Reference: etc.
The following letter was posted by Anna von Reitz to Karen Hudes who is from a banker's Cabal:
Open Letter To Karen Hudes from Anna von Reitz Open Letter To Karen Hudes
Posted on July 18, 2014 The following is a true copy of a Facebook Conversation which took place July 17, 2014 between Karen Hudes and Anna von Reitz. Read it and decide for yourselves what you think and make sure Karen gets a copy of the final comment that she didn’t read, because she “unfriended” Anna and took a powder.
Karen wouldn’t listen and she wouldn’t answer, but then, she is a lawyer. Anna von Reitz: Karen, I am sure that your intentions are 100% good and that your reasoning is sound — however, the Chinese are not the only ones coming to breakfast. The American States and the American State Citizens are OWED a great deal that is not being factored in that I can see, and your contention that there is a “statute of limitations” goes down the drain when you realize that what we are dealing with is FRAUD and there is no statute of limitations on fraud. Karen Hudes 8:58pm Karen Hudes Beg your pardon? Whose side are you on? You want to hand back the world’s gold or you want it to be for the benefit of humanity? There was no fraud involved in the Global Debt Facility. The fraud is that the Banking Cabal bought up all the media and then tried to provide inferior education and dumbed everyone down to keep them stupid, so that they would make stupid comments Anna von Reitz 9:45pm Anna von Reitz No, Karen, the fraud is that the corporation doing business as the United States of America (Inc.) — a governmental services company owned and operated by the Federal Reserve — “redefined” us as foreign situs trusts owned and operated under our own Names. They grossly abused the rights of usufruct to do this and created “States” and Americans on paper that they then “Pledged” as sureties backing the debts of the already bankrupt United States of America, Inc. The further fraud is that FDR then signed over both the debts and the assets of the United States of America, Inc. to the IMF, which glutted itself on the lucrative service contracts via yet another governmental services corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.) The World Bank, IBRD (International Bank of Reconstruction and Development), and Federal Reserve were ALL creditors in the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc., but the primary creditors were the hapless American people and their organic states. Although the 1934 Bankruptcy Act recognizes THEM as the Priority Creditors, the IMF never bothered to inform them or operate in an honest or appropriate fashion with regard to their material interests. Instead, the IMF dba the UNITED STATES, INC. and the Bankruptcy Trustee chosen by the World Bank, IBRD, and Federal Reserve — the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico — siezed upon all the assets supposedly represented by the foreign situs trusts that the FDR “administration” created and rolled them over into Roman Inferior Trusts — Cestui Qui Vie Trusts, Karen. You are a lawyer. You should be familiar with what those are? Trusts formed when a person “disappears” for a prolonged period of time and their estate is seized and probated and distributed to heirs assigned by the court? These Roman Inferior Trusts were all operated under our NAMES — e.g. JOHN QUINCY PUBLIC, and they were all “removed” to Puerto Rico for “safe keeping” by the Bankruptcy Trustee — thereby bringing American State assets and the private property assets of American State Citizens under Puerto Rican jurisdiction. All these years the IMF, an agency of the UNITED NATIONS, and its spin off governmental services corporation dba UNITED STATES, INC. has been plundering the assets of The United States Trust (1789) and a good portion of that gold that you are so generously and eagerly handing out to everyone belongs to us as well as the Chinese who are already wolfing down the Strawberries and French Toast. You can either investigate this for yourself — or you can tell your friends at the IBRD and the IMF that it isn’t going to wash because you already know the facts and are acting as a teflon sugar coat for them. But you had better stop and reconsider if you think that I am stupid, dumbed down, uninformed, or making specious comments. Karen Hudes 9:59pm Karen Hudes But the USA had nothing to do with the sequestration of the world’s gold. In retaliation the CIA overthrew Marcos and then tried to kidnap him. The only ones who are now “coming to breakfast” are the crooks — and they have been unceremoniously shown the door, and so will each and every other crook who comes knocking. I am no sugar coat teflon and you must be a shill for trying to undermine me. I am no longer having anything to do with you. Anna von Reitz 10:43pm Anna von Reitz Time for me to beg pardon — President Eisenhower did this, but the US had nothing to do with the sequestration? Where do you think all this massive amount of gold came from? It’s a hoard that has been amassed by plundering and murdering the people of this planet for hundreds of years. This whole truth in banking effort started with Basel I, II, and III because the US has been cooking the books for three generations! — but the US has nothing to do with this? The Chinese came to the US District Court in New York and filed suit because not only had “we” not paid them back their gold, “we” hadn’t even paid the interest on it — but the US had nothing to do with any of the gold sequestered?
