Compiled by Amelia Gora (2018)
The following article claims to be The Truth of History from the Indianapolis, Indiana newspapers.
So, let's look at some of the facts, flaws, truth or lies.
January 14, 1893 - Friday - Minister Stevens accepted an invitation to go to Hilo on the BOSTON for target practice. Demonstration at the Palace progressed.
January 15, 1893 - Saturday - "coup d'tat" reported to the people.
January 16, 1893 - Sunday - there was no government on Sunday and Monday
January 17, 1893 - Monday - there was no government on Sunday and Monday but the BOSTON landed with gatling guns and marched to the Consul General of the U.S.; marines sent to the American Legation on Nuuanu Avenue; sailors marched to Merchant Street in front of J.A. Hopper's residence and stayed for several hours; returned to Arion Hall and stayed overnite.
January 18, 1893- Tuesday - Provisional Government "declared and the Queen abdicated"
February 1, 1893 - reported "the success of the revolution".
U.S. Secretary Gresham charged collusion of Minister Stevens, Captain Wiltze of the BOSTON now dead and the Provisional Government. The BOSTON had other officer named Lt. Lucien Young who was promoted for bravery by the U.S. Congress.
Lt. Lucien Young denied that they knew what was going to happen on Oahu and had gone to the Big Island for target practice.
He claimed their pet dog was missing and they stayed to look for it and bring back it's body (yeah, right!) - end of article -
Shane Lee (talk show caller) found one of the most highly controversial articles ever found by researchers today….the premeditation of assuming our Hawaiian Kingdom seven days prior to the criminal dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani in 1893!:
OOO appropriated for the improvement of coaling stations to allow ships to enter the harbor. This sum is in the Treasury Department at the disposal of the … – Similar pages
OOO appropriated for the improvement of coaling stations to allow ships to enter the harbor. This sum is in the Treasury Department at the disposal of the … – Similar pages
The History of Truth by the Americans shows Fraud, collusion, conspiracy after Members of the Royal Families exposed the Truth about Premeditation of Usurping Queen Liliuokalani which was printed on January 9, 1893 documented. Other evidence of Premeditation has also been found.
Mesmerizing that a Hamajang History is what really came out of the Americans.
By the way, the meaning of Hamajang is as follows:
What does hamajang mean in Urban Dictionary?
What does hamajang mean in Urban Dictionary?: Fucked up.; defines anything out of place, messy, or unorganized
Articles Supporting Premeditation by the United States:
Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Remembering the Criminal ...
Premeditation to Take Over Hawaii By the United States
Diary: More Evidence on Pearl Harbor - Fraud Claim by the ...
OpEdNews|Why OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hawaiian ...
News from the Hawaiian Kingdom: Empowering All
Why was Queen Liliuokalani imprisoned? | Yahoo Answers
Kings and Queens of Hawaii: Queen Liliuokalani - Kamakaeha ...
Tribunal Affairs: Legal Notice - Judicial Tribunal March 3 ...
1852 Hawaiian Constitution Still in Effect -
Hawaiian/kanaka maoli history | IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
- Including results for pearl harbor coaling station article posted by amelia gora.Do you want results only for pearl harbor coaling station article poste by amelia gora?

THE BOSTON Search for their Pet Dog was claimed to be the reason why the BOSTON was in Honolulu!

Archive for the ‘Hawaiian/kanaka maoli history’ Category
IOLANI – The Royal Hawk Vol III No. 219 Defending our Ancestors and Lands
January 19, 2009
Greetings everyone!
The following info combined with Shane Lee’s and Kili’s/Kiliwehi (Kekumano’s) find is meant to empower everyone with the primary purpose of defense of our Hawaiian Kingdom/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian islands:
Shane Lee’s find showing the premeditation of the U.S. over assuming our Hawaiian islands seven (7) days before it happened.
Kili’s/Kiliwehi (Kekumano’s) info (given to specific few for now) and the following researched information which was posted in IOLANI – The Royal Hawk Vol III No. 143.
Review by Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal person (2009)
The entity State of Hawaii perpetuates frauds, criminal deceit, conspiracies supported by many today. Military occupation status continues by the U.S. who premeditated the criminal assumption of a friendly, neutral non-violent nation.
What happens when a nation premeditates and criminally assumes another nation? What happens when a desperate, bankrupt, aggressive nation, calling itself democratic seeks to usurp a non warring, neutral nation such as Hawaii? what happens when that nation is part of a group of nations in alignment with the Law of Nations, recognized as part of the Law of Nations? What happens when there are specific problematic issues in regards to certain figures discovered pirating/affecting genealogies/Royal families claims/identity theft, etc.? What happens when a treasonous, conspiring, terrorist group claims private properties and transfers it to the U.S.; then the U.S. transfers it back to the criminal entity with provisions of land use of private properties?
A few months ago, Shane Lee (talk show caller) found one of the most highly controversial articles ever found by researchers today….the premeditation of assuming our Hawaiian Kingdom seven days prior to the criminal dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani in 1893!:
OOO appropriated for the improvement of coaling stations to allow ships to enter the harbor. This sum is in the Treasury Department at the disposal of the … – Similar pages
Free Hawaii You Tube – Koani Foundation brief overview of the State of Hawaii:
[TRANSLATED] Is Hawai`i Really The 50th State?
Is Hawai`i Really The 50th State?
[TRANSLATED] Is Hawai`i Really The 50th State?
Hear What The US Dept Of Justice Says About US Sovereignty In Hawai`i …
1 year ago 2,786 views koanifoundation
“U.S. Marines overthrew Monarch”
‘Cleveland declared it to be an “act of war”‘
Majority of Hawaiians supported Queen Liliuokalani (Kue petition – opposition to annexation)
Queen Liliuokalani protested in Washington.
Newlunds Resolution passed (illegal)
Professor Williamson Chang made a lenghthy legal expose about how it is not possible to annex a State with a resolution, etc. in the Palmyra Island case, U.S. Federal Court, Honolulu, Hawaii – Judge Ezra ( a Jew) in place.
1959 – Hawaii was made a State.
Harold Abel Cathcart documented opposition to the claims of Hawaii being a State, in answer to a legal notice by the U.S. government. Cathcart was one of the Kamehameha’s descendants/ heirs who was a first cousin of our great grandmother.
1988 – U.S. Department of Justice: “taking of Hawaii illegal under U.S. laws”
1996 -2009 claims/ownership/ intense research filed showing more Kamehameha’s descendants/heirs, owners of the Crown Lands exist along with evidence showing conspiracies, etc. in the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Hawaii, with the intent of maintaining truth, evidence for descendants/heirs, kanaka maoli, friends of kanaka maoli, etals., ramifications, etc.
2004 – Legal expert Francis Boyle article:
Law expert Francis Boyle urges natives to take back Hawaii
by carolyn lucas
west hawaii today
Thursday, December 30, 2004 11:53 AM HST
International law expert Francis Boyle walked hastily into Kona Outdoor Circle Wednesday morning. He was late by almost 30 minutes, but it didn’t matter.
About 60 people waited patiently in their seats to hear his three-hour speech, “The Restoration of Hawaii’s Independence.” Most favored the perspective of Nation of Hawaii and Hui Aloha Aina — Na Wahine O Puna sponsors — “He just makes sense.”
Boyle said the United States conceded it unlawfully occupied the Kingdom of Hawaii and has done so for more than 111 years. That fact alone, he added, “gives the Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) the entitlement to restore their independent status as a sovereign nation state.”
To do this, Boyle urged the people to make an “educated” choice on whether they wanted to approve the Akaka Bill, which seeks federal recognition for Native Hawaiians.
A man in a blue baseball cap stood up and asked Boyle if the Akaka Bill should be shot, chopped or passed.
“I’m just a lawyer,” Boyle responded. “I just provide advice, counsel and representation. You have to decide.”
The audience waited for the man’s decision.
“I already told them to chop it,” the man said, slicing through the air with his right hand.
The bill’s proponents said it allows for self-determination in government. Boyle disagreed, warning the audience to pay attention to the bill’s “carefully chosen” phrases.
In the beginning, he said, the bill promises “a governing entity,” not a government. Boyle, who served as counsel for the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Provision Government of the State of Palestine, defined entity as it was used in the negotiations between Israel and Palestine. “They offered entity to demonstrate utmost disrespect,” he said. “It was the very bottom level of respect to use ‘government’ as an adjective.”
Boyle rhetorically asked if Native Hawaiians needed legislation, permission or approval from the U.S. government to be a self-governance.
Under the U.N. Charter, Article 73, Boyle said the United States is “obligated to bring about self-government of people within territories deemed non-self governing.” Hawaii was once designated as a territory, but was removed from the U.N. list of Non-self Governing Peoples, after becoming a U.S. state in 1959.
Boyle then mentioned the Palestinians, who in 1988 decided on their own to “unilaterally proclaim their own state, in a declaration of independence. This eventually led to the Palestinian state being recognized today by 125 nation states in the world.”
He said Native Hawaiians, like the Palestinians, are striving for “their right of self-determination,” which is afforded to them by the U.N. Charter, Article 1. It states, “The purpose of the United Nations is to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.”
Boyle further suggested the audience “exercise their right of self-determination,” instead of asking the permission of the U.S. Congress to declare their independence.
To create an independent state, territory, population, government and international relations must exist.
Hawaii already has a fixed territory — the Hawaiian Archipelago — and a population of distinguishable people — the Native Hawaiians, who trace their ancestry back before the Europeans’ appearance on the lands.
Government, Boyle said, is in the kupuna council, but how the people are governed has yet to be organized. He added, “You don’t need a government along the lines of a federal government of the United States or the State of Hawaii to have a government.”
Boyle said Hawaii also need the capacity to “enter into international relations, to deal with other states, and to keep your commitments,” which meant establishing diplomatic relations as an independent state.
He did not know how long this creation would take, what the consequences would be or how many states would recognize Hawaii. However, Boyle said “the plight of the Hawaiian people is generally well known in the world and there’s a great deal of sympathy.”
He ended his speech, saying “Hawaii should send the strongest message to Washington it can. Letters carry no weight. The number of people in the street do. Ghandi threw the mighty British out of India with peaceful, nonviolent force. People power, submit to it.”
2008 – He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian islands/Hawaiian archipelago officially reformed by the descendants and heirs of Kamehameha. We came together in part knowing, oral history, and documented history that we are the private property owners of the Crown Lands, criminally cited as the “ceded lands” by the occupiers/ criminal conspirators/deviants/perpetuators of fraud, corruption, criminal malfeasance, etc.
Now, sit back and listen to yet another criminal Jew Lingle nosing in on private properties of the Royal families who exist today:
ceded lands with dingle.mp3
5397K Play Download
Overview of Radio Talk Show, Monday, January 12, 2009:
Shane: Is it acceptable for anyone to possess stolen properties?
Why do you feel that the State should be allowed to keep stolen lands affected upon
(Radio Talk Show host hung up on Shane then Linda Lingle continued…..)
Linda Lingle did not address the questions but continued on to talk about how a law suit in 1980 was made in appeal to the U.S.
Governor Waihee “native Hawaiian” did seek to sell ceded lands and obtained legislature approval for parcels on the Big Island and Maui.
The land (ceded) was transferred from the American government provided that it fulfilled five(5) purposes:
affordable housing for all (not only Hawaiians)/betterment of Hawaiian people.
1993 – “U.S. Congress passed…Apology resolution…” “a regret for American involvement in 1893.” (Lingle identifies this as a apology resolution disregarding the fact that it was documented as P.L. 103-150 – P.L. for public law) see Professor Boyles explanation at the Hawaiian Nation website – Bumpy Kanahele’s (another Hawaiian government claim) group:
1994 – “Senator Inouye claimed a regret…did not change anything” — info to the contrary was recorded/found by Henry Noa’s group (another Hawaiian government claim).
OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs filed a lawsuit for the ceded lands.
Governor Cayetano did not do anything to sell ceded lands. (Cayetano did document in the Rice vs. Cayetano case that all persons born in Hawaii were “native Hawaiians”)
2002 – The Circuit Court ruled in behalf of the State of Hawaii and claimed they had good title, providing the State fulfilled the five purposes:
1. Public education
2. Public facilities
3. Home ownership
4. Farms
5. Betterment of Hawaiian people
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs: (The opinion was that) a Moratorium until issues of Hawaiian claims resolved.
’32 States joined with U.S. government joined in appeal’.
“affects ability (of the State) to sell bonds….” etc. (lands, etc.) 1.2 million acres of ceded lands affected.
(After the case is won)
“issues will (later) be addressed that the State has clear title”.
The bittersweet fact is that the State of Hawaii is not a government but an entity which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii, the Republic of Hawaii, and the Provisional government set in place by the premeditated acts of U.S. through its Congress, PIRATES ON THE OPEN SEAS, PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends.
When the entire World sees the progressive corruptions of the past affecting the World today, the ongoing denial of wrongs, the failure to make corrections over time, the claimed State of Hawaii, along with the U.S. will continue to fall apart while everyone watches along with us.
Warring against other nations utilizing monies of our families, our peoples, our friendly neutral non violent nation, kanaka maoli funds/assets/gold coins, is not OK…….continued use of our monies, trusts, etc. to fund wars is not OK….cease and desist now.
Private Properties of the Royal families remain Private Properties of our Royal families. The bloodlines of Kamehameha are the owners of the Crown lands which was dubbed “ceded lands” by PIRATES IN THE OPEN SEAS, terrorists of our families, our kanaka maoli, defenders of the Hawaiian Kingdom, etals.
We are Sovereigns and will continue to operate as Sovereigns, the owners of our archipelago and maintain that the treaties with foreign governments continue to be our concerns as well.
Rents and leases are due from the entity State of Hawaii utilizing properties owned by the Charles Kanaina’s heirs, the Keoni Ana’s/John Young’s etals., Kamehameha descendants/heirs families lands including Washington Place, State Capitol, Iolani Palace, etc.
Rents and Leases for $500 trillion dollars in gold coins per year retroactive to 1893 is a friendly reminder to you by a Sovereign, one of Kamehameha’s, descendant/heirs, etals., a Royal person not subject to the laws.
Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal family representative, Kamehameha etals. descendant, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs of He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian islands/Hawaiian archipelago
BACKGROUND FOR OPPOSITION TO U.S. President George W. Bush claims of Sanctuary of OUR Hawaiian archipelago:
Review by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of
Kamehameha’s, Queen Liliuokalani’s,
Kahekili of Maui, Kaumualii of Kauai,
John Young, Isaac Davis, Akahi (w),
Nuuanu (k), Mataio Kekuanaoa (k),
John Kapena’s, etals descendant, a
Royal person not subject to the laws (2006)
The following is part of a previously posted IOLANI – The Royal Hawk article.
Changes/revisions include updated history, new finds, OPPOSITIONS to the claims over our Hawaiian archipelago by U.S. President William Clinton, and U.S. President, George (of the Jungle) W. /’WARMONGER’ Bush, included with a brief summary of English land ownership in the English political and economic system and the Clash with the American system:
“In feudal times land was power. The King conferred estates upon his faithful retainers (such as William Pusey) and they in turn upon theirs. In the absence of a centralized administration of the kingdom, order and discipline were maintained through this series of lord-and-vassal relationships.”
“In post-feudal times land was family wealth. Land ownership was no longer essentially a series of political responsibilities to an overlord and claims upon a group of tenants. Instead land ownership was a private and proprietary matter, like the ownership of jewels. It differed from jewels in that it was productive and for centuries it was the only important source of income. The family estate was the means of supporting the family and maintaining family cohesion. This was the era of the Peerage and the Landed Gentry -of whom the Puseys were typical.”
“At the present day land is a basic commodity of commerce. In this country land has never had feudal characteristics (though Pennsylvania and Maryland were nominally feudal domains) and has never been tied up in families on a large scale (through the Van Rensselaers approrached a family empire in New York state and the King Ranch is probably a greater land holding than any subject of the Crown ever controlled). Within the last thirty years it has come about that the situation in Englallnd is not significantly different from the situation here. Pusey Manor was sold to the highest bidder, and in the course of time will be sold again in smaller and smaller parces.”
“It is inevitable that these essential changes in the place the land ownership holds in the national life should be reflected in the land law. You will find, for example, that the nt characteristic of the feudal period was the relationship of tenure between lord and man; that the nt institution of the immediate period was the fee tail and its development into the strict settlement; and that the nt feature of modern land law is the recording act, with its emphasis upon protection of commercial transactions in land.”
“…the Recording Acts, Title Registration and Title Insuraance; these institutions provide the machinery designed to give title security to the purchaser of land.”
“As a starting point 1066 is an obvious date; and as the end of the first historical phase 1660 is at least plausible. Between these dates the land law took a general form which it still retains-and which is so different from the law of other countries that the study of Comparative Law in this field is extremely difficult. During this period arose a certain number of specific rules and doctrines which still persist; but these feudal vestiges are rapidly disappearing, and another generation should be sufficient to finish the job.”
“In the twenty-one years given to William the Conqueror to organize his kingdom, he imposed feudalism on England to whatever extent it did not already exist. Then at the end of his reign he directed the cataloging of the land holdings of the kingdom and its feudal structure; and this catalog, Domesday Book, completed in 1086, became the first basic document of English constitutional history.”
References for above paragraph:
Ballard, THE DOMESDAY INQUEST (2d ed., 1923)
“The feudal system was not entirely, or even primarily, a system of land ownership. In a kingdom where there was no administrative organization it was a means of exercising authority; but the difficult was as King John discovered, that when the tenants-in-capite, the Barons, made up their minds that they would not obey, there were no means of compelling obedience.
