
Saturday, January 21, 2017

American Empire or Observing A Bully Nation With Whistleblowers Information

American Empire page

"Europeans rationalized their empires as civilizing missions. Today the utopian rhetoric of American exceptionalism masks the primary intent of the United States to create, not actual colonies, but a global market subservient to transnational capital."

David Moberg

Why They Hate Us


Against Empire - Michael ParentiAmerican Empire - Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy -Andrew Bacevich
Boomerang - Mark ZepezauerCentury of War, A - Anglo-American Oil Politics & New World Order - William Engdahl
Citizens of the Empire - Robert Jensen
Confronting Empire - Eqbal AhmadDreaming War - Gore VidalEmpire As A Way Of Life - William Appleman Williams
Empire Has No Clothes, The - U.S. Foreign Policy Exposed - Ivan ElandEmpire's Workshop - Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New Imperialism - Greg Grandin

Fortress America - William GreiderFull Spectrum Dominance - U.S. Power in Iraq and BeyondFull Spectrum Dominance - Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order - F. William Engdahl
Hidden Agendas - John Pilger

"The United States has 745 bases in 120 countries."

Tony Benn, former British MP

Imperial Alibis - Stephen ShalomIntervention and Revolution - Richard Barnet
Lying for Empire - by David Model
Masters of War - ed. Carl BoggsNew American Militarism, The - Andrew Bacevich
New Rulers of the World, The - John PilgerOverthrow - Stephen Kinzer
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace - Gore VidalPox Americana - edited by John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesneyRogue State - William Blum
Rollback - Tom Bodenheimer and Robert Gould
Rogue States and Nuclear Outlaws - Michael KlareSecrets, Lies, and Democracy - Noam ChomskySword and the Dollar - Michael ParentiUneasy Empire - Greg Guma
Upside Down - Eduardo GaleanoWeapons in Space - Karl Grossman

What Uncle Sam Really Wants - Noam Chomsky
Bush Agenda, The (excerpt) - Antonia Juhasz

"If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the indispensable nation. We stand tall. We see farther into the future."

U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, defending the use of cruise missiles against Iraq, February 1998


A Brief History of U.S. Interventions: 1945 to the PresentU. S. Imperialism: A Century of Slaughter (3/99)New US Military Bases: Side Effects or Causes of War?
A New Colonial Age of Empire?
The Bloody Road to Empire
Endless Military Superiority
The Iron Triangle - the new military buildup
The Power of One
Empire and Exterminism
Time to Bring the Troops HomeOperation Endless DeploymentServile StatesTurning point for U.S. imperialismThe Unbearable Costs of EmpireThe Logic of EmpireOf Gods and Mortals and Empire [Project for New American Century]The American EmergencyDick Cheney's Song of AmericaRepublic or Empire?Iraq - Just the Beginning?Road from Baghdad - Bush team has big plans for the 21st centuryOpen Fire and Open Markets - Strategy of an EmpireBlowback and the Sorrows of Empire -an interview with Chalmers JohnsonImperial Barbarians (6/04)U.S. Military Bases in Latin America and the Caribbean (8/04)

The Coming Wars - Seymour Hersh (1/05)Imperial Reach - The Pentagon's new basing strategy (4/05)Outposts of Empire (4/05)Bases, Bases Everywhere: It's a Pentagon World (6/05)The Decline of the American Empire (12/05)Humanitarian Intervention (1/06)Can You Say 'Permanent Bases'? [Iraq] (2/06)Iraq: Permanent Iraq: Permanent US Colony (3/06)Imperial Hubris (3/06)The U.S. Empire Makes Its Move To Take Over The Middle East (7/06)
The US: Too late for empire (8/06)The Iraq War and America's Economic Imperialism (1/07)No Bases Network (3/07)Global Realignment and the Decline of the Superpower (3/07)Mechanistic Destruction: American Foreign Policy at Point Zero (8/07)The Empire Without Clothes (8/07)America - a Bankrupt Empire- blowback from foreign policy (1/08)The Pornography of Power: How Defense Hawks Hijacked 9/11 and Weakened America (book excerpt) - Robert ScheerThe End of the Anglo-American Empire? (6/08)Interventionist Hypocrisy (8/08)Economic Collapse: The Financial Death of the US Empire (10/08)It's Time for a Trillion-Dollar Tag Sale at the Pentagon (10/08)Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama, President-elect of the United States of America by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia (1/09)The Costs of Empire: Can We Really Afford 1,000 Overseas Bases? (3/09)Empire of Bases (3/09)Stop NATO - West Plots To Supplant United Nations With Global NATO (5/09)The American Empire Is Bankrupt (6/09)Pentagon's 21st Century Counterinsurgency Wars: Latin America and South Asia (8/09)The Militarization of Latin America - Seven US military bases in Colombia (8/09)U.S. Military Operations in All Major Regions of the World (11/09)The Question No U.S. Official Dare Ask [Closing U.S. Military Bases] (1/10)The Rogue Nation (3/10)



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