And then there is the question of where did all the gold confiscated by the Roosevelt Administration go, along with the 8000 tons that once were kept in Fort Knox? If you check out Ron Paul’s website you will see an amazing video — the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve admitted to him (finally) that the gold is gone and they don’t know where it went. All that just “evaporated” under the care of Bill Clinton? We’ve been breathing gold plated oxygen all these years and didn’t know it? Or is it closer to the truth that once the IMF dba UNITED STATES, INC. had the keys to the car, they seized and transported the gold wherever they chose to put it? Maybe the Phillippines? Maybe the Maldives? And what about the 5700 tons of gold that has been surreptitiously shipped to China over the course of the past twenty years, all clearly shown on the FT-900’s? And, while we are at it, where is Germany’s 3,396 tons of gold that were entrusted to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, but which have suddenly vanished and can’t be repaid except in dribs and drabs over the next however many centuries? Eh? The US has nothing to do with the stockpiles of gold suddenly showing up and just as suddenly gone missing? It was less than three years ago that Lord Brown rocked the world by noticing that hey, these numbers don’t match…..these numbers indicate that there is a lot more gold in the world than we ever imagined…..and while he shortly thereafter ended up dead, Lord Snowden famously blustered, that there’s only “1,500 tones of gold that has ever been mined in the history of the world” — and yet, here you are, with a certificate from 1934 that this unimaginable amount of gold was sitting safe and snug in the vault of the New York Federal Reserve — but the US has nothing to do with the sequestration of the gold hoard, nor anything with the gold contained therein? Most of all, I want to know what happens to Mom and Pop American, whose lands and homes and businesses have been put at risk, who have been driven like cattle, enslaved, robbed, defrauded, threatened, and misrepresented by their EMPLOYEES for eighty years? When do they get their day in court and the interest and profit that is due from their risks and labors and miseries? When do they receive back the titles of their private property and the assets of their organic States free and clear of liens, encumbrances, or debts created by false beneficiaries? Karen, I very much respect you, but I fear that you have yourself fallen victim to the oldest Crown Temple trick in the world. You appear to be thinking and believing that the FED is bad and the IMF and IBRD and World Bank are pure. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you want to end the evil, then simply returning to the gold standard and announcing a Jubilee isn’t the way to do it. If you want to end it once and for all, then the evil of ALL the banks involved MUST be recognized and the Federal Reserve and the IMF must BOTH pay the piper! The IBRD and the World Bank were in this from the very beginning, too, and though they didn’t play the prima donna role of the BIS, they have plenty of culpability and explaining to do. They knew all this crap was going on and sat mum and let it roll — as you yourself can attest. Now I am going on sixty years old and I have lived a lot of places and done a lot of things at a very high level and I will tell you frankly that I don’t believe in fairy godmothers or Mystery Saviors. I believe in human beings who either try to do the right thing or do not. So if you don’t mind, take a look around from where you are sitting and see if you can answer some of my questions? Especially the really important ones — like when do the American States and the American State Citizens get relief? When does the IMF turn over control of our property to us? When does it release all the land and property titles it has held and bonded and invested and profited from under color of law for the past seventy years? When do Americans receive back their own ESTATES free and clear with no more funky pretensions that they “voluntarily” removed themselves to Puerto Rico and agreed to all this abuse? Gold is just gold, Karen. It was chosen as a medium of exchange because of its durability and relative uselessness. You can’t eat it, drink it, or use it for much of anything else. It’s just a symbol, not really much different or better than the paper “certificates” bankers have used to represent it in ages past. The real wealth of the world is in labor and in natural