“In a kingdom where the King had no army larger than a body guard, the feudal system was a means of raising troops. And in a kingdom where the treasury was still kept in the King’s bedchamber several hundred years after the Conqueror’s , the feudal system provided an elementary type of fiscal organization. Domesday Book was basically an assessor’s list, designed to facilitate the collection of revenue by feudal lords who, thus enriched, would be able to better to support the royal structure.”
Feudal law “gave only secondary concern to the desires of the “owner” of land; its primary concern lay in protecting the rights of the owner’s lord and assuring to him a continuity of those services and payments upon which the performance of his feudal obligations mights depend…..many rules growing out of the political and military character of feudal tenure should prove anomalies in modern law. Few of them are left; but it is a reproach that there are any at all.”
“The essential idea of Tenure exists today in the landlord-tenant relationship. A, owning Blacacre in fee simple, leases to B for one year. B holds (teneo) of A; B is the tenant, i.e., the holder. A, the landlord, owes to B the duty of protecting him in his holding; and this is evidenced by the warranty of quiet enjoyment which is implied in the tenancy. B owes to his landlord the service of providing a periodic rent. In these aspects the landlord tenant relationship is similar to feudal tenure.
“But in another aspect feudal tenure was far different. The landlord-tenant relationship is now wholly impersonal and proprietary; it is only rarely that one part to the relationship is persona grata to the other and so remain. Each habitual avoids the other as far as is humanly possible. But in feudal times the lord-tenant relationship was essentially personal and only incidentally proprietary. It was created by the ceremony of homage at which the tenant placed his hands between those of the lord and swore fealty to him. The breach of this oath was treason – petit treason, as distinguished from high treason, which involved disloyalty to the King. Certain acts which implied a renunciation of the feudal relationship caused the estate to be forfeited; for example, if a life tenant purported to convey a fee simple by certain methods, the life tenancy was automatically forfeited – a rule which made sense in the twelfth century but was still operative in the nineteenth.
“The service of a particular tenure was the duty the tenant owed to the lord. This was specified at the time he received the land usually in a charter of feoffment. (As we shall see the feoffment -the standard common-law conveyance-was a ceremonial proceeding not involving any writing. The charter of feoffment was merely evidence as to what took place in the ceremony. Therein the charter differed from the modern deed which is the conveyance.) Originally the services were mostly military, tenure by knight service, and involved fixed obligations as to furnishing knights and squires for specified periods. Some services involved no great exertion; for example, cornage, which was the tenure of Pusey Manor, required the tenant to wind a horn on the approach of the King’s enemies. In the lower reaches of the hierarchy the services tended to be less dignified-for example, ploughing the lord’s land and making his hedges -and were classified as villein-age. (By an obvious transposition of ideas the ancient word villein, meaning a person in a servile status, developed, during centuries when thieves were more likely to resemble Jean Valjean than Ivar Krueger, into the villain of current English.)
“The notion of tenure, with its requirement of continuous services to the lord, was so deep-seated that, even when a person wanted to make a gift of land, he felt obliged to require some nominal and picturesque service. Thus if a father was parcelling out an estate to his daughter or younger son he would impose the rent of a peppercorn annually or the delivery of a rose at midsummer.” (The owners of the Red Rose Inn in West Grove, Pa., solemnly went through the yearly ceremony stipulated by a 216 – year-old deed, handed over one red rose to the heir of William Penn. The heir: Amy Penn-Gaskell Hall II, a tenth direct descendant of Penn.” TIME, Sept. 15, 1947, p. 27.
“There were always some tenures which required a money service only, and as the feudal system declined these increased. Old tenures requiring personal services of various types were gradually transformed into money types. Finally, in 16760, the Statute 12 Car. II, c. 24 changed practically all existing tenures into free and common socage, of which the only required service was an annual rent.”
Besides the services, which were indidvidual to each tenure, the lord was entitled to certain “incidents.” These were of substantial importance, and, as the feudal system declined, came to be more valuable than the services. The incidents were as follows:
“1. Homage. This ceremonial pledge of personal loyalty was vital in feudal days, but gradually deteriorated into a quaint relic. In later days it was important only when the tenant broke it by making a type of conveyance which indicated that he had renounced the tenure. Then the tenant’s estate was forfeited-with consequences later described.”
“2. Relief. In the early feudal period, when a tenant died, the lord customarily took his heir as succeeding tenant, but he was under no obligation to do so. The heir would make a payment to the lord for the privilege of retaining his ancestor’s rights. It later became a matter of right for the heir to inherit; but the payment of a relief to the lord continued. Reliefs were the inheritance taxes of ancient days. Then as now, some ingenuity was expended in avoiding them; and, then as now, the courts and the legislature undertook to frustrate the avoidance.”
“3. Wardship and Marriage. When a tenant died leaving an infant heir, the lord was entitled to the wardship of the infant. This permitted him to take the rents and profits during the heir’s minority with no obligation except to support, educate and protect the child. In the unruly early days the protection given to the child against stepfathers, marauders, ers and assorted spalpeens may have been a fair consideration for the use of the lands. But after the kingdom quieted down the wardship was an unjustified and very profitable windfall.”
“Marriage was closely connected with wardship. It was an obvious application of the feudal theory that, if land descended to an unmarried , the lord should have something to say in the choice of her husband; otherwise he might find that he had a tenant (the ‘s husband, who would come into control of her lands upon marriage) who was his enemy. So the lord was given the power to choose the female heir’s husband. There never was any substantial justification for extending this privilege to choosing a wife for a male heir, but it was so extended. Overlords, especially the king, also had some claim to the marriage of widows who were their tenants.”
“Wardships and marriages were the gilt-edge investments of feudal times. They were bought and sold freely. If the lord died the wardship and marriage passed to his estate and could be bequeathed in his will. The striking thing is that the relationship of feudal guardian and ward was considered as a privilege of the guardian, not a duty to the infant; the fiduciary aspect of modern guardianship was almost wholly lacking. If the ward married without the lord’s assent, the lord’s investment was protected by the rule that the tenant forfeited twice the value of the marriage-a rule which led to the practice of “ravishment” by which the lady was abducted, screaming and kicking but not too much; and this in turn led to imposing a tort liability on the “ravisher.” “If the ward declined a suitable marriage offered by the lord she forfeited the value of the marriage. The fact that the King was the individual principally profitting from wardships and marriages tended to keep these anomalous rights alive much longer than would naturally have been the case.”
Aids. The lord called upon his tenants for financial help from time to time. These calls originally discretionary with the lord, were finally reduced to ransoming the lord when captured and making fixed payments for knighting his eldest son and marrying his eldest daughter.”
“5. Escheat. When the tenant died without heirs (i.e. without children, brothers, sisters, or any other relatives who could inherit) the tenancy became vacant and escheated to the lord.
“Until 1540 land could not be devised (i.e. given by will) except by local custom; after that date the aability to devise lands greatly diminished the number of escheats, since a person dying without heirs could, by making a will, prevent the tenancy from becoming vacant.”
“If the tenant committed a breach of feudal obligation or committed a felony, the tenancy ended; this was another type of escheat.”
“Forfeiture for high treason was a prerogative of the King as such; it was not a tenurial right. Thus when a person committed treason – which was very easy during the dynastic struggles – his lands were forfeited to the King; they did not escheat to the traitor’s feudal lord.”
In Hawaii, Kamehameha III did document that the Crown Lands were set aside for his use and were for his HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS. A part was set aside for the Alii, the people, and the Government better known as the Hawaiian Government, the Kingdom of Hawaii, or Hawaiian Kingdom and NOT ANY OTHER.
“Forfeiture for high treason” in a Monarchy/Monarchical/Constitutional Monarchy would result in lands being “forfeited to the King; they did not escheat to the traitor’s feudal lord.”
There were many Hawaiians/part Hawaiians/kanaka maoli who supported the treasonous acts of the Americans and others who number 3,000 versus the 40,000 who supported Hawaii’s Queen.
Many of the treasonous Hawaiians/part Hawaiians/kanaka maoli, along with the treasonous Americans such as Charles Reed Bishop’s lands would rightfully, lawfully, legally, truly escheat to the King – or his DESCENDANTS AND HEIRS.
Additionally, the following shows a CLASH of two government systems in Hawaii due to Americans – mercenaries operating in Hawaii:
1810 – Under Kamehameha, Hawaii became a Monarchy government.
1822 – Secret Treaty of Verona signed by Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, the Vatican (commended for OBEDIENCE of the people) supported by U.S. and England/Great Britain. The ultimate goal is towards One World Order/New World Order.
1852 – Hawaii passed the ANTI-SLAVERY Law. Anyone arriving in Hawaii as a SLAVE was set free. The slave owners became suspect of crimes, etc.
1890 – Henry E. Cooper arrived in the Kingdom of Hawaii from San Diego, California. He was working for the San Diego Title and Abstract Company. He petitioned for a Charter as the Hawaiian Abstract and Title Company. His petition was approved.
Important Notes: The United States act, McKinley Act greatly affected the sugar planters in Hawaii. The Bishop & Co. moved quickly to alleviate difficulties for the sugar planters.
The formation of an abstract and title company in Hawaiii basing its rules on the United States, a foreign governments applications of lands not equivalent to the lands in Hawaii, it’s system being similar to England’s land laws leads to wrongful and criminal assumptions by foreigners who stole lands by mass s, wars, invasion, ism, greed, immoralities, and criminal malfeasance. Therefore, affiliation to Americans or supporters of the American government, their land definitions/perspectives, etc. undoubtedly meant that Henry E. Cooper was yet another t e r r o r I s t who came to Hawaii. Perhaps he may have been yet another spy who came to Hawaii.
1893 – Monarchy/Monarchical/Monarchial/Constitutional Government, Queen Liliuokalani was wrongfully, criminally dethroned by a group of American businessmen supported by the U.S., and England/Great Britain, concerted others, etals.
Queen Liliuokalani signed under protest:
“I, Liliuokalani, by the grace of God and under the constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen, do hereby solemnly protest against any and all acts done against myself and the constitutional government of the Hawaiian Kingdom by certain persons claiming to have established a Provisional Government of and for this Kingdom.
“That I yield to the superior force of the United States of America, whose minister plenipotentiary, His Excellency John L. Stevens, has caused United States troops to be landed at Honolulu and declared that he would support the said Provisional Government.
“Now, to avoid any collision of armed forces, and perhaps the loss of life, I do under this protest and impelled by said faorces yield my authority until such time as the Government of the United States shall, upon the facts being presented to it undo the acts of its representative and reinstate me in the authority which I claim as the constitutional sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands.”
This protest was countersigned by my Cabinet Ministers, and addressed to the President (Benjamin Harrison) and other gentlemen composing the said Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands.
Note and comments:
Queen Liliuokalani wrote a letter to President Harrison on January 19, 1893 “making an appeal that justice should be done…it appears that President Harrison could not have taken notice….or perhaps he was as anxious as the Provisional Government to annex these Islands…on 16th, of February your petitioner finds that he sent a message to the Senate transmitting-the treaty, with a view to its ratification, without having first investigated or inquired into all the conditions or points of our situation, or that of the United States itself.”
She wrote to President Grover Cleveland, President-elect on January 31, 1893.
Historical research/investigations shows that U.S. was bankrupt, President Harrison was a Royal person descending from the Kings of England due to his relationship to President George Washington with ties to the Bank of England.
President Harrison’s Vice President was a banker who did transfers of foreign monies. The Vice President returned to his banking business, sold his bank to the John Morgan bankers, financiers of the U.S. and England/Great Britain and continued investments for both in the Wall Street stock market, etc.
The Bank of England, other banks invested in WARS through loans of both warring parties, example the Union and Confederates of the American Civil War.
1894 – Theo H. Davies, Esq. In his LETTERS UPON THE POLITICAL CRISIS IN HAWAII, January and February, 1894 documented the following:
A friend of mine, who is an annexationist, has recently placed in my hands a work, which is apparently a text-book on American political law. This work is entitled “The Nation.” By E. Mulford (Hurd and Houghton, New York). I will quote., in a condensed form, some of the principles laid down aby Mr. Mulford:
“The recognition of one nation by another, can never be divested of historical solemnity.” “It is thus a continuous act, and so long as there is moral integrity of action, it is limited only by the formal existence of the nation itself. It is not therefore to be momentarily offered, nor to be arbitrarily withdrawn.” – (pp. 251-253).
“The right to the land is in the people. It is the possession of the political people.” “The bounds of the nation, which are written in the courses of the mountains, and in the lines of the oceans, are written also upon the hearts of its children.” – (pp. 66,67).
“Political rights include the right of every person born in the nation, to be and to remain in its citizenship. The personality of each is to be respected in it, and to act in it, not negatively but positively, not passively to be allowed, as if the nation were only some power over it, but it is to act as itself a determinate power in it.” “The freedom of the people presumes that the political order shall conform to the will of the political people.” – (pp. 101-118.)
“There are sometimes those who, in the guise of a specious devotion to freedom, are ready to consent to the dismemberment of the nation, and would conspire for the destruction of the whole organization in which it has toiled towards its realization, however imperfect its advance. These visionaries cannot build again in the ruins it was so easy to make; it is only destructive powers that work thus swiftly; freedom will not follow at their behest.” – (pp. 122, 123.)
“The Sovereignty of the nation is inalienable; the State cannot transfer it to another, nor divest itself of it, except that in the act itself, its own existence, and its own freedom terminate.” – (p. 130.)
“Government de facto is strictly the force which, at a certain moment, may get hold and possession in the State, without reference to its origin or character; and it may maintain itself by foreign influence or fraud. That government is only legitimate, which is the exponent of the will of the people, and in conformity to its organic law.” “The government cannot be imposed upon the nation by any power which is external to it, nor can it be inaugurated by a clique, not instituted by a bureau. The ultimate reference must be to the people.” – (pp. 141, 142.)
Note and Comments: Queen Liliuokalani documented that an entity usurped her authority, it was neither a government de facto nor de jure.
Reference: Archives, 1907 letter to U.S. President Taft.
* * * * *
“The Constitution is the impregnable barrier against the assault of mere individualism, and the stable basis of the whole, against the strife of factional, and the pretension of provincial . It remains, while parties rise and disappear, as the Constitution of the whole, stable in the power, and supreme in the majesty of the people.” – (pp. 145, 146.)
Notes and Comments:
Remember that U.S. President Bush said that the ‘Constitution was only a damn piece of paper.’
Also note that he hails from Texas, one of the thirteen States that has less rights than the other Union States and is treated differently, less than a State, which gives evidence that the U.S. is NOT united.
The disregard of Constitutions, Treaties, Conventions, and most importantly the Law of Nations since the 1800’s has developed a callousness, bully behavior towards all nations.
Fortunately, Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani documented that the U.S. breached the Law of Nations.
The U.S. over time, helped to establish, set up, conspire against the Law of Nations by organizing the League of Nations, the CFR / Council on Foreign Relations with only U.S., England, and bankers assist to develop the United Nations with the intentions/goals of forming the New World Order/One World Order with England’s monarchy as the head.
The study of the American Civil War shows the financial investing countries, U.S., England, France, and bankers involved.
Also, in the early mapping of Hawaii, the seas, interest was held by the same three nations: U.S., England, and France.
Presently, U.S., England, and their created entity United Nations is involved in the PL under iNG upon the I nno CENTS in the Middle East.
* * * * * *
“Revolution is only to be justified, in the supreme necessity of the nation as a whole, the work of the political people. It is not to be the act of a part only, as a section or faction.” (p. 152.)
NOTES (p. 152)
“The moral condition of a revolution is, that it express the conviction of the common people, and the common will.” – (Fichte.)
Note and Comments:
What happened in Hawaii was not a revolution. It was a concerted group effort of conspiracies with the utilization of the U.S. military, supported the the U.S. Presidents, American Civil War Generals, England’s monarchy, the government, the Bank of England, the financiers of WARS – the bankers, the Masons/Freemasons, etals.
Only 3,000 in Hawaii moved to dethrone the Queen who was supported by 40,000 of her subjects.
In viewing the P L under ING in Iraq, the greed to assume the black and yellow GOLD was and is the motivation by the same two countries: U.S. and England, affecting the 4th largest military in the world with most of its’ population not in agreement to American, English businessmen in the Middleeast is evidenced.
In Hawaii, all countries wrongfully P L under ed upon over time included: Spain, Haiti, Japan, Germany, etc. and Iraq as a current example. The common will was not and is not respected by nations hell bent towards their goals based on greed, the motivations of assuming wealthy nations lands, treasury, income, use of people as SLAVES, etc. Undoubtedly, both U.S. and England are documented in history as countries bankrupt, corrupt, wicked/ E VIL and historically documented as PIRATES OF THE WORLD from Hawaii due to the intensive history research, genealogy research out from Hawaii affecting the World Today.
Father Damien – recently given a Saint Title by the Roman Catholic Church – documented that Lorrin Thurston (one of the heads to dethrone the Queen) was a belial – a son of a devil, etc. PIRATES are belials – PIRATES OF THE WORLD are belials.
Also take notice of the nations who signed the Secret Treaty of Verona in 1822: Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, the Vatican, supported by U.S. and England.
U.S., by the way, never did separate from England. The slip of the lip by a reporter who said that Prince Philip and his new wife would be visiting the colony of the Crown, the U.S. gave recent evidence of the historical discoveries as well.
See further issues of the loss of the Constitution through Southern States Presidents in legal researcher John Nelson’s article posted at
* * * *
Reference: LETTERS UPON THE POLITICAL CRISIS IN HAWAII, January 1893 to January, 1894 by Theo H Davies, Esq. (re-printed), Bulletin Publishing Company, Ltd., Electric Printers, 326 and 328 Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.I. 1894, KAHN COLLECTION, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
Articles, books by Amelia Kuulei Gora.
