Google Labels Fake News
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Aug 13 (3 days ago)
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Dear friends,
I have sad news. The first two months of this year, averaged between 4,000 and 5,000 visits a day, which is quite respectable. That has declined now to the point where our website is only receiving around 1,600 visits a day, one-third of what we were getting just six months ago.
Most of our visits come from Google searches. It's possible that Google has changed their search parameters in a way that hurt us, yet I suspect the greater reason may be that has been labelled by Google as fake news, so that they've lowered us in their search rankings. This article describes what's happening to many progressive websites. Very sad.
Unfortunately, this also has an impact on donations coming in to support our work. That is likely why we are still about $9,000 in the red. Especially because of this, we really need your help in order to grow and thrive. Please consider contributing as much as feels right to you to help us cover our deficit and awaken ever more people to the deeper realities in our world. Help us to make a difference in building a brighter future for us all.
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With deep gratitude and very best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton
Fred Burks for PEERS and
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton
Note: I apologize that for the email that went out to this list Friday on false flag operations, I mistakenly sent it out saying that we are $6,700 in the red, when we are actually around $9,000 in the red. I'm away at a 10-day gathering of spiritual activists, so I set that email up about 10 days ago to be automatically sent. I made a guess on where we would be with "in the red" number and was off quite a bit. I'm sorry that I forgot to change the number before it went out.
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Top News: Monsanto Selling Death, Syrian Rebels on CIA Payroll Support al Qaeda, More
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3:10 AM (5 hours ago)
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and to serve as a call to work together for the good of all
To provide our readers with reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups,
and to serve as a call to work together for the good of all
This message is also available online at this link.
We're US $7,800 in the red for 2017. Please make a donation.
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Support us by using this link at no extra charge to you.
Dear friends,
Explore below key excerpts of revealing news articles on Monsanto selling death by continuing to sell banned chemicals for years, Syrian rebels on the CIA's payroll known to be providing funding to al-Qaeda's largest affiliate, the White House plan to replace US military personnel in Afghanistan with 5,500 private contractors, and more.
Read also wonderfully inspiring articles on a psychic medium's incredible skill in channeling the dead bringing tears to a news anchor, a new medical technology that can regenerate any damaged tissue by reprogramming skin cells, the Utah mayor who lived undercover in a homeless shelter to better understand the plight of Salt Lake City's least fortunate residents, and more. You can also skip to this section now.
Each excerpt is taken verbatim from the major media website listed at the link provided. If any link fails, see this page. The most important sentences are highlighted. And don't miss the "What you can do" section below the summaries. By educating ourselves and spreading the word, we can and will build a brighter future.
Thank you!!! Thank you so much to all of you who contributed to decrease our red ink by over $2,000! We deeply appreciate your support and kind words. I apologize that for unknown reasons, our website went down 12 hours after the appeal for six hours for the first time in years. It's working fine now. For any who might have tried to donate in that time or others who are inspired to help us further, please donate here.
Special note: Don't miss the incredibly touching video of an amazing psychic converting two CBS News anchors that what he is doing is quite real. This six-minute video featuring an amazing six-year old boy with dwarfism will touch your heart and inspire you.
Quote of the week: "Love comes to those who still hope even though they've been disappointed, to those who still believe even though they've been betrayed, to those who still love even though they've been hurt before." ~ Anonymous
Monsanto sold banned chemicals for years despite known health risks
August 10, 2017, The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers) environment/2017/aug/09/ monsanto-continued-selling...
August 10, 2017, The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
Monsanto continued to produce and sell toxic industrial chemicals known as PCBs for eight years after learning that they posed hazards to public health and the environment, according to legal analysis of documents put online. More than 20,000 internal memos, minuted meetings, letters and other documents have been published in the new archive, many for the first time. Most were ... digitised by the Poison Papers Project. Bill Sherman, the assistant attorney general for the US state of Washington – which is suing Monsanto for PCB clean-up costs potentially worth billions of dollars – said the archive contained damning evidence the state had previously been unaware of. He told the Guardian: “These records confirm that Monsanto knew that their PCBs were harmful and pervasive in the environment, and kept selling them. They knew the dangers, but hid them from the public in order to profit.” As well as the Washington case, Monsanto is facing PCB contamination suits ... in Seattle, Spokane, Long Beach, Portland, San Diego, San Jose, Oakland and Berkeley. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are long-lived pollutants that were mass produced by Monsanto between 1935 and 1977. By 1979, they had been completely banned in the US and elsewhere, after a weight of evidence linking them to health ailments ... and to environmental harm. Yet a decade earlier, one Monsanto pollution abatement plan in the archive from October 1969, singled out by Sherman, suggests that Monsanto was even then aware of the risks posed by PCB use.
Note: Read lots more on Monsanto and EPA collusion in this educational article. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on corporate corruption and health.