resources, and those are what have been stolen and plundered in America — eighty years of labor, eighty years of human enslavement, and the entire continent plundered for eight decades. Not to mention the value of all the American lives lost in wars for profit. Those things aren’t fungible in gold, Karen. Those things are quite different and more important in value. So while the IMF and the IBRD and the World Bank and everyone else involved in this hideous fraud scandal are busily making nice by distributing all this gold that Mr. Struck just happened to have sitting around in a vault doing nothing since 1934 — and nobody can explain where all the American or German gold went — you will have to pause a moment and consider that, uh, Karen — these people you are working for are telling us a fairytale. We know that. You should know that. Oh, there may be piles and piles and piles of gold — yes, that is sure enough. It was implied at the time that our grandparent’s gold was confiscated (and never repaid) by the Roosevelt Administration that the same corrupt and evil governmental “services” company would turn around one day and use the gold it stole from us to launch a brand new gold-backed currency market. Yes, as far back as 1934, Congressman Louis T. McFadden said as much, and here we are. Still no accounting for where the American gold went, then or now. No accounting for where the Chinese Nationalist gold went, then or now. No accounting for where the German gold went, then or now. Still no action to release the American ESTATES back to the Americans they belong to. Still no action to release all the color of law titles taken against our organic states. Karen, Karen, Karen — you are a SMART woman, a good woman. Think about what I am saying here. The important thing isn’t the gold. The important thing is the land and the people. And there isn’t a “good guy” bank or group of banks versus a “bad guy” bank or group of banks — that’s all just for show. They’ve all colluded to a greater or a lesser extent ever since World War II!!! This entire circumstance would not be possible otherwise. And any idea that people are going to just take the trinkets and blankets, and sell Manhattan, needs to be put to rest. Once and for all time, please, tell the rotters and plotters that the American State Citizens demand to be free again and to have their lands and homes and businesses back in their own control, and to have the profit due and owed to them, and to have their Equity Contract honored and to receive the governmental services they contracted for and paid for — and if these terms are NOT met, then there IS no deal and no amount of pretty coins scattered in the streets will make it right.
New Post About Karen Hudes and "The Rule of Law"
Anna von Reitz
This is November 9, 2015. For those who don't know, I had a major league donnybrook right here on Facebook with Karen Hudes two years ago in July. I told her that we, the living American people, are the primary creditors, that the gold her banker bosses received as their part of the 1933 bankruptcy fraud belongs to the American people. She didn't like it, but World Bank and IBRD are in the same position as a Pawn Shop Broker in knowing receipt of stolen goods----she and they are just fudging around for a means to give it back to the people they schemed to defraud without admitting to the crime. Their primary concern is to avoid criminal convictions and public dishonor. Well, too bad. Better not to practice to deceive and manipulate and defraud people in the first place, no? It is what it is---- blatant as a manure pile behind a barn. The Big Picture of the fraud that has been practiced against us is becoming clearer and more damning by the minute, so of course, everyone concerned is claiming "immunity" and trying to cover their rumps with whatever fig leaves they can find. Now Karen is claiming that it is precisely this need for immunity that is two-blocking remedy. The rats are copping a plea bargain, in other words, but they aren't finding anyone with both the authority and the willingness to absolve them. Indeed, the disclosure of MORE deliberate long term fraud on the part of those fronting the "United States, Inc." has left the entire Federal Court System on its back, all four legs in the air and twitching. Those who read our affidavit, "You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" (available on Amazon) already learned how the "Corporate Congress" conspired to change the meaning of a crucial word--- the word "person" to mean "corporation". Researchers in