researched by Amelia Gora (2016)
1797 - Claimed discovery of the Sandwich Islands in the American newspaper.

1810+ - Oral history: Kamehameha created the Pacific Empire which was made up of Aetearoa (New Zealand), the Samoan Islands, and the Hawaiian Islands.
1854 - Dependencies of the other archipelagoes, islands were made by Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho.
1875 - Samoa recognized by Kingdom of Hawaii as an independent nation formally.

- Cession to the Kingdom of Hawaii made by Stewart Island, etc. Reference is made to Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho who succeeded in creating dependencies to the Kingdom of Hawaii.

Cession of Stewart Island, Samoa etc. made with the Kingdom of Hawaii. Documents apparently hidden in the Archives.
"The Germans seized Samoan territory."
"U.S. acquires the right to establish a naval base at Pearl Harbor."
In the U.S. Congress, Grover Cleveland "sent account to Congress his efforts to protect American interests in Samoa. The Germans were trying to establish sovereignty over the archipelago."
"The Samoan Treaty with Germany & Great Britain was ratified by the Senate."
"January 16. Revolution broke out in Hawaii, Sanford B. Dole had led the Americans in forming a revolutionary committee. U.S. Minister John L. Stevens ordered American marines to be landed from the cruiser BOSTON, ostensibly to protect American life and property, but actually to aid the revolutionists." - Grover Cleveland (entered the office again in March 1893).
U.S. President Grover Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani.
Samoa became a territory of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
The Germans moved to establish sovereignty over the archipelago, and made fun of the Kingdom of Hawaii, disregarding neutrality.
The Russians disregarded the Germans neutrality in the past, recorded by the French.
King Kalakaua protested to nations over the Pacific archipelagos and territories that had ceded to the Kingdom of Hawaii. He served it as official notices.
Research ongoing.
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