1903 – Land title registration using the Torrens System was authorized in Hawaii. A central Land Court system was operated statewide based on the Massachussetts law. Corporations intitially registered large tracts of undeveloped land, agricultural plantations, which was stricken as a compulsory clause in 1907.
The Torrens system in Hawaii is one of the few surviving ones in the United States. The BANKS made it a policy for all loans when a CLEAR RECORD TITLE WAS LACKING.
Background of the Land Court system of Hawaii:
“The land court system of Hawaii, set up in 1903, was originally developed in 1857 by an Australian businessman, Sir Robert Torrens, who based it on a system of centralized registration of shipping vessels. It is because of him, that it is often called the Torrens System of title registration. It is optional if an owner chooses to register his property in Land Court, but once registered it cannot be removed without permission of the court.”
“Any fee simple owner of land may file his application and memorandum in the Bureau of Conveyances, and through this formal application submit his property to the land court. After a thorough examination of the title, the examiner will submit his report to the court along with the certificate of opinion as to the validity of the applicant’s title. If, however, the court examiner gives an adverse opinion of the title, the court will give the owner reasonable time to either withdraw the application, or proceed forward. The notice of filing of application will then be published in the newspaper, and posted on the property, giving proper notice to all parties interested in the property. Thus, all parties having any objections to the application will have a time limit within which to file their answers or interests in the property. If no one appears to contest the application within the time provided, after proper motion and hearing, the court will enter a decree of confirmation and registration, thus ruling on the validity of the present status of the title. At the time the Registrar will send a certified copy of the decree to the Assistant Registrar in the Bureau of Conveyances, who will then prepare a Certificate of Title in duplicate showing the owner’s name, date of registration, the Land Court document number, and all encumbrances on the title to which it is subject. The original instrument is then filed in the registration book in accordance with a sequential system based on date and time received, and duplicate copy will be given to the owner or, in some cases, to the owner” lender. Title thus has legal validation att that point. When the owner subsequently sells the property, title is conveyed by the usual deed and a Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) together with a lien letter. It is therefore necessary to produce the TCT which sometimes may be held by the lender and not the owner.”
“A lien letter, unique to Hawaii, is a title search issued to cover land court property. It is essentially a supplemental search of matters affecting registered (Land Court) parcels covering the original title evidence in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court as well as those matters which are not required to appear on a Land Court Transfer Certificate of Title (improvement assessments, judgments, and involuntary liens not noted on the owner’s copy TCT). The liability of the issuing company is limited to those matters shown on the public records only, and does not include an inspection of the premises, matters of zoning, matters shown on the master plan, etc. A lien letter is also issued to purchasers under an agreement of sale, and to lessees, since a title company will not issue a Certificate of Title to these non-title holders.”
“The distinctive feature of land court registered property is that title does not pass, or encumbrances are not effective until such encumbrances or conveyances are noted on the original Certificate of Title. Unlike regular system recording, delivery of a deed in Land Court does not pass title until the new transfer is noted on the Certificate of Title. The act of registration is the operative act to effect the transfer of title to the property. The proper procedure upon transfer of the fee is for the grantor or grantee to present the deed of conveyance and the grantor” duplicate Certificate of Title to the Assistant Registrar who notes the transfer on the original and duplicate Certificate of Title and stamps “cancelled” across both. A new Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) in duplicate is then issued. The deed must contain the full names of all parties and will not be recorded if the parties use any initials in their names. The deed should describe the land by lot number with reference to the map number and the TCT number (not a metes and bounds description).”
“Some of the advantages of the Torrens System are: (1) once title is searched any future search covering that same period is unnecessary; (2) a subsequent transfer of title can be speedily accomplished; (3) a title is established which is superior to an abstract or a title policy that merely insures title against any defects and does not seek to eliminate them; and (4) with the exception of the original registration, the expense in transferring title is quite low.”
“Critics of the Torrens system feel that: (1) original registration is often slow and difficult, for legal proceedings in the form of an action at law must be conducted; (2) original registration is expensive; (3) once property has been registered, it cannot be removed from the system without court permission; (4) upon an owner’s a petition must be made to the court for an order directing title to be transferred to the heirs or devisees; and (5) laws making title indefeasible violate the constitutional rights that no one shall be deprived of property without due process of law. Certain people, such as infants, who may have rights in property, through error or oversight might not have received notice of the action to register title.”
“A property can be both registered in Land Court and recorded in the regular system. This is the so-called “double-system”. Some property may not be accepted for registration, especially if there are too many disputes to title. Related documents, such as power of attorney, should contain a reference to the TCT number.”
“Approximately 10 states have adopted the TORRENS SYSTEM.”
Note and Comments:
Since only 10 states adopted the TORRENS SYSTEM, research must be made in regards to the consequences which have resulted
From the use of the TORRENS SYSTEM, etc.
The TORRENS SYSTEM applied without granted jurisdiction appears to be a ruse to give the appearance that one has clear title, which will not occur in a Monarchy land base – genealogy ownership based system by a criminal entity seeking clear titles.
* * * * *
1908 – Queen Liliuokalani wrote to U.S. President Taft about her wrongful dethronement, and many other issues. She also requested for a lump sum relief of $10,000,000.
1917 – Queen Liliuokalani died. Provisional Government, turned Republic, turned Territory, turned State failed to pay her compensation for her interest in the Crown Lands, etc. Her descendants existed then (and now – 2007).
1934 – The American Civil War debt was paid off.
1993 – Admission of wrongdoing signed by U.S. President William Clinton.
1996 – Affidavit/Deed No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) with evidence of historical fraud, criminal deviance, criminal malfeasance, genealogies, etc. filed at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
1996 – Opinions of the OFFICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL of the United States Department of Justice Consisting of Selected Memorandums Opinions Advising the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES< THE ATTORNEY GENERAL and other Executive Officers of the Federal Government in Relation to Their Official Duties printed, Volume 12, 1988, Washington 1996.
The President “may make an extended jurisdictional claim to the territorial sea from three to twelve miles by proclamation.”
As for Congress, “It is more doubtful, however, that Congress, acting alone, may extend the territorial sea beyond the present boundary for international purposes.”
2002 – U.S. President Clinton made Executive Order claims to the coral reefs in our Hawaiian archipelago, over 100+/133 islands.
Opposition was documented in a letter to the President based on our families claims with evidence in the Hawaiian Kingdom books.
The following letter was sent to the President:
December 11, 2000
President William Jefferson Clinton
President of the united States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500
I, Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Kamehameha I descendant, etc. maintain OPPOSITION/OBJECTION/objection to your executive order in claiming the Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) coral reefs surrounding our 100+ islands.
The Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) is currently in an impaired status and uncovery of historical documentation with proof of genealogies are ongoing. Kamehameha I descendants/Sovereigns descendants exists much to the despair of the criminal t eRR o rists of our Monarchy.
Active Genocide issues are ongoing and being documented with other information for presentation to the Hague Tribunal, etc.
The ownership and jurisdiction recognized belong to the Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) in reference to the coral reefs; fishes; etc. surrounding our Hawaiian archipelago which is part of the hereditary rights of Kamehameha descendants; and kanaka maoli. The konohiki/caretakers are regarded the rights of “piscary”. Refs: Archives; Native Testimony Volume 3 Part 2 dated March 31, 1853; Organic Acts; Fundamental Law of Hawaii 1840-1900 Preface tot he Laws of 1842: page VII; The First constitution of Hawaii Granted by Kamehameha III October 8, 1840; Laws of 1842 pgs. 21-23 “Re free fishing grounds” “Respecting the tabood fishing grounds”; “But no restrictions whatever shall by any means be laid on the sea without the reef even to the deepest ocean.”
The law of the Sea was signed by 117 nations excepting the United State of America/united States of America. See HAWAII CONSTITUTION GRANTING LAWS< LAND DIVISIONS AND AWARDS by Louis K. Agard Jr.
Objection because Sovereigns/
Kamehameha descendants exist….
(signed) Amelia Kuulei Gora
copy to: Cayetano; Patsy Mink, etc. (FBI; Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure); Other Interested Parties; Fis & Wildlife Svc./National Marine Fisheries Svc; Dept. of Interior
References: “The konohiki/caretakers are regarded the rights of “piscary”. Refs: Archives; Native Testimony Volume 3 Part 2 dated March 31, 1853; Organic Acts; Fundamental Law of Hawaii 1840-1900 Preface to the Laws of 1842; page VII; The First constitution of Hawaii Granted by Kamehameha III October 8, 1840; Laws of 1842 pages 21-23 “Re free fishing grounds” “Respecting the tabood fishing grounds”; “But no restrictions whatever shall by any means bye laid on the sea without the reef even to the deepest ocean.”
Letter to President Clinton sent by Amelia Kuulei Gora, “Maintaining Opposition/Objection/Objection because Sovereigns/Kamehameha descendants exist…”
2001 – February 9. Off Diamond Head, the USS Greenville, a nuclear submarine equipped with ‘sonar contacts’ slammed/rammed into a Japanese fishing vessel/a teaching/learning lab with teachers and youth aboard. The vessel sank in less than five minutes and nine who were on board are missing. They include teachers and students.
I sent/delivered a letter of regret to the Japanese Consulate, Nuuanu, Oahu.
Note and Comments: The letter clarifed that the Japanese vessel could be in our waters.
The U.S. Navy through President Clinton’s directions /executive order
Did an act of WAR upon Japan.
* * * * *
2004 – Through genealogy research, I found that MY ancestor David Keawe/DW Sylva/Davis Keawe/DW Pauahi owned the fishing rights of Waikiki and I put out a notice that the fishing rights were up for lease, advertised in the IOLANI – The Royal Hawk news on the web.
David Keawe aka’s (my maternal line ancestor) had leased for a time to MY other ancestor (my paternal line ancestor) Ioba aka’s.
David Keawe had two children – David Jr. and Mele Keawe. David Keawe aka’s had married Bernice Pauahi/Bishop and others. One of his wives gave her dower interest to Mele Keawe. Mele Keawe married David Keawe’s father’s brother, her grand uncle and had Mary Kauweloa and stepchildren Annie and Charles Jr. (descendants of King David Kalakaua). Mary Kauweloa married Albert Castro and had Mary Kuulei Gora (siblings). She divorced and married Ceferino Maduli and had more children.
Mary Kuulei Gora married the descendant of Ioba aka’s who had leased the fishing rights of Waikiki, named John Kekapu Gora and had Amelia Kuulei Gora (siblings), writer, author, defender of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom, one of Kamehameha’s descendants, Queen Liliuokalani’s descendant, John Young, Isaac Davis, Mataio Kekuanaoa(father of Paalua, Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, etals. – House of Nobles), John Kapena (father of Keawe and Charles Kauweloa – House of Nobles), Akahi (konohiki), etals descendant, a Royal person not subject to the laws.
For the record, Ioba aka’s married Abigail/Kapoolohu/Kapooloku/ Kapapoko/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani aka’s, oldest daughter of Kaeha/Makaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani, and had Haili (w)/ Kaili/Kalama (etals.) who married Kamehameha’s descendant Kaluakini (k) whose hanai child was Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani who married Namakeha and King David Kalakaua.
aka and Kaluakini (k) had Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini (etals.) who married Joseph Matsugoro/Takeshita/Gora (another Sovereign/Royal person/heir of the Crown Lands, etc.) and had John Kekapu Gora (siblings) who married Mary Kuulei Castro and had Amelia Kuulei Gora (siblings).
2005 – Affidavit/Deed/Notice No. 2005 – 138468 filed on 7/13/2005 (28 pages) with genealogies, amendments to Affidavit/Deed No. 96-177455 filed at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
2006 – Queen Liliuokalani’s descendants exist. Some of her descendants are also descendants of Kamehameha, meaning they are descendants of Royals and are Royal persons not subject to the laws.
Mataio Kekuanaoa’s descendants and heirs exist. Queen Liliuokalani documented that they were also heirs of the Crown Lands in her 1908 letter found at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
Legal Notices posted in regards to the Null/Nulling and Voiding of U.S. President’s Proclamations, Executive Orders over, around, under, above Hawaii by One of Kamehameha’s descendants, Queen Liliuokalani’s descendants, Amelia Kuulei Gora.
Notices were sent to the Department of Interior which perpetuates FRAUD, criminal deviance in claiming lands that has owners – example, John Young’s descendants, etc. Told them to leave our ancestors burials alone, based on the fact that they selected, chose the location of the burials.
Continued OPPOSITIONS are hereby documented against U.S. President GW Bush Proclamation/ Executive Order pertaining to our/ the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Hawaiian archipelago claimed as a sanctuary.
June 17, 2006
U.S. President George/G W Bush
President of the united States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500
Greetings !
I, Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Kamehameha I descendant, etc. maintain OPPOSITION/OBJECTION/objection to your executive order in claiming the Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) coral reefs surrounding our 100+ islands.
The Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) is currently in an impaired status and uncovery of historical documentation with proof of genealogies are ongoing. Kamehameha I descendants/Sovereigns descendants exists much to the despair of the criminal t eRR o rists of our Monarchy.
Active Genocide issues are ongoing and being documented with other information for presentation to the Hague Tribunal, etc.
The ownership and jurisdiction recognized belong to the Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) in reference to the coral reefs; fishes; etc. surrounding our Hawaiian archipelago which is part of the hereditary rights of Kamehameha descendants; and kanaka maoli. The konohiki/caretakers are regarded the rights of “piscary”. Refs: Archives; Native Testimony Volume 3 Part 2 dated March 31, 1853; Organic Acts; Fundamental Law of Hawaii 1840-1900 Preface tot he Laws of 1842: page VII; The First constitution of Hawaii Granted by Kamehameha III October 8, 1840; Laws of 1842 pgs. 21-23 “Re free fishing grounds” “Respecting the tabood fishing grounds”; “But no restrictions whatever shall by any means be laid on the sea without the reef even to the deepest ocean.”
The law of the Sea was signed by 117 nations excepting the United State of America/united States of America. See HAWAII CONSTITUTION GRANTING LAWS< LAND DIVISIONS AND AWARDS by Louis K. Agard Jr.
Objection because Sovereigns/
Kamehameha descendants exist….
(signed) Amelia Kuulei Gora
copy to: Cayetano; Patsy Mink, etc. (FBI; Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure); Other Interested Parties; Fis & Wildlife Svc./National Marine Fisheries Svc; Dept. of Interior
References: “The konohiki/caretakers are regarded the rights of “piscary”. Refs: Archives; Native Testimony Volume 3 Part 2 dated March 31, 1853; Organic Acts; Fundamental Law of Hawaii 1840-1900 Preface to the Laws of 1842; page VII; The First constitution of Hawaii Granted by Kamehameha III October 8, 1840; Laws of 1842 pages 21-23 “Re free fishing grounds” “Respecting the tabood fishing grounds”; “But no restrictions whatever shall by any means be laid on the sea without the reef even to the deepest ocean.”
For your information, the above letter is a duplicate of the letter sent to U.S. President Clinton in 2000.
The Letter to President Clinton sent by myself, Amelia Kuulei Gora, “Maintaining Opposition/Objection/Objection because Sovereigns/Kamehameha descendants exist…” was also published on the web and in my book CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES, which has an innumerable amount of copies circulating around the world.
This letter is also being posted in the news on the web, the IOLANI – The Royal Hawk which shows the conspiracies, evidence of criminal deviance, anti-war, issues, etc. and is in the 82nd issue (published, posted since 2004).
This full article, including letters will appear in the 83rd ; 84th ; 85th ; 86th ; and 87th issues or June 21, 2006; June 28, 2006; July 5, 2006; July 12, 2006 and July 19, 2006 legal notices of the IOLANI – The Royal Hawk weekly news on the web.
The following is a brief recent history including President moves, and OPPOSITIONS documented over the coral reefs, fishes, etc. which you are pursuing without moral, legal, nor granted jurisdiction.
1993 – U.S. President Clinton signed admission of wrongs of the U.S., etals. with disclaimer in P.L. 103-150.
1996 – Affidavit/Deed No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) with evidence of historical fraud, criminal deviance, criminal malfeasance, genealogies, etc. filed at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
1996 – Opinions of the OFFICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL of the United States Department of Justice Consisting of Selected Memorandums Opinions Advising the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES< THE ATTORNEY GENERAL and other Executive Officers of the Federal Government in Relation to Their Official Duties printed, Volume 12, 1988, Washington 1996.
The President “may make an extended jurisdictional claim to the territorial sea from three to twelve miles by proclamation.”
As for Congress, “It is more doubtful, however, that Congress, acting alone, may extend the territorial sea beyond the present boundary for international purposes.”
2002 – U.S. President Clinton announced that the coral reefs of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands would receive a broad protection and a long-term program to protect coastal areas around the country.
The “seamounts” of Kauai northwest to Kure Atoll for the purposes of federal wildlife refuges would create a marine counterpart for the parks and wilderness areas. Under and adminstrative protection the claim was that Clinton would order Federal agencies to protect the Hawaii waters permanently. This through Proclamations/ Executive Order claims to the coral reefs in our Hawaiian archipelago, over 100+/133 islands.
Opposition was documented in a letter to the President based on our families claims with evidence in the Hawaiian Kingdom books.
The following letter was sent to President Clinton:
December 11, 2000
President William Jefferson Clinton
President of the united States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500
I, Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Kamehameha I descendant, etc. maintain OPPOSITION/OBJECTION/objection to your executive order in claiming the Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) coral reefs surrounding our 100+ islands.
The Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) is currently in an impaired status and uncovery of historical documentation with proof of genealogies are ongoing. Kamehameha I descendants/Sovereigns descendants exists much to the despair of the criminal t eRR o rists of our Monarchy.
