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- Jim Albertini has been an activist for a long time, and held signs with his group years ago near the overpass going to Mililani................nuclear bunkers were below.............he maintained.....
a Mililani kid (about high school age) was killed for venturing too far..........and his death reasons were hushed up/made insignficant years ago..............
Jim Albertini claimed he was with the Catholic Church at the time................then Greenpeace activities included his getting imprisoned in the Federal prison for jumping in front of a nuclear missile, etc.........
.......according to Leuren Moret...........Kahoolawe was blasted with more than 500 tons of was a NUCLEAR BOMB that was set off..............
The controlled burn would be an ongoing willful and illegal move, disregarding everyone in the Hawaiian Islands............which is why all DU/depleted uranium, military weaponry, any bombs, missiles, etc. is simply not O.K. and must stop.............
It is unacceptable that the U.S. use any kind of firearm, bombs, missiles, weaponry in our Hawaiian Islands...................they have to get the f*#k out of here and all the other nations as well............everyone around the world are slowly finding out about the truth of what happened to our little friendly, neutral, non-violent nation, and serve a notice to vacate as well.The 1846 Hawaiian Kingdom laws in place by Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III shows proof that the U.S., foreigners DO NOT OWN LANDS IN the Hawaiian Islands. (period!).The PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS is Not O.K......... COLORS OF THE WIND - Pocohantas DUST IN THE WIND - Kansas
- facebook:Watching KHON morning news just now, there's a "Legacy Of Honor" event today at Ft. DeRussey to honor the army, Ron Mizutani just said that Hawai`i has such a good relationship with the army and we really appreciate their presence here to keep us safe...AGAIN I say, if the US military was NOT here the Japanese would NEVER have bombed Pearl Harbor! There are so many nations who hate America, but none hate Hawai`i!! The military here (20% of the land area!) is what makes us a target!!
- You, Alan D. Ackerman, Josephine Keliipio and 4 others like this.
- Amelia Gora the indoctrination continues........or should i say many nations are laughing at the U.S. "Legacy of Honor"..... tresspassing on private properties of the Royal Families, lands of a neutral, friendly nation utilizing friendly monies and Warring with many /Plundering Upon Innocents EVERYWHERE........what's honorable about that?
- Amelia Gora
- Josephine Keliipio Ron Mizutani spreading stupid propaganda instead of the truth that Hawaii is a SITTING DUCK.
- Amelia Gora John Kaminski's article says it all........
the meetings with the Consulate was to go over the U.S. role in the Pacific......See More - Robert Freitas Jr. Continuous propaganda of lies and deceit!!! The only ones who want the illegal occupying military here in Hawaii is the ILLEGAL OCCUPIERS!!!
- Amelia Gora
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Island of O‘ahu Targeted for Nuclear Strikes
The United States prolonged and illegal occupation of the Hawaiian Islands is a direct violation of Hawai‘i’s neutrality. Article 1 of the 1907 Hague Convention, V, provides “The territory of neutral Powers is inviolable,” and Article 2 provides “Belligerents are forbidden to move troops or convoys of either munitions of war or supplies across the territory of a neutral Power.” The United States’ violation of these Articles have placed the residents of the Hawaiian Islands into harms way when Japan attacked U.S. military installations on O‘ahu on December 7, 1941, and continue to place Hawai‘i’s residents in harms way in the event of a nuclear attack.According to the U.S. Department of Defense’s Base Structure Report for 2012, the U.S. military has 118 military sites that span 230,929 acres of the Hawaiian Islands, which is 20% of the total acreage of Hawaiian territory. As the headquarters for the U.S. Pacific Command, being the largest unified command in the world, the Hawaiian Islands is targeted for nuclear strikes by Russia and China. At present the concern is North Korea, as well as any adversary of the United States.In 1990, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published Risks and Hazards: A State by State Guide. One of the subjects included nuclear targets and identified 6 nuclear targets on the island of O‘ahu that coincided with the locations of military posts of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. Also included as a target is the Headquarters of the U.S. Pacific Command at Camp Smith that lies in the back of a residential area in Halawa. According to FEMA, the entire Island of O‘ahu would be obliterated if a nuclear attack were to take place.Americanization has desensitized Hawai‘i’s population and has made the presence of the U.S. military in the islands normal. Americanization has also erased the memory of the U.S. invasion in 1893 and portrayed the military presence as protecting the islands from an aggressor country intent on invasion, when in fact the Hawaiian Islands were seized in 1898 to serve as a defense to protect the United States west coast from invasion.After the defeat of the Spanish Pacific Squadron in the Philippines, U.S. Congressman Francis Newlands (D-Nevada), submitted House Resolution 259 annexing the Hawaiian Islands (also known as the Newlands Resolution), to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on May 4, 1898.