the Lufkin Case discovered another Motherlode of evidence involving more deliberate corporate semantic deceit and fraud. (Southern District of Texas, Houston Division No. 4:14-CV-0027 and Eastern District of Texas, Lufkin Division No. 9:14-CV-138 ---the “Lufkin Case”). I am not sure who to credit for this snippet of case analysis, so will just point out that the next three paragraphs are quotes from a discussion of the case and they present the source of an absolutely crucial bit of information: In Congress on June 30, 1864 (described in detail in both the Houston and Lufkin Record): On that date, Congress quietly decreed that the word “state” (and shortly thereafter “State” and “United States”) means “the territories and the District of Columbia” (13 Stat. 223, 306, ch. 173, sec. 182, June 30, 1864 [Go to “Turn to image” 306])—but ultimately translates to the District of Columbia only and excludes by design all commonwealths united by and under authority of the Constitution and admitted into the Union . Since June 30, 1864, any Joint Tenant in the Sovereignty (you) who innocently believes or admits that he resides in a state, State, or the United States, unwittingly confesses or concedes that he is a resident of the District of Columbia—and subject to the absolute, exclusive legislative power of Congress and jurisdiction of District of Columbia executive and bench officers (Department of Justice attorneys and United States District Judges and Magistrates)." The upshot of all this is that no "US District Court" has jurisdiction outside the actual District of Columbia. And never did. And, by corollary, if the "federal courts" at the
district level are limited in this way, so are the "federal state" courts and "federal county" courts. It is just a matter of time before the entire "federal" court system is recognized as a crime syndicate and liquidated. All the millions of people jailed over income taxes? All the millions foreclosed upon? All those who have been kidnapped and kept under false arrest for "victimless crimes"? All those who have lost custody of their children? All the billions upon billions of dollars charged each year against our public purse to keep innocent Americans incarcerated? And it is all based on semantic deceit fraud that began in 1864..... The "Judges" and "Attorneys" who have used this venal system to protect the perpetrators are now under pressure themselves. All their secrets are being dug out of that giant manure pile mentioned earlier and not only do they and their buddies the bankers NOT have immunity, their friends in Congress are going to be held accountable, too. What does all this have to do with my beef with Karen Hudes? It's simply this---- these banks and the Bar Associations---- ALL of them worldwide----are at the bottom of the dogpile, the root cause of all the destruction, theft, criminality, and misery we and many other nations have suffered for over a hundred years. The Congress has functioned as their handmaiden and the Vatican has been their concubine. Now the jig is up and the facts are rolling in like ocean breakers. Those who have had no mercy on any of us, are now demanding mercy, exoneration, and a Get Out Of Jail Free Card. These people have a million excuses for their behavior: they didn't know, the dog ate it, it was necessary for the war effort.... They stand around like cows waggling their ears at us, uh, gee, Boss, I don't know anything about the manure pile out back.... Generations of Congressional Delegations have sold Americans into slavery--literally--- then come home and smiled and led the Fourth of July Parade. Generations of bankers have advertised "personal" bank accounts under false pretenses, advertised "home loans" that don't exist, land "sales" that don't exist, "securities" that don't exist. Generations of lawyers have defended and perpetuated and profited from all this abusive bunko and all the while, claimed to be among the educated and elite members of our society, responsible for maintaining "The Rule of Law." How can anyone in their right mind look at what has gone on here and still babble about "the rule of law"? Karen Hudes is now advocating "The Rule of Law" and claiming that failure to maintain "The Rule of Law" will land us back "in the Dark Ages". Where in Heaven's name does she think we have been? Americans have clearly and forever stated that we don't live under "The Rule of Law". We live under the Rule of the People---of the people, by the people, and for people. Someone--seriously-- needs to inform Ms. Hudes of this fact.