Syrian rebels alarmed by reports covert CIA aid will end
July 20, 2017, Financial Times a35244e6-6d2e-11e7-bfeb- 33fe0c5b7eaa
July 20, 2017, Financial Times
For nearly four years, Syrian rebels have clung to a programme of CIA assistance as a symbol of US support in their battle against Bashar al-Assad’s regime. So reports that Donald Trump’s administration will stop the limited scheme to arm and train Syria’s opposition forces have sparked anger and confusion. Rebels say they have not been informed of any changes to the policy introduced ... in 2013 as part of efforts to put pressure on Syria’s president. According to ... the Washington Post newspaper, Mr Trump decided last month to end funding for the CIA programme. Rebels contacted by the Financial Times say their CIA interlocutors had not confirmed any change, and political opposition figures who met US officials this week say they, too, were given no hint of any change. One rebel commander who asked not to be named said US support had been waning for months but noted that the rebels had been given their salaries as normal last month. The CIA funding for rebel groups fed into two internationally backed operations that supported an array of rebel groups. Many observers and even rebels themselves criticised the programme for turning a blind eye to its funding ending up with jihadis. Rebels who received support would return to volatile territories in Syria, only to be pressed by an al-Qaeda-linked jihadi group to hand over a cut. “Frankly so much of the weapons and ammunition were going to [Syria’s al-Qaeda affiliate] that it’s probably a good thing,” [an] opposition figure said.
Note: What is the CIA doing paying the salaries of rebels in Syria? For more, see this informative article. Then, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on corruption in government and in the intelligence community.
Behind the Sudden Death of a $1 Billion Secret C.I.A. War in Syria
August 2, 2017, New York Times 08/02/world/middleeast/cia- syria-rebel-arm-train...
August 2, 2017, New York Times
Early last month, the C.I.A. director, Mike Pompeo, recommended to President Trump that he shut down a four-year-old effort to arm and train Syrian rebels. The president swiftly ended the program. The rebel army was by then a shell, hollowed out by more than a year of bombing by Russian planes. Critics in Congress had complained for years about the costs - more than $1 billion over the life of the program - and reports that some of the C.I.A.-supplied weapons had ended up in the hands of a rebel group tied to Al Qaeda further sapped political support for the program. President Barack Obama ... agreed to the program in 2013. It soon fell victim to the constantly shifting alliances in Syria’s six-year-old civil war. Once C.I.A.-trained fighters crossed into Syria, C.I.A. officers had difficulty controlling them. The fact that some of their C.I.A. weapons ended up with Nusra Front fighters - and that some of the rebels joined the group - confirmed the fears of many in the Obama administration when the program began. Although the Nusra Front was widely seen as an effective fighting force against [President Bashar al-Assad]’s troops, its Qaeda affiliation made it impossible for the Obama administration to provide direct support for the group. American intelligence officials estimate that the Nusra Front now has as many as 20,000 fighters in Syria, making it Al Qaeda’s largest affiliate. Officials also received ... reports that the C.I.A.-trained rebels had summarily executed prisoners and committed other violations of the rules of armed conflict.
Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on corruption in government and in the intelligence community.
Our Broken Economy, in One Simple Chart
August 7, 2017, New York Times interactive/2017/08/07/ opinion/leonhardt-income- inequality...
August 7, 2017, New York Times
Many Americans can’t remember anything other than an economy with skyrocketing inequality, in which living standards for most Americans are stagnating and the rich are pulling away. It feels inevitable. But it’s not. A well-known team of inequality researchers ... has been getting some attention recently for a chart it produced. It shows the change in income between 1980 and 2014 for every point on the distribution, and it neatly summarizes the recent soaring of inequality. The message is straightforward. Only a few decades ago, the middle class and the poor weren’t just receiving healthy raises. Their take-home pay was rising even more rapidly, in percentage terms, than the pay of the rich. The post-inflation, after-tax raises that were typical for the middle class during the pre-1980 period - about 2 percent a year - translate into rapid gains in living standards. At that rate, a household’s income almost doubles every 34 years. In recent decades, by contrast, only very affluent families ... have received such large raises. Yes, the upper-middle class has done better than the middle class or the poor, but the huge gaps are between the super-rich and everyone else. The basic problem is that most families used to receive something approaching their fair share of economic growth, and they don’t anymore.
Note: The graphics at the link above clearly show how inequality has been skyrocketing in recent years. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing income inequality news articles from reliable major media sources.
Trump White House weighs unprecedented plan to privatize much of the war in Afghanistan
August 8, 2017, USA Today story/news/world/2017/08/08/ war-afghanistan-trump-white...
August 8, 2017, USA Today
The White House is actively considering a bold plan to turn over a big chunk of the U.S. war in Afghanistan to private contractors. Under the proposal, 5,500 private contractors, primarily former Special Operations troops, would advise Afghan combat forces. The plan also includes a 90-plane private air force that would provide air support in the nearly 16-year-old war against Taliban insurgents, Erik Prince, founder of the Blackwater security firm, [said]. The U.S. military has 8,400 U.S. troops [in Afghanistan]. They do not have a direct combat role, and presumably would be replaced gradually by the contractors. The plan remains under serious consideration within the White House despite misgivings by Trump's national security adviser ... and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. Prince, who has met frequently with administration officials to discuss his plan, is the brother of Trump's education secretary, Betsy Devos. Prince said the contractors would be “adjuncts” of the Afghan military and would wear that nation’s military uniforms. Currently, troops from a U.S.-led coalition ... are not embedded with conventional combat units in the field. Under the plan the contractors would be embedded with Afghanistan's more than 90 combat battalions throughout the country. Blackwater has attracted controversy under Prince's leadership. In 2007, four Blackwater security personnel were accused of killing 14 Iraqi civilians in Baghdad.
Note: When Blackwater changed its name to Academi, the US paid $309 million to this company to conduct counternarcotics operations in Afghanistan. These operations reportedly contributed to the Afghan opium boom. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on corporate corruption and war.
Barbara Lee’s Long War on the War on Terror
August 7, 2017, Slate news_and_politics/politics/ 2017/08/is_barbara_lee...