Six days later, hearings were held on the Newlands Resolution, and U.S. Naval Captain Alfred Mahan’s testimony explained the military significance of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States:“It is obvious that if we do not hold the islands ourselves wecannot expect the neutrals in the war to prevent the other belligerent from occupying them; nor can the inhabitants themselves prevent such occupation. The commercial value is not great enough to provoke neutral interposition. In short, in war we should need a larger Navy to defend the Pacific coast, because we should have not only to defend our own coast, but to prevent, by naval force, an enemy from occupying the islands; whereas, if we preoccupied them, fortifications could preserve them to us. In my opinion it is not practicable for any trans-Pacific country to invade our Pacific coast without occupying Hawai‘i as a base.”
The Hawaiian Islands was and continues to be the outpost to protect the United States and their presence in the Hawaiian Islands is in violation of international law and the laws of occupation.
- Alan D. Ackerman, Tane Inciong and 6 others like this.
- Tane Inciong I knew that all my cognizant life. In grade school we had to do nuclear bomb drills. They were stupid for educated adults. One drill was how you had to position your body under your desk; the other one was going out to the school yard and where to lay down, which we did on our stomachs and arms covering our heads. They told us if it was the real bomb, we would be given white sheets to cover ourselves with as we lay there. White sheets??? Some of us couldn't hold back our laughter; but the nuns were serious; yep! Catholic grade school. It seems the white sheets would protect us from the flash of the bomb which it would deflect. the flash. I was close to hysteria. Evidently they didn't see the films of the various bomb testings and the films of Nagoya and Nagasaki as I did. My dad worked for USARHAW so, we did get to see films and photos; besides the newsreels showed them. I knew the military had weapon silos scattered around the island; as an adult I found out they were nuclear weapons. Just one bomb at Pearl Harbor, one in Scholield, Kaneohe, Halemano, and Mt. Kaala, should wipe out the whole island; no use hiding; you wouldn't want to survive it would be a slow excruciating death.
- Robert Freitas Jr. After representatives of the Department of Naval Intelligence had burned down my family's home at Keahole Point on December 17, 1941 and my great grandfather had built a replacement home in O'oma mauka (Kalaoa) he had the bulldozer dig a huge hole next to the home because the United States had instilled so much fear in everyone that my grandfather was ready to build his own bunker. The problem is as Manu Kaiama had stated in her testimony before the OHA Trustees: "These countries (Russia, China, North Korea) don't hate Hawaii. They hate AMERICA"!!! As the United States had stated following the Civil War: "From henceforth all wars shall be fought on someone else s soil" being a clear indication why the United States is always fighting wars on other countries soil destroying their lands, resources and killing innocent civilians in the process. Oh and let us not forget the millions and millions of dollars in profit they are making off of these unnecessary wars. America loves to claim that they are protecting Hawaii when in reality Hawaii is protecting America by turning Hawaii into their primary military base. AMAZING!!! Get rid of the United States, their military and their illegal occupying population and watch the enemies of the United States reprogram their missiles to follow them. Yankee Go Home!!!**************************Yes, the U.S. needs to LEAVE!