Judge Anna von Reitz vs. Karen Hudes or Hijacked Info: Federal Reserve, IMF, and Congress Supress the Real government of the U.S.A. - Judge Anna von Reitz (2014)
Notice to Congress—The Days of Legalizing Theft Are Over From the writings of Anna von Reitz. Big Lake Alaska September 2014
The most recent round of fraud began on March 28, 1861. That was the day the Congress of the united States of America adjourned for lack of quorum and never reconvened. Ever since, “Congress” has functioned in one of three roles—(1) as a corporate Board of Directors for private, mostly foreign-owned and deceptively named governmental services corporations operated by banking cartels (the Federal Reserve running the “United States of America, Inc.” and the IMF running the “UNITED STATES”) or (2) the government of a legislative democracy calling itself the United States of America (Minor)—American “states” more often thought of as federal territories and possessions— Guam, Puerto Rico, etc., or (3) operating as a plenary oligarchy ruling the Washington DC Municipal Government. All this time that you thought the members of Congress were representing you and your interests, they’ve been representing other interests entirely. That explains a lot, doesn’t it? On March 6, 1933 the “President” of the “United States of America, Inc.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt attended a Conference of Governors meeting. These “Governors” were all “State” franchise managers of the United States of America, Inc., exactly like local franchise owners of Burger King or Sears. They got together and pledged the assets of their customers—their employers—the American states and people——as “sureties” for their private corporate debts. And then they bankrupted the “United States of America” and all the “State” franchises. The “federal” States that were created by the 14th Amendment of their private for-profit corporation’s look-alike, sound-alike “constitution” published as the “Constitution of the United States of America” are not the same as the actual States of the Union, nor are their “State” citizens the same as American State Citizens, nor are their “US citizens” the same as Citizens of the united States, but they pretended that they were and the banks gleefully agreed. To secure the debt owed by the “United States of America, Inc.” the banks established maritime salvage liens against every parcel of land, every business, every man, woman, and child in America, and continued to operate their doppelganger corporation under Chapter 11 Reorganization. They laid claim to your “good faith and credit” —stole your credit cards— and your identity as an American State Citizen, and they never bothered to tell the victim. They also had you declared legally dead and probated your estate and issued bonds based on the value of your labor and private property. Just look at “your” Birth Certificate—signed by the County Registrar, an officer of the probate court, issued in the NAME of a “dead person”—you, numbered as a bond and issued on bond paper. At the same time, they converted all your private bank accounts to the ownership of the ESTATE trust they created “in your name” and moved the ESTATE offshore to Puerto Rico where you and your assets supposedly came under the foreign maritime jurisdiction of the United States of America (Minor). Look at the NAME on “your” bank account checks. Look at the signature line under a high powered magnifier. The IMF claims that it owns all your bank accounts. It claims that your ESTATE was “abandoned”, and now all the spoils belong to the bank. They are pressing “Congress” to pass “laws” to allow them to seize all American bank accounts—your savings, your retirement accounts, your checking accounts, everything. We’ve seen Dodd-Frank. Now we are seeing “bail-in” proposals. The Big Banks want “Congress” to front for their greed and criminality—again. This is all fiduciary trust fraud and fiduciary trust fraud has no statute of limitations. 1862 or 1933 or 2014—it makes no difference. We suggest that members of Congress assume their public offices acting under full 100% individual commercial liability —or be ousted and tried as criminals. Next, we suggest that they honor their contract with America and issue debt-free public money— real American Dollars. Next, liquidate all the “too big to fail” banks, tear up the corporate charters these entities have violated, seize back our purloined assets, and shut them all down. Meanwhile, the market for financial services will open up for banks operated under actual state charters. This thing you have thought of as your government is nothing but a multi-national conglomerate run criminally amok. The real government of this country is vested in each of you. You all hold more civil authority on the land than the entire federal government. Deal with the “FEDERAL RESERVE” and “IMF” and “CONGRESS” the same way you would deal with “TARGET” or “WALMART” or “ARBY’S” if they grossly endangered, cheated, enslaved, and defrauded you. Keep calm and get even. You all know what to do. You have the guaranteed Universal Right of Self-Declaration provided by United Nations Conventions, plus the protections of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You have the Geneva Conventions and the Lieber Code. You have the preserved right to Common Law, guaranteed by Uniform Commercial Code 1-308 and recourse guaranteed by 1-103.6, which includes the right not to be bound by any contract that is unilateral, inequitable, involuntary, undisclosed, tainted by fraud, not in-kind, entered in your behalf by others merely claiming to represent you, or deemed to exist as the result of receiving a compelled benefit or fruit of monopoly inducement. You have the absolute right to Expatriate from their maritime jurisdiction. Do so. When 400 million Americans stand up and clean house, the world will listen and hear the roar.