Active Genocide issues are ongoing and being documented with other information for presentation to the Hague Tribunal, etc.
The ownership and jurisdiction recognized belong to the Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) in reference to the coral reefs; fishes; etc. surrounding our Hawaiian archipelago which is part of the hereditary rights of Kamehameha descendants; and kanaka maoli. The konohiki/caretakers are regarded the rights of “piscary”. Refs: Archives; Native Testimony Volume 3 Part 2 dated March 31, 1853; Organic Acts; Fundamental Law of Hawaii 1840-1900 Preface tot he Laws of 1842: page VII; The First constitution of Hawaii Granted by Kamehameha III October 8, 1840; Laws of 1842 pgs. 21-23 “Re free fishing grounds” “Respecting the tabood fishing grounds”; “But no restrictions whatever shall by any means be laid on the sea without the reef even to the deepest ocean.”
The law of the Sea was signed by 117 nations excepting the United State of America/united States of America. See HAWAII CONSTITUTION GRANTING LAWS< LAND DIVISIONS AND AWARDS by Louis K. Agard Jr.
Objection because Sovereigns/
Kamehameha descendants exist….
(signed) Amelia Kuulei Gora
copy to: Cayetano; Patsy Mink, etc. (FBI; Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure); Other Interested Parties; Fis & Wildlife Svc./National Marine Fisheries Svc; Dept. of Interior
References: “The konohiki/caretakers are regarded the rights of “piscary”. Refs: Archives; Native Testimony Volume 3 Part 2 dated March 31, 1853; Organic Acts; Fundamental Law of Hawaii 1840-1900 Preface to the Laws of 1842; page VII; The First constitution of Hawaii Granted by Kamehameha III October 8, 1840; Laws of 1842 pages 21-23 “Re free fishing grounds” “Respecting the tabood fishing grounds”; “But no restrictions whatever shall by any means bye laid on the sea without the reef even to the deepest ocean.”
Letter to President Clinton sent by Amelia Kuulei Gora, “Maintaining Opposition/Objection/Objection because Sovereigns/Kamehameha descendants exist…”
2001 – February 9. Off Diamond Head, the USS Greenville, a nuclear submarine equipped with ‘sonar contacts’ slammed/rammed into a Japanese fishing vessel/a teaching/learning lab with teachers and youth aboard. The vessel sank in less than five minutes and nine who were on board are missing. They include teachers and students.
I sent/delivered a letter of regret to the Japanese Consulate, Nuuanu, Oahu.
Note and Comments: The letter clarifed that the Japanese vessel could be in our waters.
The U.S. Navy through President Clinton’s directions /executive order
Did an act of WAR upon Japan.
* * * * *
2002 – U.S. President Clinton announced that the coral reefs of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands would receive a broad protection and a long-term program to protect coastal areas around the country.
The “seamounts” of Kauai northwest to Kure Atoll for the purposes of federal wildlife refuges would create a marine counterpart for the parks and wilderness areas. Under and adminstrative protection the claim was that Clinton would order Federal agencies to protect the Hawaii waters permanently. This through Proclamations/ Executive Order claims to the coral reefs in our Hawaiian archipelago, over 100+/133 islands.
Opposition was documented in a letter to the President based on our families claims with evidence in the Hawaiian Kingdom books.
2004 – Through genealogy research, I found that MY ancestor David Keawe/DW Sylva/Davis Keawe/DW Pauahi owned the fishing rights of Waikiki and I put out a notice that the fishing rights were up for lease, advertised in the IOLANI – The Royal Hawk news on the web.
David Keawe aka’s had leased for a time to MY other ancestor Ioba aka’s.
David Keawe had two children – David Jr. and Mele Keawe. David Keawe aka’s had married Bernice Pauahi/Bishop and others. One of his wives gave her dower interest to Mele Keawe. Mele Keawe married David Keawe’s father’s brother, her grand uncle and had Mary Kauweloa and stepchildren Annie and Charles Jr. (descendants of King David Kalakaua). Mary Kauweloa married Albert Castro and had Mary Kuulei Gora (siblings). She divorced and married Ceferino Maduli and had more children.
Mary Kuulei Gora married the descendant of Ioba aka’s who had leased the fishing rights of Waikiki, named John Kekapu Gora and had Amelia Kuulei Gora (siblings), writer, author, defender of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom, one of Kamehameha’s descendants, Queen Liliuokalani’s descendant, John Young, Isaac Davis, Mataio Kekuanaoa(father of Paalua, Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, etals. – House of Nobles), John Kapena (father of Keawe and Charles Kauweloa – House of Nobles), Akahi (konohiki), etals descendant, a Royal person not subject to the laws.
For the record, Ioba aka’s married Abigail aka’s, oldest daughter of Kaeha/Makaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani, and had Haili (w)/ Kaili/Kalama who married Kamehameha’s descendant Kaluakini (k) whose hanai child was Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani who married Namakeha and King David Kalakaua. They had Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini who married Joseph Matsugoro/Takeshita/Gora (another Sovereign/Royal person/heir of the Crown Lands, etc.) and had John Kekapu Gora (siblings) who married Mary Kuulei Castro and had Amelia Kuulei Gora (siblings).
2005 – Affidavit/Deed/Notice No. 2005 – 138468 filed on 7/13/2005 (28 pages) with genealogies, amendments to Affidavit/Deed No. 96-177455 filed at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
2006 – Queen Liliuokalani’s descendants exist. Some of her descendants are also descendants of Kamehameha, meaning they are descendants of Royals and are Royal persons not subject to the laws.
Mataio Kekuanaoa’s descendants and heirs exist. Queen Liliuokalani documented that they were also heirs of the Crown Lands in her 1908 letter found at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
Legal Notices posted in regards to the Null/Nulling and Voiding of U.S. President’s Proclamations, Executive Orders over, around, under, above Hawaii by One of Kamehameha’s descendants, Queen Liliuokalani’s descendants, Amelia Kuulei Gora.
Notices were sent to the Department of Interior which perpetuates FRAUD, criminal deviance in claiming lands that has owners – example, John Young’s descendants, etc. Told them to leave our ancestors burials alone, based on the fact that they selected, chose the location of the burials.
Continued OPPOSITIONS are hereby documented against U.S. President GW Bush Proclamation/ Executive Order pertaining to our/ the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Hawaiian archipelago claimed as a sanctuary. The letter is the same one utilized in 2000 to U.S. President William Clinton. Although seemingly redundant (the posting of the same letter), it is admittedly for the purpose of long-term memory/retention that the letters are posted 2+ times.
Special Note to our Friends, including other nations:
Please be aware that our families, descendants of Kamehameha have been in a dangerous situation for a long time now, and in behalf of our Royal families, please come to our assistance in case of hostile, emergency(ies).
Our Royal families remain Neutral, non-violent, Non-Warring, maintaining our families lands, including the Crown Lands, the Konohiki/Alii lands, Government lands (because the State of Hawaii IS NOT OUR government), and maintaining claims for kanaka maoli who are also under stress, duress, coercion, and usurpation.
I hereby null and VOID, U.S. President GW Bush, his questionable claim/ proclamation/ Executive Order outside of his authority of 3-12 miles from the U.S. continent and overreaching to 2,500+ miles towards Our Hawaiian archipelago, reefs, fisheries.
For the record, our Hawaiian archipelago, reefs, fisheries, encompassing 133+ islands remain open to only the following friendly nations recognized as assisting our nation in the past: Spain, Japan, and Germany.
Rents and Leases are overdue from bankrupt U.S. who continues to utilize our families lands based on FRAUD, Criminal documents such as those entered in the Condemnation Case which includes Pearl Harbor, and so many other cases.
2007 – A review of the Treaties made in the past shows that permanent treaties were made by Kings which includes his descendants and heirs with the Kings of the Hawaiian Islands, Kamehameha’s descendants, his descendants and heirs, the Royal families of King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani – their descendants and heirs.
Because the descendants exist, “Royal persons not subject to the laws” and with the knowledge that “There are no legal method of overriding the Monarch” which includes descendant of, the fact of the matter is that OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, the corporation State of Hawaii are not our families and not lines of Kamehameha, King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua, or Queen Liliuokalani.
A third lien/affidavit was filed showing genealogies of Queen Liliuokalani, etals.
A Monarchy/Monarchical/Monarchial/Constitutional Government
is not the same as an entity that usurps a de jure government, and is documented as neither de jure not de facto in nature by Hawaii’s of a Monarchy/Monarchical/Monarchial/Constitutional Government head named Queen Liliuokalani.
Dishonest, criminal acts by Americans supported by corrupt, bankrupt governments the U.S. and England/Great Britain shows significant issues affecting Hawaii and the World today.
Hawaii’s Queen was under stress, duress, coercion, usurpation, was called ‘N I G G E R’ even by Congress, U.S. citizens, etc. and suffered emotional abuse as a representative of a nation who defended the rights of man by the early ANTI-SLAVERY Treaty of 1852.
Hawaii’s Queen was put down by the media through the offensive cartoons published around the U.S., and abroad. She was laughed at, made fun of, etc.
The Pirating activities perpetuated by the U.S. and England/Great Britain, etals. with historical evidence showing animosities towards all PEOPLE OF COLOR, animosities towards Hawaii’s Rulers, Alii Nui/Alii who have documented the rights of man by passing the ANTI-SLAVERY LAWS in 1852 or 13 years before the U.S. passed theirs, documented that the U.S. (and others) BREACHED THE LAW OF NATIONS, etc. indicates some of the historical problematic issues.
Counteracting pirating activities includes the ongoing current and future roles of our Alii Nui/Alii who maintain, perpetuate our nation by playing an active part in a kahea/call/communication to other nations, by maintaining land claims, etc.
Many of Kamehameha’s descendants exist, documented, interconnected through genealogies. These families are the Royal families in Hawaii who own, maintain the claims of the Crown Lands, the Alii Nui/Alii lands, and defend the rights of the konohiki/ care takers who also own the fishing rights based at their individually assigned ahupuaa (lands from the mountain to the seas as documented in the ‘Great Mahele’).
The following are some of Kamehameha’s descendants, Royal persons, whose families have a broad range of lines with names that are not Hawaiian. The descendants of Kamehameha are from his lines and branching from: Kikau/Kiikaukapu/Kapukui/ Pukui (k), Kaili (w), Kaakau (w), Kamai (k), Nainoaalua (k), Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole, Mauli, Puhi (k), Kinau (w), and others.
Kanaka maoli, friends, support of Royal persons who are “not subject to the law” (see Victoria Kamamalu’s Probate evidence about Royal persons, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii) helps in maintaining all kanaka maoli claims to the lands in Hawaii, the Kingdom of Hawaii, the Hawaiian Kingdom, the Hawaiian archipelago, the Hawaiian Islands.
The fear of the Royal families appears in the writings of Lorrin Thurston (see Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii).
It appears that such fears are reasonable due to the treasonous persons clause appearing in laws of the Monarchy/Monarchical/ Monarchial/Constitutional Monarchy governments (see above).
Other fears are listed under Lorrin Thurston’s descendant book “DOES THE TRUTH MATTER” by Thurston Twigg-Smith.
Additionally, the continued role of sounding out alarms to all nations about our people’s dilemma through our oral and written experiences, our history, Hawaii’s history, reveals innumerable truths previously hidden from the public. Information about the pretending friendly nations, the devious, belial, PREDATORY NATIONS (U.S., England/Great Britain, etals.), because of the goals to enslave people for the purpose of RULING THE WORLD – One World Order/New World Order through perpetual WARS, pestilence, germ warfare, crimes against mankind, intentions to reduce the high numbers of PEOPLE OF COLOR, the wrongful P L U N D e R ING Upon I * n n OCENTS around the World, etc. continue, unknown by many.
The CLASH of a Monarchy/Monarchical/Monarchial/Constitutional Government versus a claimed Democratic Governments began with the Secret Treaty of Verona of 1822 and remains to be problematic for Hawaii, the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom, Hawaiian archipelago, Hawaiian Islands and many, many other nations today.
The PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN HISTORY book questions the U.S. claims of 3,000 miles from the U.S. coastlines in 1890.
The U.S. Supreme Court Justices limits the U.S. Presidents, Congress, etals. authority to 3-12 miles.
It is important that all nations, interested people take heed. Truth continues from a neutral nation with Royal families existing in Hawaii.
Our Royal families, amidst the intensive criminal, treasonous/ traitorous, fraudulent, ing agents of the U.S. occupying Hawaii, continue to uphold and perpetuate criminal claims.
Do know that most of the citizens in Hawaii remain ignorant of the facts.
Know that some of our Kamehameha descendant families have faced menacing, life threatening episodes of police, sheriffs, helicopters, SWAT teams surrounding them when returning to their ancestors lands. Until official documents, evidence of connections to the land, genealogies, were shown, the ed guns were directed on their persons.
The criminal moves by an entity operating and supported by the U.S. disregarding Constitutions of a friendly, neutral nation which has Royal families descendants moving, maintaining our Crown Lands wrongfully claimed as ‘Ceded lands’ by PIRATES continues.
Legal Issues/Matters:
Such a system, Land Court under the Torrens System, is without jurisdiction, without legal jurisdiction, without granted jurisdiction in, over, around, under Hawaii. The perpetuation of frauds are documented through this system owned by Americans without legal authorities, therefore, as a Royal person, a descendant of Kamehameha, Queen Liliuokalani, etals. I hereby declare the Land Court, the American land laws in Hawaii to be illegal, null, void, and without legal standing.
I further document that the Courts in Hawaii maintain FRAUD, DECEIT, Criminal claims in land cases, perpetuate historical frauds, are treasonous against our Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii, our Royal families and have no jurisdiction. The Courts include the Federal, the State, the City and Counties, etc. Issues are ongoing.
2007 update:
Hawaii, the Hawaiian archipelago is owned by the aboriginal people/ aboriginal Hawaiians/kanaka maoli because the lines, Kamehameha’s and the Royal families exist.
Documented conspiracies have been uncovered. Efforts to perpetuate the frauds, criminal deviance, criminal malfeasance, corruption is supported by the U.S. a non-united corporation associated with England.
The State of Hawaii, claimed to have had its beginnings prior to 1893, the wrongful dethronement of Hawaii’s Queen, is a fraud, and a dissolution of corporation was made by the Hawaiian Kingdom Government in January 2007.
Queen Liliuokalani did maintain that the Provisional government was a entity, neither de jure nor de facto. The Provisional government turned Republic turned Territory of Hawaii turned State by Presidential proclamation made by Dwight D. Eisenhower is based on conspiracies, piracies, racketeering by Americans who utilize our families monies, lands, to support their criminal operations outside of the U.S. jurisdiction.
It appears that the umbrella of the Standard Oil Agreement making corporations role in assuming foreign lands then supported by the military who protects the “lives and properties of their own” is operating around the world today.
Out of 191 nations in the world, the U.S. has bases in 160 of them utilizing corporations and military protection.
Ultimately, the goals towards one world order/new world order is pursued by the U.S. working for England.
The move to eliminate “useless eaters” /needless eaters appears to be enhanced with introduced genocide methods, calculated s via introduction of disease, depleted uranium in the environment, etc. by nuclear weapons testing, practices, and warring in the Middle East.
The Queen of England benefits off of War due to her stock holdings in mining materials needed for nuclear weapons.
Eviction notices for the U.S. military was made, eviction notices for Queen Liliuokalani’s home, Washington Place was made because John Dominis deeded the land to my maternal ancestor David Keawe who married my paternal great grandmother Haili.
Haili was a daughter of Princess Poomaikelani whose family supercedes the Kawananakoa’s, a conspirator group.
Princess Poomaikelani’s former attorney was Sanford B. Dole, conspirator/Terrorist of our Royal families and ist operating in Hawaii with support from the U.S., England, etc.
Governor Linda Lingles, etals. have been recorded as genocide activists, etc. in a documented police report number for the purpose of entry into the World Court documents for further documenting that U.S. is indeed a ist nation, coming from the Royal families in Hawaii, a separate, friendly, neutral nation with corruption activities being perpetuated today affecting the World today.
PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES OF HAWAIIAN REAL ESTATE (1983) by Page Bovee Vitousek, John W. Reilly, and Robert G. Rediske, Trade Publishing Company, Ltd.
THE LANGUAGE OF REAL ESTATE IN HAWAII (1975) by John W. Reilly, Edward Enterprises, Inc.
IOLANI – The Royal Hawk news on the web – See Wolfram Graetz post about the Secret Treaty of Verona of 1822 is many of the past news issues.
Depleted Uranium: HYPERLINK
***** ***** *****
Treason is hereby defined to be any plotting or attempt to dethrone or destroy the King, or the levying of war against the King’s government, or the adhering to the enemies thereof, giving them aid and comfort, the same being done by a person owing allegiance to this kingdom.
Allegiance is the obedience and fidelity due to the kingdom from those under its protection.
An alien, whether his native country be at war or at peace with this kingdom, owes allegiance to this kingdom during his residence therein, and during such residence, is capable of committing treason against this kingdom.
Ambassadors and other ministers of foreign states, and their alien secretaries, servants and members of their families, do not owe allegiance to this kingdom, through resident therein, and are not capable of committing treason against this kingdom.
To constitute the levying of war, contemplated in the first section of this chapter, it shall be requisite that the persons concerned therin be parties to some overt act, in or towards procuring, preparing or using force, or putting themselves in a condition in readiness to use force, either by being present at such overt act, or by promoting, aiding in, or being otherwise accessory before the fact to the same.
