
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Exposing the 1894 United States.Congress.Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. January 1, 1894

This was posted at  for the Review of

This book is a book of lies, deceit, fraud filled, False Flag operations, malicious set up against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation with a determination to break down one of the many Monarchy/ Constitutional Monarchy governments in existence.  Kamehameha was recognized as the King in 1810, recognized as a Monarchy government.  He died in 1819, and the American mercenaries /missionaries arrived.  In 1822, a Secret Treaty of Verona was signed by Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, England, the United States and the Vatican.  They all agreed to break down Monarchical governments and form a One World Order/New World Order.  Kamehameha II - Liholiho and his party left for England and died in England - year 1824.  Kalanimoku and one of Kamehameha's widows named Kaahumanu governed the Hawaiian archipelago till Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli came of age.  He passed the Constitution of 1840, 1852 which included the anti- slavery law.  The U. S. passed an anti-slavery law with almost the same wording 13 years later.  Alodio titles were given to his people and to aliens/foreigners fee simple or less than alodio...or 30 years lease.  aliens could not own alodio.  The government is made up of 3 parts - 2 parts permanent and were heirs and successors of Kamehameha, part 1:  Sovereign, his heirs and successors; part 2:  House of Nobles, their heirs and successors, and the 3rd part was a voted in, temporary part made up of subjects and non Hawaiians/whites/aliens.  It was this part that conspired against the Royal Families.  The Royal Families are all those descendants and heirs of Kamehameha, which included Kamehameha II, Kamehameha III, Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani....they were ALL part of the Kamehameha Dynasty as discovered through intense genealogy research now documented.  History uncovered shows Premeditation to dethrone the Queen was made by U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, and the Pirates of the Pacific named Charles Reed Bishop, et. als.  U.S. President Grover Cleveland refused the annexation of Hawaii and is on record as Giving Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani before President McKinley was in office.  McKinley assumed Hawaii based on a Proclamation, without legal authority and was shot shortly after, died later of gangrene.  The permanent treaty of friendship and amity was signed in 1849/1850 by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and U.S., President Zachary Taylor before the U.S.A. went bankrupt.  Treaties are the Supreme Law of the Land due to the application of the U.S. Constitution.  The Secret U.S. Constitution signed in behalf of the bankers in 1871 does not apply to the contractual agreements made in 1849/1850.  See more at showing the illegal moves by the U.S. Presidents also read and for the Truth  Know that the U.S.A. became 2 Nations and documented after the criminal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.  It was in a 1899 court case that shows the U.S.A. became the United States and the American Empire.  The U.S. has 800 bases in the World compared to Russia's 2 bases.  The U.S. was involved in overthrowing, etc.:  and the U.S. was involved in 53 False Flag Operations:  aloha, Amelia Gora, one of the descendants and heirs of Kamehameha and his Dynasty which includes King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani

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