- Watching KHON morning news just now, there's a "Legacy Of Honor" event today at Ft. DeRussey to honor the army, Ron Mizutani just said that Hawai`i has such a good relationship with the army and we really appreciate their presence here to keep us safe...AGAIN I say, if the US military was NOT here the Japanese would NEVER have bombed Pearl Harbor! There are so many nations who hate America, but none hate Hawai`i!! The military here (20% of the land area!) is what makes us a target!!
- You, Alan D. Ackerman, Josephine Keliipio, Tane Inciong and 13 others like this.
- Amelia Gora the indoctrination continues........or should i say many nations are laughing at the U.S. "Legacy of Honor"..... tresspassing on private properties of the Royal Families, lands of a neutral, friendly nation utilizing friendly monies and Warring with many /Plundering Upon Innocents EVERYWHERE........what's honorable about that?
- Amelia Gora
- Josephine Keliipio Ron Mizutani spreading stupid propaganda instead of the truth that Hawaii is a SITTING DUCK.
- Amelia Gora John Kaminski's article says it all........
the meetings with the Consulate was to go over the U.S. role in the Pacific......See More - Robert Freitas Jr. Continuous propaganda of lies and deceit!!! The only ones who want the illegal occupying military here in Hawaii is the ILLEGAL OCCUPIERS!!!
- Amelia Gora
- Jana Roselani Baricuatro Kahaleanu ...desecrate, contaminate, poison, bomb, abuse Hawai'i lands and peoples. auwe. aole pono.
- Mary Alice Ka'iulani Milham Totally agree with you, Nancy. Americans, and certain vets, LOVE to tell how Hawaii would have been "taken" by Japan if not for the protection of the US Military when the facts are Hawaii WAS taken by the US military and Japan's attack was aimed at the US Military, not the Hawaiian people. Some kind of mental colonization going on with that "American protector" story line... Stockholm Syndrome at its finest.
- Jana Roselani Baricuatro Kahaleanu Because of the illegal u.s.a. military occupation, Hawai'i IS at high risk for nuclear strike attack, at any time, by any of u.s.a.'s many enemies.
- Jana Roselani Baricuatro Kahaleanu Illegal occupier USA using Hawai'i as a military outpost, to train for war in illegally-occupied Hawai'i IS war crime, according to International Laws of Occupation. for more info.
- Tane Inciong As a kid, I understood the dynamics. So, do you think some of us kids of my time are clueless to what's going on or has been. Hawaiian kids during my time were raised to be quiet, observe, listen, question and answer at the appropriate time; to not be niele and maha'oi. This is why we were thought to be poor students by western standards and those teacher didn't know how to relate and teach us.
- Mary Alice Ka'iulani Milham More "Legacy of Honor" being perpetrated in Guam
- Tane Inciong In 1854, The Hawaiian Kingdom signed in declaring its neutrality status with other nations. The US was one of the countries that recognized its status. By having its military based here, doing its exercises, housing its armory with weapons, and being a hostile belligerent in an unending war, the US is continuously and constantly violates the Hawaiian Kingdom's commitment to its neutrality, the laws and statue. Combine this with its unlawful US belligerent occupation which is another criminal issue. This is why the US wants us to surrender our nation and integrate as one of its Indian tribe as a domestic citizen of the US so all its crimes against us will disappear.
- Tane Inciong We don't need the US protecting us from any enemy; they're already doing to us what they say they're protecting us from. Devastation of our islands with live fire of weapons, DU, agent orange, chem-trails, nuclear accidents, invasive species, GMO experiments, toxic and hazardous gases, UH-US military experiments, etc. With "fiends" like this; who needs enemies? They've expressed numerous times that Hawaii is expendable. Any doubts or questions?
- Robert Freitas Jr. Common Sense.....1+1= 2......not eleven (11)!!! Everything that America says and does adds up to eleven being a clear indication of.....FRAUD, LIES & DECEPTION!!! Wake up people....their words and excuses don't add up!!! LIAR, LIAR......LIAR!!!
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