In order to constitute the levying of war, the force must be employed or intended to be employed for the dethroning or destruction of the King or in contravention of the laws, or in opposition to the authority of the King’s government, with an intent or for an object affecting some of the branches or departments of said government generally, or affecting the enactment, repeal or enforcement of laws in general, or of some general law; or affecting the people, or the public tranquility generally; in distinction from some special intent or object, affecting individuals other than the King, or a particular district.
An accessory before the fact to treason is guilty of treason, and shall be subject to prosecution, trial and punishment therefor, though the principals more directly concerned, have not been convicted, or are not amenable to justice.
No person shall be convicted of treason but by the testimony of two or more lawful witnesses to the same overt act of treason whereof he stands charged, unless he shall in open court, confess such treason.
Whoever shall commit the crime of treason, shall suffer the punishment of ; and all his property shall be confiscated to the government.
If any person who shall have knowledge of the commission of treason against this kingdom shall conceal the same, and shall not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known such treason to the Governor of the island on which he resides, he is guilty of a great crime, and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or imprisonment at hard labor not exceeding ten years, in the discretion of the court.
Reference: Archives, Honolulu, Oahu pages 8-9 of THE PENAL CODE OF THE HAWAIIAN ISANDS (Honolulu: The Government Press, 1869) (Ref KFH 561.A3 1868).
Malama pono and Aloha!
The following info combined with Shane Lee’s and Kili’s/Kiliwehi (Kekumano’s) find is meant to empower everyone with the primary purpose of defense of our Hawaiian Kingdom/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian islands:
Shane Lee’s find showing the premeditation of the U.S. over assuming our Hawaiian islands seven (7) days before it happened.
Kili’s/Kiliwehi (Kekumano’s) info (given to specific few for now) and the following researched information which was posted in IOLANI – The Royal Hawk Vol III No. 143.
Review by Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal person (2009)
The entity State of Hawaii perpetuates frauds, criminal deceit, conspiracies supported by many today. Military occupation status continues by the U.S. who premeditated the criminal assumption of a friendly, neutral non-violent nation.
What happens when a nation premeditates and criminally assumes another nation? What happens when a desperate, bankrupt, aggressive nation, calling itself democratic seeks to usurp a non warring, neutral nation such as Hawaii? what happens when that nation is part of a group of nations in alignment with the Law of Nations, recognized as part of the Law of Nations? What happens when there are specific problematic issues in regards to certain figures discovered pirating/affecting genealogies/Royal families claims/identity theft, etc.? What happens when a treasonous, conspiring, terrorist group claims private properties and transfers it to the U.S.; then the U.S. transfers it back to the criminal entity with provisions of land use of private properties?
A few months ago, Shane Lee (talk show caller) found one of the most highly controversial articles ever found by researchers today….the premeditation of assuming our Hawaiian Kingdom seven days prior to the criminal dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani in 1893!:
OOO appropriated for the improvement of coaling stations to allow ships to enter the harbor. This sum is in the Treasury Department at the disposal of the … – Similar pages
Free Hawaii You Tube – Koani Foundation brief overview of the State of Hawaii:
[TRANSLATED] Is Hawai`i Really The 50th State?
Is Hawai`i Really The 50th State?
[TRANSLATED] Is Hawai`i Really The 50th State?
Hear What The US Dept Of Justice Says About US Sovereignty In Hawai`i …
1 year ago 2,786 views koanifoundation
“U.S. Marines overthrew Monarch”
‘Cleveland declared it to be an “act of war”‘
Majority of Hawaiians supported Queen Liliuokalani (Kue petition – opposition to annexation)
Queen Liliuokalani protested in Washington.
Newlunds Resolution passed (illegal)
Professor Williamson Chang made a lenghthy legal expose about how it is not possible to annex a State with a resolution, etc. in the Palmyra Island case, U.S. Federal Court, Honolulu, Hawaii – Judge Ezra ( a Jew) in place.
1959 – Hawaii was made a State.
Harold Abel Cathcart documented opposition to the claims of Hawaii being a State, in answer to a legal notice by the U.S. government. Cathcart was one of the Kamehameha’s descendants/ heirs who was a first cousin of our great grandmother.
1988 – U.S. Department of Justice: “taking of Hawaii illegal under U.S. laws”
1996 -2009 claims/ownership/ intense research filed showing more Kamehameha’s descendants/heirs, owners of the Crown Lands exist along with evidence showing conspiracies, etc. in the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Hawaii, with the intent of maintaining truth, evidence for descendants/heirs, kanaka maoli, friends of kanaka maoli, etals., ramifications, etc.
2004 – Legal expert Francis Boyle article:
Law expert Francis Boyle urges natives to take back Hawaii
by carolyn lucas
west hawaii today
Thursday, December 30, 2004 11:53 AM HST
International law expert Francis Boyle walked hastily into Kona Outdoor Circle Wednesday morning. He was late by almost 30 minutes, but it didn’t matter.
About 60 people waited patiently in their seats to hear his three-hour speech, “The Restoration of Hawaii’s Independence.” Most favored the perspective of Nation of Hawaii and Hui Aloha Aina — Na Wahine O Puna sponsors — “He just makes sense.”
Boyle said the United States conceded it unlawfully occupied the Kingdom of Hawaii and has done so for more than 111 years. That fact alone, he added, “gives the Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) the entitlement to restore their independent status as a sovereign nation state.”
To do this, Boyle urged the people to make an “educated” choice on whether they wanted to approve the Akaka Bill, which seeks federal recognition for Native Hawaiians.
A man in a blue baseball cap stood up and asked Boyle if the Akaka Bill should be shot, chopped or passed.
“I’m just a lawyer,” Boyle responded. “I just provide advice, counsel and representation. You have to decide.”
The audience waited for the man’s decision.
“I already told them to chop it,” the man said, slicing through the air with his right hand.
The bill’s proponents said it allows for self-determination in government. Boyle disagreed, warning the audience to pay attention to the bill’s “carefully chosen” phrases.
In the beginning, he said, the bill promises “a governing entity,” not a government. Boyle, who served as counsel for the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Provision Government of the State of Palestine, defined entity as it was used in the negotiations between Israel and Palestine. “They offered entity to demonstrate utmost disrespect,” he said. “It was the very bottom level of respect to use ‘government’ as an adjective.”
Boyle rhetorically asked if Native Hawaiians needed legislation, permission or approval from the U.S. government to be a self-governance.
Under the U.N. Charter, Article 73, Boyle said the United States is “obligated to bring about self-government of people within territories deemed non-self governing.” Hawaii was once designated as a territory, but was removed from the U.N. list of Non-self Governing Peoples, after becoming a U.S. state in 1959.
Boyle then mentioned the Palestinians, who in 1988 decided on their own to “unilaterally proclaim their own state, in a declaration of independence. This eventually led to the Palestinian state being recognized today by 125 nation states in the world.”
He said Native Hawaiians, like the Palestinians, are striving for “their right of self-determination,” which is afforded to them by the U.N. Charter, Article 1. It states, “The purpose of the United Nations is to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.”
Boyle further suggested the audience “exercise their right of self-determination,” instead of asking the permission of the U.S. Congress to declare their independence.
To create an independent state, territory, population, government and international relations must exist.
Hawaii already has a fixed territory — the Hawaiian Archipelago — and a population of distinguishable people — the Native Hawaiians, who trace their ancestry back before the Europeans’ appearance on the lands.
Government, Boyle said, is in the kupuna council, but how the people are governed has yet to be organized. He added, “You don’t need a government along the lines of a federal government of the United States or the State of Hawaii to have a government.”
Boyle said Hawaii also need the capacity to “enter into international relations, to deal with other states, and to keep your commitments,” which meant establishing diplomatic relations as an independent state.
He did not know how long this creation would take, what the consequences would be or how many states would recognize Hawaii. However, Boyle said “the plight of the Hawaiian people is generally well known in the world and there’s a great deal of sympathy.”
He ended his speech, saying “Hawaii should send the strongest message to Washington it can. Letters carry no weight. The number of people in the street do. Ghandi threw the mighty British out of India with peaceful, nonviolent force. People power, submit to it.”
2008 – He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian islands/Hawaiian archipelago officially reformed by the descendants and heirs of Kamehameha. We came together in part knowing, oral history, and documented history that we are the private property owners of the Crown Lands, criminally cited as the “ceded lands” by the occupiers/ criminal conspirators/deviants/perpetuators of fraud, corruption, criminal malfeasance, etc.
Now, sit back and listen to yet another criminal Jew Lingle nosing in on private properties of the Royal families who exist today:
ceded lands with dingle.mp3
5397K Play Download
Overview of Radio Talk Show, Monday, January 12, 2009:
Shane: Is it acceptable for anyone to possess stolen properties?
Why do you feel that the State should be allowed to keep stolen lands affected upon
(Radio Talk Show host hung up on Shane then Linda Lingle continued…..)
Linda Lingle did not address the questions but continued on to talk about how a law suit in 1980 was made in appeal to the U.S.
Governor Waihee “native Hawaiian” did seek to sell ceded lands and obtained legislature approval for parcels on the Big Island and Maui.
The land (ceded) was transferred from the American government provided that it fulfilled five(5) purposes:
affordable housing for all (not only Hawaiians)/betterment of Hawaiian people.
1993 – “U.S. Congress passed…Apology resolution…” “a regret for American involvement in 1893.” (Lingle identifies this as a apology resolution disregarding the fact that it was documented as P.L. 103-150 – P.L. for public law) see Professor Boyles explanation at the Hawaiian Nation website – Bumpy Kanahele’s (another Hawaiian government claim) group:
1994 – “Senator Inouye claimed a regret…did not change anything” — info to the contrary was recorded/found by Henry Noa’s group (another Hawaiian government claim).
OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs filed a lawsuit for the ceded lands.
Governor Cayetano did not do anything to sell ceded lands. (Cayetano did document in the Rice vs. Cayetano case that all persons born in Hawaii were “native Hawaiians”)
2002 – The Circuit Court ruled in behalf of the State of Hawaii and claimed they had good title, providing the State fulfilled the five purposes:
1. Public education
2. Public facilities
3. Home ownership
4. Farms
5. Betterment of Hawaiian people
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs: (The opinion was that) a Moratorium until issues of Hawaiian claims resolved.
’32 States joined with U.S. government joined in appeal’.
“affects ability (of the State) to sell bonds….” etc. (lands, etc.) 1.2 million acres of ceded lands affected.
(After the case is won)
“issues will (later) be addressed that the State has clear title”.
The bittersweet fact is that the State of Hawaii is not a government but an entity which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii, the Republic of Hawaii, and the Provisional government set in place by the premeditated acts of U.S. through its Congress, PIRATES ON THE OPEN SEAS, PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends.
When the entire World sees the progressive corruptions of the past affecting the World today, the ongoing denial of wrongs, the failure to make corrections over time, the claimed State of Hawaii, along with the U.S. will continue to fall apart while everyone watches along with us.
Warring against other nations utilizing monies of our families, our peoples, our friendly neutral non violent nation, kanaka maoli funds/assets/gold coins, is not OK…….continued use of our monies, trusts, etc. to fund wars is not OK….cease and desist now.
Private Properties of the Royal families remain Private Properties of our Royal families. The bloodlines of Kamehameha are the owners of the Crown lands which was dubbed “ceded lands” by PIRATES IN THE OPEN SEAS, terrorists of our families, our kanaka maoli, defenders of the Hawaiian Kingdom, etals.
We are Sovereigns and will continue to operate as Sovereigns, the owners of our archipelago and maintain that the treaties with foreign governments continue to be our concerns as well.
Rents and leases are due from the entity State of Hawaii utilizing properties owned by the Charles Kanaina’s heirs, the Keoni Ana’s/John Young’s etals., Kamehameha descendants/heirs families lands including Washington Place, State Capitol, Iolani Palace, etc.
Rents and Leases for $500 trillion dollars in gold coins per year retroactive to 1893 is a friendly reminder to you by a Sovereign, one of Kamehameha’s, descendant/heirs, etals., a Royal person not subject to the laws.
Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal family representative, Kamehameha etals. descendant, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs of He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian islands/Hawaiian archipelago
BACKGROUND FOR OPPOSITION TO U.S. President George W. Bush claims of Sanctuary of OUR Hawaiian archipelago:
Review by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of
Kamehameha’s, Queen Liliuokalani’s,
Kahekili of Maui, Kaumualii of Kauai,
John Young, Isaac Davis, Akahi (w),
Nuuanu (k), Mataio Kekuanaoa (k),
John Kapena’s, etals descendant, a
Royal person not subject to the laws (2006)
The following is part of a previously posted IOLANI – The Royal Hawk article.
Changes/revisions include updated history, new finds, OPPOSITIONS to the claims over our Hawaiian archipelago by U.S. President William Clinton, and U.S. President, George (of the Jungle) W. /’WARMONGER’ Bush, included with a brief summary of English land ownership in the English political and economic system and the Clash with the American system:
“In feudal times land was power. The King conferred estates upon his faithful retainers (such as William Pusey) and they in turn upon theirs. In the absence of a centralized administration of the kingdom, order and discipline were maintained through this series of lord-and-vassal relationships.”
“In post-feudal times land was family wealth. Land ownership was no longer essentially a series of political responsibilities to an overlord and claims upon a group of tenants. Instead land ownership was a private and proprietary matter, like the ownership of jewels. It differed from jewels in that it was productive and for centuries it was the only important source of income. The family estate was the means of supporting the family and maintaining family cohesion. This was the era of the Peerage and the Landed Gentry -of whom the Puseys were typical.”
“At the present day land is a basic commodity of commerce. In this country land has never had feudal characteristics (though Pennsylvania and Maryland were nominally feudal domains) and has never been tied up in families on a large scale (through the Van Rensselaers approrached a family empire in New York state and the King Ranch is probably a greater land holding than any subject of the Crown ever controlled). Within the last thirty years it has come about that the situation in Englallnd is not significantly different from the situation here. Pusey Manor was sold to the highest bidder, and in the course of time will be sold again in smaller and smaller parces.”
“It is inevitable that these essential changes in the place the land ownership holds in the national life should be reflected in the land law. You will find, for example, that the nt characteristic of the feudal period was the relationship of tenure between lord and man; that the nt institution of the immediate period was the fee tail and its development into the strict settlement; and that the nt feature of modern land law is the recording act, with its emphasis upon protection of commercial transactions in land.”
“…the Recording Acts, Title Registration and Title Insuraance; these institutions provide the machinery designed to give title security to the purchaser of land.”
“As a starting point 1066 is an obvious date; and as the end of the first historical phase 1660 is at least plausible. Between these dates the land law took a general form which it still retains-and which is so different from the law of other countries that the study of Comparative Law in this field is extremely difficult. During this period arose a certain number of specific rules and doctrines which still persist; but these feudal vestiges are rapidly disappearing, and another generation should be sufficient to finish the job.”
“In the twenty-one years given to William the Conqueror to organize his kingdom, he imposed feudalism on England to whatever extent it did not already exist. Then at the end of his reign he directed the cataloging of the land holdings of the kingdom and its feudal structure; and this catalog, Domesday Book, completed in 1086, became the first basic document of English constitutional history.”
References for above paragraph:
Ballard, THE DOMESDAY INQUEST (2d ed., 1923)
“The feudal system was not entirely, or even primarily, a system of land ownership. In a kingdom where there was no administrative organization it was a means of exercising authority; but the difficult was as King John discovered, that when the tenants-in-capite, the Barons, made up their minds that they would not obey, there were no means of compelling obedience.
“In a kingdom where the King had no army larger than a body guard, the feudal system was a means of raising troops. And in a kingdom where the treasury was still kept in the King’s bedchamber several hundred years after the Conqueror’s , the feudal system provided an elementary type of fiscal organization. Domesday Book was basically an assessor’s list, designed to facilitate the collection of revenue by feudal lords who, thus enriched, would be able to better to support the royal structure.”
Feudal law “gave only secondary concern to the desires of the “owner” of land; its primary concern lay in protecting the rights of the owner’s lord and assuring to him a continuity of those services and payments upon which the performance of his feudal obligations mights depend…..many rules growing out of the political and military character of feudal tenure should prove anomalies in modern law. Few of them are left; but it is a reproach that there are any at all.”
“The essential idea of Tenure exists today in the landlord-tenant relationship. A, owning Blacacre in fee simple, leases to B for one year. B holds (teneo) of A; B is the tenant, i.e., the holder. A, the landlord, owes to B the duty of protecting him in his holding; and this is evidenced by the warranty of quiet enjoyment which is implied in the tenancy. B owes to his landlord the service of providing a periodic rent. In these aspects the landlord tenant relationship is similar to feudal tenure.
“But in another aspect feudal tenure was far different. The landlord-tenant relationship is now wholly impersonal and proprietary; it is only rarely that one part to the relationship is persona grata to the other and so remain. Each habitual avoids the other as far as is humanly possible. But in feudal times the lord-tenant relationship was essentially personal and only incidentally proprietary. It was created by the ceremony of homage at which the tenant placed his hands between those of the lord and swore fealty to him. The breach of this oath was treason – petit treason, as distinguished from high treason, which involved disloyalty to the King. Certain acts which implied a renunciation of the feudal relationship caused the estate to be forfeited; for example, if a life tenant purported to convey a fee simple by certain methods, the life tenancy was automatically forfeited – a rule which made sense in the twelfth century but was still operative in the nineteenth.
