
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Vol VI No. 634 Part 1c - Race Hate, etc.

After Congressmember John Lewis questioned the legitimacy of Trump’s election, the president-elect said Lewis was "All talk, talk, talk–no action." Watch Lewis describe what happened in 1965 on "Bloody Sunday," when he was beaten almost to death by Alabama state troopers as he attempted to lead a voting rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.
At least 42 Democrats plan to boycott Trump’s inauguration this Friday, after he attacked civil rights icon, Rep. John Lewis.
Mary Ewart I respect Lewis history with civil rights. But didn't he initiate this? And why can't one ask what he has done for his constituents without being a labeled as an attack? Let's remember when Lewis slandered Bernie in the primary.
Kane Tater Huh, another neoliberal POS still playing the 'Russia' card. what an idiot
Mike Myhre This is an unfair article. Democracy Now! has been pretty good about showing both sides of the issue; but this story is one sided using Lewis's history from 50 years ago and ignoring that Lewis is trying to blame Russia for Trump (which started the arg...See More
Jacob Pratt I'm against Trump, but Lewis smeared Sanders in the primary, in highly dishonest fashion, and helped lead to a Hillary nomination, which led to Trump winning. We're never gonna be able to stop Trump and these Republicans with Democrats who can't see w...See More
Kam Jam Maybe he should've got behind the actual civil rights like dem candidate instead of lying and pretending he had never seen Bernie Sanders, and backed a corrupt corporate stooge and war hawk under FBI investigation instead. Then we wouldn't be in this m...See More
LikeReply21January 17 at 8:02pmEdited
Dan Como Attacks!? Bullshit.
By calling Trump an "illegitimate president elect", Mr Lewis invited a retort.
In short - it's pure bukkake to talk shit and then act offended when you get it back....See More
LikeReply21January 17 at 6:51pmEdited
Kwame Nkrumah John Lewis is all talk as a congressman. What he did in the 60s marching with king has nothing to do with his foolishness as a partisan hack today. He believes Russia caused Hillary to lose and attacked Bernie sanders and lied about him not having any involvement in the civil rights movement. He's a clown in bed with the Clintons and establishment
LikeReply23January 17 at 7:32pmEdited
Joe Worcott I'm surprised which Democracy Now in this article is titled. Congressman clearly spoke out on Trump first. Using his credentials for his background in civil rights to me is just wrong. The Democratic party was absolutely filled with corruption during t...See More
Don Hunsperger The real problem with this Democratic, Trump is the illegitimate President elect, tactic, is that it has no future. By that, to be consistent, the Democrats must determine that on no issue, will they cooperate in any way on any issue related to the ill...See More
Anthony Farella I think Trump only respects lawsuits. I believe the fact that no one is suing and trying to overturn this corrupted election where the DNC robbed Bernie by suppressing millions of independent voters by not allowing them to vote in the Dem Primaries. Th...See More
Monique Blackburn All of the comments concern me. I see a lot of comments about Bernie Sanders that has absolutely nothing to do with the point being made in this Democracy Now article. Plus, I'm surprised by the fact that people can't understand why the Democratic P...See More
James Thomas Just because he's a civil rights "icon" doesn't grant him license to say anything he wants and be immune from rebuttal or criticism.

Lewis has lost his mojo. His sit in at congress last year to deprive Americans of their due process rights was especially despicable.
LikeReply8January 17 at 8:26pmEdited
Shellie Rodgers Our goal is to encourage Berniecrats to run for local office and help people find Berniecrats to support. In solidarity with #OurRevolution. Join Local Berniecrats and change OUR government for the positive. Enough negativity!!! Help elect progressive thinkers who will listen to the people rather than the wealthy. Find your chapter Join here: Local Berniecrats We can do this!
Siladitya RayChaudhuri While Trump is a degenerate, how does talking about an event 51 years ago explain the perceived "no action" towards his Congressional constituents at present?
Nina Yakimiuk There is no comparison between these two men! John Lewis has integrity and is someone that is greatly admired. As for Trump he is all hot air! What is he known for? Well it seems all those things that make anyone despair!
LikeReply21 hrs
Monica Mansour The slant of this story is just wrong. Lewis has publicly stated that Trump is not a legitimate president. Bull! Lewis is the liar here. Trump won this election fair and square. He won it, in spite of all of the corruption of the Democratic party and ...See More
LikeReply17 hrs
James Alford I hate to defend Trump here so I won't.