August 7, 2017, Slate
The House Appropriations Committee’s voice vote on June 29, to approve an amendment repealing the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force, came as a surprise to congressional leaders; reporters on Capitol Hill; and the amendment’s sponsor, Rep. Barbara Lee. The AUMF is the controversial legal authority under which most U.S. counterterrorism activities are conducted. Lee has been on a mission to repeal it since Sept. 14, 2001, when she cast the one and only vote in Congress against the original authorization. In the 16 years that followed, Lee has sponsored numerous bills ... intended to overturn the authorization, to no avail. The vote in June, the first time a congressional committee had passed an AUMF repeal, showed that she’s finally no longer alone in believing that the authorization she describes as a “blank check” is no good. In the end, the House Rules Committee stripped Lee’s amendment out of the bill. History has vindicated many of Lee’s concerns about the AUMF: It has, as she warned, dramatically expanded the president’s power to use military force, reduced congressional oversight, and vastly grown the U.S. military footprint around the world with no end in sight to the escalation. The measure includes no time or geographic distinctions, and three presidential administrations have taken full advantage of that ambiguity. A 2016 Congressional Research Service report found that the AUMF’s authority had been invoked 37 times for operations in 14 countries.
Note: Read more on Rep. Lee's ongoing fight to repeal the AUMF. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing war news articles from reliable major media sources.
Pentagon suppressing book on interrogations: former investigator
August 3, 2017, Reuters article/us-usa-torture- idUSKBN1AJ2NG
August 3, 2017, Reuters
A former chief investigator at the Guantanamo Bay detention center is accusing the Pentagon of blocking publication of his book on the use of brutal interrogation techniques and top U.S. officials' advocacy of what he calls "torture." Mark Fallon, a Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) veteran, said his book "Unjustifiable Means" reveals no classified information or new detainee abuse cases but details internal deliberations about interrogation methods, identifies officials who advocated "torture" and describes how he and others objected. "This is more of an inside view of the fight to try to stop torture," he said. "There was a tremendous opposition within the government itself believing these were war crimes, and I name names." The use of the brutal interrogation methods made the country less safe, he said. Fallon said that he was told it would take no more than six weeks for the Defense Department office that scrubs manuscripts for unauthorized information to review his book. That was more than seven months ago. He has since missed his submission deadline, had to cancel a book tour and enlisted the American Civil Liberties Union and Columbia University's Knight First Amendment Institute to fight what he contends is a Pentagon effort to suppress his work and stifle his right to free speech. Now the ACLU and the Columbia University institute are taking Fallon's case to Congress.
Note: For more along these lines, see the "10 Craziest Things in the Senate Report on Torture". For more, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles about corruption in government and in the intelligence community.
Contaminants in water are legal but still pose big health risks, environmental group says
July 26, 2017, USA Today story/news/2017/07/26/ contaminants-water-legal-but.. .
July 26, 2017, USA Today
Contaminants detected in water samples throughout the country pose health risks but are perfectly legal. “Most people turn on their tap water and think: It’s clear, I live in America, we have these laws, I’m being protected,” said Nneka Leiba, director of the Healthy Living Science Program for the Environmental Working Group (EWG). In 1974, Congress enacted the Safe Drinking Water Act, authorizing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set national standards for drinking water. However, it has been more than 20 years since the EPA has added a new contaminant to its list of regulated drinking water pollutants. “The list of regulated chemicals has not kept up with our use of chemicals as a country,” Leiba said. EWG collected data from drinking water tests ... at more than 48,000 water facilities throughout the U.S., looking for 500 unique contaminants. The group found 267 present in water supplies, many at levels above what scientific studies have found pose health risks but are still legal under the Safe Drinking Water Act. EWG's findings: 93 of the contaminants were linked to an increased risk of cancer; 78 were associated with brain and nervous system damage; 63 were connected to developmental harm in children or fetuses; 38 were contaminants that could cause fertility issues; and 45 were endocrine disruptors. More than 40,000 water systems had levels of known or likely carcinogens that exceeded health guidelines.
Note: EWG has made its data available in the form of a public database. Due to systematic distortion of water quality tests by US authorities, up to 98 million Americans may have unsafe levels of lead in their drinking water. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing health news articles from reliable major media sources.
Scant Oversight, Corporate Secrecy Preceded US Weed Killer Crisis
August 9, 2017, Huffington Post/Reuters entry/scant-oversight- corporate-secrecy-preceded...
August 9, 2017, Huffington Post/Reuters
As the U.S. growing season entered its peak this summer, farmers began posting startling pictures on social media: fields of beans, peach orchards and vegetable gardens withering away. The photographs served as early warnings of a crisis that has damaged millions of acres of farmland. New versions of the herbicide dicamba developed by Monsanto and BASF, according to farmers, have drifted across fields to crops unable to withstand it. As the crisis intensifies, new details provided to Reuters ... demonstrate the unusual way Monsanto introduced its product. The approach, in which Monsanto prevented key independent testing of its product, went unchallenged by the Environmental Protection Agency and nearly every state regulator. Typically, when a company develops a new agricultural product, it commissions its own tests and shares the results and data with regulators. It also provides product samples to universities for additional scrutiny. In this case, Monsanto denied requests by university researchers to study its XtendiMax with VaporGrip for volatility - a measure of its tendency to vaporize and drift across fields. Monsanto provided samples of XtendiMax before it was approved by the EPA. However, the samples came with contracts that explicitly forbade volatility testing. Arkansas blocked Monsanto’s product because of the lack of extra volatility testing ... but approved BASF’s [product]. Thirty-three other states - every other state where the products were marketed - approved both products.