“The service of a particular tenure was the duty the tenant owed to the lord. This was specified at the time he received the land usually in a charter of feoffment. (As we shall see the feoffment -the standard common-law conveyance-was a ceremonial proceeding not involving any writing. The charter of feoffment was merely evidence as to what took place in the ceremony. Therein the charter differed from the modern deed which is the conveyance.) Originally the services were mostly military, tenure by knight service, and involved fixed obligations as to furnishing knights and squires for specified periods. Some services involved no great exertion; for example, cornage, which was the tenure of Pusey Manor, required the tenant to wind a horn on the approach of the King’s enemies. In the lower reaches of the hierarchy the services tended to be less dignified-for example, ploughing the lord’s land and making his hedges -and were classified as villein-age. (By an obvious transposition of ideas the ancient word villein, meaning a person in a servile status, developed, during centuries when thieves were more likely to resemble Jean Valjean than Ivar Krueger, into the villain of current English.)
“The notion of tenure, with its requirement of continuous services to the lord, was so deep-seated that, even when a person wanted to make a gift of land, he felt obliged to require some nominal and picturesque service. Thus if a father was parcelling out an estate to his daughter or younger son he would impose the rent of a peppercorn annually or the delivery of a rose at midsummer.” (The owners of the Red Rose Inn in West Grove, Pa., solemnly went through the yearly ceremony stipulated by a 216 – year-old deed, handed over one red rose to the heir of William Penn. The heir: Amy Penn-Gaskell Hall II, a tenth direct descendant of Penn.” TIME, Sept. 15, 1947, p. 27.
“There were always some tenures which required a money service only, and as the feudal system declined these increased. Old tenures requiring personal services of various types were gradually transformed into money types. Finally, in 16760, the Statute 12 Car. II, c. 24 changed practically all existing tenures into free and common socage, of which the only required service was an annual rent.”
Besides the services, which were indidvidual to each tenure, the lord was entitled to certain “incidents.” These were of substantial importance, and, as the feudal system declined, came to be more valuable than the services. The incidents were as follows:
“1. Homage. This ceremonial pledge of personal loyalty was vital in feudal days, but gradually deteriorated into a quaint relic. In later days it was important only when the tenant broke it by making a type of conveyance which indicated that he had renounced the tenure. Then the tenant’s estate was forfeited-with consequences later described.”
“2. Relief. In the early feudal period, when a tenant died, the lord customarily took his heir as succeeding tenant, but he was under no obligation to do so. The heir would make a payment to the lord for the privilege of retaining his ancestor’s rights. It later became a matter of right for the heir to inherit; but the payment of a relief to the lord continued. Reliefs were the inheritance taxes of ancient days. Then as now, some ingenuity was expended in avoiding them; and, then as now, the courts and the legislature undertook to frustrate the avoidance.”
“3. Wardship and Marriage. When a tenant died leaving an infant heir, the lord was entitled to the wardship of the infant. This permitted him to take the rents and profits during the heir’s minority with no obligation except to support, educate and protect the child. In the unruly early days the protection given to the child against stepfathers, marauders, ers and assorted spalpeens may have been a fair consideration for the use of the lands. But after the kingdom quieted down the wardship was an unjustified and very profitable windfall.”
“Marriage was closely connected with wardship. It was an obvious application of the feudal theory that, if land descended to an unmarried , the lord should have something to say in the choice of her husband; otherwise he might find that he had a tenant (the ‘s husband, who would come into control of her lands upon marriage) who was his enemy. So the lord was given the power to choose the female heir’s husband. There never was any substantial justification for extending this privilege to choosing a wife for a male heir, but it was so extended. Overlords, especially the king, also had some claim to the marriage of widows who were their tenants.”
“Wardships and marriages were the gilt-edge investments of feudal times. They were bought and sold freely. If the lord died the wardship and marriage passed to his estate and could be bequeathed in his will. The striking thing is that the relationship of feudal guardian and ward was considered as a privilege of the guardian, not a duty to the infant; the fiduciary aspect of modern guardianship was almost wholly lacking. If the ward married without the lord’s assent, the lord’s investment was protected by the rule that the tenant forfeited twice the value of the marriage-a rule which led to the practice of “ravishment” by which the lady was abducted, screaming and kicking but not too much; and this in turn led to imposing a tort liability on the “ravisher.” “If the ward declined a suitable marriage offered by the lord she forfeited the value of the marriage. The fact that the King was the individual principally profitting from wardships and marriages tended to keep these anomalous rights alive much longer than would naturally have been the case.”
Aids. The lord called upon his tenants for financial help from time to time. These calls originally discretionary with the lord, were finally reduced to ransoming the lord when captured and making fixed payments for knighting his eldest son and marrying his eldest daughter.”
“5. Escheat. When the tenant died without heirs (i.e. without children, brothers, sisters, or any other relatives who could inherit) the tenancy became vacant and escheated to the lord.
“Until 1540 land could not be devised (i.e. given by will) except by local custom; after that date the aability to devise lands greatly diminished the number of escheats, since a person dying without heirs could, by making a will, prevent the tenancy from becoming vacant.”
“If the tenant committed a breach of feudal obligation or committed a felony, the tenancy ended; this was another type of escheat.”
“Forfeiture for high treason was a prerogative of the King as such; it was not a tenurial right. Thus when a person committed treason – which was very easy during the dynastic struggles – his lands were forfeited to the King; they did not escheat to the traitor’s feudal lord.”
In Hawaii, Kamehameha III did document that the Crown Lands were set aside for his use and were for his HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS. A part was set aside for the Alii, the people, and the Government better known as the Hawaiian Government, the Kingdom of Hawaii, or Hawaiian Kingdom and NOT ANY OTHER.
“Forfeiture for high treason” in a Monarchy/Monarchical/Constitutional Monarchy would result in lands being “forfeited to the King; they did not escheat to the traitor’s feudal lord.”
There were many Hawaiians/part Hawaiians/kanaka maoli who supported the treasonous acts of the Americans and others who number 3,000 versus the 40,000 who supported Hawaii’s Queen.
Many of the treasonous Hawaiians/part Hawaiians/kanaka maoli, along with the treasonous Americans such as Charles Reed Bishop’s lands would rightfully, lawfully, legally, truly escheat to the King – or his DESCENDANTS AND HEIRS.
Additionally, the following shows a CLASH of two government systems in Hawaii due to Americans – mercenaries operating in Hawaii:
1810 – Under Kamehameha, Hawaii became a Monarchy government.
1822 – Secret Treaty of Verona signed by Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, the Vatican (commended for OBEDIENCE of the people) supported by U.S. and England/Great Britain. The ultimate goal is towards One World Order/New World Order.
1852 – Hawaii passed the ANTI-SLAVERY Law. Anyone arriving in Hawaii as a SLAVE was set free. The slave owners became suspect of crimes, etc.
1890 – Henry E. Cooper arrived in the Kingdom of Hawaii from San Diego, California. He was working for the San Diego Title and Abstract Company. He petitioned for a Charter as the Hawaiian Abstract and Title Company. His petition was approved.
Important Notes: The United States act, McKinley Act greatly affected the sugar planters in Hawaii. The Bishop & Co. moved quickly to alleviate difficulties for the sugar planters.
The formation of an abstract and title company in Hawaiii basing its rules on the United States, a foreign governments applications of lands not equivalent to the lands in Hawaii, it’s system being similar to England’s land laws leads to wrongful and criminal assumptions by foreigners who stole lands by mass s, wars, invasion, ism, greed, immoralities, and criminal malfeasance. Therefore, affiliation to Americans or supporters of the American government, their land definitions/perspectives, etc. undoubtedly meant that Henry E. Cooper was yet another t e r r o r I s t who came to Hawaii. Perhaps he may have been yet another spy who came to Hawaii.
1893 – Monarchy/Monarchical/Monarchial/Constitutional Government, Queen Liliuokalani was wrongfully, criminally dethroned by a group of American businessmen supported by the U.S., and England/Great Britain, concerted others, etals.
Queen Liliuokalani signed under protest:
“I, Liliuokalani, by the grace of God and under the constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen, do hereby solemnly protest against any and all acts done against myself and the constitutional government of the Hawaiian Kingdom by certain persons claiming to have established a Provisional Government of and for this Kingdom.
“That I yield to the superior force of the United States of America, whose minister plenipotentiary, His Excellency John L. Stevens, has caused United States troops to be landed at Honolulu and declared that he would support the said Provisional Government.
“Now, to avoid any collision of armed forces, and perhaps the loss of life, I do under this protest and impelled by said faorces yield my authority until such time as the Government of the United States shall, upon the facts being presented to it undo the acts of its representative and reinstate me in the authority which I claim as the constitutional sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands.”
This protest was countersigned by my Cabinet Ministers, and addressed to the President (Benjamin Harrison) and other gentlemen composing the said Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands.
Note and comments:
Queen Liliuokalani wrote a letter to President Harrison on January 19, 1893 “making an appeal that justice should be done…it appears that President Harrison could not have taken notice….or perhaps he was as anxious as the Provisional Government to annex these Islands…on 16th, of February your petitioner finds that he sent a message to the Senate transmitting-the treaty, with a view to its ratification, without having first investigated or inquired into all the conditions or points of our situation, or that of the United States itself.”
She wrote to President Grover Cleveland, President-elect on January 31, 1893.
Historical research/investigations shows that U.S. was bankrupt, President Harrison was a Royal person descending from the Kings of England due to his relationship to President George Washington with ties to the Bank of England.
President Harrison’s Vice President was a banker who did transfers of foreign monies. The Vice President returned to his banking business, sold his bank to the John Morgan bankers, financiers of the U.S. and England/Great Britain and continued investments for both in the Wall Street stock market, etc.
The Bank of England, other banks invested in WARS through loans of both warring parties, example the Union and Confederates of the American Civil War.
1894 – Theo H. Davies, Esq. In his LETTERS UPON THE POLITICAL CRISIS IN HAWAII, January and February, 1894 documented the following:
A friend of mine, who is an annexationist, has recently placed in my hands a work, which is apparently a text-book on American political law. This work is entitled “The Nation.” By E. Mulford (Hurd and Houghton, New York). I will quote., in a condensed form, some of the principles laid down aby Mr. Mulford:
“The recognition of one nation by another, can never be divested of historical solemnity.” “It is thus a continuous act, and so long as there is moral integrity of action, it is limited only by the formal existence of the nation itself. It is not therefore to be momentarily offered, nor to be arbitrarily withdrawn.” – (pp. 251-253).
“The right to the land is in the people. It is the possession of the political people.” “The bounds of the nation, which are written in the courses of the mountains, and in the lines of the oceans, are written also upon the hearts of its children.” – (pp. 66,67).
“Political rights include the right of every person born in the nation, to be and to remain in its citizenship. The personality of each is to be respected in it, and to act in it, not negatively but positively, not passively to be allowed, as if the nation were only some power over it, but it is to act as itself a determinate power in it.” “The freedom of the people presumes that the political order shall conform to the will of the political people.” – (pp. 101-118.)
“There are sometimes those who, in the guise of a specious devotion to freedom, are ready to consent to the dismemberment of the nation, and would conspire for the destruction of the whole organization in which it has toiled towards its realization, however imperfect its advance. These visionaries cannot build again in the ruins it was so easy to make; it is only destructive powers that work thus swiftly; freedom will not follow at their behest.” – (pp. 122, 123.)
“The Sovereignty of the nation is inalienable; the State cannot transfer it to another, nor divest itself of it, except that in the act itself, its own existence, and its own freedom terminate.” – (p. 130.)
“Government de facto is strictly the force which, at a certain moment, may get hold and possession in the State, without reference to its origin or character; and it may maintain itself by foreign influence or fraud. That government is only legitimate, which is the exponent of the will of the people, and in conformity to its organic law.” “The government cannot be imposed upon the nation by any power which is external to it, nor can it be inaugurated by a clique, not instituted by a bureau. The ultimate reference must be to the people.” – (pp. 141, 142.)
Note and Comments: Queen Liliuokalani documented that an entity usurped her authority, it was neither a government de facto nor de jure.
Reference: Archives, 1907 letter to U.S. President Taft.
* * * * *
“The Constitution is the impregnable barrier against the assault of mere individualism, and the stable basis of the whole, against the strife of factional, and the pretension of provincial . It remains, while parties rise and disappear, as the Constitution of the whole, stable in the power, and supreme in the majesty of the people.” – (pp. 145, 146.)
Notes and Comments:
Remember that U.S. President Bush said that the ‘Constitution was only a damn piece of paper.’
Also note that he hails from Texas, one of the thirteen States that has less rights than the other Union States and is treated differently, less than a State, which gives evidence that the U.S. is NOT united.
The disregard of Constitutions, Treaties, Conventions, and most importantly the Law of Nations since the 1800’s has developed a callousness, bully behavior towards all nations.
Fortunately, Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani documented that the U.S. breached the Law of Nations.
The U.S. over time, helped to establish, set up, conspire against the Law of Nations by organizing the League of Nations, the CFR / Council on Foreign Relations with only U.S., England, and bankers assist to develop the United Nations with the intentions/goals of forming the New World Order/One World Order with England’s monarchy as the head.
The study of the American Civil War shows the financial investing countries, U.S., England, France, and bankers involved.
Also, in the early mapping of Hawaii, the seas, interest was held by the same three nations: U.S., England, and France.
Presently, U.S., England, and their created entity United Nations is involved in the PL under iNG upon the I nno CENTS in the Middle East.
* * * * * *
“Revolution is only to be justified, in the supreme necessity of the nation as a whole, the work of the political people. It is not to be the act of a part only, as a section or faction.” (p. 152.)
NOTES (p. 152)
“The moral condition of a revolution is, that it express the conviction of the common people, and the common will.” – (Fichte.)
Note and Comments:
What happened in Hawaii was not a revolution. It was a concerted group effort of conspiracies with the utilization of the U.S. military, supported the the U.S. Presidents, American Civil War Generals, England’s monarchy, the government, the Bank of England, the financiers of WARS – the bankers, the Masons/Freemasons, etals.
Only 3,000 in Hawaii moved to dethrone the Queen who was supported by 40,000 of her subjects.
In viewing the P L under ING in Iraq, the greed to assume the black and yellow GOLD was and is the motivation by the same two countries: U.S. and England, affecting the 4th largest military in the world with most of its’ population not in agreement to American, English businessmen in the Middleeast is evidenced.
In Hawaii, all countries wrongfully P L under ed upon over time included: Spain, Haiti, Japan, Germany, etc. and Iraq as a current example. The common will was not and is not respected by nations hell bent towards their goals based on greed, the motivations of assuming wealthy nations lands, treasury, income, use of people as SLAVES, etc. Undoubtedly, both U.S. and England are documented in history as countries bankrupt, corrupt, wicked/ E VIL and historically documented as PIRATES OF THE WORLD from Hawaii due to the intensive history research, genealogy research out from Hawaii affecting the World Today.
Father Damien – recently given a Saint Title by the Roman Catholic Church – documented that Lorrin Thurston (one of the heads to dethrone the Queen) was a belial – a son of a devil, etc. PIRATES are belials – PIRATES OF THE WORLD are belials.
Also take notice of the nations who signed the Secret Treaty of Verona in 1822: Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, the Vatican, supported by U.S. and England.
U.S., by the way, never did separate from England. The slip of the lip by a reporter who said that Prince Philip and his new wife would be visiting the colony of the Crown, the U.S. gave recent evidence of the historical discoveries as well.
See further issues of the loss of the Constitution through Southern States Presidents in legal researcher John Nelson’s article posted at
* * * *
Reference: LETTERS UPON THE POLITICAL CRISIS IN HAWAII, January 1893 to January, 1894 by Theo H Davies, Esq. (re-printed), Bulletin Publishing Company, Ltd., Electric Printers, 326 and 328 Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.I. 1894, KAHN COLLECTION, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
Articles, books by Amelia Kuulei Gora.
1903 – Land title registration using the Torrens System was authorized in Hawaii. A central Land Court system was operated statewide based on the Massachussetts law. Corporations intitially registered large tracts of undeveloped land, agricultural plantations, which was stricken as a compulsory clause in 1907.
The Torrens system in Hawaii is one of the few surviving ones in the United States. The BANKS made it a policy for all loans when a CLEAR RECORD TITLE WAS LACKING.
Background of the Land Court system of Hawaii:
“The land court system of Hawaii, set up in 1903, was originally developed in 1857 by an Australian businessman, Sir Robert Torrens, who based it on a system of centralized registration of shipping vessels. It is because of him, that it is often called the Torrens System of title registration. It is optional if an owner chooses to register his property in Land Court, but once registered it cannot be removed without permission of the court.”
“Any fee simple owner of land may file his application and memorandum in the Bureau of Conveyances, and through this formal application submit his property to the land court. After a thorough examination of the title, the examiner will submit his report to the court along with the certificate of opinion as to the validity of the applicant’s title. If, however, the court examiner gives an adverse opinion of the title, the court will give the owner reasonable time to either withdraw the application, or proceed forward. The notice of filing of application will then be published in the newspaper, and posted on the property, giving proper notice to all parties interested in the property. Thus, all parties having any objections to the application will have a time limit within which to file their answers or interests in the property. If no one appears to contest the application within the time provided, after proper motion and hearing, the court will enter a decree of confirmation and registration, thus ruling on the validity of the present status of the title. At the time the Registrar will send a certified copy of the decree to the Assistant Registrar in the Bureau of Conveyances, who will then prepare a Certificate of Title in duplicate showing the owner’s name, date of registration, the Land Court document number, and all encumbrances on the title to which it is subject. The original instrument is then filed in the registration book in accordance with a sequential system based on date and time received, and duplicate copy will be given to the owner or, in some cases, to the owner” lender. Title thus has legal validation att that point. When the owner subsequently sells the property, title is conveyed by the usual deed and a Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) together with a lien letter. It is therefore necessary to produce the TCT which sometimes may be held by the lender and not the owner.”
