
Sunday, January 8, 2017

Vol VI No. 632 Part 3a

He was a 29 veteran of the CIA when he married Rayelan Allan in 1989. He was incarcerated…
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Unprecedented times. Uncompromising journalism. The New York Times.

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Amelia Gora

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Robert T. Anderson If the NY Times told me it was sunny outside, I would have to go see for myself.
Shirley Kuhn Thanks but I'm a Jew and I get enough bashing without having to read it on your papers.
LikeReply1023 hrs
2 of 15
Off to Washington DC, Athens-Greece and Barcelona-Spain ... A hui hou.
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Seagem Fix Happy travels
Panos D Prevedouros As I'm waiting at the gate, I see three sets of double escaltors spinning and spinning with no person on them at 5 am. Multiply by at least ten for the whole airport. What a waste of equipment wear and electricity that can be easily avoided with a few sensors and simple controllers!
LikeReply19Yesterday at 6:11amEdited
Marian Grey I love that you almost always see a better way. Is that airport run by city? state? Why not start a simple "save the $ (or energy) petition?" Who wouldn't want this? HECO?
LikeReply122 hrs
Marian Grey Have a safe trip!
LikeReply22 hrs
Amelia Gora
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Randy Akiona Elevators spin?
Panos D Prevedouros Escalators!
Randy Akiona oops! blind mullet
LikeReply23 hrs
Amelia Gora
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Richard Takashima Safe travels Panos !
Abbie Richardson Safe trip
David Gramann I've felt that way for years
Hanni Hartmann Now you are going into common sense business in the rest of the civil and industrialized world but this is "higher math and biz operation" in Hawaii...Who needs to save thousands when you simply raise the GE tax for millions...
Evelyn Souza Always the thinking professor. Thank God we have you here in Hawaii. Safe travels..
Hanni Hartmann Yep; Hawaii can be proud. Unfortunalty he is just limited to a Prof at UH. He could have been our major but fell victim to a well oiled machine of "old boys networks and cronyism.."
Paul H W Louie Safe travels Panos!!
Renee Harden 🌴🙏🏽🌺☃ Hope you took warm things!
Sharon Borges Colbert Safe travels
Choon James Direct flight. Smart thing to do. Avoid O'hara :=)
Delorese Gregoire Have a great trip Panos and Ohana🙏
All across the state waste waste waste...
George Downing Safe travels my friend Panos!
Ken Anama Enjoy and be safe my friend!
LikeReply123 hrs
Lois Iwashita Brown safe travels!!! have fun
LikeReply123 hrs
Rob Shiroma Have fun..BE CAREFUL
LikeReply122 hrs
Alyx Yu Welcome to the east coast, 2017 first snow this weekend
LikeReply122 hrs
Cheryle Ann Greece!/?
Have a safe trip Panos.
LikeReply121 hrs
Angela Keen Safe travels Panos. Leave it to you to find waste wherever you go! 😂
LikeReply121 hrs
Lori Fuchigami Safe travels!
LikeReply18 hrs
Cathleen Baptista Kalo taxidi!
LikeReply17 hrs
Laxman Kc Wish you a very happy and safe trip.
LikeReply17 hrs
Crystal Scurr Godspeed!
LikeReply15 hrs
Chita Stewart Have a safe trip and return safely to us. God speed.
LikeReply15 hrs
Arish Riordan Jealous
LikeReply15 hrs
Owen Miyamoto Where have you seen an excalator that works on motion sensors? What about the owner's liability? We all preach energy savings and fail to practice practical applications. The airport and UH are filled with ennergy inefficiencies.
LikeReply12 hrs
Peter Cross There's something gratifying in an expert in civil engineering and transportation infrastructure keeping us apprised on his world travels. Do you automatically look at traffic intersections and pedestrian traffic flow every time you look out your hotel window? Do you know, on a visceral level, the scraping sound of this or that tram or trolley, and which city on the globe where it is located?
LikeReply29 hrs
Amelia Gora
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Keola Santos posted 3 updates.
Please post really funny on my wall. I see a lot of funny but I need more. Laughter is good medicine and I am looking at all aspects of my life to create more joy and laughter to combat any illness or sadness so if you see something that makes you go Bwahahahahahhaha, please tag me! No messenger please.
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Andrea Warzlow Thor says Hi.
LikeReply19 hrs
Tricia Mo'orea I love turtles. Have had a few box turtle. One I helped hatch from an egg. Mother and son, Otto and blotto
LikeReply9 hrs
Amelia Gora
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My 1700 twitter followers.: Tweets appearing here re current events are not from me. My account compromised but fixed.
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LikeReply13 hrs
Cynthia Barry Meant got it!
LikeReply3 hrs

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