Note: A new project called "The Poison Papers" lays out a 40-year history of deceit and collusion involving the chemical industry and the regulatory agencies that were supposed to be protecting human health and the environment. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing food system corruption news articles from reliable major media sources.
Paedophiles should get child sex dolls on the NHS, says charity
August 3, 2017, International Business Times paedophiles-should-get-child- sex-dolls-prescription-says...
August 3, 2017, International Business Times
A charity has been criticised after suggesting paedophiles should be given life-like child sex dolls on prescription. The controversial comments ... came after a judge ruled that sex dolls made in Asia to look like young children were "obscene". The landmark ruling related to former primary school governor David Turner, who tried to import a 3ft child doll into the UK – one of more than 100 seized at the border by UK law enforcement. But the charity StopSo, which offers therapy to sex offenders, said the dolls could help those attracted to children manage their behaviour safely. The organisation's chairman, Juliet Grayson, [said]: "If someone comes forward and says, 'I am attracted to young children, and I want help to ensure that I never act on that attraction, so that I never harm a child,' then maybe society should consider the use of dolls in a carefully regulated way. "Society needs to reach a point where a teenager can say to his mum, 'I am a paedophile', and she will get him the right kind of help to manage his behaviours in pro-social ways." The unorthodox approach to reducing child sex offences was not shared by the NSPCC ... however. A spokesman for the NCA said: "We believe that these dolls could normalise a sexual interest in children. "As is often the case, importers of dolls have been prosecuted for associated offending such as possession of indecent images of children. "The dolls are a flag of interest in children. If they hadn't been discovered we would not have been able to prosecute for other aggravating offences."
Note: Watch an excellent segment by Australia's "60-Minutes" team "Spies, Lords and Predators" on a pedophile ring in the UK which leads directly to the highest levels of government. A second suppressed documentary, "Conspiracy of Silence," goes even deeper into this topic in the US. For more, see concise summaries of sexual abuse scandal news articles.
Attorney general says Justice Dept. has tripled the number of leak probes
August 4, 2017, Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost. com/world/national-security/ attorney-general-says...
August 4, 2017, Washington Post
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday that the Justice Department has more than tripled the number of leak investigations compared with the number that were ongoing at the end of the last administration. Sessions said he was devoting more resources to stamping out unauthorized disclosures, directing Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher A. Wray to actively monitor every investigation, instructing the department’s national security division and U.S. attorneys to prioritize such cases, and creating a new counterintelligence unit in the FBI to manage the work. Sessions also said he was reviewing the Justice Department’s policy on issuing subpoenas to reporters. Rosenstein refused to rule out the possibility that journalists would be prosecuted. It has long been Justice Department practice in leak probes to try to avoid investigating journalists directly to find their sources. Prosecutors in the Obama era brought nine leak cases, more than during all previous administrations combined, and in the process called a reporter a criminal “co-conspirator” and secretly went after journalists’ phone records in a bid to identify reporters’ sources. Danielle Brian, executive director at the Project on Government Oversight, said leak investigations might inappropriately target well-intentioned whistleblowers. “Whistleblowers are the nation’s first line of defense against fraud, waste, abuse, and illegality within the federal government,” Brian said in a statement.
Note: For more, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on government corruption and the manipulation of mass media.
Fossil fuel subsidies are a staggering $5 tn per year
August 7, 2017, The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers) environment/climate-consensus- 97-per-cent/2017/aug/07...
August 7, 2017, The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
Fossil fuels are expensive. Much of their costs are hidden, however, as subsidies. If people knew how large their subsidies were, there would be a backlash against them from so-called financial conservatives. A study was just published in the journal World Development that quantifies the amount of subsidies directed toward fossil fuels globally, and the results are shocking. The authors work at the IMF and are well-skilled to quantify the subsidies discussed in the paper. The subsidies were $4.9 tn in 2013 and they rose to $5.3 tn just two years later. According to the authors, these subsidies are important because first, they promote fossil fuel use which damages the environment. Second, these are fiscally costly. Third, the subsidies discourage investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy that compete with the subsidized fossil fuels. Finally, subsidies are very inefficient means to support low-income households. With these truths made plain, why haven’t subsidies been eliminated? We are talking enormous values of 5.8% of global GDP in 2011, rising to 6.5% in 2013. Petroleum and coal receive much larger subsidies compared to their counterpart fuels. There are two key takeaway messages. First, fossil fuel subsidies are enormous and they are costs that we all pay, in one form or another. Second, the subsidies persist in part because we don’t fully appreciate their size. These two facts, taken together, further strengthen the case to be made for clean and renewable energy.
Note: Even competing with such heavily subsidized fossil fuels, the solar power industry in the US now employs more workers than the coal, oil and natural gas industries combined. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing energy news articles from reliable major media sources.
Inspiring Articles
Renowned Psychic Medium Matt Fraser
April 26, 2016, CBS News (Tampa, Florida affiliate) entertainment/television/ studio10/renowned-psychic- medium...