He doesn't get to criticize those who were there....See More
Lisa Allcaps So, a man that did noble actions in the past believes and spreads the propaganda that mainstream media has pushed, and when he is called out on his support of the lies we are supposed to side with him? Dems are using him as a tool to screw the country ...See More
Mauricio Forero The balls that Lewis has! He supported 100% the Democratic establishment and all their corruption, he was part of it, but now he has the right to talk about "legitimacy"
LikeReply18 hrs
Roxanna Karn 40 years ago Lewis did something important noble honorable brave. Comes now people are still dying of poverty, dying after encounters with PD, too many black American citizens in prison,
voter suppression...but remember when I did this? Don't look at what I haven't done in 40 years and don't dare question my record. How dare an American question a public servants record? Gee what was I thinking?
Dan Whitesell Why is Democracy Now allowing the Congressman to repeat the neocon, CIA propaganda line about "Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton" without challenging this outrageous, reactionary fig leaf!!??? Lewis has gone "From Selma to the CIA".
Brad Bobbett Congrats Democratic Dumbasses! Do something before your elections start Because the same country that voted Trump in WILL MOST DEFINITELY VOTE YOU OUT! We the people are tired of your whiny-anti american crybaby asses!
LikeReply23 hrs
James Peterson John Lewis has lost his way. He backed the wrong horse in 2016. He backed Hilary instead of Bernie. He has sold out. He is part of the Democrat Establishment now. Sorry, but it's true.
LikeReply5January 17 at 8:48pmEdited
Michael Wilson Thank God for Freedom of Speech! That God for your right to not attend a illegitimate inauguration!!!!!! Thank God the Congress and Senate have the power of IMPEACHMENT!!!!!!
Sandra Watson If he didn't want Trump for president he should have supported Bernie. The dems got what they deserved after all the lies, deceit and manipulating they did during the primaries...
LikeReply4January 17 at 7:23pmEdited
Katie O'Rourke Author They were both wrong. Lewis was offering an irresponsible judgement without evidence.