“A lien letter, unique to Hawaii, is a title search issued to cover land court property. It is essentially a supplemental search of matters affecting registered (Land Court) parcels covering the original title evidence in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court as well as those matters which are not required to appear on a Land Court Transfer Certificate of Title (improvement assessments, judgments, and involuntary liens not noted on the owner’s copy TCT). The liability of the issuing company is limited to those matters shown on the public records only, and does not include an inspection of the premises, matters of zoning, matters shown on the master plan, etc. A lien letter is also issued to purchasers under an agreement of sale, and to lessees, since a title company will not issue a Certificate of Title to these non-title holders.”
“The distinctive feature of land court registered property is that title does not pass, or encumbrances are not effective until such encumbrances or conveyances are noted on the original Certificate of Title. Unlike regular system recording, delivery of a deed in Land Court does not pass title until the new transfer is noted on the Certificate of Title. The act of registration is the operative act to effect the transfer of title to the property. The proper procedure upon transfer of the fee is for the grantor or grantee to present the deed of conveyance and the grantor” duplicate Certificate of Title to the Assistant Registrar who notes the transfer on the original and duplicate Certificate of Title and stamps “cancelled” across both. A new Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) in duplicate is then issued. The deed must contain the full names of all parties and will not be recorded if the parties use any initials in their names. The deed should describe the land by lot number with reference to the map number and the TCT number (not a metes and bounds description).”
“Some of the advantages of the Torrens System are: (1) once title is searched any future search covering that same period is unnecessary; (2) a subsequent transfer of title can be speedily accomplished; (3) a title is established which is superior to an abstract or a title policy that merely insures title against any defects and does not seek to eliminate them; and (4) with the exception of the original registration, the expense in transferring title is quite low.”
“Critics of the Torrens system feel that: (1) original registration is often slow and difficult, for legal proceedings in the form of an action at law must be conducted; (2) original registration is expensive; (3) once property has been registered, it cannot be removed from the system without court permission; (4) upon an owner’s a petition must be made to the court for an order directing title to be transferred to the heirs or devisees; and (5) laws making title indefeasible violate the constitutional rights that no one shall be deprived of property without due process of law. Certain people, such as infants, who may have rights in property, through error or oversight might not have received notice of the action to register title.”
“A property can be both registered in Land Court and recorded in the regular system. This is the so-called “double-system”. Some property may not be accepted for registration, especially if there are too many disputes to title. Related documents, such as power of attorney, should contain a reference to the TCT number.”
“Approximately 10 states have adopted the TORRENS SYSTEM.”
Note and Comments:
Since only 10 states adopted the TORRENS SYSTEM, research must be made in regards to the consequences which have resulted
From the use of the TORRENS SYSTEM, etc.
The TORRENS SYSTEM applied without granted jurisdiction appears to be a ruse to give the appearance that one has clear title, which will not occur in a Monarchy land base – genealogy ownership based system by a criminal entity seeking clear titles.
* * * * *
1908 – Queen Liliuokalani wrote to U.S. President Taft about her wrongful dethronement, and many other issues. She also requested for a lump sum relief of $10,000,000.
1917 – Queen Liliuokalani died. Provisional Government, turned Republic, turned Territory, turned State failed to pay her compensation for her interest in the Crown Lands, etc. Her descendants existed then (and now – 2007).
1934 – The American Civil War debt was paid off.
1993 – Admission of wrongdoing signed by U.S. President William Clinton.
1996 – Affidavit/Deed No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) with evidence of historical fraud, criminal deviance, criminal malfeasance, genealogies, etc. filed at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
1996 – Opinions of the OFFICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL of the United States Department of Justice Consisting of Selected Memorandums Opinions Advising the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES< THE ATTORNEY GENERAL and other Executive Officers of the Federal Government in Relation to Their Official Duties printed, Volume 12, 1988, Washington 1996.
The President “may make an extended jurisdictional claim to the territorial sea from three to twelve miles by proclamation.”
As for Congress, “It is more doubtful, however, that Congress, acting alone, may extend the territorial sea beyond the present boundary for international purposes.”
2002 – U.S. President Clinton made Executive Order claims to the coral reefs in our Hawaiian archipelago, over 100+/133 islands.
Opposition was documented in a letter to the President based on our families claims with evidence in the Hawaiian Kingdom books.
The following letter was sent to the President:
December 11, 2000
President William Jefferson Clinton
President of the united States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500
I, Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Kamehameha I descendant, etc. maintain OPPOSITION/OBJECTION/objection to your executive order in claiming the Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) coral reefs surrounding our 100+ islands.
The Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) is currently in an impaired status and uncovery of historical documentation with proof of genealogies are ongoing. Kamehameha I descendants/Sovereigns descendants exists much to the despair of the criminal t eRR o rists of our Monarchy.
Active Genocide issues are ongoing and being documented with other information for presentation to the Hague Tribunal, etc.
The ownership and jurisdiction recognized belong to the Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) in reference to the coral reefs; fishes; etc. surrounding our Hawaiian archipelago which is part of the hereditary rights of Kamehameha descendants; and kanaka maoli. The konohiki/caretakers are regarded the rights of “piscary”. Refs: Archives; Native Testimony Volume 3 Part 2 dated March 31, 1853; Organic Acts; Fundamental Law of Hawaii 1840-1900 Preface tot he Laws of 1842: page VII; The First constitution of Hawaii Granted by Kamehameha III October 8, 1840; Laws of 1842 pgs. 21-23 “Re free fishing grounds” “Respecting the tabood fishing grounds”; “But no restrictions whatever shall by any means be laid on the sea without the reef even to the deepest ocean.”
The law of the Sea was signed by 117 nations excepting the United State of America/united States of America. See HAWAII CONSTITUTION GRANTING LAWS< LAND DIVISIONS AND AWARDS by Louis K. Agard Jr.
Objection because Sovereigns/
Kamehameha descendants exist….
(signed) Amelia Kuulei Gora
copy to: Cayetano; Patsy Mink, etc. (FBI; Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure); Other Interested Parties; Fis & Wildlife Svc./National Marine Fisheries Svc; Dept. of Interior
References: “The konohiki/caretakers are regarded the rights of “piscary”. Refs: Archives; Native Testimony Volume 3 Part 2 dated March 31, 1853; Organic Acts; Fundamental Law of Hawaii 1840-1900 Preface to the Laws of 1842; page VII; The First constitution of Hawaii Granted by Kamehameha III October 8, 1840; Laws of 1842 pages 21-23 “Re free fishing grounds” “Respecting the tabood fishing grounds”; “But no restrictions whatever shall by any means bye laid on the sea without the reef even to the deepest ocean.”
Letter to President Clinton sent by Amelia Kuulei Gora, “Maintaining Opposition/Objection/Objection because Sovereigns/Kamehameha descendants exist…”
2001 – February 9. Off Diamond Head, the USS Greenville, a nuclear submarine equipped with ‘sonar contacts’ slammed/rammed into a Japanese fishing vessel/a teaching/learning lab with teachers and youth aboard. The vessel sank in less than five minutes and nine who were on board are missing. They include teachers and students.
I sent/delivered a letter of regret to the Japanese Consulate, Nuuanu, Oahu.
Note and Comments: The letter clarifed that the Japanese vessel could be in our waters.
The U.S. Navy through President Clinton’s directions /executive order
Did an act of WAR upon Japan.
* * * * *
2004 – Through genealogy research, I found that MY ancestor David Keawe/DW Sylva/Davis Keawe/DW Pauahi owned the fishing rights of Waikiki and I put out a notice that the fishing rights were up for lease, advertised in the IOLANI – The Royal Hawk news on the web.
David Keawe aka’s (my maternal line ancestor) had leased for a time to MY other ancestor (my paternal line ancestor) Ioba aka’s.
David Keawe had two children – David Jr. and Mele Keawe. David Keawe aka’s had married Bernice Pauahi/Bishop and others. One of his wives gave her dower interest to Mele Keawe. Mele Keawe married David Keawe’s father’s brother, her grand uncle and had Mary Kauweloa and stepchildren Annie and Charles Jr. (descendants of King David Kalakaua). Mary Kauweloa married Albert Castro and had Mary Kuulei Gora (siblings). She divorced and married Ceferino Maduli and had more children.
Mary Kuulei Gora married the descendant of Ioba aka’s who had leased the fishing rights of Waikiki, named John Kekapu Gora and had Amelia Kuulei Gora (siblings), writer, author, defender of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom, one of Kamehameha’s descendants, Queen Liliuokalani’s descendant, John Young, Isaac Davis, Mataio Kekuanaoa(father of Paalua, Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, etals. – House of Nobles), John Kapena (father of Keawe and Charles Kauweloa – House of Nobles), Akahi (konohiki), etals descendant, a Royal person not subject to the laws.
For the record, Ioba aka’s married Abigail/Kapoolohu/Kapooloku/ Kapapoko/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani aka’s, oldest daughter of Kaeha/Makaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani, and had Haili (w)/ Kaili/Kalama (etals.) who married Kamehameha’s descendant Kaluakini (k) whose hanai child was Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani who married Namakeha and King David Kalakaua.
2005 – Affidavit/Deed/Notice No. 2005 – 138468 filed on 7/13/2005 (28 pages) with genealogies, amendments to Affidavit/Deed No. 96-177455 filed at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
2006 – Queen Liliuokalani’s descendants exist. Some of her descendants are also descendants of Kamehameha, meaning they are descendants of Royals and are Royal persons not subject to the laws.
Mataio Kekuanaoa’s descendants and heirs exist. Queen Liliuokalani documented that they were also heirs of the Crown Lands in her 1908 letter found at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
Legal Notices posted in regards to the Null/Nulling and Voiding of U.S. President’s Proclamations, Executive Orders over, around, under, above Hawaii by One of Kamehameha’s descendants, Queen Liliuokalani’s descendants, Amelia Kuulei Gora.
Notices were sent to the Department of Interior which perpetuates FRAUD, criminal deviance in claiming lands that has owners – example, John Young’s descendants, etc. Told them to leave our ancestors burials alone, based on the fact that they selected, chose the location of the burials.
Continued OPPOSITIONS are hereby documented against U.S. President GW Bush Proclamation/ Executive Order pertaining to our/ the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Hawaiian archipelago claimed as a sanctuary.
June 17, 2006
U.S. President George/G W Bush
President of the united States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500
Greetings !
I, Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Kamehameha I descendant, etc. maintain OPPOSITION/OBJECTION/objection to your executive order in claiming the Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) coral reefs surrounding our 100+ islands.
The Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) is currently in an impaired status and uncovery of historical documentation with proof of genealogies are ongoing. Kamehameha I descendants/Sovereigns descendants exists much to the despair of the criminal t eRR o rists of our Monarchy.
Active Genocide issues are ongoing and being documented with other information for presentation to the Hague Tribunal, etc.
The ownership and jurisdiction recognized belong to the Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) in reference to the coral reefs; fishes; etc. surrounding our Hawaiian archipelago which is part of the hereditary rights of Kamehameha descendants; and kanaka maoli. The konohiki/caretakers are regarded the rights of “piscary”. Refs: Archives; Native Testimony Volume 3 Part 2 dated March 31, 1853; Organic Acts; Fundamental Law of Hawaii 1840-1900 Preface tot he Laws of 1842: page VII; The First constitution of Hawaii Granted by Kamehameha III October 8, 1840; Laws of 1842 pgs. 21-23 “Re free fishing grounds” “Respecting the tabood fishing grounds”; “But no restrictions whatever shall by any means be laid on the sea without the reef even to the deepest ocean.”
The law of the Sea was signed by 117 nations excepting the United State of America/united States of America. See HAWAII CONSTITUTION GRANTING LAWS< LAND DIVISIONS AND AWARDS by Louis K. Agard Jr.
Objection because Sovereigns/
Kamehameha descendants exist….
(signed) Amelia Kuulei Gora
copy to: Cayetano; Patsy Mink, etc. (FBI; Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure); Other Interested Parties; Fis & Wildlife Svc./National Marine Fisheries Svc; Dept. of Interior
References: “The konohiki/caretakers are regarded the rights of “piscary”. Refs: Archives; Native Testimony Volume 3 Part 2 dated March 31, 1853; Organic Acts; Fundamental Law of Hawaii 1840-1900 Preface to the Laws of 1842; page VII; The First constitution of Hawaii Granted by Kamehameha III October 8, 1840; Laws of 1842 pages 21-23 “Re free fishing grounds” “Respecting the tabood fishing grounds”; “But no restrictions whatever shall by any means be laid on the sea without the reef even to the deepest ocean.”
For your information, the above letter is a duplicate of the letter sent to U.S. President Clinton in 2000.
The Letter to President Clinton sent by myself, Amelia Kuulei Gora, “Maintaining Opposition/Objection/Objection because Sovereigns/Kamehameha descendants exist…” was also published on the web and in my book CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES, which has an innumerable amount of copies circulating around the world.
This letter is also being posted in the news on the web, the IOLANI – The Royal Hawk which shows the conspiracies, evidence of criminal deviance, anti-war, issues, etc. and is in the 82nd issue (published, posted since 2004).
This full article, including letters will appear in the 83rd ; 84th ; 85th ; 86th ; and 87th issues or June 21, 2006; June 28, 2006; July 5, 2006; July 12, 2006 and July 19, 2006 legal notices of the IOLANI – The Royal Hawk weekly news on the web.
The following is a brief recent history including President moves, and OPPOSITIONS documented over the coral reefs, fishes, etc. which you are pursuing without moral, legal, nor granted jurisdiction.
1993 – U.S. President Clinton signed admission of wrongs of the U.S., etals. with disclaimer in P.L. 103-150.
1996 – Affidavit/Deed No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) with evidence of historical fraud, criminal deviance, criminal malfeasance, genealogies, etc. filed at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
1996 – Opinions of the OFFICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL of the United States Department of Justice Consisting of Selected Memorandums Opinions Advising the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES< THE ATTORNEY GENERAL and other Executive Officers of the Federal Government in Relation to Their Official Duties printed, Volume 12, 1988, Washington 1996.
The President “may make an extended jurisdictional claim to the territorial sea from three to twelve miles by proclamation.”
As for Congress, “It is more doubtful, however, that Congress, acting alone, may extend the territorial sea beyond the present boundary for international purposes.”
2002 – U.S. President Clinton announced that the coral reefs of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands would receive a broad protection and a long-term program to protect coastal areas around the country.
The “seamounts” of Kauai northwest to Kure Atoll for the purposes of federal wildlife refuges would create a marine counterpart for the parks and wilderness areas. Under and adminstrative protection the claim was that Clinton would order Federal agencies to protect the Hawaii waters permanently. This through Proclamations/ Executive Order claims to the coral reefs in our Hawaiian archipelago, over 100+/133 islands.
Opposition was documented in a letter to the President based on our families claims with evidence in the Hawaiian Kingdom books.
The following letter was sent to President Clinton:
December 11, 2000
President William Jefferson Clinton
President of the united States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500
I, Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Kamehameha I descendant, etc. maintain OPPOSITION/OBJECTION/objection to your executive order in claiming the Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) coral reefs surrounding our 100+ islands.
The Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) is currently in an impaired status and uncovery of historical documentation with proof of genealogies are ongoing. Kamehameha I descendants/Sovereigns descendants exists much to the despair of the criminal t eRR o rists of our Monarchy.
Active Genocide issues are ongoing and being documented with other information for presentation to the Hague Tribunal, etc.
The ownership and jurisdiction recognized belong to the Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure) in reference to the coral reefs; fishes; etc. surrounding our Hawaiian archipelago which is part of the hereditary rights of Kamehameha descendants; and kanaka maoli. The konohiki/caretakers are regarded the rights of “piscary”. Refs: Archives; Native Testimony Volume 3 Part 2 dated March 31, 1853; Organic Acts; Fundamental Law of Hawaii 1840-1900 Preface tot he Laws of 1842: page VII; The First constitution of Hawaii Granted by Kamehameha III October 8, 1840; Laws of 1842 pgs. 21-23 “Re free fishing grounds” “Respecting the tabood fishing grounds”; “But no restrictions whatever shall by any means be laid on the sea without the reef even to the deepest ocean.”
The law of the Sea was signed by 117 nations excepting the United State of America/united States of America. See HAWAII CONSTITUTION GRANTING LAWS< LAND DIVISIONS AND AWARDS by Louis K. Agard Jr.
Objection because Sovereigns/
Kamehameha descendants exist….
(signed) Amelia Kuulei Gora
copy to: Cayetano; Patsy Mink, etc. (FBI; Kingdom of Hawaii (de jure); Other Interested Parties; Fis & Wildlife Svc./National Marine Fisheries Svc; Dept. of Interior
References: “The konohiki/caretakers are regarded the rights of “piscary”. Refs: Archives; Native Testimony Volume 3 Part 2 dated March 31, 1853; Organic Acts; Fundamental Law of Hawaii 1840-1900 Preface to the Laws of 1842; page VII; The First constitution of Hawaii Granted by Kamehameha III October 8, 1840; Laws of 1842 pages 21-23 “Re free fishing grounds” “Respecting the tabood fishing grounds”; “But no restrictions whatever shall by any means bye laid on the sea without the reef even to the deepest ocean.”
Letter to President Clinton sent by Amelia Kuulei Gora, “Maintaining Opposition/Objection/Objection because Sovereigns/Kamehameha descendants exist…”
2001 – February 9. Off Diamond Head, the USS Greenville, a nuclear submarine equipped with ‘sonar contacts’ slammed/rammed into a Japanese fishing vessel/a teaching/learning lab with teachers and youth aboard. The vessel sank in less than five minutes and nine who were on board are missing. They include teachers and students.