Reference: noticetocongress.pdf
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About Judge Anna von Reitz:
The most recent round of fraud began on March 28, 1861. That was the day the Congress of the united States of America adjourned for lack of quorum and never reconvened. Ever since, “Congress” has functioned in one of three roles—(1) as a corporate Board of Directors for private, mostly foreign-owned and deceptively named governmental services corporations operated by banking cartels (the Federal Reserve running the “United States of America, Inc.” and the IMF running the “UNITED STATES”) or (2) the government of a legislative democracy calling itself the United States of America (Minor)—American “states” more often thought of as federal territories and possessions— Guam, Puerto Rico, etc., or (3) operating as a plenary oligarchy ruling the Washington DC Municipal Government. All this time that you thought the members of Congress were representing you and your interests, they’ve been representing other interests entirely. That explains a lot, doesn’t it? On March 6, 1933 the “President” of the “United States of America, Inc.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt attended a Conference of Governors meeting. These “Governors” were all “State” franchise managers of the United States of America, Inc., exactly like local franchise owners of Burger King or Sears. They got together and pledged the assets of their customers—their employers—the American states and people——as “sureties” for their private corporate debts. And then they bankrupted the “United States of America” and all the “State” franchises. The “federal” States that were created by the 14th Amendment of their private for-profit corporation’s look-alike, sound-alike “constitution” published as the “Constitution of the United States of America” are not the same as the actual States of the Union, nor are their “State” citizens the same as American State Citizens, nor are their “US citizens” the same as Citizens of the united States, but they pretended that they were and the banks gleefully agreed. To secure the debt owed by the “United States of America, Inc.” the banks established maritime salvage liens against every parcel of land, every business, every man, woman, and child in America, and continued to operate their doppelganger corporation under Chapter 11 Reorganization. They laid claim to your “good faith and credit” —stole your credit cards— and your identity as an American State Citizen, and they never bothered to tell the victim. They also had you declared legally dead and probated your estate and issued bonds based on the value of your labor and private property. Just look at “your” Birth Certificate—signed by the County Registrar, an officer of the probate court, issued in the NAME of a “dead person”—you, numbered as a bond and issued on bond paper. At the same time, they converted all your private bank accounts to the ownership of the ESTATE trust they created “in your name” and moved the ESTATE offshore to Puerto Rico where you and your assets supposedly came under the foreign maritime jurisdiction of the United States of America (Minor). Look at the NAME on “your” bank account checks. Look at the signature line under a high powered magnifier. The IMF claims that it owns all your bank accounts. It claims that your ESTATE was “abandoned”, and now all the spoils belong to the bank. They are pressing “Congress” to pass “laws” to allow them to seize all American bank accounts—your savings, your retirement accounts, your checking accounts, everything. We’ve seen Dodd-Frank. Now we are seeing “bail-in” proposals. The Big Banks want “Congress” to front for their greed and criminality—again. This is all fiduciary trust fraud and fiduciary trust fraud has no statute of limitations. 1862 or 1933 or 2014—it makes no difference. We suggest that members of Congress assume their public offices acting under full 100% individual commercial liability —or be ousted and tried as criminals. Next, we suggest that they honor their contract with America and issue debt-free public money— real American Dollars. Next, liquidate all the “too big to fail” banks, tear up the corporate charters these entities have violated, seize back our purloined assets, and shut them all down. Meanwhile, the market for financial services will open up for banks operated under actual state charters. This thing you have thought of as your government is nothing but a multi-national conglomerate run criminally amok. The real government of this country is vested in each of you. You all hold more civil authority on the land than the entire federal government. Deal with the “FEDERAL RESERVE” and “IMF” and “CONGRESS” the same way you would deal with “TARGET” or “WALMART” or “ARBY’S” if they grossly endangered, cheated, enslaved, and defrauded you. Keep calm and get even. You all know what to do. You have the guaranteed Universal Right of Self-Declaration provided by United Nations Conventions, plus the protections of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You have the Geneva Conventions and the Lieber Code. You have the preserved right to Common Law, guaranteed by Uniform Commercial Code 1-308 and recourse guaranteed by 1-103.6, which includes the right not to be bound by any contract that is unilateral, inequitable, involuntary, undisclosed, tainted by fraud, not in-kind, entered in your behalf by others merely claiming to represent you, or deemed to exist as the result of receiving a compelled benefit or fruit of monopoly inducement. You have the absolute right to Expatriate from their maritime jurisdiction. Do so. When 400 million Americans stand up and clean house, the world will listen and hear the roar.