Trump's response was factually incorrect and immature and off topic and ad hominem. He looks like an ass and it's embarrassing.
Barbara Arndt Sorry, the "icon" gets no special privileges to attack others at will for the rest of his life and assume no accountability, that is getting really, really old, and especially in light of the distortion of the message of the real icon that Lewis and those like him claim to be following.
Tom Law IV The Crime Bill and and the Welfare Reform Bill that the Clintons supported and voted for should've disqualified them from ANY African American support moving forward. Lewis should've been shouting from the rooftops against any Clintons after that and he was just a servile puppy for them and corporate Democrats.
Soheyla Shakerine in the past 20 years, except for Black Lives Matter  who else has shown such action-oriented commitment as MLK and his team did back in the day? who else in the larger African American elite community including the ones in gov has followed MLK's exam...See More
Michael Monroe This Lewis guy is a looser. The CIA killed Martin Luther King. He now works for those same people. Hypocrisy knows no bounds....
LikeReply5January 17 at 8:56pmEdited
Jose David Lara Congressmember? You mean congressman...enough with the stupid politically correct agenda...that said, Lewis started this shit as a political hack. Enough touting what he did 50 years does not redefine the nonsense he began on his own.
Linda May Lynx the Democrats have tried everything they can to make themselves holy coming out of this election-people who sold their souls to corporate america decades ago. It is not working-most americans , who didn't support Trump but believe in civility between people can see through this as theatrics.
Tom Law IV Trump's statement about 'Talk, no action' is 'what have you done for your people since you've been in office'? What has he done? I'm guessing he voted right by his people as one of hundreds of Congressmen. But, maybe Lewis should've backed Bernie instead of the Clintons who did Very Wrong when Bill was in office for African American people.
Rick Chavez Just because he's a civil rights icon doesn't put him above criticism. He hurled the first insult and the fact that the media is trying to race bait the public into thinking Trump's response was racially charged is ridiculous.
Steven Campbell Their both frauds.. that's reality. Most people unless they lived it, have no understanding of the MLK or that time in history. It's whitewashed in our society. Like most social movements and events..
Jennifer Wasko It is extraordinary that this title is opposite of the truth. What is going on? You can't rewrite history. John Lewis threw the grenade at trunk and Trump's simply reacted to it. Get your story straight
Aaron Jones Lewis Is a bitter old has been. His Shit March in Selma pales in comparison to the dead white boys who fought slavery and the democratic party of slavery. Lewis is a cunted hate machine.
LikeReply5January 17 at 6:16pmEdited
Tonio Loewald I'd like to see the news media cover what people do, not what people tweet. Here's the simple acid test — if this "tweet" were faxed to me as a "press release" would it deserve attention?
Heidi Schlossberg John Lewis , like many DINO "progressives" is no longer relevant or trustworthy. He got behind a war criminal, Clinton and then votes for neoliberal legislation most of the time. Its time to look at what people VOTE for and not what they say anymore. Frankly, his connection to MLK is now all he has to rest his laurels on and he was supposed to be part of the security for MLK. Hmmmmm.
Nathan Wind Can't keep voting two party and expect anything more that a polarized racist rich baby man to eventually win the presidency and look it happened!
Mindy Stone How LONG can John Lewis RIDE ON THE COATTAILS OF ONE EVENT IN THE 60'S???? The Black Panther Party did more for black self empowerment than Lewis in ALL HIS YEARS in office as a member of the MIS-LEADERSHIP CLASS! Atlanta is a wrecking ball and Lewis can't HIDE from that fact!
Russell Anderson III So LEWIS goes after Trump and Trump retorts and you say Trump attacks? Your headline is a lie
Caitlin Ann I fail to see why DN has now taken up the practice of misleading headlines. We expect this dramatic exaggeration / demonization from wapo & NYT & corporate puppets of "liberal" media. Damn sad day when a serious journalist characterizes the statement ...See More
Aeden Baldwin Smith-Ahearn Remember when Lewis sided with Clinton in the primaries, claiming he had never seen Sanders at a civil rights rally, even though theres pictures of them together at one?
Michael Cofrancesco Lewis also said he will not attend the inauguration for the FIRST TIME ever in his elected career, but he did also not attend the GW Bush inauguration for what he said were basically the same reasons. So, did Lewis LIE about this being the first one he will miss or is he just feeble minded and cant remember important details?
Karen Hansen John Lewis in my opinion is nothing more than a well paid puppet. Paid actor in defiance of change, a go with the flow kind of guy. He may have stood for something or some ideal in his youth but, alas he has left it all behind and sold it for a seat at...See More
Kathy Thiebaut Jon Lewis should have retired a long time ago. Respectfully, he is just too old to know what is happening in the 20th century. THERE SHOULD BE TIME LIMITS FOR ALL PUBLIC OFFICES!! THIS IS STUPID!
Doris Mercado-Melón He was Silent during the Primaries.. Now he WANTS TO SPEAK UP. I did not vote for Trump or Hellery...Trump will be President b/c the DNC Rigged the primary against Bernie Sanders and all the politician's who tried to shove Hellery down our throats....
Annie L. Liberty Mr Lewis is a big boy, certain that in his very long career he has learned a thing or two about deflecting negative comments, as he appears to have no problem dishing them out himself. While I'm not a supporter of this sham political process, I can say with some ease that Trump's presidency is about as legit as Obama's.
Kathy Thiebaut Seems to me that I just heard good old Bernie quote that Russia is doing this garbage too. He is no better than the rest of them. Wake up!! He endorsed the very things he got us all fired up about fighting against for a year!! And you trust him now? Ar...See More

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