April 26, 2016, CBS News (Tampa, Florida affiliate)
Matthew Fraser is an Internationally renowned psychic/medium and author of “The Secrets to Unlocking Your Psychic Ability”. He has conducted thousands of readings around the world, reconnecting friends & family with the spirits of those who are no longer with us. His messages of hope, comfort and reassurance have touched the lives of all who meet him, making Matt one of the most gifted and genuine psychics living today. He was no different than any other child although he was born with “The Sight”. As a child this extraordinary gift frightened him. He had kept his gift a secret for years, fearing that he would not be accepted. It wasn’t until Matt looked deeper into his abilities, that he understood being a medium was his calling and life’s mission. In the years that followed, Matt would become one of the world’s most respected Psychics. Now, as an adult, Matt is doing just that. Through his sold out live events, to the his one-on-one sessions and books, Matt is on a personal mission to reconnect as many people as possible with their loved ones in Heaven. He has answered questions for thousands of people with his incredible psychic gift and has been a highly sought after guest appearing on major media outlets across the nation ... due to his uncanny abilities. Today Matt continues his mission not only to share his gift with others, but also to provide assistance within the community through various fundraisers and benefits.
Note: Don't miss the incredibly touching video at the link above of Matt convincing two CBS News anchors that what he is doing is quite real.
New device can heal with a single touch, and even repair brain injuries
August 7, 2017, USA Today story/news/nation-now/2017/08/ 07/miracle-device-can-heal...
August 7, 2017, USA Today
A new device developed at The Ohio State University can start healing organs in a "fraction of a second," researchers say. The technology, known as Tissue Nanotransfection (TNT), has the potential to save the lives of car crash victims and even deployed soldiers injured on site. It's a dime-sized silicone chip that "injects genetic code into skin cells, turning those skin cells into other types of cells required for treating diseased conditions," according to a release. And, it not only works on skin cells, it can restore any type of tissue, Chandan Sen, director of the Center for Regenerative Medicine and Cell-Based Therapies, said. For example, the technology restored brain function in a mouse who suffered a stroke by growing brain cells on its skin. This is a breakthrough technology, because it's the first time cells have been reprogrammed in a live body. “This technology does not require a laboratory or hospital and can actually be executed in the field," Sen said. "It’s less than 100 grams to carry and will have a long shelf life.” It is awaiting FDA approval, but Sen, who has been working on this for four years, expects TNT will be tested on humans within the year. He says he's talking with Walter Reed National Medical Center now. "We are proposing the use of skin as an agricultural land where you can essentially grow any cell of interest," Sen said.
Note: Explore a treasure trove of concise summaries of incredibly inspiring news articles which will inspire you to make a difference.
Mayor Ben McAdams posed as a homeless person for 3 days and 2 nights. Here’s what he saw
August 6, 2017, Salt Lake Tribune (One of Utah's leading newspapers) politics/2017/08/06/sl-co- mayor-ben-mcadams-posed-as...
August 6, 2017, Salt Lake Tribune (One of Utah's leading newspapers)
The first piece of advice he got was “Don’t take off your shoes.” The second, “Don’t go to the bathroom after dark.” Though Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams heeded both, it didn’t make him feel any less vulnerable ... as he settled in for a night at the downtown Road Home homeless shelter. He’d visited the grim neighborhood before. He’d read about ... the homeless people unable to access welfare services. Experiencing it firsthand was different. “That was shocking to me.” McAdams’ stay at The Road Home - what he describes as a fact-finding mission - was part of three days and two nights he spent posing as a homeless person to gather information before recommending a new shelter location. During his three days experiencing life on the streets, McAdams said his time was consumed by solving two pressing needs: Where am I going to sleep? And where am I going to get food? “You have to plan your day around that,” he said, realizing that leaves little energy left to search for jobs or housing. As he spoke with homeless people, listening to their stories and getting their input, McAdams bumped into a small family — a mom, dad and daughter — as they were leaving The Road Home. The little girl, nine years old, kept asking where they were going to sleep and what they were going to eat. The parents didn’t know. The encounter reaffirmed for McAdams his top priority: moving families out of the shelter’s harsh environment. That was accomplished July 15.
Note: Explore a treasure trove of concise summaries of incredibly inspiring news articles which will inspire you to make a difference.
Yoga can help improve symptoms of depression, study finds
August 7, 2017, The Independent (One of the UK's leading newspapers) life-style/yoga-depression- symptoms-help-improve...
August 7, 2017, The Independent (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
Scientists say that there is one form of exercise that could help improve low mood, anxiety and reduce stress - beating depression in some cases. At the 125th Annual Convention of the America Psychological Association, six presentations looked at studies which found yoga could have healing effects on people with depression of differing severities. One of the studies, conducted the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center, found that male veterans who took twice-weekly yoga glasses for eight weeks had fewer symptoms. Another study, by Alliant University in San Francisco, found women aged 25 to 45 who took part in twice-weekly Bikram aka hot yoga sessions over a period of eight weeks also had significantly reduced depression symptoms compared to those on a waiting list for classes. The studies, which covered a wide range of ages, occupations and genders all found that there was a positive correlation between practising yoga and lessening symptoms or feelings of depression. The researchers add that while this form of exercise is proven to help, it shouldn’t replace traditional therapy completely. “We can only recommend yoga as a complementary approach, likely most effective in conjunction with standard approaches delivered by a licensed therapist,” explains Hopkins. “There seems to be a lot of potential.”
Note: Explore a treasure trove of concise summaries of incredibly inspiring news articles which will inspire you to make a difference.
Please note that most of the summarizing of the revealing news articles in the above summary was done by Mark Bailey of Many thanks to Mark for all the time and skill he puts into this. The section below provides several ideas on what you can do to spread the news.
What you can do:
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- Explore an index to the most revealing major media news articles sorted by topic.
- Learn more about how some of the most vital news is censored by corporate major media ownership in this powerful lesson from the free Insight Course.