I sent/delivered a letter of regret to the Japanese Consulate, Nuuanu, Oahu.
Note and Comments: The letter clarifed that the Japanese vessel could be in our waters.
The U.S. Navy through President Clinton’s directions /executive order
Did an act of WAR upon Japan.
* * * * *
2002 – U.S. President Clinton announced that the coral reefs of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands would receive a broad protection and a long-term program to protect coastal areas around the country.
The “seamounts” of Kauai northwest to Kure Atoll for the purposes of federal wildlife refuges would create a marine counterpart for the parks and wilderness areas. Under and adminstrative protection the claim was that Clinton would order Federal agencies to protect the Hawaii waters permanently. This through Proclamations/ Executive Order claims to the coral reefs in our Hawaiian archipelago, over 100+/133 islands.
Opposition was documented in a letter to the President based on our families claims with evidence in the Hawaiian Kingdom books.
2004 – Through genealogy research, I found that MY ancestor David Keawe/DW Sylva/Davis Keawe/DW Pauahi owned the fishing rights of Waikiki and I put out a notice that the fishing rights were up for lease, advertised in the IOLANI – The Royal Hawk news on the web.
David Keawe aka’s had leased for a time to MY other ancestor Ioba aka’s.
David Keawe had two children – David Jr. and Mele Keawe. David Keawe aka’s had married Bernice Pauahi/Bishop and others. One of his wives gave her dower interest to Mele Keawe. Mele Keawe married David Keawe’s father’s brother, her grand uncle and had Mary Kauweloa and stepchildren Annie and Charles Jr. (descendants of King David Kalakaua). Mary Kauweloa married Albert Castro and had Mary Kuulei Gora (siblings). She divorced and married Ceferino Maduli and had more children.
Mary Kuulei Gora married the descendant of Ioba aka’s who had leased the fishing rights of Waikiki, named John Kekapu Gora and had Amelia Kuulei Gora (siblings), writer, author, defender of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom, one of Kamehameha’s descendants, Queen Liliuokalani’s descendant, John Young, Isaac Davis, Mataio Kekuanaoa(father of Paalua, Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, etals. – House of Nobles), John Kapena (father of Keawe and Charles Kauweloa – House of Nobles), Akahi (konohiki), etals descendant, a Royal person not subject to the laws.
For the record, Ioba aka’s married Abigail aka’s, oldest daughter of Kaeha/Makaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani, and had Haili (w)/ Kaili/Kalama who married Kamehameha’s descendant Kaluakini (k) whose hanai child was Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani who married Namakeha and King David Kalakaua. They had Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini who married Joseph Matsugoro/Takeshita/Gora (another Sovereign/Royal person/heir of the Crown Lands, etc.) and had John Kekapu Gora (siblings) who married Mary Kuulei Castro and had Amelia Kuulei Gora (siblings).
2005 – Affidavit/Deed/Notice No. 2005 – 138468 filed on 7/13/2005 (28 pages) with genealogies, amendments to Affidavit/Deed No. 96-177455 filed at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
2006 – Queen Liliuokalani’s descendants exist. Some of her descendants are also descendants of Kamehameha, meaning they are descendants of Royals and are Royal persons not subject to the laws.
Mataio Kekuanaoa’s descendants and heirs exist. Queen Liliuokalani documented that they were also heirs of the Crown Lands in her 1908 letter found at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
Legal Notices posted in regards to the Null/Nulling and Voiding of U.S. President’s Proclamations, Executive Orders over, around, under, above Hawaii by One of Kamehameha’s descendants, Queen Liliuokalani’s descendants, Amelia Kuulei Gora.
Notices were sent to the Department of Interior which perpetuates FRAUD, criminal deviance in claiming lands that has owners – example, John Young’s descendants, etc. Told them to leave our ancestors burials alone, based on the fact that they selected, chose the location of the burials.
Continued OPPOSITIONS are hereby documented against U.S. President GW Bush Proclamation/ Executive Order pertaining to our/ the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Hawaiian archipelago claimed as a sanctuary. The letter is the same one utilized in 2000 to U.S. President William Clinton. Although seemingly redundant (the posting of the same letter), it is admittedly for the purpose of long-term memory/retention that the letters are posted 2+ times.
Special Note to our Friends, including other nations:
Please be aware that our families, descendants of Kamehameha have been in a dangerous situation for a long time now, and in behalf of our Royal families, please come to our assistance in case of hostile, emergency(ies).
Our Royal families remain Neutral, non-violent, Non-Warring, maintaining our families lands, including the Crown Lands, the Konohiki/Alii lands, Government lands (because the State of Hawaii IS NOT OUR government), and maintaining claims for kanaka maoli who are also under stress, duress, coercion, and usurpation.
I hereby null and VOID, U.S. President GW Bush, his questionable claim/ proclamation/ Executive Order outside of his authority of 3-12 miles from the U.S. continent and overreaching to 2,500+ miles towards Our Hawaiian archipelago, reefs, fisheries.
For the record, our Hawaiian archipelago, reefs, fisheries, encompassing 133+ islands remain open to only the following friendly nations recognized as assisting our nation in the past: Spain, Japan, and Germany.
Rents and Leases are overdue from bankrupt U.S. who continues to utilize our families lands based on FRAUD, Criminal documents such as those entered in the Condemnation Case which includes Pearl Harbor, and so many other cases.
2007 – A review of the Treaties made in the past shows that permanent treaties were made by Kings which includes his descendants and heirs with the Kings of the Hawaiian Islands, Kamehameha’s descendants, his descendants and heirs, the Royal families of King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani – their descendants and heirs.
Because the descendants exist, “Royal persons not subject to the laws” and with the knowledge that “There are no legal method of overriding the Monarch” which includes descendant of, the fact of the matter is that OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, the corporation State of Hawaii are not our families and not lines of Kamehameha, King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua, or Queen Liliuokalani.
A third lien/affidavit was filed showing genealogies of Queen Liliuokalani, etals.
A Monarchy/Monarchical/Monarchial/Constitutional Government
is not the same as an entity that usurps a de jure government, and is documented as neither de jure not de facto in nature by Hawaii’s of a Monarchy/Monarchical/Monarchial/Constitutional Government head named Queen Liliuokalani.
Dishonest, criminal acts by Americans supported by corrupt, bankrupt governments the U.S. and England/Great Britain shows significant issues affecting Hawaii and the World today.
Hawaii’s Queen was under stress, duress, coercion, usurpation, was called ‘N I G G E R’ even by Congress, U.S. citizens, etc. and suffered emotional abuse as a representative of a nation who defended the rights of man by the early ANTI-SLAVERY Treaty of 1852.
Hawaii’s Queen was put down by the media through the offensive cartoons published around the U.S., and abroad. She was laughed at, made fun of, etc.
The Pirating activities perpetuated by the U.S. and England/Great Britain, etals. with historical evidence showing animosities towards all PEOPLE OF COLOR, animosities towards Hawaii’s Rulers, Alii Nui/Alii who have documented the rights of man by passing the ANTI-SLAVERY LAWS in 1852 or 13 years before the U.S. passed theirs, documented that the U.S. (and others) BREACHED THE LAW OF NATIONS, etc. indicates some of the historical problematic issues.
Counteracting pirating activities includes the ongoing current and future roles of our Alii Nui/Alii who maintain, perpetuate our nation by playing an active part in a kahea/call/communication to other nations, by maintaining land claims, etc.
Many of Kamehameha’s descendants exist, documented, interconnected through genealogies. These families are the Royal families in Hawaii who own, maintain the claims of the Crown Lands, the Alii Nui/Alii lands, and defend the rights of the konohiki/ care takers who also own the fishing rights based at their individually assigned ahupuaa (lands from the mountain to the seas as documented in the ‘Great Mahele’).
The following are some of Kamehameha’s descendants, Royal persons, whose families have a broad range of lines with names that are not Hawaiian. The descendants of Kamehameha are from his lines and branching from: Kikau/Kiikaukapu/Kapukui/ Pukui (k), Kaili (w), Kaakau (w), Kamai (k), Nainoaalua (k), Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole, Mauli, Puhi (k), Kinau (w), and others.
Kanaka maoli, friends, support of Royal persons who are “not subject to the law” (see Victoria Kamamalu’s Probate evidence about Royal persons, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii) helps in maintaining all kanaka maoli claims to the lands in Hawaii, the Kingdom of Hawaii, the Hawaiian Kingdom, the Hawaiian archipelago, the Hawaiian Islands.
The fear of the Royal families appears in the writings of Lorrin Thurston (see Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii).
It appears that such fears are reasonable due to the treasonous persons clause appearing in laws of the Monarchy/Monarchical/ Monarchial/Constitutional Monarchy governments (see above).
Other fears are listed under Lorrin Thurston’s descendant book “DOES THE TRUTH MATTER” by Thurston Twigg-Smith.
Additionally, the continued role of sounding out alarms to all nations about our people’s dilemma through our oral and written experiences, our history, Hawaii’s history, reveals innumerable truths previously hidden from the public. Information about the pretending friendly nations, the devious, belial, PREDATORY NATIONS (U.S., England/Great Britain, etals.), because of the goals to enslave people for the purpose of RULING THE WORLD – One World Order/New World Order through perpetual WARS, pestilence, germ warfare, crimes against mankind, intentions to reduce the high numbers of PEOPLE OF COLOR, the wrongful P L U N D e R ING Upon I * n n OCENTS around the World, etc. continue, unknown by many.
The CLASH of a Monarchy/Monarchical/Monarchial/Constitutional Government versus a claimed Democratic Governments began with the Secret Treaty of Verona of 1822 and remains to be problematic for Hawaii, the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom, Hawaiian archipelago, Hawaiian Islands and many, many other nations today.
The PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN HISTORY book questions the U.S. claims of 3,000 miles from the U.S. coastlines in 1890.
The U.S. Supreme Court Justices limits the U.S. Presidents, Congress, etals. authority to 3-12 miles.
It is important that all nations, interested people take heed. Truth continues from a neutral nation with Royal families existing in Hawaii.
Our Royal families, amidst the intensive criminal, treasonous/ traitorous, fraudulent, ing agents of the U.S. occupying Hawaii, continue to uphold and perpetuate criminal claims.
Do know that most of the citizens in Hawaii remain ignorant of the facts.
Know that some of our Kamehameha descendant families have faced menacing, life threatening episodes of police, sheriffs, helicopters, SWAT teams surrounding them when returning to their ancestors lands. Until official documents, evidence of connections to the land, genealogies, were shown, the ed guns were directed on their persons.
The criminal moves by an entity operating and supported by the U.S. disregarding Constitutions of a friendly, neutral nation which has Royal families descendants moving, maintaining our Crown Lands wrongfully claimed as ‘Ceded lands’ by PIRATES continues.
Legal Issues/Matters:
Such a system, Land Court under the Torrens System, is without jurisdiction, without legal jurisdiction, without granted jurisdiction in, over, around, under Hawaii. The perpetuation of frauds are documented through this system owned by Americans without legal authorities, therefore, as a Royal person, a descendant of Kamehameha, Queen Liliuokalani, etals. I hereby declare the Land Court, the American land laws in Hawaii to be illegal, null, void, and without legal standing.
I further document that the Courts in Hawaii maintain FRAUD, DECEIT, Criminal claims in land cases, perpetuate historical frauds, are treasonous against our Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii, our Royal families and have no jurisdiction. The Courts include the Federal, the State, the City and Counties, etc. Issues are ongoing.
2007 update:
Hawaii, the Hawaiian archipelago is owned by the aboriginal people/ aboriginal Hawaiians/kanaka maoli because the lines, Kamehameha’s and the Royal families exist.
Documented conspiracies have been uncovered. Efforts to perpetuate the frauds, criminal deviance, criminal malfeasance, corruption is supported by the U.S. a non-united corporation associated with England.
The State of Hawaii, claimed to have had its beginnings prior to 1893, the wrongful dethronement of Hawaii’s Queen, is a fraud, and a dissolution of corporation was made by the Hawaiian Kingdom Government in January 2007.
Queen Liliuokalani did maintain that the Provisional government was a entity, neither de jure nor de facto. The Provisional government turned Republic turned Territory of Hawaii turned State by Presidential proclamation made by Dwight D. Eisenhower is based on conspiracies, piracies, racketeering by Americans who utilize our families monies, lands, to support their criminal operations outside of the U.S. jurisdiction.
It appears that the umbrella of the Standard Oil Agreement making corporations role in assuming foreign lands then supported by the military who protects the “lives and properties of their own” is operating around the world today.
Out of 191 nations in the world, the U.S. has bases in 160 of them utilizing corporations and military protection.
Ultimately, the goals towards one world order/new world order is pursued by the U.S. working for England.
The move to eliminate “useless eaters” /needless eaters appears to be enhanced with introduced genocide methods, calculated s via introduction of disease, depleted uranium in the environment, etc. by nuclear weapons testing, practices, and warring in the Middle East.
The Queen of England benefits off of War due to her stock holdings in mining materials needed for nuclear weapons.
Eviction notices for the U.S. military was made, eviction notices for Queen Liliuokalani’s home, Washington Place was made because John Dominis deeded the land to my maternal ancestor David Keawe who married my paternal great grandmother Haili.
Haili was a daughter of Princess Poomaikelani whose family supercedes the Kawananakoa’s, a conspirator group.
Princess Poomaikelani’s former attorney was Sanford B. Dole, conspirator/Terrorist of our Royal families and ist operating in Hawaii with support from the U.S., England, etc.
Governor Linda Lingles, etals. have been recorded as genocide activists, etc. in a documented police report number for the purpose of entry into the World Court documents for further documenting that U.S. is indeed a ist nation, coming from the Royal families in Hawaii, a separate, friendly, neutral nation with corruption activities being perpetuated today affecting the World today.
PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES OF HAWAIIAN REAL ESTATE (1983) by Page Bovee Vitousek, John W. Reilly, and Robert G. Rediske, Trade Publishing Company, Ltd.
THE LANGUAGE OF REAL ESTATE IN HAWAII (1975) by John W. Reilly, Edward Enterprises, Inc.
IOLANI – The Royal Hawk news on the web – See Wolfram Graetz post about the Secret Treaty of Verona of 1822 is many of the past news issues.
Depleted Uranium: HYPERLINK
***** ***** *****
Treason is hereby defined to be any plotting or attempt to dethrone or destroy the King, or the levying of war against the King’s government, or the adhering to the enemies thereof, giving them aid and comfort, the same being done by a person owing allegiance to this kingdom.
Allegiance is the obedience and fidelity due to the kingdom from those under its protection.
An alien, whether his native country be at war or at peace with this kingdom, owes allegiance to this kingdom during his residence therein, and during such residence, is capable of committing treason against this kingdom.
Ambassadors and other ministers of foreign states, and their alien secretaries, servants and members of their families, do not owe allegiance to this kingdom, through resident therein, and are not capable of committing treason against this kingdom.
To constitute the levying of war, contemplated in the first section of this chapter, it shall be requisite that the persons concerned therin be parties to some overt act, in or towards procuring, preparing or using force, or putting themselves in a condition in readiness to use force, either by being present at such overt act, or by promoting, aiding in, or being otherwise accessory before the fact to the same.
In order to constitute the levying of war, the force must be employed or intended to be employed for the dethroning or destruction of the King or in contravention of the laws, or in opposition to the authority of the King’s government, with an intent or for an object affecting some of the branches or departments of said government generally, or affecting the enactment, repeal or enforcement of laws in general, or of some general law; or affecting the people, or the public tranquility generally; in distinction from some special intent or object, affecting individuals other than the King, or a particular district.
An accessory before the fact to treason is guilty of treason, and shall be subject to prosecution, trial and punishment therefor, though the principals more directly concerned, have not been convicted, or are not amenable to justice.
No person shall be convicted of treason but by the testimony of two or more lawful witnesses to the same overt act of treason whereof he stands charged, unless he shall in open court, confess such treason.
Whoever shall commit the crime of treason, shall suffer the punishment of ; and all his property shall be confiscated to the government.
If any person who shall have knowledge of the commission of treason against this kingdom shall conceal the same, and shall not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known such treason to the Governor of the island on which he resides, he is guilty of a great crime, and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or imprisonment at hard labor not exceeding ten years, in the discretion of the court.
Reference: Archives, Honolulu, Oahu pages 8-9 of THE PENAL CODE OF THE HAWAIIAN ISANDS (Honolulu: The Government Press, 1869) (Ref KFH 561.A3 1868).
Malama pono and Aloha!
IOLANI The Royal Hawk Ka Nupepa Kuauhau, Moolelo, Kanawai o Hawaii ‘Genealogy, History, Laws of Hawaii Newspaper’
January 16, 2009Greetings!
Education, references, documentation, research possibilities, etc. is part of the purposes of this publication. Empowerment comes with knowledge. Knowledge about issues in these days are very important. It is hoped that this information will assist in helping to resolving issues and meant to document history of our Hawaiian people that has affected free nations in the world today.
Because we are a genealogy based society, Hawaiian genealogical records are posted for your personal or family files. At times, genealogies of U.S. Presidents, etals. will be added when it pertains to political issues that affect many. Aged articles/ historical information, laws, etc. affecting us today will also be posted.
Ordinarily, the information presented are banned/limited/eliminated from the recognized “press or media companies” controlled by government or many who perpetuate fraud, deviance, criminal malfeasance in Hawaii, Abroad and the United States.
Some of the IO-LANI – THE ROYAL HAWK’s issues will be filed at the site, see Hawaiian_Genealogy_Society-akg or . Feel free to download a missed copy(ies), or other articles, messages, information. Older issues will be available at . Questions? Please contact editor at
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