About Judge Anna von Reitz:
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Urgent Public Message for President Trump from Judge Anna von Reitz Thanks to our webmaster, ... David Zublick & Illuminati Programming In Your Face [videos]- State Superior Court Judge, Anna von Reitz – Judge of the actual Alaska State, one of the Several States of the Continental United States.
Anna von Reitz
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JUDGE ANNA VON REITZ – What she is doing for AMERICA. ... Alaska State Superior Court Judge, Anna von Reitz ... TRY NOT to let the LYING CRAZY ILLUMINATI NEWS ...Do you know who Judge Anna Von Reitz ... - Prepare for Change
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Alaska State Superior Court Judge, Anna von Reitz – Judge of the actual Alaska State, one of the Several States of the Continental United States.
Posted on April 28, 2015 On Apr 28, 2015, at 7:02 PM, Anna von Reitz wrote:
As to my being a judge….To give you the fair full depth of it, you have to learn a lot of history and learn it right now. so I am going to answer you and then I am going to post this letter and let everyone else read it to their heart’s delight. Please bear in mind that if you feel stupid or overwhelmed at the end, that’s normal, and we all go through that in the process of waking up. Just realize that you were intentionally defrauded and kept uninformed, so it isn’t your fault that you never knew any of this. You simply weren’t told. So let’s begin. From the founding of this country onward the jurisdiction over the land was split from the jurisdiction over the sea. The Continental United States — the actual geographically defined states with physical borders, etc.,– were given jurisdiction over the land, and their Citizens known as American State Citizens are the ones protected by The Constitution for the united States of America and vested with all powers of the civil government on the land. The Federal United States was created (and limited) by The Constitution for the united States of America and given jurisdiction over the international jurisdiction of the sea. Circa 1868, the Federal United States started operating as a corporation doing business as the United States of America, Inc., and published its corporate charter as a look-alike, sound-alike “Constitution” we are all familiar with as the Constitution of the United States of America. This is a different kind of document (a corporate charter) as well as being a different document in and of itself. As part of this reorganization the Federal United States created “State franchises” for itself. These are “States of States” such as you find described in the Uniform Commercial Code’s Definitions section. They exist only on paper and are corporate franchises in the same sense as your local Dairy Queen is a franchise of the national parent corporation. Thus, you have the Ohio State (land jurisdiction) and you have the State of Ohio (sea jurisdiction) operating side by side, one being the natural jurisdiction owed the living people on the land, the other being a corporate franchise in the business of delivering governmental services and administrating the affairs of the Federal United States, its employees, and service contracts– all operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea. The Continental United States is under the plenary (complete) control of the living People– the so-called “birthright” American State Citizens. We each have more civil authority on the land than the entire federal government. The Federal United States is British-controlled and always has been. All those “courts” that you think are your courts are not your courts, if you are an American born on the land of the Continental United States. They are a mish-mash of corporate administrative tribunals and martial law courts operated by the Federal United States and the Washington DC Municipality, all operating in the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea. For example, THE SUPERIOR DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA is run by the ALASKA COURT SYSTEM, INC., which is a federal corporation doing business as the “THE SUPERIOR DISTRICT COURT” — a privately owned and operated for-profit