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Finding Balance: Inspiration Center believes it is important to balance disturbing cover-up information with inspirational writings which call us to be all that we can be and to work together for positive change. For an abundance of uplifting material, please visit our Inspiration Center.
See our exceptional archive of revealing news articles.
Explore the mind and heart expanding websites managed by the nonprofit PEERS network: - PEERS websites: Spreading inspiration, education, & empowerment - Every person in the world has a heart - Dynamic online courses powerfully expand your horizons - Reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups - Strengthening the Web of Love that interconnects u - Every person in the world has a heart - Dynamic online courses powerfully expand your horizons - Reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups - Strengthening the Web of Love that interconnects u
Fwd: How Wespac Is Twisting Words | Ige's Campaign Cash | Ex-Cop Offers $300K To Settle Suit
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Aug 11 (5 days ago)
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Aloha kakou,e Hawai'i , PAU?
Mahalo piha for this great report. The "raid of the 2016 Marine Environment of Papahanaumokuakea Sanctuary" is no different than that of the raid of the "1893 Ko Hawai'ian Pae Aina". One by land, one sea! In fact it is of the same ohana named "FRAUD"!.
Ask any Hawaiian Monk Seal, and they will tell you what is going in all of Ko Hawai'i Pae Aina. Word of Caution! You must get very close to hear their response but then be prepared to be arrested by those who protect the Fraud!
Hiki no?
kaulana na pua,
Hawaiian National (Made in Hawai'i 1936)
Coalition of Hawaiian Nationals - NOW !
On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 4:08 AM, Civil Beat <> wrote:
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How Wespac Is Twisting Words To Allow More Fishing
What constitutes “non-commercial fishing” and “cultural fishing” in restricted waters around the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and American Samoa? A Honolulu-based fishing council called Wespac gets to decide.However, some groups have raised concerns, saying they’re bending the rules to allow for more commercial fishing in waters that are meant to be protected.READY FOR RE-ELECTION?
Gov. Ige’s Campaign Cash As Low As His Poll Numbers
Gov. Ige is up for reelection in 2018, but he’s not exactly rolling in the campaign dough.According to recent filings, he has a mere $250K in his war chest — and with his low poll numbers and subdued personality, his shallow pockets might spell trouble.
Ex-Honolulu Cop Offers $300,000 To Settle Suit With Bartender He Shot
A former HPD officer who accidentally shot a bartender in 2015 is ready to settle.If a judge signs off, he’ll pay the victim $300,000 and testify on her behalf in her lawsuit against HPD.IT'S 'ULU SEASON
Why Breadfruit Belongs On Our Tables
Breadfruit may plague your sidewalks with its sticky sap, but don’t discount its versatility and deliciousness as an ingredient.In this column, Tad Bartimus highlights Maui events that “celebrate this ubiquitous starch’s comeback in island kitchens and use by famous chefs featuring it on ‘buy local, eat local’ menus.”A DANGEROUS GAME
China Is The Key To Avoiding Nuclear ‘Fire and Fury’ in North Korea
“With tensions escalating, it is important to be realisticabout how we can get out of this mess,” Greg Wright writes.PUPDATE!
Our NOAA experts answered tons of questions from our dedicated pupdate viewers during yesterday’s live stream. Check it out on Facebook here.This could be our last pupdate, considering Rocky could leave Kaimana any day now.COMMUNITY VOICE
Trump Doesn’t Have A Clue About Cuba
“Having made my long-awaited trip to Cuba I returned to Hawaii in hopes of telling all my friends and their families to get to Cuba as soon as possible,” Joseph Zuiker writes.“But last month my plans to promote Cuba with all my heart were dashed by our incredibly short-sighted and clueless president.”WHAT WE'RE READING...
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![]() ![]() False Flag Terrorism and the Global Elite Agenda
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Dear friends,
The global elite is composed of the richest and most powerful people in the world. The existence of a global elite is not disputed, but what is their agenda? Is the global elite a cohesive group united around an agenda of global control and domination, or are there many factions within the global elite vying with each other to forward their own differing agendas?
These vital questions are answered in lesson eight of the engaging Insight Coursebelow. You will learn not only about the key factions of the global elite, you will also find verifiable information proving that certain factions of the global elite from around the world have been using false flag terrorism to forward their self-centered agendas.
To balance this disturbing information, you will learn about a secret group of intelligence operatives dedicated to the betterment of our world who are working to counter the greedy factions of the global elite. These courageous individuals deep "in the know" are working for the good of all of us.
And at the end of this lesson, you will find excellent suggested activities on how you can help to expose the global elite agenda and how you can use this valuable information to transform your own life and our world. By educating ourselves and then taking action, we can make a big difference and help to build a brighter future for us all. Thanks for caring.
With best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and Former White House interpreter and whistleblower
Note: If you are already aware of these matters, consider sending this message to your friends who may not yet be informed as a great introduction to the global elite agenda.
The Global Elite
And False Flag Terrorism Insight Course: Lesson Eight
Are you ready to dive deeper? For those of you who were not aware of some of the hidden manipulations going on in our world before starting this course, this lesson on the global elite may be challenging. Move through the lesson at whatever pace feels best for you. And should you feel overwhelmed at any time, consider stopping to breathe sacred love for a moment or two.
You might want to review the essay about fluid intelligence before reading on by clicking here. And especially with information that can be challenging like this, consider opening to your inner guidance to help integrate whatever is best for you to be learned here. Though some of this information may be disturbing, many believe it is essential to at least be aware of these things in order to more effectively be the change we want to see in our world.
