertaining thereto unto…and his heirs, representatives and assigns forever.” Then I came across a summons in 2007 to defendants/heirs to said kuleana for a quiet title action by current occupant/owner wanting to sell the parcel.
I do understand that all conveyances of land titles did come to a halt in 1893 as the Illegal OCCUPATION of our government began, and that incompetent notaries unable to validate a conveyance of title, voids out any transfers thereafter, but what about the ano alodio title passing to heirs after Awardee’s death in 1864 instead of reverting back to the fee-simple owner?
I am with the Native Tenant Protection Council. We are working on the issue of Defunct Sugar Company lands which were leased from the Hawaiian Kingdom Government….records have surfaced that prove leases have long expired on thousands of acres. These “old sugar cane lands” contain Mahele Titles, L.C.Aw. , Government Ahupua’a, Royal Patents, Homesteads, and other Kanaka Appurtenant rights. An urgent message was sent to Congress to freeze all such lands and to make them available to heirs and native tenants. Looking at such available protections as HRS 172-11 where rights of the heirs of royals patents inure even if the land was alienated. County of Hawaii admits in writing they have no policy on native tenants. See also HRS 183C-5 (kuleana lands usage) and HRS174-101(c)
for appurtenant water rights…..aloha for now….Shelley Mahi