corporate franchise which is under contract to act “FOR” the STATE OF ALASKA which is another private, mostly foreign-owned corporate franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC., which is owned and operated by the IMF, which is an agency of the UNITED NATIONS, INC. Got that? Now, does the local Burger King franchise have any right to haul you over to the side of the road and demand that you produce a license? No? Not unless you are a Burger King employee. Does the local Sears franchise have authority to foreclose upon you and kick you out of your house? No? Not unless you have a valid fully disclosed contract with Sears allowing them to do that. It’s the same with the situation above. The fraud is that these yahoos are merely local franchises of national-level governmental services corporations—not the actual government at all, yet they are pretending to operate as public institutions. How do you know that what I am telling you is true— that these really are nothing but private, for-profit corporations? They are listed on Dunn and Bradstreet. They have Employer Identification Numbers. The “laws” they use in these “courts” are all under private copyright. Just open up one of their “State Statute” books and look. Since when are public documents subject to copyright? They aren’t. If these crooks represented the actual State, all the documents would be Public Domain. So, what kind of Judge am I? I am their worst nightmare. I am a Judge of the actual Alaska State, one of the Several States of the Continental United States. I occupy the actual public office and operate the actual Alaska State Superior Court. Note the difference: Alaska State = actual State on the land, actual public office, using actual Public Law and operating under the American Common Law, which is the law of the land. State of Alaska, STATE OF ALASKA, ALASKA = all various corporate franchises, private offices, operating under either administrative (purely private in-house corporate “laws”) or international law in the jurisdiction of the sea.ECONOMIC WARS includes American Civil War:
Third Round:
Third Round With Karen Hudes
It seems that the idea that the "Board" needs to answer the questions posed to her was rather alarming to Karen. As it should be. See her flight into Admiralty jurisdiction below: Dear Anna von Reitz, Reply of the board? This is what I said and this is what I meant:
Let me try and communicate to you what I said in my last email, and what I shall do with each successive email that you send to me. I do not think it is a good use of my time to interact directly with you because you misconstrue my plain language and twist it. Good bye. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Ovwerseer Mandate Trustee Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666 __________________________ Correction, I believe---- "taken on board" is a nautical term, Karen, appropriate to Admiralty and Maritime law, which is what you practice after leaving "equity" behind. If you think I am one bit slow in this arena, think again. It won't do any good to try to obscure the "pillar v. post" conundrum you are offering here. We know the difference between the "Public Charitable Trust" and the "US Trust" and the "United States of America Trust" and so on. We also know the difference between the "Global Collateral Accounts" and the "Global Debt Facility" and any number of other permutations the banks may try to run. You must remember that the truth is always simple. It's the lies that are complex. You have proclaimed that you are a "Trustee" and said so before the whole wide world. You have said the same about the other 188 members presiding over distribution of the Global Debt Facility funds. You have stated on numerous occasions that the gold in the Global Debt Facility is to be used to benefit the people of this planet. The only way you can hope to escape returning the assets to the Americans that are owed to the Americans is by pretending that they are not "people"------and that is in fact what the banks have been doing for decades, pretending that we are the willing "co-beneficiaries" and "co-trustees" of the Public Charitable Trust --- a welfare trust set up for impoverished former slaves after the Civil War instead of "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" owed the full value plus interest of our "borrowed" national trust assets, plus all the gold confiscated by King Rat Roosevelt, plus interest on that, too.
Admit it, Karen, you are trying to finesse yet another "New Deal" for your bosses, in which we are hoodwinked into accepting a bowl of porridge for our birthright---- a deal in which your bosses gain immunity AND release of all claim against them for the vast bulk of the debt they owe the American people, by doing what? Handing a portion of what we are owed to bank franchise employees on the pretense that they have authority to accept "in our behalf"? Hahahahahahahah! This is my Notice back to you, Ms. Hudes, that if you even attempt any such silly duplicitous scam against the American people----any more claim that we are acting in any capacity related to the Public Charitable Trust whatsoever, any claim that our "whereabouts" are unknown, any claim that we have "abandoned" our names, our land, our credit, our homes------or our gold-----and we will have your gig line up the yardarm.
You and the World Bank and your Buddies in "Congress" will all be facing gibbets.
--------------------See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website
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