False Flag Operations
The title of this lesson is "The Global Elite and False Flag Terrorism." For those unfamiliar with the term false flag terrorism, here is a definition from the Wikipedia:
In other words, when a government or other entity secretly pretends to be it's own enemy and launches an attack against itself, this is called a false flag operation. This is done to fool unsuspecting people into believing that there is a greater threat than actually exists, and to manipulate the public into supporting war agendas. For clear examples of how this has shaped history, click here.
The Global Elite
The global elite consists of those with tremendous amounts of both wealth and power in our world. Like any group, the global elite has both individuals and factions which are inclined to promote their own self-serving interests, and those who are more interested in serving the greater good.
Many scholars who have spent considerable time studying this group have found that there are factions within this elite group which at times fight against each other, while at other times they work together for common goals. Many (but certainly not all) of these elite believe that because of their intelligence and wealth, they deserve to have inordinate amounts of power and influence on global politics.
To get a brief, representative picture of the global elite and some of their secret societies as reported in numerous major media articles, please read through at least the first six to eight of the 20 news article summaries at the link below:
Members of the global elite generally do all they can to keep their existence and their activities secret, knowing that if people find out about them and their immense power, they will demand change. If you find yourself having negative thoughts about these people, remember what was covered in lesson one. Every member of the global elite and these secret societies has a heart and a place within that wants only to love and be loved.
It is vitally important that we don't fall into "us vs. them" thinking which only leads to more polarization and conflict. We can breathe sacred love even with those who would do us harm. We share all this information knowing that through better understanding all that is happening, we can more effectively be the change.
Operation Northwoods
For an important example of a false flag operation that never happened, yet that nevertheless clearly shows how global politics can be manipulated, please read about Operation Northwoods through the declassified U.S. government documents released on this operation at the link below:
Please realize that the only reason these documents were released by the U.S. government is that the operation was never carried out. If Northwoods had been carried out, the documents would never have been released. Those involved would have invoked "national security" to keep them secret. There are laws which allow plans actually put into operation which allegedly affect national security to remain classified indefinitely.
The important question here is who determines what falls under the category of national security, and what are their motives? Key members of the global elite are often involved in developing these false flag operations and have incredible influence over which documents are kept secret from the public.
Something to remember in dealing with false flag operations is that governments are massive bureaucracies and thus very inefficient in general and incapable of carrying out detailed secret plans. However, the military and intelligence branches of government are rigid hierarchies in which everyone knows their position. Superiors who give commands are very rarely questioned. Just the words "Yes, sir" bring up images of a "good soldier" in the military.
It is through use of the highly organized military and intelligence services that the global elite, working together with key allies in government and the media, are able to carry out major false flag operations. The Northwoods documents, for example, state "responsibility for both overt and covert military operations [will] be assigned the Joint Chiefs of Staff," showing that very few even in the military would know how the public was being deceived.
Having an inefficient, at times bumbling government bureaucracy actually makes it easier for the elite to manipulate politicians and laws. And should anyone claim that the government is carrying out a false flag operation or some kind of conspiracy, the global elite and their media baron buddies disingenuously point out how ridiculous such claims are when government is so inefficient.
Meanwhile the military and intelligence services are not only used to promote these operations, they also promulgate sophisticated disinformation to lead astray any who might investigate the secret manipulations. False flag operations give the pretext for war needed by the elite to maintain their power and rake in the huge profits and power that war brings them.
Sacred Cows
Sacred Cows © Spyder Webb
What Really Happened on 9/11?
For what may be one the most disturbing false flag operations ever, please watch the highly engaging, carefully researched 84-minute documentary below which raises critical questions about 9/11. If you have a slow Internet connection and aren't able to view this on your computer, please go to a local library or Internet cafe to watch it before continuing this lesson.
The highly informative documentary that you've now watched, 9/11: Press For Truth, raises some serious questions about what really happened on 9/11 and introduces the thorough and carefully researched 9/11 Timeline by Paul Thompson. You can confirm much of what was presented by using an excellent 10-page summary of this timeline based on major media news articles available here, though this summary is optional for this lesson.
If you are feeling overwhelmed right now, please click here. Remember that every one of us makes a difference. Many top politicians, military leaders, respected professors, and other caring citizens are working now both privately and publicly to expose what's going on even as you read this.
We are aware that some of you knew about the 9/11 cover-up before starting this course. We ask your understanding of the importance for those who didn't know to learn about this information, so that we can all be informed of what is going on behind the scenes. Hopefully, you've found a few interesting tidbits you didn't know previously in this material.
For those who didn't know about all this, please be aware that some of us knew on the day of 9/11 that it was a cover-up, while many others became aware in the years following and have worked to help inform the public of this important issue.
Some of you may still be skeptical that 9/11 was a false flag operation. We do not in the least require anyone to believe in a 9/11 cover-up. However, we do ask you to be aware of the possibility.
To explore this possibility further, you can read and verify the public statements available here of some of the hundreds of high-ranking government representatives, senior military and government officials, and respected professorswho are now convinced that there were major manipulations on that fateful day.
What Does It All Mean?
As this lesson is filled with some rather intense information, we invite you to stop for a minute and take a few deep, full breaths now. Consider breathing some sacred love with yourself and with those you care about.
Let's not forget the greater perspective in all this. What's really going on here? Consider that many people from all walks of life get caught up in greed and the desire for power. Some get so caught up in it all that they end up being involved in severe manipulation of public perception for the personal benefit of themselves and those close to them.
We definitely want to work together to stop the destructive behavior, yet does it really help matters when we shut out these people and label them as bad or evil? Doesn't this just create more conflict and polarization in our world? If we want to be the change in our world, we can be most effective when we work to understand the motivations and inner workings of the old paradigm and learn to dance with the shadows both within ourselves and out in the world.
Exploring our own inner shadows in relation to this lesson, isn't there a part of each of us that at times has manipulated the beliefs of those around us for our own personal benefit? Aren't there ways in which we have manipulated ourselves and others mentally and/or emotionally because we really didn't know any better in that moment. What if we really are doing this all to ourselves, as implied in the ho'oponopono material? What if by working on these places inside of ourselves, we can transform those around us and even the entire world we live in?
The Good News
To provide some balance to the disturbing shadow material of this lesson, we'd like to introduce you to a very unusual, inspiring group of intelligence agents who call themselves "The Library."
As mentioned earlier, intelligence agencies around the world play a decisive role in political and economic developments through their secret manipulations and a wide variety of clandestine operations. Yet as in any organization, though some agents in these intelligence agencies are acting largely out of selfish or deluded motives, others are truly doing what they believe to be best for their respective countries.
Over many decades, the self-serving intelligence agents have often succeeded in manipulating the unsuspecting public into unnecessary wars and a variety of other activities that benefit the global elite at the expense of those below them in the power hierarchy. Yet other intelligence agents who are deeply committed to serving their respective countries have witnessed these self-serving manipulations by their colleagues over the years and have done what they could to prevent them.
There is good evidence that a small, but powerful group of influential intelligence agents in service of the greater good from around the world long ago formed a group called the Library. Over many decades, members of the Library have collected and archived key information on all of the secret manipulations committed by the self-serving group and the resulting effects on global politics and economics.
When self-serving intelligence groups occasionally get out of control, Library members quietly leak certain information and key documents to the appropriate sources to prevent some really ugly things from happening.
You can learn more about this from a man calling himself simply "the German guy," who has claimed to be a member of the Library. The information this gentleman has provided about both the Library and intelligence services in general is most revealing, and even inspiring.
For those interested in these kinds of things, you can find information at this link. The webpage there provides six fascinating pages of communications from this inspiring former member of German intelligence. For those who want more, a compelling summary of all 25 pages or so of the German guy's communications is available here. Though quite fascinating, this is optional material for the lesson.
Almost all information given by the "German guy" has been verified, suggesting that the Library is indeed a quiet, but key player working to stop some of the disempowering manipulations of the global elite and to support the good of all humanity. And the Library is not alone. There are many other groups working quietly at many levels in support of what's best for all of us.
Matters of the Heart
Remember that every person in the world has a heart. Even as we do our very best to stop the violence and destructive behavior, we can support the place in the heart of everyone which just wants to love and be loved. Our commitment to recognizing and honoring the divine spark in all can make a major difference in our lives and world.
Let us choose to breathe sacred love even with those who would manipulate us or do us harm. Let us do all that we can to stop destructive behavior, yet let us remember the hearts of the people engaging in this behavior.
By stepping out of the "us vs. them" way of thinking and breathing sacred love even with those who are most challenging to us, we can create a new paradigm where negative behavior has clear consequences, yet the heart and soul of everyone is always acknowledged and honored.
As you ponder all that has been covered in this lesson, remember that there are thousands of people breathing sacred love with you. There are many, many caring people you don't even know who support you in being all that you can be and in making a difference in our world.
We are deeply committed to reminding all of us of what matters most in life, so that we might find ever more ways to live in love and joy together. Simply by holding this intention, we are building a brighter future right now. To end this key lesson, we leave you with a beautiful, moving essay on our role in these intense times.
Take Action: Suggested Activities to Be the Change
For Those Who Want More
Quote from this ABC report: "America's top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties, writing: 'We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba,' and, 'casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.'"
Examples of a number of other little known, yet very important false flag operations. Numerous links to reliable sources show through history how governments at times have literally created terror to promote their own secret agendas. - Patriots Question 9/11 Website
This excellent website presents an incredibly revealing collection of quotes by more than 1,000 top political officials, professors, engineers and architects, pilots, 9/11 survivors and more, expressing their deep distrust of the official 9/11 Commission report. Many listed state their belief that rogue elements of government may have allowed 9/11 to happen or even in some way facilitated the attacks in order to forward secret agendas. Photos and links are provided for verification.
For those interested in researching the many unusual reports related to 9/11 and more, Paul Thompson's 9/11 timeline is the best website to find key, little-known facts reported in the media.
Summaries of varying lengths of Thompson's 9/11 timeline - from two pages up to 60 pages. Consider sharing the two-page summary with friends who are open to this information. For those who really want to know, explore the wealth of information on the 60-page summary and its many links.
A rich collection of reliable, verifiable resources on the 9/11 cover-up collected on one informative webpage. Explore these links to get a detailed picture of what some key people don't want you to know about 9/11. To explore the entire engaging Insight Course, click here
For praise from those who have completed this
heart and mind expanding course, click here
Finding Balance: Inspiration Center believes it is important to balance disturbing cover-up information with inspirational writings which call us to be all that we can be and to work together for positive change. For an abundance of uplifting material, please visit our Inspiration Center.
What you can do:
See our exceptional archive of revealing news articles.
Please support this important work: Donate here. - PEERS websites: Spreading inspiration, education, & empowerment - Every person in the world has a heart - Dynamic online courses powerfully expand your horizons - Reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups - Strengthening the Web of Love that interconnects us all |
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